Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Earthquake strikes in northeast Ohio
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Earthquake strikes in northeast Ohio* McDONALD, Ohio (AP) -- The latest in a series of earthquakes in northeast Ohio hit on Saturday, sending some stunned residents running for cover as bookshelves shook and pictures and lamps fell from tables. The 4.0 magnitude quake struck Saturday afternoon in McDonald, outside... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Police: More arson fires hit LA area; possible link to earlier blazes investigated
*Perilous Times Police: More arson fires hit LA area; possible link to earlier blazes investigated* By Michael R. Blood, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Dozen more cars burned in suspected arson attacks in the Los Angeles area early Saturday morning, and authorities... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Update: Two abortion doctors charged with 35 baby murders in Maryland
*Perilous Times Update: Two abortion doctors charged with 35 baby murders in Maryland* Two doctors have been charged with murder after police discovered 35 late-term aborted fetuses in a freezer at a medical clinic. Dr. Nicola Irene Riley is seen in this December 28, 2011 booking photograph Photo: reuters... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Australia: Flaming debris falls after firework sparks raging fire at Melbourne Arts Centre
*Australia: Flaming debris falls after firework sparks raging fire at Melbourne Arts Centre* By Mitchell Toy and David Hurley Herald Sun January 01, 2012 1:22AM Fireworks at the Melbourne Arts Centre before the fire. Picture: Marc McPhee MELBOURNE'S Arts Centre has caught fire in a dramatic conclusion to the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

US seals $3.48 Billion, missiles, technology sale to United Arab Emirates
*Perilous Times US seals $3.48 Billion, missiles, technology sale to United Arab Emirates* By Will Lester AP December 31, 2011 7:19PM THE United States has reached a deal to sell $US3.48 billion worth of missiles and related technology to the United Arab Emirates, a close Mideast ally, as part of a massive buildup of defense technology among... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Deadly string of Arson attacks sweep through Hollywood
*Perilous Times Deadly string of Arson attacks sweep through Hollywood* By Michael R.Blood AP December 31, 2011 7:36PM Fires started in 21 locations in Hollywood Dozens of people were evacuated from their homes Authorities are searching for a suspect AN arsonist swept through the Hollywood area under the cover of dark... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

China reports first bird flu cases in 18 months
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases China reports first bird flu cases in 18 months* AFP China has reported its first human case of bird flu in 18 months, after a bus driver in the massive southern boomtown of Shenzhen tested positive for the deadly virus. The city borders Hong Kong, which has already culled thousands of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria: Christmas attacks on Christians, death toll rises to at least 45
*Faith Under Fire.... Nigeria: Christmas attacks on Christians, death toll rises to at least 45* By YINKA IBUKUN, Associated Press LAGOS, Nigeria --- Gunmen killed two civilians in a northeast Nigeria town plagued by attacks from a radical Muslim sect, an official said Friday, as a hospital official said more persons have died from... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Arrow shot kills 8-year-old Australian girl
*Perilous Times Arrow shot kills 8-year-old Australian girl* By KRISTEN GELINEAU, Associated Press SYDNEY --- Australian police say an 8-year-old girl has died from being accidentally shot in the head with an arrow. A New South Wales state police spokesman says the girl was shot on Dec. 26 near the small town of Manilla in the state's north. She was... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Free $100 Costco gift card is fake, a Facebook scam
*Perilous Times Free $100 Costco gift card is fake, a Facebook scam* By Matt Liebowitz SecurityNewsDaily Who wouldn't want a free $100 gift card to Costco? Just think of the massive amount of mustard and paper towels you could haul home with that cash burning a whole in your wallet. It's this assumption that's behind a new scam spreading via Facebook... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

IDF Chief: Nuclear Iran a threat to entire region, not just to Israel
*Perilous Times IDF Chief: Nuclear Iran a threat to entire region, not just to Israel* Benny Gantz says Israel, international community can meet challenge of nuclear Iran through 'proper preparations.' By Gili Cohen Haaretz IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said on Friday that a nuclear Iran is a regional threat no less than it is a threat to Israel, and that "through... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Iran to Fire Long-Range Missiles During Naval Drill - Iran announces it will fire long-range missiles during a naval drill in the Gulf on Saturday.
*Perilous Times Iran to Fire Long-Range Missiles During Naval Drill - Iran announces it will fire long-range missiles during a naval drill in the Gulf on Saturday.* By Elad Benari, Canada First Publish: 12/30/2011, 10:00 PM Iran will fire long-range missiles during a naval drill in the Gulf on Saturday, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Friday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Police find abortion 'house of horrors - Doctors charged with murder after 35 late-term fetuses found stashed in clinic freezer
*Perilous Times * *Police find abortion 'house of horrors - Doctors charged with murder after 35 late-term fetuses found stashed in clinic freezer * Posted: December 30, 2011 8:29 pm Eastern... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Court case determines church must shut down - Pastor, congregation face forced removal from their own building
*Faith Under Fire.... Court case determines church must shut down - Pastor, congregation face forced removal from their own building* Posted: December 30, 2011 10:00 pm Eastern By Dave Tombers A Christian and Missionary Alliance congregation in Paramus, N.J., is facing a forced removal from a debt-free building the congregation has... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Cyclone hits India's southern coast, kills at least 50. leaves massive trail of destruction
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Cyclone hits India's southern coast, kills at least 50. leaves massive trail of destruction* by Staff Writers Hyderabad, India (AFP) Dec 30, 2011 At least 50 people died when a cyclone hit southern India, officials said on Saturday as engineers rushed to restore power supplies knocked... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message

Update: Massive wildfire sweeps through Chile national park
*Update: Massive wildfire sweeps through Chile national park* by Staff Writers Santiago (AFP) Dec 30, 2011 Chile closed Friday one of its most popular national parks in peak hiking season after a massive wildfire ravaged tens of thousands of acres of pristine Patagonia and showed no signs of abating.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Dec 31 2011 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

New Zealand: Swarm of Earthquakes shake Christchurch again
*Great Earthquakes in Diverse Places New Zealand: Swarm of Earthquakes shake Christchurch again * AAP January 02, 2012 6:20AM Nine aftershocks rattle Christchurch this morning The largest hit the scale at magnitude 5.5 City is still recovering from 6.3 which killed 182 people... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

Four Dead as US Navy police investigates US condo shooting
*Perilous Times Four Dead as US Navy police investigates US condo shooting* From correspondents in Coronado AP January 02, 2012 1:15PM US Navy police are investigating an early morning New Year's shooting which has left four people dead at a condominium near San Diego, authorities said today.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

WHO "deeply concerned" by mutant bird flu
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases WHO "deeply concerned" by mutant bird flu* AFP -- Sun, 01 Jan, 2012 The World Health Organization (WHO) said it was "deeply concerned" about research into whether the H5N1 flu virus could be made more transmissible between humans after mutant strains were produced in labs.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

Europe leaders warn of grim 2012
*Perilous Times* 1 January 2012 Last updated at 04:41 ET *European leaders have warned of a difficult year ahead, as many economists predict recession in 2012.* BBC - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe was experiencing its "most severe test in decades" but that Europe was growing closer in the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

Thousands of dead Blackbirds have fallen from the sky in a central Arkansas town.
*Perilous Times Thousands of dead Blackbirds have fallen from the sky in a central Arkansas town.* By The Associated Press | The Canadian Press BEEBE, Ark. - Thousands of Blackbirds have fallen dead from the sky in a central Arkansas town. KATV showed a radar image that it said showed a large mass over Beebe a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

Iran successfully test-fires homemade 'smart' missile system
*Perilous Times Iran successfully test-fires homemade 'smart' missile system* From correspondents in Tehran AFP January 01, 2012 7:19PM IRAN has successfully test-fired a medium-range surface-to-air missile during navy war games taking place near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, a spokesman for the manoeuvres said, according to the official IRNA news... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

New Zealand: Vicious storms, Torrential rains cause flash floods
*Perilous Times and Climate Change New Zealand: Vicious storms, Torrential rains cause flash floods * From correspondents in Wellington AAP January 01, 2012 1:40PM TWO people who ignored flood warnings have had to scramble for safety from a partially submerged car on New Zealand's North Island.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Eastern Japan
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Eastern Japan * Published January 01, 2012 ...TOKYO -- A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 earthquake hit off the shores of Japan's southern Pacific island. The Meteorological Agency says the offshore quake Sunday struck about... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 1 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Israel plans Jordan border fence to stop migrants
*Perilous Times Israel plans Jordan border fence to stop migrants* AFP -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told ministerial colleagues on Sunday that he planned to strengthen barriers along his country's border with Jordan, the Jerusalem Post reported. The English-language daily's website said Netanyahu told ministers from... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Boat capsizes in Kenya; 7 dead, 2 dozen missing
*Perilous Times Boat capsizes in Kenya; 7 dead, 2 dozen missing* LAMU, Kenya --- The Red Cross says a passenger boat on the Kenyan coast has capsized, killing at least seven people and leaving more than two dozen missing. The Red Cross said Monday that authorities are searching for the missing, but that a high tide is hampering the efforts. The aid group... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

New Zealand's quake-ravaged city of Christchurch was rocked Monday by 17 earthquakes in 18 hours.
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places New Zealand's quake-ravaged city of Christchurch was rocked Monday by 17 earthquakes in 18 hours.* Sapa-dpa | 02 January, 2012 10:22 New Zealand's quake-ravaged city of Christchurch was rocked Monday by 17 earthquakes in 18 hours. No serious damage was reported from the swarm, which included two shakes... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Chile: Massive wildfire still raging through National park
*Perilous Times Chile: Massive wildfire still raging through National park* by Staff Writers Santiago (AFP) Jan 2, 2012 Firefighters in Chile continue in their battle against a massive wildfire that has consumed 30,000 acres (12,500 hectares) of a national park that is one of the jewels of Patagonia, officials said Sunday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Dozens evacuated after massive mud landslide in Norway
*Perilous Times Dozens evacuated after massive mud landslide in Norway* by Staff Writers Oslo (AFP) Jan 1, 2012 Dozens of people fled from a rural area bordering Norway's third largest city on Sunday because of a massive landslide but no casualties have been reported, police said. "We have evacuated many farms," regional police operation leader Tore... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

