Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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TWINS (Confirmation)

My name is Justin and I come across the RFTH forum very often. However, I would love to post but I dont have a pw..but thats ok. Theres so much I would like to share. I was trying to find someones email adress so i could possible get some help to encourage fellow beleivers that we are soon to be out of here.

Recently, I came across a woman (Grace?) who had a dream about a pregnancy and the Rapture being during that time 1-3 mths; to find out she is actually pregnant.

This may be a little long but I know that you will jump for joy and post this email to our fellow brothers and sister on the site!

When I was 16 yrs old. (Now 22) I had a very vivid dream almost real!!! In this dream I was preaching in a church and the Holy Spirit was moving. The Spirit of the Lord was so tangibe; like a glistening olive oil in the air just floating. So golden and amazing! i was laying hands on people and miracles were happenening all over. I woke up around 2-3 AM and I kid you not my right hand (in the dream was using) was shaking uncontrollably and burning as if it was on fire. So I tried to shake it off and try to go back tyo sleep. The dream continued and the pastor of the church was at the alter with me and was speaking to me about things and God spoke to him to tell me thses words: " The Lord told me to tell you Your TWINS will FULLFIL LEGACY!) Then I woke up.

Weeks later a high school friend of mine called me on a Sat. (still 16) She was super happy and she told me that she had a dream about me. She said in her dream that I was preaching in a church and I had TWINS; a boy and a girl.

For 6-7yrs. I had no idea what this dream meant. I've tried to analyze this over and over, putting the pieces of this "PUZZLE' together. April 18th, 2007 my daughter was born..no twins, July 27th 2010..my son was born No twins..I'm married now at 22 yrs old. Never had twins so I thought it was just a dream. But I never forgot this dream.

Comes to find out that during the season of Hanukkah 2010: We conceived a baby. My wife was pregnant again. So when it was time to see the doctors to see what we were having, my wife came up to me a said "Guess what Anyla (daughter) said to me?" "She said my arms are going to be heavy holding those 2 babies!" 'So I asked her if there was 2 babies in there and she said yes.

We brushed it off though..as the ultrasound was happenning i was confident that one was in there..but the doctor shouted out "There's 2 heads!" As sound as she said that..my heart dropped and "your twins are going to fullfill your legacy came running rampant in my head over and over again!"


So, here;s the part where I'm jumping for joy!!!!!! The Greek word used here is pleroo (πληρόω). This downstream Greek word means to fill up or to make full. (Fullfill)

The Hebrew word for for (Legacy) is "morreshet" or "morrasha", which means a SPIRITUAL LEGACY. The only spiritual legacy or inheritace we have is being the nations that are blessed through Abraham's seed (Christ). Salvation is our inheritace..getting it yet????
The inspiration I recieved is this..Salvation isn't just when we come to Christ and his redemptive covenant, there's more to it. Salvation mean to be delievered from destruction! (wrath) Our salvation WILL be COMPLETE (made full) when Christ appears (Rapture) God did not appoint us to wrath (destruction) but to obtain Salavation thought Christ.
So the dream means to me that my twins which were born July 27th, 2011, are a sign that the completion of our spirtual inheritace (rapture-salvation) (our salvation physically) will be made!!! Prasie Jesus.

But their due date actually is August 13th..the same day of a meteor shower???? Could this be it...We shall see. And does Grace's dream somehow tie in to this???? I'm super anxious! But after thought and meditation, I KNOW that this was something the Holy Spirit placed in my life to discover for a reason. Please, note I am not saying that the Rapture will happen on their actual dute date (August 13th, 2011).

Justin B.

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Welcome to Rapture Flight Justin! Your story is amazing and also the punch line about "fulfilled" or "fulfillment". Makes me think of Jesus talking about the FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES occurring before God's attention goes back to completing Israel's timeline. Has the fullness of the gentiles now come about? Sure hope so!

