For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
I am pasting in the link below for "The Reponse" website for anyone who is interested in joining in by webcast tomorrow. This is the time of prayer called for by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas for our nation. For an elected official to call for a day of prayer is very significant right now and carries great weight legally in the area of spiritual warfare. Remember that satan is a legalist.
My answer to all who feel that its over and America is doomed, my response is that we have been commanded by Jesus to "occupy till I come". My feelings about our nation's condition has been down lately. But I am talking to myself as well as you when I say that we are charged with the responsibility to pray for God's intervention in human affairs until the day we leave this earth either by death or by rapture. It may be well to note that by praying to break satan's strongholds over the nation, its people and its leaders we are clearing the "air space" for God's power to flow down and finish the harvest and ushering in the rapture of the church.
I have been praying for God to show me why we in Texas are locked under this "heat dome/high pressure area". Today I know the answer. There is great warfare in the heavens over us because the forces of demonic darkness does not want this prayer meeting to happen and think that heating things up will stop the voices of the anointed of God from speaking out. So if you plan to go - GREAT! If not, then join in at home by webcast wherever you are - don't have to be a Texan - and storm the heavens in unity with those who are on site in Houston. God Bless!
what time is it Texas Sue? I might not be home most of the day but I will still come in agreement if I miss it.
Heidi, it will be from 10 am to 5 pm CDT, but the website webcam is set to start at 9 am. I suppose that is so we can be in on the gathering, assembling and set up for the day. Hope you get to tune in and pray along.
GREAT IDEA Texas Sue!!! Count me in, I agree with your assessment,
I want to pray with you and all for our nation and people. Maybe Satan will be cast down and we will go up!!! YEA!!!
From 5 Doves today:
Another 5 Doves post:
The only HOPE now is BLESSED HOPE
"On Saturday, we need to stop everything we're doing--stop working, playing, entertaining ourselves, texting, emailing, Facebooking, eating--and just spend it with the Lord in prayer for our country."
By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Denver, Colorado, August 5, 2011)
-- Here's one sobering headline that caught my eye this morning: "Global stocks tumble amid recession fears: Market panic spreads across globe as investors fear double-dip recession." Here's another: "Dow's losing streak now in ninth day; Dow's losing streak unmatched since 1978."
U.S. and global markets have been severely rattled in recent weeks by the inability or unwillingness of politicians in Washington to make the truly serious and dramatic reforms necessary to move our country back from the brink of bankruptcy. Our national debt now equals 100% of our GDP. America hasn't faced a debt crisis this serious since we were fighting for our lives against the Nazis in World War II. Meanwhile, millions of Americans remain out of work. Millions are losing their homes. Nearly 46 million Americans are now on government food stamps. No wonder a stunning 73% of Americans say our country is on the "wrong track."
America is in trouble, morally, spiritually and financially. Yet no one seems to have any answers. The politicians seem clueless. The media certainly doesn't have any answers. Academia seems more out of touch than ever. Sadly, far too many Church leaders are asleep, as well -- or too timid, or drifting off course spiritually and theologically - just at the time they could and should be powerfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ as the only real hope of mankind. God hasn't failed us. We have failed God. Christ is ready to come help us, care for us, get us back on the right track, if we would only turn to Him en masse. The Church's job is to be a light to the nations, ours and the world. But too much of the Church is sleeping. We need a wake up callOPE
A news article about the rally said there were about 25,000 present. The Reliant stadium website said its capacity is 70,000 and as the cameras moved around the stadium it looked like all the seats were full and the entire field was full. That is way more than 25,000. That doesn't include the innumerable number who tuned in and prayed with them by webcast as we did. God knows and I believe He will answer. God bless!