US: States say it's time to rethink medical marijuana
*Perilous Times US: States say it's time to rethink medical marijuana* By Matt Smith, CNN updated 4:13 PM EST, Sun January 1, 2012 Colorado, Washington, Rhode Island and Vermont are asking federal officials to reclassify marijuana as a drug with medical use. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Four states have asked federal officials to reclassify marijuana... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Two more US states allow same-sex marriages
*Perilous Times and Decaying Morality Two more US states allow same-sex marriages* By Josh Levs, CNN updated 2:07 AM EST, Mon January 2, 2012 Gay couples first civil unions in Hawaii STORY HIGHLIGHTS Hawaii and Delaware began allowing same-sex civil unions Sunday 5 states recognize same-sex civil unions; 6 and DC recognize... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Authorities identify 'person of interest' in park ranger's shooting
*Perilous Times Authorities identify 'person of interest' in park ranger's shooting* By the CNN Wire Staff updated 4:22 AM EST, Mon January 2, 2012 Manhunt started after park ranger killed STORY HIGHLIGHTS Authorities have identified Benjamin Colton Barnes as "person of interest" They say he is also wanted in connection with a shooting at a party... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

UK: Four people found dead at house in County Durham
*Perilous Times* 2 January 2012 Last updated at 03:08 ET *UK: Four people found dead at house in County Durham* Four people have been found dead at a house in Peterlee, County Durham. BBC - The bodies of a man and three females were discovered after what police suspect was a firearms incident. Officers were called to the house in Greenside Avenue, where a shotgun... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Iran successfully test fires long-range missiles - report
*Perilous Times Iran successfully test fires long-range missiles - report* NewsCore January 02, 2012 6:20PM IRAN'S navy successfully test fired two long-range missiles and was planning to fire one shorter range missile in war games near the Gulf, according to the IRNA news agency. The exercise was taking place on the final day of more than a week of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message

Ranger killed in US national park
*Perilous Times Ranger killed in US national park* AFP January 02, 2012 7:02PM A POPULAR US national park will remain closed today as police hunt a gunman who shot and killed a ranger before fleeing into the forest. A major manhunt launched immediately after the New Year's Day shooting in Mount Rainier National Park failed to find the suspect by nightfall,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 2 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Murder most foul: UK police say woman's body found on queen's estate was a murder victim
*Perilous Times Murder most foul: UK police say woman's body found on queen's estate was a murder victim* By Gregory Katz,Meera Selva, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press LONDON - It's a case that Sherlock Holmes would have loved to unravel: British police say a woman's body has been found at the vast rural... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Spain's jobless rate hits new record of 4.42 million
*Perilous Times Spain's jobless rate hits new record of 4.42 million* AFP January 03, 2012 8:04PM THE number of registered unemployed in Spain rose to 4.42 million at the end of December, the highest level since the figures first began being collected in 1996, the labour ministry said. "The figures for the number of registered unemployed for the month of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

South Africa: Massive Storm damage as severe rains and strong winds lash Midlands
*Perilous Times and Climate Change South Africa: Massive Storm damage as severe rains and strong winds lash Midlands* 03 January 2012 - 09:17 By Shaun Ryan & Tamlyn Canham A devastating storm that lashed parts of the Midlands over the New Year weekend has caused millions of rands in damage. The uMsinga and uMvoti areas bore the brunt of severe rains and strong... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

AN outbreak of a deadly water-borne disease has claimed at least eight lives in the flood-stricken areas of the southern Philippines.
*Perilous Times AN outbreak of a deadly water-borne disease has claimed at least eight lives in the flood-stricken areas of the southern Philippines. * From: AFP January 03, 2012 8:13PM AN outbreak of a deadly water-borne disease has claimed at least eight lives in the flood-stricken areas of the southern Philippines.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

24-year-old arrested in Los Angeles arson spree
*Perilous Times 24-year-old arrested in Los Angeles arson spree* By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) --- It was another night of firefighters scrambling across the nation's second largest city to snuff out a series of arson attacks when a tip came in about a German man who matched the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Travel chaos as Fierce storms batter Britain, with heavy rain and winds gusting up to 85mph.
*Perilous Times Travel chaos as Fierce Storms batter Britain, with heavy rain and winds gusting up to 85mph.* (UKPA) -- 12 minutes ago Fierce storms have battered Britain, with heavy rain and winds gusting up to 85mph. The latest round of unsettled weather added more misery to the January blues as people returned to work after the Christmas and New Year holidays.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Gunman's body found after US park ranger killed
*Perilous Times Gunman's body found after US park ranger killed* By Andrew Winner | AFP News Police found Monday the body of an Iraq war veteran who shot dead a ranger in a US national park, saying it appeared he died of exposure after fleeing into the forest. A manhunt had been underway for 24-year-old Benjamin Colton Barnes, who... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Brazil: Death toll mounts to at least 625 as fierce floods rage across the country
*Perilous Times Brazil: Death toll mounts to at least 625 as fierce floods rage across the country* by Staff Writers Rio De Janeiro (AFP) Jan 2, 2012 A resident walks by a car engulfed by mud in Nova Friburgo, in Brazil's Serrana region, where at least 625 people have been killed in floods and mudslides.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Chile: Over 100 homes destroyed as Deadly forest fires spread
*Perilous Times* 2 January 2012 Last updated at 15:09 ET *Chile: Over 100 homes destroyed as Deadly forest fires spread* More than 500 people have been forced to evacuate their homes BBC - Firefighters in Chile are tackling dozens of forest fires which have killed one person and destroyed 230 sq km (57,000 acres) of land in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Legionnaires' disease found at Hong Kong' government complex
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Legionnaires' disease found at Hong Kong' government complex* Legionnaires' disease is caused by bacteria and is a form of pneumonia Hong Kong's brand-new government headquarters compound is contaminated with a bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease, officials have confirmed.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message

Power blackouts and wildfires as South Australia swelters under heatwave
*Perilous Times Power blackouts and wildfires as South Australia swelters under heatwave* AAP January 03, 2012 2:55PM BLACKOUTS and fires have marked South Australia's first heatwave of the summer with Adelaide sweltering through its hottest new year for more than a century. The city was sweating on a forecast cool change today after four days... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 3 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Texas police kill 8th-grader flashing pellet gun in school
*Perilous Times * Jan 04, 2012 * Texas police kill 8th-grader flashing pellet gun in school* By Michael Winter, USA TODAY By Brad Doherty, The Brownsville Herald, via AP Police in Brownsville, Texas, today shot and killed an eighth-grade student who was brandishing a gun at a middle school, the Brownsville... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Vatican: US Catholic bishop with secret family forced to resign
*Perilous Times* January 2012 Last updated at 11:37 ET *Vatican: US Catholic bishop with secret family forced to resign* Bishop Zavala was known for his work with California's Hispanic community A Catholic bishop who fathered two children has stepped down. Pope Benedict has accepted the resignation of Gabino Zavala, an... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Landslide kills 25 in southern Philippines, 100 others remain buried
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Landslide kills 25 in southern Philippines, 100 others remain buried* AP January 05, 2012 12:52PM PHILIPPINE officials say a landslide in the southern Mindanao region has killed at least 25 people and that more than 100 others remain buried in the rubble.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Insurers have warned Australians to brace for more catastrophic weather brought on by a rising global temperatures.
*Perilous Times and Climate Change* * Insurers have warned Australians to brace for more catastrophic weather brought on by a rising global temperatures.* By Sonja Koremans news.com.au January 04, 2012 11:53AM Almost 100 per cent of natural disasters in Australia are weather related, according to Insurance Council Australia. Picture: AFP... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

IDF: 8,000 rockets, missiles could hit Israel if war erupts
*Perilous Times IDF: 8,000 rockets, missiles could hit Israel if war erupts* By YAAKOV KATZ 01/03/2012 16:35 The Jerusalem Post While predicting that a large war will not break out in the coming year, the Israeli home front can expect in 2017 to come under fire from around 15,000 rockets and missiles in a future conflict with Hezbollah and... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Earthquakes prompt record insurance claims in 2011
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Earthquakes prompt record insurance claims in 2011* FRANKFURT | Wed Jan 4, 2012 5:32am EST (Reuters) - Insurance industry damage claims from natural disasters like the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand reached a record $105 billion in 2011, said Munich Re, the world's biggest reinsurer.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Severe winds caused massive trail of destruction and travel chaos across Scotland on Tuesday
*Perilous Times * 4 January 2012 Last updated at 03:09 ET * Severe winds caused massive trail of destruction and travel chaos across Scotland on Tuesday* BBC - Clear-up operations are under way and engineers are working to reconnect power to thousands of homes cut off by violent storms which hit Scotland.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria: al-Qaeda-linked group gives Christians 3-day deadline to leave country or die
*Faith Under Fire... Nigeria: al-Qaeda-linked group gives Christians 3-day deadline to leave country or die* An al-Qaeda linked terrorist group has escalated its threats to foment civil war in Nigeria by handing out a three day deadline for Christians to leave before it launches an offensive. People stand in front of the partially destroyed St Theresa Church... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

In Pictures: Britain battered by 106mph gales which leave two dead - and there's more to come in the next 24 hours
*In Pictures: Britain battered by 106mph gales which leave two dead - and there's more to come in the next 24 hours* The day it was so windy the waterfall ran uphill: Britain battered by 106mph gales which leave two dead - and there's more to come in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

'The Devil of Rahmadi' named America's deadliest sniper
*Perilous Times 'The Devil of Rahmadi' named America's deadliest sniper* A Navy Seal sniper has been named America's deadliest marksman after racking up 160 kills during the Iraq War. Chris Kyle, 37, blew away the previous US record of 109 kills, set by an Army rifleman during the Vietnam War. By Raf Sanchez, Washington... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

North Korea military grows stronger as Nuclear arsenal grows
*Perilous Times North Korea military grows stronger as Nuclear arsenal grows* SEOUL | Wed Jan 4, 2012 1:12am EST (Reuters) - North Korea's military is growing stronger even as its economy teeters on the brink of collapse, an independent think-tank said Wednesday, calling for better measures to repel the threat from a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

UN: South Sudan violence has left hundreds dead
*Perilous Times UN: South Sudan violence has left hundreds dead* UNITED NATIONS --- Intertribal violence hasleft hundreds dead over the last week in South Sudan, according to the official in charge of the U.N. mission in that country . Speaking by video link from Juba, Lise Grande, U.N. Deputy Humanitarian... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Thailand: Another round of storms and fierce Flash floods hit the South – again
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Thailand: Another round of storms and fierce Flash floods hit the South � again* Published: 4/01/2012 at 10:23 AM Floods in the South tend to come and go quickly, but unfortunately for the victims, they have been increasing in frequency and intensity. A resident of Soi Wat Moom Pom community in Muang district of Nakhon Si... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Paraguay confirms new foot-and-mouth disease outbreak
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Paraguay confirms new foot-and-mouth disease outbreak* AFP News Major beef exporter Paraguay confirmed a new outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease Tuesday in a northern province, just four days after lifting a state of emergency imposed in the region in September. Daniel Rojas, head of the government's animal health service, said a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

