Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

'Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Turkey seesawing between earthquakes and floods
Turkey has become familiar with a worrying pattern in which it experiences low magnitude earthquakes more frequently than usual. Since last autumn, casualty-causing earthquakes have hit eastern towns and cities, while some lower magnitude earth tremors have occurred in western parts of the country. Also, during May and June, Turkey experienced floods and other adverse weather events such as hailstorms that caused casualties and damage to agricultural crops.

Coronavirus vaccine producer pledges one billion doses set to be injected by March 2021
CORONAVIRUS vaccine injections could be delivered worldwide in the first three months of 2021, the chief scientist at Johnson and Johnson has revealed. Dr Paul Stoffles said one billion doses of coronavirus vaccines could be delivered in the first quarter of 2021. He said: “We are doing a very large production scale already in the US and in Europe and we are building additional capacity around the world.

Emmanuel Macron power grab: Edouard Philippe resigns as French president plots major move
His departure is ahead of a government reshuffle by President Emmanuel Macron designed to bolster his green credentials and win back disillusioned voters ahead of a possible re-election bid. The Elysee Palace said in a statement Mr Philippe would handle government affairs until a new cabinet was named.

Prevent an Arab State of Palestine? Embrace the Idea
There are multiple rational, cogent and persuasive grounds why no one should be touting the idea of establishing an independent Arab “State of Palestine” in the area of Judea and Samaria, while there are good arguments for extending Israel’s law and administration to parts, or all, of Judea and Samaria.

End Times Rabbi: Gay Marriage is Forcing World to ‘Cleanse’ like Flood of Noah
End Times expert Rabbi Mendel Kessin … spoke about the “upheavals, eruptions and catastrophes” currently playing out in America. “We’re watching a tremendous amount of instability in the world. I’m sure everyone is wondering, ‘What is happening and why is this happening?’” he noted. His explanation is based, in part, on the Biblical precedent of the story of Noah. …it is taught that, at the point when legal contracts were drawn up to formalize the relationship between two men or between a man and an animal, God finally decided to bring the flood and destroy the world. “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” he noted.

Hamas Fires Warning Missiles: Indicating Two-Front War Against Israel this Summer
On Tuesday night, just before the Knesset was set to vote on annexation, Hamas fired 20 rockets into the Mediterranean Sea as a show of strength. Israeli media reported that IDF sources denied that any rockets had been fired. The last rocket attack from Gaza was February 23 when nearly 100 rockets were fired.

Virtual ‘House of Prayer for All Nations’ Brings Together Representatives From Around the World
“I first came here about four and a half years ago and the moment I got out of my car, it felt like my soul spun around, did flips in the air, and went straight into the earth,” he said. “That was such a transformative experience that I realized I have to offer it to other people as well, people who are seeking what Israel has to offer for their souls.”

‘Day of Rage’/BLM Protesters in Boston Call for Violent Intifada
Tensions brewed at “Day of Rage” rallies and vehicle caravans nationwide on July 1, protesting Israel’s plans to apply sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria, more commonly known as the West Bank. The name refers to times when Palestinians riot and hurl rocks against Israeli soldiers and civilians, most recently near the border with the Gaza Strip. Approximately 300 people associated with BDS Boston—a coalition of far-left anti-Israel organizations—chanted Hamas slogans on Wednesday night in front of the offices of the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Community Relations Council in the Massachusetts capital.

Iran media discuss 25-year deal between Iran and China
In the last several days Iranian media have highlighted the possibility of a 25-year memorandum or agreement with China that would see Iran benefit from China’s robust and strong economy and help increase the partnership between the two countries. Iran and China already have warm relations and China is likely keen to knit Iran into its various economic plans, such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

Iran reports ‘accident’ at nuclear site, warns enemies
Tehran on Thursday reported an “accident” at Natanz nuclear complex in central Iran, saying there were no casualties or radioactive pollution, and warned foes — especially Israel — against hostile actions. There was “no nuclear material (at the damaged warehouse) and no potential of pollution,” the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation Behrouz Kamalvandi told state television.

US installing AI-based border monitoring system
The US border control agency said Thursday it was expanding an unmanned monitoring system based on artificial intelligence on the US-Mexico frontier, granting a key contract to Silicon Valley startup Anduril Industries. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been responsible for President Donald Trump’s controversial steel wall along the 2,000 mile (3,100 kilometer) boundary.

Zheng Yanxiong: China appoints hard-line Hong Kong security chief
China has appointed a hard-line figure as head of its new security agency in Hong Kong. Zheng Yanxiong is best known for his role in dealing with a protest over a land dispute in the southern Chinese village of Wukan. The new agency, answering directly to Beijing, is being set up to enforce a draconian security law passed this week in Hong Kong.

Amazon fires at 13-year high for June
Fires in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest rose by almost 20% in June – a 13-year high for the month, according to government data. With such an increase at the start of the dry season, there are concerns that this year’s fires could surpass 2019’s disastrous blazes. Activists say the coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating the problem.

Thousands attend anti-Israel rallies across U.S. over annexation plans
Thousands across the United States rallied Wednesday against Israel’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank, in a so-called “Day of Rage”. Palestinians earlier in the week announced their plans to stage the “Day of Rage” to coincide with Israel’s vote in the Knesset, approving the annexation. The vote, however, was postponed over disagreements with the Trump administration.

Lebanon bread price rises for the first time in 10 years
The price of bread in Lebanon has increased for the first time in 10 years, as the collapsing local currency causes food prices to soar. The lira has lost more than 80 percent of its value on the black market in the last eight months. The drop in value is part of a wider economic crisis in the import-dependent country.

US tries to seize Iranian gas heading toward Venezuela
US federal prosecutors are seeking to seize four tankers sailing toward Venezuela with gasoline supplied by Iran, the latest attempt to disrupt ever-closer trade ties between the two heavily sanctioned anti-American allies. The civil-forfeiture complaint…alleges that the sale was arranged by…Mahmoud Madanipour, with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization.

BUSTED: Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested On Charges Related To Prostituting Children As Young As 14 To Pedophile And Clinton Confidante Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for his crimes against children, but failed to live very long in prison before ‘committing suicide’ in his jail cell. Now the woman who procured underage children for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested, and could quite possibly wind up in the exact same cell that Epstein died in. Think she will live through it? Think again. Ghislaine Maxwell cannot and will not be allowed to bring down Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and all the others. If she enters that cell, she will never leave it. Welcome to the Clinton Body Count.

Petition to Block Movie Portraying Jesus as ‘Lesbian Woman’ Goes Viral
A new movie is due for release that portrays Jesus Christ as a “lesbian woman” played by late pop singer Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris Jackson, according to reports.

College Students Busted Throwing “COVID-19 Parties” To Infect All Their Friends
“They put money in a pot and they try to get COVID. Whoever gets COVID first gets the pot. It makes no sense…”

New York COVID Compliance Authority Issue Subpoenas Requiring Forced Depositions With Contact Tracers…
Comrades, the ministry of COVID compliance in New York has now been given permission to issue subpoenas requiring the general public to comply with COVID compliance contact tracers. Any New Yorker who refuses to answer the interrogation questions by the COVID compliance police is now subject to arrest.

HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED – CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
The CDC is over counting the number of China coronavirus cases in an apparent effort to keep the country shut down throughout the summer. This fraudulent activity was uncovered by the far-left Atlantic proving even a dead clock is right twice a day.

In Bold End Times Moves. Pope Francis Instructs Vatican To Move Against Israel’s Annexation Of Judea And Samaria By Summoning Ambassadors
The enemies of Israel and the Jewish people are very much against the annexation of portions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, places known as Judea and Samaria in the bible. There is perhaps no greater enemy of Israel and the Jews than the Roman Catholic Church, who has been persecuting them for the past 1,700 years. After WWII and the fall of Germany, it was the Vatican that helped thousands of Nazi officers and concentration camp guards to escape through the aptly-named ‘rat lines’ into Switzerland and Argentina.

BREAKING: LA School Police Chief Resigns After School Board Cut $25 Million in School Police Funding, Ordered All Officers Off Campus
Los Angeles School Police Chief Todd Chamberlain on Wednesday afternoon announced his resignation to the department, per sources, reported FOX LA

San Francisco Rent Drops Most On Record As People Flee For Suburbs
At first, the exodus out of the city was due to virus-related lockdowns, then social unrest, and now it appears a steady flow of folks are leaving the San Francisco Bay Area for rural communities as their flexible work environment (i.e., remote access) allows them to work from anywhere, more specifically, outside city centers where the cost of living is a whole lot cheaper.

87 Percent of Christians Believe America ‘Has Been Blessed by God,’ Barna Shows
Christians in America are more likely than the general population to see the United States as a blessed nation and a world leader, although majorities in both categories affirm such a belief, according to a new Barna survey. Christians also are more likely to say the U.S. is a Christian nation and was “chosen by God.”

Russia votes in favor of referendum banning gay marriage
Russia voted in favor of a national referendum that defines marriage exclusively as a union between a man and a woman. The referendum consisted of hundreds of constitutional changes, including one provision that will allow President Vladimir Putin to serve two more terms, effectively allowing him to keep power until 2036.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

'Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

As C.O. drought emergency declared, Jefferson County farmers may be hit hardest
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) — Gov. Kate Brown on Wednesday issued an executive order declaring drought emergencies for seven Oregon counties, including the three in Central Oregon, but Jefferson County farmers may feel the brunt of the conditions on the High Desert.

NYC cuts police budget by $1 billion
On Tuesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council finalized a new budget for fiscal year 2021, which includes $1 billion in cuts to the NYPD.

Syria Prepares For Military Confrontation With Turkey In Northeast
The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces have put their forces on high alert in response to the new round of aggressive actions by the Turkish Army and its proxies in northeastern Syria.

Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything” And “Will Be Naming Names”, Former Epstein Associate Says
Assuming that Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t wind up with the means to kill herself in her jail cell, and assuming those who are supposed to be watching her 24 hours a day won’t be taking any well-timed coffee breaks, Maxwell will be “naming names” and “fully cooperating” with the FBI according to a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, … Epstein’s former employer Steven Hoffenberg said that Maxwell “knows everything” and will “totally co-operate”.

California governor bans singing in church
Leftist governors across the country have taken advantage of the coronavirus lockdown procedures by banning most church assemblies – even while allowing other groups to meet. The double standard has been especially obvious in recent days as many of them openly have advocated for the masses of Black Lives Matter rioters torching cars and buildings while still maintaining that church congregations could gather in groups of no more than 10. California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders for the July 4th weekend are the latest move in the agenda. The Sacramento Bee reports he has announced that people who meet in church will not be allowed to sing.

Report: Natanz ‘accident’ was Israel’s fault
Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper on Friday reported that Israel was responsible for a Thursday “accident” at an Iranian nuclear facility in Natanz. It is believed that the Natanz facility is used to enrich uranium. According to the Al-Jarida report, the explosion was caused by an “Israeli cyber attack” which targeted the computers which control the pressure gauges inside gas containers. Tehran has allegedly lost 80% of the uranium hexafluoride gas it needs in order to enrich uranium.

Russia welcomes Fatah-Hamas pledge of unity against sovereignty
Russia on Friday welcomed a pledge of unity between Fatah and Hamas against Israel’s plans to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, AFP reported. The two rival groups held a rare joint press conference on Thursday, in which they pledged a united campaign against Israel’s prospective plans to apply sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria.

Arabic media: Israeli cyberattack struck Natanz nuclear facility
Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper, which covers security incidents and sometimes alleges Israeli involvement, says that Israel carried out a cyber attack on the Natanz nuclear facility on Thursday. The incident has been downplayed by Iran but experts say that a sensitive warehouse that deals with centrifuges was damaged.

Experts fear the end of eviction moratoriums could plunge thousands of people into homelessness
Eviction moratoriums nationwide are set to expire later this month, potentially thrusting tens of thousands of people into a housing crisis. Congress in March passed a federal mandate prohibiting evictions or foreclosures until July 24 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. But as the deadline quickly approaches, experts warn that unless Congress passes more relief, renters might be forced out on the streets.

Japan flooding: Fears for nursing home amid torrential rain
At least 14 people are feared dead at a nursing home on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu as unprecedented rainfall caused landslides and massive floods. Tens of thousands of people have been told to evacuate homes. The Kuma river in Kumamoto prefecture burst its banks. PM Shinzo Abe ordered 10,000 troops to be deployed, after rescue services were overwhelmed with calls for help.

Mount Rushmore: Trump denounces ‘cancel culture’ at 4 July event
US President Donald Trump has railed against the “cancel culture” of those who toppled monuments during recent anti-racism protests, in a speech…at Mount Rushmore. He condemned those who targeted statues of Confederate leaders as “angry mobs”. Mr Trump called the racial equality demonstrations “a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children”.

North Korea says no need to sit down with U.S. for talks
North Korea does not feel the need to have talks with the United States, which would be nothing more than “a political tool” for Washington, a senior North Korean diplomat said on Saturday, ahead of a U.S. envoy’s visit to South Korea. Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son *** said negotiations would not work out between Washington and Pyongyang and there will be no change in North Korea’s policy.

Russia to reopen its embassy in Libya, says FM Lavrov
Russia has decided to reopen its embassy in Libya although its head will temporarily be based in neighbouring Tunisia, Interfax news agency cited Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov as saying. Russia evacuated its diplomats from Libya in October 2013 after an armed faction attacked its embassy in Tripoli.

Iraq sets up border posts to try to prevent Turkish advance
Iraqi troops were enforcing positions along the border with Turkey…to prevent Turkish forces from advancing deeper into Iraqi territory after two weeks of airstrikes as Ankara continues to target Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq. Security officials said Ankara has established at least a dozen posts inside Iraqi territory as part of a military campaign to rout members of the Kurdistan Worker’s Party…

Russia Touts S-500’s Ability to Destroy Hypersonic Weapons in Space
Russia’s advanced S-500 air defense system is capable of destroying hypersonic weapons and satellites in near space… The S-500 Prometheus, which Russian defense officials say could enter service as soon as 2020, is touted as being capable of intercepting stealth warplanes. President Vladimir Putin has said that the S-500 is capable of operating in “ultra-high altitudes including near space.”

Biden Campaign Refuses To Release Cognitive Test Results
Its been three days now since former Vice President Joe Biden told reporters that he’s been “tested and am constantly tested” for cognitive decline. The media has, unsurprisingly, swept this story under the rug, but the candidate’s claim still raises a lot of questions.

Ghislaine Maxwell “Knows Everything” And “Will Be Naming Names”, Former Epstein Associate Says
Prince Andrew is “among those very worried” about what she might reveal…

‘Extratropical bomb cyclone’ lashes southern Brazil, leaving at least 10 people dead and 1 million affected
A rapidly developing storm — extratropical bomb cyclone — lashed southern Brazil on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, killing at least 10 people. Winds of up to 110 km/h (68 mph) blew away tile roofs, sheet roofing, and power lines, resulting in disruptions that affected almost 1 million people. More than 1 000 residents were forced to evacuate their homes, the Civil Defense reported on Wednesday, July 1.

More than 1.4 million affected as flood situation remains severe in Assam, India
The flood situation remains grim in Assam, northeast India, with more than 1.4 million people already affected as of Thursday, July 2, 2020. Six more fatalities due to flooding were reported on Wednesday evening, July 1, adding to the death toll of 33; casualties due to landslides also rose to 24.

Leftists Demand Christopher Columbus Monument Replaced with Black Transgender Statue
Leftists are demanding that the Christopher Columbus monument in New Jersey is torn down and replaced with a statue of a black transgender activist.

Does Trump Sending 10,000 Troops to India Inidcate That War With China Draws Near?
I have a friend, a retired high-ranking military officer. He made it possible for me to speak with two officers serving at the Pentagon which I subsequently did. Their message did not alter my opinion of what is underway and what is ultimately coming, it enhanced what I already know to true.

California governor bans singing in church
Leftist governors across the country have taken advantage of the coronavirus lockdown procedures by banning most church assemblies – even while allowing other groups to meet.

Black Lives Matter Has Nationwide 4th Of July Protests Against America Scheduled For Tomorrow
Meteorologists are warning us that tomorrow will bring us a sustained ‘ring of fire‘ heatwave across much of America, and that is very much appropriate for the racial heatwave that has inflamed our nation over the past 6 weeks. Black Lives Matter anarchist and ANTIFA fascists have planned protests and uprisings in nearly every city for the 4th of July, and you need to exercise much caution if you plan on being out in the public for Independence Day celebrations. That fireworks display you’re looking forward to may just be a cover for gunshots and pipe bombs.

NFL To Begin Playing The ‘Black National Anthem’ Before Games Starting In Week 1 As Sports Now Using Platform For Forced Social Justice
How do you decrease racism? You look at people as people, and treat them based on the content of their actions and character. How do you increase racism? You issue an around-the-clock battle cry about ‘two Americas’, and you separate people based on race. Just like what the NFL will start doing in Week 1 of the 2020 football season with the playing of the ‘black national anthem’ preceding the playing of our actual National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. This moronic move is a guarantee of further racial tensions and violence.

Hong Kong Man Charged With ‘Terrorism’ In First Ever Security Law Case After Ramming Police
He was carrying a banned sign: “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times” which enabled police to consider the attack politically charged subversion or separatism.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

'Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Gantz: Not everything that happens in Iran is connected to us
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz…denied that Israel was behind a number of mysterious blasts in Iran, saying that not everything that happens there could be blamed on the Jewish State. “Not every incident that transpires in Iran necessarily has something to do with us…All those systems are complex, they have very high safety constraints and I’m not sure they always know how to maintain them,” Gantz…

Air defenses respond to rocket attack on US Embassy in Baghdad – report
Air defense systems responded to a rocket attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad on Saturday night, according to Al-Arabiya. The eastern entrance of the “Green Zone” in Baghdad where the embassy is located was reportedly closed after the attack. The rocket reportedly fell near a number of protesters near the suspension bridge in the Green Zone.

American protestors chant ‘Death to Israel’ at US Day of Rage
Calls have been made to end Israel’s existence at a series of rallies held across America and Canada. Pro-Palestinian group Al-Awda held a ‘Day of Rage’ in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Toronto between July 1 and 4, at which numerous calls were made for a new intifada or uprising against the State of Israel. Speakers…linked the Palestinian cause…to others globally, including Black Lives Matter.

Ukraine’s Zelensky accused by ex-leader of hosting Russian ‘fifth column’
Ukraine’s ex-president Petro Poroshenko has accused his successor, Volodymyr Zelensky, of pursuing him in the courts out of a desire for “revenge”. Mr Poroshenko marched with several thousand of his supporters to a pre-trial hearing in Kyiv last week. He is facing more than 20 different investigations on what he says are politically-motivated charges.

Lebanese border town sounds alarm over Syrian ‘takeover’
Residents of Tfail, a Lebanese farming community on the border with Syria, say they are powerless to stop their farmland being destroyed by bulldozers watched over by gunmen who appear intent on taking control of the town. According to anxious residents, confusion over the boundary between Lebanon and Syrian is adding to the problem, with many sections of the border yet to be demarcated.

New Bubonic Plague Cases Send Mongolian Region Along Russian Border On Lockdown
In nearby Mongolia in a region near the Russian border the rare, ancient bubonic plague, or known in history as the ‘Black Death’, has surfaced once again, causing Mongolia to place ares of the Western region of Khovd province along the border on lockdown. Two cases have been confirmed after lab test results.

