Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Hello all. Here is the link to watch Dr. Owuor's revival live. His FB page says they are still equipment testing, but it should be up and running by tomorrow (Saturday) 8am GMT.

God Bless! Hope to see you all VERY SOON!


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Thanks Elizabeth, for posting the information!
Wow, it looks like something very special or extraordinary is about to take place at the Revival Meeting. This is the first time he has had anything set up for "live" viewing. Perhaps, he is expecting his vision of the Rapture to be fulfilled in the next few days, and he wants to leave it up as a witness to the world.

Hoping this is the case, that we are that close now!

Maranatha & God Bless!


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I pray that this is the reason for the live link too, Val. For some reason I haven't been able to get the link to work though, so I'm missing out on what's going on at the revival. I realize right now it's already night time there in Kericho.


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live


I can access the link, however at the top of it, says
"testing"...so I guess it will be up later on.

I believe that this will be one of the greatest, if not the greatest Revival Meeting, for Dr. O! He said he was expecting great miracles to occur during it...sounds like the miracle of the Rapture could possibly occur as well from June 3-5, God knows for certain! Exciting times to be alive!



Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Even though he is abandoned by purpose in the other forum, but I believe he is a Prophet from YHWH. I asked him to pray for me and in a week deliverance coming to me so I kept asking him to pray for me of my dissertation could be accomplished this year which is a huge miracle for me. Of course it the rapture has not happened yet because the priority is the rapture.

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I'm certainly hopeful the rapture will happen according to Dr. Owuor's vision, and quite possibly at this revival.
I noticed what the mods at RITA are saying about Dr. Owuor. They will not allow any of his videos to be posted there, for some reason. I also believe that he is a genuine prophet of God. God bless!


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

The following link seems to work good for me to listen to the Kericho revival, and it should have video with it tomorrow.



Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I emailed Owuor's ministry web site twice asking what time the revival starts. I have not heard back. Anybody here know the times?

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

John, Jesus Is Coming Facebook page says about 1am EDT (my time), and they are 7 hours ahead, so 8am their time, Saturday and Sunday. You'll see it as a response to someone's question about the time.


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

That makes it 12 midnight my time, then, since I live in the Central Standard Time zone. I'll be in bed by then, so I won't be watching it.

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I think I will be in state of praying at that time if I am not fallen asleep ....

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I'm listening to the radio link supplied by Elizabeth!!

They are testifying about this revival and are VERY excited!!!!!!!

THANK YOU, Elizabeth, for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Aww, thanks, Calvin, but credit should go to Kevin for the radio link. I would have posted that one, but it wasn't working very well at the time, so I wasn't sure. And you are right, it is very exciting! I was able to listen to the last 10 minutes of Dr. Owuor preach this morning before they went to music. Also, the video link I provided to watch live still says "testing," but they said the videos will be posted on his youtube repentance channel. They still may get it working for tomorrow. Here is the link:


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I am listening to it right now and will continue to listen to it.

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I noticed that a lot of believers at RITA have quite a different view of Dr. Owuor than we have here at RFTH. I'm in shock about their disparaging remarks against him. What people need to realize about the facebook pages concerning Dr. Owuor is that they are run by followers of his ministry, not by Dr. Owuor himself. I don't believe Dr. Owuor could possibly believe that the only people taken in the rapture are those attending his revival. He knows that there are millions of believers out there around the world who don't even know who he is, much less would they be attending his revival in Kericho, or listening to it on the Internet. I tried several times to listen to the revival, but the sound was broken up, and I only heard the praise and worship going on.
I still think that Dr. Owuor is a man of God, and an end times prophet. I pray that we are going home soon. Praise the Lord!


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Kevin, I think what he meant was that only those who live in their repentance will be raptured. This doesn't mean that we approach God by our holiness, since we are sinners, but those who are day by day live in their struggle to live in their repentance by looking to Yahshua who is hung on the cross for their sins. Those who "enjoy" living in their sins will risk themselves to be left behind. It's up and down, it is a continual fight between flesh and Spirit and as long as people are still living in the flesh, it is natural that people will be frequently fall into sins, that's why people need to live in their repentance day by day, by this act then holiness of Yahshua be imputed to us day by day too, as people walk with Yahshua day by day through various temptations of sins in their life.

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I certainly understand what you are saying, and I applaud you for standing up and defending Dr. Owuor on RITA. The mods there have it wrong about him I believe.