No end in Sight as Raging Chile Wildfires continue to spread
*Perilous Times No end in Sight as Raging Chile Wildfires continue to spread * by Staff Writers Santiago (AFP) Jan 3, 2012 Helicopters fight a massive forest fire affecting the commune of Quillon, in southern Chile's Bio Bio region, some 500 Km south of Santiago, on January 3, 2012. Forest fires in southern Chile, fueled by intense heat and strong winds,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

2 Navy pilots among 4 dead at California condo
*Perilous Times 2 Navy pilots among 4 dead at California condo* SAN DIEGO (AP) -- Two Navy pilots were among four people found dead in a New Year's Day shooting at a tony condominium on San Diego Bay, a military spokeswoman confirmed Tuesday. Marine Corps spokeswoman 1st Lt. Maureen Dooley said the two Navy pilots... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message

Australia: Lightning strikes spark raging bushfires in Perth
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Australia: Lightning strikes spark raging bushfires in Perth* AAP January 04, 2012 1:12PM LIGHTNING STRIKES have sparked raging bushfires in Perth and is threatening lives and homes. A bushfire watch and act alert has been issued for people in Jandabup in... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 4 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Computer Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say
*Perilous Times Computer Worm steals 45,000 Facebook passwords, researchers say* More malware is worming its way onto social networks. A computer worm has stolen 45,000 login credentials from Facebook, security experts have warned. The data is believed to have been taken largely from Facebook accounts... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Six dead as Nigeria church hit by deadly gun attack
*Faith Under Fire.... * 5 January 2012 Last updated at 18:22 ET *Six dead as Nigeria church hit by deadly gun attack* Gunmen have attacked a church in north-east Nigeria killing at least six people, the church's pastor says. Johnson Jauro said the killings took place when gunmen burst into his Deeper Life Church in Gombe, capital of Gombe state.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Sectarian attacks in Iraq leave up to 60 dead
*Perilous Times Sectarian attacks in Iraq leave up to 60 dead* A roadside bomb targeting Shiite pilgrims killed 30 people in the southern city of Nasiriyah on Thursday, following bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 29. By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent 12:02PM GMT 05 Jan 2012 The Telegraph UK... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquake hits Dominican Republic
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquake hits Dominican Republic * By the CNN Wire Staff updated 6:14 AM EST, Thu January 5, 2012 STORY HIGHLIGHTS The earthquake strikes almost exactly two years after Haiti was devastated There are no immediate reports of damage, an emergency official says... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Holland: Severe Storms, flash flooding prompt Dutch evacuations
*Perilous Times and Climate Change * 5 January 2012 Last updated at 06:55 ET *Holland: Severe Storms, flash flooding prompt Dutch evacuations* Around 100 villagers had to leave their homes as a **** came close to collapse Dutch villagers have been asked to leave their homes and farms because strong winds and heavy rain have led to fears of coastal flooding.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

A Canadian Roman Catholic bishop gets 15 months in child porn case
*False Churches, False Brethren, False Gospels A Canadian Roman Catholic bishop gets 15 months in child porn case* By ROB GILLIES, Associated Press TORONTO --- A Canadian Roman Catholic bishop who admitted he was addicted to looking at child pornography left court Wednesday a free man after being credited for time served in his 15 month sentence.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Canada: Raging Wildfires destroy rural homes; wild wicked winds causes havoc in Calgary
*Perilous Times Canada: Raging Wildfires destroy rural homes; wild wicked winds causes havoc in Calgary* By Stephane Massinon and Jen Gerson, Postmedia News January 4, 2012 Damages are still coming in on a massive grass fire south east of Nanton, about 50 minutes south of Calgary, as high winds spread it... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Photo Gallery: More storm misery as 87mph winds hit UK
*Photo Gallery: More storm misery as 87mph winds hit UK* Read more: < >... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Natural disaster damages at record high in 2011
*Perilous Times Natural disaster damages at record high in 2011* Reuters Jan 4, 2012 -- 6:54 PM ET A Japanese woman stands in front of her house destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Natural disasters, led by catastrophic earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, cost a record US$380-billion in 2011, more than double the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

31 dead in Mexico prison brawl
*Perilous Times 31 dead in Mexico prison brawl* Gulf and Zetas drug gang members clashed when one group stormed into other's section of jail, according to accounts Associated Press guardian.co.uk, Thursday 5 January 2012 04.10 GMT The Zeta and Gulf cartels - named here in graffiti at the scene of a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

16 dead in China as bus slides off bridge
*Perilous Times 16 dead in China as bus slides off bridge * by Staff Writers Beijing (AFP) Jan 5, 2012 At least 16 people were killed after an overloaded bus veered off an icy highway bridge in China's southwestern Guizhou province on Wednesday, state media reported. The 50-seat tourist bus packed with 56 people fell off the bridge and... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

6 police officers shot while serving warrant in Utah
*Perilous Times 6 police officers shot while serving warrant in Utah* By Lateef Mungin, CNN updated 3:12 AM EST, Thu January 5, 2012 STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: Two officers are in critical condition The officers are part of a narcotics task force The suspect was also shot, police say The shootings come as many U.S. cities are seeing an increase in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Thousands of Giant non-native python snakes spreading throughout Florida
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Thousands of Giant non-native python snakes spreading throughout Florida* By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY Thousands of Giant Burmese pythons have already established themselves across thousands of square miles of Florida's Everglades, where outdoor workers now routinely find them. The state had held out hope that bays,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Rwandan rebels 'kill 26 in DR Congo'
*Perilous Times* 4 January 2012 Last updated at 19:20 ET *Rwandan rebels 'kill 26 in DR Congo'* BBC - At least 26 people have been killed in attacks by a Rwandan militia group in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Congolese army says. It says several remote villages in South Kivu province have been... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Floods and landslides caused by heavy rain continue to ravage south-eastern Brazil
*Perilous Times * 4 January 2012 Last updated at 20:05 ET * Floods and landslides caused by heavy rain continue to ravage south-eastern Brazil* Civil defence workers have been digging to recover bodies in Ouro Preto BBC - Floods and landslides caused by heavy rain continue to ravage in south-eastern Brazil... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Dozens killed, more than 100 missing in landslide at Philippines gold mine
*Perilous Times Dozens killed, more than 100 missing in landslide at Philippines gold mine* At least 25 people were killed and another 100 were missing in the southern Philippines on Thursday after a landslide struck a community of gold prospectors, officials said. 2:43AM GMT 05 Jan 2012 The landslip struck a remote mountain community near Pantukan town on... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Baghdad blasts in Shiite areas kills 21
*Perilous Times Baghdad blasts in Shiite areas kills 21* AFP January 05, 2012 6:33PM A SPATE of blasts against Shiite enclaves in Baghdad has killed at least 21 people, as Iraq grapples with a political row that has stoked sectarian tensions. The violence today, which left dozens more wounded, was the worst since... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Canada: High winds whip up wild grass fires in warm, parched southern Alberta
*Perilous Times Canada: High winds whip up wild grass fires in warm, parched southern Alberta* at 21:52 on January 04, 2012, EST. The Canadian Press FORT MACLEOD, Alta. - Grass fires fuelled by high winds and unseasonably dry conditions swept through three rural regions of southern Alberta on Wednesday, leaving behind a swath of charred fields and buildings.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message

Canada: Seven Ontario teens killed in two separate collisions, 5 sent to hospital
*Perilous Times Canada: Seven Ontario teens killed in two separate collisions, 5 sent to hospital* at 23:09 on January 04, 2012, EST. The Canadian Press PARRY SOUND, Ont. - Seven teenagers have died in two separate car crashes in northern Ontario and five people have been sent to hospital with serious injuries.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 5 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Topic Rating Messages Author Date

Deadly Cholera outbreak continues to cripple Haiti, two years after massive earthquake kills 316,000 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:26am

3 freight trains crash in NW Indiana, trigger massive fire 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:23am

Children, soldiers and police die in bloody day in Afghanistan 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:19am

'Eleven dead' in New Zealand hot air balloon crash 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

20 more Christians killed as Nigerian gunmen attack mourners at funeral 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Rome turning into 'Wild West' of violent crime 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

New Zealand: More earthquakes shake Christchurch 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Syria: Dozens killed in police bus bomb blast in Damascus 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Fidel Castro warns the world is on an "inexorable" march into the abyss this year because of climate change and the threat of nuclear war. 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

3000 reported killed in latest South Sudan massacre 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Did the Maya predict the world would end in 2012? 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Smoke, dust and fog leave Dozens injured in massive 79-car pileup in Texas 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Severe Storms leave massive trail of destruction across the UK 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Raging Montana Wildfires destroy buildings and force evacuations 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

New Zealand: Earthquakes expected to rock Christchurch for decades 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Eruption alert issued as Italy's Mount Etna begins spewing massive ash clouds 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Vietnam culls over 12,500 chickens in bird flu fight 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

D i k e bursts in flood-hit Brazil, 4,000 evacuated 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Drought drys up China's largest freshwater lake 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Boy tortured to death in London for being a 'witch' 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Oklahoma teen mom kills intruder after operator says to protect baby 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 6

Raging Chile forest fire inferno kills six firefighters in Araucania

Read the above at the following url:


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Surgeon removes 200-pound tumor from Vietnamese man's leg
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases* Jan 06, 2012 *Surgeon removes 200-pound tumor from Vietnamese man's leg * By Michael Winter, USA TODAY A Chicago plastic surgeon has removed a 200-pound, non-cancerous tumor from the leg of a Vietnamese man, according to news reports. The growth weighed more than the patient.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Pollution rise 'worsens' South Asia's smothering smog
*Perilous Times* 6 January 2012 Last updated at 08:10 ET *Pollution rise 'worsens' South Asia's smothering smog* By Navin Singh Khadka Environment reporter, BBC News Experts say the smog problem is becoming increasingly serious A rapid rise in air pollution from fossil fuels and biomass burning has... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Water borne Diseases are killing hundreds of people in flood hit regions of the Philippines
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Water borne Diseases are killing hundreds of people in flood hit regions of the Philippines* Posted by Online on Jan 7th, 2012 15 confirmed dead from leptospirosis COTABATO CITY, Philippines -- An outbreak of a flood-borne disease that had killed hundreds in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities last Dec. 17 is... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

