Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Hello everybody, I have only been on web sites like RFTH since this year. I have seen the posts on different sites about why the rapture will happen in 2010, 2009....

I know this year is very different and significant but I would still like it if somebody who has been at this for years tell me what they think about the difference between all the previous years and this one.

Is this really it? Can we really know the approximate time? Will dividing Jerusalem start the tribulation?

Is it possible that we are finally meeting Jesus next month?

thank you all for your input.

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Hi Heidi,

Yes, I believe the Rapture is very imminent.
The reason I believe this is the reason Christ gave His disciples when they asked Him what would be the signs of his coming to set up His Kingdom on Earth.

Remember He said when the fig tree puts forth its buds that summer is nigh. He also said this generation which saw the budding would not pass away.

Now, a couple of assumptions here. What does Christ mean by the fig tree budding, and what did He mean about this generation not passing away.

If He meant the budding of the fig tree meaning the re-establishment of Israel as a state, then we can look at May 14, 1948.

If He meant this generation as the people living at that time of statehood and a generation as being a period of 70 years, then we may believe 1948 + 70 = 2018, the year He returns to set up His Kingdom.
So, to arrive at Rapture year just subtract 7 from 2018 and we arrive at this year, 2011.

Now, if 2018 is the year of His return, then the Rapture must be this year.

Personally, I believe the rapture will occur this summer and not much further into summer.
Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17:1 will be played out before RH when anti-Christ will confirm the covenant between Israel and "the many" for 7 years(Daniel`s 70th week) running through to RH 2018, when Christ returns with us, His Bride to rule over the Earth for a millenium.

Hoping this makes a little sense to you.



Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Heidi, Harry gave an excellent explaination! Thanks Harry, very encouraging especially for Heidi, and everyone here!

I heard Dr. Jack Van Impe speak about exactly the same timeline as Harry had posted!

Heidi, the answer to your question is YES 2011 could really be it!!! The time of our departure!



Blessings & Love in Jesus to you and Harry!


Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Heidi, I surely hope 'n' so, that 2011 is our departure year!!!


Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Hi Guys ~ new here... been lurking for a while...

Harry, thanks for the dose of "blessed hope" I was looking for just now!! I am in complete agreement with you!!

In Is. 17 ~ a few verses into it, it talks of the destruction of Damascus being "as when" the grain is ripe in the ear (corn, I'm assuming?)

Doing my homework, corn harvest finishes up in Israel around Aug. 31st. If we're to be gone before Is. 17 kicks in (and I believe we will be!) then it looks like we have only but a few days possibly to "redeem the time", making the most of the hours we have left here, b/c the Lord stands at the door!!

and the financial outlook picture does all seem VERY dim, doesn't it?! It'd take Todd (of RR) to weigh in on this, as he's always been pretty good at that sort of thing..... wouldn't be surprised if he writes about it for Monday.

I caught that, too -- how even 1 day after the debt ceiling thing was passed that China started saying they were worried about it all..... about the "whole picture".

Some how/some way it all plays right into prophecy!! I've always thought a worldwide crash would happen soon after the rapture -- after all, it will play right into "buying and selling" in order the AC to push his mark!! And of course, it also plays into famine on a worldwide scale as well...... which is one of the first 4 seals that kick off the Trib.

So all of this now? Makes sense, doesn't it?

If, for the world, a financial crash is "imminent" ~ then so is our departure!! The world has their eyes on THEIR "god" ($) and so that's what they view as imminent -- they don't see beyond the big picture. The Church of Laodecia -- THINK they are rich and secure, but they are really poor, blind & naked.

About Syria, some how that doesn't surprise me in the least that they are slaughtering their ppl.... and if US diplomats are being told to get outta' there.... then SURELY something is up!!! Waaaaaay more goes on behind the scenes than we'd ever know about -- or WANT to know about!!

My take? Could be wrong, have been 100's of times...... but I think the rapture is imminent AND COULD happen just literally right before Is. 17 ~ maybe even hours before ~ then the stock market will crash that'll make the Depression look like a walk in the park!!

And then the world will suffer 3 horrible things real quick: dealing with the disappearances, and seeing Damascus wiped off the face of the earth, AND their precious savings wiped out........ "enter the AC" ~ with a big smile and sincere talk of how they're all going to get through this!!

He'll give them HOPE (and change) when Israel finally "agrees" to Mideast peace!! ~ so the world will think they have better days to look forward to!!

Yes, I think the AC will be the "same person" most of you guys think.... as it's in Isaiah that says he will "destroy his own country"... that, to me, was the clincher to figure out who it is! ~~ the man with the broad smile & the Dallas-sized ego!! [and also the fierce countenance that we've all seen in certain photos...]

Looking up, up, UP!!! ~ unto Jesus!!

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Welcome to RFTH Blessed Hope! We are glad to have you here posting on our friendly forum. I believe we will finally go home this year too. Everything seems to be pointing to the nearness of the rapture. Once again, welcome and God bless you!


Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Good to have you on our forum, Blessed Hope! Welcome to Rapture Flight to Heaven. As Valerie knows, I disagree on whom the Antichrist is, but I agree that Obama most definitely has the Antichrist spirit. I can't stand to even look at him or listen to him, not even for an instant.

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Blessed Hope, Were you aware that the wheat harvest in Israel starts on Pentecost and runs until the eve of Tu B` AV, which this year is August 15. Thus, August 14th at sunset in Jerusalem ends the wheat harvest and starts the grape harvest.

