Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Scientists Propose Surrounding the Sun With Supercomputer to Resurrect the Dead
Transhumanists: “Death is not Irreversible” Russian transhumanists and life extensionists Alexey Turchin and Maxim Chernyakov published a paper titled Classification of Approaches to Technological Resurrection for the Foundation Science for Life Extension in Moscow. In the paper, they outlined what they called an “Immortality Roadmap.”

After outlawing Circumcision: Iceland rocked by Massive Volcano
In 2018, the first rabbi arrived to serve the approximately 250 Jews living in Iceland, mostly residing in the capital city of Reykjavik. But the Jewish community was still faced with trouble in their adopted home. In the same year, a bill banning circumcision was put forth in Iceland’s parliament thereby making Iceland the first European country to ban male circumcision for non-medical reasons. The bill gathered the support of all political parties in Iceland but was called an attack on religious freedom by Jewish and Islamic groups. The bill is still being processed.

For first time in Israel: Two Public Priestly Blessings on Passover
One of the most impressive gatherings of the year is the Birkat Kohanim, the twice-annual priestly blessing held on the second intermediate days of Passover and Sukkoth when some 40,000 Jews come to the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem to be blessed by hundreds of Kohanim (the descendants of Aaron the priest).

Tsunami warning after 7.0 quake hit off the coast of eastern Japan
A 7.0 earthquake hit off the coast of the Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, last night, 20 March 2021, at 6:09 pm local time. The quake occurred 16 km northeast of the city of Ishinomaki and hit at a depth of 54 km. Ishinomaki was one of the most affected cities during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. A tsunami warning was issued following the 7.0 quake. NHK reported waves of up to 1 meter that hit land shortly after the quake. Due to this warning, the town of Watari in the Miyagi Prefecture issued evacuation orders for about 7,000 of their residents.

IAI extends air defense capabilities for longer range, ballistic threats
In the shadow of the IDF warnings of possible attack coming from Iran and its proxies in the region, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) completed on Monday a series of successful live firing trials with the Barak Air Defense System. The company said that the trials tested the system’s capabilities in a range of scenarios and threats…

Iran is increasingly obsessed with defeating Saudi forces in Yemen
Iran is investing heavily in the war in Yemen, through technical know-how and provision of weapons over the last six years, as well as political capital. Where once the Houthi rebels were portrayed as an indigenous rebel force that sprang from the mountains of Yemen, Iran is now taking ownership of the war.

Infiltrations reported along Gaza, Lebanon borders
Infiltrations were reported along Israel’s borders with the Gaza Strip and with Lebanon on Sunday, with suspects arrested in both locations. On Sunday evening, the IDF arrested three suspects who infiltrated from Lebanon into Israel near Kiryat Shmona. The suspects, who later turned out to be Sudanese migrants seeking work, were returned to Lebanon later on Sunday, Israeli media reported.

Turkey and Russia increase strikes in Syria
Turkey and Russia, as well as Russian-backed Syrian regime forces, appear to have increased attacks in Syria in recent days. Turkey is hammering Kurdish positions near Ain Issa with the first airstrikes in months, according to reports. Russia or the Syrian regime it supports is hammering Syrians in areas Turkey occupies in northern Syria.

Biden’s tax hike on ‘big business’ will actually slap workers in the face
President Biden was elected on a promise that he would not raise taxes on people earning less than $400,000. The administration’s recently announced tax hike on “big business” will break this promise in practice, if not under the letter of the law. Remember, there’s a difference between who owes a tax and who actually bears the costs in reality.

Australia floods: Thousands evacuated as downpours worsen
Some 18,000 people have been evacuated from severe floods across New South Wales (NSW) in Australia, with more heavy rainfall predicted. The state’s entire coast is now under a severe weather warning. Days of torrential downpours have caused rivers and dams to overflow around Sydney – the state capital – and in south-east Queensland.

Philippines says 220 Chinese boats have encroached in South China Sea
The Philippines urged China on Sunday to recall more than 200 Chinese boats it said had been spotted at a reef in the South China Sea, saying the presence of the vessels violated its maritime rights as it claims ownership of the area. Authorities said the Philippines coast guard had reported that about 220 vessels, believed to be manned by Chinese maritime militia personnel, were seen moored at the Whitsun Reef…on March 7.

Russia’s top diplomat starts China visit with call to reduce U.S. dollar use
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov began a visit to China on Monday with a call for Moscow and Beijing to reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar and Western payment systems to push back against what he called the West’s ideological agenda. Lavrov…is expected to hold talks with his Chinese counterpart at a time when both countries’ ties with the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden are badly strained.

Government Officials Know the Final Fate of Busloads of Immigrant Children That Go Missing
…For 7 years, I have received highly reliable information from a DEA officer. In the last Central American immigration invasion, Obama was busy trying to “rescue” immigrant children by loading them on buses and sending them to communities that would have nothing to do with them as they were rejected. Whatever happened to these children?

Biden’s US Border Crisis: Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking
…”There is a dark side. A very ugly dark side that would fit the agenda. These ‘children’ are a necessary component of pedophilia sex trafficking. And the trafficking, while likely being induced before these children reach America, it is big business once they enter US soil and are confined, unregistered, unseen, unverified, and unaccounted for. At last ‘media count’ there are 13,000 undocumented children at the opaquely viewed border centers. Of course, this number is likely as accurate as the CoVid counts and could be significantly, artfully, created.

Diversity Or The Bigotry Of Low Expectations
Errors accumulate with no one to challenge them. The ESG/EDI concepts pursued in the West are essentially copying the South African model of social change, which is anti-meritocratic and will destroy institutions and civilization…

Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code
Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.

VIRGINIA: Restaurateur Who Ignored Mask Mandate Beats Government in Court, Will Keep Doors OPEN
A Fredericksburg, Virginia restaurant owner who scrapped a state mask mandate has defeated the Northam Administration in court, successfully defending both his business and the freedom of choice after refusing to back down amidst health department efforts to shutter his business.

The Bible Does Not Record Jesus Christ ‘Falling’ While Carrying The Cross At Any Point Going To Calvary, That Idea Is Roman Catholic Nonsense
The Roman Catholic Church teaches many things “contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.” One of their most-popular false teachings is something called ‘The Stations of the Cross’, a recurring ritualistic practice I was compelled to observe many times in my 29 years as a Roman Catholic. The ‘stations of the cross’ are only too eager to show you how Jesus Christ was too weak to carry His own cross, and fell down, repeatedly, in the process. To the majority of Catholics around Easter time, this ritual brings tears to their eyes. The only problem is, it’s not biblical.

US Opening New Facility to Hold up to 2,000 Unaccompanied Minors
“The number of unaccompanied children arriving at our southern border is at a level we have never seen before,’ said Sen. Shelly Moore Capito. The US is set to open another facility to deal with the surge in #IllegalImmigration, the Biden administration announced.

Murders, Shootings Skyrocketed in Portland Following George Floyd’s Death
Shootings and murders significantly increased in #Portland starting in May 2020 and have continued plaguing the city. #Shootings rose 173% after the riots while murders spiked 255% in the months following the unrest, according to Portland police data.

US organization with ties to Wuhan lab failed to disclose taxpayer funding
An American non-profit organization closely tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is being sued for its alleged failure to disclose that taxpayer funds supported its work. In its lawsuit, filed March 15, the White Coat Waste Project (WCWP) alleges that the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA)’s omission of taxpayer funding in its declarations violated a federal law known as the Stevens Amendment.

NY Times, Joke of a Newspaper: Babylon Bee ‘Trafficked in Misinformation’ Disguised as Satire
The headline at the New York Times, was promising: “For Political Cartoonists, the Irony Was That Facebook Didn’t Recognize Irony — As Facebook has become more active at moderating political speech, it has had trouble dealing with satire.” It appeared on the front of Saturday’s Business Day section as “Facebook Just Does Not Get Satire.”

