Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Ascension Day sky event

Keep looking up!

A 10-metre wide asteroid is set to pass between the
earth and moon this summer (June 2)

Not supposed to hit earth, but "coincidental" to the times, no?

Re: Ascension Day sky event

another reason to look up, very coincidental

Re: Ascension Day sky event

Very good Regina, and very true!

Look Up our redemption draws nigh! Maranatha!

King James Bible
Luke 21:28
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Years ago, I thought the same think, that perhaps the Rapture would take place on Ascension day, now, I'm not that sure anymore. Could be on or around Ascension day, or Pentecost, or Rosh HaShana, or just an ordinary day, even today or tomorrow. All that really matters, is that we know it's closer than ever before, and it will take place, we have the Lord's word on it.

Blessings in Christ,


Re: Ascension Day sky event

Valerie, a thought just occured to me about the verse "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." I was taught this referred to the stars, outerspace events impacting the earth. It could also be battles in the heavenlies (angelic, spiritual battles).
But also could it not be powers of heaven shaken as in CERN, HAARP and these kinds of experimentation and using natures elements for power and political gain over peoples? These too could cause men's hearts to be afraid of control and harm by something they have no power over, no defense from. Our only security comes in Christ, to Him be glory forever.


Re: Ascension Day sky event




My prophecy partner has been pointing to June 2nd for a while
as a “type” of us going UP!!! We “ARE” the Body of Christ and
He went “UP” on Ascension Day which is June 2nd. Of course,
it is also the 153rd ( “sons of God; harvest” ) day of 2011, as well.

This morning, I was thinking about two signs involving a 26.

Perhaps both of these could be read the "2nd day of the 6th"
month instead of the number “26”. One of these signs read:

YYY 9260 - "YES, YES, YES, ON 9/26 YOU'LL BE GONE (0)."

So, I was just thinking the "9" ( since this was received WAY
BACK in 2002 ) could have been "IN 9 YEARS ON THE 2ND


Chris wrote:

..."On March 18, 2007, I had a vision of a large ball with the
…number 26 on it coming down from heaven and it SUDDENLY
…burst into thousands of smaller balls with the number 26 on them."

This is from a VERY old post of mine...........

...***On Monday, September 16, 2002, while working at a resort in
...South Carolina (and very much watchful for the rapture), I saw the
...following license plates which, I felt, "spoke" of a "day" with a
...meaning of 926. The "926" or "26" given on the plates, OBVIOUSLY,
...wasn't 9/26/02 or 03 so that leaves some other interpretation. But
..."LOOSELY", I believe they "still" could have a VERY SIMILAR

......YYY 9260 - "YES, YES, YES, ON 9/26 YOU'LL BE GONE (0)."
......JHX 26U - "JESUS takes you HOME at the RAPTURE (X)...
................ON THE on the 26TH, UP you go!!!"
................(Again, rapture doesn't start with "X" but it has been a
................code word to me symbolizing "'X' marks a spot where
................you 'ONCE WERE'".)

Zechariah 9
The LORD Will Appear
14 Then the LORD will appear over them;
his arrow will flash like lightning.
The Sovereign LORD will sound the trumpet;
15 and the LORD Almighty will shield them.
They will destroy
and overcome with slingstones.
They will drink and roar as with wine;
they will be full like a bowl
used for sprinkling the corners of the altar.
16 The LORD their God will save his people on that day
as a shepherd saves his flock.
17 How attractive and beautiful they will be!
Grain will make the young men thrive,
and new wine the young women.

Re: Ascension Day sky event

Valerie, a thought just occured to me about the verse "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." I was taught this referred to the stars, outerspace events impacting the earth. It could also be battles in the heavenlies (angelic, spiritual battles).
But also could it not be powers of heaven shaken as in CERN, HAARP and these kinds of experimentation and using natures elements for power and political gain over peoples? These too could cause men's hearts to be afraid of control and harm by something they have no power over, no defense from. Our only security comes in Christ, to Him be glory forever.



Yes it is very possible that these thing too could cause men's hearts to be afraid. Jesus is our only security, and like you, I am forevermore grateful, for what He has done in the past, and what He will do for us in the near future!

Blessings & Love in Christ,


Re: Ascension Day sky event

Wow, another reason to stay alert!
Regina, you are so right! Our only
safety from the storms are in Christ!

I don't know if these deadly storms; eq;
sunami's are
caused by HAARP or if they're apart of the
'sorrows', but I believe people's hearts
are being broken; and some are crying out
to God more and more.

My heart is breaking for them. I am saddened by
all the devastation. It hurts to watch....
please come Lord Jesus.