Dr. Fauci Is No Nostradamus: How COVID-19 Ran Amok Under His Watch
Dr. Fauci shared his foresight with medical peers at a Georgetown forum when he stated, “There will be a surprise outbreak during Trump’s first term.” Fauci’s prediction wasn’t conjured from the alignment of the stars and planets, or a passage lifted out of the Bible. No. He didn’t develop any such gift. Instead, he arrived at his foresight by steering the financing of zoonotic viruses “gain-of-function” research. …it appears Fauci helped initiate the release of the novel coronavirus, unleashing pandemic paranoia and now, fanning new fears about the coming “second wave,” while insisting that only a COVID vaccine will allow society to “return to normal.” We’re six months into this pandemic and we have only witnessed gross incompetence by the CDC, … Why is Dr. Fauci allowed to share state, perhaps classified, information with an executive at the Gates Foundation and the director of the Chinese CDC?

Texas Supremes: Father trumps mom’s boyfriend in custody fight
A ruling from the Texas Supreme Court has granted a man custody rights to his young daughter after the mother, from whom he had separated, died in a car accident. The high court “overturned the decisions of all lower courts, and declared the biological father must have full, permanent custody of his daughter. In a decisive victory for parental rights, the court affirmed that parents are presumed to be fit and that the actions of fit parents are presumed to be in the best interests of their children.”

Trump defends US history, blasts ‘radical left’ in ‘Salute to America’ celebration
President Trump evoked the history of American patriots who defeated Nazis, toppled communists and chased down terrorists, but warned of another threat now in today’s political climate — the “radical left.” “We are now in the process of defeating the radical left,” Trump said to hundreds at the White House lawn Independence Day celebration. “The Marxists. The anarchists. The agitators. The looters, and people who in many instances, have absolutely no clue what they are doing.”

Yet Another Explosion at Iranian Nuclear Site
A fire and explosion damaged a centrifuge production plant above Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facility at around 2:00 AM local time on Thursday. Last week, a large explosion was reported in the Parchin military base that has been associated with nuclear weapons. Unconfirmed reports have claimed the explosion was the result of an Israeli cyberattack.

The Strategies of Dementia Politics
The earlier career of a healthy Biden illustrates that he was not especially sharp even when in control of most of his faculties. We recall the former sane/nutty Biden of Neal Kinnock plagiarism, his “put y’all in chains” demagoguery, the studied racism of Biden’s riffs about a “clean” and well-spoken Obama, and the sane/insane Corn Pop stories. All are the trademark of a once fool Joe Biden, who was at least alert when compared with his current catalepsy.

As C.O. drought emergency declared, Jefferson County farmers may be hit hardest
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) — Gov. Kate Brown on Wednesday issued an executive order declaring drought emergencies for seven Oregon counties, including the three in Central Oregon, but Jefferson County farmers may feel the brunt of the conditions on the High Desert.

Report: Natanz ‘accident’ was Israel’s fault
Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper on Friday reported that Israel was responsible for a Thursday “accident” at an Iranian nuclear facility in Natanz. It is believed that the Natanz facility is used to enrich uranium. According to the Al-Jarida report, the explosion was caused by an “Israeli cyber attack” which targeted the computers which control the pressure gauges inside gas containers. Tehran has allegedly lost 80% of the uranium hexafluoride gas it needs in order to enrich uranium.

Russia welcomes Fatah-Hamas pledge of unity against sovereignty
Russia on Friday welcomed a pledge of unity between Fatah and Hamas against Israel’s plans to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, AFP reported. The two rival groups held a rare joint press conference on Thursday, in which they pledged a united campaign against Israel’s prospective plans to apply sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria.

JPMorgan Concludes The World Is Drowning In Too Much Debt For Stocks To Go Down Again
“More credit and more monetary stimulus in the form of QE, both imply more liquidity, i.e. extra money supply and cash balances, which in turn would result in more asset reflation.”

A heat wave forecast for the U.S. has scientists alarmed
A sustained blast of heat is expected to bake much of the United States with hotter-than-usual temperatures this holiday weekend, and forecasts suggest that the heat and the humidity could linger for several weeks.

Under oath, officials admit to harvesting organs from babies born alive with ‘beating hearts’
The nightmare is no product of imagination. It is real: infanticide for the purpose of organ-harvesting is real. Madeline Osburn of The Federalist reports on shocking new video of deposition testimony under oath confirming crimes worthy of comparison to Dr. Mengele:

Common Sense Tells You That If They Make You Wear A Mask, They Will Make You Take The Vaccine, And Make You Take The Digital Immunity Passport
I am not the world’s smartest person, and have never claimed to be, but it doesn’t take a genius to look at what’s happening right now, and then be able to rightly ascertain what will likely follow after. After all, does not Solomon in all his wisdom tells us that there is nothing new under the sun? History is a fantastic barometer of what the future will hold, and there is nothing like a King James Bible that has recorded the history to show us what the future will bring. So it is right now with mandatory mask wearing, you know what follows that.

New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter
We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.

Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily “To Protect Their Privacy”
The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a controversial bill to microchip humans voluntarily in the state under the guise of protecting their privacy. The Microchip Protection Act would allow Michigan employers to use microchipping of their workers with their consent. However, research has shown that RFID transponders causes cancer.

New Bubonic Plague Cases Send Mongolian Region Along Russian Border On Lockdown
One among two brothers that ate marmot is in “very severe condition” with multiple organ failure…

MPs call for action from NATO and Britain as Christians in Montenegro face persecution
MPs Tim Farron and Steve Baker have called on the UK Government and NATO to take action to defend the freedom of Christians in Montenegro. In a bipartisan article in Newsweek, the MPs, who are both Christians, said that religious freedom “must be defended and protected everywhere” as they warned of increasing harassment towards Christians and clergy in Montenegro, including beatings and imprisonment.

Israeli researchers develop 30-minute coronavirus test
The testing kit developed by start-up NanoScent utilizes nano-scale sensor-based smelling system to identify virus in its earliest stages, scan the data and provide result within half an hour; method has 90% success rate

Airport chief warns Israeli aviation is ‘days away from point of no return’
The CEO of Israel’s main airport warned Friday that the country was “days away from reaching the point of no return” for its aviation industry, after long months of an almost complete lack of flights due to the coronavirus pandemic.

At UN Human Rights Council, 53 countries back China’s draconian Hong Kong crackdown
Fifty-three countries at the U.N. Human Rights Council, led by Cuba, came out in support of China’s national security law this week — a law that has formed the basis of the communist regime’s latest crackdown on the people of Hong Kong.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

'Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

NYPD Seeks Man Caught on Video Shooting Pedestrians
Fox News reported that the shooting occurred just before 7 p.m. A female was shot and wounded in the incident and a male was shot and killed. A law enforcement source told the New York Post, “This is what the politicians wanted — no bail, nobody in Rikers, cops not arresting anyone. All those things equal people walking around on the street with guns, shooting each other.”

Palestinian Leaders Just Admitted There Is No State of Palestine Negating ICC’s Jurisdictional Attack on Israel
In a major development, Palestinian leaders have recently admitted what we have been arguing all along: there is no “State of Palestine.” This constitutes additional evidence that the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should consider when assessing whether the ICC has jurisdiction.

67 Shot, 13 Fatally, Over Fourth of July Weekend In Chicago: Police
The victims were at a large gathering on the street at around 11:35 p.m. on South Carpenter Street. Four males then approached the group and began shooting, police said, adding that the 14-year-old boy was shot in the back before he was taken to Comer Children’s Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. The three other males, who were not identified, were pronounced dead at the scene and at the University of Chicago Medical Center, police said.

Toronto restaurant says ‘Zionists not welcome’
Foodbenders, located in the Bloordale neighbourhood of Toronto, has turned its ire toward the Jewish community, B’nai Brith Canada said in a statement on Sunday. On Instagram, the company has announced: “#zionistsnotwelcome” and has further alleged that “Zionists are Nazis.” Foodbenders also deploys classic anti-Semitic tropes, saying of a Canadian Jewish group: “These people control your media and elected officials.” On her personal Facebook page, the owner described Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “Zionist puppet.”

IDF strikes Hamas targets following Gaza rocket fire
Israeli aircraft struck Hamas positions in Gaza after three rockets were fired from the Hamas-run enclave towards southern Israel on Sunday night a week after the last round of rocket fire. IAF jets and helicopters struck an underground facility belonging to Hamas in the northern part of coastal enclave, the IDF said.

China: Floods, Locusts, Hailstorms, Earthquakes, Swine Disease “as Prophesied by Ezekiel”

Five Mysterious Explosions Cripple Iran’s Nuclear Capability: Israel Responds
Disaster hit Iran yet again on Saturday as an explosion ripped through the Zargan power plant in the Iranian city of Ahvaz. Iran’s IRNA news agency later reported that the blaze was ignited when a transformer exploded. A few hours later on Saturday, IRNA said a chlorine gas leak at a Karun petrochemical center in the city of Mahshahr in southeast Iran. 70 workers.were reported hospitalized in the incident.

Palestinian Voters Issue Ultimatum: Principles That Are Unacceptable to Both Presidential Candidates
The statement was signed by 120 Palestinian Americans, including activists, heads of organizations, professors, and writers.

ADL Partners with Alleged Anti-Semite to Promote Censorship
Anti-Defamation League national director and CEO Jonathan Greenblatt has come under fire from Jewish groups for appearing on the MSNBC show “Politics Nation With Al Sharpton” on Sunday to promote the ADL’s call for corporations to boycott Facebook in July over its unwillingness to ban hate speech on the social-media giant’s platform. While the message seems on target with ADL’s work, the idea of partnering with someone like Sharpton, who has a history of anti-Semitism and other bigotry, is hypocritical, if not counterproductive, they say.

Israel flags security risk as US allows HD satellite images of Israel
An Israeli official flagged a possible security risk on Monday following a US move to allow American providers to sell clearer satellite images of Israel and the Palestinian territories. Under a 1997 US regulation known as the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, satellite images of Israel and the Palestinian territories used in services like Google Earth could show items no smaller than 2 meters (6.56 ft) across.

Israel successfully launches Ofek 16 spy satellite into space
Israel launched the new Ofek 16 spy satellite into orbit…early Monday morning, the Defense Ministry announced. “The Space Administration in the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D), of the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMoD), and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), have successfully launched the “Ofek 16” reconnaissance satellite into space, today at 4:00 AM,” the ministry said in a statement.

IDF strikes Hamas targets following Gaza rocket fire
Israeli aircraft struck Hamas positions in Gaza after three rockets were fired from the Hamas-run enclave towards southern Israel on Sunday night a week after the last round of rocket fire. IAF jets and helicopters struck an underground facility belonging to Hamas in the northern part of coastal enclave, the IDF said.

Iran brags that new ‘missile cities’ are nightmare for enemies
In the Iranian rhetoric playbook every failure must be met with an equal and opposite claim to some form of success. Failure of Iran to protect critical infrastructure and a series of explosions at a missile factory and nuclear site over the last week and a half led Tehran to point to new “missile cities” as part of its arsenal that makes it a “nightmare” for enemies.

Brain-eating amoeba: Warning issued in Florida after rare infection case
A case of a rare brain-eating amoeba has been confirmed in Florida, according to health officials in the US state. The Florida Department of Health (DOH) said one person in Hillsborough County had contracted Naegleria fowleri. The microscopic, single-celled amoeba can cause an infection of the brain, and is usually fatal.

Libya gov’t vows response after base hit by ‘foreign air force’
Libya’s UN-recognised government…condemned overnight air raids against a recently recaptured airbase in the west of the country saying the attack was carried out by a “foreign air force”. Fighters loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) seized back the al-Watiya airbase, 140km (90 miles) southwest of the capital Tripoli, from troops aligned with renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar in May.

Lebanon’s top Christian clerics blast politicians as hunger, hardship bite
Lebanon’s Christian authorities slammed politicians on Sunday for failing to remedy an economic meltdown that has left many poor, piling pressure on the country’s leaders as it spirals deeper into crisis. In a sermon, Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai, the top Christian cleric, accused politicians of thinking only of their own vested interests and urged the president to take action.

Russia Breaks Heat Records in First Half of 2020
Russia broke all recorded heat records in the first six months of the year, and the head of the country’s weather service has warned of “dangerous weather events” to come in July. “The first six months of 2020 were the warmest in the history of instrumental weather observations in Russia,” the RBC news website quoted weather chief Roman Vilfand as saying.

67 Shot, 13 Fatally, Over Fourth of July Weekend In Chicago: Police
Nine of the weekend’s victims were minors, and two children died…

Pastor’s prophetic vision sees UN troops on the streets of America THIS YEAR, with entire cities destroyed and an economic collapse that plunges the nation into CHAOS
Pastor Dana Coverstone has been shown several prophetic dreams over the last seven months or so, and the visions he saw for the Spring and Summer of this year have already come true. Now, he has gone public with details about his dream visions for the remainder of this year, and if his descriptions are anywhere close to being accurate, the situation doesn’t look good.

Judge Orders Jeffrey Epstein Accuser To Destroy Files
Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre has been ordered by a US District Judge to destroy files believed to contain the names of Epstein’s associates – because they were “improperly obtained.’

Armed Peaceful Protesters in Atlanta Kill Eight Year Old Girl
A car came off the Interstate and drove down University Avenue and was stopped by armed protesters. Police say an altercation ensued followed by gunfire which hit and killed an innocent eight-year-old girl. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has only offered a weak response to the violent protesters.

One Silver Bullet Has Destroyed America-Prepare for Political Defeat and a Subsequent Purge
Trump Finally Turns On Kushner—3 Years Too Late!!! A silver bullet has destroyed America. That silver bullet has a name and it is Jared Kushner, and Trump’s refusal to see this threat has more than likely cost Trump his re-election and for the rest of us, we have lost our country.

As The Net Of The New World Order Draws Tighter, Christians Need To Be Bolder Than Ever Witnessing The Gospel Of The Grace Of God To The Lost
There’s a hundred headlines in the news today, and all of them bad, take your pick it won’t make much difference. The fashion of this world, as the bible tells us, is rapidly passing away, and the hour is growing short. Soon time will be up, and you, Christian, will find yourself at the Judgment Seat of Christ, with the work you’ve done for Him on full display. Are you ready for that day? It will be here before you know it. Tag, you’re it.

COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC
Coronavirus deaths in the country have nearly reached a level where the virus will cease to qualify as an epidemic under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules, the federal agency reported on Friday.

Here Come the CHICOMS and the UN! War With China Is Unavoidable!!!
I recently interviewed Paul Martin and he and I both agree that all the signs point to war with China in the near future. This matches what I have learned with regard to re-election. If Trump wants to keep his job, he must start a war with China and war with UN proxy troops will soon follow.

Newsom orders all churches to stop singing, but his PlumpJack winery is open and fully booked for peak summer season
Churchgoers in California are now being told by Governor Gavin Newsom that they can no longer sing during their church services because opening one’s mouth and making a joyful noise supposedly contributes to the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We’re In Your House. Let’s Go.” – Black Armed Protesters Challenge White Militia At Confederate Monument
“I don’t see no white militia,” he declared. “We’re here. Where … you at?”


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Explosion reported at factory near Iran nuclear archive site
At least two people were killed and three others injured in a large explosion at the Sepahan Boresh factory in the city of Baqershahr near Tehran on Monday night, according to Iranian and foreign reports. The explosion was caused by “negligence in filling oxygen tanks,” the Kahrizak district governor told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on Tuesday.

Haniyeh to Nasrallah: Hamas, Hezbollah should join, fight annexation
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has called on Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah to “unite ranks” in efforts to thwart Israel’s expected annexation of areas in the West Bank… According to the reports, the message, delivered by Hamas representative in Lebanon Ahmed Abdel-Hadi to Hezbollah Palestinian file head Hassan Hoballah called on the group to “unite the ranks and efforts to confront the dangers [of the annexation].”

Kemp to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops after violent weekend
Gov. Brian Kemp will deploy as many as 1,000 Georgia National Guard troops to protect state buildings in Atlanta on Monday following a burst of violence across the city that left four dead, including an 8-year-old girl, and saw the ransacking of the headquarters of the Georgia State Patrol.

Egypt arrests doctors, silences critics over virus outbreak
A doctor arrested after writing an article about Egypt’s fragile health system. A pharmacist picked up from work after posting online about a shortage of protective gear. An editor taken from his home after questioning official coronavirus figures. A pregnant doctor arrested after a colleague used her phone to report a suspected coronavirus case.

U.S. envoy arrives in South Korea as North Korea rejects talks
A U.S. envoy arrived in South Korea on Tuesday in an effort to renew stalled nuclear talks with North Korea, hours after it issued a statement saying it has no intention of sitting down with the United States and told South Korea to “stop meddling”. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun…landed at a U.S. military base south of Seoul…and was due to meet South Korean officials on Wednesday and Thursday.

Israel announces successful launch of new spy satellite
Israel successfully launched a new spy satellite early on Monday, the Defense Ministry confirmed. It said the “Ofek 16” reconnaissance satellite was launched at 4am from central Israel into space. It described the Ofek as an “electro-optical reconnaissance satellite with advanced capabilities.”

Tensions between Turkey, France pose threat to NATO alliance, warn experts
Increasing tensions between France and Turkey were posing a threat to the cohesion of the NATO alliance, experts have warned. Paris’ recent decision to suspend its involvement in the NATO Sea Guardian maritime security operation in the eastern Mediterranean…has highlighted the organization’s difficulties in maintaining order and harmony among its members.

Chinese Herdsman Diagnosed With Bubonic Plague
Elections have gotten so cynical, so jaded and corrupt that it almost wouldn’t feel right if George Soros wasn’t right there in the mix, funneling untold millions of dollars through his NGO front organizations to buy votes, buy loyalties and illegally attempt to sway the outcome. But what do you really expect from the man who was born a Jew, then sided with the Nazis as a teenager, laughing as his friends and neighbors got carted off to Auschwitz.

George Soros Launders $40,000,000 Into Anti-Trump Super PAC From Various NGO Front Groups, More Than Twice What He Spent Last Year Buying Votes
Elections have gotten so cynical, so jaded and corrupt that it almost wouldn’t feel right if George Soros wasn’t right there in the mix, funneling untold millions of dollars through his NGO front organizations to buy votes, buy loyalties and illegally attempt to sway the outcome. But what do you really expect from the man who was born a Jew, then sided with the Nazis as a teenager, laughing as his friends and neighbors got carted off to Auschwitz.

Coronavirus “Second Wave” – They’re Coming for Your Kids
We started our MedicalKidnap.com website back in 2014 to document the sheer volume of innocent families losing their children to Child “Protective” Services and the multi-BILLION dollar Child Welfare Foster Care and Adoption system that employs hundreds of thousands of government workers nationwide.

The End Goal of the Present Conflict is Transhumanism! Are We the Last Generation of Humans?
..The globalists have a Christmas present for you, it is called Transhumanism. Since they cannot crack the sanctity of the soul. they are actively seeking to destroy God’s creation of His most prized possession, man in the image of God. In fact, we could accurately say, Merry Christmas from the globalists. Make no mistake about it, the globalists are after body and mind (eg Darpa), but most of all they want your soul

Major noctilucent clouds outbreak over Europe
Observers across Europe, from Scandinavia to the Adriatic coast, are reporting major noctilucent clouds (NLC) outbreak on July 5 and 6, 2020. The outbreak comes on the heels of July 4th sighting over southern California, U.S. — where in 2019 a record was set for the lowest-latitude NLC appearance in known history. The 2020 northern hemisphere season is fueled by record cold temperatures in the atmosphere, and as it seems — they might spill even further south.