China: What To Do About It?
Well, China really wants to rule planet Earth. It also wants to possess and rule the near portions of the solar system. No, I am not exaggerating. No nation in history has been this ambitious…

Church of England may impose black, minority ethnic quota for clergy
The Church of England may institute a quota on black and minority ethnic clergy within its ranks as well as institute anti-racism training, according to a leaked report.

Donald Trump is creating his own social media network that will go live in a few months
Former President Donald Trump is coming back to social media — but this time with his own network, a Trump spokesperson told Fox News on Sunday.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

‘Killer’: Franklin Graham urges Biden to look in the mirror
President Biden’s reference to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “killer” in an interview this week should prompt some self-reflection in Biden, evangelist Franklin Graham said Friday. “President Biden should consider that, in God’s eyes, abortion is murder. It is the killing of the innocent, not the guilty,” Graham wrote on Facebook. “President Biden supports abortion, and his administration supports abortion – even government/taxpayer funding of abortion.

Black man ranting about ‘white devils’ ‘stabs boy, 12, in neck with box cutter’
A Pittsburgh man reportedly ranting about “white devils” is in custody after allegedly tackling a 12-year-old boy from behind and stabbing him in the neck with a box cutter while he and his family were waiting in line at a McDonald’s restaurant Saturday afternoon.

Why won’t Democrats take the border crisis seriously?
Environmental hypocrisy is easy to point out because the goals often are unattainable, and many elites don’t believe what they’re preaching. Whether it’s Al Gore, specious celebrities or John Kerry, few live up to their lofty standards. But immigration duplicity is another, perhaps more dangerous, matter. It’s also an issue Democrats clearly are losing in the public arena.

Trump: ‘We don’t have freedom of the press’
He said the “cancel culture” is shutting down opinions that don’t align with progressive ideology. “Freedom of the press is absolutely gone. And the press is just very dishonest. You see the way they cover the border,” he said. “They’re not going to talk about the border and other things, plenty of other things, I could go through a whole list, but it’s really a terrible thing. It’s never happened to this extent ever before, never happened.”

De Blasio floats thuggish plan to have cops visit people suspected of being racists
Crime is up dramatically in New York City. The New York Police Department is spread thin because of retirements, leaving the officer’s union to say that the anti-cop sentiment among officials in city hall had left the “NPYD broken, almost beyond repair.” So naturally, what Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks the NYPD should be doing is knocking on people’s doors if they’re suspected of saying something hateful.

French troops and Sahel uranium
French President Emmanuel Macron says he won’t reduce the number of troops deployed in Africa’s Sahel region despite pressure from home and abroad to do so.

Illegal immigrant says he crossed into US because of Biden, wouldn’t attempt under Trump
An illegal immigrant told ABC News on Saturday that he unlawfully crossed the border into the United States because Joe Biden is president, noting that he would not have attempted the journey if Donald Trump still held office. When ABC’s Martha Raddatz asked the illegal immigrant father – who traveled from Brazil with his wife and three children – if he would have tried crossing the border when Trump was president, the man responded, “Definitely not.”

Meander in chief: Fox News host says Joe Biden isn’t ‘in charge’
Hilton said Biden “clearly at the very least doesn’t have the energy to do the job” and called the commander-in-chief a “president in name only,” based on the centrist president’s apparently progressive agenda. The Fox News host said strongholds within the Democratic Party are controlling Biden’s agenda, even though the commander-in-chief campaigned “with a very clear centrist message.”

Supreme Court agrees to consider reinstating death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber terrorist
The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to hear the Department of Justice’s case to reinstate the death penalty for 2013 Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The high court will hear arguments in the case some time in its next term, which begins in October. The DOJ had requested in October 2020 that the high court reinstate the death penalty, three months after a panel of three U.S. judges overturned Tsarnaev’s death penalty sentence over concerns of juror bias.

Glow of “cosmic web” filaments directly imaged for the first time
On a scale that’s hard to fathom, the universe is made up of a “cosmic web” of hydrogen filaments that feed and form galaxies. Now, astronomers have made the first direct observations of light from this web, by staring at a patch of sky with a powerful deep-field telescope to detect faint dwarf galaxies. Physics and simulations have long predicted that the large-scale structure of the universe looks like it was spun by some colossal spider.

Very bright fireball over Pennsylvania, U.S.
A very bright fireball was recorded over Pennsylvania, U.S. at around 04:25 UTC (00:25 EDT) on March 21, 2021.

Worst floods since 1971 hit parts of New South Wales, Australia
About 18 000 people have evacuated their homes after torrential rains hit New South Wales, Australia, causing severe flooding in many parts of the state on Saturday and Sunday, March 20 and 21, 2021. More evacuations are expected as the severe weather is forecast to continue mid-week.

Amidst Boy Scout bankruptcy, full extent of sex abuse scandal comes to light
Since its founding in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has helped shape the lives of 130 million youth with help from 35 million adult volunteers. But now in the throes of bankruptcy, the organization’s history of sexual abuse allegations is being forced into the public limelight.

Heavy rains pummel Australia’s east, bringing worst floods in 50 years
Heavy rain along Australia’s east coast over the weekend have brought the worst flooding in half a century in some areas, authorities said Sunday, forcing thousands of people to evacuate and damaging hundreds of homes.

California Education System Set To Resurrect Baal Worship
Controversial curriculum proposed by The California Department of Education will have students chanting the names of Aztec gods once worshiped in human sacrifice rituals.

Dr. Fauci is the “Dr. Mengele” of the Fourth Reich Really, how is Dr. Anthony Fauci “The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government“?!?!
Vaccine: twenty countries suspend injections; does that make you “hesitant?”
The Guardian: “Several European countries have halted using the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine…” The Guardian has a brand new definition of “several.” Their own article lists the following nations: Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden.

Krispy Creme Is Giving Free Glazed Donuts To People Who Can Show Them Their COVID-19 Vaccination Card After Getting The Moderna Or Pfizer Jab
We have told you that, from the very beginning of this COVID circus, you were looking at theater, end times theater being played out before your eyes. Yes, COVID is a real virus, but that’s literally the only real thing anywhere within a hundred miles of this mess. Now Krispy Kreme is enticing people to get the COVID jab with a free glazed donut. I wonder if any of the hundreds of people who have already died from the COVID jab would think a Krispy Kreme donut is sufficient payment for their life. Would you?

Financial red alert: Government has created the PERFECT STORM for financial collapse
At the beginning of this year, I publicly predicted the dollar would lose 20% of its purchasing power this calendar year. That prediction has already come true, with prices skyrocketing on everything from food and fuel to housing (lumber, electrical wiring, etc.).

Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic by Kurt Schlichter
It might not occur to you, because you are not a bizarre wierdo, but a lot of people really love the pandemic..and not just the fascist pols who get off on exploiting their emergency powers to boss people around, but even some regular people. The masks, the paranoia, the constant talk about vaccines – some people love this stuff.

‘President’ Joe Biden Bans Media Access To The Disgusting, Teeming Slum In Texas Where Illegal Immigrants Are Caged In Squalor And Filth
The scope and depth of what’s happening right now on our southern border is go immense that it nearly defies description. Thousand of illegal immigrants and children, packed into squalid cages and holding areas, looking for all the world like a concentration camp is sending shockwaves across Washington today.

Racist Black Man Stabs 12-Year-Old Boy in the Neck at McDonald’s While Ranting About ‘White Devils’
A black man stabbed a white 12-year-old boy at McDonald’s in Pittsburgh in what appears to be a clear anti-white hate crime. The child is in stable condition after being stabbed by Charles Edward Turner, 51, on Sunday.

Amazon One Contactless Biometric Payment System Uses Your Hand To ‘Buy And Sell’ Like In Revelation 13
You are never going to get past that King James Bible, so do yourself a favor and get in line with what it’s trying to tell you right now about the end times. Revelation 13 declares plainly that the Mark of the Beast is payment system that allows you to ‘buy and sell’ using your hand or your forehead. When it is fully realized, a chip of some kind will be inserted into the back the right hand or in the forehead. Say hello to Amazon One, a biometric contactless digital identification payment system that uses…(wait for it)…your hand to make payments.

