Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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You Tube Help

Can anyone help solve my problem with viewing You Tube videos?

I have cable for my internet connection so I should have good speed.

When I try to watch videos on you tube the screen keeps scrolling for a long time. Sometimes the movie will play for a few section then stop. On very rare occasions I can view a whole video.
When it keeps scrolling the video test shows it 0kpps or something like that. So I wonder why it is having trouble transferring data/loading.

I have keep stopping the video and press play..over and over again until it starts to play then stops.

I can watch other kind of videos on the net with no problem..
For instance church service video on their private website.

I used to be able to watch all you tubes with no problem.

This problem with youtube started around the beginning of March.

My dh have no problem watching videos on his computer

Re: You Tube Help

Hopefully you will get a much better answer than this, but my only suggestion would be to let it load. Don't push play - or if you do, turn the sound down and do something else. Then go back later and look at it and see if it is loaded. If it is, it should play through just fine.
I'm always doing several things at once on my computer and sometimes I run into that problem and that is what I do. I wonder if your PC has less memory or whatever than the other computer? Sorry, I am fairly computer illiterate but I hear your frustration...

Re: You Tube Help

Once Again, Welcome Aboard Zoe...!

Zoe, I believe Philip is our tech expert here, perhaps he'll see your post and give you some advise.

I think around March youtube changed their format on some of the videos...have you tried clicking on:




Then you see the following:

Make sure the the two underlined are checked off in the boxes. If you haven't checked the old embed code it might make a different if you do.

Show suggested videos when the video finishes

Enable privacy-enhanced mode

Use old embed code

Anyway it's worth a try if you haven't tried it as yet.



Re: You Tube Help

Thanks for trying to help Girls!

Kathy, It just keeps loading for a very long time until I stop it.
It should not do that since I cable for my internet connection.
It only plays for a few seconds after it begins to play.

Valerie, thanks for the steps for me to try,
I did the steps but what do I do after I check off the boxes?
What do I do with the embedded file that I updated with the old code?

I tried copy and paste the edit code and copied it in my email program. I mailed it to myself and never got the email back..
LOL.. my ISP must think I sent a virus.

Re: You Tube Help

Hi Zoe,

Actually I was giving instructions on how to post a video here on our forum.

If you copy and paste the format that comes up and post it on here, you can try out the video here and see if it plays Ok. If it does, than that means, for some reason your computer is not picking up the NEW CHANGES from YOUTUBE, for whatever reason!

However, if it's still the same, then I have no idea what or where the problem may lie!

It's worth a try!

Let me know how you make out!



Re: You Tube Help

It still just
Thanks for the suggestion
I hope Phillipe can figure out the problem for me.

I am using firefox for my browser
and my computer is a Vista

ETA: It just started playing and it played all the way through the song without stopping to load..
Thank you Jesus and Valerie

ETA: I tried to view it again and it the same old thing

I will try another song to see it will play all the way.

Re: You Tube Help

Hi Zoe,

Not sure if I will be much help, but please try this-
Let it load up first- so hit pause. Wait a little while until it gets say half way or so then hit play and you should be fine. On some videos where you can watch 720p-HD I would use this setting and it should work well. Also you may want to download the latest JAVA and or the latest FLASH.
Hope that helps!

Re: You Tube Help

Thanks Eric.
As for putting it on pause and waiting for it to move half way..
I tried that..it does not move.
I would wait and wait and it just sits there.
It is like it won't load.

I think my java is disabled.
When I go on some sites it says java in disabled.
I keep getting a pop up to install the new Java update. I just click cancel. I heard Java was not good.
I watched the above video with Java disabled. Do really think I need Java? Like I said, I had view the top video with Java disabled.

I will try and see if I can view this video




I am not able to view this one at all

Oh it came on..
Just a few seconds and then it stopped to .

Re: You Tube Help


Try this link-

Valerie- forgot how to hotlink it.


Re: You Tube Help

Thanks Eric for really trying to help.
I went to on the link you provided.
I did what it said to do. The problem has not been solved.
I went on the community section and I seen a few people with exact same problem. I did not see an answer for their problem.
They even updated their java and flash.. it still did not work for them, too.

I did the pause thing and waited.
I even opened up another browser to let the video load. I keep checking for its progress... It never moved from 0.0

Re: You Tube Help

Sorry Zoe, dont know what else to tell you. If it didnt work for them maybe it will work for you. MAybe they didnt follow instruction very well perhaps? Im sure it will work out for you soon!

Re: You Tube Help

well finally at 11:07 pm the video finally played all the way through without stopping. Praise God!
I had to keep right clicking stop download and then play a few times.. before it began to play.

This procedure is the only way I can get a video to play. Sometimes it I just get frustrating trying and waiting.. I just give up.

Like I said before, I tried the pause and wait but it would not stop loading. It would stay at the o.oo mark.
No matter how long I waited to load, I did the clear cache, too.

Re: You Tube Help

Honestly, I think it's just because youtube hosts sooooo much content and so many users that their servers are just bogged down. I've got a pretty good net connection and I have the same problem.

If you think about the amount of data they deal with on a daily basis, it doesn't surprise me that they've gotten slow. It probably loaded better at night for you because the traffic was a little slower....

Re: You Tube Help

I forgot to mention, I also have trouble downloading any files.
It starts the download and then gets stuck.
If the file is large, I have to stop the download and try again several times before it fully downloads.
So, the problem must be with my computer.

Re: You Tube Help - to Zoe

plays fine on my cp

Zoe try this

right click in the middle of the video screen
click on settings
Local Storage
move slider all the way over to the right which
will allow your computer to store more info.
I set mine to unlimited.

also make certain you have the most current version of flash player

Re: You Tube Help - to Zoe

Thanks JIMH
I you taught me something new.
Although, it still don't load properly. I downloaded the latest flash. And it still did not solve the problem

Re: You Tube Help - to Zoe

I noticed since I updated to the newest flash player... in settings...the folder icon is no longer there to adjust the amount of space allowed.
There are only 3 icons now
The display, Microphone and WebCam
The option to deny the use of the webcam is no longer there also.

I think I will go back to an older version, since the newer version did not help anyway.

Re: You Tube Help - to Zoe

I went on a new computer window 7
downloaded newest flash player
The new computer did the same thing as my old one.
Stalled downloads and scrolling video that hardly ever loads without a battle.
Please pray I can solve this problem.
I like watch you tube video and it frustrating not being able to.

Re: You Tube Help - Problem solved

The Lord answered his prayer for help
Problem solved ---- his router was bad