Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

US-China Military Conflict Deemed “Highly Likely” To “Almost Certain” Over Next 3 Years
…there’s lately been much forecasting on the potential for the US and China to stumble into war. While there’s already for the past couple years been much ink spilled over the possibility of the US and China falling into the so-called Thucydides Trap, this latest assessment is among the most dire predictions to date in terms of conclusions reached. Indeed we’ve already seen language out of both sides which too easily shifted from a ‘war of words’ within the usual economic and diplomatic realms, to the more unusual military threats.

“Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen”: Imminent Eviction Wave Is Coming To These States
The eviction moratorium expired last Friday nearly four months after the US economy effectively shutdown due to the covid pandemic, and more than 12 million renters – all behind on rent payments because of the virus-induced recession – are now at imminent risk of getting booted to the curb. This Friday, some 25 million Americans will no longer receive their weekly $600 federal unemployment checks, and the next round of government handouts, currently discussed by Republicans and Democrats, could see benefits slashed from $600 to $200 (or be nothing at all if no deal is reached in Congress).

Ted Cruz: Democrats Are ‘Letting Their Cities Burn’; It’s Time They Paid the Price
The key phrase is “local officials are allowing this disorder to occur.” And Cruz’s bill would make that tolerance for political violence too costly for cities to keep up. And all of that at the same time is being facilitated and even encouraged by Democratic politicians who have made a very cynical decision not to allow the police officers to actually do their job and protect physical safety, protect property, and so they’ve ordered the police officers to pull back and they’re letting their cities burn.

Sixth century church unearthed near site of Jesus’ transfiguration
The remains of a large 1,300-year-old church were uncovered near Mount Tabor in northern Israel, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) revealed Tuesday. Mount Tabor is noted in the books of Mark, Matthew and Luke as the site where Jesus took his disciples Peter, James, and John when they witnessed the face and clothing of their teacher glow with dazzlingly bright light.

Hamas refused $15B in US aid over demand it disarms, leader says
Ismail Haniyeh said Monday that his organization recently turned down a substantial aid package from the United States because it would have had to lay down its weapons.

Suspicious activity at Israel-Lebanon border
The incident comes one day after an attempt by the Hezbollah terrorist organization to infiltrate Israel was foiled. IDF spotters observed three terrorists in the midst of the infiltration attempt and called combat soldiers to the scene. The soldiers opened fire on the terrorists, who fled back into Lebanese territory.

Ambassador Friedman: Israel is still defending its right to exist
“We are in desperate need of unity,” Friedman said. “Israel faces challenges like never before. It is the only one nation that is still called upon to defend its right to exist, whether from the far right or the far left, whether from radical Shia Islamists to radical Sunni.” “People who cannot agree on anything else seem to find common ground in attacking, vilifying and ultimately seeking to destroy the Jewish state of Israel,”

Atlanta ‘Protesters’ Embedded Nails into Fireworks, Leaked FBI Document States
“protesters” who attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) embedded nails into commercial-grade fireworks. The devices were reportedly discovered after the protest ended Sunday morning.

Americans See The Hand Of God At Work In Current Events
2020 has really shaken up a large portion of the U.S. population, and we should hope that all of this shaking ultimately moves our society in a more positive direction. Right now, COVID-19 is dominating the headlines day after day, and the debates that I have seen on social media platforms about this pandemic have often gotten quite heated. I knew that many people had extremely passionate opinions about COVID-19, but what I didn’t realize is that a large percentage of them are also convinced that God is somehow involved. In fact, an Associated Press/NORC survey found that 63 percent of all religious Americans believe that this pandemic is “a sign from God”…

The great church COVID-19 plague that wasn’t
The next time you see the media blaming Christians for the spread of coronavirus, keep this in mind: You’re not reading journalism. You’re reading leftist-activist garbage journalism, thinly disguised as reporting.

Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic.

Temple Mount orgs. on Tisha Be’av: Come up even if you might need to drink
The Joint Headquarters of Temple Mount Organizations released a pamphlet with a number of rulings concerning Jewish law for those who visit the Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av on Wednesday, including a ruling that even people who are concerned that they may need to drink water after visiting the site should visit in any case.

Turkish parliament passes social media law to regulate content
Turkey’s parliament passed a government-backed law regulating social media on Wednesday, that critics said will increase censorship and help authorities silence dissent. President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party, which has a majority with an allied nationalist party, had backed the bill. The assembly began debate of the new regulations on Tuesday, and its passage was as announced by parliament on Twitter.

