Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum

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Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum
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One reason why there are many different head styles is the failure of the breeders to employ inbreeding or linebreeding consistently, thereby fixing head type. Many of the breeders here in the United States breed indiscriminately (outcrossing continually,no rhyme or reason to a breeding program),or breed to whomever is winning at the shows. Only a few breeders that employ linebreeding really know the power that this type of breeding can have for a breeding program. You must have short-term goals and long-term goals. Short-term goals focus on problems that can be corrected in a relatively short period of time. Long-term goals are ones that will take considerably more time. Also, keep in mind that if you have the same problems after five years and have not made any progress, you must reevaluate your breeding program."