Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

I am pasting in the link below for "The Reponse" website for anyone who is interested in joining in by webcast tomorrow. This is the time of prayer called for by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas for our nation. For an elected official to call for a day of prayer is very significant right now and carries great weight legally in the area of spiritual warfare. Remember that satan is a legalist.

My answer to all who feel that its over and America is doomed, my response is that we have been commanded by Jesus to "occupy till I come". My feelings about our nation's condition has been down lately. But I am talking to myself as well as you when I say that we are charged with the responsibility to pray for God's intervention in human affairs until the day we leave this earth either by death or by rapture. It may be well to note that by praying to break satan's strongholds over the nation, its people and its leaders we are clearing the "air space" for God's power to flow down and finish the harvest and ushering in the rapture of the church.

I have been praying for God to show me why we in Texas are locked under this "heat dome/high pressure area". Today I know the answer. There is great warfare in the heavens over us because the forces of demonic darkness does not want this prayer meeting to happen and think that heating things up will stop the voices of the anointed of God from speaking out. So if you plan to go - GREAT! If not, then join in at home by webcast wherever you are - don't have to be a Texan - and storm the heavens in unity with those who are on site in Houston. God Bless!


Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

what time is it Texas Sue? I might not be home most of the day but I will still come in agreement if I miss it.

Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

Heidi, it will be from 10 am to 5 pm CDT, but the website webcam is set to start at 9 am. I suppose that is so we can be in on the gathering, assembling and set up for the day. Hope you get to tune in and pray along.

Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

GREAT IDEA Texas Sue!!! Count me in, I agree with your assessment,

I want to pray with you and all for our nation and people. Maybe Satan will be cast down and we will go up!!! YEA!!!

Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

From 5 Doves today:

Shelva Sirry (6 Aug 2011)
"With All Due Respect To Joseph Farah Re: Rick Perry"


First of all even if Gov. Perry had said he was ok with same-sex marriage, that does not mean he cannot hold that personal view and still be saved by the blood of Jesus and be a real Christian. We real Christians do not believe all the same things. For example; Christians who do not believe in abortion will say it is ok in the case of pregnancy resulting because of rape. NO. Either it is murder or it is not. NO situation ethics. But, I know good Christians who honestly believe that is acceptable to God.

Now to the truth of the matter: Dear Brother Farah, you are wrong! I believe it is an honest mistake on your part but you misread what Gov. Perry said. He did NOT say same-sex marriage is ok with him. When Perry said about New York, "that the issue is their business, and that's fine with me" Perry was saying only that it is fine with him that the state is using their right to decide on an issue for their state.

Perry has signed a same-sex marriage ban in the past. Thursday Perry said on Christian radio "that same-sex marriage is obviously...NOT fine with me." He stated that while he supports states rights, he supports a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. He also supports a Federal ban on abortion. I know of no other politician who has taken such a strong stand in office for his Christian beliefs. (And believe me, if Perry runs for President in 2012, that and this prayer rally will cost him the nomination!)

Non Christian faiths are speaking out against this event because it is TOO Christian. Muslims are against it. Athiests are against it. Pro-death people are against it. Many of these same groups are planning to picket the event. With all this godless opposition can anyone really tell me they think God will not honor and bless these prayers? Really?

One broadcast said God would not hear the prayers nor bless The Response because Believers were unequally yoked with unbelievers. Not so. Unbelievers do not fast. And joining someone in prayer at a one time event is not yoked either. Our God knows how to seperate the wheat from the tares. He knows each heart of those joining in corporate prayer. Those people who may not be the real deal will not hold back God's blessings on those who are sincere in their prayers for our land.

Satan wants us all divided against each other. Jesus said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." Are we just going to hand over America to the devil because we all don't believe every little thing the same? God said in the Word that we need to "GROW UP into Christ" and I think it is high time we do so. Stop this "I'm so right and you are so wrong". Until we can all come into the unity of the faith and the hand can say to the foot, "I have need of you" and respect our different places in the Body, God is disgusted with each one who refuses to do things His way.

Dear Ones, please stop listening to all those who criticize everything. Pray about what you should do and follow God. He is the only One who knows it all and can guide us. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Let Him do His job. God looks upon the heart. With that He will overlook our small mistakes, if we get involved with the wrong crowd but with the right motive. He will move mountains for US even if others involved are not truly sincere! "Ye have not because ye ask not." He is waiting for someone to ASK. Can't we at least do that for our Country?

May God bless us, one and all, who stand for Him.


Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

Another 5 Doves post:

Sandra Jean (6 Aug 2011)
"Rick Perry and Saturday's Call to Prayer & Fasting"


This is so encouraging; I waited 8 years for George Bush to do the same. America's governors have been invited -- should be interesting to see who shows (Brownback?). I understand the governors of Maine and Alaska are declaring August 6 a statewide day of prayer. Leadership for the event met at Reliant Stadium and prayed that Jesus alone would be honored there on Saturday. The liberal (anti) Christians are upset because he's not including all faiths. Hopefully this courageous and Godly man makes the decision to run for president!