Scientists Goofed and Accidentally Created a New Kind of Fish
In a wild turn of events, a new kind of fish has been born in a lab entirely by accident. The “sturddlefish” is a hybrid between a Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and an American paddlefish and came into existence by accident. Both fish—which are considered endangered—managed to breed while in captivity at a Hungarian lab.

Rafale: India gets new jets amid border tension with China
India’s air force has received five new Rafale fighter jets amid ongoing border tensions with China. The aircraft are part of India’s deal with France in 2016 to buy 36 warplanes. Delhi is hoping to modernise its dwindling Soviet-era air force fleet with the induction of Rafale multi-role jets.

Iter: World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly
The world’s biggest nuclear fusion project has entered its five-year assembly phase. After this is finished, the facility will be able to start generating the super-hot “plasma” required for fusion power. The £18.2bn (€20bn; $23.5bn) facility has been under construction in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, southern France.

Ecuador on alert over huge Chinese fishing fleet off Galapagos Islands
Ecuador is on alert due to the appearance of a huge fleet of mostly Chinese-flagged fishing vessels off its Galapagos Islands. Patrols are trying to ensure the fleet – which is made up of around 260 vessels – does not enter the delicate eco-system from international waters. Chinese vessels travel to the region each year in search of marine species.

Coronavirus: Scaled back Hajj pilgrimage begins in Saudi Arabia
The annual Hajj pilgrimage performed by Muslims from around the world has begun in Saudi Arabia, dramatically scaled back because of coronavirus. International visitors have been banned from making the journey to Mecca, to try to curb the pandemic. Only 10,000 pilgrims are expected, as opposed to about two million usually.

Iran launches underground ballistic missiles during exercise
Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard launched underground ballistic missiles as part of an exercise involving a fake aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz, state television reported Wednesday, the latest barrage in a drill that saw two American bases temporarily go on alert over the launches.

Under fire for pro-Israel comments, South African chief justice cites the Bible
South Africa’s chief justice defended pro-Israel comments he made during an online conference last month for which he was heavily criticized by local politicians and pro-Palestinian activists, saying he was merely fulfilling his religious duties to advocate for peace and to “pray for Jerusalem.”

Is It Time To Defund The Defunders?
“If these mobs want to risk the lives of their fellow citizens to act cool, make them do it on their own dime. It is time to defund the defunders.”

Right on schedule, the United Nations is intervening in U.S. domestic affairs, claiming Trump has no right to defend cities against left-wing terrorists
The United Nations (UN) has decided to side with Antifa and intervene in U.S. domestic affairs, condemning President Donald Trump for defending American cities against left-wing terrorism. Liz Throssell, a UN human rights spokeswoman warned that unidentified federal agents are illegally detaining peaceful protestors, which may give rise to “arbitrary detention and other human rights violations.”

Coastal low prompts thousands of rescues in NSW, power disrupted to 15 000 properties, Australia
A coastal low brought strong winds, heavy rainfall, flooding, and damaging surf to parts of New South Wales over the weekend. The severe weather prompted volunteers to respond to more than 2 200 calls for rescue and left about 15 000 properties without power on Monday, July 27, 2020.

Tropical Depression “Hanna” barrels through Mexico, leaving 11 people dead or missing
After making landfall in Texas as Category 1 hurricane, Hanna weakened into a tropical depression as it barrelled through Mexico, bringing severe flooding that caused considerable property damage, killed at least five people, and left six others missing in the northeast states on Sunday, July 26, 2020.

Group Of Medical Doctors Exposing The Plot To Stop Hydroxychloroquine And Promote The Very Expensive Remdesivir Have Web Site Removed
A group of medical professionals called America’s Frontline Doctors are trying very hard right now to expose a plot to prevent people from having access to hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, which is very effective against the COVID-19 coronavirus, and instead promote a new drug called Remdesivir, from Gilead pharmaceuticals. The cost per dose for HCQ is under $10, the cost per dose for Remdesivir is over $3,000! Do you see where this is going? Do you see why Bill Gates has invested so much money into vaccines and drugs?

National Catholic Reporter Declares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The ‘Future Of The Catholic Church’ With Taxpayer Funded Abortion On Demand
The National Catholic Reporter may be a Liberal Progressive outlet, but it is absolutely the direction that Pope Francis has been steadily taking the church that Rome built in 325 AD. The conservative Catholic voices are growing softer in volume and fewer in number as the highly-energized, ‘new Catholics’ began to take control.

