Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Where are you all from?

I know whereabouts some of you live, but there are many new people coming on board,so please share!

What part of the world do you live in?

How many Canadians do with have? Americans? Others?
Tell us a little about yourself!

I'am a born again, Holy Spirit filled, Christian, Canadian! I love the Lord with all my heart, and I've been a watcher for His coming for about 30 years now!

I live in Toronto, Ontaio, Canada! I came to Canada as I child from Europe, when I was only 2 years old. Therefore, Canada is my home. I love my country, and our Prime Minister! Actually we have a federal election coming this Monday May 2nd,so we'll see what happens then. But there is no one that I love more than anyone in Heaven or on Earth than Jesus!

I just turned 64 on April 29th, thanks be to God I made it! LOL!!! Many times I didn't think I would!
I've been married for 44 years! A Mother of two,
married children, Son & Daughter!
Grandmother of two Granddaughters!

I started The Rapture Flight to Heaven site, just a little over two years ago on April 7th. The reason I started it, because, of Christians sites I had posted at were constantly debating, arguing, hurting people of different denominations, and at times the behavior was less than Christ like towards on another. In other words they were driving the lost away, instead of towards the Lord! After all we are suppose "to Occupy" until the Lord comes, and win the lost!

I wanted a place where all Pre Tribulation believers of tje Rapture would have a safe haven to come and share their love for the Lord and one another, as we
watch for our Blessed Hope!

A place of encouragment, bringing all from every
denomination to Christ. A place with like minded people could share together while we watch for the Lord's soon return!

I love to watch for the signs the Lord spoke about and the prophecies of His soon return!

Now it's your turn....!

Blessings in Christ!


Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Hello Valerie and brothers and sisters on the forum! I'm a dual citizen person, born in the USA but living in BC Canada now. Grandchild #9 on the way! I became a Christian at 14, am 55 now. It has been a bumpy road but I am here today by the grace of God still believing in Him that He is real, and still trusting Christ for my salvation.
I hesitate to say too much on line about myself because of privacy. I guess "me" leaks out over time but mostly I want you all to know that your fellowship means a lot to me. Having someone to listen to and talk to that believes Christ is really coming back makes me realize that I'm not alone in the world. I pray for you and am so glad you are all here in cyberspace. I haven't answered many posts and don't often have something to contribute, but I listen to you, often identify with you in common faith. If I could contribute something, it would be to give others the steady belief that God is real and alive. That is what I have found after depths of despair and times of rest and rejoicing. God is here through it all. I need Him. I want Him. There is no person on earth to take His place. We don't pray to the air or wishful thinking in our heads. God is present and ever has been with us wanting our companionship. Rejoice if you know this.
If you don't, today right now is time to meet your Maker and ask Christ to come into your heart. He is faithful to me and will be faithful to you. That is His character. He is a living person and He is faithful. He is the One in whom my soul delights.
God bless you all and keep you in His faithful care.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Great idea Val! I am from - GUESS WHERE???? - TEXAS! Some may know that when Texas first won its battle with Mexico it was an independent Republic, a country on its own. It did become part of the United States later, but that indendent spirit lives in every one born in the great Lone Star state.

I have traveled to Europe three times and seen Italy from Naples (S) to Lake Como (N) and every major city in between and loved it! Also visited Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany. I would love to see Canada, Israel, Ireland and Scotland but do not care to travel until the TSA abusers are dealt with and set aside. I am praying for that!

My cousin traced our maternal ancestry back to Ireland as far as the 1600's so I would love to see that place. My maternal grandmother's father's side came to America in the late 1600's and fought in the Revolutionary War of Independence, settled in Virginia, Georgia, and later came to Texas. America is very dear to me and I grieve for its loss of bearings and drift from God.

Valerie, Billye Brim is teaching on the end times this week and next and said something that I am going to research further. She said the Pilgrims that first came here had given a prophetic word that Canada was in God plans for the last days. She was also talking about the head of Canada's strong stand with Israel and how remarkable that is considering that so many other nations are treating Israel badly. You are living in a blessed place.

Finally, I was saved at 17 and have walked with the Lord for a good long time. I have been looking for His coming all these years as my grandmother talked about it a lot and so I had an interest in prophecy from an early age.

The awesome thing about knowing God is that every day there is something new about Him and life is never static or boring. He is always bringing us along and helping us increase our faith and to trust Him to handle things. The more He shows me, the more I know that I don't know much but am on the edge of an ocean of knowledge and that we will spend all eternity uncovering the secrets and the mysteries of the universe and God's creation, and learning more about God Himself. What an awesome time we are in for soon.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Im from canada, 25, married mother of 2. Currently pregnant with my 3rd and sure am feeling sick