Re: Ascension Day sky event

seems like we are being softened up for something,

praying for the victims and their way of life,

we are all just a storm away from being homeless

Re: Ascension Day sky event

There is the verse about "the powers of the heavens will be shaken". Yes, and it looks like some of those "powers" are the winds, water, fire besides the other events such as meteors. It is heartbreaking to see, and I can only imagine the pain of those who have lost children or other loved ones.
God, we pray for protection of life, that Your children will be kept safe in Your care. We pray that those who do not know Christ, will be spared so that they have time to call on Christ for forgiveness and salvation. May many be added to Your Kingdom.

Please Father, tell Your beloved Son that He can come back. We long for the day. Please Father remember Your plan for Israel and Jerusalem. May all Your plans come to pass. May Your Name be magnified above all. May the nations not get away with "casting lots" for Jerusalem, the city that is Your very own.
May Your people be comforted through these darkening days and their faith be kept strong. Keep us filled with Your Holy Spirit, please God. We need the Spirit so much in our frail selves and we want to be found ready when our Lord returns. We ask in the name of Your Son, Amen. Alleluja

Re: Ascension Day sky event

Dear Jesus ~ Please hear regina's
prayer....and we say, Amen.

Re: Ascension Day sky event


Re: Ascension Day sky event


Re: Ascension Day sky event

CJ's Post, on Five doves, Re: Rapture on Ascension Day of this year!


Re: Ascension Day sky event

I will add my amen to that prayer and add that may we be ever alert and checking the sky for our Saviour's soon coming.

Terry His Jewel
Malachi 3:17 kjv

Re: Ascension Day sky event

The Day has arrived Ascension Day, and some believe that the Rapture will take place today!

Let God's will be done, according to His plan and purpose!

Watching every day, for the coming of the Lord!



Re: Ascension Day sky event

AMEN - May it be so Lord Jesus. We yearn for Your appearance and our gathering together in You. "The Spirit and the Bride say COME!"

Re: Ascension Day sky event

WOW - thanks Val! I am able to post again!!!!

Even though I don't say much... I am always reading and I just wanted to add a HUGE AMEN!!!! to hoping this is the day! Have been looking for it for soooo long.... please Father.... we pray this is the day.

Thanks again Val.... I wasn't able to get in earlier. but tried again, and Voila! Love you Sister!

Re: Ascension Day sky event


Welcome back, glad you are able to post once again!

I'm sorry you had so much trouble with your computer, especially being hacked, I know how that feels!

Anyways the main thing is you are able to share with us once again, as we watch that day approaching closer!


Blessings & Love in Jesus!


Re: Ascension Day sky event

Texas Sue, Valerie, Shirley, et.al.:

My calendar shows that Ascension day is June 2nd and the new moon didn't appear in Jerusalem until 12:03 am on the 2nd. It's still the 1st here in Colorado. I believe that Ascension day and the coming for the Bride won't happen until near midnite the 2nd on Jerusalem time. I think that is around 3:33 in the afternoon Colorado time.


Re: Ascension Day sky event

Sorry Corey, It didn't happen the way you wrote and posted it out to be on the Five Doves! God has a different day in mind, therefore, we must be careful, not to put our faith in a date saying that we can bank on it; that it will happen, because we "know that it will..". We know very little when it comes to thinking like God.
God's ways and thinking are much higher than ours!

Here's a snippet of what you wrote:
"Bottom Line, the day of the rapture IS NOT A SECRET, and can be know through the spirit of revelation through the word of God ONLY! Patterns of God reveal the day, its Ascension Day folks! Bank on it!

So, that day is June 1st, 2011! 2012 is not a new moon day, and the rapture must occur on a new moon day, the glory of God will be declaring the rapture event in the heavens!!!!"

No the day of the Rapture is not June 1st, 2011!!!
The day has past!

Perhaps, tomorrow, in a couple of days, or months...I don't want to dash anyone's hopes, therefore, I will not set a date!

I'm grateful that Dr Owuor, doesn't set dates for the Rapture...great man of God that he is..keeping us on our toes watching faithfully.

Keep watching, Corey, and all here at RFTH, the Rapture is near even at the door.



Re: Ascension Day sky event

Sorry Corey, It didn't happen the way you wrote and posted it out to be on the Five Doves! God has a different day in mind, therefore, we must be careful, not to put our faith in a date saying that we can bank on it; that it will happen, because we "know that it will..". We know very little when it comes to thinking like God.
God's ways and thinking are much higher than ours!

Here's a snippet of what you wrote:
"Bottom Line, the day of the rapture IS NOT A SECRET, and can be know through the spirit of revelation through the word of God ONLY! Patterns of God reveal the day, its Ascension Day folks! Bank on it!

So, that day is June 1st, 2011! 2012 is not a new moon day, and the rapture must occur on a new moon day, the glory of God will be declaring the rapture event in the heavens!!!!"

No the day of the Rapture is not June 1st, 2011!!!
The day has past!

Perhaps, tomorrow, in a couple of days, or months...I don't want to dash anyone's hopes, therefore, I will not set a date!

I'm grateful that Dr Owuor, doesn't set dates for the Rapture...great man of God that he is..keeping us on our toes watching faithfully.