UK: Royal Navy sends warships to take on the Iranian show of force in the Gulf
*Perilous Times UK: Royal Navy sends warships to take on the Iranian show of force in the Gulf* The Royal Navy's most formidable warship is being sent to the Gulf for its first mission as tensions rise in the strategically vital region, it can be disclosed. The �1 billion destroyer carries the world's most sophisticated naval... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Israeli Christian murdered by man dressed as 'Santa Claus'
*Faith Under Fire... Israeli Christian murdered by man dressed as 'Santa Claus' * A lay leader of Israel's Christian minority was stabbed to death during an Orthodox Christmas procession by a person dressed as Father Christmas, his church said. 9:50AM GMT 07 Jan 2012 Police were searching for suspects in Friday's murder of Gabi Kadees in... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Sri Lanka to kill three million stray dogs
*Perilous Times Sri Lanka to kill three million stray dogs * AFP January 07, 2012 7:51PM SRI Lanka has lifted a moratorium on killing stray dogs as the government attempts to cut down on the 2000 people that are hospitalised every day after being bitten, a media report said today. Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena told the Swarnavahini television... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Blood was everywhere as New York mother kills 'demon' child
*Perilous Times Blood was everywhere as New York mother kills 'demon' child* NewsCore January 07, 2012 10:20PM A BROOKLYN mother horrifically stabbed, beat and killed her three year old because she was convinced the little girl was possessed by demons, police sources said. "The monsters are coming from my baby. God wasn't there for her, so I... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

Up To 25 whales die in New Zealand suicide stranding
*Perilous Times Up To 25 whales die in New Zealand suicide stranding* AFP The whales, which suicide stranded themselves on Friday afternoon at the top of New Zealand's South Island were from a pod of about 70 that appeared at Golden Bay, where suicide strandings are common. Two months ago, 47 pilot whales died after a suicide stranding on tidal... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message

The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert
*The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert * The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada Thursday, January 5, 2012 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 7 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Mysterious disease death toll hits 100 in Uganda 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8
US Northern Plains hit hard by deer-killing disease 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

Hawaii: Coral Disease Outbreak Spreading At Alarming Rate 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

Nigeria's descent into an Anti-Christian holy war 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

In Texas' worst drought on record, trees dying by the millions 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

Report: Iran begins uranium enrichment at new underground site 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

Police find 5 severed heads in northern Mexico 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8
Israel: Archaeological Project Reveals First Temple artifacts 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8

Four soldiers with an Indiana-based National Guard unit killed by Roadside bomb in Afghanistan 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 8


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Texas: Strong storms spin tornadoes, flood streets 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 9

Bodies removed from New Zealand balloon crash site 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 9

13 bodies found outside Mexican gas station 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 9

White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley steps down 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 9

Magnitude 6.6 earthquake recorded near Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific
new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 9


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Israeli military readying for Syrian refugees 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

UN says 400 killed in Syria over past 10 days 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Rains, flash floods, mudslides kill at least 28 in Brazil town 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Giant Jesus statue destroyed by lightning strike in Ohio 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Powerful Magnitude 7.3 earthquake sparks tsunami warning for Indonesia 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Muslim sect kills another 2 Christians in Nigeria 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

10 die as Taliban storm Afghan government building 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Large Russian naval flotilla docks in Syria: state media 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

'Off the scale' smog grounds hundreds of China air flights 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10

Bomb kills 35 in deadly attack in Pakistan
1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 10


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Topic Rating Messages Author Date

US teen viciously killed 9 year old girl 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

US Mom killed her newborn twins, police say 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Mrs Obama described as 'angry black women' at war with the White House Staff 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Chaos as Pakistan fires defense secretary, escalates crisis 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Poverty in America getting worse, report finds 46 million Americans are living below the poverty line 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Canada: Ontario's iconic maple trees being killed off by invading beetles 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Canada: Hospital water fountain infects 8 with disease 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Iran's showdown with West sparks widespread concern 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Man dies from bird flu in Indonesia: officials 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11
Doomsday Clock: The nuclear, biological and climate threat - 2011 reviewed 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Survey: U.S. Protestant pastors reject evolution, split on Earth's age 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Another Three shot dead in attack on Christian village in Nigeria 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Iran nuclear scientist killed in car bomb 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11

Japan tsunami death toll set at 19,300 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 11


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert 2 new of 2 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Fears over outbreak after 12 infected with new swine flu strain in U.S. 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

57 killed in new South Sudan clashes: government 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12
Tornadoes, storms injure 15, destroy 16 homes in North Carolina 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Iran called on to retaliate against Israel over killing of nuclear expert 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Mexico drug war has claimed 47,500 victims in five years 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Iran's nuclear program: the world must prepare for the inevitable to happen 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Second US aircraft carrier arrives in the Gulf as Iran tensions rise 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12

Strong earthquake shakes northeastern Japan 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 12


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Montana teacher found dead after going missing during morning jog 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

Australia: Plague of deadly Jellyfish closes North Queensland beaches 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

Two reported dead as thousands evacuated from cruise ship run aground off Italy 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

North Carolina gunman kills 3 in workplace shooting 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

Priest with gambling habit facing prison in Vegas 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

German priest admits 280 counts of sexual abuse 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 13

4 farmworkers, 4 children slain in Honduras 1 author) Jan 13


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Totally drug-resistant Super Bug TB at large in India 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:52am

U.S. evangelical leaders back Rick Santorum for Republican Presidential candidate 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:48am

North Carolina man dies a day after killing 3 co-workers 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) 12:42am

No baptism - no blood - no forgiveness 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 14
Another round of Severe storms, Flash floods, landslides threaten Philippines 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

New Zealand: Another round of earthquake shakes Christchurch 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

Captain arrested, 41 still missing after Italian cruise disaster 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

Police: Man in custody believed responsible for all 4 recent Southern Calif. homeless killings 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

Strong 5.8-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Philippine Island Region 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

Iraqi suicide bomb kills at least 53 pilgrims in Basra 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)

In Video and Pictures: Dozens of passengers 'still missing' and three dead after luxury cruise liner carrying 4,200 people capsizes off the coast of Italy 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author)


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

New York woman killed by having her throat slashed in front of nine-year-old daughter
*Perilous Times New York woman killed by having her throat slashed in front of nine-year-old daughter * NewsCore January 16, 2012 1:16PM A NEW York man fatally slit his estranged wife's throat yesterday in front of her terrified young daughter. The man was arrested after police tracked him for three blocks, law... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 15 - 1 new of 1 message

Five missing as trawler sinks off western Ireland
*Perilous Times Five missing as trawler sinks off western Ireland* One crewman rescued, but hopes fading for five men on board when boat went down in force 8 winds near county Cork The Guardian, Monday 16 January 2012 Rescue personnel on the pier at Union Hall in west Cork. Five men are still missing after the sinking. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 15 - 1 new of 1 message

Two Strong Earthquakes shake Antarctica
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Two Strong Earthquakes shake Antarctica* by Staff Writers Washington (AFP) Jan 15, 2012 Two strong earthquakes 40 minutes apart rocked the remote South Orkney Islands in Antarctica on Sunday, experts from the US Geological Survey said. The epicenter of the first, a magnitude 6.6 temblor, was at a depth of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 15 - 1 new of 1 message

Ohio man repeatedly shot his adult son and two sisters-in-law in his living room, killing them in front of his terminally ill wife
*Perilous Times Ohio man repeatedly shot his adult son and two sisters-in-law in his living room, killing them in front of his terminally ill wife* LOGAN, Ohio (AP) -- A man repeatedly shot his adult son and two sisters-in-law in his living room, killing them in front of his terminally ill wife, then fatally shot himself on the front porch as... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 15 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria braced for more nationwide strikes over fuel price increases
*Perilous Times Nigeria braced for more nationwide strikes over fuel price increases* Nigeria faces another week of chaos as trade unions announced the resumption of nationwide strikes following the breakdown of talks with the government on Sunday. By Mike Pflanz, West Africa Correspondent 6:55PM GMT 15 Jan 2012... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 15 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

26 Killed, 57 Injured in horrendous Haiti Road Accident
*Perilous Times 26 Killed, 57 Injured in horrendous Haiti Road Accident* 2012-01-18 05:00:31 Xinhua At least 26 people were killed and 57 injured in a road accident in the outskirts of Haiti 's capital Port-au-Prince, Traffic Services said on Tuesday. The accident happened Monday night when a dump truck's brakes failed and... more »

By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 17 - 1 new of 1 message
Chile: Strong 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Coquimbo
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Chile: Strong 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Coquimbo * 2012-01-18 08:47:44 Xinhua A 6.1-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday shook Coquimbo region, in northern Chile, according to Chile's University Seismological Institute. Chile's National Emergency Office said the earthquake didn't caused... more »

By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 17 - 1 new of 1 message
US Supreme court rules prayers at government events unconstitutional
*Faith Under Fire.... US Supreme court rules prayers at government events unconstitutional* NewsCore January 18, 2012 11:51AM THE US Supreme Court on Tuesday (today AEDT) declined to take on two cases in which lower courts ruled public prayers at government-sponsored events were unconstitutional.... more »

By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 17 - 1 new of 1 message
Report: 5 tourists killed by armed rebels in Ethiopia
*Perilous Times Report: 5 tourists killed by armed rebels in Ethiopia * ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- Five foreign tourists were killed by unknown armed rebels in Ethiopia's restive Afar region in the country's north, Ethiopian state television reported on Tuesday. The Ethiopian Television, or ETV, cited the Ethiopian Ministry of... more »

By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 17 - 1 new of 1 message

A CALIFORNIAN woman filmed herself on her iPad smoking methamphetamine before shooting her two young children, their father and a cousin and then committing suicide, according to reports.
*Perilous Times A CALIFORNIAN woman filmed herself on her iPad smoking methamphetamine before shooting her two young children, their father and a cousin and then committing suicide, according to reports. * AAP January 17, 2012 10:46PM A CALIFORNIAN woman filmed herself on her iPad smoking methamphetamine... more »By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 17 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

How Will The Shocking Decline Of Christianity In America Affect The Future Of The Nation?
*Perilous Times and The Great Falling Away! How Will The Shocking Decline Of Christianity In America Affect The Future Of The Nation?* Is Christianity in decline in America? When you examine the cold, hard numbers it is simply not possible to come to any other conclusion. Over the past few decades, the percentage of Christians in America has... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 12:16am - 1 new of 1 message

More Human body parts found in Hollywood Hills
*Perilous Times More Human body parts found in Hollywood Hills* LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Los Angeles investigators have found a second human hand in a Hollywood wilderness park where a severed human head and another hand have been found. Los Angeles Police Commander Andrew J. Smith, center, prepares to speak... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