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Yeah, really, Texas Sue! Welcome to our friendly forum, Justin! Glad to have you with us.

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)



I had JUST gotten off the phone with my prophecy partner
who told me to call her if I heard "anything"!!! Although
I am VERY interested in dreams, she is sometimes not, but,
this time I HAD TO CALL HER!!!

You will NOT believe what happened!!!

After reading her your post, she wanted to find out about
the meaning of Perseus and ran and found a book by James
Kennedy. The "meaning" (and "HOPEFULLY" the "timing")
TOTALLY "FIT" the description of the RAPTURE!!!!!!!

From: LINK

..."Dr. James Kennedy, has written a book entitled, The Real
...Meaning Of The Zodiac, in which he described the meaning
...of all twelve of the constellations of the Zodiac with
...their decans. In his explanation on pages eighty-six
...through page eighty-nine, he describes the constellation,
...Perseus, The Breaker, as another picture of Jesus Christ,
...who cuts off the head of Medusa (Satan) and sets the
...chained Andromeda (picture of the Church) free, taking
...her home with to His heavenly throne, where He makes
...her His bride."


"COME, LORD JESUS!!!!!!!!!!"


LINKS to Perseid Meteor Shower


Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Friday, But Watch Wednesday Morn


To catch the best view of a prolific meteor shower, scrap your
plans tonight and get to bed for an early morning tomorrow.

The Perseid meteor shower sprinkles Earth with cometary dust
every year from July to August. This year the event peaks the
mornings of Aug. 12 and 13 around 2 a.m. local time for northern
stargazers and 6 a.m. for those in the southern hemisphere.

But there’s a problem: The moon is waxing, and it’s full this weekend.

Theoretically, stargazers can catch between 50 and 80 shooting stars
per hour from the darkest and most remote viewing locations. The full
moon, however, will rise at dusk and set near dawn through the Perseids’
peak. The bright light will obscure most cometary debris that happen
to streak through Earth’s thick atmosphere as meteors.

To get the best view, plan for a very early rise tomorrow, just after
the moon sets. For most stargazers, the moon will sink below the
horizon around 3 a.m. local time.

Meteorwatch Trailer 2011


Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

cool trailer calvin, I just gotta borrow this, thanks

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Do I 100% believe that my dream and the rapture of the Church have alot in common? I do with all my heart. And I'm so sorry..I stand corrected. I was 15. not 16. While I was driving my forklift working it dawned on me! 7 yrs ago!!!!!
7= COMPLECTION God completed this dream he started 7 yrs ago.
on the 7th month on the 27th



Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

We just had an X7 class solar flare from the sun on 9 August 2011, which also happens to be 9th of Av in Jewish calendar this year.

"7" stands for spiritual completion and perfection in biblical meaning of numbers.

Justin, your twins were born on 27 July 2011, the exact same day of my pregnancy discovery.

The popularly trusted BabyCenter website states that my 2nd trimester should correctly begin at week-14 of my pregnancy, which is on 27 September 2011. The September new moon (near Feast of Trumpets) is also on the 27th.

My expected date of delivery is on 27 March 2012.

This number "27" just keeps popping up! Or perhaps, pure coincidence? We shall see... Justin, your dream fulfillment is an encouragement for me!! Thanks.

Calvin, about the Perseid meteor shower that stems from constellation Perseus, I tell you something freaky...

Just yesterday, I watched a 2006 movie titled EarthStorm, about an asteroid collision with our moon in space.

There, I noticed the name of the space shuttle that went forth to perform a rescue mission on the moon. The name was PERSEUS !!

Prophetic or coincidental? You decide.

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)


You wrote:

"There, I noticed the name of the space shuttle
that went forth to perform a rescue mission on
the moon. The name was PERSEUS !!

Prophetic or coincidental? You decide."

PERSEUS would be the PERFECT name for a "RESCUE" Shuttle
when you look at it's meaning!!!!!

