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1 Morel Mushroom Lane Message Board
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Morel Hunting

I am in Oklahoma City and have been learning to hunt Morels for the past few years. Each year I only find a few, but I know they are all over from the word of other hunters. I am looking for information, or books to read to make my search better. Any info would be great and I will report what I find in the next few weeks. Hopefully they are out. Any advice or any other Oklahomans here?


State: Oklahoma

Re: Morel Hunting

We have many Oklahomans who have posted in the past and the season starts earlier there than here, so keep watching the board and I am certain help will be on the way!


State: Illinois

Re: Re: Morel Hunting

I figured there would be some Oklahomans on here. I just thought if we got a little bit of rain this week if anyone thought this weekend was solid, or if I am jumping the gun again. Anyway, I am heading to Eastern Oklahoma this weekend to check one of my spots. Good luck this year.


State: Oklahoma

Re: Re: Re: Morel Hunting

Hey Michael,
I used to live in OKC about 15 years ago.
I used to go to a spot by the Canadian River, on
MacArthur??(I think that was the name) anyway I remember it being next to a trailer park,was pretty woodsy and damp, and had real good luck. The first week in April was pretty good, but that varies from year to year. That was some time ago might be a strip mall or subdivision by now.
Good Luck!
Uncle Jeff


State: Spanish Lake Mo

Re: Re: Re: Re: Morel Hunting

Thank you for the info. I have noticed that there are alot found in Oklahoma at the end of March and beginning of April. But, for some reason I am wondering if this year it is earlier than expected. It is 65 during the day, but just not any rain for awhile. I am breaking out my map right now, and heading to east Oklahoma by Arkansas this weekend. I hope to find some luck!


State: Oklahoma

Re: Morel Hunting

Try Canton Lake Great hunting!!!!


State: oklahoma