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AI (Artificial Insemination)

AI (Artificial Insemination)

I get the question all the time why do you breeders do AI. I prefer AI as to natural breeding any day. I am not saying I think you should breed males and females that can not tie naturally, but it does have its advantages. Here are a few of the advantages to AI, and then a how to in AIing your ******

First off if I am letting someone use my male as stud, more often then not that female is not going to take to my male on the day of the breeding. Every female I have here chooses one male, and it is always the wrong male. Females can be quite nasty to a male she does not want to mount her. So safety is a #1 reason I like AI.

Second a natural tie can last any where from 15 mins to 45 mins. AI only takes 5 to 10 mins. So it is easier. Also with natural tie, if the female has one of the sexually transmitted diseases that yes dogs have, your male is infected. So again for the safety of the male it is better to AI.

Third you can then analyze your males sperm under a scope and see wether or not it is any good.

I have seen my males tie up to my females, I have pictures of this. I do not need proof that a male can make a natural tie to breed to them. I think more people should think more openly on the AI. It helps to breed dogs to dogs in other countries, and opens the doors to being able to use any stud you want.

Now how to AI this is my favorite question. You can go to the Clone website and it will tell you in great detail how to do it, and sell you the supplies to do it with. If you are a novice breeder only breeding one litter a yr, you more and likely will have your vet do it. But most breeders learn the procedure and do it themselves. You want to do progesterone testing, that tells you what day to breed your female. It really makes things so much easier. Now you pull the male, yes many ask what does pulling mean. You collect the semen from your male. You use a sterile clean bag, you do not want to hook a machine up to a healthy male to get semen. I have found large sandwich baggies or bottle bags make the best collection bags and they are clean and sterile. Only use the bag once. Yes you do have to get your male use to this procedure, the first time you pull a male it can take some time, but as your male gets use to being pulled, and you get use to how to pull correctly, it very rarely takes more then a couple of minutes. Now here comes the scientific part to pulling a male that most breeders never even take the time to learn. And it will make pulling the male faster and easier. A male has three ejaculations that he goes thru in a single mating. The first is when he mounts the Female or you first get started pulling he will ejaculate a small amount of clear fluid. This is known as the pre-ejaculate. It is watery clear in color and contains no sperm. The quantity ranges from between a very few drops and some milliliters. This fluid is a secretion discharged by the prostate gland. When the dog has completed his intromission, he stops thrusting, and the main secretion, containing an abundance of sperm is ejaculated. At the same time the bulbous is engorged and the tie begins.
The second ejaculate is a milky fluid of high viscosity. The whiter and more viscous the secretion, the greater the number of sperm it contains. The amount of secretion ejaculated varies (according to the size of the dog) between 0.5 and 2.5 milliliters. If the second ejaculate is transparent instead of being milky, it is a sign that it contains too few germ cells.
In the further course of the tie, yet a third ejaculate takes place, (post-secretion) and this contains no germ cells. The post-secretion is a clear fluid secreted by the prostate gland, and it can amount in volume to as much as fifteen milliliters. This third ejaculation serves to flush the second emission into the Female. The volume of the second ejaculation is too small for it to be able to travel of its own accord as far as the ovaries, where fertilization takes place.
Now when AIing a female you do not want to wait and collect the third ejaculation. You only need the semen, and thus it does not take long to pull the male. My fertility specialist Dr. Barber, says that when you properly AI a female, that the semen reaches where it is going within two minutes. I prefer using the kit that you can get from Clone to do my AI's with.
Now AIing your Female. You suck the semen up into the tube with a syringe placed at the end of the tube, you don't want any air in the semen, I suggest that you suck up air to start so you know you have enough air behind the semen to push it all into the ***** with out having to take the syringe off and suck more air in later to finish pushing the sperm. Now you take the tube and you insert it into your ******* vagina, making sure that you do not insert it into her bladder. Her bladder is located at the bottom of her vulva. You make sure you take the tube up over the hump of her tail and insert


it as far as it will go. Now you are right at her uterus opening. You inject the semen into the Female, and pull the tube out, raising your female's rear end, and holding her there for at least two minutes, to make sure no semen runs back out. Some breeders hold their females elevated for as long as ten minutes, clone recommends five, My specialist says two minutes does the trick.
So this is the procedure for AI, and why I prefer it over natural tie any day. I hope this has helped explain it in greater detail.

Re: Re:

They say that A.I can damage the sperm and thus creating abnormalities but this only occurs at 1% out of 99% normal. Is this true?