India Faces New Front of drug resistance in Super Bug Tuberculosis Battle
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases India Faces New Front of drug resistance in Super Bug Tuberculosis Battle* By GEETA ANAND MUMBAI---A top Mumbai pulmonologist has told the Indian government he has seen 12 cases of tuberculosis in this city that are totally resistant to all of the current treatments, forcing India to confront... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Deadly Citrus Disease Confirmed in South Texas
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Deadly Citrus Disease Confirmed in South Texas* 100_0928 By: Cole Shooter A deadly citrus tree disease responsible for destroying citrus trees in Florida, Africa, Asia, and South America has been found in Texas. The Texas Department of Agriculture and the USDA Animal and Plant Health... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Sixteen die in two attacks in Afghanistan
*Perilous Times Sixteen die in two attacks in Afghanistan* January 19, 2012 - 8:19AM DPA Two attacks just hours apart killed 16 people and wounded more than 20 others on Wednesday in the insurgency-wracked southern Afghan province of Helmand. A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed 10 civilians and two policemen... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Obama Administration rejects Keystone oil pipeline
*Perilous Times Obama Administration rejects Keystone oil pipeline* By Jeff Mason and Roberta Rampton | Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama Administration rejected the Keystone oil pipeline on Wednesday, likely pushing any revival of the project past November's elections, pleasing environmentalists while sparking a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Hundreds homeless after storms, flash floods in Mozambique
*Perilous Times Hundreds homeless after storms, flash floods in Mozambique * AP January 18, 2012 10:34PM CITY officials say 480 people were flooded out of their homes in Mozambique's capital after a tropical depression brought torrential rain and high winds. City officials said the homeless were being sheltered on Wednesday in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Argentina: Strong Earthquake Strikes San Juan
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Argentina: Strong Earthquake Strikes San Juan* Posted: January 18th, 2012 in Earthquake by LALATE CORAL GABLES (LALATE) -- A strong Argentina earthquake today struck San Juan. The terremoto today January 18, 2012 could be felt in Mendoza, Argentina and the region east of Santiago, Chile. No reports of injuries... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Philippines: Eastern Visayas hit by 5.9-magnitude earthquake
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Philippines: Eastern Visayas hit by 5.9-magnitude earthquake* By ELLALYN B. DE VERA January 18, 2012, 1:05pm MANILA, Philippines --- A moderately strong earthquake measuring 5.9-magnitude on the Richter scale jolted parts of Eastern Visayas Tuesday evening and was followed by a weak tremor Wednesday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Israel says not "very far" from decision to attack Iran
*Perilous Times Israel says not "very far" from decision to attack Iran* JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Wednesday any decision about an Israeli attack on Iran was "very far off." Barak was speaking on Israel's Army Radio ahead of a planned visit this week by the United States armed forces chief General Martin Dempsey that... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Los Angeles: Severed head found in bag, in the Hollywood Hills area
*Perilous Times Los Angeles: Severed head found in bag, in the Hollywood Hills area* By the CNN Wire Staff updated 10:50 PM EST, Tue January 17, 2012 STORY HIGHLIGHTS Two people find head in a bag while walking dogs in Bronson Canyon Park The head appears to be of a male victim; coroner will make a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Deadly Fungus has killed up to 6.7 Million bats in 'potential extinction'
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases* Jan 17, 2012 *Deadly Fungus has killed up to 6.7 Million bats in 'potential extinction'* By Michael Winter, USA TODAY By Al Hicks, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, via AP Federal biologists announced today that up to 6.7 million bats in 16... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Tens of thousands of Africans died 'as governments needlessly withheld aid'
*Perilous Times Tens of thousands of Africans died 'as governments needlessly withheld aid'* Tens of thousands of Africans died while donor governments needlessly withheld aid by adopting a wait-and-see approach to a famine that eventually cost 100,000 lives, a report has found. Two-year-old Aden Salaad looks up toward his mother as she bathes him in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Tornadoes strike Mississippi, Indiana and Kentucky
*Perilous Times Tornadoes strike Mississippi, Indiana and Kentucky * Tornadoes struck parts of Mississippi, Indiana and Kentucky on Tuesday, including one that hit a home in Mississippi and injured at least one person, meteorologists said. Photo: AP/Dusty Compton 6:19AM GMT 18 Jan 2012 The Telegraph UK... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

Fears for bat populations as millions die from fungal disease
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Fears for bat populations as millions die from fungal disease* Scientists studying white nose syndrome in bats estimate the fungal ailment has killed at least 5.7 million bats in 16 states and Canada, providing alarming new numbers about the scope of its decimation.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message

The World Bank: Second global financial crisis 'looming'
*Perilous Times The World Bank: Second global financial crisis 'looming'* By Veronica Smith AFP January 18, 2012 2:44PM World Bank slashes global economic forecast High income countries have too much debt "The world could be thrown in a recession" The World Bank has warned that rich nations' debt problems may yet reap... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 18 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Mali troops, rebels clash leaves 47 dead
*Mali troops, rebels clash leaves 47 dead * From correspondents in Bamako AFP January 20, 2012 11:10AM TWO days of fierce clashes between the Malian army and Tuareg rebels have killed 47 people - 45 rebels and two soldiers, the west African country's defence ministry says. "The attackers suffered heavy losses," a ministry statement said of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

NASA: Sun releases massive coronal radiation blast at Earth
*Signs In The Sun, The Moon and The Stars* *NASA: Sun releases massive coronal radiation blast at Earth* By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY NASA satellites detected the Sun unleashing a massive blast at Earth on Thursday. The Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), a solar blast of highly-energetic particles, is expected to arrive at Earth on Saturday, likely sparking... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

Iran: HIV/AIDS created by West to enfeeble third world, claims Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
*Perilous Times Iran: HIV/AIDS created by West to enfeeble third world, claims Mahmoud Ahmadinejad* President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has claimed that Western nations created HIV to enfeeble the third world and create a market for Western pharmaceuticals. President Ahmadinejad has previously suggested that the September 11... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

Radioactive material stolen from Egyptian nuclear power station
*Perilous Times Radioactive material stolen from Egyptian nuclear power station* Radioactive material has been stolen from a nuclear power station on Egypt's Mediterranean coast that was the site of violent protests last week, state-run al-Ahram newspaper reported on Thursday. 6:19AM GMT 19 Jan 2012... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

Secret plan revealed for new EU taxes on Britain
*Perilous Times Se**cret plan revealed for new EU taxes on Britain* Germany and France have opened new battlefront with Britain over a demand for new EU powers to set business and energy taxes on top of their push for a controversial Europe-wide levy on financial transactions. The taxation blueprint has reinforced British fears about the direction... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquake, 40 aftershocks hits northeast Iran, 100 injured
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquake, 40 aftershocks hits northeast Iran, 100 injured* TEHRAN | Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:32pm EST (Reuters) - About 100 people were injured when an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale hit northeastern Iran on Thursday, state television reported.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquake Strikes off New Zealand
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquake Strikes off New Zealand* INVERCARGILL, New Zealand January 19, 2012 (AP) A strong earthquake has struck off the coast of New Zealand's South Island, but there are no reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami warning has been issued. The 6.1-magnitude quake struck Thursday 126 miles (203 kilometers) west... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 19 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

4000 homes, 4 Million acres destroyed as 2011 wildfire season worst in Texas history
*Perilous Times and Climate Change 4000 homes, 4 Million acres destroyed as 2011 wildfire season worst in Texas history* The Associated Press Published: Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012 - 7:04 pm COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- It's official: Last year's wildfire season was the worst in Texas history. The Texas Forest Service on Thursday announced the 2011 season had come... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Christians in Uganda demand protection from Muslim extremists
*Faith Under Fire.... Christians in Uganda demand protection from Muslim extremists* Islam devotees go on defense after acid attack on preacher By Ioannis Gatsiounis - Special to The Washington Times Wednesday, January 18, 2012 KAMPALA, Uganda --- A Pentecostal preacher who has converted thousands of Muslims to Christianity was disfigured when men shouting "God is... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Violent sex crimes by U.S. Army soldiers rise -report
*Perilous Times and Decaying Morality Violent sex crimes by U.S. Army soldiers rise -report* By Mary Slosson | Reuters -- Fri, Jan 20, 2012 (Reuters) - Violent sex crimes committed by active U.S. Army soldiers have almost doubled over the past five years, due in part to the trauma of war, according to an Army report released on Thursday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Nevada: Raging Reno wildfire has now destroyed at least 30 homes
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Nevada: Raging Reno wildfire has now destroyed at least 30 homes* From correspondents in New Washoe City NewsCore January 21, 2012 8:49AM A FAST-MOVING brush fire south of Reno, Nevada, has destroyed at least 30 homes and forced 10,000 people to evacuate the area, local... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesian island
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesian island* By BNO News KUPANG, INDONESIA (BNO NEWS) -- A strong earthquake struck the Savu Sea off the Indonesian island of Flores on early Saturday morning, seismologists said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Ireland: Three babies dead after infection at Belfast hospital
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases* 20 January 2012 Last updated at 15:37 ET *Ireland: Three babies dead after infection at Belfast hospital* Colm Donaghy of Belfast Health and Social Care Trust: ''The first priority for us here is the babies and the families'' Staff at the Royal Hospital neo-natal unit in Belfast are trying to find... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

S.Africa: Baby ripped from pregnant mum - police
*Perilous Times S.Africa: Baby ripped from pregnant mum - police* AFP January 20, 2012 7:47PM A SOUTH African woman is to appear in court today for murder over allegations that she sliced open a pregnant woman, kidnapped the baby and left the mother for dead, police said. The 29-year-old woman from Randfontein, west of Johannesburg, had... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Bird flu kills two in Cambodia, Vietnam
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Bird flu kills two in Cambodia, Vietnam* by Staff Writers Hanoi (AFP) Jan 19, 2012 Vietnam on Thursday reported its first human death from bird flu in nearly two years, as the virus also claimed the life of a toddler in Cambodia. Concerns about avian influenza have risen in the region after China in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Heavy Rains, Fierce Flooding forces South Africa's Kruger Park to close gates
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Heavy Rains, Fierce Flooding forces South Africa's Kruger Park to close gates* by Staff Writers Johannesburg (AFP) Jan 19, 2012 Severe flooding has forced South Africa's world-famous Kruger National Park to close its gates after dozens of tourists on safari had to be... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Nevada: Homes destroyed, 10,000 people evacuated as Wildfire rages out of control
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Nevada: Homes destroyed, 10,000 people evacuated as Wildfire rages out of control* ENO, Nev. (AP) -- Firefighters are fighting to stop the progress of a fast-moving brush fire near Reno Thursday, but the wall of flames burned a dozen homes and forced about 10,000 people to evacuate their... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message

