Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Well, I called this one right. The prosecutor did not prove their case of Casey murdering Caylee. Jose Baez shot holes in the prosecution's case, and the prosecutor lost.


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Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

God knows the truth....justice will be served, if not in this life, in the next!

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

That's true Josh. We simply don't know what happened or how Caylee died. I know that little girl is in heaven playing and enjoying the presence of God. At least we can take comfort in knowing that.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty


Just because the jury didn't find her guilty, doesn't mean that she didn't commit the crime. It just means that they couldn't prove it beyond any reasonable doubt, therefore, they probably had no choice but to bring the verdict of not guilty.

Remember the OJ Simpson case, they too found him not guilty, but God knows, and many of us know he was responsible for two deaths.

The thing people forget is, that God will be her final judge when she meets her maker. If she is truly innocent, then she has nothing to fear, but if she is guilty, she has much to fear, as God's punishment is eternal in hell.

May God judge her accordingly, for he will have no doubts about her innocence or her guilt! After all, He is all knowing, and ever present. Yes He was there when that child was killed, therefore, there is no need trying to fool God! For nothing can be hidden from God!

We all have to answer to a High Power, and the Judge of the World. Let us hope if she is guilty, she will confess her sin to God and repent of her ways, so that she too may be forgiven.

Caylee is with Jesus now, but her life was needlessly,
cut short. Who knows what she could have brought to the world, that would change it forevermore..a cure of an incurable disease...we'll never know! This little girl was robbed of a full life here on Earth.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

I agree with you that a not guilty verdict doesn't mean innocent. The jury did what they were supposed to do, and the prosecution had a lack of evidence to prove their case. There was no cause of death given to the jury, and no evidence to prove the prosecution's theory. I don't know what happened with Caylee's death, but I don't believe it happened the way the prosecution said it happened. There could have been an accident, or Caylee could have died from natural causes. God does know, and his justice is the only justice that matters. As far as Caylee is concerned, I would rather be where she has been for three years now(Heaven), instead of living in this corrupt, evil world. Wouldn't you agree? Caylee is playing and having so much more fun in Heaven with Jesus than she ever would in this world. As believers, we should see it this way, instead of the way that unbelievers see it. I hope to meet little Caylee soon when Jesus snatches us up into Glory!


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Valerie, I agree wholeheartedly with you there, sis.

But still, I think it to be a major travesty of misjustice for little Caylee. For there wasn't any justice for her...what with her Mom showing no remorse whatsoever for killing her daughter. Then tossing her daughter away like she's nothing but a piece of trash onto/into that woodsy swampy area near her parent's (George & Cindy) home.

It's like one of the women out on the street said, Caylee means nothing to Casey (her defense team & the jury), but a figment of her (their) imagination...her made-up friends. I also don't see how they, nor the jury can live with themselves...knowing that they deliberately let this guilty person off, by giving her a NOT GUILTY vote almost across the board.

Also what totally ticked me off yesterday, was the way Jose Baez & his defense team literally danced on Caylee's grave...by celebrating their winning victory in that bar across the street from the courthouse. Like Nancy Grace said, the Devil is in the details, and even he is dancing tonight.

Very sad indeed! Very Sad indeed!!


P.S. Jeff Ashton, the lead Prosecutor in this case, after losing, reported to our TRU-TV reporters, that he will be retiring altogether.

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Did you read what I said about this case? I reject the prosecution's assertion that Casey showed no remorse or emotion about Caylee's death. I saw plenty of video showing Casey bawling her eyes out over the loss of Caylee. Remember that she has been in prison for three years now, and at some point the grieving has to end. I live 45 minutes away from Orlando, and we have been bombarded by the local media coverage of this case since July of 2008.
When a jury deliberates, they are not supposed to let emotions affect the verdict. The jury is supposed to look at the evidence presented to them, and consider reasonable doubt presented by the defense. That is what this jury did. This jury is not at fault. The burden of proof is placed upon the prosecution, and this prosecution team could not prove that Casey killed Caylee. There was no CAUSE OF DEATH given! Ashton, the "Laughing Guy", should retire. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I keep hearing from people saying "She's guilty, she's guilty", but there is no proof.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty


The jury had to pronounce her innocent, as they didn't have enough evidence, without resonable doubt, that she committed the crime. They had to follow the prodical that was set before them, they had no other choice. Like Kevin mentioned it was up to the prosecution to prove and link her to her child's death, and it failed. The prosecution should be the one losing sleep over it. The jury couldn't go by feelings, they had to go by what was presented to them, so I think they are sleeping just fine, for they are not to blame.