Black Community Elder Shot Dead ‘Execution-Style’ Hours After Pro-Trump Interview
A black community elder has been shot dead “execution-style” just hours after giving an interview expressing his support for President Donald Trump.

Yes America, there is voter fraud. These recent cases prove it
Many news media, political activists and social media giants have gotten on the bandwagon that voter fraud is fiction. It is not.

Judge denies Oregon’s request to stop arrests by US federal agents
U.S. judge Friday denied an order sought by Oregon’s top law enforcement officer to stop federal agents from arresting people during nightly protests in Portland that have roiled the progressive city and pitted local officials against the Trump administration.

Big Tech commits MEDICAL TREASON by censoring doctors’ video revealing covid-19 CURE being suppressed by Big Pharma / Big Science fraudsters
Big Tech, a massive criminal enterprise that colludes with Big Pharma to see Americans enslaved under a system of medical tyranny, has now committed an act of medical treason against all Americans.

China Has Quietly Cut Dollar Usage In Cross-Border Trade By 20%
The usage of the dollar in cross-border trade and services has declined to 56% from 70%, a decline of ~20%.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Over 100 Police Agencies Withdraw From Agreements to Guard Democratic National Convention
At least 100 police agencies are pulling out of agreements to send personnel to next month’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Milwaukee, partly over concerns that officers will be unable to use tear gas to control crowds under a recent directive.

America’s National Pastime Just Betrayed America
Major League Baseball (MLB)—America’s “national pastime” by affirmation of the U.S. Supreme Court—has turned itself completely backward. What do you get when you reverse the league’s initials? BLM for Black Lives Matter. The hallowed New York Yankees literally got on their knees and groveled in coordination with an avowedly Marxist, anti-white, anti-family, pro-abortion-on-demand organization founded to destroy the American family,

Detroit Police Chief James Craig on why city isn’t rocked by riots: ‘We don’t retreat here’
Detroit Police Chief James Craig said Tuesday his city isn’t seeing the riots that are occurring in other major cities across the country because his police department is supported by the mayor and fellow Detroiters who are “fed up” with the “misguided radicals” fomenting chaos. Chief Craig made an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where Mr. Carlson praised Detroit as an “unlikely success story” amid the political violence plaguing the country. The police chief explained that unlike in many other cities, “we don’t retreat here in Detroit.”

US to Begin Removing 12,000 Troops From Germany ‘Within Weeks’
The U.S. will move 11,900 troops from Germany beginning within weeks, Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced on Wednesday, …
The cuts will bring the U.S. force in Germany down by one-third, from roughly 36,000 to 24,000 troops. But not all will be leaving Europe or staying in the United States for long. About 5,600 will be repositioned within NATO countries, including Belgium and Italy.

Russia Tests a Satellite That Rams Other Satellites, US Says
“The Russian satellite system used to conduct this on-orbit weapons test is the same satellite system that we raised concerns about earlier this year, when Russia maneuvered near a U.S. government satellite,” Gen. John Raymond, who leads U.S. Space Command, said in a statement. “This is further evidence of Russia’s continuing efforts to develop and test space-based systems, and consistent with the Kremlin’s published military doctrine to employ weapons that hold U.S. and allied space assets at risk.”

More than 1,200 retired senior IDF officials urge US Congress to back Israeli sovereignty
More than 1,200 retired senior commanders and officers of the Israel Defense Forces have signed a letter that was sent to all members of Congress on Tuesday endorsing U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Peace for Prosperity” Mideast plan, as well as calling for the application of sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria, and the Jordan Valley, to secure Israel’s national interests.

Fuel trucks catch fire in western Iranian city of Kermanshah
Several fuel tankers have caught fire at a truck park near the western Iranian city of Kermanshah, sparking panic among local residents. Governor Fazlollah Ranjbar was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying that the fire broke out on July 28 during repair work to a heavy vehicle before spreading to seven others. The governor, however, denied there was an explosion.

After Ending Police Contract, Minneapolis Schools Quietly Post Job Listings For Security Guards
The public school district in Minneapolis, after cutting their ties with the city’s police in early June, has quietly sought to replace contracted school resource officers (SROs) with privately hired security guards – a move that enraged the teachers union, which wants no policing on campus at all.

National Catholic Reporter: ‘AOC is the Future of the Catholic Church’
National Catholic Reporter (NCR) has declared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be “the future of the Catholic Church” noting her frequent references to “Catholic values” and her “passion for justice.”