Rick Perry writes on his website: "There is hope for America. It lies in heaven, and we will find it on our knees."

Daily Oklahoma newspaper column discussed Texas Gov. Rick Perry's involvement with a Christian prayer event called "The Response." The prayer gathering is Saturday at Houston's Reliant Stadium, and Perry asked other U.S. governors and Christian leaders to attend. Perry called on Texans to pray for rain in April. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin recently called on Oklahomans to pray for rain. I asked for reader input on two questions: Do you think Rick Perry's involvement with "The Response" gathering is appropriate for a governor? Do you think governors should call for prayer? Here are reader responses, along with their city, faith and denomination, if it was included. The two or three anonymous email responses I received are not included:
Robert Driskell, Oklahoma City, Christian: "I think that our nation's current condition (morally, financially, socially, culturally, etc.) is a direct result of our neglect (a nice word for 'rejection') of God. We are, with the help of those such as Richard Dawkins and his colleagues, quickly becoming a nation who mocks and ridicules the things we should be considering sacred and essential. If it is required of Christians to put away their beliefs when they are in public office, shouldn't the same also be required of atheists and agnostics. However, you never hear that charge being. In short, I believe that actions such as Gov. Perry's and Gov. Fallin's are not only appropriate, but commendable. They realize, as fewer and fewer do today, that our hope is not in ourselves, but in the God who created us ... and His Son, Jesus Christ."

Pat Nichols, Edmond, Christian: "The real problem is the great majority of Americans, including many who call themselves Christians, do not understand the truth that Jesus Christ brought to those who know Him and who, in turn, have received the Holy Spirit. Gov. Perry, as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, is called to share the good news of the gospel by the calling and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This calling has nothing to do with politics or being 'politically correct.' What atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. need to understand is that a follower of Jesus Christ serves the Christian God first."

Jan Howard, Oklahoma City, Christian: A governor is elected to lead his state. When he/she is elected, their faith (regardless of what it is) is known and accepted. If those that do not agree with him so choose, they can move. But just as we Christians are expected to accept/respect other religions, should we not expect them to accept/respect ours? Governors ABSOLUTELY have the right to - the responsibility - to ask for prayer, just as other groups have the right (should they be elected) to ask their constituents to pray or whatever they do. 'The Response' gathering is just that, a gathering. Do those that are opposing it never have 'gatherings'? Would they not expect to be allowed to attend? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Would they prefer to be the goose or the gander?

Marlene Haworth, Bethany: "Yesssss, our elected officials DO need to call on prayer. Lord knows we have enough politicians who are afraid of their own shadows and bow to the concept that they must not express their own beliefs in God for fear they will be 'politically incorrect.'"

Mrs. Thurman Norton, Sulphur, Christian: "Gov. Perry and Gov. Fallin are both American citizens and free to pray to Jesus and their God. As far as prayer to God and Jesus being an affront to our Founding Fathers, Mr. Dawkins should check on his history. All the Founding Fathers prayed to God. They had a church in the Capitol building. I think involvement with "The Response" gathering is appropriate for any Christian to exercise his faith in his God, including the governor. No one is trying to make Mr. Dawkins or any one of another faith (or lack of faith) pray to anyone. The Jews, Muslims, Hindus are free to pray to whomever - or not pray at all. But we Christians have the same right to pray to God and Jesus Christ."

Staci Elder Hensley, Oklahoma City: "If people don't want a professed Christian in office, then they shouldn't elect a professed Christian to office. Denying him the right to speak out and organize Christian-focused events is denying him his rights to free speech and free exercise of religion. A note - presidents throughout our country's history have gone to whatever form of media they possessed at the time and asked our citizens to pray. Doesn't mean they have to - or that they have to say a Christian prayer."

Nita Overby, Oklahoma City, Christian (Baptist): "You asked 'Do you think governors should call for prayer?' I should hope there would be no need - people would come to this
special time on their on. Our country is so blessed for each Christian governor who leads the people in prayer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Shelva Sleeper, Christian (Baptist): "This country was based on freedom of religion - that's why the English wanted to establish a new country. I feel our government has left out Jesus Christ. No one should be ashamed of their belief in Christ or afraid to pray. Of course, I like to hear of governors, or any other politician, praying. George Washington prayed for his men at the Delaware River. Why have we changed? These changes lead to rape, robbery, murder, any kind of crime. I admire Gov. Rick Perry. I wish I could meet him and tell him that I admire his courage. Also, Gov. Mary Fallin. Who else do we have - nobody on earth can solve a problem or lack of rain, but our Heavenly Father."

Patsy Lou Lyles: "Yes, governors, senators, representatives, the president and every American should call on prayer for our country. Not just call, but pray every day for America. Thank you Gov. Perry."

The Rev. Steve Kern, Oklahoma City, Christian (Southern Baptist): "I plan to attend 'The Response.' This isn't about politics. This is about the people of God getting together and praying."

