I've Hunted those areas some, Not very much around Truman Lake, but quiet a bit around Pomme De Terre Lake, used to work there Surveying around the Lake, it was an excellent opportunity to hunt, spent nearly every day out tromping the woods around there, Lots of Corps ground there to look on and Lots of vacant lake lots, would find them there nearly every day they were in season. I own property East of Urbana and make weekend runs up there all the time, Seems to be a good week between finding them here in MOUNT
VERNON, and finding up in that area, Got some really nice spots around Dallas County, lived 35 years of my life there and Dad was a big time hunter too, he doesn't get around much anymore but has turned me on to his hot spots, at a price of course, It is best Hunting in the Pomme area from mid to late April. Well gotta get out and look now, Good Luck to All.