HORROR! Photos Leaked of Joe Biden’s Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into Holding ‘Pods’ in Squalid Conditions
The photos were leaked showing hundreds of children huddling on the floor of eight ‘pods’ – each of which are supposed to hold 260 people. One pod reportedly had over 400 unaccompanied male minors crammed together, according to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), who provided the photos to Axios to raise awareness about the situation.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

“You Can’t Escape The Smell” – Mouse Plague Of Biblical Proportions Overruns Eastern Australia
New South Wales and Queensland are being overwhelmed by a biblical wave of mice, which have taken over homes, stores, farms, hospitals, and automobiles. These nasty little rodents are eating everything in sight, leaving a path of destruction. Reuters said, “the Australian state of New South Wales is suffering their worst plague of mice in decades after a bumper grain harvest.”

Persistent heavy rains trigger flooding and landslides, affecting more than 3 000 homes in Peru
Heavy rains have caused flooding and landslides in northern Peru over the past few days, affecting as many as 3 000 homes. Around 160 mm (6.2 inches) of rain fell in a 24-hour period in Yurimaguas, capital of Alto Amazonas Province in Loreto Region, which is more than half the city’s March average rainfall of 257 mm (10.1 inches).

High level of volcanic gases measured close to the eruption site at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland
A volcanic eruption in Geldingadalur​ near Fagradalsfjall on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula continues since March 19, 2021. Lava fountain activity is still low and mapping of the lava flow is in progress. While no volcanic ash has been detected, a high level of volcanic gases has been measured close to the eruption site. The public is advised to stay away from the area.

AOC Hypocrisy On ‘Kids In Cages’ Stunning As She’s Silent On Biden Luring Central Americans Into Sex Trafficking For Cartels
The United States was treated to highly-produced displays in the past of Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) crying to an empty parking lot in her quest to virtue signal about Trump’s alleged ‘kids in cages’ moment while the Trump administration wrestled with the Obama administration’s luring of Central American children to the souther border (Obama built the cages that Trump used).

BREAKING: SWAT Team Moves In As Spring Breakers Commit Violence, Destroy Restaurants…City of Miami Beach Declares State of Emergency
SWAT Teams and several local law enforcement officers are moving in to get a massive crowd of Spring Breakers under control after they refused to abide by an 8 pm curfew set by the city of Miami as part of a state of emergency declared by Miami’s Mayor Dan Gelber.

It’s getting BIBLICAL: Plagues, demons, UFOs, cyborgs and covid squatters
In case you haven’t noticed, events in the world are getting downright Biblical. We now have a rash of plagues (mice and spiders in Australia), earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts and even new super strain pandemics (caused by the covid vaccine itself).

End Times Villain Bill Gates Going Forward With Plan To ‘Block Out The Sun’ By Exploding A ‘Chalk Bomb’ 12 Miles About The Earth’s Atmosphere
know this article makes you feel like you’re visiting The Babylon Bee, but sadly it is all too real. Remember that program The Outer Limits? “There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume.” Yep, that’s where we are on the end times timeline. Things down here on Planet Earth grow stranger by the hour, so buckle up.

The Boulder Suspect’s Name is Ahmad Al-Issa. So Naturally The Story Will Now Disappear
The gunman responsible for a mass shooting at a Colorado grocery store on Monday has been identified as 21-year-old Ahmad Alissa. Alissa is now in custody and has been charged with 10 counts of murder. At 2.40pm, he opened fire on King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, killing ten people.

Entire School District In PA Closed Friday After More Than 40 Staffers Called In With “Vaccine Reactions”
More than 40 staffers in a Pennsylvania school district called in “sick” due to reactions to the COVID-19 mRNA gene therapies. Pennsylvania has been vaccinating teachers and school staff members with its allocation of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson gene therapy, labeled a vaccine.

Megaship Blocks All Traffic In Suez Canal After Running Aground In Bizarre Incident
Ships are already backed up all the way to the Mediterranean…


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Drones swarmed 5 US warships off CA coast in 2019 and no one knows who’s behind it
Five different U.S. Navy warships operating near San Clemente Island, Calif., were swarmed by drones over the course of four separate nights in July 2019. The source of the drones remains unknown, but a new investigative report by The Drive published Tuesday details how the drones swarmed the U.S. ships and the efforts investigators took to find the perpetrator.

Elon Musk’s China … Tour Continues
We don’t know what’s more relevant: the fact that Elon Musk is literally kissing the _ _ _ of the Chinese government, or the fact that U.S. media seems to be digesting this as a meaningful story. Regardless it has been tough to not notice that Elon Musk has been “cozying up” to China, as the New York Post so eloquently put it this week. The Tesla CEO apparently “sang Beijing’s praises in a recent interview with state-run China Central Television,” the report notes, while trying to deflect concerns about his vehicles.

US Intelligence Community Increasingly Involving Itself In Domestic Politics: Greenwald
A report declassified last Wednesday by the Department of Homeland Security is raising serious concerns about the possibly illegal involvement by the intelligence community in U.S. domestic political affairs. Entitled “Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Heightened Threat in 2021,” the March 1 Report from the Director of National Intelligence states that it was prepared “in consultation with the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security—and was drafted by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with contributions from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).”

Knights Templar: Ark of Covenant clue uncovered inside mysterious ‘place of power’
“If there is a place in the [Iberian] peninsula that we can call a ‘place of power,’ it is here.

Report: China plans to invite Palestinians and Israelis for talks
The Chinese government plans to invite Israelis and Palestinians to hold talks in China, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya TV channel quoted Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday as saying in an interview.

North Korea fired projectile into the sea
North Korea on Wednesday night fired at least one unidentified projectile into the sea, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, according to the Yonhap news agency. Additional details were not immediately available. It marks North Korea’s second missile launch in recent days.

After getting into the Knesset, his Wife entered the Temple Mount to Thank God
Head of the Otzma Yehudit party (Jewish Strength) Itamar Ben Gvir was voted into the Knesset on Tuesday following numerous previous failed attempts. Ben Gvir, considered to be among the most right-wing activists in Israel, told Israel365 News in 2019 that he supports building the Third Temple. After Ben Gvir finally got in, his wife Ayala expressed her gratitude by making a pilgrimage to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to thank God.

Lost Tribe of Bnei Menashe prepares Matza for Passover in Northeast India
The Bnei Menashe community throughout the remote northeastern Indian state of Manipur today began preparing for Passover – including by baking matzah, the holiday’s traditional unleavened bread – at the Shavei Israel Hebrew Center in Churachandpur. The Bnei Menashe, or sons of Manasseh, claim descent from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who were sent into exile by the Assyrian Empire more than 27 centuries ago.

Passover Sacrifice dry-run Takes place near Temple Mount: Police Warm up to the Idea
On Tuesday evening, … a reenactment of the Korban Pesach (the Passover Temple service) was held near the Shaar HaAshpot (the dung gate) near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The date, the tenth day of the first month, was significant in many ways.

For 3rd time: Hamas fires Rocket at Netanyahu’s Location during Campaign Speech
Prime Minister Netanyahu paid a last-minute campaign visit to Beersheba on Tuesday when a rocket was fired at the city from Gaza. Some reports claim the PM was in the city at the time however the Likud party released a statement saying he had already left the area when the rocket was fired.

Iran says it made five major military improvements last year
Iran continues to improve its air defenses, citing the use of the Bavar-373 system and other capabilities. Iran says it has overcome the difficulties of the pandemic and continues to focus on its armed forces. “In a series of reports, we intend to review the most important military events in the country in the last year,” the report at Tasnim News says.

With 91.6% of votes counted, still no clear victor in Israel elections
With more than 91.6% of the vote counted in Tuesday’s elections in Israel, there was still no clear winner Thursday morning, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid both lacked the handful of Knesset seats needed to form a right-wing or centrist coalition government respectively.