Local Officials Buck Virginia Dems’ Gun-Control Push
Local officials across Virginia are resisting the push from Virginia Democrats to adopt gun-free zones. Lawmakers in Powhatan County—located just outside Richmond— unanimously passed a “No Local Gun Control” resolution that would prevent localities from creating gun-free zones.

Anti-Christian Acts in France Up 285 Percent Since 2008, Observatory Says
Fantini noted an unusual distinction is evident between the French government’s data on anti-Christian acts and hate crimes against Christians. “Those numbers, the most recent figures for hate crimes, were nearly 2,000 in 2018,” Fantini explained. “So when people react with shock when we say that this works out to about three a day, we are taking conservative numbers.

Democrat governor sends money to Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent
Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis sent a check for $1,000 to attorney Antone Melton-Meaux, who is vying for Omar’s 5th District seat, according to Federal Election Commission data. Polis’ move comes as Melton-Meaux’s total donations substantially outpace those of Omar’s for the upcoming August race, according to the Washington Examiner.

Unhinged, mask-wearing woman screams in small children’s faces: ‘I hope you all die!’
In a video making its rounds on social media Wednesday, an elderly, masked woman can be seen approaching what appears to be a young mother and her two small children. The video picks up as the mother can be heard defending her children from the woman. “They’re not supposed to wear them,” the mother can be heard saying in apparent defense of her children not wearing masks. The elderly woman fires back, “That’s not true,” shaking her head. The young mother insists that the children aren’t required to wear masks, but the elderly woman is not phased by her protestations. The elderly woman can then be seen looking down at one of the children, who is staring at the woman with apparent concern, and says, “I hope you all die!”

Rabbis Call to Break Holiday Tradition of Fasting: Arise to Temple Mount
Rabbi Yehuda Kroizer, Chief Rabbi of Mitzpe Yericho in Judea and dean of the Hara’ayon Hayehudi (the Jewish idea) yeshiva (Torah academy) in Jerusalem, released a ruling this week instructing that ascending to the Temple Mount is so important that a person who does so may even break the fast by drinking water in order to do so.

So Many Jews are Returning to Israel that the Govt. is Worried they won’t be Able to Absorb them
Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner.

After Western Wall riots, police prepare for violence at Balfour protests
After hundreds stormed through security in anger over the coronavirus restrictions put in place to limit the number of people praying at the Western Wall on Wednesday night – the beginning of Tisha B’Av – police are preparing for violence during protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his official residence on Thursday night.

United Nations appoints first ‘UN Focal Point’ to monitor antisemitism
The United Nations named Spanish diplomat Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), as their UN Focal Point responsible with monitoring antisemitism. Moratinos, appointed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, will now be tasked with “enhancing a system-wide response” to combat global antisemitism – within an international body that has long been accused of anti-Israel bias.

Israel Defense Ministry hosts US-Israeli Defense Policy Advisory group
With tensions high along Israel’s northern border, the Defense Ministry hosted the annual US- Israeli Defense Policy Advisory Group (DPAG) and discussed strategic and regional security challenges. Held over the past two days via secure video-conference due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic…

Almost 30 Million in U.S. Didn’t Have Enough to Eat Last Week
Food insecurity for U.S. households last week reached its highest reported level since the Census Bureau started tracking the data in May, with almost 30 million Americans reporting that they’d not had enough to eat at some point in the seven days through July 21…The number of respondents who sometimes had insufficient food was at its highest point in the survey’s 12 weeks.

Puerto Rico’s power grid fails hours ahead of potential arrival of tropical storm
A day before potential Tropical Storm Isaias was expected to bring rains and winds to Puerto Rico, at least 400,000 customers throughout the island were left without power. The outage affected multiple municipalities — from cities in the metropolitan area such as San Juan and Guaynabo to the mountainous towns of Jayuya and Naranjito to the coastal town of Cabo Rojo in the southwest.

Americans Aren’t Making Babies, and That’s Bad for the Economy
Pandas and white rhinos aren’t the only creatures that are unsuccessful at mating in captivity. The folk wisdom that humans will copulate when left with nothing else to do—dubbed the blackout babies theory—surfaces regularly in the immediate aftermath of disasters, but the baby boom never materializes.

Nile dam row: Egypt fumes as Ethiopia celebrates
As Ethiopia celebrated rains which began filling a controversial dam on a tributary of the River Nile, Egypt was fuming. The North African nation had long been opposed to any development on the Nile upstream that could reduce the amount of water it receives from the river and has regarded the Ethiopian project as an existential threat.

