Taft Class of 1974 Message Board

Taft Class of 1974 Message Board
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40 Year Class Reunion!!!

Hey Class of '74!!! We're looking at dates for our 40th Class Reunion in 2014! We'd like your input. Sometime between mid-July to mid-August. Some of you who have classmates not on Facebook or not on my list, contact them...get them involved. You can post here, send me a message or email me at knighthammer@sbcglobal.net. Let's start now and have a HUGE turnout in 2014!

Re: 40 Year Class Reunion!!!

Our 40th year is upon us... happened pretty darn fast if you ask me but, it happened all the same! REUNION TIME I know that a lot of our emotions are swirling with the passing of Eva Carter Estes, I get the impression that she wouldn't miss a good party or a good opportunity to be with old friends, so neither should any of us! We need to make some decisions, get some info out and get this party under way!