Cargo ship stuck in Egypt’s Suez Canal affects shipping worldwide
Efforts to dislodge one of the world’s largest container vessels that has choked traffic along the Suez Canal have resumed at high tide, with five tugs working to drag the vessel to deeper water… Marine services firm GAC issued a note to clients overnight on Wednesday, saying efforts to free the vessel using tug boats continued, but that wind conditions and the sheer size of the vessel “were hindering the operation”.

Here’s How DC Statehood Could Backfire On Democrats
Congressional Democrats’ push for DC statehood is an obvious power-grab cloaked in a moral argument, which would shift the balance of power through brute-force political tactics – potentially sparking an ‘arms race’ of new Senate seats which could massively backfire on the left.

Outdoors now closed: Feds ban visitors to blooming cherry blossoms at Jefferson Memorial
“In accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and DC Health and in consultation with the National Park Service Office of Public Health, the National Park Service will limit all vehicular and pedestrian access to the Tidal Basin, East Potomac Park and West Potomac Park during the peak bloom period of the cherry blossoms as a public health precaution to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” the NPS said.

Lockdowns return or are extended as third wave of Covid sweeps Europe
Several European countries are extending or reintroducing lockdown measures as a third wave of the pandemic sweeps the continent fuelled by more contagious new variants of coronavirus such as the B117 mutation first detected in the UK.

Germany’s Merkel Extends COVID-19 Lockdown, Citing Threat Of ‘Third Wave’
German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday announced an intensified coronavirus lockdown going into Easter, warning that new mutations raised the specter of a potentially deadly “third wave” of COVID-19 as Europe struggles in its vaccination campaign.

Severe weather leaves 45 people dead, more than 2 000 homes damaged in Colombia
As many as 45 people have died while more than 2 000 homes have been damaged as a result of severe weather in Colombia since March 1, 2021, according to a statement by the country’s National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) on Tuesday, March 23. Recently, heavy rains have caused major flooding in the municipality of Dabeiba in Antioquia on Monday, March 22.

Amazon Delivery Drivers Are Told They Must Sign ‘Biometric Consent Forms’ Allowing AI-Powered Cameras To Track And Record Their Every Move
The One World tracking system known as the Mark of the Beast continues to come into form on a day-by-day basis as the invisible net of the world wide web surrounding us all gets pulled ever tighter. When the Antichrist finally steps out of the shadows to this lost world, bible believers already know who he is, he is going to walk onstage to a waiting Beast system that will only need his official Mark to make complete.

NTEB Reader Puts Up A ‘Left Behind’ Billboard In Milledgeville Georgia Warning The Lost About The Coming Pretribulation Rapture On Flight #777
The Laodicean Church may be lukewarm and ineffectual for the Lord, as Jesus said they would be, but here at NTEB we are experiencing a remnant revival! Every, single day we receive cards, letters and emails from our amazing NTEB readers and listeners who are on fire for the Lord Jesus and excited about His soon return to come and get us.

CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Has Private 40-Minute Phone Call With Emmanuel Macron Discussing His Recent Success In Ur Of The Chaldees
Like the gift that keeps on giving, Emmanuel Macron does not disappoint. We learn today that Macron had another private phone audience with Pope Francis, for the better part of an hour, and they had two urgent topics to discuss. The first being the huge Chrislam victory Pope Francis scored with his trip to UR of the Chaldees, and the second being how to rule and control a post-COVID world.

Leaked Docs Show Obama’s Administration Gave Google Its Monopoly
Eight years ago, the Federal Trade Commission had the chance to face down Google — the giant of Silicon Valley whose power now alters the free flow of information at a global scale, distorts market access for businesses large and small, and changes the nature of independent thought in ways the world has never experienced.

New research points to link between AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots
Researchers at the Greifswald teaching hospital in northern Germany said Friday they’ve discovered how the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine could cause blood clots that could lead to rare thrombosis in the brain, public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk reported.

God’s Great Reset and surviving the tribulation
An excellent article published by The Burning Platform asks the question: What does the Bible say about mass death during the tribulation and end times scenarios?

Fire at Japanese chipmaker adds to collapsing microchip supply lines for automakers
A fire at a semiconductor factory of one of the world’s leading auto chip manufacturers has caused concern for automakers that have already slashed production due to the ongoing semiconductor shortage.

Cambridge Passed Measure Approving Multiple Domestic Partnerships
The Massachusetts city of Cambridge has put in place a measure that recognizes domestic partnerships of more than two people, euphemistically referred to a polyamorous “families,” which in practice means sexual relationships between multiple adults in one household.

Left-wing rag says whites are a “pandemic” that can only be “cured” through mass genocide
A racist black man who writes for The Root says that white people are a “virus” that needs to be eradicated in order to “cure” what he describes as a “pandemic” of “whiteness.”

Understand That Some People Love the Pandemic by Kurt Schlichter
It might not occur to you, because you are not a bizarre wierdo, but a lot of people really love the pandemic..The masks, the paranoia, the constant talk about vaccines – some people love this stuff.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Biden admin calls on Supreme Court to allow warrantless gun confiscation from homes
The Biden administration urged the Supreme Court to uphold a warrantless gun confiscation ruling as the nation’s top court heard oral arguments Wednesday on Caniglia v Strom, a case that could have major consequences for the Fourth Amendment where policing, due process and mental health are concerned.

US Appeals court rules bump stock devices are not ‘machine guns’
The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Thursday that bump stock accessories cannot be considered “machine guns” and thus not subjected to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) ban.

Landmark brain cancer vaccine passes first phase of human trials
A new article published in the journal Nature is reporting promising results from a landmark Phase 1 human trial testing a novel vaccine designed to help a patient’s immune system better target brain tumors. The data suggests the experimental vaccine is safe and stimulates a significant immune response that slows tumor progression. A larger Phase 2 trial is currently being planned.

Politico: Secret Service interfered with Hunter Biden gun incident, says new report
Secret Service intervened in a case involving a missing gun owned by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, in which agents pressured the store owner who sold the gun to turn over paperwork involving the sale in an apparent cover-up, sources told Politico.

‘I Have Never Seen the Asian American Community Galvanized Like This’
she’s turned her lens toward some of the most high-profile protest movements in the U.S., including Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. For her, however, this past week has felt like something new. “Maybe it’s because this all strikes closer to home,” says Kim, who immigrated from Korea to New York at the age of 10 in 1972. “I have never seen the Asian American community galvanized like this.” It’s the first time Kim says she’s seen the Asian American community come out to protest so intensely—and she thinks it’s a sign of the changing times.

Time to Crank the Fear Gauge to Infinity: “Double-Mutant” COVID Strain Will Kill Us All!
“Though VOCs [variants of concern] and a new double mutant variant have been found in India, these have not been detected in numbers sufficient to either establish a direct relationship or explain the rapid increase in cases in some states.” Now, here’s the deal: if you sequence a sample from every person, it will contain a mutation. They claim the mutations are “more infectious”, but have no evidence of this. They all say, they believe. They don’t know. This is fake science masquerading as fact. You want real science and known facts. Here you go.

Marine Corps Officer Warns Congress Against Classifying Christians in Military as ‘Religious Extremists’
A slide used in a Department of Defense (DOD) training manual identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians as “religious extremists,” along with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas, according to a Marine Corps officer. “First Liberty also obtained a screenshot of an unclassified slide from a U.S. Army training manual. The slide is entitled ‘Religious Extremism’ and it purports to identify religious extremists,” Michael Berry told the House Armed Services Committee, during a hearing on March 24 titled “Extremism in the Military.”

Billions of ‘Brood X’ cicadas to descend on US in rare once-every-17-year event
THE US is set to be hit by a swarm of cicadas in what is an event that only occurs every 17 years, experts have warned. Commonly known as “Brood X” by experts, billions of cicadas are set to emerge in an event that does not occur anywhere else in the world.