Massive floods and record rains leave 50 dead or missing, 270 000 urged to evacuate – Kyushu, Japan
As many as 50 people are feared dead or missing and about 270 000 were prompted to evacuate their homes after severe flooding hit southern Japan’s Kyushu island over the weekend. At least 10 locations in Kumamoto Prefecture recorded more than 410 mm (16 inches) of rain in 24 hours on Saturday, July 4, 2020– including Kuma village’s record-breaking 83.5 mm (3.3 inches) of rain in one hour– while Kanoya city in Kagoshima prefecture had its highest ever rainfall of 109.5 mm (4.3 inches) in an hour on Monday, July 6.

Black militants are now anti-White, anti-Jew, anti-Israel: Armed Black extremists vow to “take Texas” as BLM protesters declare “death to Israel and America”
The militant, extremist Black Lives Matter movement is not only being directly funded by hundreds of U.S. corporations who are overtly attempting to overthrow America, now BLM has spawned the rise of even more extreme, militant groups that are pledging to use force to overthrow U.S. states like Texas.

Godless BLM Protest Mob Targets NY Church – Attacks Christians on Church Steps, Including Mother with Baby, Shouts Down Pastor Screaming “Black Lives Matter” During Sermon
We’re now witnessing the next wave of the destruction and breakdown of US society–
Christian churches are the latest target by the godless left.
This is very disturbing.

New York City Becomes A Black Lives Matter No-Go Zone As Hundreds Of Thousands Flee Liberal Democratic Tyranny
Under the failing leadership of yet another useless and corrupt Liberal Democratic Mayor, New York City now looks like a third world country rather than the financial capital of the free world. Beset by weeks of skyrocketing rates of riots, looting, rape, arson and murders at the hands of Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists, the city that never sleeps is in a fever dream coma.

South Africans protest against coronavirus vaccine trials that exploit black lives – but will leftists care?
The first human trials for a potential Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine are set to begin in Africa, and protesters in Johannesburg have taken to the streets in protest to declare that they will not be human guinea pigs for this latest Bill Gates depopulation scheme.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Analysis: 10 Realistic Ways the War of Gog and Magog can Ignite Tomorrow
The war of Gog and Magog, is a final battle prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel which consists of a type of ‘End of Days’ World War that ushers in the final redemption. But could a third world war really be on the horizon? When looking at the in rise international hostilities taking place worldwide between nations, the notion of such an apocalyptic battle seems to be an extremely realistic scenario. The following is a list of international hostilities that if erupt simultaneously, can spiral into a Third World War.

Pope Francis Dangerous Call For Interfaith Prayer, Each To His Own God
Can you imagine an Apostle Paul who, at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17), invites his listeners (followers of various philosophical schools and ancient cults) to unite in prayer, each to his own god/ideal as a sign of fraternity? Can you imagine an Apostle Peter who, in writing to Christians at the four corners of the Roman Empire (1 Peter 1:1), recommends that they raise petitions together with the faithful of the Eastern, Greek and Roman religions, to invoke the end of a pandemic? For those who have a basic grasp of the biblical faith, this is pretty absurd. Not for Rome, though.

Mysterious explosions: Iranian regime rattled
the series of incidents in Iran are happening at the height of the Iranian coronavirus crisis and in the midst of the U.S. sanctions against the regime that are inflicting severe economic damage. Among other things, the economic crisis in Iran has led to a cut in the Iraqi pro-Iran militia’s budget and probably also to eroding aid to other elements in the region that Iran assists, as well as increasing difficulties at home.

Four ‘Mysterious Signals From Outer Space’ Are Coming From Galaxies Like Ours, Say Scientists
Dr. Shivani Bhandari, an astronomer with CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, whose new research published this week in The Astrophysical Journal Letters reveals that four FRBs are coming not from the heart of galaxies, but from their edge.

Ilhan Omar Calls for ‘Dismantling’ the Core of the United States
Ilhan Omar has called for the complete dismantling of the American way of life, which she described as a “system of oppression.”When speaking Tuesday in Minnesota alongside the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus, Omar ripped into the United States as a predatory entity that targets minorities. “We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system …

20 named storms predicted for hurricane season, the most since 2005
The research team at Colorado State University is now forecasting 20 named storms for this hurricane season. This is the earliest in a season that the group has made a prediction this high. The only other time CSU researchers predicted 20 or more storms was in their August update of the record-breaking 2005 season.

China Threatens to Blow up US Aircraft Carriers
The US sent two carrier groups to the South China Sea in a show of force intended to intimidate China in its aggressive takeover of a disputed archipelago. China responded by boasting of its “wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons”, claiming that the mega-warships operated “at the pleasure of the PLA [People’s Liberation Army]”. The response by the US Navy was short and to the point: “Not intimidated.”

Deep undersea earthquake widely felt in Indonesia, no damage
The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.6 magnitude and was centered about 94 kilometers (58 miles) north of Batang, a coastal town in Central Java province. It was about 528 kilometers (328.5 miles) deep. The Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency said the temblor was 6.1 magnitude and did not cause a tsunami.

Idaho started shaking March 31. Why hasn’t it stopped? Geologists research Sawtooth fault
That’s when the Sawtooth mountain range in central Idaho trembled with a 6.5-magnitude earthquake — the second strongest ever recorded in Idaho. From that very moment, geologists rushed to the epicenter area — 45 miles west of Challis — to start collecting valuable information that could help them understand what happened. Three months later, the rumbling still hasn’t subsided, …

Cristina poised to become first hurricane of 2020
Tropical Storm Cristina formed late Monday night local time in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and is on its way to becoming the first hurricane of the 2020 season in any of the Western Hemisphere ocean basins.

NASA warning: Europe faces summer drought following hot first half of 2020
The 2019 to 2020 winter across Europe was the warmest on record, with the heat not letting throughout the year. Spring proved to be hotter and drier than normal, coupled with a May heatwave. Summer has started warmly, and NASA satellite data has revealed Europe is facing a drought this year.

Drought Forces Australia to Import Rice or Risk Empty Shelves
This season, like almost 90% of Australian rice growers, Rob Massina decided to skip planting the grain on his land near the tiny town of Jerilderie, about four hours north of Melbourne. For the president of the Australian Ricegrowers’ Association, low water allocations and years of severe drought meant conditions were too dry to sow the crop on his property at the southern end of the Murray-Darling Basin.

Drought Emergency, Warnings, and Watches for Kansas counties declared by Governor Kelly
TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNW) – Governor Kelly issued Drought Declarations for Kansas counties with Executive Order #20-54 Monday. The declaration includes 74 out of 105 counties either in an emergency, warning or watch status. “Unfortunately, the majority of the state of Kansas has been considered in drought or abnormally dry conditions for the past several weeks, which has led to high risk of fire hazard,” said Governor Kelly.

International students whose course loads move online cannot remain in the United States, ICE says
While colleges and universities across the country are considering online courses and other measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, federal officials said international students enrolled in programs that moved fully online in the fall will neither get visas nor be allowed to enter the country.

Trump formally starts US withdrawal from WHO – here’s what’s next
The latest Trump administration action would finalized a decision Trump announced at the end of May, that the U.S. would be leaving the WHO amid concerns about the organization’s close ties with China during the global coronavirus outbreak. Trump initially announced a freeze of U.S. funds to the WHO, calling on the organization to cut ties with China and initiate reforms, but announced in May that the U.S. would make the spending freeze permanent and would begin redirecting WHO funds “to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs.”

Abbas Furious as PA Banks Refuse to Pay Terrorist Salaries
This was exposed by PA Director of the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr yesterday. All the banks are refusing to allow these groups to use their ATM cards.

George Soros caught Working Closely with Iran Against US, Israel
Though it is public knowledge that Jewish billionaire George Soros funds many left-wing projects and even major anti-Israel organizations, his close working relationship with Iran is perhaps less well known.

Jordan, Egypt, Germany and France warn against annexation
Any changes to Israel’s eastern border would impact relations between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, France and Germany, the countries’ foreign ministers said… Such a move “could also have an impact on relations with Israel,” they warned. The ministers held a video conference and at its conclusion they determined that they would not recognize any extension of Israeli law in the West Bank unless the Palestinians agreed to it.

Russia says Turkey tested its S-400s on US F-16 jets
Turkey, a member of NATO, tested the Russian-made S-400 air defense system on US-made F-16 jets during a drill in November 2019, Russia’s state media TASS reported. The use of the S-400 against the F-16s was already reported last year, but the new details from Russian media appear to cement the claim and infer that something more was going on in those tests.

‘We’re next’: Hong Kong security law sends chills through Taiwan
The imposition of a sweeping national security law on Hong Kong has sent chills through Taiwan, deepening fears that Beijing will focus next on seizing the democratic self-ruled island. China and Taiwan split in 1949 after nationalist forces lost a civil war to Mao Zedong’s communists, fleeing to the island which Beijing has since vowed to seize one day, by force if necessary.

Coronavirus: The tenants enduring Australia’s toughest lockdown
Amid a second wave of coronavirus, the entire city of Melbourne has just been ordered back into lockdown for six weeks. But for 3,000 people living in public housing tower blocks, an even stricter lockdown was imposed on Saturday. Unlike other Melburnians, residents of the nine towers cannot leave for any reason – they are subject to a police guard.

Coronavirus: Belgrade protesters storm Serb parliament over curfew
Police and protesters were hurt in riots that broke out outside the National Assembly in the Serbian capital Belgrade. The protests began peacefully and included students and families, angered by a decision to re-impose a weekend curfew because of a rise in coronavirus infections. Protesters broke into the assembly, prompting police to intervene.

FBI director: China is ‘greatest threat’ to US
The director of the FBI has said that acts of espionage and theft by China’s government pose the “greatest long-term threat” to the future of the US. Speaking to the Hudson Institute in Washington, Christopher Wray described a multi-pronged disruption campaign. He said China had begun targeting Chinese nationals living abroad, coercing their return, and was working to compromise US coronavirus research.

China challenges U.S. to cut nuclear arsenal to matching level
China would “be happy to” participate in trilateral arms control negotiations with the United States and Russia, but only if the United States were willing to reduce its nuclear arsenal to China’s level… Washington has repeatedly called for China to join in trilateral negotiations to extend New START, a flagship nuclear arms treaty between the United States and Russia…

Priest to Scottish gov’t: Pubs are allowed to open, so why can’t we have Mass?
A Catholic priest has published an objection to the Scottish government’s continuing ban on public church services. Father Michael J. Kane is the pastor of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church in Coatbridge, a town about 10 miles east of Glasgow. In a June 26 open letter to Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) Fulton MacGregor, Kane criticized Scotland’s plans not to allow public worship until late July.

“Crunch Time” Arrives And… Was Everyone Wrong About The Coronavirus?
“How history will judge the lockdown response to Covid-19, given its much more limited impact on workers in the economy”

Extreme rainfall, destructive floods hit parts of western India
Southwesterly monsoon has brought heavy rains and destructive flooding to parts of western India over the past days, resulting in two fatalities each in Gujarat and Karnataka. Numerous towns recorded more than 100 mm (4 inches) until Monday evening, July 6, 2020, while as many as 70 people were evacuated from the Saurashtra region where 17 dams started overflowing. Power was cut to at least 123 villages after 537 power lines were downed.

Deadly landslides and flash floods hit Nepal
At least nine people have lost their lives after heavy downpour over the past days triggered flash flooding and landslides in central and western Nepal. Rescue efforts continued on Monday, July 6, 2020, but were hampered due to blocked roads and severe weather conditions

After Sending 1000s Of COVID Patients Into Nursing Homes, New York Blames Deaths On “Infected Staff”
New York officials issue a report this week concluding that the high number of coronavirus deaths in state care facilities was the result of infected workers, not sick residents, spreading the contagion.

Wait’ll they realize the black anthem was penned by a Christian
America is undergoing its cultural revolution right now, obliterating as much of the past as possible. We saw over the weekend, “social justice warriors” in Rochester, New York, tearing down a statue of Frederick Douglass – even though he was an ardent abolitionist.

Shock poll: Half say violent bid to overthrow US government at least ‘somewhat likely’ within decade
Republicans are a bit more likely to expect such violence, but the gap is fairly modest. Many Republicans fear the left will respond with violence if President Trump is re-elected. Many Democrats fear the same from the right if President Trump is defeated.

Heavily Armed Black Militant Group NFAC Terrorized Guests At Stone Mountain Park In Georgia On July 4th, Demanded Land For ‘New Black Nation’
Black militant group NFAC stormed the gates of the Stone Mountain Park in Georgia over the weekend, armed to the teeth and challenging ‘white supremacists’ to battle. There did not appear to be any white supremacists on hand that day as they issued their demands for 1). the removal of a Confederate memorial carved into the mountain side, and 2). land from the government so they could start their ‘new black nation’.

China Inks Military Deal With Iran Under Secretive 25-Year Plan
Last week, at a meeting in Gilan province, former Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad alluded to some of the secret parts of this deal in public for the first time…


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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A turning tide? Public is not opening its pocketbooks to Democrats in the statehouse races
Americans significantly decreased contributions to Democrats running for state legislature seats in the second quarter as the Democrat Party has turned hard left, fundraising information announced this week shows. The lackluster performance by Democrats at the state level could have broader national implications. First off, state-level political trends sometimes forecast later looming national trends — “from the State House to the White House,” the saying goes.

US steps up firepower as China consolidates gains in South China Sea
The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier strike groups recently demonstrated what the Navy called “unmatched sea power” while conducting rare dual-carrier operations in the South China Sea, as military muscle flexing continues on both sides of growing discord in the region. “These efforts support enduring U.S. commitments to stand up for the right of all nations to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” the Navy said in a release.

Retail Apocalypse Accelerates – 8,700 Stores Closing, Number Set To Rise
Many retail shops are heavily indebted, some have already declared bankruptcy, while others are quickly shrinking their operating size, by reducing store footprint to rein in cost as the virus-induced recession, blended with a plunge in consumption, along with a shift to online, is resulting in a rapid acceleration of the retail apocalypse.

John Solomon: Indictments coming in Russia investigation
“My sources tell me there’s a lot of activity. I’m seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes [showing] the Department of Justice is trying to bring those first indictments,” Solomon said in an interview with the Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs reported by the Washington Examiner. “And I would look for a time around Labor Day to see the first sort of action by the Justice Department.” “There is overwhelming evidence in the public record now that crimes were committed,” Solomon said.

Socialist Seattle councilwoman to Jeff Bezos: ‘We are coming for you and your rotten system’
Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos would be defeated if he tried to oppose what has become known as the “Amazon tax.” “We are coming for you and your rotten system,” Sawant said. “We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism — this police state. We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy and equality — a socialist world.”

June 2020 was ‘tornado drought,’ fewest number of US twisters in nearly 70 years, forecasters say
After a destructive spring that made 2020 the deadliest year for tornadoes in nine years, an unusually quiet May continued into June, with some record low activity recorded. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) Storm Prediction Center (SPC) said June 2020 had the fewest number of tornado watches in recorded history with only six recorded for the entire month. The previous record was eight in 2019. “While severe weather reports were closer to normal in June, the tornado drought continued for another record breaking month,”

Rising to respond to famines of “Biblical proportions”
In recent weeks, we’ve become increasingly concerned after seeing multiple reports about COVID-19’s potential to exacerbate already existing food insecurity. Countries around the world are facing the possibility of famines of “biblical proportions.” The number of people living in a food crisis, 135 million, is the highest it has been since the inception of the World Food Programme’s Global Report on Food Crises in 2017.

In Syria, a Grim Trade-Off Between Tackling Pandemic and Famine
The pandemic-fueled food shortage in Syria suggests the worst is yet to come in other conflict-riven countries around the world.
Measures to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Syria are exacerbating the country’s mounting food shortages,

Kanye Announces 2020 Presidential Bid: ‘Realize the Promise of America by Trusting God’
rapper Kanye West announced on Saturday that he is running for President of the United States of America. “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States!

Abbas says ready to resume peace talks with Israel
The Palestinians are prepared to return to the negotiating table with Israel under the auspices of the Quartet, which comprises the US, EU, UN and Russia, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday. Abbas told Russian President Vladimir Putin…that the Palestinians want the proposed negotiations to be based on “international legitimacy” and with the participation of other countries…

Three-quarters of Natanz centrifuge assembly hall destroyed – nuke experts
Nearly three quarters of Iran’s main centrifuge assembly hall was destroyed by the recent explosion there, Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) president David Albright has told The Jerusalem Post. Albright said that this latest revelation is based on two new satellite overviews showing a much fuller picture than footage that was released last weekend…

Immigration to Israel could spike due to the coronavirus pandemic
Israel could see a sharp increase in immigration over the next few years spurred on by the coronavirus crisis… The chairman of the Jewish Agency — a nonprofit focused on bolstering Israel-Diaspora ties and immigration to Israel — told an Israeli parliament committee on Monday that Israel should expect some 250,000 new immigrants over three to five years, Haaretz reported.

Young Americans willing to give up First Amendment rights to avoid offending others
As the cancel culture trend continues to hit college campuses, Campus Reform has reported on a number of cases where colleges and universities have sanctioned professors, and in one case even expelled a student, for posts he made on social media. Campus Reform Digital Reporter Eduardo Neret recently asked students…about their thoughts on schools monitoring the social media of students and faculty.

Angering China, Australia suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong, extends visas
Australia said on Thursday it was suspending its extradition treaty with Hong Kong in response to a new security law imposed there and announced measures to attract businesses from the Asian financial hub, provoking an angry response from Beijing. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the law…was a fundamental change of circumstances and Australia would suspend the extradition agreement.

UN chief warns foreign interference in Libya ‘unprecedented’
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that foreign interference in Libya’s war has reached “unprecedented levels” and urged key players…agree to a cease-fire and peace talks. Calling the…situation “gloomy,” the UN chief said…the United Nations…mission in Libya is undertaking de-escalation efforts, “including the creation of a…demilitarized zone,” to…reach a negotiated solution and spare lives.

North Korea satellite photos show ‘all signatures’ of making nuclear weapons
Satellite images taken of a facility in North Korea appears to show an undeclared facility being used to build nuclear warheads. The photos, taken by Planet Labs and analysed by Middlebury Institute of International Studies experts, showed the facility, which had not been disclosed, is linked to the country’s nuke programme.

Once in a lifetime: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) shines bright, joins the ISS and noctilucent clouds – observing tips, live show
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) has survived its close encounter with the Sun and is currently observable from the northern hemisphere with the naked eye. To receive this celestial gift, get up before dawn, look to the NNE and see it before the Sun takes over, or wait a week or so to start seeing it in the night sky. Observing tips and live show info at the end of the article.

Bihar surpasses average annual lightning death toll in the first few days of 2020 monsoon season, India
Lightning strikes have killed 147 people in 10 days in northern India during the annual monsoon rains, with Bihar being the worst hit as this year’s toll in the state already surpassed the total deaths recorded annually over the past years. Authorities urged citizens to pay attention to weather warnings, remain indoors during thunderstorms, and avoid taking shelter under trees and getting near bodies of water.​

Brace for Impact America: The 6 Stages of the Present Coup Are Nearly Complete! WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS?
I was working on an article regarding the stages of a typical coup. At the same time, without knowing what I was already writing, Robert Griswold contacted me and said we should talk about in depth about the coup that has come against, not just Trump, but the American people. The similarities between our approaches were stunning similar, but simply expressed in a different format. Robert’s interview will be presented in Part Two of this series.

Six months before the pandemic, Bill Gates negotiated a $100 million contact tracing deal with a Democratic congressman
Four months before SARS-CoV-2 began infecting the people of China; Bill Gates was busy negotiating a $100 billion contact tracing program to be implemented by governments and forced on all Americans. On the week of August 12th to 19th, the Gates Foundation met privately with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) in Rwanda, East Africa. The week-long event was underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Doctors Call For Reopening Schools Despite Coronavirus Crisis
The nation’s pediatricians have come out with a strong statement in favor of bringing children back to the classroom this fall wherever and whenever they can do so safely. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ guidance “strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”

District attorney who filed hate crime charges for painting over Black Lives Matter mural was backed by billionaire George Soros
A California district attorney who charged a couple with a hate crime for painting over a “Black Lives Matter” mural was backed by liberal billionaire George Soros.

