Hey Just wondered if anyone was finding any morels againg after the cold snap and snow we had ? SW Missouri is where I am... found alot earlier been twice since the hard 3 day frost and snow we had around April 4 just curious havent seen anything dead or alive...
Hey, how are you. I have just discovered this site for info on morels. I was poking around my daughters new house last evening and happened to look under her holly bushes and found a bunch of morels. We have never had them and frankly never new we would be lucky enough to find them in the back yard. The house is in a former mountainous area. New homes all over the woods. They left most of the woods around the houses. Oak, maple etc abound in the wooded lot. Of course, there are also snakes around, so that may curtail our hunt. Looking for rain this evening, does that bring up more morels? They had ant exterminaters there two weeks ago, does that effect the safety of eating them? The bushes around the house are about two feet away from the side of the house. I have yet to climb up to the wooded lot above the house. I think I shall have to carry a big stick with me to make noise.
Nice chatting with you. Thanks for listening. I will try to find some recipes and how to prepare the morel for eating.