Macron and Merkel have poisoned minds of people of Europe – SIR BERNARD INGHAM
They have to decide whether to go ahead with the proposed ban on the export to Britain of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine made in the Netherlands regardless of the company’s contractual obligations. If they do, they will prove conclusively that the EU is in a delirious state. After all, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President. Emmanuel Macron, among others, have first rubbished the vaccine and then conducted such a comprehensive U-turn that they want to hoard supplies. Yet all the while millions of doses are lying unused in their ‘fridges because they have poisoned their citizens’ minds against it.

Sign Of Things To Come? Amazon Drivers Forced To Sign ‘Biometric Consent’
Amazon delivery drivers nationwide have to sign a “biometric consent” form this week that grants the tech behemoth permission to use AI-powered cameras to access drivers’ location, movement, and biometric data. If the company’s delivery drivers, who number around 75,000 in the United States, refuse to sign these forms, they lose their jobs. The form requires drivers to agree to facial recognition and other biometric data collection within the trucks they drive. The company says cameras are being used to improve “safety” and the “quality of the delivery experience.” But as Thomson Reuters reported earlier this month, some drivers are quitting their jobs because of privacy concerns.

Iran fired missile at Israeli ship in Arabian Sea – report
An Iranian missile was fired at an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea, hitting and damaging it, N12 reported Thursday. The container ship is owned by an Israeli businessman and was making its way to Tanzania from India, it reported. As the ship sailed between India and Oman, it was hit by a missile and damaged, the report said.

The Russian Navy Is Becoming a Mach 9 Hypersonic Killer
The Russian Navy conducted a number of hypersonic missile launches in the final months of 2020, including three from October to December. In those tests, Tsirkon missiles were fired from the 3S-14 universal naval missile launchers installed on Project 22350 frigates and Project 20380 corvettes.

North Korea claims ‘new tactical guided’ missiles launched
North Korea has claimed the missiles it launched Thursday were a “new-type tactical guided projectile”, in its first statement since the test. It was the country’s first ballistic launch in almost a year and the first since Joe Biden became US President. Mr Biden has said the US will “respond accordingly”. The US, Japan and South Korea have condemned the tests.

Israel election: PM Netanyahu short of majority as vote count ends
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu could struggle to secure enough parliamentary seats to stay in power, preliminary results from Tuesday’s election show. Local media said Mr Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc would end up with 52 seats – nine short of the threshold. In a surprise development, an Arab party which is projected to get four seats could hold the balance of power.

New York poised to legalize marijuana as lawmakers agree on terms: reports
Democrats, who control the New York legislature, have come to terms on a measure to legalize marijuana, which would make the state the 15th in the country to allow recreational use of the drug, according to two reports on Thursday. The proposed bill…would establish a regulatory structure for controlling marijuana sales…

Five killed as tornadoes sweep Alabama
At least five people have been killed in Alabama, as tornadoes continue to batter the southern US state. The deaths were in the small town of Oatchee in Calhoun County, the local emergency agency said, as the storm damaged houses and uprooted trees. The tornadoes later hit Chilton County and were nearing Shelby Country.

Turkey asks Kosovo to reconsider embassy in Jerusalem
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has asked Kosovo’s new prime minister to reconsider the Balkan nation’s recent opening of an embassy in Jerusalem. Erdogan made the request in a letter congratulating Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who took office earlier this week. Kurti’s media office released a copy of the letter Thursday.

US gives $15m to Palestinians to fight against COVID-19
The United States said on Thursday it is giving $15m to vulnerable Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp reversal from the Trump administration which cut off almost all aid to the Palestinians. US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made the announcement at the United Nations Security Council’s monthly Middle East meeting…

200 scholars draft anti-Semitism definition excluding Israel boycotts
A group of over 200 scholars has released a definition of anti-Semitism that explicitly excludes efforts to boycott Israel — the latest pushback against a campaign by a number of establishment Jewish groups to label as anti-Semitic double standards applied to Israel.

The GREAT GUN GRAB of 2021 Begins!
It was only a matter of time before the first major false flag mass shooting took place on the watch of POTUS imposter Joe Biden. Actually, the second MCE after the Atlanta area massage parlor shootings.

Joe Biden Confirms Plan To Run In 2024 & Gut Filibuster During 62 Minute First Solo Presser
After 62 minutes, having answered questions from 10 different outlets (some disgustingly ingratiating, some rather more pointed), President Biden is done.

Situation Update, Mar 25: Don’t go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT
The only honest assessment of the left-wing vaccine zealots who are aggressively pushing dangerous, deadly vaccines on everyone is that they are part of a vaccine suicide cult.

Earthquakes, volcanoes and “mega droughts” are plaguing Earth in 2021
Even though our world is relatively – emphasis on the word relatively – stable compared to what could be happening based on what has been prophesied, there are actually seven plagues currently afflicting the planet that deserve a mention.

AstraZeneca presented US with OUTDATED and CHERRY-PICKED vaccine trial data, concludes independent monitoring board
AstraZeneca may have cherry-picked its data and included “outdated” information when the company published the results of its U.S. trial for its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. This is according to independent experts monitoring the pharmaceutical company’s work.

‘No priority’ for basic spelling as classrooms focus on climate change, BLM and gender fluidity
Sky News host Alan Jones says there is too much focus in Australian classrooms on climate change, Black Lives Matter, and gender fluidity, while there is “no priority” for basic spelling.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE — FRAUD PROVEN! Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: ‘System Is Simply Designed To Create Fraud And Influence Election Results’
The report covers the forensic audit of Dominion’s machines in Michigan’s Antrim County, which received national attention after it was discovered that 6,000 votes for President Donald Trump were “flipped” to Democrat Joe Biden due to an “error.”

Taiwan Reveals It’s Mass Producing Long-Range Missiles That Can Hit Mainland China
Taiwan’s military has made an extremely rare admission that could hasten China’s efforts to bring the democratic island to heel. A top official acknowledged on Thursday that Taiwan has initiated mass production of long-range missiles capable of striking mainland China.

Christians must ‘change their strategy’ to keep graphic sex materials out of schools
Christians must “change their strategy” to keep graphic sex materials out of public schools, an expert has advised, following reports that an Ohio public high school has assigned freshman students to read a slam poetry book about a girl who liberates herself by abandoning her Christian faith and engaging in sexual promiscuity.

Patreon, Censorship, & The Self-Inflicted Wound
Already this year we’ve seen the best of our journalists driven out of high-profile positions and going independent. From Glenn Greenwald being forced out at the company he helped found, The Intercept, to Matt Taibbi leaving Rolling Stone, the days of the independent voice in media is being driven underground. Even with them gone to newcomer Substack, that hasn’t satisfied the gatekeepers of political correctness, who want them unable to even make a living.

Arkansas gov. signs bill banning trans-identified males from competing in girls’ sports
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has signed a bill into law that bans biological males from competing in sports designated for women or girls.

Biden Refers to Written Directions When Calling on Reporter: ‘Uh…Okay…Um…Where Am I Here…Let Me See’
President Joe Biden during his first presidential press conference today referred to written notes when calling on—and trying to name–reporters to ask him questions.

Christian Baker Jack Phillips Sued Again for Refusing to Bake Transgender Cake
Jack Phillips, a Christian baker who has previously been targeted by LGBTQ activists for refusing to bake cakes for them, is facing another lawsuit for his refusal to bake a cake celebrating a gender transition.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Lebanon PM warns of ‘dangerous chemicals’ in southern oil facility
Lebanon’s outgoing prime minister said on Friday that experts had found “dangerous chemicals” at a warehouse at the Zahrani oil installations in the south. Hassan Diab said the country’s atomic energy authority identified the substances as “nuclear” after reviewing a report by German company Combi Lift, which Lebanon had tasked with clearing hazardous material at Beirut port.

Iran, China sign 25-year cooperation accord
The Chinese and Iranian foreign ministers on Saturday signed a 25-year cooperation agreement between the two allies in a ceremony carried live on state television. “Our relations with Iran will not be affected by the current situation, but will be permanent and strategic,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was earlier quoted by Iranian news agencies as saying.