BREAKING: U.S. Marshals raid church and arrest sons of Mark Grenon – Genesis 2 Church – in Florida over MMS supplement, violating First Amendment rights of religious expression
This is a Natural News breaking story. The U.S. FDA has deployed U.S. Marshals to illegally raid a church in Florida and arrest the two sons of Mark Grenon of Genesis II Church , which promotes MMS (chlorine dioxide) as a health remedy under First Amendment protections of religious freedom.

The World Economic Forum Tells Us That The Fourth Industrial Revolution Will Completely Merge Man And Machine With Implantable Technology
Today we bring you the future, not from a conspiracy theory site, but from the highest echelons of world government and financial power, the World Economic Forum. Their About Us page says “The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” Truer words have never been spoken, and today the fine folks at the WEF are doing us a huge favor. They reveal their plan, called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR, for world dominance and control.

Ilhan Omar has paid new husband’s consulting firm $878,000, filings show
Rep. Ilhan Omar has continued quietly funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to her new husband’s consulting film, including a $189,000 windfall in March — just weeks after they announced they had tied the knot , campaign data shows.

Henry Ford health study finds hydroxychloroquine to be effective against COVID-19
Yet another peer-reviewed research paper has demonstrated that the generic anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, when used appropriately, can help to effectively treat Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

A turning tide? Public is not opening its pocketbooks to Democrats in the statehouse races
Americans significantly decreased contributions to Democrats running for state legislature seats in the second quarter as the Democrat Party has turned hard left, fundraising information announced this week shows. The lackluster performance by Democrats at the state level could have broader national implications. First off, state-level political trends sometimes forecast later looming national trends — “from the State House to the White House,” the saying goes.

US steps up firepower as China consolidates gains in South China Sea
The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier strike groups recently demonstrated what the Navy called “unmatched sea power” while conducting rare dual-carrier operations in the South China Sea, as military muscle flexing continues on both sides of growing discord in the region. “These efforts support enduring U.S. commitments to stand up for the right of all nations to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” the Navy said in a release.

Retail Apocalypse Accelerates – 8,700 Stores Closing, Number Set To Rise
Many retail shops are heavily indebted, some have already declared bankruptcy, while others are quickly shrinking their operating size, by reducing store footprint to rein in cost as the virus-induced recession, blended with a plunge in consumption, along with a shift to online, is resulting in a rapid acceleration of the retail apocalypse.

John Solomon: Indictments coming in Russia investigation
“My sources tell me there’s a lot of activity. I’m seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes [showing] the Department of Justice is trying to bring those first indictments,” Solomon said in an interview with the Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs reported by the Washington Examiner. “And I would look for a time around Labor Day to see the first sort of action by the Justice Department.” “There is overwhelming evidence in the public record now that crimes were committed,” Solomon said.

Socialist Seattle councilwoman to Jeff Bezos: ‘We are coming for you and your rotten system’
Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos would be defeated if he tried to oppose what has become known as the “Amazon tax.” “We are coming for you and your rotten system,” Sawant said. “We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism — this police state. We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy and equality — a socialist world.”

June 2020 was ‘tornado drought,’ fewest number of US twisters in nearly 70 years, forecasters say
After a destructive spring that made 2020 the deadliest year for tornadoes in nine years, an unusually quiet May continued into June, with some record low activity recorded. The National Weather Service’s (NWS) Storm Prediction Center (SPC) said June 2020 had the fewest number of tornado watches in recorded history with only six recorded for the entire month. The previous record was eight in 2019. “While severe weather reports were closer to normal in June, the tornado drought continued for another record breaking month,”

Rising to respond to famines of “Biblical proportions”
In recent weeks, we’ve become increasingly concerned after seeing multiple reports about COVID-19’s potential to exacerbate already existing food insecurity. Countries around the world are facing the possibility of famines of “biblical proportions.” The number of people living in a food crisis, 135 million, is the highest it has been since the inception of the World Food Programme’s Global Report on Food Crises in 2017.

In Syria, a Grim Trade-Off Between Tackling Pandemic and Famine
The pandemic-fueled food shortage in Syria suggests the worst is yet to come in other conflict-riven countries around the world.
Measures to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Syria are exacerbating the country’s mounting food shortages,

Kanye Announces 2020 Presidential Bid: ‘Realize the Promise of America by Trusting God’
rapper Kanye West announced on Saturday that he is running for President of the United States of America. “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future,” West tweeted. “I am running for president of the United States!

Abbas says ready to resume peace talks with Israel
The Palestinians are prepared to return to the negotiating table with Israel under the auspices of the Quartet, which comprises the US, EU, UN and Russia, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday. Abbas told Russian President Vladimir Putin…that the Palestinians want the proposed negotiations to be based on “international legitimacy” and with the participation of other countries…

Three-quarters of Natanz centrifuge assembly hall destroyed – nuke experts
Nearly three quarters of Iran’s main centrifuge assembly hall was destroyed by the recent explosion there, Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) president David Albright has told The Jerusalem Post. Albright said that this latest revelation is based on two new satellite overviews showing a much fuller picture than footage that was released last weekend…

Immigration to Israel could spike due to the coronavirus pandemic
Israel could see a sharp increase in immigration over the next few years spurred on by the coronavirus crisis… The chairman of the Jewish Agency — a nonprofit focused on bolstering Israel-Diaspora ties and immigration to Israel — told an Israeli parliament committee on Monday that Israel should expect some 250,000 new immigrants over three to five years, Haaretz reported.

Young Americans willing to give up First Amendment rights to avoid offending others
As the cancel culture trend continues to hit college campuses, Campus Reform has reported on a number of cases where colleges and universities have sanctioned professors, and in one case even expelled a student, for posts he made on social media. Campus Reform Digital Reporter Eduardo Neret recently asked students…about their thoughts on schools monitoring the social media of students and faculty.

Angering China, Australia suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong, extends visas
Australia said on Thursday it was suspending its extradition treaty with Hong Kong in response to a new security law imposed there and announced measures to attract businesses from the Asian financial hub, provoking an angry response from Beijing. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the law…was a fundamental change of circumstances and Australia would suspend the extradition agreement.

UN chief warns foreign interference in Libya ‘unprecedented’
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that foreign interference in Libya’s war has reached “unprecedented levels” and urged key players…agree to a cease-fire and peace talks. Calling the…situation “gloomy,” the UN chief said…the United Nations…mission in Libya is undertaking de-escalation efforts, “including the creation of a…demilitarized zone,” to…reach a negotiated solution and spare lives.

North Korea satellite photos show ‘all signatures’ of making nuclear weapons
Satellite images taken of a facility in North Korea appears to show an undeclared facility being used to build nuclear warheads. The photos, taken by Planet Labs and analysed by Middlebury Institute of International Studies experts, showed the facility, which had not been disclosed, is linked to the country’s nuke programme.

Once in a lifetime: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) shines bright, joins the ISS and noctilucent clouds – observing tips, live show
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) has survived its close encounter with the Sun and is currently observable from the northern hemisphere with the naked eye. To receive this celestial gift, get up before dawn, look to the NNE and see it before the Sun takes over, or wait a week or so to start seeing it in the night sky. Observing tips and live show info at the end of the article.

Bihar surpasses average annual lightning death toll in the first few days of 2020 monsoon season, India
Lightning strikes have killed 147 people in 10 days in northern India during the annual monsoon rains, with Bihar being the worst hit as this year’s toll in the state already surpassed the total deaths recorded annually over the past years. Authorities urged citizens to pay attention to weather warnings, remain indoors during thunderstorms, and avoid taking shelter under trees and getting near bodies of water.​

Brace for Impact America: The 6 Stages of the Present Coup Are Nearly Complete! WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS?
I was working on an article regarding the stages of a typical coup. At the same time, without knowing what I was already writing, Robert Griswold contacted me and said we should talk about in depth about the coup that has come against, not just Trump, but the American people. The similarities between our approaches were stunning similar, but simply expressed in a different format. Robert’s interview will be presented in Part Two of this series.

Six months before the pandemic, Bill Gates negotiated a $100 million contact tracing deal with a Democratic congressman
Four months before SARS-CoV-2 began infecting the people of China; Bill Gates was busy negotiating a $100 billion contact tracing program to be implemented by governments and forced on all Americans. On the week of August 12th to 19th, the Gates Foundation met privately with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) in Rwanda, East Africa. The week-long event was underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Doctors Call For Reopening Schools Despite Coronavirus Crisis
The nation’s pediatricians have come out with a strong statement in favor of bringing children back to the classroom this fall wherever and whenever they can do so safely. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ guidance “strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”

District attorney who filed hate crime charges for painting over Black Lives Matter mural was backed by billionaire George Soros
A California district attorney who charged a couple with a hate crime for painting over a “Black Lives Matter” mural was backed by liberal billionaire George Soros.

BREAKING: U.S. Marshals raid church and arrest sons of Mark Grenon – Genesis 2 Church – in Florida over MMS supplement, violating First Amendment rights of religious expression
This is a Natural News breaking story. The U.S. FDA has deployed U.S. Marshals to illegally raid a church in Florida and arrest the two sons of Mark Grenon of Genesis II Church , which promotes MMS (chlorine dioxide) as a health remedy under First Amendment protections of religious freedom.

The World Economic Forum Tells Us That The Fourth Industrial Revolution Will Completely Merge Man And Machine With Implantable Technology
Today we bring you the future, not from a conspiracy theory site, but from the highest echelons of world government and financial power, the World Economic Forum. Their About Us page says “The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” Truer words have never been spoken, and today the fine folks at the WEF are doing us a huge favor. They reveal their plan, called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR, for world dominance and control.

Ilhan Omar has paid new husband’s consulting firm $878,000, filings show
Rep. Ilhan Omar has continued quietly funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to her new husband’s consulting film, including a $189,000 windfall in March — just weeks after they announced they had tied the knot , campaign data shows.

Henry Ford health study finds hydroxychloroquine to be effective against COVID-19
Yet another peer-reviewed research paper has demonstrated that the generic anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, when used appropriately, can help to effectively treat Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Researchers call for worldwide biosurveillance network to protect from diseases
Given the importance for the health of a global population, the team of scientists recommend a “decentralized” disease surveillance system, enabled by modern pathogen-detection methods, which builds in-country capacity for addressing challenges. Utilizing portable molecular screening that is both cost-effective and relatively easy to use, this network would take a more fundamentally proactive approach to wildlife screening, they write. The network should expand monitoring beyond human disease outbreaks to encompass a broader understanding of pathogens and evaluate their spillover risk (of spreading from wildlife to humans or vice versa),

Top Communist Party Official: China, US Headed For “Complete Economic Decoupling”
The article predicts industrial supply chains being torn up, a China-U.S. decoupling and a world split into dollar and yuan economic blocs.

Biden Pledges to Reverse Supreme Court Ruling on Religious Liberty
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Wednesday pledged to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of religious liberty for the Little Sisters of the Poor. “If I am elected, I will restore the Obama-Biden policy that existed before the Hobby Lobby ruling: providing an exemption for houses of worship and an accommodation for nonprofit organizations with religious missions,” Biden said.

Ellison sued over access to climate crusade records
A Virginia-based law firm is suing Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison for access to records revealing his use of attorneys financed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to engage in a climate crusade targeting oil companies. The nonprofit Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) filed a lawsuit Wednesday for records detailing how the Democratic attorney general is allegedly deploying Bloomberg-financed lawyers to advance a lawsuit his office leveled against the fossil fuel industry. The firm’s complaint was filed on behalf of the nonprofit group Energy Policy Advocates.

Explosion heard in western Tehran
An explosion was heard in western Tehran on Thursday night, Reuters reported, citing the official IRIB news agency. IRIB did not provide any additional information about the cause of the blast or possible casualties. Electricity has been cut in the area of the explosion in suburbs west of Tehran, it reported. There have been multiple explosions around military, nuclear and industrial facilities in the past week.

Government Can’t Tell Religious Schools Who to Hire or Fire Says Supreme Court
“The last thing government officials should do is decide who is authorized to teach Catholicism to Catholics or Judaism to Jews. We are glad the Court has resoundingly reaffirmed that churches and synagogues, not government, control who teaches kids about God.” -Eric Rassbach, vice president and senior counsel at Becket

Tropical Storm Fay forms off NC coast as sixth named storm of 2020 hurricane season
Tropical Storm Fay formed just east of the North Carolina coast on July 9 — marking the sixth named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season.

Months After a M6.5 Earthquake Struck Idaho, the Southern Part of the State Is Still Shaking and Scientists Don’t Know Why
There have been more than 34 temblors Sunday, bringing the a total of 204 tremors since Sept. 2. And seismologists say the worst-case scenario is that the swarm ends with a destructive 7.0 magnitude quake.

War Drums – Iran & Israel On Brink Of Conflict
The Iranians are becoming increasingly frustrated by the success of Israeli covert operations, and they want to find ways to strike back. Embassies are typically easy targets, but thankfully the Mossad has apparently been one step ahead of all Iranian efforts to target embassies so far. Needless to say, all of this is happening at a time when tensions in the entire region are rapidly coming to a boil.

On Anniversary of Roman Invasion of Jerusalem: 60 Rabbis Call on Jews to Enter Temple Mt.
Sixty different rabbis renewed their call on Thursday for Jews to make pilgrimage to the Temple Mount after immersing in the mikveh (ritual bath) reports INN. The call comes on the 17th of Tammuz in the Jewish calendar. This day marks the anniversary of the walls of Jerusalem being breached by the Romans three weeks before the destruction of the Second Temple. It is also a fast day for Jews worldwide as it marks the beginning of Hadrian’s siege over Jerusalem.

Now hear this: Navy retreats from its worship ban policy
A religious freedom law firm has convinced the Navy to reverse course on its ban on service members attending “indoor religious services.” The updated policy states that “nothing in [the memo from SECDEF] should be construed to restrict attendance at places of worship where attendees are able to appropriately apply COVID-19 transmission mitigation measures, specifically social distancing and use of face covering.”

Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake in western Poland.
The United States Geological Survey recorded a Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake at a depth of 10.0 km, approximately 2 km to the southeast of the village of Rudna in Lubin County in Lower Silesia Province, Poland, slightly before 7.20 am local time (slightly before 6.20 am GMT) on Wednesday 8 July 2020. There are no reports of any damage or casualties associated with this event, although it was felt locally. Poland is in northern Europe, an area not noted for its Earthquakes,…

END OF THE WORLD: Jerusalem third temple ‘fulfils Biblical prophecy’ of the end times
Christian prophecies about the end of the world predict a Third Holy Temple will be built in Jerusalem in the end days. End of the world eschatology claims the Third Temple will rise before the biblical apocalypse. Many Christian evangelists and preachers believe the Third Temple is also linked to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Explosions, power outages reported near Tehran
Explosions were reported west of Tehran on Thursday night, with some initial reports claiming that the explosions occurred at a missile depot belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the explosions were reported by social media users west of Tehran and in the cities of Garmdareh and Quds. Power outages were reported in the area after the explosions were heard…

Third intifada will closely follow annexation, top PA official warns
Israel can expect a third intifada if it moves ahead with annexation of parts of the West Bank, an advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has said. In an Arabic-language interview with France 24 TV, Nabil Shaath said the Arab nations would stand by the Palestinians as they have done in the past.

Illegal immigration on southern border surged 40% in June
The number of immigrants caught crossing the southern border illegally surged 40% in June, rebounding from a coronavirus lull that had pushed traffic to its lowest level in years. The resurgence was chiefly powered by adult migrants from Mexico, who made up nearly 80% of the flow. The number of children and parents — who made up last year’s record surge — remained relatively low, at about 10% of the number.

Resignations, clashes leave Pentagon with gaping holes in upper ranks
A rash of resignations has left U.S. military leaders scrambling to fill vacancies in key positions throughout the Pentagon and has sparked a standoff with lawmakers who are convinced that President Trump’s personal politics drive hirings, firings and promotions inside the Defense Department. The Pentagon over the past three weeks has been given at least four high-level resignations…

England’s future water supplies at ‘serious risk’
Some parts of England will run out of water within the next 20 years unless “urgent action” is taken. That’s the view of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in a report on the state of water supplies. It’s calling on the government to establish a league table for water companies to pressure them into dealing with leaks.

China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights
China said…it would take “reciprocal measures” against the United States after Washington imposed sanctions on senior Chinese officials over alleged human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslim minority. Beijing described the…sanctions as “deeply detrimental” to mutual relations, already strained by differences over China’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak and its tightening grip on Hong Kong.

Egypt carries out military drill near Libya border
The Egyptian Army carried out a military drill near the Libyan border called “Hasm 2020”, the military said on Thursday. The drill, which included Egypt’s Armed Forces’ land, maritime and air defence, was carried out over several days and was attended by the Minister of Defense and Military Production, Mohamed Zaki, and Army Chief of Staff, Mohamed Farid.

Mysterious pneumonia ‘more deadly’ than coronavirus sweeps across Asia
A deadly ‘unknown pneumonia’ that has a higher death rate than Covid-19 is understood to have broken out in Kazakhstan, Chinese officials warned. The Chinese embassy, which quoted local media reports, said Atyrau and Aktobe counties as well as Skymkent city had seen a spike in cases of the illness since mid-June.

My investigation: the cult of COVID
…A large cult is composed of many layers of foot soldiers, all of whom believe. But when you get to the top, you see a few people who know the truth. They lie about the discovery of a new virus, and they spread that lie to further their own agenda—-in this case, destruction of nations and the ushering in of a fascist technocracy for the planet, a Brave New World.

Fatal tornadoes leave destructive path through west-central Minnesota, U.S.
Two destructive tornadoes ripped through west-central Minnesota’s Otter Tail County on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, leaving several properties damaged, including farmhouses, cars, and houses. An official confirmed one fatality and two other people injured.

Tropical cyclone organizing off North Carolina, expected to break another 2020 Atlantic hurricane season record
A new tropical cyclone is organizing off the coast of North Carolina, U.S. on July 9, 2020. Environmental conditions are conducive for development, and a tropical or subtropical cyclone will likely form later today or tonight — NHC gives it 80% chance of formation in the next 48 hours.

Russia Eyes Another Massive Gas Pipeline To China
The Chinese and Russian leadership have over the years intensified political and economic collaboration. Troubling relations with the West in general and the U.S. in particular are increasingly driving Beijing and Moscow into each other’s arms. The countries’ economies are highly complementary, which is an opportunity for further integration. While China has become the world’s factory and an important technological powerhouse, Russia is extremely wealthy in terms of energy and minerals.

Virginia State Officials Order U.S. Flag Be REMOVED From Construction Site
…It’s a sad state of affairs and while many people may be offended and angry that state officials would make such a decision, it’s hard to ignore that this was an attempt at protecting the flag and the construction site from far-left Democrat supporters who have already shown how willing they are to tear down monuments and burn down buildings.

The Beginning of the End of Whites in South Africa
“It’s been a rough month,” says Jess. Coming from a one-man mountain with more shrapnel scars than most, things must be looking bleak in South Africa.

Gay Liberal CNN Host Don Lemon Says Jesus Christ Was ‘Not Perfect When He Was Here’ As Roman Catholic Chris Cuomo Nods In Agreement
Liberals hate God in general, and they despise Jesus Christ in particular. The other day on CNN, gay Liberal host Don Lemon wasted no time trashing Jesus Christ in a broadside shot at the Founding Fathers. You could say he was trying to take out the King James Bible and the Declaration of Independence with the same shot. Interestingly, well-known Roman Catholic and fellow host on the Communist News Network had no rebuttal when Don Lemon starting talking about him imperfect Jesus Christ was when He walked this earth.

