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Re: The Sunday Times (UK) EOY 2010

But that was just the rock/pop genre & each of the 5 genres they list is actually a top 20, hence 'the top 100 albums of 2010'. Load of nollocks...would b much better if they just did a straight overall combined top 100.

Re: The Sunday Times (UK) EOY 2010

Sorry, yes ur quite right. It was 8 genres & only other top 20 was Classical. & 2 critics on Rock/Pop, 1 on all others. Hope it's ok then.

Re: The Sunday Times (UK) EOY 2010

Given that Sunday Times is not readily available online (seems to require a subscription) it would be real helpful if someone who has access would jot down the rest of the lists, even if they don't meet the vote aggregate criteria. Thanks.