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1 Morel Mushroom Lane Message Board
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i found 18 enormous blondes today in marquette county wi found them under dead elms that i had checked several times earlier this year shrooms are still growing so all you shroomin freaks dont give up hope the mother loads are still to be had....


State: WiScOsIn

Re: ~GrEaT FIND~~

what are blonds? they are not morels are they? I' still waiting for them here in tennessee

Email: freebird38351@aol

State: tn

Re: ~GrEaT FIND~~

I beleive it's a shroomers term for yellow.

State: wi.

Re: ~GrEaT FIND~~

I find it very hard to believe you found any in WI yet. They aren't even finding them in the southern states yet. I guess some people want others to get all excited and spend time looking when it isn't even warm enough yet.

State: IA

Re: ~GrEaT FIND~~

Jodi, you need to take a closer look at the original posting date of this thread.

State: mi