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I was born in Oklahoma, and I live in southeastern Oklahoma. But I've lived in several other states through the years as well--New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, upstate New York, and South Carolina. I've been single all my life--I have no husband and no children. I was saved in late childhood, but walking with God has been a continual struggle for me.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I live in Connecticut, USA. I am 31, happily married 7 years and have 2 daughters - Isabella Rose, age 6 and Mara Jade, age 4. I also have 2 Shetland Sheepdogs, 3 cats, and 5 rats. Yes...I did say rats. LOL They are awesome little creatures!! They love to clean themselves, they are smart, gentle, and love to play and interact with people and with my dogs. I have been Christian all my life, but I’ve only been a watcher for a short time. I never had a church growing up because my mom was catholic, and my dad was methodist. I started going to a congregational church in my early 20s when I heard my favorite music teacher from elementary school was the director and organist, and I really missed singing in a choir. I eventually became a member, and now my parents have joined, and they are fairly active in church now. I’ve made many mistakes growing up, but I continued to believe and follow the best I knew how, and God blessed my life so much. It is still very hard to live in these end times, but thanks be to God, we are making it and we are safe. It took a while to realize and appreciate everything he has done for me, but now that I have, it’s like looking back on what your parents put up with, but they still loved you and wanted the best for you.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

hey kathy,
I must say there is a part of me that is slightly jealous of those who've remaind single!! I guess since I AM married it's sometimes hard to see the glass half full.

I married into a christian cult [yes there is such] and I thought my life was over cause i didn't realize it when i got married. I struggled with 'I will never be able to do what God's called me to do while im in this church (being married there is being married to the church) - but if I leave my husband I was afraid I would be outside of God's will anyway.

God opened our eyes and led us out, after much much grief. Then my husband was 'on the outside' friends and family shunned him. And since he was born into it, he had no stable foundation anymore cause the church was based on man's (the pastors) approval.
So needless to say, he's made some big mistakes as he was basically going through adolescents in his 20's.

All I can say is it's been more difficult then I signed up for... at the same time if we all saw what was down the road im not sure many of us would sign up at all... maybe except for those who's marriages have been golden, and I have met a few of those

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I'm a hundred miles south of Val in Buffalo.

Here is something that happened to my wife and I on a trip to the Toronto Airport Fellowship back a few years.
I had asked the Lord to do something special for me (thinking healing) as we were leaving home.

It was 20 minutes after 6 when I said to my wife that we would never get to the meeting (at 7:30) in an hour and ten minutes, but that was OK because going up later misses the real bad traffic near Toronto (there is only a single route into that city from the south).

Anyway, I figure we left at 6:30.
I drove with the fast traffic and when we saw the exit for 427 and the Toronto airport, I looked at the clock on the dashboard. It said 7:30!
We pulled into the church and the clock inside said 7:40.
All my clocks were re-set a week before at dailight saving time, I KNOW we ate dinner at 6 something.
I remember every town that we went thru.
We covered 103 miles in the old Mustang in an hour and ten minutes.
This produces an average speed of around 90mph.
The return trip was 102 miles in around 2 hours going the same speed.
I am absolutely baffeled as to HOW God did this.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I live in Columbus, OH......GO BUCKS!!!

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I'm from Charlotte, NC but am going to school at NC State University in Raleigh Go Pack!

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Born in Fairbanks Alaska in 1964, my mom went through that big earthquake while pregnant with me. Moved to Costa Mesa CA (my parents both grew up in Los Angeles) while still an infant. Lived all over So Cal and been in Hawaii (Oahu) just over 6 years. Moved here because there was more work here than there and the prices are very similar. Our minimum wage is a dollar less though. So not fair... I've got 3 daughters, 26, 24, and 21. The 2 youngest need hard core spirit warrior prayer. The other is doing pretty good. Finally seems to be walking with the Lord but needs to grow more. I was saved in 1971 when a hippy witnessed to me on the street and then prayed with a friend and myself. First church I went to that meant anything was Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa at that time.
My parents never got saved (possibly my dad did on his deathbed in 1975 but I don't know. He was an atheist who suddenly wanted to hear about God - so the pastor doing his funeral said - I will never forget the gasp that went through the chapel when he said. Most the relatives were atheists to my understanding - or just knew that he was.
My mom is alive (not saved) in Washington state near SeaTac. My only sibling, a brother died in 1996.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Every one has such interesting stories, I really enjoy being able to come here and participate and thank everyone too for being such sweetie pies,

I grew up in Arkansas and came to live in Texas over 15 years ago and have fallen in love with the vitality of the state and the ability to have a business here. I came to know the Lord very early and was very fortunate to come from a Christian family, though as we see they/we were not aware of the consequences of the laws being passed, and the other things that have changed our Christian nation to a secular one.

Mike t, I too have had similar experiences with the stretching of time, it happens when I need it too and I seem to accomplish a lot during that experience, it is very cool and seems supernatural.

Blessings to each and every one and you are in my prayers, and I sure can tell you are praying for me and thank you very much.

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Well, I'm 44 years old, married for 11 years, and we adopted a baby girl 6 years ago. Her name is Faith, and she is such a blessing. I was born and raised in Memphis, TN. I got saved when I was 21, and I have been living in central Florida for the last 20 years. I've been studying Bible prophecy since the the year I got saved, which was 1988, and I believe as we get closer to our Blessed Hope, I have learned so much more. I look forward to meeting all of you in the air soon, and may God bless you all!


Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

I'm 41 and live just out of Christchurch, New Zealand, and I can tell you a little bit about earthquakes!!! Infact we had a 5.3 aftershock yesterday morning.

Married for 13 years, we have 2 boys and a daughter. I am a stay at home dad, and teach piano when I have the chance during the week.
I enjoy playing pipe organ, at our local church
Lived in Adelaide, South Australia from 2005 until Jan 2010, and returned to New Zealand.

We have a dog, cat, 2 sheep and maybe a calf soon....

Watching and waiting for the trumpet blast!

Been following 5 doves website for 12 years or so, and enjoy Steve Coerper's, Anakypto forum on blogtalkradio. check website link

Thanks Val, for your commitment

blessings to all

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Hi Val and all, I live in Kalifornyuh, ( California )
on the Delta, near Antioch, Contra Costa ( Opposite
Coast in Hispanola ) County. I was born in The Great
Land of Texas, but escaped with my life ( pun intended ) when at 2 yrs my family moved out west to
Babylon, ie California. Grew up Baptist and Chosen
Frozen ( AofG ) in Delano, NOWHERE !! and the Lord yanked me up and outa there in '65 for 2 yrs in the Army, a yr and 1/2 in Germany. The Lord has sent me not quite all of the way around the earth, and allowed some ministry overseas as well here from time to time. I'll be 68 in July, and the old ark is uh moverin uh moverin along. I see this year as one HEAVY DUTY TIME in the coming together of many prophetic fulfillments to go down over the next few years. Its a blessing to interact on RFTH now and then, and its good to see the interest increasing concerning the end of days unfolding.

Bless ya'll

Dewey W

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Thank you everyone who has so far contributed to this thread, it's good to know where and what our Brothers and Sisters in Christ live in this world and about themselves. We'll have so much more time to discuss these things in Heaven further, eternity for a matter in fact, LOL!!!

I feel like I know you all a little bit better, and you are more human to me, instead of some entity in cyberspace,LOL!!!

Please continue to share, for those whom haven't done so...even, if it's just a few words... by doing so, we can relate to one another in a more considerate fashion towards one another!

Perhaps be more considered and more sensitive to issues when it comes to posting something! It is better to be more encourging and uplifting toward one another! Afterall, we are to occupy until the Lord comes, and win over the Lost to Jesus, instead of turning them away from Him, just because of their back ground or denomination.

I thank God for each one of you, and I pray that you will continue to participate here and win souls for God's Glory! My prayers are with you daily, be safe, wherever you live, and serve God. Keep watching for our Blessed Hope, Jesus, is Coming Very Soon...perhaps even before this day is over, if the Lord should so desire. I'll see you soon, at the Rapture Flight to Heaven! Maranatha!

Blessings & Love in Jesus,


Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Name's Michael (obvious) and I'm from San Antonio, TX. Born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. I'm 26 years old. I got saved when I was 16 in Huntsville, AL. I've been watching for the Lord's return for almost 10 years. I always knew His return was close but I didn't understand "how" close until about Jan 2010. Back in Jan 2005, right after I graduated tech school in the Air Force, the Lord gave me a dream/vision of what the initial moment of the rapture is going to be like. It's going to be 100 times better than the craziest rollor coaster in the world. That's not really what I'm looking forward to; I'm looking forward to having this abominable flesh changed to perfection so I can be physically close with the Lord Jesus, so I don't melt like wax in His presence (and so I don't sin anymore!) Anyway, I'm excited for the day that I get to meet you all in the clouds...very soon. Until then, Maranatha!

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Hello, My name is Terry. I go by Jewel, because that is the name God gave me for the forums when I asked Him for a new name that would show I was a child of His. When I received that name from Him, it made me cry because I have never really had any love for myself. He reassured me that He loved me very much by showing me that I am precious to Him, even His Jewel.

I live in Southern Colorado, a town named Pueblo, population of about 100,000. I came to the Lord when
I was 13 and was attending a Southern Baptist church in Lumberton Texas with my Sister and her husband, who lived in Beaumont, TX. The Reverend was preaching "hellfire" that day and I wasn't going to get caught unsaved for that action. I scurried up to the front and gave my life to the Lord, and was baptized the next week.

When I was 16 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and went to church camp every year and was faithful much of my life except for the times I wasn't. Maybe one of these days I will tell of God's grace that was shown through healings and by saving my life several times, including being struck by lightning.

It is good to meet you all, I, like you, am focusing on drawing closer to the Lord Jesus/Yahshua through more prayer and reading of His Word. I just love the Bible don't you? Well, God bless you all and keep you close!

In His Love, By His Spirit,
Malachi 3:17 kjv

Re: I don't think we've ask these questions before...so how about it?

Thank you Jewel, and everyone, who has shared so far.

Please continue to share, as you are lead. There a new comers here and you are welcome to share as well.
Soon we'll all get to know each other a lot better, in God's kingdom.

Blessings & Love in Jesus,