Jesus said to Peter, Satan has desired to sift you as "wheat". Believers in Christ are wheat and the wheat harvest has been going on since Pentecost 32AD(?) until the present time. There will come an end of the wheat harvest in some year at the start of Tu B` AV, which, hopefully is this year 2011. Praise Jesus our glorious God.

Valerie, I haven`t listened to Dr. Jack Van Impe for many years. Thank you for that confirming post! Are you exercising your Rapture Wing muscles??

Seeing our Lord Jesus soon... what a rush!!!

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Thank you Valerie, Harry, Kevin, SisterNChrist, Kathy for your replies.
Thank you Harry for taking time to explain it.

I have a question: do we know for sure it's the generation of 1948. I've heard some people say it's the generation of 1967.

Blessed Hope, welcome to the forum. thank you for the info.

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Welcome Blessed Hope to our Friendly forum!

Another one on board for the Rapture Flight to Heaven!

Our Blessed Hope, is whom we are waiting for, Our Lord and Savior to Come!

Come Lord Jesus, Come Soon!

Blessings in Jesus,


Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Welcome to our group Blessed Hope!
I enjoyed reading your post

Kathy who do you think the AC is?

I heard an old preacher named Lester Summeral [spelling?] say he thinks the AC comes out of Turkey.

I think Hal Lindsey expects the AC to come out of the Old Roman Empire.

Some thinks it is either William or Harry.

A crown will be given to him.. who ever he is.

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

I'm with Hal Lindsey, needless to say. Because it's what the Book of Daniel predicts.

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

thanks for the welcome everyone yep, I've been aboard the rapture express for a good, long while.... now it would surely seem we're ready for takeoff ~ what with all signs in place & the entire world pressuring Israel & all.

That's okay if we disagree on who the AC may be -- for the longest, I thought the AC *had* to come out of the revived Roman empire -- however, given that bo's background is "shady" at best, then IMO, he could still (easily) fit. At any rate, we'll know soon enough -- who he turned out to be, when we're looking over the balcony of heaven.

Harry! You got me excited about the possibility of leaving earth BEFORE RH!! ~ so that the Trib could start *then*. However, tell me how you're seeing the 7 years in between the two RH's of 2011 & 2018 ~ I can't make them "fit" on timeanddate.com

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Blessed Hope, I would like to respond to your question, but am unsure what you are asking.

Please, could you rephrase.


Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Here's what I mean, Harry.... you said:


Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17:1 will be played out before RH when anti-Christ will confirm the covenant between Israel and "the many" for 7 years(Daniel`s 70th week) running through to RH 2018, when Christ returns with us, His Bride to rule over the Earth for a millenium.

So, you're saying the Trib BEGINS on RH 2011 ~ and ENDS on RH 2018.

Which would be a TOTAL of (at least) 2520 days, right? I say "at least" only b/c no one's for sure certain about the "extra" 30 days and 45 days ~ whether they're pinned on to the end of the Trib, or just where they're placed.

So this morning I plugged in RH dates of 2011 (Sept 28, 2011) and RH 2018 (Sept. 10, 2018) into the "date calculator" at timeanddate.com ~ but they do not come out to 2520 days.... they come out to 2538 days (18 days "too many")

that's all I'm saying.

I'm not "challenging" you on this, BTW, so pls. do not take it that way ~ was merely trying to figure out if it added up so that the full 2520 days could fall in between the 2 Rosh Hashanahs..... truth be told, I was about to "jump out of my skin" at the possibility!!

Either way, I think the rapture is super-duper-duper soon!!! How much more can this world take of all the crime in it {i.e. horrible rioting in UK even BEFORE The Restrainer is removed!! ~ & worldwide economy about to go under... etc. etc.}

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

And Israel's very survival now in mortal danger--don't forget that part!

Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

I see what you mean, Blessed Hope. I have to look at this further.

God does say He will shorten the days because if He didn`t no flesh would be saved(no one would endure to the end)because of the terrible judgments. I`m not sure what that shortening of days means in reality.

Maybe because of the Earth reeling like a drunkard would shorten them... and by how much.. only God knows.

I have my doubts whether anyone will be able to figure out exact dates of anything. However, we all feel the time of Rapture is upon us and we are looking up expecting Him at any moment now.

Kathy G, Israel`s very survival is at stake and it appears no one is coming to help. God Himself will have to be their protector and He certainly will!



Re: need some encouragement. could 2011 really be it?

Kathy G.
And Israel's very survival now in mortal danger--don't forget that part!

..... and that is the MAIN thing, of course!!!!

May we always remember to pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem ~ even "watching Christians" who know Scriptures, I do not believe can really fathom all that is going to come upon Israel in the days {and few short years} ahead.

and of course, Harry ~ as far as people "figuring out dates" (got to agree with that RE: the rapture "date"!!) however, I do believe it's Scriptural that those living during the Tribulation will be able to "count" (from the point of the AOD) and figure out when the 2nd coming will be.... or awfully close to it anyway (maybe similar to us ~ on "this side" of the Tribulation!!)

Meantime, I'm with you.... with the earth reeling the way it is and the tremendous pressure Israel is under... not to mention the UN meeting coming up next month when certain people want the peace agreement "done"... (and that could be "the many" in which the covenant is confirmed, I'm thinking!!) anyway, I'm with you in that I think there's an incredible chance the rapture could well happen before Rosh Hoshanah even gets here!!

Looking up, up, UP!! ~ unto Jesus!! Maranatha!!