Pelosi’s Wild Declaration Regarding the Iowa House Seat Democrats Tried to Steal
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi might as well have declared, “I am the Congress” with her latest remarks about the Iowa House seat that’s become another ‘stop the steal’ story for the 2020 cycle. She pretty much said she has the right to seat or unseat members of the House of Representatives regardless of the election result. The empress has spoken. Also, a tad creepy, huh?

Myanmar: Deadly protests erupt as coup leaders mark Armed Forces Day
Myanmar’s security forces have cracked down on new protests as the leaders of its coup marked Armed Forces Day. Protesters took to the streets of Yangon and other cities. Some reports say 50 have been shot dead. Coup leader Min Aung Hlaing said in a national TV address on Saturday that he would “safeguard democracy”, promising elections but giving no timetable.

Israelis gather for Passover, celebrating freedom from virus
A year ago, Giordana Grego’s parents spent Passover…alone but grateful that they had escaped the worst of the pandemic in Italy. This year, the whole family will get together to mark the Jewish feast of liberation and deliverance… Israel has vaccinated over half its population of 9.3 million…authorities have allowed restaurants, hotels, museums and theaters to re-open. Up to 20 people can now gather indoors.

After A Year Under Lockdown, Will Our Freedoms Survive The Tyranny of COVID-19?
It remains to be seen, however, whether our freedoms will survive the tyranny of the government’s heavy-handed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Indeed, now that the government has gotten a taste for flexing its police state powers by way of a bevy of lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, etc., we may all be long-haulers, suffering under the weight of long-term COVID-19 afflictions.

Google reelected Obama in 2012 as a “thank you” for letting the company become a monopoly
Nearly a decade ago, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had in its possession overwhelming evidence that Google was engaged in illegal market distortion and other monopolistic behavior. The agency chose to do nothing, however, due to pressure from Barack Obama, whom Google handily rewarded for the favor by reelecting him.

Pfizer plans to raise prices and profit annually from their experimental vaccines after “pandemic” is rebranded as an “endemic seasonal illness”
Pfizer executives are making plans to raise prices on their experimental covid vaccine once the pandemic messaging ends. When the World Health Organization claims the pandemic is under control, Pfizer still has plans to profit from covid-19 every year, into perpetuity. A virtual conference hosted by Barclays revealed the ill-gotten plans of investors and top Pfizer executives, as they continue to plot their next business moves.

Rabobank says “biblical” surge in food prices soon to come
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says the United States is on track to maintain its current stocks of food based on an expectation of maximum acreage planted and healthy yields. However, Rabobank writers Michael Every and Michael Magdovitz disagree, warning that a crisis of “biblical” proportions could be on the way.

Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society
People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.

Extensive damage after deadly tornadoes rip through Alabama, U.S.
At least 23 tornadoes touched down in Alabama and Georgia on March 25, 2021, leaving extensive damage, at least 5 people dead outside of Birmingham, Alabama, and multiple injuries. This is the second tornado outbreak in the region since March 17.

At what point do we realize Bill Gates is dangerously insane?
Bill Gates is crazy. And he’s dangerous, because he’s willing to put untold sums of money toward making the insane things he believes a reality – and all of those insane things hurt people. The most recent idiocy? Impossible Burgers for all the white people.

The Harris-Biden Administration Is Rolling Out America’s Version Of Mao’s Genocidal Cultural Revolution
Some people ask me if I truly believe that the Deep State and their Democratic Party operatives would commit mass murder against conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters. Subsequently, I began to outline my thoughts and I had a distinctive “Aha moment” as I realized that America was going through a cultural revolution, The Cultural Revolution that Mao Zedong, the head of the Communist Party, begain in China in 1966.

Newly uncovered documents show Pentagon’s plan targeting conservatives
Warning of a sudden new threat of “extremism” from the right, the Pentagon is indoctrinating military service members in a program “packed with progressive ideology and misstatements about the Constitution,” according to former Department of Justice lawyer J. Christian Adams.

Border Patrol has released about 2,000 people into US without supplying a notice to appear in court
The U.S. Border Patrol has released about 2,000 migrants into the U.S. without giving them legal documents that require them to show up in immigration court.

Rutgers University Will Require Students To Be Vaccinated For COVID-19 To Attend In-Person Classes
On Thursday, Rutgers University announced that it will be requiring all students to be vaccinated prior to returning to campus for the 2021 fall semester.

“ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE”! Brought to you by the CDC
Predictive Programming at the CDC Website Foreshadows Nationwide Public Health Crisis Triggered by Covid Injection Disease and Death

It’s officially an offence now to LEAVE England
After four hours of debate yesterday in the House of Commons, the United Kingdom has approved an emergency measure that will, among other restrictions, fine Brits who LEAVE the country without a qualifying reason.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Abortion is ‘black genocide’: Angela Stanton-King declares at ‘Roe v. Wade’ premiere
Angela Stanton-King, a pro-life advocate and the goddaughter of Alveda King, recently condemned the big abortion industry for targeting people of color and committing a “black genocide” in America.

The Tale Wags The Dog As News Becomes Propaganda
The brazenness of their lies would take your breath away if we weren’t becoming so inured to them through their ubiquity…

Newnan, Georgia, Tornado: ‘Our Hearts Are Broken’
Residents across the South on Saturday continued the long process of clean up and recovery after severe weather and tornadoes carved a path of destruction that left at least five people dead and dozens of homes damaged or destroyed.

Baltimore Will No Longer Prosecute ‘Low Level Crimes’ Like Prostitution, Trespassing, Urinating in Public and Selling Drugs
The crime riddled city of Baltimore will no longer be prosecuting “low level crimes” including prostitution and drug distribution, the State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced on Friday.

DHS Head Purges Homeland Security Advisory Council, Ousting All Trump-Era Appointees
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Alejandro Mayorkas has fired nearly all members of a homeland security advisory panel, retaining only its senior leadership, according to a letter obtained by media outlets and confirmed by Republicans on a House committee.

GOP Senators Tour Border Area, Release Graphic Images of Children in ‘Cages’
A group of Republican senators on Friday visited the Rio Grande Valley—the busiest corridor for illegal crossings—and toured a holding facility, releasing graphic images of illegal immigrants and children packed into what Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called “cages.”

Biden DHS plotting to put opposition on ‘no fly list,’ label them ‘suspected domestic extremists’
The move comes as the Biden regime has thrown the border wide open and begun releasing illegal aliens throughout the country without so much as a court date. The No Fly List was originally used by the Bush regime to punish opponents like Senator Ted Kennedy for voicing opposition to the war in Iraq — now the Biden regime is gearing up to expand it for use against their own political enemies.

The Real Reason That The Harris-Biden Adminsitration Has Enacted A Media Blackout At The Border
I contend that the primary reason that the Harris-Biden administration will not allow reporters on the border is because there are too many operations in play and that if reporters were in close proximity the events and illicit activities would be exposed. I know from Federal and State law enforcement that massive amounts of weapons caches are being sent across the border. Drug trafficking has never been greater according to my two sources in the Border Patrol.

EVIL: Lil Nas X and Nike Release Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it – In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs
Pure evil. Lil Nas X teams up with MSCHF to release a new athletic Nike shoe (Air Max 97 custom) dedicated to Satan complete with a pentagram and a drop of human blood in each shoe. The shoe also contains the numbers 666 and come in a limited edition of 666 pairs.

Oklahoma pastor’s wife, accomplice arrested for husband’s murder
Days after Oklahoma Pastor David Charles Evans was shot dead inside his home, police arrested his wife and the suspected shooter.

Could The US Ban Guns? Australia Tried Something Pretty Close
The biggest hurdle would be whether a ban would actually get guns off the streets as supporters of gun control claim, or just create a huge black market…

‘They are devouring our sons’: Mothers of gender-confused boys share their anguish
Shattered mothers are raising the alarm about how transgender ideology has ravaged their troubled teenage and young adult sons who are caught in the jaws of a gender identity crisis. Some of their boys are now taking cross-sex hormones, such as estrogen and spironolactone, and are on the path to losing their fertility as they put themselves at significant risk of a variety of diseases and medical complications.

