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Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

I knew Keith Jessop through membership of Keighley Conservative Club, where both he and my late dad Geoffrey were also members. He was a friend of my dad's (an old boy of KGBS,1934-1939,played for the second XV)and he also used to imbibe at the Willow Tree in Riddlesden, as did I. Before being famous, among other employment he spent time on North Sea oil rigs. He used to dash back from Aberdeen to attend various evening functions in remarkably quick time. He and my dad were both "common sense Yorkshiremen"and won the Con Club crib doubles championship one year. When he got the gold from HMS Edinburgh he was the subject of a Giles cartoon in the Sunday Express, a copy of which duly appeared on the wall at said Willow Tree. I read his obituary in The Times, and was very proud that a chap from Keighley could get such an obit. I have a signed copy of his book "Goldfinder".

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1959-1965

Current location (optional) Derby

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

Yes, Michael, I, too, have Keith's 'Goldfinder' book, duly signed by him in June '98. I bought it from him down at the Keighley Con. Club. He always carried a fair few around with him in his car boot shortly after it's publication.
I was at Eastwood School about the same time as Keith although he was a year older than me, and I followed behind him through Infant and Junior Schools until I moved on to KBGS and he went into the Seniors at Eastwood. I met up with him on a regular basis at Marlborough St.Congs.Sunday School but lost touch with him for a good while when National Service sent lots of lads in their late teens, in different directions in the 1950s.
I met up with him again down at the Conservative Club, where his then wife, Millie, was a regular 'frequenter' when Keith was out of the country. Millie was at one time, a 'dinner lady' down at Eastwood School when my young son Tony, was in the Infants there.
Following his 'Russian Gold' adventure he spent more time abroad and on two occasions since I retired, I bumped into him in Keighley Town Centre and had a pot of tea with him along with one or both of my bothers, and talked about 'the old days', as you do.
We talked about his book and his more recent exploits and future plans , and more importantly, the gold bars that were left behind on the wreck of HMS Edinburgh, as the weather closed in. Would it be worth-while going back and hauling them up, after all the legal problems he encountered last time? Strange! I can't remember what his answer was!! I wonder if that gold is still there?

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1945-50

Current location (optional) Keighley

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

I knew Keith before he became famous.He was a driving instructor at the time and got my father through his driving test.Later he became part of a group of us who used to congregate behind the posts on the kop at every home match at Lawkholme Lane as it was then.Keith was sound-down to earth and no frills

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1954-1961

Current location (optional) Filey

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

I went to the computer as soon as I read the article in the Telegraph, only to find the cable had been dug up by building work on the farm . So I missed the chance to be first. However Dennis did it for me so thanks for that. What a remarkable fellow and a grand obituary . He had an Honours Degree in Life , which ranks with any from a University

Current location (optional) Tasmania

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

Just to be in on the 'I knew Keith' list. I go back to childhood when we of the Bradford Streeters were in mortal combat with the Parson Streeters, among others. I have thrown many a brick at Keith in my early years and received lots back I might add. I think Keith lived on Thrush Street.

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

Correction, Arthur. He lived on Jay Street. Indeed, the first chapter in his book, Goldfinder, is titled 'The Jay Street Gang'.
Incidentally, it is reported in this week's Keighley News that a memorial service will be held for Keith next Wednesday, 23rd June. A parade through town will set off from Cliffe Castle gates at 1 pm, followed by a service at Keighley Shared Church(T'owd Parish Church).

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1945-50

Current location (optional) Keighley

Re: Keith Jessop - Keighley's Underwater rag and bone man!

I satnd corrected David. I was never much at Ornithology!! Arthur