The Enemies Of President Trump Are Attacking Him En Masse From Every Angle And On Every Level To Stop Him From Winning Reelection In November
You may not be paying attention, seeing how distracted we all are from the daily COVID-19 end times soap opera we are all forced to live in, but if you were paying attention you would notice something absolutely startling and incredible. You would see how all the enemies of Donald Trump, from the main stream media, the radical Left, and up to and including the Supreme Court, are all conspiring against President Trump, and all at the same time.

GOP Reps. Ask WHO’s Dr. Tedros To Testify, Accuse Him Of ‘Shielding China’
Republican lawmakers on the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis along with Oversight Committee Ranking member James Comer, R-KY, requested Wednesday that World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus testify before the committee and answer to “revelations that WHO provided false information to Congress about China’s actions in the pandemic.”

Latest Progressive Anti-Israel Campaign in Congress
With the wind at her back following her recent primary victory, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is taking the lead in challenging Israel’s possible extension of sovereignty over certain areas within the West Bank. She authored a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warning that any move by Israel to extend its sovereignty into such areas would jeopardize continued U.S. military aid to the Jewish state. Senator Bernie Sanders signed AOC’s letter along with 11 other Democrat House members, including AOC’s fellow “Squad” members Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. Anti-Semitic organizations that back the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) against Israel are also in AOC’s corner.

Growing Number of Transgenders Regret Sex Change Surgery, Wish to Return to Born Gender
More and more transgender people are coming out to reveal they regret their sex-change surgery and now wish to return to the gender they were born with.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Raping 7-Year-Old Set Free by Maryland Sanctuary County
An illegal alien who was arrested for the multiple rapes of a seven-year-old girl has been released into the community by Montgomery County, Maryland officials.

Germany sees rise in number of right-wing extremists
Germany recorded a significant rise in the number of right-wing extremists last year, after security agencies added thousands of members of the country’s main far-right party to the count.

Trump Admin Sleight Of Hand: President Pulls Out Of WHO – Gives Billions To Gates
When President Donald Trump made the announcement that he was pulling out of the World Health Organization, his followers cheered the move, and rightly so. I even cheered that move, but I knew something was amiss, and lo and behold, it’s because he’s put our money into the Bill Gates founded GAVI Vaccine Alliance.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

LancetGate: “Scientific Corona Lies” & Big Pharma Corruption – Hydroxychloroquine Versus Remdesivir
There is an ongoing battle to suppress Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a cheap and effective drug for the treatment of Covid-19. The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed “evaluation” published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials. The study was allegedly based on data analysis of 96,032 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between Dec 20, 2019, and April 14, 2020 from 671 hospitals Worldwide. The database had been fabricated. The objective was to kill the Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) cure on behalf of Big Pharma.

Chinese Virologist Flees Hong Kong, Accuses Beijing Of COVID-19 Cover-Up
A highly respected Chinese virologist has fled Hong Kong and says that the Chinese government knew about COVID-19 long before they claim they did, and that her supervisors – some of the top experts in the field – ignored research she was conducting at the onset of the pandemic which she says could have saved lives, according to an exclusive interview with Fox News. “The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID,” Yan told Fox from an undisclosed location.

Poll: BLM riots ‘boosting’ Trump among voters
A new poll of likely voters indicates the Black Lives Matter riots are boosting President Trump’s chances of winning the November election. The The poll by the Washington based think tank Democracy Institute and the Sunday Express of London found that while both Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden have 47% support, Trump would win in the Electoral College by 309 to 229, because he is on course to win the swing states of Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

‘The devil’ invoked to chase conservatives away from campus
Progressive and leftist students and their friends at the University of North Texas are taking advantage of the time’s “cancel culture” by demanding that the school banish those who disagree with them. And one even has gone to the extreme of calling on the devil to help with the campaign.

Trump commutes Roger Stone’s sentence, days before prison term set to begin
The White House announced Friday that President Trump signed an Executive Grant of Clemency commuting the “unjust sentence” of Roger Stone, just days before the longtime political operative was slated to report to prison to serve more than three years for charges stemming from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Somerville, Mass. Unanimously Passes Law Recognizing ‘Polyamorous’ Domestic Partnerships
The city council of Somerville, Massachusetts has unanimously passed an ordinance recognizing “polyamorous” domestic partnerships as they could not find a “good reason” to limit romantic relationships to two people. “It validates their existence. It validates the way they love,” council member Lance Davis told NBC Boston. Polyamory is defined as “the practice of … participating simultaneously in more than one serious romantic or sexual relationship with the knowledge and consent of all partners.” The arrangement may include heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual plural relationships.

US Supreme Court to Hear Case of College Student Seeking Justice After Gospel Preaching Twice Shut Down
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case from a former student at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) who sued the educational institution after his attempts to preach the gospel on campus were twice shut down. Lower courts had declared the case moot as the college changed its free speech policy after the student sued, and due to the fact that he later graduated, but the now-graduate believes the college should still be held liable for violating his rights.

Ex-cyber officials: Iran may change aggressive policies until licks wounds
“Knowing how these things are planned and operated, if they were conducted through cyberspace…if conducted by the US or someone or Israel – it was planned in advance. A HUGE question has been how the Iranians will react – both in terms of whether they will retaliate and whether the explosions have been effective in pushing Tehran to change some of its policies.

Erdogan says first prayers in Hagia Sophia on July 24
The first prayers will be held in Turkey’s Hagia Sophia on July 24, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday, after declaring the ancient monument was once again a mosque following a court ruling revoking its status as a museum. Erdogan said the Hagia Sophia would remain open to Muslims, Christians and foreigners, but added that Turkey had exercised its sovereign right in converting it to a mosque and would interpret criticism of the move as an attack on its independence.

How have Iran’s intelligence forces broken down in face of explosions?
What the world is witnessing right now is someone – the United States, Israel or Saudi Arabia, possibly with Iranian dissident proxy help – hitting Iranian nuclear and conventional weapons and IRGC facilities practically at will. And they are doing it in a way that has virtually never been witnessed in recent memory. The IRGC has had more than two weeks to root out the cell or cells that are making this happen and has gotten nowhere.

Rapper Rejects BLM for Being Supported by Soros
During a recent interview with TurningPoint USA, Lorenzo Dechalus, known professionally as Lord Jamar, stated emphatically that he does not support the Black Lives Matter movement. When asked if he supports BLM, Jamar stated, “No. Absolutely not…Because this isn’t our movement. It’s a movement that was given to us by, you know, George Soros and his **** boys.

Turkey vows to ‘liberate Al-Aqsa’ after turning Hagia Sophia to mosque
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to “liberate Al-Aqsa mosque” from Israel after “resurrecting Hagia Sophia” as a mosque on Friday. The decision the change the status of the ancient Hagia Sophia church, which had been transformed into a mosque in 1453 and then into a museum in 1934, was made controversially last week.

Israel’s Ofek 16 satellite: An eye in the sky over Iran
The launch of Israel’s latest spy satellite, the Ofek 16, into the deep unknown…marked a significant military success for the Jewish state, a country deep in crisis – both politically and socioeconomically. Taking off from Palmahim air base in the center of the country using a Shavit launcher…the Ofek 16 successfully made it into orbit and is expected to send back its first high-resolution pictures by next week.

Iran explosion: Panic erupts as huge third blast in three weeks rocks capital
Another deadly explosion was heard in western Tehran on Friday, according to local reports of a blast at a missile warehouse. However, sources claim there have been more than one in multiple regions. An intelligence official told The New York Times said that Israel was possibly behind the attack. This has not yet been confirmed.

Egypt army drill ‘sends a message to Erdogan’
A major Egyptian army exercise near the border with Libya is being viewed by military and strategic experts as a message of deterrence to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over his backing for the Government of National Accord led by Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj and supported by militia groups.

Tensions between European Parliament and Turkey heat up
The European Parliament has become increasingly critical about democratic backsliding in Turkey, with calls…for a complete end to accession negotiations with the country. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) said that Turkey should no longer receive pre-accession funding from the European Union budget as part of its candidacy process and for economic sanctions to be used as a stick against Ankara…

Lebanese hold raucous rally outside US Embassy in Beirut
Dozens of Lebanese protesters held a raucous anti-U.S. rally outside the fortified American Embassy in Beirut on Friday, denouncing what they said was Washington’s interference in Lebanon’s affairs while some chanted in support of the militant Hezbollah group. The crowd, made up of mostly men, hurled stones at riot police near the embassy, from which they were separated by layers of barbed wire.

Deadliest monsoon in 11 years triggers floods and multiple landslides in Nepal
Incessant monsoon rainfall has triggered floods and multiple landslides in several districts of Bagmati Pradesh and Gandaki Pradesh, Nepal, from Wednesday to Friday, July 8 to 10, 2020. The police confirmed at least 12 fatalities…and 19 others missing. According to the National Disaster, Risk Reduction, and Management Authority (NDRRMA)…this season has been the deadliest monsoon in 11 years…

The Defense Bill Could Rewrite How the US Does Cyber Defense
A new Office of Joint Cyber Planning proposed in an amendment to the 2021 defense policy bill aims to help government and private actors respond more quickly to cyber attacks mounted from Russia, China, and elsewhere. “The Office shall lead Government-wide and public-private planning for cyber defense campaigns, including the development of…coordinated actions to respond to and recover from significant cyber incidents”…

False Hope and Real Damage of Coronavirus Lockdown
Life in these United States, and around the world, for that matter, have taken a turn for the worst. Government forces at all levels have placed us into martial law by another name. Your Constitutional Rights, we have been told, have been suspended for the time being in order for us to combat COVID-19. But don’t worry, they assure us, the suspension of your rights is only temporary.

Deadliest monsoon in 11 years triggers floods and multiple landslides in Nepal
Incessant monsoon rainfall has triggered floods and multiple landslides in several districts of Bagmati Pradesh and Gandaki Pradesh, Nepal, from Wednesday to Friday, July 8 to 10, 2020. The police confirmed at least 12 fatalities– including three children, and 19 others missing. According to the National Disaster, Risk Reduction, and Management Authority (NDRRMA), based on water-induced disasters, this season has been the deadliest monsoon in 11 years, with more than 60 fatalities since June 12.

Southern Norway enters July with record 10 m (32 feet) of snow
More than 10 m (32 feet) of snow accumulated in parts of southern Norway by July, according to the BKK energy company, who is conducting clearing operations to prevent flooding in the mountains. The region is currently so cold that the snow is hardly melting, but the situation could change with heavy rainfall, causing rapid melting.

Tropical Storm “Fay” forms just off the coast of North Carolina, bringing heavy rains and strong winds to Mid-Atlantic coast and New England
Tropical Storm “Fay” formed at 21:00 UTC on July 9, 2020, just off the coast of North Carolina, U.S. as the 6th named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. The center of Fay is forecast to move near the Mid-Atlantic coast today and move inland over the mid-Atlantic or the northeast United States late tonight or on Saturday, July 11, bringing heavy rain and strong winds.

California to release 8,000 prisoners to slow pandemic
California will release up to 8,000 inmates early from state prisons to slow the spread of COVID-19 inside facilities, state authorities said on Friday.

Twitter suspends more than 50 accounts tied to white nationalists
Twitter reacted to a scathing report from the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism this week by suspending several dozen accounts operated by white nationalists.

China using coronavirus tracking app to suppress dissent, control the populace
To combat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), China’s government has been using a health code system that assigns people colored QR codes via their smartphones. A new report, however, claims that this system goes beyond fighting the pandemic and is being used to maintain “social stability.”

The Great Covid-19 Deception and What You Need to Know to Survive
I’ve been speaking with my friends who include medical doctors and other highly educated people about the treatments that they would seek if they were diagnosed with Covid 19. Most of them had no idea what course of treatment they or their families might seek. This conundrum is in part due to the massive volume of information that is being thrown at us. Much of this information is deliberately deceptive. I am writing this article to cut through the deception so that you and your physician can make informed decisions if and when the time comes.

Islamic Movement and Left Join Forces in Anti-American Revolution (Part 1)
As Americans celebrated their 244th Independence Day, the pervasive lawlessness and pro- Marxist demonstrations observed for weeks in cities across the country underscore the methodical planning of domestic insurgents engaged in subversive and seditious activities to disrupt a pivotal presidential election year.

The Roman Catholic Church Used Unprecedented Legal Trickery To Plunder The American Taxpayer For Billions In Coronavirus Aid Money
From its inception in the early 300’s in Rome, the Roman Catholic Church has always been about the money. They invented the concept of Purgatory, a hold place where souls go while awaiting Heaven, so they could then sell indulgences to their bible illiterate followers to buy their loved ones out. As recently as 2018, Pope Francis was busy selling these indulgences to Catholics who remain woefully ignorant of what the bible teaches. But their money heist in 2020 is one to break the bank, literally.

Have we been had? Unmasking the disease delusion
As states hunker down once again, forcing citizens to don face coverings in public, it’s become clearer with every waking hour that the China Coronavirus emergency is based on skewed and distorted statistics.

The Radical Left Is Waging A Cultural Race War Against Whites While Pretending To Be Working To End Racism
Everywhere you look right now, we are bombarded by the Black Lives Matter marketing, it is inescapable at the moment, and I would agree that, yes, black lives certainly do matter. But that’s not how they mean it, Black Lives Matter as a movement is not about ending police brutality or racism, no, far from it. The rich, white Liberals who fund and run Black Lives Matter are using it as a sledgehammer to split America down the middle, and burn it to the ground in an all-out race war. Why? So rich, white Liberals can destroy the free market economy, end capitalism, and reduce America to a Socialist Marxist paradise.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Court rules against Obama ‘deep state’ job-security strategy
Political appointees are just that, appointees, and they can be removed from their jobs just about any time for any reason. Civil service employees, however, are another matter. They have more job protections than just about anyone else in the country.
So it was a hit to the “deep state,” the entrenched bureaucrats who wield immense power in the government, writing rules and imposing agendas, when a court released a recent decision. It ruled an employee who maneuvers around some of the requirements of the civil service system to change jobs – from appointee to civil servant – can be fired.

Conservatives rally around Goya amid calls for boycott over CEO’s pro-Trump remarks
A number of prominent conservatives have offered their support for Goya Foods as it faces mass calls for boycott over its CEO’s decision to praise President Trump. On Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted: “Goya is a staple of Cuban food. My grandparents ate Goya black beans twice a day for nearly 90 years. And now the Left is trying to cancel Hispanic culture and silence free speech. #BuyGoya”

Turkey vows to ‘liberate Al-Aqsa’ after turning Hagia Sophia to mosque
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to “liberate al-Aqsa mosque” from Israel after “resurrecting Hagia Sophia” as a mosque on Friday. The decision to change the status of the ancient Hagia Sophia church, which had been transformed into a mosque in 1453 and then into a museum in 1934, was made controversially last week.

Danon: “Obama’s Decision to ‘Abandon’ Israel Was Lowest Moment of My UN Tenure”
Danon noted that his “lowest moment in the last five years [was] the moment the U.S. decided to abandon Israel” at the U.N. Security Council under the Obama administration, when it supported Resolution 2334 against Israel. He further accused the Obama administration of working behind the scenes to promote that resolution, which condemned Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria, as well as eastern Jerusalem.

Evangelical Lutheran Church Becomes Branch Of The Radical Left
I spent many years as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America until I led my congregation out for a more Biblical branch of Lutheranism. “Liberal” is no longer the word for the ELCA, it has become radical. Here is what I mean: The ELCA pays for abortion for any reason in the denomination’s healthcare plan which is funded by offering dollars. That’s right, “your offering dollars at work” can go to kill unborn children. The ELCA ordains practicing homosexuals and now also transgender pastors.

NYPD sees 411% increase in officers retiring in a single week
Filings surged between June 29 and July 6 as 179 uniformed officers filed for retirement: a 411% increase from the same period last year when just 35 uniformed officers filed, … “There have been 306 retirements, 40 resignations and 503 have filed for retirement [since May 25],” O’Donnell said. “2019 numbers for comparison: 254 retirements, 49 resignations and 287 filed for retirement.”

Report: US planning big South China Sea announcement next week
Tensions between the U.S. and China have been intensifying in the South China Sea recently as China is increasing its aggressive behavior and the U.S. is increasing its freedom of navigation patrols in the region. “Conducting military exercises over disputed territory in the South China Sea is counterproductive to efforts at easing tensions and maintaining stability. The PRC’s actions will further destabilize the situation in the South China Sea,” the DOD noted.

Has Israel infiltrated Hamas’s military wing?
A senior commander of Hamas’s military wing, Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, has reportedly fled the Gaza Strip amid suspicions that he had been collaborating with Israel, Palestinian sources said on Saturday. The man, who headed Hamas’s commando frogman unit, fled the Strip aboard an IDF boat, the sources told the Palestinian news website Amad.

Hamas, Hezbollah seek to unite ‘Islamic ummah’ against Israel – Iran media
Tasnim News agency stressed on Saturday an alliance between Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel over recent annexation plans. While Hamas and Hezbollah have not apparently been in close contact about coordinating efforts, the Iranian media outlet, which is close to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, suggested that the two terror groups were both confronting Israel over recent policies.

Explosion shakes buildings in Tehran – report
An explosion was heard in Tehran, shaking buildings in Iran’s capital on Saturday night, according to international media. Jalal Maleki, a spokesman for the Tehran Fire Department, stated that the explosion took place in northern Tehran in the basement of an old two-story house containing about 30 gas cylinders, according to the Iranian ISNA news. Several of the cylinders weighed five kilograms.

Coronavirus Surge Challenges Struggling Food Supply Chains
Grocers are having trouble staying stocked with goods from flour to soups as climbing coronavirus case numbers and continued lockdowns pressure production and bolster customer demand. Manufacturers…say they are pumping out food as fast as they can, but can’t replenish inventories. Popular items such as flour, canned soup, pasta and rice remain in short supply.

Psychedelic Mushrooms Could Pit D.C. Against Congress
District of Columbia residents are likely to vote this fall on whether to effectively decriminalize certain plant-based hallucinogenic substances, including psychedelic mushrooms, raising the prospect of another fight between local leaders and Congress, which can intervene in the city’s affairs.

Thirty gunmen storm South African place of worship and leave five dead after ‘feud between warring Christian religious factions’
Five people have been killed and dozens arrested in an ongoing church massacre in Johannesburg. The bloodbath took place at the International Pentecost Holiness Church in Zuurbekom… It is believed the killings came amid a leadership battle at the church, as officers scrambled to the church at 3am local time following reports that 200 people were taken hostage.

Tel Aviv protests turn violent amid clashes with police
As economic protests in Tel Aviv came to an end on Saturday night, protesters began to block roads and clash with police throughout the city.
Dozens of protesters blocked HaHasomnaim and Hamisgar-Yitzhak Sadeh roads and the exit to the Ayalon Highway. The intersection in front of the Azrieli towers was blocked by protesters leaving the protest in Rabin Square. The chief of the police station for central Tel Aviv addressed protesters blocking the Azrieli Junction saying “You are in an illegal gathering.

China raises flood alert to second highest level
China raised its flood response alert on Sunday to the second highest level as heavy rain battered regions along the Yangtze River, with the eastern provinces of Jiangsu and Jiangxi among the worst hit… Flooding in the Poyang county of Jiangxi pushed water levels of Lake Poyang, China’s biggest freshwater lake, to above 22.52 metres (74 feet), a historical high and well above the alert level of 19.50 metres (64 feet).

