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Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Henrik, a lot of new lists have been posted since last week's eligibility update - it might actually be easier to note the ones that AREN'T eligible, as I recognize most of these sources from previous years.

Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Harold Wexler
Henrik, a lot of new lists have been posted since last week's eligibility update - it might actually be easier to note the ones that AREN'T eligible, as I recognize most of these sources from previous years.
Sorry, I just haven't had the time to look at this, as we're having family coming to us over Christmas. I will look at this as soon as I can!

Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Harold Wexler
Henrik, a lot of new lists have been posted since last week's eligibility update - it might actually be easier to note the ones that AREN'T eligible, as I recognize most of these sources from previous years.
Sorry, I just haven't had the time to look at this, as we're having family coming to us over Christmas. I will look at this as soon as I can!

No worries, Henrik. Enjoy the holidays!

Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Henrik, I'm not sure how Boomkat is eligible - it appears to be a record store, not a critical blog. It's an interesting list, but I have doubts about its eligibility.

Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Harold Wexler
Henrik, I'm not sure how Boomkat is eligible - it appears to be a record store, not a critical blog. It's an interesting list, but I have doubts about its eligibility.
I have my doubts too, but there are a few record stores that I have included over the years - Rough Trade, FNAC, eMusic, Rhapsody, Amazon...

Sorry for the delay of the eligibility decisions. I think I will find time tonight.

Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Harold Wexler
Henrik, I'm not sure how Boomkat is eligible - it appears to be a record store, not a critical blog. It's an interesting list, but I have doubts about its eligibility.
I have my doubts too, but there are a few record stores that I have included over the years - Rough Trade, FNAC, eMusic, Rhapsody, Amazon...

Sorry for the delay of the eligibility decisions. I think I will find time tonight.

Sorry to poke my nose into something that clearly doesn't involve me, but if it's good enough for Metacritic...


Re: EOY 2010 eligibility thread

Have Eye Weekly (Canada), Blitz (Spain), Rumba (Finland), or Gaffa (Denmark) posted any lists?