Hong Kong bars 12 opposition candidates from election
Hong Kong authorities have disqualified 12 pro-democracy candidates from upcoming elections, deepening political tensions in the Chinese territory. Opposition legislators had hoped to obtain a majority in the Legislative Council (LegCo) in September’s poll after Beijing’s imposition of a highly controversial national security law.

US to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany in ‘strategic’ move
The US is set to withdraw almost 12,000 troops from Germany in what it described as a “strategic” repositioning of its forces in Europe. About 6,400 troops will be sent home, with the rest moved to other Nato countries such as Italy and Belgium. President Donald Trump said the move was a response to Germany failing to meet Nato targets on defence spending.

US expands sanctions on Assad, blacklists 5 people, 9 entities
The United States on Wednesday imposed fresh sanctions aimed at depriving the Syrian government of funds and warned that Washington would blacklist anyone doing business with President Bashar al-Assad’s government until he supports a negotiated end to the country’s nearly decade-long war. The US Treasury blacklisted one person and nine entities, while the US State Department sanctioned four individuals.

Symbolic Signs in the Sky: More Than 125,000 Lightnings Strike Washington DC in Just Two Hours During Unprecedented Electrical Storm
Powerful thunderstorms consolidated over the D.C. area Thursday evening, releasing a dramatic and memorable outburst of thunder and lightning while also dispensing tremendous rainfall. Energized by stifling heat and humidity, it was the fourth day in a row of vigorous summer storms in some locations…The D.C. Lightning Mapping array detected 126,500 instances of lightning discharge between 8 and 10 p.m.

Nearly 2 500 people evacuate as record rainfall hits northern Japan, triggering floods and landslides
Almost 2 500 people have been evacuated as record-high rainfall poured over northern Japan into Wednesday, July 29, 2020, causing damaging floods and landslides, including in the Yamagata Prefecture, where the Mogami River burst its banks and a mudslide left 540 people isolated.

Mumbai records wettest July since records began, India
With 1 474.4 mm (58 inches) of rain recorded between July 1 to 28, India’s state of Maharashtra capital Mumbai saw the city’s highest rainfall for this month in 76 years. The previous record was set in 2014 with 1 468.5 mm (57.8 inches) of rain.

119 dead, 4 million affected as Bangladesh remains in grip of severe flooding
Widespread flooding situation continues to worsen in Bangladesh, affecting more than 4.8 million people and claiming at least 119 lives, officials reported Wednesday, July 29, 2020. The Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC) warned that major rivers in the central districts around Dhaka are expected to rise in the following days.

No jab, no job? NEJM says everyone needs to be vaccinated for coronavirus in order to go to work
A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living.

Junkies Openly Shooting Up On The Streets Of Liberal Democrat Mayor Bill Di Blasio’s New York City As ‘Defunding The Police’ Wreaking Havoc
I went to college in New York City in the early 1980’s, and how well I can recall walking through the midtown streets, taking my life in my hand because the drugs and violence were so bad, always breathing a sigh of relief when I go to my destination without incident. New York City was a dangerous cesspool because it was run by Democrats, then Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor in 1993, and seemingly overnight everything changed.

Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media are waging an all-out WAR against humanity, and their goal is to mass murder as many human beings as possible before they are stopped
Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media are now actively colluding to silence all doctors, websites, videos and online content that explains why hydroxychloroquine can save lives and end the coronavirus pandemic in mere weeks.

CHAOS: Democrats VOTE unanimously AGAINST resolution that condemns violence and rioting
Of course. Why would the Democrats support a resolution that condemns the behavior of their constituents? The constituents that they need to take power in November. The Democrat Party is dangerous. They must go down hard in November.

World Bank Offered Belarus $940 Million Coronavirus Loan But Only If They Locked Down and Destroyed Economy
The World Bank offered Belarus a $940 million coronavirus loan in June. But the conditions included that they lock down and destroy their economy.

Billionaire George Soros Gives Whopping $50M to Help Biden and Other Dems Win US Elections
Billionaire George Soros has set a new personal record in his latest attempt to influence US campaigns, reportedly donating more than $50 million for left-wing causes and candidates in the 2020 elections.

Zimbabwe agrees to pay $3.5 billion compensation to white farmers
Zimbabwe agreed on Wednesday to pay $3.5 billion in compensation to white farmers whose land was expropriated by the government to resettle black families, moving a step closer to resolving one the most divisive policies of the Robert Mugabe era.

Harvard Prof Charged With False Statements, Failing To Report Income From Wuhan University Of Technology
It is alleged that in 2018 and 2019, Dr. Charles Lieber lied to federal authorities about his invo