Libya: Haftar’s LNA says blockade on oil will continue
Renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) has said it would maintain a blockade on oil production and exports that…has cost the country $6.5bn in lost revenue. Friday’s loading of a first tanker since January with oil from storage had led NOC to lift force majeure on all exports, though it warned…it would take a long time to fully restore production.

A Never-Before-Seen Bacteria Is Killing Tens of Thousands of Fish in Victorville, California
A bacteria identified as Lactococcus garvieae, which had never been found in the state until April, has caused a mass outbreak of disease killing up to 60,000 fish at the Mojave River Hatchery in San Bernardino County…around 3 million rainbow trout and other species have been quarantined as scientists try to understand the novel pathogen that has resisted treatments to cure it.

Cops Raid Mansion Of St. Louis Couple Who Defended Home From Protesters, Confiscate AR-15
Defend your home in St. Louis, get disarmed…

Record snow and freezing temperatures hit parts of South America
Parts of South America were hit by record snow accumulations and below-freezing temperatures this week. This included Mendoza City in Argentina, which recorded about 1.5 m (5 feet) of snow– the highest volume of snow in the city this early in the season.

Hong Kong Forced to Delete Movies, TV Shows That ‘Threaten’ China
China’s state-run Global Times reported approvingly on Thursday that Hong Kong has been forced to suppress countless movies, television shows, books, and online posts that could violate the new security law imposed by Beijing because the material could be judged to “threaten” Communist China, and those who display or sell the “threatening” material could be held legally liable.

Minneapolis business owners: “The government has abandoned us!”
Flora Westbrook’s salon, Flora’s Hair Designs, had been serving her neighborhood in Minneapolis for about four decades now. That four-decade run, however, ended when the salon was burned down during the riots sparked over the death of George Floyd.

After the Lockdowns and Race Riots, This Is What Will Take America Down
…In the modern era, the breakup of the United States first appeared in Richard Nixon’s division of America into 10 FEMA Regions. This is becoming a rough draft model for the planned break-up of the United States. Today, these regions exist as FEMA regions, but many fear they could return as an organizational structure which replace the United States territorial organizational format.

Remember The Psy-Op Called The Great Toilet Paper Shortage? Now We Are Pretending There’s A National Coin Shortage So We Go Cashless
By this point I’m sure you’ve noticed that there has been no let up of any kind in the relentless onslaught by our government and governments around the world to keep us afraid and looking over our shoulders. The toilet paper psy-op sent people into a near catatonic frenzy, hoarding the rolls like it would never be seen again. Meanwhile, the New World Order elites did nothing but chuckle as they counted their overflowing toilet paper supplies in warehouses told to stop delivering it. That’s how psy-ops work, it’s supposed to mess with your head.

Microchip Protection Act – Michigan Prevents Mandatory Microchips
If you adopted your pet from a rescue shelter, they probably have a microchip embedded just beneath the skin on the back of their neck. It’s a tiny radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip that’s no larger than a grain of rice, and it helps you find your furry friend if they ever get lost.

Sports Illustrated Putting A Transgender Fake Woman On Its Swimsuit Issue Cover Is A Perfect Metaphor For A Hopelessly Lost And Dying America
Have you read the headlines lately? They are a consistent and unmitigated chronicle of the slow-motion train wreck of the United States of America, as it sputters and spasms its way to the grave. Everything that surrounds us is fake, a cardboard cutout of what used to be life in the greatest country on the face of the earth. Sports Illustrated is proudly featuring a man named Valentina Sampaio pretending to be a woman as its 2020 face of beauty, and it perfectly represents the end times freak show that our nation and our society has become.

Gas explosion in Tehran injures one person
A gas explosion shook a residential building in Tehran, Iran, on Saturday, injuring one person, Iran’s semi-official ISNA reported.

Five Guys Fires Employees Who Refused to Serve Police Officers
Fast food restaurant chain Five Guys has fired multiple employees after they refused to serve members of the police.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

China Bails out Iran Turning Islamic Republic into Chinese Colony
An 18-page document written up by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled the ‘Iran-China 25-year Comprehensive Partnership Document’ was leaked to IranWire last week. In the agreement, China has agreed to invest $400-600 billion in Iranian infrastructure in exchange for dominion over Iran’s natural resources for a 25 year period. The document highlights the shared interests of both countries which include the supply of crude oil, renewable energy, civilian nuclear energy and petrochemical products.

So Many Jews are Returning to Israel that the Govt. is Worried they won’t be Able to Absorb them
Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner.

Coronavirus infects Vatican as First Case Reported
The Vatican confirmed that a patient in its health services tested positive for Coronavirus on Friday. This is the Vatican’s first reported case of COVID-19 reports Breitbart. Matteo Bruni, who heads of the Holy See Press Office said that the Vatican temporarily closed down its outpatient services for “sanitization” purposes after a patient tested positive for the deadly virus on Thursday.

Cop Hate Reaches South Texas as Two Officers Are Murdered in Brazen Ambush
Two McAllen, Texas, police officers were killed Saturday in what police are calling ambush after the officers responded to a call of a domestic disturbance. Officers Edelmiro Garza, 45, and Ismael Chavez, 39, were killed, according to the McKallen-based newspaper The Monitor.

Trump Denies Governor’s Request for US Taxpayers To Cover Damage Bill from Riots, Fires
“After a thorough review of Minnesota’s request for a major disaster declaration from extensive fire damage as a result of civil unrest in late May and early June, it was determined that the impact to public infrastructure is within the capabilities of the local and state governments to recover from. The governor has 30 days to appeal that decision,” the statement said. During the spree of violence, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey had indicated support for the rioters.

Under Cover of COVID, Medical Team Euthanizes Disabled Man Against Wife’s Wishes
It wasn’t the first time Melissa Hickson had clashed with medical authorities over her husband’s care, according to the Post. And it wasn’t the first time Hickson’s sister had sided with the authorities. disagreement. In February, Hickson’s sister applied in court to take over as her brother’s guardian. And then there’s the dismissiveness — comments which, if delivered in any other context to a black woman trying to get care for her black husband, would likely be attacked by the mainstream media as both telling and patronizing.

Flooding and Earthquakes Devastate Chinese Provinces, as Jiangxi Announces ‘Wartime’ Preparations
The Chinese regime upgraded its flood response alert to its second-highest level on July 12, after announcing that 27 provinces have been affected by heavy rainstorms that continue to wreak havoc. Meanwhile, the northern Chinese city of Tangshan experienced a 5.1-magnitude earthquake early on July 12. The tremors damaged buildings that were made of poor-quality material. The Chinese Communist Party boss of the province, Liu Qi, announced July 11 that the province had entered “wartime” preparations. Liu asked the province to prepare for “heavy floods” and “a big catastrophe.”

Church of Satan Sues Mississippi for Wanting to write ‘God’ on State Flag
Marc J. Randazza of Randazza Legal Group wrote in a recent letter to the attorney general of Mississippi, Lynn Fitch, that his client, the Satanic Temple, “has asked us to bring an issue of constitutional importance to your attention.”

Mystic Rabbi: “Messiah on the Way Whether Jews Return or Not”
“And God says to all the Jews, that the non-Jews are coming to murder you; in Europe, in Australia, and in North and South America and in the United States.” “Sell your houses there and all your property and come to live in the Holy Land. Your lives are worth more than your money.

Ex-Minneapolis Mayor On Cop Reform: ‘White Liberals Block Change’
Before being elected mayor in 2014, Hodges was on the city council for eight years. Hodges says big progressive cities, especially Minneapolis, are home to the worst racial inequalities in the nation. “Democrats have largely led big and midsize cities for much of the past half-century,” Hodges wrote.”Yet the gaps in socioeconomic outcomes between white people and people of color are by several measures at their worst in the richest, bluest cities of the United States.”

Feds Deny Walz’s Request To Help Rebuild Minneapolis
MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Federal authorities have rejected Gov. Tim Walz’s request for aid in rebuilding Minneapolis after the violent protests that broke out over the death of George Floyd. Earlier this month, Walz requested financial support from FEMA and asked President Donald Trump to “declare a major disaster for the State of Minnesota because of extensive fire damage to public infrastructure caused by civil unrest.”

Iran-backed Houthis fire ballistic missiles at Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia said it intercepted ballistic missiles fired from Yemen overnight between Sunday and Monday. The four missiles and seven drones were launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. Saudi Arabia military spokesman for the Riyadh-led Coalition that is fighting in Yemen said Riyadh had stopped the missiles.

Police Wrestle With Surge in Crime in U.S. Cities Amid Defunding Efforts
Law-enforcement officials in several large U.S. cities are wrestling with a sharp rise in violent crime amid a national debate over the role of police, calls to reduce police-department budgets and growing fiscal troubles. Some cities are on track to have their most violent summers in years.

U.S. weighs limited options to deal with China over Hong Kong: WSJ
The United States is weighing restricted options to deal with China over its recent moves in Hong Kong, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, as tensions between Washington and Beijing heat up. Steps against Hong Kong’s financial system risk hurting U.S., Western and Hong Kong companies and consumers, according to the report here, citing U.S. officials and analysts.

Israel’s air force unveils new special forces squadron
The Israeli Air Force on Sunday unveiled a special squadron, which contains all the special forces of the aerial warfare branch, consolidating them under one command. “The 7th Aerial Special Forces Wing was established to meet operational needs and respond to changing and growing threats in the various arenas,” according to an army press release.

Yemen’s Houthis say Saudi oil facility hit in overnight attack
Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they have attacked a large oil facility in an industrial complex south of the Saudi Arabian city of Jizan as part of an overnight operation. The Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Houthis said on Monday it intercepted and destroyed four missiles and six bomb-laden drones launched by Houthi rebels towards the kingdom.

Changes in criminal law as Sudan annuls apostasy death sentence
Sudan approved wide-ranging amendments to its criminal law including repealing the death penalty for apostasy as well as no longer requiring women to need a permit from male family members to travel with their children. According to the 1991 Criminal Law…the punishment for apostasy – or the abandonment of Islam through actions or words – was stoning to death.

Locust invasion in Yemen stokes food insecurity fears
Locust swarms have swept over farms in central, southern and eastern parts of Yemen, ravaging crops and stoking fears of food insecurity. Residents and farmers in the provinces of Marib, Hadramout, Mahra and Abyan said that billions of locusts had invaded farms, cities and villages, devouring important seasonal crops such as dates and causing heavy losses.

Mysterious Iceland Earthquake Swarm Hits Over 13,000 Quakes in 3 Weeks – That’s the Biggest Seismic Unrest in More than 40 Years
An ongoing earthquake swarm in Iceland has now reached over 13,000 quakes since it began on June 19. This is the biggest swarm to hit the Tjörnes Fracture zone in the north of the country in almost half a century, and experts are unsure what is causing it. The IMO said in its statement: “The earthquake swarm NE of Siglufjörður is still ongoing.

George Soros & Wayfair: Soros Owns A Large Chunk of Wayfair’s Stocks
…Yes, the rumor is true. George Soros owns a big portion of the furniture retailer. Wayfair conspiracy theory kicked off from a subreddit (r/conspiracy) on Reddit. The company is allegedly selling humans and children with their overly priced items such as cabinets, pillows, curtains, etc. All the WFX Utility is believed to be a huge cover for the company’s human trafficking racket.

Macron Warns Netanyahu To Not Proceed With Annexation Of Judea And Samaria But To Divide Israel For Palestinians In Two State Solution
French president Emmanuel Macron has been quiet as of late, as has Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, and the other denizens of the New World Order. But don’t worry, they haven’t gone away for good, they’re just reloading. In fact, French president Emmanuel Macron appears to have already reloaded, and has begin firing aspersions and orders at Benjamin Netanyahu and the nation of Israel. Vatican king Jorge Bergoglio can’t be far behind.

“Exodus” from cities to the suburbs because of coronavirus fears may last 2 years, says real estate CEO
Preppers are always ready for the inevitable. Months before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began in the U.S., preppers already had stockpiles full of supplies, and some have even readied their hideouts in safe, secluded areas known only to them.

Brace Yourself: In 2018 the Flu Put More of a Strain on U.S. Hospitals Than COVID-19 Has (Fauci Still at Large)
Well, it looks like those of us who were skeptical about the threat COVID-19 poses were wrong and it really has started to overwhelm our medical system.

Ruby Ray Media – RRM Article – Port of Melbourne: Human Trafficking Evidence has Been Uncovered Connected to Some Very Big Corporate Names
Human trafficking evidence has been uncovered connected to some very big corporate names: Wayfair, Etsy, eBay, Twitter, Amazon, Walmart, Yandex..and other e-commerce I predict, that if these revelations have merit, then Australia’s shipping ports (and those connected therein) will face huge pressure with lines of inquiry that they cannot dodge.

BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 infection rate may be 440% higher among children who received FLU SHOTS… while health “authorities” madly push more shots for the coming flu season
A new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases finds that children who received inactivated influenza vaccines were 440% more likely (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8) to acquire infections of respiratory viral pathogens which are not influenza. With the aggressive push for influenza immunizations now under way, the medical establishment may be setting up children to be extremely vulnerable to coronavirus infections.

In A Time Of Utmost Peril For The Jews, Esther Bravely Stepped Forward, Will Christians In 2020 Do The Same Thing?
Oh, how we thrill to read all the action, excitement and adventure that are jammed-packed into the little book of Esther in the Old Testament. The Vince Lombardiesque motivational speech that Mordecai gives to her, prompting her to risk her life to speak with the king, the dark subplots and intrigue of Haman, replete with watching him receive the due reward of his labors. My, oh my, but that little book of Esther is exciting! Do you think God has nothing reserved for you in 2020 to accomplish for His kingdom? Think again. Esther is your wake-up call, Christian.

US Professor Charged for Illegally Using US Research Grants to Aid China
A U.S. professor has been arrested for using over $4 million in federal grant money to benefit China’s research in rheumatology and immunology.

For First Time Since The Great Depression, Americans Must Wait In Line For The Most Basic Essential Items
The scene can be somewhat dystopian and third world when you look at it: as a result of the pandemic and the new way that our economy is forced to do business, Americans all over the country are waiting in line – even for the most basic of essentials.

Russia and China Veto Key Means to Deliver Life-Saving Relief to Syrian Civilians
This past week, Russia and China vetoed United Nations Security Council draft resolutions that would have authorized the renewal of a cross-border mechanism enabling the UN and its partners to deliver vital humanitarian aid into Syria via the country’s border with Turkey. The 13 other members of the Security Council voted for the draft resolutions. The draft resolutions were offered as a compromise to address certain concerns raised by Russia, but Russia and China vetoed them anyway in order to protect President Bashar al-Assad’s murderous Syrian regime.

Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores
A 24-year-old mother was killed by a Black Lives Matter mob in Indianapolis last week, allegedly for saying “All Lives Matter.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Mysterious Iceland Earthquake Swarm Hits Over 13,000 Quakes in 3 Weeks – That’s the Biggest Seismic Unrest in More than 40 Years Showing the Forces That Split the Island in Two
An ongoing earthquake swarm in Iceland has now reached over 13,000 quakes since it began on June 19. This is the biggest swarm to hit the Tjörnes Fracture zone in the north of the country in almost half a century, and experts are unsure what is causing it.

White House releases list of Dr. Fauci’s ‘mistakes’
Fauci “has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have ever interacted with him on.” “Now Fauci is saying that a falling mortality rate doesn’t matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening,” Navarro said. “So when you ask me if I listen to Dr. Fauci’s advice, my answer is only with caution.”

Sweden transfers funds to an anti-Israeli organization
Sweden has recently transferred 1.8 million krona (nearly $200,00) to a Palestinian Swedish organization acting against Israel under the guise of humanitarian aid. … the Swedish government agency SIDA transferred the funds to the Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden – an organization that openly supports the BDS movement that calls to boycott and impose sanctions on Israel due to the conflict with the Palestinians.

Israeli watchdog reveals 28 Hezbollah missile sites in Beirut civil centers
Report uncovers sites used for production, storage, and launches of medium-range ballistic missiles; Hezbollah reportedly holds hundreds of missiles with range of up to 300 km (185 miles)

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Christian Student’s Case Against Restrictive Campus Speech Policy
The Supreme Court agreed to review a First Amendment lawsuit in which a Georgia college belatedly expanded free speech on campus after a Christian student ran afoul of its constitutionally suspect campus “speech zone” policy. The court granted a petition for certiorari July 9 in a case known as Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski. According to its practice, the Supreme Court provided no reasons for its decision.

The Left Sells Socialism With Race
Read the history of the early days of socialism in Hayek’s masterpiece, The Counter-revolution in Science, and you’ll notice that socialism began life as a substitute for Christianity. They offered their own version of the doctrine of original sin: people are born innocent and turn evil only because of oppression and property is the greatest oppressor. Their “gospel” said that socialism could redeem mankind from evil by ending property and distributing wealth equally. At the same time, it would make everyone wealthy.

Natanz retaliation test run: Iran practices with missiles, drones in Yemen
Iran has been closely watching the use of drone and missile attack combinations being used by its Houthi allies in Yemen. This week, the Houthi rebels announced yet another new type of ballistic missile, showing footage of drones and other weapons they have used in recent years.
Iranian media has focused on this use of missiles and drones at the same time in an attack.

Houthis round up Yemen’s Jews as part of ‘ethnic cleansing’ efforts – report
The Houthi rebel group in Yemen arrested Jews in the Kharif District of the ‘Amran Governorate northwest of Sana’a as part of “ethnic cleansing” efforts as well as looting money from various sects and groups… Local sources from Kharif told Al-Mesryoon that the Houthis had rounded up the Jews and imprisoned them due to their religion and were pressuring them to leave Yemen.

Russia says joint patrol with Turkey hit by bomb attack in Syria
A roadside bomb planted by Syrian militants in the de-escalation zone in Idlib detonated near a joint Russian-Turkish patrol on Tuesday morning, injuring three Russian soldiers and some Turkish soldiers, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Russia called off the patrol following the blast near the town of Ariha in Idlib province that damaged one Russian and one Turkish armored personel carrier, the ministry said.

Bank of England Debating Digital Currency Creation, Bailey Says
“We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency,” Bailey said Monday in a webinar event with students. “We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society.” “I think in a few years time, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency,” he added.

Armenia-Azerbaijan border sees deadly clashes
At least four Azeri troops have been killed in two days of clashes involving tanks and artillery on Azerbaijan’s border with Armenia. A conflict over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh remains unresolved, but the latest fighting was in Tavush, an area north of that territory. Azerbaijan’s military reported the four deaths, but said it had destroyed an Armenian fortification and artillery.

Global shares retreat as coronavirus surges, Sino-U.S. tensions rise
Global stocks slipped on Tuesday, oil sagged and a safety bid supported the dollar as simmering Sino-U.S. tensions and new coronavirus restrictions in California kept a lid on investor optimism… MSCI’s All-Country World Index edged down 0.4%, after touching a 20-week high on Monday. The pan-European STOXX 600 opened 1.5% lower and was heading for its worst day in 14 sessions after technology stocks dropped 3.4%.

Israel’s air force unveils new special forces squadron
The Israeli Air Force on Sunday unveiled a special squadron, which contains all the special forces of the aerial warfare branch, consolidating them under one command. “The 7th Aerial Special Forces Wing was established to meet operational needs and respond to changing and growing threats in the various arenas,” according to an army press release.

Dam talks between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan end with no deal
The latest round of negotiations between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the latter’s contentious dam on the Blue Nile has ended with no agreement, according to Egyptian and Sudanese officials. “All of the efforts exerted to reach a solution didn’t come to any kind of result,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Monday in an interview with Egypt’s DMC TV channel.