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

I noticed that a lot of believers at RITA have quite a different view of Dr. Owuor than we have here at RFTH. I'm in shock about their disparaging remarks against him. What people need to realize about the facebook pages concerning Dr. Owuor is that they are run by followers of his ministry, not by Dr. Owuor himself. I don't believe Dr. Owuor could possibly believe that the only people taken in the rapture are those attending his revival. He knows that there are millions of believers out there around the world who don't even know who he is, much less would they be attending his revival in Kericho, or listening to it on the Internet. I tried several times to listen to the revival, but the sound was broken up, and I only heard the praise and worship going on.
I still think that Dr. Owuor is a man of God, and an end times prophet. I pray that we are going home soon. Praise the Lord!



I totally agree with what you wrote!

I believe Dr. O Is a true man of God.

It's just that some people are not able to discern those whom have the Holy Spirit of God living within, whom have Spiritual discernment,spiritual eyes to see!

Blessed be this Man for he brings hope to many and
is liken to John the Baptist, prepare and repent, for the Lord is Coming!

Thanks so much for this post.



Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Re: MAJOR sign for me!


John Murley wrote on Jun 5, 2011 - 5:31PM

Dr. Owuor replied to the request I made. I thanked him for his reply. Here is what he said:

"The nation that doesnt gather before the LORD, in repentance, will not enter. If you have heard this message, then you have seen it. It is now upto you to prepare in holiness! The Holy Spirit that the LORD releases in these meetings is actually what you need to purify and clean your wedding gown! The rapture is near and repentance is the narrow door to the rapture! Not many people/nations will find it."

Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live

Re: MAJOR sign for me!


John Murley wrote on Jun 5, 2011 - 5:31PM

Dr. Owuor replied to the request I made. I thanked him for his reply. Here is what he said:

"The nation that doesnt gather before the LORD, in repentance, will not enter. If you have heard this message, then you have seen it. It is now upto you to prepare in holiness! The Holy Spirit that the LORD releases in these meetings is actually what you need to purify and clean your wedding gown! The rapture is near and repentance is the narrow door to the rapture! Not many people/nations will find it."

I wrote the following as a reply on the same url above.


Thank you John for this reply from Dr. O.

"The nation that doesn't gather before the Lord in repentance will not enter" He's speaking to all nations to repent before the Lord, speaking of asking the Lord for forgivenss, for all have sinned and have come short of God's Glory.

He believes, that without holiness one will not see the Lord, which is scriptual...therefore, he's making sure that all of us try to live in holiness so that we may see the Lord as well. If you pray the Lord's prayer daily, you will see that we are repenting in that prayer! The Lord Jesus gave us that prayer, therefore, it is important to note, and keep it in mind, how we should pray to God.

For we are flesh and blood, and should we fail and fall into sin, we should repent! Saying with a contrite heart, Lord I'm sorry I sinned against you, forgive me! We are forgiven. If we can say sorry to others when we have sinned against them and hurt them, it is respectful and should come naturally amongst Christians, to say I'm sorry to our Lord and God!

Oh it's true what he said about the Holy Spirit, whom God releases is what we need to purfiy us, for the Holy Spirit brings to mind when we have grieved Him. I watched one of his revivals, and I tell you I have felt the presence of the Lord. For the Holy Spirit is the One that will change us in a twinkle of an eye, at the Rapture. Therefore grieve not the Holy Spirit.

I really like what he says here "The rapture is near and repentance is the narrow door to the rapture! Not many people/nations will find it."

Very true, first of all that the Rapture is near.

Don't forget there are many people in many nations whom have not asked the Lord as their Savior, therefore, they have not repented of theirs ways, and are not born again. Coming to the Lord and asking forgiveness, and repenting of your ways is the narrow road not only for the Rapture, but to Heaven itself.
Yes it's true that not many people and nations will find it, and the great majority will be left behind.

I see his reply is honest and true...we must be ready!
Take nothing for granted. It's always better to be safe than sorry! For those whom have been sitting on the fence and haven't accepted the Lord, the time is now. Come out of the people and nations wherever you live and repent before the Lord, and ask Him to forgive you and be your Lord and Savior today.

For those Christians, who have sinned, pray and tell the Lord you are sorry for sinning against him. It's only proper to do so, no matter, if you believe this is necessary to do so or not...it is right to give the Lord respect, and your Love continuously.

Remember the Holy Spirit abides in you, so grieve not the Holy Spirit, and change your ways with God's help.
For God's Holy Spirit will change us in an twinkle of an eye!

This is great news, that the Rapture is near...prepare yourself for the wedding is at hand.


God Bless!


Re: Dr. Owuor's Revival Live


God has long forgiven, and so have we.

None of us are perfect, and we're still learning.

We have all hurt someone in our lives or someone has hurt us. To forgive one another, and to come in repentance is divine.

God knows the heart of the individual...not words that are spoken, but the heart. Your heart is set on the Lord. We love you Mollie!

Blessings & Love in Jesus,