Six US service personnel have been killed in Nato helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan
*Perilous Times Six US service personnel have been killed in Nato helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan* Six US service personnel have been killed in a helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan, US officials said on Thursday, indicating the incident was not believed to be the result of enemy fire.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 20 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert
*The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert* The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada Thursday, January 19, 2012 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Egypt's Islamist parties win elections to parliament
*Perilous Times* 21 January 2012 Last updated at 10:46 ET * Egypt's Islamist parties win elections to parliament* Egypt's parliamentary elections have been spread over a six-week period BBC - The final results in Egypt's first post-Mubarak parliamentary elections confirm an overwhelming victory for Islamist parties.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Series of Earthquakes hit New Zealand 's North Island, Canterbury
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Series of Earthquakes hit New Zealand 's North Island, Canterbury* AAP January 22, 2012 9:00AM THE Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and Taupo regions on New Zealand's North Island were shaken by earthquakes on Saturday and Sunday while scientists continue to record aftershocks in Canterbury.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Passenger boat sinks off Iran, 15 missing: report
*Perilous Times Passenger boat sinks off Iran, 15 missing: report * TEHRAN (Reuters) - A passenger ship carrying 22 people sank off the Iranian coast near the port of Bandar Abbas Saturday, the official IRNA news agency reported. The report did not give the cause of the incident but said so far only... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong 6.2 Earthquake hits off coast of southern Mexico
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong 6.2 Earthquake hits off coast of southern Mexico* MEXICO CITY --- A magnitude-6.2 earthquake hit off the coast of the southern Mexican state of Chiapas on Saturday, shaking the state from the capital of Tuxtla Gutierrez to Tapachula on the border with Guatemala. There were no immediate reports of injury or major damage.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Two Strong Earthquakes Shake Indonesia
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places* January 21, 2012 18:54 PM *Two Strong Earthquakes Shake Indonesia* By Ahmad Fuad Yahya JAKARTA, Jan 21 (Bernama) -- Two strong earthquakes struck two separate areas in the West Manggarai district, East Nusa Tenggara and the Sangihe Islands, North Celebes early Saturday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

AIDS killed 30,000 in China in 2011, study says
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases AIDS killed 30,000 in China in 2011, study says* AFP News AIDS killed 30,000 people in China last year, and another 48,000 new infections from the HIV virus were discovered in the country, according to an official report on Saturday. In China 780,000 people live with the HIV virus, of which 154,000... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

'120 killed' in weekend attacks in Nigeria
*Perilous Times '120 killed' in weekend attacks in Nigeria* From correspondents in Nigeria AP January 22, 2012 1:43AM CO-ORDINATED attacks claimed by a radical Islamist sect killed at least 120 people in north Nigeria's largest city, hospital records show, as gunfire still echoed around some areas of the sprawling city.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

Sudan: UN alarmed at deterioration between the Muslim dominated Sudan and the Christian dominated South Sudan
*Perilous Times Sudan: UN alarmed at deterioration between the Muslim dominated Sudan and the Christian dominated South Sudan* AFP January 21, 2012 4:24PM UN leader Ban Ki-moon has raised an international alert over what he called a "worrying deterioration" in rivalry between Sudan and South... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message

EU prepares unprecedented attack on Iranian economy
*Perilous Times EU prepares unprecedented attack on Iranian economy* The European Union is preparing to launch an unprecedented attack on Iran's economy at a moment when experts believe the confrontation over the country's nuclear ambitions is entering a dangerous new phase. Iran's Azadegan oil field. The regime has threatened to disrupt oil... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 21 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Strong 5.0 earthquake shakes Hawaii Island, joined by smaller temblors
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong 5.0 earthquake shakes Hawaii Island, joined by smaller temblors* January 22, 2012 Hawaii County Community HILO, Hawaii: Residents across the Island of Hawaii reported feeling an earthquake around 4:36 p.m. on Sunday. The United States Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 12:20am - 1 new of 1 message

Archeologists Find Temple Menorah Stamp Affirming Jewish Claim to Land
*Perilous Times Archeologists Find Temple Menorah Stamp Affirming Jewish Claim to Land* by Gil Ronen (Arutz Sheva News) Just two weeks after a Temple era seal was displayed to the public, archeologists continue to dig up breathtaking proofs of the ancient and never-severed connection between Jews and the Land of Israel. This... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

*USA GENERAL: WE CAN SUCCESSFULLY ATTACK IRAN!* By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Arutz Sheva News) America's top general says the US is can successfully attack Iran, if necessary. His biggest worry is that Iran does not understand. Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

5,000 People Affected as vicious Floods sweep Mozambique
*Perilous Times and Climate Change 5,000 People Affected as vicious Floods sweep S Mozambique* 2012-01-22 19:47:19 Xinhua By Manuel Camilo Nearly 5,000 people are affected by current floods in the southern Mozambican province of Gaza, state radio reported Sunday. It said the victims are from the provincial capital, Xai Xai, and the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Another U.S. aircraft carrier task force enters Gulf without incident
*Perilous Times Another U.S. aircraft carrier task force enters Gulf without incident* Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. aircraft carrier sailed through the Strait of Hormuz and into the Gulf without incident on Sunday, a day after Iran backed away from an earlier threat to take action if an American carrier... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Mystery deepens as 2 large cargo ships sink in Philippines
*Perilous Times Mystery deepens as 2 large cargo ships sink in Philippines* MANILA, Philippines --- A cargo ship loaded with cement sank in the central Philippines on Sunday and another vessel carrying iron ore went down off the country's eastern coast, the coast guard said. All 32 crewmen from both ships were rescued.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Report: 17 die when boat capsizes in Iran
*Perilous Times Report: 17 die when boat capsizes in Iran * TEHRAN, Iran --- Seventeen people have died after a storm capsized a passenger boat off of Iran's southern coast, the official IRNA news agency reported on Sunday. The boat sank Saturday evening while sailing between Hormuz Island and the port city of Bandar Abbas on the mainland, the report said. Rescue... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Italian cruise death toll rises to 13
*Perilous Times Italian cruise death toll rises to 13* January 23, 2012 - 5:24AM AP The death toll from the Costa Concordia shipwreck has risen to 13 after divers found the body of a woman in the stern of the half-sunken cruise ship. Civil Protection services chief Franco Gabrielli said that while 24... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Bird flu claims more victims in China
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Bird flu claims more victims in China* By Marianne Barriaux | AFP News A man in southwest China who contracted the bird flu virus died on Sunday, health authorities said, the second human death from the virulent disease in the country in just under a month. The news comes after neighbouring Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia also... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria: Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in weekend attacks
*Perilous Times Nigeria: Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in weekend attacks* By Mike Oboh | Reuters KANO (Reuters) - Gun and bomb attacks by Islamist insurgents in the northern Nigerian city of Kano last week killed at least 178 people, a hospital doctor said on Sunday, underscoring the challenge President... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria: Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in weekend attacks
*Perilous Times Nigeria: Islamist insurgents kill over 178 in weekend attacks* By Mike Oboh | Reuters KANO (Reuters) - Gun and bomb attacks by Islamist insurgents in the northern Nigerian city of Kano last week killed at least 178 people, a hospital doctor said on Sunday, underscoring the challenge President... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Eight dead, 20 injured in Guatemala nightclub shooting
*Perilous Times Eight dead, 20 injured in Guatemala nightclub shooting* AFP News At least eight people were killed and 20 wounded overnight near the Guatemalan capital when assailants sprayed a packed nightclub with gunfire, officials said Sunday. The shooting at the "El Rancho" club in the town of Villa Nueva, just... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Drought worsening in Argentina, Paraguay
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Drought worsening in Argentina, Paraguay* by Staff Writers Buenos Aires (UPI) Jan 20, 2012 Drought conditions are worsening in Latin America, especially Argentina and Paraguay, and may become a flash point for political and rural unrest, latest data and sector analysis said.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

Croatia says 'yes' to joining European Union
*Perilous Times and The Revived Roman Empire Croatia says 'yes' to joining European Union* ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) -- Croatia's state referendum commission says a majority of Croats have voted in favor of joining the debt-stricken European Union. Croatia's president Ivo Josipovic casts his ballot at a polling station... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message

22 show horses die in New Jersey barn fire
*Perilous Times* 21 January 2012 Last updated at 18:05 ET * 22 show horses die in New Jersey barn fire* A fire has ripped through a barn at a farm in the US state of New Jersey killing 22 show horses, each worth tens of thousands of dollars. The fire destroyed the barn at Heritage Acres farm in Lafayette early on... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 22 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Magnitude-6.3 Earthquake hits Fiji area of South Pacific
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Magnitude-6.3 Earthquake hits Fiji area of South Pacific* SUVA, Fiji --- A magnitude-6.3 earthquake has shaken the Pacific region south of the Fiji islands. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue any alerts or warnings after the quake.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:59am - 1 new of 1 message

Canada: Up to 68,000 public service jobs to be cut: report
*Perilous Times* Mon Jan 23, 08:42 AM * Canada: Up to 68,000 public service jobs to be cut: report* The Canadian Press Government spending cuts could cut up to 68,000 jobs from the public service over the next few years. (AP / David Goldman) OTTAWA --- Federal government spending cuts could chop between 60,000... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:56am - 1 new of 1 message

Fiji: Severe storms leave at least Two dead as Flooding has damaged roads, homes, bridges and crops
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Fiji: Severe storms leave at least Two dead as Flooding has damaged roads, homes, bridges and crops * Flooding in Fiji has damaged roads, homes, bridges and crops. [NaDraki Weather/Tomu Lawaniyasan] Two people have been killed in Fiji since torrential rain flooded large... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:54am - 1 new of 1 message

Australia: Queensland braced for flash flooding, monsoonal rain in worst weather since 2011 flood disaster
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Australia: Queensland braced for flash flooding, monsoonal rain in worst weather since 2011 flood disaster* By Brooke Baskin The Courier-Mail January 24, 2012 1:49PM FIRE crews have raced to the scene to find three motorists had swum to safety after their car became stuck in floodwaters at Kenmore Hills in... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:51am - 1 new of 1 message

Massive Damage as Severe weather, tornadoes slam US Southeast; 2 dead , at least 400 homes destroyed
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Massive Damage as Severe Weather, Tornadoes Slam US Southeast; 2 dead , at least 400 homes destroyed* By the CNN Wire Staff updated 6:51 PM EST, Mon January 23, 2012 Deadly storms, tornadoes rip through Southeast STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: National Weather Service confirms tornadoes in Arkansas, Alabama... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:13am - 1 new of 1 message

At least 50 whales of a pod of 90 have died after suicide stranding in New Zealand
*Perilous Times At least 50 whales of a pod of 90 have died after suicide stranding in New Zealand* WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A mass-stranding of whales on a New Zealand beach has left at least 50 of the creatures dead and threatens 40 more. Department of Conservation area manager John Mason said about 90 pilot... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:06am - 1 new of 1 message

3 killed in Arkansas, including relative of former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee
*Perilous Times 3 killed in Arkansas, including relative of former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee * LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Three people, including a distant cousin of former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, have died in a homicide and kidnapping case in Arkansas, police said Monday.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 2:00am - 1 new of 1 message

German Anti-Jewish feeling 'deep-rooted' in society
*Perilous Times* 23 January 2012 Last updated at 07:16 ET * German Anti-Jewish feeling 'deep-rooted' in society* Germany is seen as midway in the spread of anti-Semitism in Europe BBC - Anti-Jewish feeling is "significantly" entrenched in German society, according to a report by experts appointed by the Bundestag... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 1:58am - 1 new of 1 message

