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Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread

I think all print magazines should be included.

Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread

I think all print magazines should be included.

This answers both of my last questions. Thanks!

Pazz & Jop results are released next Tuesday (Jan. 18). Can't wait, especially in a year as wide open as this (PJH's dominance of the spreadsheet notwithstanding, I just don't see Let England Shake topping the poll). The obvious pick for the P&J #1 would probably be Bon Iver, but I don't know - the critics could go for Fleet Foxes or Tom Waits or tUnE-yArDs, or maybe make a statement about the changing industry by giving it to The Weeknd.

Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread

Eligibility questions:
La Presse (cyberpresse.ca) (Canada)
Passion of the Weiss (USA) (passionweiss.com) - see post

Spreadsheet scoring questions:
*La Presse (if eligible): 50 albums (originally 60, but Romain omitted the classical and reissue lists), divided into eight lists, all ranked - 2 top 10s, 6 top 5s.
*Chroniques Electroniques: 55 albums, divided into lists covering 3 categories of electronic music: 1 ranked top 20, 1 unranked top 20, 1 ranked top 15.

Henrik, for each of the above, I'd appreciate some advice on what the +30 score should be, and for CE, how to handle the unranked list (each album assigned a rank of 10.5, perhaps?)

Thanks in advance.

Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread

Harold Wexler
Eligibility questions:
La Presse (cyberpresse.ca) (Canada)
Passion of the Weiss (USA) (passionweiss.com) - see post

Spreadsheet scoring questions:
*La Presse (if eligible): 50 albums (originally 60, but Romain omitted the classical and reissue lists), divided into eight lists, all ranked - 2 top 10s, 6 top 5s.
*Chroniques Electroniques: 55 albums, divided into lists covering 3 categories of electronic music: 1 ranked top 20, 1 unranked top 20, 1 ranked top 15.

Henrik, for each of the above, I'd appreciate some advice on what the +30 score should be, and for CE, how to handle the unranked list (each album assigned a rank of 10.5, perhaps?)

Thanks in advance.
They both look eligible to me.

For the scoring, I'm just making something up here... let me know if it sounds stupid.
La Presse: Data in two columns, top 10s and top 5s. The +30 value is 14 and 9 (30 divided by 8 lists is roughly 4).
CE: I like your suggestion, with 30 as the +30 value.

Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread

Harold Wexler

Spreadsheet scoring questions:
*La Presse (if eligible): 50 albums (originally 60, but Romain omitted the classical and reissue lists), divided into eight lists, all ranked - 2 top 10s, 6 top 5s.
*Chroniques Electroniques: 55 albums, divided into lists covering 3 categories of electronic music: 1 ranked top 20, 1 unranked top 20, 1 ranked top 15.

Henrik, for each of the above, I'd appreciate some advice on what the +30 score should be, and for CE, how to handle the unranked list (each album assigned a rank of 10.5, perhaps?)

Thanks in advance.

For the scoring, I'm just making something up here... let me know if it sounds stupid.
La Presse: Data in two columns, top 10s and top 5s. The +30 value is 14 and 9 (30 divided by 8 lists is roughly 4).
CE: I like your suggestion, with 30 as the +30 value.

So, if I'm reading you correctly, row 3 should be as follows:
*La Presse, column 1 (the 2 top 10 lists): 14
*La Presse, column 2 (the 6 top 5 lists): 9
*Chroniques Electronique: 30

Just making sure. Thanks!

Re: EOY Albums 2011: Eligibility thread