GoFundMe page raises over $45K to pay legal fees for Canadian pastor battling worship restriction charges
A GoFundMe page recently created to help pay the legal fees for a Canadian pastor who was jailed for not adhering to ongoing worship restrictions in response to COVID-19 has received more than $45,000 in donations.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Baltimore City No Longer Prosecutes Prostitution, Drug Possessions
“A year ago, we underwent an experiment in Baltimore… What we learned in that year, and it’s so incredibly exciting…”

Historic Jewish Temple is located ‘stone’s throw away’ from Dome of The Rock: author
Contrary to the prevailing view, groundbreaking new research argues that the Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine, which sits atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, may not be the location of the historic Jewish temple.

Congress, In Five-Hour Hearing, Demands Tech CEOs Censor The Internet Even More Aggressively: Greenwald
Over the course of five-plus hours on Thursday, a House Committee along with two subcommittees badgered three tech CEOs, repeatedly demanding that they censor more political content from their platforms and vowing legislative retaliation if they fail to comply

Judge Overturns D.C. Restrictions on Churches: ‘Just in Time for the Easter Season’ A federal judge on Thursday lifted the District of Columbia’s restrictions on houses of worship and ruled they likely violate the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

New York, New Jersey now have highest COVID-19 infection rates
New York and New Jersey now have the highest rates of COVID-19 infection in the country.

FBI Endorses Child Trafficking, Waives Background Requests For Those Housing Children in the United States
Owen Shroyer covers the Biden administration’s latest ridiculous action waiving background checks and vetting procedures for illegal migrants and caregivers of migrant children, all but enabling more child trafficking across the border as security continues to deteriorate.

Explosion at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Makassar, Indonesia Kills 2 Bombers and Injures 19 Christians on Palm Sunday
There was a deadly explosion at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Makassar, Indonesia on Palm Sunday. Two suicide bombers were killed and 19 Christians more were injured.

From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries
Thousands of Europeans have been injured and have died from taking the COVID-19 (China coronavirus) vaccine since it was first distributed to the public.

How Did We Miss This? On February 4th, The United Nations Codified Chrislam With First Annual International Day of Human Fraternity Celebration
“This year, for the very first time, we are celebrating the International Day of Human Fraternity in the context of World Interfaith Harmony Week, providing an opportunity to highlight the principles and values included in the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and living Together” and explore good practices towards its implementation as a pathway to the future, as we rebuild a better world. The UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates to the UN, as well as the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, is organizing an event titled “A Pathway to the Future” to celebrate this international day.”

A New Epidemic Is Spreading Through America
Cognitive Dissonance is the refusal to see the shifting fortunes of reality because the truth is too painful to comprehend. America is now an enslaved nation. We have been conquered. We are in a permanent state of imposed martial law awaiting mass genocide. Americans, you have been tagged and soon you will bagged.

‘Potentially Toxic Face Masks’ Made In Wuhan, China Were Sent To Canadian Daycares, Schools
Potentially Toxic Face Masks, Produced By A Chinese Company Based Out Of Wuhan, China – The Global Origin Point For The Covid-19 Virus – Were Sent To Canadian Daycares And Schools.

From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries
Thousands of Europeans have been injured and have died from taking the COVID-19 (China coronavirus) vaccine since it was first distributed to the public.

Watch: Two Teenage Girls Carjack And Kill An Uber Driver; CNN Calls It An Accident
…watch the video and you decide if it was an “accident”…

ISIS-linked extremists suspected in Palm Sunday church bombing in Indonesia
More than a dozen people were injured when two attackers blew themselves up outside a Catholic church in the Muslim-majority archipelago of Indonesia on Palm Sunday, the first day of the Holy Week.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Iran rejects US offer to open nuclear talks amid offer to lift sanctions
Iran rejected a US offer – revealed in Politico on Tuesday – to launch negotiations over a new nuclear deal in exchange for a lifting of some American sanctions. Iran said that it will not stop its 20% uranium enrichment before the United States lifts all sanctions, Iranian state TV quoted an unnamed official as saying in reaction to the US media report that Washington would offer a new proposal to jump-start talks.

Almost all remaining Jews in Yemen deported – Saudi media
The last three Jewish families in Yemen were deported by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, leaving only four elderly Jews in the country, the London-based Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat reported over the weekend. The move marks the virtual end of a 2,600-year-old Jewish community in Yemen. The families, totaling 13 people, told Asharq Al-Awsat that they were now searching for a new home.

Liberal activist Naomi Wolf warns that vaccine passports will spell the end of individual freedom
After the Biden administration announced that it would be teaming up with businesses to provide a new credential,…a “vaccine passport,” Naomi Wolf spoke to Fox News’ to decry the move as a blow to individual freedom. Speaking to Steve Hilton, Wolf said “I am not overstating this, I can’t say it forcefully enough, this is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned.”

Hong Kong: China limits parliament to ‘patriots’
China has passed sweeping changes to Hong Kong’s electoral rules which will tighten its control over the city. The number of directly elected seats in parliament has been cut almost by half, and prospective MPs will first be vetted by a pro-Beijing committee to ensure their loyalty to the mainland. The aim is to ensure only “patriotic” figures can run for positions of power.

Lebanon ‘could sink like Titanic’ without new government
One of Lebanon’s top politicians has warned that the entire country could sink like the Titanic unless a new government is formed. “The whole country is in danger, the whole country is the Titanic,” Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri said. “If the ship sinks, there’ll be no-one left.” Lebanon has been without a government for more than seven months.

Schroeder wildfire threatens Rapid City fire suppression, South Dakota
Multiple National Guard helicopters were in full aerial suppression mode on March 29, 2021, as the Schroeder Fire burned multiple homes and threatened thousands more west of Rapid City, South Dakota. Approximately 500 homes were ordered to evacuate the area as high winds helped spread the blaze.

Biden To Float $3 Trillion Plan Wednesday As Moderate Dems Push Back On Tax Hikes To Pay For It
$1 trillion may be devoted largely to ‘building and repairing physical infrastructure’ with an emphasis on climate change.

Supreme Court agrees to hear first abortion case with conservative 6-3 majority
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal in a lawsuit surrounding whether or not Kentucky’s attorney general can defend a law against dismemberment abortions that the state’s Democrat Gov. refused to defend.

The Iran-China Axis Is A Fast Growing Force In Oil Markets
The Iran-China strategic relationship is based on three pillars: their enmity to the US, their geopolitical ambitions, and crude oil – all linked to US energy markets…

Destructive floods after near-record rains hit Nashville, claiming lives of 4 people, Tennessee
Four people have been killed and 130 rescued after near-record levels of rainfall hit Nashville, Tennessee on March 27 and 28, 2021, causing significant flooding across the region. John Cooper, Mayor of Nashville declared a local state of emergency. The last time such destructive flooding hit Nashville was in May 2010, causing the death of 26 people and damaging or destroying almost 11 000 properties.

Why Isn’t Everyone in Florida Dead or in the Hospital?
I hate to say I told you so. But I told you so. I’m one of the few brave souls in the American media who warned and advised from day one (back in early March 2020) not to lock down the American people or the economy.

German researchers successfully implant, then delete, false memories in people’s minds
Have you ever remembered something from the past that never actually happened? If so, this phenomenon is known as a false memory, and scientists in Germany claim to have figured out a way to induce and implant false memories into people’s brains.

Cuomo Releases Vaccine Passport Called ‘Excelsior Pass’ Needed ‘To Gain Entry To Events And Businesses’
While the Biden regime is working with the private sector to develop a nationwide vaccine passport system, embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has unveiled the “Excelsior Pass”, a vaccine passport that New Yorkers will be required to obtain in order to engage in commerce.

Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity
As we are seeing in widely shared media reports and surveillance photos, humanoid-shaped demons are now increasingly materializing as a run-up to Satan’s war against humanity. Corporations like Nike are openly promoting “Satan shoes” that are covered in Satanic imagery and claim to contain one drop of actual human blood.

