Welcome to God's Work Prayer Forum. You can post a prayer request here and have members and visitors pray and intercede on your behalf. I pray this service will be a blessing to your life. You can also send prayer requests to ( Prayers@godswork.org )
Many employees dream of working for themselves or going freelance. But I often encounter stories where freelancers dream of returning to regular employment to feel that sense of stability and security.
I honestly don't know what’s more stable and secure. When you're employed, you're still dependent on your boss. But at the same time, this frees you from a lot of tasks, responsibilities, and accountability. Freelance work, however, has a lot of downsides that aren't always obvious.
I am one of those people who feels more comfortable in employment. If you find a good company or firm with reasonable management and good working conditions, why not? You simply do your tasks and get paid. I’ve tried working for myself, but eventually, I returned to https://layboard.in/vacancies/jobs-in-saudi-arabia/speciality/carpenter to search for a job. The site is great, I always check listings here. If you’re a job seeker, I recommend this platform.