Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

OB to announce to nation shortly from White House.
US has his body per Geraldo Rivera 1051pm....

Was killed one week ago by US bomb.
Officials had been waiting to test his body for DNA match.

Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

Frankly I have thought for a long time that he was dead years ago and to admit it would cut away at the U.S. reasons for being in Iraq and Afghanistan. In other words, voter polls would turn against the war and expenditures. Big bankers (Intl) love war because they make money on both sides.

Found this article posted on Free Republic which does give one pause...........


'Nuke hellstorm if Laden caught or killed'

Al Qaeda terrorists have threatened to unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" on the West if their leader and world's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden is nabbed.

A senior al Qaeda commander has claimed that the terror group has stashed away a nuclear bomb in Europe which will be detonated if bin Laden is ever caught or assassinated, according to new top secret files made public by internet whistleblower WikiLeaks.

The documents are secret details of the background to the capture of each of the 780 people held at or have passed through the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, along with their medical condition and the information they have provided during interrogations.

The documents have been released to select European and US news outlets and reveal that the day 9/11 terror killings took place in United States, the core of al Qaeda was concentrated in a single city of Karachi in Pakistan.

The intellectual author of September 11 attacks watched the horrifying scenes of the planes crashing into the twin towers of World Trade Centre beamed live on TV with key al Qaeda commanders at a safe house in Karachi.



Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

Personally - this a man who has evaded special task force teams for ten years now.... I somehow think this is not the truth, I beleive he's been gone for awhile, but a great opportunity for O to remove focus from a birth certificate and to look to a death certificate!


Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

it is probably a calculated statement for an agenda and not to make us "feel" safer,

thank goodness Yahshua says I tell you these things so when you see them you will believe,

what a wonderful Savior,

Come Lord Jesus

Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

I believe that Obama is using this to get people's minds off his failure as a President, whom offered much and accomplished little, to get re elected in 2012! I also believe it was to get peoples minds of the birther's and is fake birth certificate.

What proof do we have then his word, that Osama Bin Laden was killed...(we know he's lied about so much so his word means very little if anything)! He said they dumped his body in to sea, yeah right! I don't believe it for a moment. However, if by chance it is true, America is sitting on a powder cake, because the retaliation would be horrific, by terrorists.

I hope this evil person is dead, 24 Canadians died in thoses towers that day as well, that is why Canada is in Afganistan, fighting the war as well.

Looks like the Rapture & Sudden Destruction are closer than ever before!

Look up our redemption draws nigh!



Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

Just as I thought, he is an expert whom believes the retaliation for Osama's death will be horrific...Valerie

"Far Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Expert warns of massive and horrific backlash after bin Laden death*

Will Brodie
May 2, 2011 - 1:52PM

An expert in global terrorism says the death of Osama bin Laden is "by
no means a knockout blow".

Professor Greg Barton from Monash University described news of the
al-Qaeda leader's demise as "quite remarkable", given the lack of
progress in tracking the terrorist leader in the past decade, but warned
America and its allies that their reaction to the news must be measured.

"I think he's (US President Barack Obama) going to play it very
carefully and very coolly and not to gloat, not to have any sense of
hubris because if the President or America and its allies in general are
not very careful this could backfire.

"For many bin Laden will be a martyr once his death is confirmed so any
sense of gloating or any sense of unnecessary demonising is only going
to help that cause."

Professor Barton told radio 3AW this afternoon that al-Qaeda will remain
strong without its infamous leader.

"Al Qaeda has become several things today its become a series of
organisations in based geographically different parts of the world so
the loss of bin Laden doesn't change that.

"There will be others moving into his position. He was never a great
intellectual or a great writer so his role was really as a charismatic
front man more than anything else and his greatest claim to fame was
being on the run for so long and escaping arrest or capture."

Professor Barton said there would be other figures to take the place of
the mastermind of the September 11 attacks.

"There certainly are. Whether they can project the same sort of sense of
almost a prophet of an Old Testament figure emerging with tremendous
charismatic appeal to some people in the world is the question.

"A lot of scholars and intellectuals don't have that sense of charisma
that somehow bin Laden seemed to conjure up. We can be sure he will be
replaced and we can be sure the movement he started is not going to go away.

"I don't think we get closure emotionally with this news nor do we get a
clear sense that the threat is over. There have to be great concerns
that this could spark a massive and horrific wave of reprisals.

"If nothing else, Al-Qaeda will want to show it's not a spent force,
that it still has teeth and will still have something up its sleeve to
show the world it is still in business."


Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

"Far Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Expert warns of massive and horrific backlash after bin Laden death*

Will Brodie
May 2, 2011 - 1:52PM

An expert in global terrorism says the death of Osama bin Laden is "by
no means a knockout blow".

Professor Greg Barton from Monash University described news of the
al-Qaeda leader's demise as "quite remarkable", given the lack of
progress in tracking the terrorist leader in the past decade, but warned
America and its allies that their reaction to the news must be measured.

"I think he's (US President Barack Obama) going to play it very
carefully and very coolly and not to gloat, not to have any sense of
hubris because if the President or America and its allies in general are
not very careful this could backfire.

"For many bin Laden will be a martyr once his death is confirmed so any
sense of gloating or any sense of unnecessary demonising is only going
to help that cause."

Professor Barton told radio 3AW this afternoon that al-Qaeda will remain
strong without its infamous leader.

