Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Please pray that my computer stays up and running!

I've had a terrible time in the past couple of days of starting the computer, windows just won't load. I had to pray and trust God to get it up and running which the Lord finally did after trying over and over again. It seems the enemy will attack where it can, to stop me from posting or keeping the site up.

I pray for all here daily and the site, and ask God that all of us be caught up at the Rapture on the Flight to Heaven.

Right now I feel very sad and down, for many reasons and this is one thing I don't need on my plate.

Kevin, may have to take over if my computer is down, Kathy send her computer back to the shop, it doesn't load her music files..!

If by chance you don't hear from me on the site, you'll know why.

I pray the Lord comes this year, I don't know if my computer will last until the end of 2012! Although it's only a few years old...Microsoft Vista..the worst thing microsoft created.



Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

I'm praying for you Sister!

I'm a computer tech and may be able to help you if you'd like?

Take heart Val, lift up your head, the time is nigh.

Many prayers and thanks for the community you've planted here!

Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Thanks so much for your prayers Philip, and for your kind offer to help.

I'm going to try and restore my computer to an earlier date for the second time today and see if it helps.

This start up problem keeps coming back again and again. It works for awhile, and then out of the blue it's down again I can't get windows vista to upload and start the computer...there must be an error somewhere. My start up repair keeps saying that it could be some change to the system that is causing it, but doesn't say what the change is.

If need be I will certainly take you up on your generous offer to help and email you, and perhaps I could finally put this issue to rest. I'll give the above a try again first.

Thanks again,

God Bless You,


Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

I certainly hope that your computer will continue running. I have heard a lot of bad things about Vista, and my desktop computer still has Windows XP. Most of the time, I'm using my iPhone for posting or checking my email. God bless you sister!


Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Thanks Kevin for your kind remarks, I too hope it stays up and running.

I did restore my system back to June 6, 2011, and I had a bit of a problem on getting on this morning. However my Start Repair fixed it quickly and it started.

Kevin I'm sorry to say but if something happens right now, you'll be the only one able to watch ove RFTH. I hope it's not going to be too much for you.

I really appreciate your help, and your ability to get along with others here, without debate or argument on any issue. Sometimes amongst ourselve we don't agree on certain issues, however, we all serve and love the same Jesus, who's return we are expecting with great anticipation!

Therefore, we agree to disagree, and carry on with what's really important...making sure the lost come to Jesus, before He returns for His own. Trying to encourage and uplift one another.

I hope and pray, that my computer co-operates and I can continue to contribute my part here on RFTH. I can't just go out and buy another computer, should this one die too!

Like I mentioned to you before, this computer was given to me as a gift a few years ago from my family, and it had windows vista already installed on it. My computer with Windows Xp was good, until it expired.

I have an AVG program on it, and even purchases an extra AVG PC tuneup 2011 off the internet..it has helped for the longest time. Now the problem is back.

I'll just have to take it one day at a time and trust God to get me through.

Keep me in your prayers, I need them more than you know.

God Bless You,


Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

I'm glad it started up this morning for you.

At this point I would suggest that you run a disk check. This will verify the integrity of the file system and sectors of the hard drive (your internal storage).

This will take a little while to run and the computer will not be usable until it finishes. I am going to put the steps below.

Check your hard disk for errors

You can help solve some computer problems and improve the performance of your computer by making sure that your hard disk has no errors.

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Computer.

2. Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check (should be C: drive), and then click Properties.

3. Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.

4. Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this may take several minutes. For best results, don't use your computer for any other tasks while it's checking for errors.

If you select Automatically fix file system errors for a disk that is in use (for example, the partition that contains Windows), you'll be prompted to reschedule the disk check for the next time you restart your computer.

The machine will reboot and run it's disk check. Once finished it will give you a report and automatically boot back into windows.

This would be a good starting point.

God Bless you!

Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Thanks Phillip,

For your help! I've tried that already! I have
AVG PC tune up 2011...it does all the disk cleaning, etc. etc. etc. It worked for awhile, then it started acting up again. I'm convinced it's the Windows Vista..! Thank you anyways for your help and concern.



Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Exciting News to share with all of you!

My Angel is sending a new computer, a gift from Jesus!

Please read...unbelieable but true!


Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

Praise the Lord!

I've been praying that the Lord would help you with this, and lo and behold he sends one of his servants to help get you a new computer!

May the Lord bless your Angel abundantly.

Matt. 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Grace and Peace

Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

That is good news!!

My computer, too, has been under attack these last 2 weeks, so I can empathize with you, Valerie. Last week and this week, it had to go to the shop for repairs; my operating system was corrupted (both times, it had to be replaced). Then, yesterday, when I got it back, my cable modem was out of sync; the Internet signal couldn't get through. It came up twice for short periods, allowing me to reinstall my MSN Premium and post a response to one of the threads here, but then it went down again, came back up for a short period, and then went down yet again and stayed down till this afternoon. I had to call technical support this morning, and he came and got it working again. It was looking seriously as if I was going to have to give up my TV and VCR for my Internet access, but after he left, he called back to tell me about some cords I could purchase at Wal-Mart to hook my TV and VCR/DVD player, thus eliminating the need for a caxial cable cord.

I've been busy installing one Windows Update after another, needless to say. That's kept me quite busy this afternoon.

Plus, today, I got a new pair of glasses! It's been getting harder and harder to see with the old pair. This is my first pair of bifocals; I've never worn those before.

Kathy G.

Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!


I totally understand what you went through!

Everday when I try to get on the internet in order to post at RFTH, Rapture Ready News, Bible Prophecy News, and Today's Promise from the scripture, I never know IF THE COMPUTER WILL START!!! As you and most here know it's not a new problem, it's been happening for the longest time now.

Honestly, there have been times like recently that I actually had to pray and ask God to start it, because the Start repair program couldn't do a thing about it, just scan it and tell me, something is causing it to fail, but never not once telling what is making it happen!

Personally I believe it is the Vista software, that is causing all the problems...the last couple days I didn't even turn off my computer, just put it on low power. Even my Son said it is Vista causing the problems. It's very frustrating to sit there an hour or more at a time trying to start your computer and it won't turn on.

I feel blessed that the Lord put this on this Angel's heart to do this. Angel tried ordering it on Amazon.com the one I posted, however they don't ship to my address. sigh! I live in Canada and that's the problem...! No matter, she said not to worry,
and see what we can find on the internet. I told her God is good He will keep this one up and running until then.

I know that one day it will be gone for good, but I hope it's no time soon. I have all my pictures and files back up on an external drive!

To top things off we have a Postal Strike here as well. But the good news is, if they don't reach an agreement, the Federal Government will legislate them back to work come Monday.

Who knows, maybe we'll be Raptured before the new computer arrives!

Blessings in Christ,


I just remembered I haven't had my eye checked, for over 2 years or more now! I need new glasses too..and I have a cataract in my left eye,which needs to be looked at again.

Re: Need prayers to keep my computer up and running...! If I'm not posting you'll know why!

July 11th, 2011...Today I received...My Testimony...God's Victory!