Rockland County New York Now Issuing $2,000 Per Day Fine For Anyone Who Refuses To Be Part Of Their COVID-19 Contact Tracing Surveillance
Is anyone surprised at this? I certainly am not, the only surprising thing is that this model has not yet been adopted nationwide. Give it time, it will be. Wasn’t only as recently as April 10th that we were told that contact tracing would be voluntary? Yep, it sure was., right up to the moment when it wasn’t. Of course, just like the telephone tax used to fund the Spanish-American War in 1893, don’t expect it to go away anytime soon. What you can expect is hefty fines for non-compliance like what we are now seeing in New York.

One of the worst rainfall seasons on record hits China, massive floods affecting nearly 38 million people
Severe floods affecting wide swaths of China since June 2020 have left at least 141 people dead or missing and almost 38 million affected in 27 provinces, officials reported on Monday, July 13, 2020. Up to 433 rivers have risen to dangerous levels, with 33 of them crossing historical highs. This is one of the worst rainfall seasons on record, resulting in direct economic losses of more than 61 billion yuan ($8.7 billion USD).

At least 70 killed as heavy monsoon rains hit Assam, India
Incessant monsoon rains continue to affect India’s Assam state, with more than 1.2 million people in 24 out of 33 districts affected as of Sunday, July 12, 2020. Four more people died over the weekend due to rain-related incidents, pushing the death toll to 70.

The Enemies Of President Trump Are Attacking Him En Masse From Every Angle And On Every Level To Stop Him From Winning Reelection In November
You may not be paying attention, seeing how distracted we all are from the daily COVID-19 end times soap opera we are all forced to live in, but if you were paying attention you would notice something absolutely startling and incredible. You would see how all the enemies of Donald Trump, from the main stream media, the radical Left, and up to and including the Supreme Court, are all conspiring against President Trump, and all at the same time.

George Soros Donates $220 Million to Radical BLM Groups Including Movement to “End Policing as We Know It”
The Soros Foundation announced $220 million donations to BLM and black-led justice organizations building power in black communities across the country.

College Democrats, Satanists and Witches Team Up to Shut Down Young Conservatives of Texas Chapter
The University of North Texas College Democrats are allying with satanists and witches to try and shut down the school’s Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) chapter.

HERE IT COMES: Bill Gates And His GAVI Vaccine Alliance Launching AI-Powered ‘Trust Stamp’ Combining A Vaccine And Digital Biometric ID In West Africa
We have been warning you night and day since March that this was coming, now it’s here, the first iteration of Bill Gates fever dream masterpiece of a vaccine tied to digital identification. Under the banner of his GAVI Vaccine Alliance and through a partnership with MasterCard, AI is being used from a company called TrustStamp that ‘creates tokenized identities from any biometric modality, or other identity data, from any source’. Of course, Bill Gates is launching this in Africa where his bought and paid for credentials from the WHO give him an open door to use the people of Africa as guinea pigs. Welcome to Phase 1, in just a little under 4 months from the date we told you it was ‘coming soon’.

Rudy Giuliani: Black Lives Matter Will Be Exposed as ‘a Terrorist Organization’
..Giuliani also blasted Bill De Blasio’s commission of a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in NYC, saying the New York City mayor proved himself to be “a communist.”

California now less than 90 days away from financial collapse… ANARCHY to follow
The State of California is now less than 90 days away from a financial collapse that can only be averted by acquiring new sources of loans or dramatically slashing government-funded services in health care, pensions, welfare and education. The cracks of financial insolvency are starting to show, and Newsom has no plan that doesn’t lead California into anarchy and destitution.

Britain shamefully betrays the Jewish People again
Britain—the architect of the San Remo Resolution and Treaty of Sevres in 1920 that led to the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine in 1922—has yet again shamefully betrayed the Jewish People by warning Israel not to extend its sovereignty into Judea and Samaria.

Newsom Closes Down Churches, Gyms, Hair Salons, All Indoor Dining, Bars, Theaters in California – NO END DATE TO LOCKDOWN GIVEN
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Monday announced a complete shut down of indoor dining, theaters, bars, museums and zoos due to an increase in Coronavirus ‘cases.’


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

‘Israel’s Oracle’ Delivers Big Message from God: “Messiah is Here!”
According to Rabbi Brody, the essence of Daniel’s message, that Jews urgently need to leave the diaspora and get to Israel, is hardly controversial. “Assuming Galit Dorit is the real thing and she’s faithfully quoting his words, I don’t think Daniel’s message is dramatic at all.” “We don’t posken (rule according to Jewish law) based on the autistics, [but] I’ve told plenty of families to make aliyah. If you don’t make aliyah right now, the door is closing,” he warned. “We’re already beginning to feel what is happening in the world. The world we live in today has become harsh. We live in a world that is now ruled by the most wicked people that ever lived, incarnations of the most wicked people of all of the generations that lived in the past.”

US conducts first federal execution in 17 years
The U.S. has conducted its first federal execution in 17 years, administering a lethal injection to a man convicted of torturing and killing an Arkansas family in 1996. Daniel Lewis Lee, 47, an inmate at the Terre Haute federal prison in Indiana, was given a lethal dose of pentobarbital at 8:07 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. On May 4, 1999, a jury found Lee guilty in the killing of William Frederick Mueller, his wife Nancy Ann Mueller and his 8-year-old stepdaughter, Sarah Elizabeth Powell, for which he received a death sentence.

Food Security Continues to Decline as Crises Mount
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has published its State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020, which warns that even without accounting for problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, food security has continued to decline around the world. The last three editions of the FAO’s report have all warned that hunger is rising, after several decades of decline. Severe undernourishment has increased in all continents except Europe and North America

Proposed China-Iran deal is bad news for Israel
With Iran and China working on a multibillion-dollar 25-year economic and security deal, Israel has many reasons to be concerned and even alarmed. The proposed agreement, leaked to The New York Times, which reported on it on Saturday, would lead to a closer military relationship between Tehran and Beijing, including joint military exercises, research and weapons development and intelligence sharing. It would also increase Chinese investments in Iranian banking, telecommunications and transportation, such as airports and railways. China would reportedly get a discounted supply of Iranian oil in return.

Homeowner Opens Fire, Kills Two of Three Home Invasion Suspects
Fox 35 reports that the homeowner was playing video games when he heard glass breaking just before 1:00 a.m. He retrieved a gun and shot one suspect in a hallway, then fired again when a second suspect allegedly appeared in the hallway with a gun. Sheriff Chris Nocco says the suspect fired his gun, then it jammed. The homeowner shot him. Then a third suspect appeared in the hallway. The homeowner shot the third suspect as well.

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly moved from ‘cell to cell’ to avoid assassins
Ghislaine Maxwell is being moved from “cell to cell” in her Brooklyn lockup — over fears someone will try to kill the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam before she stands trial, according to a report. The Post already revealed how the 58-year-old British socialite was forced to wear paper clothes and sleep on a bare mattress so she couldn’t hang herself with clothes or bedsheets like Epstein. Now insiders have told the Mail on Sunday that prison officials are so “terrified someone will try to kill her” that they are constantly moving her around inside the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

Drought Conditions Expected to Worsen
Drought conditions are already persisting in parts of Illinois and things are only anticipated to get worse as the National Weather Service predicts long periods of hot and dry weather throughout July and August. Meteorologist Chris Miller says he is monitoring the number of 90-degree days ahead along with any rainfall coming our way.

Ten million face acute food shortages in Yemen
Nearly 10 million people are facing acute food shortages in Yemen and urgent action is needed to avert a famine, the UN’s World Food Programme said on Friday. “We must act now. If we wait for famine to be declared, it will already be too late as people will already be dying.”

CENTCOM chief: A war with Israel would not end well for Hezbollah
CENTCOM head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said it would be a great mistake for Hezbollah to try to carry out operations against Israel. “I can’t see that having a good ending,” he said at a briefing during a major trip to the Middle East this week. McKenzie has visited Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait. The US general also acknowledged continuing tensions in Syria and with Iran across the region.

Hebrew U. scientist: Drug could eradicate COVID-19 from lungs in days
Researchers at Israel’s Hebrew University of Jerusalem and New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center believe they could potentially downgrade COVID-19’s severity into nothing worse than a common cold. New research by Hebrew University Prof. Ya’acov Nahmias and Sinai’s Dr. Benjamin tenOever revealed that the FDA-approved drug Fenofibrate (Tricor) could reduce SARS-CoV-2’s ability to reproduce or even make it disappear.

Israel’s Defense Ministry receives first images from Ofek 16 satellite
A week after Israel launched the Ofek 16 reconnaissance satellite into space, the first high-quality pictures have been received at an Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) control station in Yehud… Since the satellite launch early Monday morning…teams from IAI and the Defense Ministry have carried out a series of tests on the satellite’s systems and subsystems that have been gradually and successfully activated.

Iran’s Ghaani says ‘Zionist regime’ has difficult days ahead
Iran’s head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force Esmail Ghaani slammed the US and Israel and said both countries would be punished and that only “difficult” days were ahead. He praised a fire aboard a US ship, the Bonhomee Richard as divine punishment. “America lit a fire and today is on fire.”

Hong Kong: China vows to retaliate after Trump ends special economic status
China has vowed to retaliate after the US ended Hong Kong’s preferential trade status and imposed sanctions on officials who crack down on rights. President Donald Trump said he was acting because China had taken away Hong Kong’s freedom after it imposed a new security law. Beijing condemned Mr Trump’s decision, saying it would impose sanctions on relevant people and entities in the US.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim ‘bank of targets’ in Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE
An intelligence officer for the Houthi separatists in Yemen…claimed the group has amassed a “bank of vital and important targets” in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates… Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim, the head of the Houthis’ Intelligence and Reconnaissance Authority, told the…..newspaper the…militia…had successfully conducted intelligence operations deep into Saudi and UAE territory.

UAE closer to completing construction of Arab world’s first nuclear power plant
The UAE completed the construction of the Barakah nuclear power plant’s second unit, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) confirmed… The new reactor, which was the second of four units, has been handed over to its operator… “Today we are one step closer to securing a cleaner, brighter future for generations to come,” Mohamed Al Hammadi, chief executive of the ENEC, said.

‘Hunger crimes’ on the rise in crisis-hit Lebanon
…Omar…recalled the terrifying and tragic encounter that started when a man in his 40s crept up behind him as he walked alone at night through Beirut’s Hamra commercial district. “He told me that he didn’t want to hurt me. He asked me to give him money or take him to a grocery store to buy some food,” Omar recounted. “He said his children back home were crying from hunger.”

Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis
Facing a worsening economic crisis and with little chance of Western or oil-rich Arab countries providing assistance without substantial reforms, Lebanon’s cash-strapped government is looking east, hoping to secure investments from China that could bring relief. But help from Beijing risks alienating the United States, which has suggested such a move could come at the cost of Lebanese-U.S. ties.

Volcanic Activity Is Heating Up Around the World: More Than 39 Erupting Volcanoes and 100s of Earthquakes Hitting Near or Under Lava Craters
There are currently 26 volcanoes erupting around the world and 13 showing enhanced activity. More than 100 earthquakes have been reported near or at volcanic peaks… Well the Ring is on Fire!…Moreover, many earthquakes happen right under or near volcanoes probably announcing movement of magma or magma chamber refill.

EU ministers said seeking list of deterrents to warn Israel off annexation
Eleven European foreign ministers have reportedly asked the European Union to provide them with a list of possible actions that can be taken if Israel’s government moves ahead with plans to annex parts of the West Bank, in a bid to add heft to threats of “consequences” that members of the bloc have already brandished in front of Jerusalem.

At least 15 dead, 4 000 affected as flash floods sweep through South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Severe flash floods hit Indonesia’s South Sulawesi Province on July 13 and 14, leaving at least 15 people dead and a number of people missing, North Luwu district official Indah Putri Indriani reported Tuesday, July 14, 2020. More than 4 000 residents have been affected in six subdistricts of the regency.

More than 1 million people flee as second wave of flooding hits Bangladesh, 7 million already affected
More than 1 million residents have fled their homes as the second wave of severe flooding hit wide swaths of Bangladesh, officials said Tuesday, July 14, 2020. As many as seven million people are already affected, with water levels at major rivers rising at about two dozen points in 20 districts.

Monsoon-related natural disasters leave more than 144 dead or missing in just one month, Nepal
More than 100 people have died due to monsoon-related natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, and lightning strikes in a month period in Nepal as of Monday, July 13, 2020, according to the data compiled by the Nepal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA). The organization noted that this season is the deadliest monsoon in the past 11 years, in terms of the devastation in the arrival period.

The forgotten pandemic—the fight against HIV continues
WITH ATTENTION diverted to covid-19, access to HIV medications has been disrupted. Host Kenneth Cukier talks to Meg Doherty, director of HIV programmes at the World Health Organisation, about the fight against the other pandemic.

On This Day In History In 1555, Roman Catholic Pope Paul IV Issued A Papal Decree Forcing The Jews Of Rome Into A Ghetto Like Adolf Hitler Later Did
This story is fascinating for a variety of reasons, one especially from a numerical perspective. Today is the 465th anniversary of the day that the Roman Catholic Pope Paul IV issued his infamous papal decree forcing all the Jews of Rome into a ghetto. It is for reasons just like this why we say that the Roman Catholic religion is not Christian, and is not biblical, if it were, the Roman Catholic popes would love the Jews, which clearly they do not. Secondly, let’s take a look at the year 1555.

Hillary Clinton put Ghislaine Maxwell’s nephew in charge of Obama’s Libya policy. Together they killed Ghaddafi
…US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “parked” Alex in one of the most sensitive areas of Obama’s executive apparatus..Hillary sent Alex as the US representative to the expatriate rebel groups Friends of Libya and Friends of the Syrian People. He served there from until 2012. Together, they did Arab springs and killed Ghaddafi in 2011.

George Soros Giving $220 Million To Black Radical Race Groups That Are Working To ‘Reimagine Public Safety’ By Getting Rid Of The Police
You need to stop thinking of Black Lives Matter as a ‘grassroots movement to stop racial injustice’, they are nothing of the kind. What they are is a highly-funded, Marxist domestic terror organization with hundreds of millions in funding from rich, white Liberals who dream of the collapse of America. Former Nazi collaborator and billionaire George Soros, just gave $150 million to Black Lives Matter, the remaining $70 million is earmarked to campaigns to defund the police in America’s cities.

NYC Weekend: Shooting Victims Exceed Coronavirus Deaths
More than two dozen shootings across New York City over the weekend left a one-year-old dead and at least 34 others injured, some potentially fatally, dwarfing the number of people killed there by the coronavirus during the same period.

UK-Jewish spy’s pivotal role in French espionage ring revealed after 95 years
Just a week after the Locarno Treaties — a peace pact between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Italy — were signed in London in 1925, the French secret police very publicly broke up a British espionage ring in the heart of Paris engaged in stealing French military secrets.

California’s Indoor Religious Worship Suspended Indefinitely, State Health Department Says
The California Department of Health clarified Tuesday to the Daily Caller News Foundation that indoor religious services in the state have been suspended with no definite end date.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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IAEA threatens action against Iran this month
Things “will be bad” for Iran if it does not allow inspectors to view suspected nuclear sites by the end of July, International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Grossi warned on Wednesday. Addressing Iran’s refusal to grant the IAEA access to the sites, Grossi said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal: “I keep insisting on the absolute necessity for us to resolve this issue very soon… Let my inspectors go” to the sites.

Human X chromosome completely sequenced for the first time
The researchers managed to sequence the entire X chromosome for the first time, from telomere to telomere. In humans, the X chromosome is one of the sex-determining chromosomes passed down from parent to child. Generally, a zygote that receives two X chromosomes – one from each parent – will be usually biologically female, while an X and a Y chromosome results in a male.

Hamas admits: Senior Hamas official defected to Israel
Musa Abu Marzuk, deputy head of the Hamas “political bureau,” says that the senior commander who defected after it was revealed that he spied for Israel – is a traitor and therefore fled. He claims that the man does not have important information that could endanger Hamas. “The Israelis welcomed him, he fled because he was a traitor,”

Famed ‘newspaper of record’ savaged by departing editor
My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly “inclusive” one, while others post ax emojis next to my name.” That same paragraph went on to allege co-workers described the editor as a “liar and a bigot” on social media but knew they would not be punished for doing so.

CENTCOM chief: A war with Israel would not end well for Hezbollah
“I can’t see that having a good ending,” he said at a briefing during a major trip to the Middle East this week. McKenzie has visited Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait. The US general also acknowledged continuing tensions in Syria and with Iran across the region.

At least 7 Iranian ships on fire; latest in pattern of unexplained fires
The news of the ship fires was first reported by Iran’s Tasnim News Agency, and later reported by Reuters. Initial reports indicated three ships were on fire at the Iranian port, but updated reporting indicated the fire had spread to at least seven ships. The ship fires in Iran follow a pattern of unexplained explosions and fires at Iranian military and industrial facilities in recent weeks.

Ex-DHS Secretary Intentionally Weakened Legal Case for Ending DACA
A former acting secretary of homeland security has admitted intentionally omitting critical information from a memo she wrote ending the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program because she did not agree with President Donald Trump’s approach and was miffed her opinion was listened to.

Gravestones vandalized in Europe’s oldest surviving Jewish cemetery
The oldest surviving Jewish cemetery in Europe was vandalized. At least 50 gravestones in the medieval Jewish cemetery in the German city of Worms were smeared with a greenish paint, the city said in a statement. The incident took place on Thursday. The cemetery was ordered closed for a week.

North Carolina city votes to give reparations to Black residents as ‘removing statues isn’t enough’
IN A historic move, one US city has apologized for its role in slavery and voted in favor of providing reparations to its African-American community. The vote to provide reparations passed unanimously in the Asheville, North Carolina, city council on Tuesday. The reparations won’t come in the form of direct payments to Black residents, but will instead invest in areas where the community often deals with disparities.

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In “More Than Half” Of Trial Participants
A…clinical trial for a potential COVID-19 vaccine managed in part by…Moderna has resulted in some adverse effects in more than half of the trial’s participants, with one test group reporting “severe” symptoms…”…adverse events…in more than half the participants included fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site,” the report states. Fever, joint pain and nausea were also reported.

Exclusive: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks
The Central Intelligence Agency has conducted a series of covert cyber operations against Iran and other targets since winning a secret victory in 2018 when President Trump signed what amounts to a sweeping authorization for such activities, according to former U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter.

Researchers Warn Of “Jaw Dropping” Crash In Global Fertility Rate
Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation have warned that the planet is not prepared for an ongoing global population crash, and that the impact will be “jaw dropping”. The BBC reports that the research, published in the Lancet highlights that the global fertility rate almost halved to 2.4 in 2017, and projections indicate that it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.

River Nile dam: Sudan blasts ‘unilateral’ move as Ethiopia dam fills
Sudan says River Nile water levels have dropped as a reservoir behind Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance dam has filled up, hitting out at “any unilateral actions taken by any party”. Egypt has also demanded “quick official clarification” from Ethiopia. Both Sudan and Egypt are downstream, and fear the large dam will greatly reduce their access to water.

US accuses Russian mercenaries of violating UN rules
The US military has accused Russian state-backed mercenaries – known as the Wagner Group – of laying landmines in Libya, violating a UN arms embargo. The US’s African Command said in a statement that it had “verified photographic evidence” that the Wagner Group had been planting the mines “indiscriminately” around the capital Tripoli and toward Sirte, east of the capital, since mid-June.