Mary Stoldt, Oklahoma City: "I hope that I am one of at least a thousand Christians who have answered your request for an opinion on this issue! Of course it is appropriate for Gov. Perry to call his state to pray for the nation. Our nation was founded on the Christian faith. The very idea that a British atheist shared his view of our founders is outrageous! Many of our founders were ministers of the gospel of Christ. ... I'm saddened that our nation is in the current state of unbelief. I am 75 and have seen the slide from what were days of firm belief to those of the current unbelief on the part of so many. But, maybe the church is partly to blame. Sad, but true. At any rate, good for the governor of Texas."

Duane Tutor, Edmond: "What is it that people don't understand about America's freedom of speech, religion and opinions? I truly endorse any and all peoples that endorse their Christian faith. That would include the politicians that are supposed to be making monumental decisions on the public's behalf. So study the Bible and show me things that would be immoral or impractical of Jesus' teachings. As a Christian of Baptist faith, and an American, I am of the belief that all others have a right, no, the privilege of expressing their faith and beliefs. I personally, truly believe that if this nation had faith in prayer and Jesus, that things would be better off. In my opinion, what is wrong is if Gov. Perry (or the government) had the power, law or control to make people pray and/or worship as they (government) see fit. Remember he (Perry) is inviting governors and others to attend. After all that voters will judge if they think that is the right approach."

Barbara Riggs, Oklahoma City, Christian: "Yes to your questions about elected leaders calling for prayer, not only for rain but help with our nation's other problems. Our nation was established on God's principles along with our constitution. Since we are a nation who grants religious freedom to all maybe we need to remember the word 'all'. It certainly wouldn't hurt us to remember that calling on the Lord for help also requires us to ask for forgiveness for not living according to His laws. We are not promised happiness, joy and peace alone, but heartache and hard times too."

Mary Wheeler, Elk City, Christian (Assemblies of God): "This country was founded on faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's why we were called a Christian nation. We have every right to pray so do our leaders. I am very proud of Mary Fallin and Gov. Rick Perry for calling for prayer for rain and repentance of the country. Our forefathers founded the country on prayer and faith in God. We are still free to express our faith regardless of what anyone outside our faith says."

Joyce Waddell, Oklahoma City, Christian (Baptist): "I not only believe Gov. Perry's statement calling the nation (all of us) to call upon Jesus, but for all politicians in government all the way to President Barack Obama to call on the God our Founding Fathers called on in establishing our country in the beginning. All our former presidents had their spiritual mentors, including the most notable one Billy Graham. I believe in the Christian God of the Bible."

Roma Rogers, Oklahoma City (Southern Baptist): "I truly believe our governors of Oklahoma and our neighboring state of Texas have the right to stand up and let their states know they believe in the one and only true God. Our nation of the United States was founded on our rights of religion, and this is what is wrong with the USA. Too many of our leaders have turned their back on God, and I believe our nation is being punished for this."

Read more: http://newsok.com/readers-share-their-thoughts-about-oklahoma-and-texas-governors-calls-to-prayer/article/3591675#ixzz1UCRL2Lsp

Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6


The only HOPE now is BLESSED HOPE

"On Saturday, we need to stop everything we're doing--stop working, playing, entertaining ourselves, texting, emailing, Facebooking, eating--and just spend it with the Lord in prayer for our country."

By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Denver, Colorado, August 5, 2011)

-- Here's one sobering headline that caught my eye this morning: "Global stocks tumble amid recession fears: Market panic spreads across globe as investors fear double-dip recession." Here's another: "Dow's losing streak now in ninth day; Dow's losing streak unmatched since 1978."

U.S. and global markets have been severely rattled in recent weeks by the inability or unwillingness of politicians in Washington to make the truly serious and dramatic reforms necessary to move our country back from the brink of bankruptcy. Our national debt now equals 100% of our GDP. America hasn't faced a debt crisis this serious since we were fighting for our lives against the Nazis in World War II. Meanwhile, millions of Americans remain out of work. Millions are losing their homes. Nearly 46 million Americans are now on government food stamps. No wonder a stunning 73% of Americans say our country is on the "wrong track."

America is in trouble, morally, spiritually and financially. Yet no one seems to have any answers. The politicians seem clueless. The media certainly doesn't have any answers. Academia seems more out of touch than ever. Sadly, far too many Church leaders are asleep, as well -- or too timid, or drifting off course spiritually and theologically - just at the time they could and should be powerfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ as the only real hope of mankind. God hasn't failed us. We have failed God. Christ is ready to come help us, care for us, get us back on the right track, if we would only turn to Him en masse. The Church's job is to be a light to the nations, ours and the world. But too much of the Church is sleeping. We need a wake up callOPE

Re: Critically Important -Saturday, 8/6

A news article about the rally said there were about 25,000 present. The Reliant stadium website said its capacity is 70,000 and as the cameras moved around the stadium it looked like all the seats were full and the entire field was full. That is way more than 25,000. That doesn't include the innumerable number who tuned in and prayed with them by webcast as we did. God knows and I believe He will answer. God bless!