I just went out on my screen porch which faces the
west and an INCREDIBLE storm is now passing over.
It is like a HUGE FISH NET across the South from
Mississippi to South Carolina!!!

Things just keep ADDING UP!!




Zechariah 9
The LORD Will Appear
14 Then the LORD will appear over them;
his arrow will flash like lightning.
The Sovereign LORD will sound the trumpet;
15 and the LORD Almighty will shield them.
They will destroy
and overcome with slingstones.
They will drink and roar as with wine;
they will be full like a bowl
used for sprinkling the corners of the altar.
16 The LORD their God will save his people on that day
as a shepherd saves his flock.
17 How attractive and beautiful they will be!
Grain will make the young men thrive,
and new wine the young women.

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Welcome to RFTH Justin! Your dream seems to have been fulfilled as far as having twins. I'm hoping that the rapture of the church is very, very soon! God bless you Justin!


Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Justin, Thank you so much for sharing this! God is so good! I was awe struck over many parts of your amazing story. I was recently studying "redemption" and "redeemed" in my own Bible studies, and I came to the same conclusion that you did. We are currently redeemed by the blood of Jesus, but our redemption won't be complete until the rapture and the resurrection! Notice in Revelation that all the redeemed throughout are given white garments. That's when all the saints are given their white clothes, at our redemption, at the rapture/wedding of the bride and the Lamb! I noticed that all the groups of people in Revelation that are given or have white garments, that it signifies that they've been given their new glorified bodies. That's when our salvation/redemption will finally be complete!
I am rambling, because I am excited. I hope this made sense.
God bless you and your family! Maranatha!

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Welcome Justin to RFTH
And Congratulation!
I have twins and they were so fun when they were little.

I love your testimony!
I am excited how your twins were born on the day; Grace found out she was going to have a child.


I wonder if Shannon's daughter saw the meteor shower and thought it was fireworks?

I am still impressed that post.
.. out of the mouth of babes

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Hi Justin and welcome!!!and Shelby too!!!,

What A Cool Dream!!! and WOW to have twins too!!!

Its so interesting to learn what other people realize, and with all these interesting connections.

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

AMEN, Texas Sue and Deborah

Tu B'Av is just a few days away!
A perfect day for a wedding!

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Hello to everyone and thank you for all the love and welcome (s)! It feels great to be among my eternal family. lol..

but there is SO much I want to share in relation to this dream that I had 7 yrs ago. From conception until even after birth, things in the world on a GLOBAL scale..went from bad to worse, just as my wife's LABOR pains. Almost gotta clock out from work but as the Spirit leads tonight I'll pray and write everything down until next time!- See you in the clouds very soon everyone! :)

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

That video trailer reminds me of this thread

I wonder if this is the Red Dragon mention in Revelation. Remember the Red Dragon Drills in different states? Have anyone one notice stores stocking up on water?

Looking forward to your future posts!
We will be happy to chat with you in heaven soon, too

Re: TWINS (Confirmation)

Hello, Justin and welcome aboard Rapture Flight to Heaven!

Thanks for posting the email you sent, and I see you have our password after I sent it. LOL!!!

Again, congratulation on your twins! You're a very young man with 4 children!!! Great to be a young Father! A lot of work for a young Mother too!!! LOL!!

Your dream and you story is fascinating, and I believe there is a good possibility that the Rapture will come to pass very soon too!

Justin, since you're new around here, I always give people whom never posted a bit of a break. This really belongs in the Dreams, Visions, & Prophecy Forum which is at the url below:

Dreams, Visions & Prophecy Forum

Don't worry about it this time but next time your posting a dream, vision or prophecy, please post it at the forum link above. You can post anything else here at the main forum except for these that are mentioned. Thanks!

It looks like we may be leaving very soon now. Many signs, Dreams, Visions & Prophecies!!!

Look up our redemption draws nigh!!!

God Bless!,
