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Welcome to The Vortex Marketing Group Forum!

Please feel free to discuss any topics you wish relating to our business. You are welcome to provide links to any programs you have to share with us which are relevant to assisting the members on our team in the advertising and promoting of The Vortex Marketing Group,, and, but please do not cross promote other business opportunities here. You may use your affiliate links to promote any advertising sites/programs that you may be affiliated with. Making a living online is why we are here.


Vortex Marketing Group Forum
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Member Suggestions and Comments.

Please feel free to post any suggestions or comments you may have that you feel would be useful or that you would like to see implemented here.


Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Hi Everybody,

I just received this email from one of our affiliate members who just came on board and just wanted to share it with everybody:

This is just a quick note to let you know that I just activated the voucher #XXXX-XXXXXX
and joined the CEO's Vortex Marketing Group (Mastermind). You're right. You provided a great
opportunity for me to flourish, even though our finances are ultra-short, right now and I want to
say "Thank you for that." Opportunities abound online, but all of them aren't worthwhile.
This has the potential to combine all of them into one for future clients, while still providing computer repair services. I'm just trying to get started into some kind of computer-service
business. Looks like this is the answer. Sounds like the CEO and I share a similar computer
background, both having had TI99/4A's and neither being Math/Science majors.


Barry P. King

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Thank YOU for emailing me back so quickly! I have registered at the cashflow pc site, and the vortex marketing group site as you instructed. This program looks like THE program I will be focusing on PERIOD!

Thank you,

Alicia Burd

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

I registered earlier tonight. I needed to virus scan my pc before I replied
to your message. I know that this is a great opportunity and am ready for
it. Having said that, I know that 2005 willl the year of PnP (plug and play)
internet pc's. Larry Ellison (Oracle) and also the founder of Sun
Microsystems (forgot his name) said that the internet will be the server and
the pc will be the appliance. Even Microsoft is moving to a web based
subpscription service in 2007 with the release of Longhorn operating system.
I know that the Cash Flow PC is going to revolution the online marketing
and niche areas of usage.

I am not a geek, but an all around PC user with interests in a multitude of

Personally, I am married with a one year old son and between jobs. Well,
thanks again Brett for the opportunity.

In prosperity,

Sergio Censullo

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Hi Brett...

I've got my two:
Sabrina Eady
Gary Pearson

I am so excited!!!! this is only the begining!!!

Carolyn Pearson

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Hi Brett:

This looks good Brett,since I'm on my computer alot anyway,even the supplemental would be fabulous! Thank You so Much for this offer, was a blessing for me to have seen your ad and answered it!

I am very strapped for money right now,but I knew if i hung in there,it would change, and it did when I answered your Ad!

Once again Thank You,you are appreciated (you just don't know how much)!

God Bless You In Everything You Undertake To Do!

Carolyn Pearson

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Hi Brett

Just got my vouchers on Sunday emailed 4 people I knew from another site that just folded. So far one replied positively so I am on my way. Hopefully the other 3 will soon. Thanks

Re: Member Suggestions and Comments.

Blogs are a new way to publish content and advertising to readers, instead of using email to inform their members of news or information.
In the past year as people become familiar with the word "Blog", what they are used for, and several websites popped up offering to host a free blog for anyone who wants one. This caused an explosion of blogs.

Blogs have RSS feeds, or news feeds inserted into their webpages. Those RSS feeds have constantly changing news being shown in which this make the search engines visit those pages - frequently. Unlike free FFA pages, search engines do not discount or ignore links on blogs.

It has real, constantly changing content, information, photo's, links and news. If you have a link along with a short ad on those pages, the search engine will pick up your site and also count your links as valid, and they are valid!

People do visit blogs to get the information they offer and
can not ignore any advertising on it. Advertising is being offered
right now by the companys who are the hosts of the free or
paid blogs but this runs into thousands and thousands of dollars. But really inexpensive go to > or
They really work! I am in VMG also..