Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum

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Starrsdcct Neapolitan Mastiff Health Forum
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Again Dr.Sherilyn Allen has a good page on Cherry Eye. Do not let the vets tack the eyelid down. It needs to be removed! I have heard so many stories of having to retack and retack until the eye ends up mutilated. Tacking does not work it always pops back out. It is worth the time and money to drive to a vet that will remove the cherry! You will end up saving thousands of dollars. If you need have your vet call Dr. Sherilyn Allen for information on how to do it. My vet removes the cherries without putting the dog to sleep! He just puts a drop in the eye to numb it and then the dog is able to walk right out of the office. With no problems from anesthesia. And they never felt a thing! I hope this information helps!!!