Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum

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Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum
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I have a 3yr old Neo male. He's had problems with his left hip since about 1 1/2yr old. He recently decided it would be fun for Mommy if he blew out his right hip as well. :( We have him on pain meds because my vet doesn't feel that any type of surgery would make things any thing other than worse for him. He is still active and doesn't complain but I know he must hurt pretty bad because his hips pop so loudly when he walks around that it is like nails on a chalkboard to me. If anyone has any suggestions to relieve his pain and make his mobility a bit better I'd love to hear about it. The pain medicine he currently takes is rymadil? And, like most Neo's he has the old sensitive stomach so we have to be careful what we give him. We also give him a joint health supplement the brand name is MoveFree.

Re: Hips UGGGG!

Irene, welcome to this forum! I have not ever heard of move free. What we use is Aniflex GL. It has high doses of Vitamin C and glucosamine. One scoop would give him more of the dosage he is probably needing of these things. It has the B vitamins and Yucca too. It is for horses and is in a powdered form. You can get 2 and a half lbs of it for around 22.00 usd. It calls for two scoops for a horse. We have found one scoop put over their foods is better for the dogs. Dr Sherilyn Allen had prescribed a friend of mines dog the same type of product. It has really helped a few friends of mine out when I told them how well this product works. Now with this you would not want to give more c or b vitamins it has everything in it. But I would give this a try, and give it a few days for you to see the changes. Just one scoop a day over his food, and they seem to like the taste.You can moisten it a little and it mixes in the food easier. Here is the link to it. Just copy and paste the link to your search engine.

Re: Hips UGGGG!

Thanks, I've had my dog to Dr. Allen but it was for Cherry Eye and really naughty ;0) teenager behavior not hips. Her office is a good 3 hrs drive from me so....I'll try what you've suggested. Have any of your dogs experienced loose bowels with this supplement?

Re: Hips UGGGG!

I have not seen a problem with loose bowels, but if you see it try just a half of a scoop. It could mean that he is getting too much Vitamin C. But if he has an injury he will need more Vitamin C. Yes Sherilyn Allen prescribed Finish line which is the same type of joint care for horses as this. She had told my friend about this when her dog tore his ACL. I like the Aniflex GL better because it has a higher % of Vitamin C. It is cheaper than Finish line too. But seems to be a better product.