Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum

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Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum
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I have a 1 year old Neo Mastiff female. Over the last 6 months, she has had constant skin conditions/allergies. Once it was a strep infection the vet says she must have picked up outside. Another time it was a flea-bite that she scratched to a raw red on her skin. Now it is just general "skin allergies". We feed her what we think is a good food... Nutro Ultra Large Breed Adult... but don't know what else we can do to keep her out of the vet every other week.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas on what we can do to help her with these skin allergies?
She is an inside dog... is kept cool and comfortable and spoiled all day long... but it is killing me to see her uncomfortable with these skin rashes/allergies!

Please Help!


What kind of cleaning products do you use. They usually do get a staph infection when they are going thru their puberty phase. But the ones that have severe allergies it can be caused from anything. She may just have a simple food allergy. It would take changing her food and you would not see a difference for about a month. But I would try switching her to one of the sensitive skin sensitive stomachs, it is based on salmon and many brands have it, proplan, purina one has one now, science diet, natures recipe, etc. Also we have dog that is highly allergic to cleaning products,lysol, febreeze, etc. We are only able to clean in bleach or vinager. To clear her up you need to find the route cause, and sometimes trial and era is all you have. Hope this helps.


How many times do you take your Neapolitan Mastiff for a bath a week. I suggest a minimum of 2 times a week is good enough for this is a standard of a good Neapolitan Mastiff care.