Australia: Massive storms cause river banks to burst, towns flooded in northern NSW
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Australia: Massive storms cause river banks to burst, towns flooded in northern NSW* AAP January 24, 2012 3:30PM RIVERS bloated by heavy rain are flooding communities on NSW's mid-north coast. The swollen Bellinger River burst its banks this morning, inundating... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - 1:33am - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquake shakes Dominican Republic
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquake shakes Dominican Republic* SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic January 24, 2012 (AP) An earthquake has shaken parts of the Dominican Republic north of the capital. The U.S. Geological Survey says the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.1. The epicenter was about 74 miles (120 kilometers)... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Chile struck by strong 6.2 Earthquake
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Chile struck by strong 6.2 Earthquake* AFP January 24, 2012 6:24AM AN EARTHQUAKE measuring 6.2 struck off the coast of central Chile toady, not far from the town of Concepcion devastated two years ago by a quake and tsunami, US experts said. The quake struck at a depth of 19 kilometers (12 miles) and was 50... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu renews speculation over military action against Iran
*Perilous Times Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu renews speculation over military action against Iran* Benjamin Netanyahu has renewed speculation that he is considering military action against Iran after he was accused of attempting to... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Strongest solar storm since 2005 hitting Earth
*Signs In The Sun, The Moon and the Stars Strongest solar storm since 2005 hitting Earth* AP January 24, 2012 6:20AM THE sun is bombarding Earth with radiation from the biggest solar storm in more than six years with more to come from the fast-moving eruption. The solar flare occurred at about 11 p.m. EST Sunday and will hit Earth... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Syria signs Russian military jet deal
*Perilous Times Syria signs Russian military jet deal* AFP January 23, 2012 8:36PM SYRIA has signed a $526.9 million contract to purchase 36 Yak-130 advanced fighter planes from Russia. The Kommersant business daily reported today that the deal was signed in December with Russia's Rosoboronexport state defence corporation.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Ninety whales have suicide stranded themselves on New Zealand beach
*Perilous Times Ninety whales have suicide stranded themselves on New Zealand beach* AFP A pod of 90 pilot whales have suicide stranded themselves at the top of New Zealand's South island, in the same area where dozens of whales died in a mass suicide stranding earlier this month, according to officials.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Nigeria: Christian Believers Gunned Down "while their eyes were closed in prayer"
*Faith Under Fire.... Nigeria: Christian Believers Gunned Down "while their eyes were closed in prayer"* First-hand report of a native missionary ministry leader supported by Christian Aid. Thank God for His grace and mercy. Today, we buried Jacob Eloiyi, one of our ministry supporters who was killed by Islamic terrorists. The... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

US Scientists predict strong Tornado Season
*Perilous Times US Scientists predict strong Tornado Season* by Staff Writers New York NY (SPX) Jan 23, 2012 The small size and complexity of tornadoes makes forecasting difficult. In 2008, a tornado hit Willmar, Minnesota with barely any warning. Credit: Steve Molenaar. Meteorologists can see a busy hurricane season brewing months ahead, but... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Colombia's Farc rebels destroy radar station
*Perilous Times * 21 January 2012 Last updated at 18:50 ET *Colombia's Farc rebels destroy radar station* Colombian troops are pursuing the rebels through the remote mountainous region Farc rebels in Colombia have destroyed a radar installation, disrupting civil aviation in the south and west of the country, the government says.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message

Deadly mosquito virus on rise in Australia
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Deadly mosquito virus on rise in Australia* AAP January 23, 2012 1:26PM CASES of a deadly mosquito-borne virus increased dramatically in Australia last year, with further outbreaks possible this summer. The Medical Journal of Australia says three people died and there were... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 23 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Up to 60 reported dead in Papua New Guinea landslide
*Perilous Times Up to 60 reported dead in Papua New Guinea landslide* By Eoin Blackwell in Port Moresby AAP January 25, 2012 10:44AM UP to 60 people are feared killed in a massive landslide which hit villages near the ExxonMobil-led LNG project in Papua New Guinea's Southern Highlands.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 24 - 1 new of 1 message

Car bombings kill 14 across Baghdad
*Perilous Times Car bombings kill 14 across Baghdad* AP January 24, 2012 9:31PM A WAVE of car bombings hit the Iraqi capital today, killing 14 people and wounding more than 70 as violence surges in the country amid an escalating political crisis a month after the US military withdrawal. At least 170 people have died in attacks since the beginning of the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 24 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days Update time = Thu Jan 26 3:52:13 UTC 2012 MAG < > UTC DATE-TIME... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Tornado watch issued as Heavy storms move across US South
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Tornado watch issued as Heavy storms move across US South* NewsCore January 26, 2012 9:34AM US residents in western Louisiana were under a tornado watch as severe thunderstorms continued to pummel the region with strong winds and heavy rains. The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch for more than 40... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Vandals destroy Jesus statue outside Boston church
*Perilous Times Vandals destroy Jesus statue outside Boston church* NewsCore January 26, 2012 8:28AM POLICE in the US are hunting vandals who destoryed a statue of Jesus outside a Roman Catholic church in Boston. Reverend Jack Ahern, from the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta at St Margaret's Church, discovered the statue had been vandalised on Sunday... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

82 whales dead after mass suicide beaching in New Zealand
*Perilous Times 82 whales dead after mass suicide beaching in New Zealand* By Dave Williams in Wellington AAP January 26, 2012 9:04AM THE last 33 pilot whales from a pod of 99 that stranded on Farewell Spit in New Zealand's Golden Bay have had to be shot after washing back onto the beach.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Report on Japan nuclear crisis said millions might need to leave homes; gov't kept it secret
*Perilous Times Report on Japan nuclear crisis said millions might need to leave homes; gov't kept it secret* By Mari Yamaguchi,Yuri Kageyama, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press TOKYO - The Japanese government's worst-case scenario at the height of the nuclear crisis last year warned that tens of millions of people,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

5 police officers shot dead in town outside Mexico City
*Perilous Times 5 police officers shot dead in town outside Mexico City* VALLE DE BRAVO, Mexico --- Five police officers were fatally shot after they stopped a vehicle in a town outside Mexico City, authorities said Tuesday. Mexico State prosecutor Alfredo Castillo Cervantes said the municipal officers from the town of Ixtapaluca had stopped the vehicle when a taxi... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

25 dead after Congo warlord returns to southeast
*Perilous Times 25 dead after Congo warlord returns to southeast* By SALEH MWANAMILONGO, Associated Press KINSHASA, Congo --- Aid workers declared "a humanitarian catastrophe" on Wednesday in southeastern Congo, and blamed the recent deaths of at least 25 people on a feared warlord who broke out of jail late last year.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Extradited Irish priest faces 55 sex abuse charges
*False Churches, False Brethren, False Gospels Extradited Irish priest faces 55 sex abuse charges* DUBLIN --- An Irish priest who was extradited from Brazil with British help has appeared in a Dublin court charged with 55 counts of sexually abusing 18 children. The judge ordered 72-year-old Peter Kennedy held without bail Wednesday... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Flesh-eating disease turns deadly in a matter of hours
*Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases Flesh-eating disease turns deadly in a matter of hours * Published On Tue Jan 24 2012 The Toronto Star Flesh-eating disease is the medical equivalent of being struck by lightning: it's extremely rare and very tragic. And the fact that it moves at breakneck speed, capable of killing a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Religious freedom under threat from courts, professor warns
*Perilous Times Religious freedom under threat from courts, professor warns* Oxford academic Roger Trigg points to 'clear trend' privileging secular values over religious conviction David Shariatmadari The Guardian, Wednesday 25 January 2012 Nadia Eweida was asked by her employer, British Airways, to conceal her... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Tibetan unrest spreads as two reported killed by Chinese troops
*Perilous Times Tibetan unrest spreads as two reported killed by Chinese troops* Chinese paramilitaries reportedly kill two more Tibetans during protests as US expresses 'grave concern' at violence Jonathan Watts in Beijing guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 January 2012 07.55 GMT Yonden, one of three Tibetans reportedly shot by police in Luhuo.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

India: Rampaging bus driver kills nine in Pune
*Perilous Times India: Rampaging bus driver kills nine in Pune* Police hold 30-year-old on murder charge after he drove bus into pedestrians and rammed vehicles in western Indian city Associated Press in New Delhi guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 January 2012 11.58 GMT Police and local people at the scene in Pune, India, where a bus driver... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

UK: Thieves seeking silver, brass and lead prey on churches
*Perilous Times UK: Thieves seeking silver, brass and lead prey on churches* Open door policy at places of worship under threat as antiquities and memorials are taken to sell for scrap David Shariatmadari guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 January 2012 15.00 GMT Holy Cross church in Ashton Keynes, Wiltshire was targeted and a... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

'Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012'
*Perilous Times 'Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012'* One of Israel's leading strategic analysts says the country's leadership believes air strikes can set back the Iranian nuclear programme by three to five years... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Large depleted Ozone hole opens above the Arctic
*Perilous Times Large depleted Ozone hole opens above the Arctic* by Staff Writers Karlsruhe, Germany (SPX) Jan 20, 2012 Strongly reduced ozone values (left, dark blue) and significantly increased concentration of chlorine monoxide (right, red) that is directly involved in ozone degradation. (Figure: IMK-ASF, KIT).... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Intense Tropical cyclone hits Mozambique, 12 dead: report
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Intense Tropical cyclone hits Mozambique, 12 dead: report* by Staff Writers Maputo (AFP) Jan 23, 2012 At least 12 people have been killed and thousands displaced when cyclone Funso hit central Mozambique at the weekend, state television said Monday. "The deaths occured in five districts in Zambezia" province, Mozambique... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Severe storms, flooding rains lash Texas
*Perilous Times Severe storms, flooding rains lash Texas* HOUSTON (AP) -- Rainstorms and strong winds across parts of Texas have left thousands of people without electricity and facing the threat of worse conditions. The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch for the Houston area until late Wednesday morning. The watch area also includes Bryan and... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Australia: Severe Storms, vicious floods, force Evacuations on NSW north coast
*Perilous Times Australia: Severe Storms, vicious floods, force Evacuations on NSW north coast* AAP January 25, 2012 7:26PM MASS evacuations are under way on NSW's north coast, with rivers overflowing from days of heavy rain inundating homes and isolating communities. Almost 2000 people were ordered out of caravan parks and homes along the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquake shakes northern Italy
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquake shakes northern Italy* MILAN | Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:14am EST (Reuters) - An earthquake struck northern Italy on Wednesday, surprising people travelling to work, but there were no reports of injuries or damage. The 4.9-magnitude quake hit at 3:06 a.m. ET about 33 kms underground... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message