The justice system at times can fail both ways, it can convict an innocent person, or let a guilty person go free. However, it does work most of the time, again, there will always be exceptions.

Remember, we are persumed innoncent, until proven guilt; Not the other way around!

I believe it has worked here AS FAR AS, IN WHAT THE JURY WAS GIVEN TO WORK WITH...AND THAT'S ALL THEY COULD DO! If there was enough solid evidence to convict her, they would have done so. Like I said, it doesn't mean that she is innocent, she could very well be guilty of the said crime.

Is it fair that this child is dead, absolutely not, it's unfair, and this little girl has not received justice. However, that being said, she will in the long run as God will not let a crime like this go unpunished. People who kill children or cause them great harm will endure severe punishment in hell.

No one on this Earth gets away with anything, they only think they do! If they are guilty of a crime, and are not punished here on Earth for lack of evidence, or connections to the crime; their punishment will supercede, what they would of received, when they passover from this life to the next. Therefore, God will give righteous level of punishment fitting the crime! THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE IS THE PUNISHMENT IS ETERNAL!!! THERE IS NO GET OUT OF HELL FOR GOOD BEHAVIOUR, IT'S A SHUT AND DONE DEAL!

God is just in every sense of the word, His HOLY WORD!
Just as God hands out rewards in Heaven accordingly, to each person, for what they have done in the flesh!
The Lord also hands out degrees of punishment in Hell accordingly to each person, for what they have done in the flesh. What a caring God we serve, Justice prevails in the house of the Lord, for He is above every Judge that ever was, or ever will be. We can depend on His justice, with our lives!

God knows what really happened, and all the details!
Let us turn this over to the Lord's hands now, and let Him deal with it accordingly!



Caps are for emphasis only...not shouting!!!!

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Amen to that Val! God's justice is righteous justice, and no one can hide their sin from God. I do pray that Casey and her whole family will repent and believe on Jesus as their savior, but in this life we reap what we sow. Maybe they will get saved soon!


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty


Very wisely said...! The problem is complacency, people are disconnected from reality, and to them it's just another movie. Turn it off and forget about!
The the truth is, it will come to haunt them whether in this lifetime or the next.

People have to wake up, and face reality! For every action there is a reaction, whether it is good or bad. We all have to pay the piper at the end of the line. What you sow, shall you reap!

There should be outrage for all the aborted babies in the world, that are crying out for justice as well as Caylee. Murder in the womb or outside the womb is still murder.

Mollie, can you see all those aborted babies, and all the little children that have been killed surrounding Jesus, and waiting for their turn to be held and hugged by our Lord. This is the only comfort that we can have in these evil times we are living in, to know that they are with Jesus, and His love is great for little ones such as these!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!



Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Casey may have been declared not guilty of the murder charges, and she's going to be set free as of a week from Sunday. But if she thinks that she's going to be able to just pick up where she left off before she was arrested and be free to just live her life as she wants, she's got another think coming.

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

I agree with you. Casey should probably dye her hair blonde, and move as far away from Florida as she can. There are so many people in Orlando that would possibly injure or kill her. The day of her sentencing, people outside the courthouse held signs threatening the jurors. So many people are emotionally charged about this case.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Did you hear on HLN-TV, that the real Zenaida Gonsalez' Atty., has slapped a Defamation of Character civil suit against her? That it was handed to Casey in jail by Zenaida's Atty. This time, Casey can't plead the 5th Admentment.

Plus, the Equisearch people from Texas, are also suing her as well too.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

What's Equisearch? I never heard of that.

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

EquuSearch is a company that was hired back in 2008 to search for Caylee when they thought she was still alive. Obviously, they were spinning their wheels trying to find her alive.


Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

OK, Kevin. Thanks. I did a Web search for Equisearch after I posted my question, and it's an organization having to do with riding and caring for horses. I was wondering what on earth a horse organization had to do with Casey Anthony?! =) LOL!

Anyway, thanks for clearing that mystery for me.

Re: Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

I agree with Kathy G, Kevin. I should've added an extra "u" to Equuisearch. Sorry. My bad.