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Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Yes, Alan, that is J.H.Learmonth. I think it was Denis Pickles who identified him for me, sometime in the last 12 months. It was Jack Binns who gave me the photograph for scanning, along with another one, of our Form Master, Mr Robinson but he couldn't remember who it was who took the photos nor whose camera it was.
I wasn't aware of 'John H.' going on to be Head Prefect, but I do know that he was very good at languages when at KBGS, and he later went on to teach French & German at Eastwood School.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1945-50

Current location (optional) Keighley

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

I'm not sure Learmonth was even a full prefect. He did, however, bear a passing resemblance to someone else who did become Head Prefect around 1953, Bryan Daynes, who was also a linguist. He went on to Oxford where, I think, he read French.

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Think it is classified under Class_photo

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Sorry gentlemen but Learmonth definitely did go on to become a prefect and was head prefect in 1953. My ears ring even now with the slap around them that was given for climbing over the wall in question.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1949-1954

Current location (optional) Bingley

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Learmonth definitely was a prefect - but because he slapped heads that does not make him head prefect. Oh that we still had the records of the old school - dispatched, I am assured by J J Waddington-Feather, by the new regime to the dustbin when the school went comprehensive. Learmonth was Head of Longsdon House (my house)1953-4 and had a waspish manner with small boys - but in the year (1953-4) he was a prefect - and I share Doug's recollection - Head Boy was Danes (a rank Barrett House outsider) following in the steps of a huge man of a boy called Green (1952-3). I thought he was a teacher!! He shaved!! I think Danes was followed as Head Boy by John Jackson - tall and fair - and who knows - maybe he slapped heads.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1952-60

Current location (optional) Lincoln

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Yes,Terry, that 'huge man of a boy' would have been J.M.Green(Mick), who was in my form all the way through my years at School. He appears on the 4B Class Photo of 1948 and if my memory serves me well, he was a butcher's son from Farnhill and went on to be a 'vet', as did Keith Midgeley who also appears on the same Class Photo.
Mick Green was 'a big lad' for his years and can be found on several School Rugby photos from 1946 to 1952. He was, of course, a forward.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1945-50

Current location (optional) Keighley

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

I was in the Town Centre this morning chatting to Derek Newiss amongst others, when I spotted a certain John H Learmonth approaching. I had previously spoken to him about a week or so ago, about him having been 'mentioned in despatches' on the KBGS website, and on this occasion I asked him directly if he had ever been Head Prefect. He replied,"No, but Mick Green had". So there you have it- 'straight from the horse's mouth'. He may well have given the impression to younger boys at School, that he was something a little more than a 'common or garden' Prefect, but he was never a 'Head'. So, you were right, Terry.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1945-50

Current location (optional) Keighley

Re: Miscellaneous Photographs - "Over the wall".

Thanks for putting the record straight. I doubt that he will remember me but I have never forgotten him.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1949-1954

Current location (optional) Bingley