Keep watching, Corey, and all here at RFTH, the Rapture is near even at the door.



I totally agree Valerie.

The absolutes are still going around and it's getting old. Unfortunately people are still "banking" on absolute dates instead of "possible time frames".

Re: Ascension Day sky event

I need to point out, just as Terry did, that Ascension day is today June 2nd. It's not over yet. We could be with our savior in just minutes or hours from now. Everything Corey said in his study about Ascension day and Pentecost was right on target. God is precise in his timing of human events. I don't believe God will throw a dart at the calendar to pick a date for the most glorious event(the rapture) in man's history to take place. It's true that our calendar may be off a little, but patterns of fulfillment are evident in the scriptures, and God does want his church to be ready when he comes. The often quoted "No man knows the day and the hour" is never directly tied to the rapture at all in the Bible. It most likely refers to the second coming, since the rapture was not revealed in the scriptures directly until 1st Corinthians 15. Also, remember that Dr. Owuor did in fact say that God showed him a vision of the rapture happening during an upcoming revival meeting. His own people have basically hinted that this Kericho revival starting tomorrow is the meeting Dr. Owuor spoke of. If not, they sure are using a lot of persuasion to watch the revival live. That should fill our hearts with joy! If Dr. Owuor is a true prophet of God, we should look at this revival, or any soon upcoming revival as a rapture timeframe.
Remember also that on June 5th, there will be a huge Muslim insurgency against Israel's borders, and Ahmadinejad has promised that the Imam Mahdi will appear that day. These are exciting days we live in. Come quickly for your bride Lord Jesus!


Re: Ascension Day sky event


Let's get something straight, Corey did say it would happen on "June 1st, 2011", "you can BANK on it"...this is in total error. When we set a date and that day passes that we set, is done and over with. Therefore, I don't agree with you that "EVERYTHING COREY SAID IS RIGHT ON, BECAUSE IT'S NOT! IT IS WRITTEN IN HIS OWN WORDS, AND IT'S WRONG!"

CAPS are only for emphasis, so that the truth is revealed and not veiled.

Nowhere in the Bible it tells us to find the exact date...Jesus told us to WATCH so we didn't become complacent and it wouldn't catch us unaware.

I totally disagree with you on this point.

Date setting is wrong...and those who set dates, not only disappoint others but themselves as well. It's deception, and many that have set dates, have deceived others as well as themselves.

Actually when one sets a date, they are shooting darts, and to this day noone has it bulls eye, and I seriously doubt if anyone will!

This is my honest opinion, and I know I'm not alone thinking this way!



Re: Ascension Day sky event

Your right that June 1st came and went. I'm not disputing that fact. What I was referring to when I said Corey was on target, was his study concerning Ascension day and Pentecost. When he said June 1st, he meant that in terms of the Jewish day starting at sunset the previous day. Today is Ascension day for sure, and I'm not giving up on the rapture happening soon. I didn't mean to upset you over this issue, but I know Corey was not happy about his study from 5 Doves being used against him. He does have an understanding of the scriptures better than I have concerning the parallels. I pray that Jesus takes us home soon, so that we don't have to keep wondering what day it will be.


Re: Ascension Day sky event


I know you and Corey are good friends, as a person I have nothing against him either. However, since I have taken on a very serious role, setting up this site, I must stand by the truth.

Corey, is a young man, an adult, and he should be aware that our actions do cause a reaction from others, and sometimes consequences. Therefore, he must prepare himself for constructive criticism, not praise only.

We have all been wrong in our lives, and we have to learned from our mistakes! If we don't learn, we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again,and this hinders our growth, on a personal or spiritual level or both.

Yes Corey should be upset, more so with himself, than with me, as I've pointed out the truth of the matter. The truth shall set us free! An absolute date was set, and the date has past without the results that were presented.

This is a friendly Christian point of view suggestion; perhaps, Corey should reconsider setting dates like he has done many times in the past and present, and instead use his God given talent of study for a greater purpose. It's something he should pray and think about. His studies have been excellent at times, however, he does get carried away, with his date setting. I think date setting is something he really enjoys doing, and I'm sure he's not going to give it up anytime soon! I believe that with all my heart.

Kevin, I hope you understand that I have a responsibility to God first, and to all the members here, to follow Jesus, to seek out the truth and to point them in the right direction! Be it Corey, or anyone else. I have had too at times, to detach my personal feelings for someone, and please the Lord, by standing by the truth. I have lost a few email friends because of it, but my commitment is to God first and I don't regret it. If they were true friends to begin with, they would have done the same thing in my place, put God first.

I really hope that Corey takes this to heart, and learns that God loves him, and so do we, but he must learn to take corrective criticism, and not just praise alone.

Corey, may God guide you and keep you until the Rapture!

Blessings & Love in Christ,


Re: Ascension Day sky event

A-men Valerie, Glad you are this way!