"Al Qaeda has become several things today its become a series of
organisations in based geographically different parts of the world so
the loss of bin Laden doesn't change that.

"There will be others moving into his position. He was never a great
intellectual or a great writer so his role was really as a charismatic
front man more than anything else and his greatest claim to fame was
being on the run for so long and escaping arrest or capture."

Professor Barton said there would be other figures to take the place of
the mastermind of the September 11 attacks.

"There certainly are. Whether they can project the same sort of sense of
almost a prophet of an Old Testament figure emerging with tremendous
charismatic appeal to some people in the world is the question.

"A lot of scholars and intellectuals don't have that sense of charisma
that somehow bin Laden seemed to conjure up. We can be sure he will be
replaced and we can be sure the movement he started is not going to go away.

"I don't think we get closure emotionally with this news nor do we get a
clear sense that the threat is over. There have to be great concerns
that this could spark a massive and horrific wave of reprisals.

"If nothing else, Al-Qaeda will want to show it's not a spent force,
that it still has teeth and will still have something up its sleeve to
show the world it is still in business."


Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

I agree with you brother. It's very convenient timing for this to happen, and we have no photographic evidence that this was really Bin Laden either. They said he was buried at sea quickly, so all we have is the Usurper in Chief's word, which isn't worth much in my opinion. This was done to take the focus off the forgery Obama calls his "Birth Certificate". I don't trust him at all.


Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

I wonder if Bin Laden at some point before he died, ever repented and trusted in Jesus as his Savior.

I know it is highly unlikely, but I suppose it is possible.

The Lord gets glory when a sinner is saved, no matter how big a sinner he is. I suppose the bigger sinner that person is, the MORE glory God receives for saving them and forgiving them.

Something to think about.

I have heard a lot of folks this morning saying Bin Laden is in Hell getting what he deserves now.

Well, don't we all deserve Hell for our sins. Not one of us is worthy by our own merits to go to Heaven are we?

Again, I don't personally think Bin Laden was born again before his death. It just seems unlikely. My point is, none of us know for sure whether he did or not.

I am a citizen of Heaven first and foremost. My King loves to extend grace , mercy and forgiveness to those who will humble themselves and repent and trust in Him, no matter what their sins are. I agree with Jesus, my King.

Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

The whole thing is a CIA operation, always has been; from the original WTC bombing to this made up killing of the operative known as Bin Laden. There are already holes all over the place in this story, from all the live news feeds saying that Osama was killed a week ago and was being held for confimation of body, to BHO's speech saying he gave the orders last nignt to take Osama down. This is definetly to try to increase Obama's points for getting reelected. The fact is, Obama will be reelected, but the powers that be are planning on making it look like he earned it. (eyes roll)

Also, there are rumors about the US security organizations using this, to tighten down even more on our freedoms here in the US. That by spreading the lies about these supposed Sheikh Muhammed threats because of this (psy-op) fake death of a man who was already dead. See the details of his death from assassinated leader of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto on Youtube (if they haven't already taken it down (censored it)! Otherwise, go to InfoWars.com!!!

People! you need to quit believing the Lame stream (main stream) media, even their sites online are full of lies, duh!! Get ready for sky-high oil prices as the lies about retaliation extend to our gasoline sources. If you have time, investigate the amount of oil that the US has and does not use. They've got a pile of lies, so pray for discernment so you can know the truth!

Truth is, Jesus/Yahshua is the ONLY way to have an everlasting life through belief in the atoning power of His precious shed blood on the cross for YOUR sins! The Father raised Him alive from the grave as an example of how HE will raise His Church and the "dead in Christ" very soon, in the few days coming.

LOOK UP, this Osama story is another sign that our Redemption draweth nigh! Accept Jesus as your saviour before it's too late!!! Visit AllAboutGod.com, God bless you and keep you from harm in these frightening times, HE will you know!!!

In HIS Love, By HIS Spirit
Malachi 3:17 kjv

Re: Usama Bin Laden Dead - Fox News Confirms

Found this account online - read with discretion.


Interview of Dr. Steve Pieczenik – Bin Laden Already Dead in 2002

April 24, 2002

AJ: We are talking about Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset during the ‘80s, right into the early ‘90s and now the mainstream reports here out of Europe and the U.S. confirming that he was involved in the situation in the Bosnian and the Serb war. And then what Dr. Pieczenik is calling the classic term “blowback” - the bad boy getting out of control and this report of him in the American hospital. It’s been in the Washington Times, you name it, getting nursed back to health, meeting with the CIA Section Chief for ten days. Dr. Pieczenik, a former undersecretary of State and member of the CFR, you name it, can say, oh yeah that’s true but he’s got an explanation for it. Please elaborate doctor.

SP: Well, I don’t have a very good explanation. I was shocked as well as you were in that what is a Station Chief doing seeing Osama bin Laden * when he was already declared an international war criminal under the previous administration and then the Station Chief testified, with several others, that the whole family - so that notion that the family of bin Laden when they evacuated and left this country and then was subsequently interviewed, said they had no relation with bin Laden and that they didn’t know where he was and all that nonsense. It’s just sheer nonsense. And so when that popped up and I saw that, I said there is a lot of things going on here that don’t make sense. And that means that they are using bin Laden in a way that the United States government or you call Big Brother is basically using it in a very, ah, ah, ah, how should I say this, nefarious, in a very dangerous way to manipulate the American public.

Read more..............