New round of fierce floods hit northeastern Australia
*Perilous Times and Climate Change New round of fierce floods hit northeastern Australia * by Staff Writers Sydney (AFP) Jan 24, 2012 Flooding in northeastern Australia caused thousands of homes to lose power Tuesday and prompted authorities to start evacuations, around a year after deadly floods devastated the region.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 25 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Severe Storms Drench Texas, at Least 3 Tornadoes Reported 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Texas man stabs wife, in-laws to death 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

World's giant trees are dying off rapidly, studies show 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Climate change set to hit UK hard and the poorest hardest 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Many still missing as Mozambique tropical storms kill at least 30 people: officials 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Arizona proposes elective Bible study courses for high schools 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

US to cut almost 100,000 troops 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Australia: Massive floods in NSW continue to worsen 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26
Brazil: Five dead, dozens missing in the collapse of three Rio high-rise office buildings 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Russia: Woman on trial for killing 17 pensioners 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26
Brazil: City in chaos after three multi-story buildings collapse in Rio 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26

Strong 5.3 earthquake strikes near Guam, Northern Marianas Islands 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 26


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Australia: 10,000 ducks to be destroyed after bird flu detected on Victoria farms 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 27

Thousands battle massive forest fire inferno in southwestern China 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 27


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Australia: 10,000 ducks to be destroyed after bird flu detected on Victoria farms 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 27

Thousands battle massive forest fire inferno in southwestern China 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 27


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Japan: Thousands of animals abandoned and left to die ************ radiation contaminated exclusion zone
*Perilous Times Japan: Thousands of animals abandoned and left to die ************ radiation contaminated exclusion zone* By Kyung Lah, CNN updated 5:48 AM EST, Thu January 26, 2012 Animals left to die in ********* radiation contaminated zone STORY HIGHLIGHTS Nearly a year after the quake and tsunami, animal carcasses litter... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

98 deaths on Saturday, Arab League suspends observer mission in Syria
*Perilous Times 98 deaths on Saturday**, Arab League suspends observer mission in Syria* By the CNN Wire Staff updated 5:36 PM EST, Sat January 28, 2012 Arab League suspends Syria mission STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: Opposition activists report at least 98 deaths Saturday Syria "regrets" the Arab League move... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Magnitude 4.9 earthquake rattles Crete
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Magnitude 4.9 earthquake rattles Crete* The Associated Press ATHENS, Greece -- Greek authorities say an earthquake with preliminary 4.9-magnitude has shaken the country's southern Aegean islands, including Crete. No injuries or damage were immediately reported in the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Philippines: Strong Earthquake rocks 3 provinces
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Philippines: Strong Earthquake rocks 3 provinces* By Mar Arguelles Inquirer Southern Luzon 11:23 pm | Saturday, January 28th, 2012 LEGAZPI CITY---An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.5 rocked the provinces of Catanduanes, Sorsogon and Albay on Saturday morning, said... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

UK: Mystery deepens as Massive shower of blue jelly balls fall from sky over Bournemouth
*Perilous Times UK: Mystery deepens as Massive shower of blue jelly balls fall from sky over Bournemouth* The blue spheres are jelly-like but have no smell and are not sticky BBC - A man in Dorset has been left mystified after tiny blue spheres fell from the sky into his garden. Steve Hornsby from Bournemouth said the 3cm diameter balls came raining... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Italy: Costa Concordia Cruise ship death toll reaches 17 with 15 still missing
*Perilous Times Italy: Costa Concordia Cruise ship death toll reaches 17 with 15 still missing* By Lillian Rizzo AAP January 29, 2012 6:59AM DIVERS on Saturday found the body of a woman while searching the wrecked Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia, the 17th victim to be found. The woman found was a crew member, indicated by the uniform she was... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

26 killed in Peru rehab center fire
*Perilous Times 26 killed in Peru rehab center fire* AAP January 29, 2012 9:26AM A fire in a drug rehabilitation centre in Lima, Peru has killed at least 26 people and injured 10 others. A FIRE swept through a Lima private rehabilitation centre for addicts on Saturday, killing at least 26 people and injuring 10.... more »
By Pastor Dale Morgan - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message
-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert
*-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert* The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada Thursday, January 26, 2012 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

U.S. Cattle Inventory Drops to Lowest Since 1952 on Drought
*Perilous Times and Climate Change U.S. Cattle Inventory Drops to Lowest Since 1952 on Disastrous Drought * By Elizabeth Campbell - Jan 27, 2012 2:13 PM PT Bloomburg News U.S. cattle inventories fell to the lowest in 60 years after a drought in the South scorched pastures, prompting ranchers to shrink herds.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Continuing Drought in West Africa will kill millions
*Perilous Times and Climate Change Continuing Drought in West Africa will kill millions* JOHANNESBURG--- From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 8:11PM EST Last updated Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 9:14PM EST After thousands died needlessly because of the slow response to the Somalia famine last year, the world's donor nations now face another... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

US to send floating commando base to Mideast: report
*Perilous Times US to send floating commando base to Mideast: report* AFP The US military plans to send a large floating base for commando teams to the Middle East amid rising tensions with Iran and intensifying fighting in Yemen, according to The Washington Post. Citing unspecified procurement documents, the newspaper said the Navy is... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message
Massive Releases of Radiation Slows Japan Tsunami, Earthquake clean-up
*Perilous Times Massive Releases of Radiation Slows Japan Tsunami, Earthquake clean-up* by Staff Writers Tokyo (AFP) Jan 27, 2012 Giant piles of debris from Japan's earthquake and tsunami scar the country's once picturesque northeast coast -- and the clear-up is hamstrung by fears the rubbish may be contaminated by massive amounts of... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong earthquake shakes Japan
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong earthquake shakes Japan* By Associated Press, Friday, January 27, 3:05 PM TOKYO --- A magnitude-5.5 earthquake rattled Yamanashi prefecture in central Japan on Saturday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reported. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and no... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Another strong Earthquake shakes northern Italy
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places* 27 January 2012 Last updated at 10:51 ET *Another strong Earthquake shakes northern Italy* Wednesday's earthquake caused minor damage to this church, near Parma Northern Italy has been hit by an earthquake of magnitude 5.3, the second tremor in the area this week.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Spain's unemployment total passes five million
*Perilous Times* 27 January 2012 Last updated at 09:25 ET * Spain's unemployment total passes five million* BBC - Spain's unemployment figure passed the five million mark in the last quarter of 2011, official figures show. The National Statistics Institute said 5.3 million people were out of work at the end of December, up from 4.9 million in the third quarter.... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Iran moving closer to stage where it will be too late to destroy nuclear facilities, Israel warns
*Perilous Times Iran moving closer to stage where it will be too late to destroy nuclear facilities, Israel warns* Iran is moving closer to the point when it will be too late to destroy its nuclear facilities with a precision air strike,... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Syria: claims of 'racial cleansing' as 14 family members are killed
*Perilous Times Syria: claims of 'racial cleansing' as 14 family members are killed* Even by the numbing standards of Syria's uprising, the most brutal of the Arab Spring, the images are harrowing. Bodies lie at a mortuary in Homs By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent 6:00PM GMT 27 Jan 2012... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Strong Earthquakes continue to shake Greek islands
*Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places Strong Earthquakes continue to shake Greek islands * AP January 27, 2012 9:05PM AN earthquake with preliminary 5.2-magnitude has shaken Greece's southern Aegean Sea islands, the second in two days. Civil protection officials said no damage to buildings was immediately... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Suicide bomber kills 32 in Baghdad
*Perilous Times Suicide bomber kills 32 in Baghdad* AP January 28, 2012 12:04AM A SUICIDE bomber has detonated an explosives-packed car near a funeral procession in southeastern Baghdad, killing at least 32 people in the latest brazen attack since the US troop withdrawal from Iraq. Police officials said the blast occurred at 11am in the predominantly... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Thirteen killed in Russian Caucasus violence
*Perilous Times Thirteen killed in Russian Caucasus violence* AP January 28, 2012 12:39AM AN Islamist warlord, seven militants, four officers and one civilian have been killed in three separate incidents in Russia's violence-plagued southern Caucasus region. Russia's Anti-Terrorist Committee spokesman Nikolai Sintsov said the... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message

Near Miss: Bus-sized asteroid flies by earth
*Signs In The Sun, The Moon and The Stars Near Miss: Bus-sized asteroid flies by earth* From correspondents in Washington AFP January 28, 2012 11:08AM AN asteroid about the size of a bus shaved by Earth on Friday in what spacewatchers described as a "near-miss," though experts were not... more »
By -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- - Jan 28 - 1 new of 1 message


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Pentagon Upgrading its bunker-buster bomb to Target Iran's Underground Facilities 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

New Zealand: Strong 6.2 Earthquake Hits off Kermadec Islands 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

100 Firefighters Battle Raging Bushfire in W Australia's South West 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Arresting Christians costs U.S. city $100,000 - Judge orders officials to pay up in stunning dispute 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Extreme heat dries up world wheat yields as world warms - study 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Japan finds new leaks of highly radioactive water at stricken nuclear plant 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Israel: Netanyahu pessimistic on Mideast peace prospects 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Police: Officers called to investigate robbery find 5 dead bodies inside house in Birmingham, Alabama 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Indonesian Christians protest over intimidation attacks 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Africa: Typhoid fever epidemic sweeps Zimbabwe 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

-The worldwide public realises there is something deeply wrong with today's world economic system 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Florida interstate crashes 'horrendous,' leaves 10 dead 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Syria: 175 dead as violent clashes erupt near Damascus 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Afghan family living in Canada guilty in honour killing of three teenage sisters and another wife 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Death toll from Brazil buildings collapse reaches 17 with at least 25 still missing 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Could you survive an extreme weather disaster? 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Rabbinical Scholar emphasizes New Testament's Jewish roots 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Australia: Emergency warning issued as raging bushfire spreads through southwest 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29

Indonesia: Death toll from massive storms rises to 14 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 29


Re: Bible Prophecy News & Great Earthquakes in Divers Places! - January 2012

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Asthma rate and costs from traffic-related air pollution are much higher than once believed 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

Biblical Plagues of Locusts still devastate agriculture today 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

January has been an unusually violent month for tornadoes in the USA: 70 twisters have been reported. And more could be on the way. 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

Christians face wave of persecution, losing freedoms in Arab Spring movement 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

A 15-year-old US boy arrested for murdering adoptive parents 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

Winter cold snap kills 36 in Europe 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

A POWERFUL earthquake has injured scores of people, buckled buildings and caused power outages on the coast south of Lima 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

Strong 6.3 earthquake shakes Peru 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30

Search goes on for thousands of Japan's tsunami missing 1 new of 1 -Pastor-Dale-Morgan- (1 author) Jan 30
