Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here


Speaker Of The House Threatens To Destroy The World Using Secret WMD, Hints Japan Earthquake Was A Test

In this speech by the Russian Speaker of the House you will find two interesting points. 1. Russia plans to setup an Eastern Block Union similar to the EU; and 2. Russian has silent secret weapons capable of destroying nations within 15 minutes. The first 90 seconds of this interview lay the foundation for Russia's feelings towards Georgia. In the last 90 seconds the House Speaker says this:.. "Washington has no future, this artificial state will collapse; then the old Europe, that continent, which has no importance whatsoever; China is on the verge of explosion; and what remains is Russia possessing orbital launch capability: space power. Russia with lots of money, resources, and new weapons, that no one knows about them yet. With them we will destroy any part of the planet within 15 minutes. Not an explosion, not a ray burst, not some kind of a laser, not a lightning, no, but a quiet and peaceful weapon. Whole continents will be put to sleep forever. And that's all. You will have to dig in the wreckage and debris of your buildings...


Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

Oh MY GOSH!!! I thought I had been shocked so much I couldn't be shocked anymore,

I actually swallowed at the end of reading this, how scary!

so we are now hearing how Russia wants the MiddleEast!!!!

and just when we thought we had seen it all!!

I like the part about scaring the illuminoti

Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

Reminds me of the prophesy:
Ezekiel 38
1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of[a] Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. 5 Persia, Cush[c] and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, 6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.
7 “‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. 8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. 9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.

10 “‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. 11 You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. 12 I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land.[d]” 13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages[e] will say to you, “Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?”’

14 “Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it? 15 You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.

17 “‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: You are the one I spoke of in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel. At that time they prophesied for years that I would bring you against them. 18 This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign LORD. 19 In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. 21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Sovereign LORD. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.’

Russia is taking the bait...
And we know the end of the story...

Revelation 22
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

I thought that looked like Zhirinovsky while I was watching this video. I wondered what happened to him. I always thought he seemed like a good candidate to be Gog of Magog. He has made it clear in the past that he has no love for Israel. What a hateful man he is!


Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

Oh my goodness!!!!! Harvey Troyer, like Deborah, I was shocked by the video and article, then what you have added is like an additional electric zap! This is as you said, too serendipitious to be accidental.

Whoaaaaaaaa, looks like the hook is already in the jaw here, Regina! Thanks for those verses from Ezekiel 38& 39. Wow what timing for this. WE REALLY ARE ABOUT TO GO HOME FOR GOOD!!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!!!

Kevin, Valerie, Harvey, Deborah, Kathy G, Regina, David, His Polema (Kathy), JimH, Gimel, Mike, Allelujah, Liberty, Calvin and all our other other rapture watching buddies, hope you are ready to fly.

Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

Ready, waiting, and raring to go!

Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

Yes, it sure does look, like the "Rapture Flight to Heaven" is about to take place!!!

All aboard!!!!

I can almost hear Jesus calling:"Come Up Here"!

We're going home at long last!

Blessings & Love in Jesus,


Re: Russia Threatens - Warning: Colossal Arrogance on Display Here--Hello Vladimir Zhirinovsky!

each day brings more fulfillment. not in my life time of 50+ years have i seen so much so fast as now.
we are ready Lord! we are watching and willing for the day You return. we can be with You only by Your grace and mercy and forgiveness. we can not thank you enough!

Jesus Open arms Pictures, Images and Photos

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