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Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

We were in Calhoun County this past weekend, we found a total of 80,over 3 days of looking couple hours a day, mostly yellows, one grey and one dog pecker, found quite a few dry ones too, we need rain woods are dry, all my ggod spots produced nothing, the big finds were around a "White Oak" and a Sycamore" tree. I can't believe its over, but seeing the yellows has me wondering ? Those are usually the last on our place but itd been a weird start, I think rain and warm temps may get them to really pop.


State: IL

Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

Rain Friday, Staurday and Sunday here near Peoria, too, and we need it for "the pop"!

I have run into a snake or two, but rarely. I always wear long sleeves and a hat or cap due to the possibility of ticks and the brambles one sometimes must walk thru (and climb under ! :)

Best wishes and happy hunting! Maybe I'll run into you in the woods!


State: Illinois (Central)

Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

We look in and around poplar trees, but have found them around ash as well. When the weather is just right you can see those succulent morels sticking right out of the ground. Once you get your mushroom eye on, watch out!!!! They are fun to find.


State: michigan

Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

Where at in Central Illinois? I'm in the Charleston, IL area.

I may be interested in hunting with you??? I've started hunting in some of the State parks and conservation areas. But, when I go, it's for hours - plan to bring a lunch - haha.


State: IL

Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

Am Cindy the 'shroom-Hunter Novice....Damita, I live in "Central" Central Illinois....kind of a distance from Charlston....sorry!
I went out hunting today for the 1st time at a nearby park/hiking trail for 3 hours but did not find any. Saw a man and lady also who came out to look in the area for morels---they said I was looking in the right areas, anyway. One of these times when I am hunting and find one, you'll probably hear my shriek of joy for miles! Has anyone else had any luck finding any? It has rained here and will rain off and on for the next 2 days.


State: Illinois

Re: 'shroom- Hunter Novice

Was in Charleston today and found two. Should be popping around Wednesday.


State: Illinois