The dead in Christ shall rise first
1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Get Ready For The Digital Dollar, Digital Identification And A COVID Biometric Vaccination Passport Here In America
Social media was buzzing this weekend as news of the coming vaccination passport here in America was announced by the pretend presidency of the Biden administration. But it doesn’t stop there, not by a long shot. In addition to a vaccination passport scheme, you can also prepare yourself for the digital dollar and on-demand-biometric identification. All sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it? It does if you like to study end times bible prophecy.

Biden driving tax – Biden wants to tax every mile you drive
…Transportation Secretary Pete Butticheeks wants to plug a monitoring device into your car. The feds will know how much you’re driving, where you’re going, how fast you’re going and where you are at any given moment.

Peter Schiff: The Box That The Federal Reserve Is In
“There’s independence in form only, but not in substance. We pretend we have an independent Fed, but in reality, the Fed acts as if it’s just a branch of the US Treasury Department…”


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2021

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Turkey Ready to Resume Exchange of Ambassadors With Israel
Turkey has made it clear to Israel that from its perspective it is ready to dispatch an ambassador to Tel Aviv once the Israeli government commits to simultaneously reciprocating the measure, a senior Turkish official told Israel Hayom. The main point of contention between the two former allies remains the presence of senior Hamas officials on Turkish soil.

US report reaffirms Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, speaks of occupation
The annual United States report on global human rights practices affirmed that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel, but reintroduced language that spoke of Israeli occupation of territory, two-states and gave a nod in the direction of Palestinian Authority rights to sections of Jerusalem.

Are the warming ties between Turkey, Egypt a sign of shifting geopolitics?
Despite the cold diplomatic relations between Egypt and Turkey, Ankara on Friday offered to send a tugboat to help Egypt free a massive container ship blocking the Suez Canal, amid news that ties may be warming up between the two countries. Transport and Infrastructure Minister Adil Karaismailoglu said his country was ready to dispatch the Nene Hatun emergency response ship…

Nato intercepts Russian planes ’10 times in a day’
Nato planes were scrambled 10 times in a six-hour period on Monday in response to an “unusual peak” of Russian flights in several areas, the Western military alliance said on Tuesday. They intercepted planes near alliance airspace in the North Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic and Black Sea, Nato said. There was no immediate response from Russia, which recently accused Nato of following a path of confrontation.

U.S. open to discussing wider nuclear deal road map if Iran wishes
Efforts to sketch out initial U.S. and Iranian steps to resume compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal have stalled and Western officials believe Iran may now wish to discuss a wider road map to revive the pact, something Washington is willing to do. U.S. President Joe Biden’s aides initially believed Iran…wanted to talk about first steps…

Iran launches operation to fight swarms of desert locusts
Iranian authorities are engaged in a large-scale operation across several provinces in southern Iran to battle swarms of migratory locusts that threaten billions of dollars worth of food in farmlands at a critical time for the country. Large waves of yellow-coloured desert locusts…some of the most destructive migratory pests in the world, have travelled to Iran from the Arabian Peninsula for a third year in a row.

Saudi launches $1.3 trillion private sector investment push
Saudi Arabia’s crown prince says oil firm Aramco and petrochemical firm SABIC will lead investments of five trillion riyals ($1.3 trillion) by the country’s private sector by 2030 under an economic diversification programme. The move, announced on Tuesday, aims to mobilise the Gulf Arab state’s private sector to help wean the economy off its reliance on oil exports…

Egypt’s Sisi warns Ethiopia dam risks ‘unimaginable instability’
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has warned there would be severe regional consequences if Egypt’s water supply were affected by a giant hydropower dam being built by Ethiopia. Egypt, along with its southern neighbour Sudan, is seeking a legally binding agreement over the operations of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which Addis Ababa says is crucial to its economic development.

US announces nearly $600m in humanitarian aid to Syrians
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced nearly $600 million in humanitarian assistance to Syria. Blinken made the announcement during a conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region” in Brussels. “There is no military solution that will bring peace, security, and stability to Syria, and the region,” he said in a statement.

Is it ‘too late’ for America to be spared God’s judgment? John MacArthur gives warning
California megachurch Pastor John MacArthur spoke about the possibility that the United States is already under judgment for its acceptance of progressive sexual ethics, among other things, during his Palm Sunday sermon.

Nike Sues Maker Of “Satan Shoes” That Stoked Boycott Threats
Nike is suing the company, which partnered with a popular rapper to market the shoes, for infringement of its trademark, and for harming the value of its brand.

Gov. DeSantis says vaccine passports would be ‘completely unacceptable’ in Florida
Following reports from New York state detailing the roll-out of its newly developed “Excelsior Pass” vaccine passport scheme, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has promised he will not support implementing “any vaccine passports in the state of Florida.”

Fewer than 50% of Americans have formal church membership for first time in 80 years: Gallup
While America remains a highly religious nation with seven in 10 claiming affiliation with some kind of organized religion, for the first time in nearly 80 years, fewer than half of them now say they have formal membership in a specific house of worship according to a new Gallup analysis.

Severe heat wave hits Delhi with highest March temperatures since 1945
The Safdarjung Observatory in New Delhi, India registered a maximum temperature of 40.1 °C (104.1 °F) on Monday, March 29, 2021, making it the city’s hottest March day since 1945.

Assisted suicide deaths soar in Victoria, Australia, data shows
A recently released report details the increasing rate of voluntary assisted suicide in Victoria, Australia, as hundreds have ended their lives following the state’s legalization of euthanasia in 2019.

Satanists Sue Arkansas, Want Pagan Idol Statue Erected Alongside Ten Commandments at Capitol
If advocates of the Satanic Temple get their way in court, then the Arkansas state capitol grounds could soon have a statue of Baphomet – an angel-winged goat – standing alongside its Ten Commandments monument.

U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time
Americans’ membership in houses of worship continued to decline last year, dropping below 50% for the first time in Gallup’s eight-decade trend. In 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999.

BAIT & SWITCH: Scientists Now Saying That Current COVID Vaccines Will Be Ineffective Within A Year And Everyone Gets Jabbed Again And Again
This is so funny, and by ‘funny’ I mean deadly, end times, super-serious and life-threatening kind of funny, if there is such a thing. Now that they have convinced half a billion people to take two rounds of the COVID jab, including people who swore last year they would never take it, today comes the ‘update’ that within a year all those jabs will be ineffective, and it will all have to be done over again. And again, and again, and again, I think you see where this is leading, don’t you?

Report: Fake ‘Vaccine Passports’ Are Already Being Sold on the Street
Fake ‘vaccine passports’ are already being sold by criminals on the streets, according to TV personality Andrew Gruel, who said he saw it happen.

OPERATION SUEZ SHUTDOWN: A Global Psyop With Multiple Nefarious NWO Ambitions
First and Foremost, this Global Psyop is Designed to Force the World into Biden’s Green New Deal

Man’s Skin Burns, Swells, Then Peels Off in Severe Reaction to Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine
A Virginia man’s skin swelled, burned then peeled off in a rare reaction to the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.

Biden and the Democrats continue using biological warfare against ‘non-compliant’ Red State conservatives
The BDTR, Biden Domestic Terrorism Regime, is at it again, folks. Last month we reported on how the Biden camp purposely released thousands of illegal aliens with Covid in South Texas in retaliation for Texas’ Governor Abbott opening up their economy 100% and mask-free.

Rutgers will only let vaccinated students attend classes this fall, transforming its campus into a medical experiment
Rutgers University has announced that students must be vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to campus this fall. All three of its locations – New Brunswick, Camden and Newark – will require students to have the jab, making it the first American university to violate students’ health freedom by essentially forcing them to get an experimental vaccine.

Brood X is coming: Cicadas return by the billions in 2021
While certain breeds of cicadas emerge every year, this spring and summer is the year that Brood X will emerge from the soil across the United States.