EU-US Privacy Shield for data struck down by court
The European Court of Justice has declared invalid one of the two legal methods companies use to transfer EU citizens’ data to the United States. They had been able to transfer data by signing up to higher privacy standards under the EU-US Privacy Shield. But they will now have to sign standard contractual clauses, non-negotiable legal contracts drawn up by Europe, which the court chose not to abolish.

Coronavirus resurgence sidelines Israel’s annexation plans
A coronavirus resurgence in Israel and divisions within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government have sidelined its plans to annex parts of the West Bank, officials said. Although…Netanyahu and…Defense Minister Benny Gantz agreed the government could begin moving on annexation as of July 1, there has been “close to zero” cabinet-level discussion on the issue, one senior minister told Reuters.

Black Leaders Call on NYPD to Bring Back Anti-Crime Unit as Shootings Spike
Leaders in the black community are calling on the New York Police Department to bring back the plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit that was eliminated last month as shootings and murders spike across the city. About 600 undercover officers from the unit were set to be transferred to other assignments including detective work and policing neighborhoods, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said a month ago. The anti-crime unit, which was responsible for getting guns off the streets, had been criticized as stoking distrust in law enforcement in minority communities.

Florida Department of Health saboteurs are RIGGING coronavirus test results, wildly inflating infection numbers to hobble reopening efforts
A stunning investigation by Orlando Fox News affiliate Fox 35 finds that the Florida Department of Health is reporting suspiciously high “positive” rates from dozens of COVID-19 testing labs in Florida, often in contradiction to the real numbers that those labs reported to the state. This appears to indicate a massive, coordinated conspiracy by State of Florida workers in the Florida Department of Health who are attempting to sabotage the reopening efforts by wildly exaggerating the number of infections for political purposes.

7 wooden boats catch fire in shipyard at Iran port
Seven traditional wooden dhow vessels caught fire Wednesday in a factory in the southern Iranian port city of Bushehr, Iran’s semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

Rush Limbaugh slams Florida labs that failed to report negative COVID tests: ‘Incompetence … or corruption’
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh reacted Wednesday to a report that some laboratories in Florida are not reporting the number of people who test negative for coronavirus, describing such practices as “incompetence” or “corruption.”

As Virginia governor vows to ramp up COVID enforcement, state data continue to trend positive
At a notably grim press conference on Tuesday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam delivered a dire warning to state residents, calling some of them “selfish” for allegedly violating his mask mandate, ordering businesses to refuse service to patrons without face coverings, threatening to strip the licenses of business owners who fail to comply with his orders, and promising to dispatch a small army of state regulators to enforce those directives.

High-level volcanic activity continues at Nishinoshima, Japan
High-level volcanic activity continues at Nishinoshima, the Japan Meteorological Agency’s reported on Wednesday, July 15, 2020. A powerful eruption took place on July 11, with incandescent material thrown high above the crater, large lava flows, and an ash plume up to 5 400 m (17 388 feet) above the summit.

More than 13 000 earthquakes at Tjörnes Fracture Zone since June 19, Iceland
Earthquake swarm at the Tjörnes Fracture Zone continues, with more than 13 000 quakes detected since the swarm started on June 19, 2020. This is the largest earthquake swarm in the region recorded in the past 40 years.

Record snow and freezing temperatures hit parts of South America
Parts of South America were hit by record snow accumulations and below-freezing temperatures this week. This included Mendoza City in Argentina, which recorded about 1.5 m (5 feet) of snow– the highest volume of snow in the city this early in the season.

COVID-19 Has Been Weaponized To Demoralize And Destroy The Global Population As The Elites Are Now Bringing In The New World Order
California is a funny place, I used to live there and it is certainly the land of ‘fruits and nuts’ as the old saying goes. But in 2020, it’s a whole lot nuttier than it used to be, and not only that, the nuts are killing people at an ever-increasing rate. Just days ago, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti rubber-stamped nearly ten thousand unmasked rioters to protest on the streets of Los Angeles, beaming with pride at the ‘long overdue social justice’ demonstrations. Those people were allowed to do anything they wanted to do, but churches had to close and small businesses of every kind were shuttered. What was his message? That social justice is good, and church and a free market economy are bad.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Israel making ‘secret’ IDF officials list fearing ICC arrests – report
Israel began creating a list of defense establishment officials likely to be arrested if the International Criminal Court (ICC) goes through with an investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes, Haaretz reported Thursday. According to the media outlet, the contents of the list remain confidential, as the ICC may view the officials inclusion as a confirmation of their alleged crimes against the Palestinians.

Mayor of Portland to Trump: Get your troops out of the city
The mayor of Portland demanded Friday that President Donald Trump remove militarized federal agents he deployed to the city after some detained people on streets far from federal property they were sent to protect. “Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said at a news conference.

How hot could US-China ‘Cold War’ get?
Tensions are mounting by the day between the United States and China, leading to talk of a new Cold War. Experts see important historical differences – but believe the two powers are entering dangerous territory. US President Donald Trump’s administration…pushing other nations to reject its strings-attached aid and telecom…Huawei, and siding unreservedly with Beijing’s rivals in the dispute-rife South China Sea.

Internet Was Not Under “Attack” During Global Outage…
The Internet is actually not under siege and you can still watch Netflix over the weekend, it turns out – though it certainly felt like the digital world had collapsed to PONG levels for a while today. There are still some dark spots out there…but one of the main providers of the routers that connect domains to their actual IP addresses says they have identified the problem and are watching out for more problems.

Florida church’s statue of Jesus beheaded, similar attacks occur across U.S.
A statue of Jesus Christ was decapitated and knocked off a pedestal at a Catholic church in Florida, another in a string of similar incidents nationwide. The Rev. Edivaldo da Silva, a parish priest of three years at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Southwest Miami-Dade, discovered the desecrated depiction of Christ July 15. Police are now investigating.

Piracy incidents double across Asia during pandemic
Piracy incidents have doubled across Asia causing “deep concern”, according to a new report. There were 50 incidents in the region in the first half of the year, compared to 25 in the same period of 2019. The Singapore Strait, one of the world’s busiest commercial shipping routes, has seen 16 incidents since between January and June.

‘Once-in-500-years’ storm hits Northland, cutting off Far North from the rest of the country, New Zealand
Unusual interaction between two low-pressure zones caused intense storms over New Zealand’s Northland on July 17, 2020. The worst affected was Whangarei, where emergency services responded to more than 220 calls. “This is just diabolical for our people. We’ve gone from drought to dealing with a 1 in 500-year event. Unbelievable,” Whangārei Mayor Sheryl Mai said.

More than 3.5 million people affected as flood situation continues to deteriorate in Assam, India
Flood situation continues to deteriorate in Assam, India, with five more fatalities reported as of Thursday, July 16, 2020. More than 3.5 million people in 27 districts have been affected, and a total of 97 people lost their lives this year due to rain-related incidents.

Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records”, & “Payment Systems”
Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

Strong M7.0 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit Papua New Guinea at 02:50 UTC (12:50 LT) on July 17, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 79.8 km (49.6 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

CDC will no longer control coronavirus data; hospitals to report directly to Washington
American hospitals will no longer send data related to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the hospitals will now send the data directly to a central database in Washington instead.

IT BEGINS: Feds In Camo Nab Suspects In Portland, Drive Off In Unmarked Cars
Federal law enforcement officials have reportedly started to whisk suspected rioters off the streets of Portland in unmarked cars as the Trump administration begins to make good on its promise to “quell” the violence in the city.

Rocklin church to defy California’s COVID-19 restrictions
A Rocklin church is defying California’s COVID-19 restrictions by holding indoor services that include singing this Sunday. “I’m going to obey God. I’m not going to obey the governor’s mandate,” said Destiny Christian Church lead pastor Greg Fairrington.

Multiple Marxist And Fascist Groups Are Fueling The Race Riots That Are Designed To Take Down America
As most of us know by now, groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are not social protest groups, they are political entities that are highly-funded by rich, white global elites to the tune of hundred of millions of dollars. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, it goes a whole lot deeper than that. Marxist and fascist activist groups have successfully infiltrated America’s high schools, and are busy creating the next generation of fascist militants.

Twitter “Hack” an Inside Job – Reveals Shadowbanning Tool Is Manual and Not Accidental — Exposes Tech Giant’s Massive Censorship Operation
On Wednesday the Twitter account belonging to former Vice President Joe Biden was hacked, the account belonging to former President Barack Obama was hacked shortly after.

California Governor Newsom Bans ALL In-Home Bible Fellowship, Church Services, Meetings, Singing, and Church Gatherings
As of July 13th, 2020 ALL indoor Church services have been banned in at least 30 counties, even in-home Bible studies, and fellowship. In other counties, fellowship may be limited to 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is less. Also, singing, chanting, praise, and worship have been banned. However, the exact same order also allows protests.

Pentagon Reveals Trump’s “Super-Duper” Hypersonic Missile
“What he was referring to, really, was the recent flight test that we’ve performed in March where we flew 17 times the speed of sound.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Netanyahu’s trial to start January 2021, calling witnesses 3 times a week
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s criminal trial for bribery and breach of public trust will begin in January 2021, Judge Rivkah Friedman Feldman announced to the court Sunday morning. Witnesses will be called to the trial three times a week. The schedule is a compromise between the positions of the prosecution and defense teams.

Iran’s Zarif arrives in Iraq to pressure Baghdad to stay in Iran’s orbit
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is traveling to Iraq to pressure Baghdad into keeping its strategic alliance with Iran amid US-Iran tensions. In recent months, the US and Iraq have also engaged in strategic dialogue. Iraq has been a battlefield between the US and Iran, with Iranian-backed militias which are part of Iraq’s government attacking US forces and America killing a top Iranian commander.

Qatar finances Hezbollah terrorism, declares ‘Jews are enemies’ – report
A German private security contractor, who has worked for the federal republic’s intelligence and security services, leveled bombshell allegations against Qatar’s regime, stating Doha finances the US and EU-designated terrorist movement Hezbollah and has declared Jews to be the enemies of the tiny Gulf state.

In latest in series of blasts, explosion reported at Iranian oil pipeline
An explosion was reported in an oil pipeline in Iran Saturday, the latest in a mysterious series of blasts and blazes that have occurred throughout the country. Several of the recent disasters have struck sensitive Iranian sites, leading to speculation that they could be part of a sabotage campaign engineered by Israel or another Tehran foe.

China floods: Huai river alert level raised amid heavy rains
China has raised the flood alert level on a river in the east of the country after days of heavy rainfall. Officials have moved the alert warning on the Huai river from Level III to Level II, the second-highest tier, amid fears of further torrential downpours. Heavy rains have swept across China for weeks, from the southwest to the east coast.

‘Ugly face’: U.S. and China trade barbs in Myanmar as South China Sea rift deepens
China’s embassy in Myanmar…accused the U.S. of “outrageously smearing” the country and driving a wedge with its Southeast Asian neighbors over the contested South China Sea and Hong Kong…Responding to…claims Beijing was undermining the sovereignty of its neighbors, the Chinese embassy said U.S. agencies…were doing “disgusting things” to contain China and had showed a “selfish, hypocritical, contemptible, and ugly face”.

Floods in India, Nepal displace nearly four million people, at least 189 dead
Nearly four million people in India’s northeastern state of Assam and neighbouring Nepal have been displaced by heavy flooding from monsoon rains, with dozens missing as deaths rose to at least 189, government officials said on Sunday. The overflowing Brahmaputra River, which flows through China’s Tibet, India and Bangladesh, has damaged crops and triggered mudslides, displacing millions of people, officials said.

Iran’s message to its people: If you revolt, you die
Since late June, 11 Iranian citizens – three in Tehran and eight in Isfahan – have been sentenced to death for taking part in mass anti-government protests in November 2019. Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam, who was accused of fuelling anti-government protests through a popular Telegram channel in 2017, also received the death penalty during the same period.

Blow to Erdogan as US boots Turkey out of F-35 strike fighter program
The removal of Turkey from the list of “global participants” on the US F-35 joint strike fighter program’s official website carries political significance in terms of showing the Pentagon’s determination to push its NATO ally to make a final decision about its controversial purchase of a Russian air defense system.

Mystery as Hundreds of Sea Stars Wash Up Dead in Chile
The Bío Bío region of Chile is facing a large starfish mass die-off. The dead animals are washing up in hundreds along beaches in the commune of Coronel, scaring residents. The Sernapesca is now investigating the causes of the massive death of hundreds of star fish. Experts believe the die-off is due to a storm offshore.

“They Just Take And Take” – AOC Aims To “Soak The Rich” With Proposed New York Wealth Tax
If passed, New York will become the first state in the country to pass such a progressive wealth tax.

At least 12 killed as buildings collapse amid Mumbai’s third worst July rain since 2015
Two separate cases of building collapse killed 12 people in Mumbai, India, on Thursday, July 16, 2020. The disasters occurred as the city recorded its second-highest July precipitation this monsoon season and its third-worst since 2015– with 191.2 mm (7.5 inches) of rain in a 24-hour period to Thursday morning.

China Faces ‘DISASTER’ Between Now and September With a Giant Plague of Locusts Already Invading the South
Swarms of yellow-spined bamboo locusts have destroyed about 26 square miles of fields in Pu’er after raiding the city from China’s border with Laos, the local government said.

Bank of America proudly partners with George Soros in ‘social impact investing’
Bank of America has gone out of its way to assert itself as one of the most enthusiastic backers of “social change” to be found among the many monolithic corporations active in funding radical groups.

Hardin Co. couple gets ankle monitors after COVID-19 quarrel with health dept.
A Kentucky couple is wearing ankle bracelets after a run-in with the health department. After testing positive but without showing any symptoms, Linscott said the health department contacted her and requested she sign documents that will limit her traveling anywhere unless she calls the health department first. She said she chose to not sign the documents.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel finances Antifa Supporter with 1 Million for Left-Wing Propaganda
Ever since Donald Trump announced he would designate “Antifa” as a terrorist organization, calls have emerged to pursue the violent far-left mobs and their shadowy backers internationally. Official budget number from the German government show this includes German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Has Subverted The Trump Administration To Carry Out Bill Gates ‘Global Vaccine Action Plan’ With Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
Anthony Fauci is, as you are starting to see is absolutely not one of the good guys, not by a longshot. He has lied repeatedly about the mortality rates, as recently as just last week calling for between 100-200,000 death bodies when nothing remotely close to that has happened. Not only that, he is a longtime member of the vaccine cabal with Bill Gates. Have you figured out yet why he has been so against using the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine? Because he and his buddy Bill Gates want to give everyone a vaccine instead. You mad, bro?

Exlosives at Federal Building While Barricading Agents Inside
Portland Antifa and Black Lives Matter launched explosives at the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center while attempting to barricade agents inside on the 50th night of riots in the ultra liberal city.

SF Police Commission: Black Lives Matter Posters in all Stations
The San Francisco Police Commission voted this week to require police stations throughout the city to display Black Lives Matter posters, despite pushback from union members.

Four States Help Trump Get Accurate Count of U.S. Citizen Population
Four states, thus far, are helping President Trump’s administration get an accurate count of the American citizen population after the United States Supreme Court blocked such a question on the 2020 Census.

BREAKING VIDEO: Self-Proclaimed “Communists, Anarchists and Democrats” Join BLM, Shut Down Traffic In NYC…Threaten ”We are getting organized for a revolution to overthrow the system”
Only moments ago, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted a video of Lileth Sinclair an “Afro-indigenous, non-binary, local organizer” in Portland who is organizing for the “abolition of the United States as we know it.” In his tweet, Cruz warned Americans to take these radicals seriously: “When the radicals tell you they want to destroy America…believe them.”

Pfizer, which ran vaccine experiments on Nigerian children, gets “fast track” approval for its coronavirus vaccines by the FDA
The same drug giant that once faced serious criminal prosecution for illegally testing experimental drugs and vaccines on innocent Nigerian children has more recently been awarded “fast track” status by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to produce a new vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

BREAKING: FAA declares flight restrictions over “Battle Ground Vortac” near Portland, cites “active national defense” operations and warns unmanned aircraft may be shot down
We have now confirmed that the FAA has declared NOTAM flight restrictions at the Battle Ground Vortac (BTG) near Portland, Oregon, described as, “Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Egyptian Military Convenes to Discuss Invading Libya in Potential Showdown with Turkey
The Egyptian parliament will meet on Monday to discuss President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi’s decision to send ground troops into Libya reports Aawsat. The president, who is also the military’s chief of staff, still needs the approval of two-thirds of Cairo’s lawmakers as well as a recommendation from the national defense council before deploying military forces into combat missions on foreign soil.

Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell Announces He Will Vote Republican for the First Time Ever
Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, a frequent Fox News guest who has been a vocal critic of President Donald Trump in the past, announced on “Hannity” last week that he would be voting Republican for the first time ever in the 2020 presidential election. The news caught the attention of the Trump campaign, which made sure to tweet out Terrell’s announcement and give him a warm welcome:

North Minneapolis Democrat Says City Facing ‘Real Emergency’ Amid Ceaseless Violence
“The neighborhoods I represent in north Minneapolis are facing a real emergency.” Minneapolis experienced its 31st homicide of 2020 Tuesday night after five shootings in a six-hour span left two dead and four injured. From Thursday night into Friday morning, another nine people were shot in Minneapolis, killing one and injuring eight others. That brings the total number of homicides up to 32, double the number of homicides Minneapolis had this time last year,

People in Israel are Preparing Show-Bread for Service in Third Temple
Why is any of this relevant now? Saidel explained that, “We are in the throes of Moshiach (messiah). We have to learn how they did things in the Temple to be ready [for the Third Temple]. “Bread is an excellent medium to teach people how they did the avodah (service) in the Beit HaMikdash,” he commented. In their live workshops, participants have the chance to mix and bake and smell the bread and the levonah (frankincense) associated with it.

Eight Chinese fighter jets show up at Woody Island in the South China Sea
Satellite imagery reviewed by RFA showed the Chinese planes on the runway at Woody Island. At least four of them appeared to be J-11Bs, which are fighter jets in service with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and Naval Aviation Force (PLANAF). The other four appear similar to and fit the dimensions of the JH-7, an anti-ship fighter-bomber in service with the PLAAF and PLANAF as well.

Putin orders massive snap Russian ‘combat readiness check’
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a snap “combat readiness check” involving 150,000 personnel and hundreds of aircraft and naval vessels to ensure security in Russia’s southwest, where he sees a “serious threat” from terrorism. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on July 17 that the “check” had already begun and will test the readiness of Russian armed forces for the Caucasus-2020 military maneuvers scheduled for September.

Drought expands to 95% of Colorado, with more than one-third of state seeing extreme drought
Ninety-five percent of Colorado is now abnormally dry as the drought here, which is among the worst in the nation currently, continues to expand. Another 10% of Colorado reached abnormally dry levels over the past week, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor’s weekly report.

2020’s latest scourge: 50-mile-wide swarm of flying ants
From the year that brought us murder hornets, famine-inducing locusts and the global coronavirus pandemic, comes the latest airborne scourge: a 50-mile-wide swarm of flying, and mating, ants.

Italy’s Deadly Stromboli Volcano Suddenly Explodes Again Without Warning
A violent eruption jolted residents of the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli awake at 3 a.m. Sunday. The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology’s observatory at Etna reports that its network recorded a loud explosion and eruption, sending lava and debris falling around the crater of the volcano and slope known as the Sciara del Fuoco,…

‘We’re just a pile of misery’: Victims of Germany’s child molesting ‘experiment’ tell RT of their nightmare that lives on
Decades ago, they fought for survival every single day – now they have to motivate themselves to live. RT listened to heartbreaking memories of two German men placed in the foster care of a known pedophile by Berlin authorities. Last month, a ****ing report by Germany’s University of Hildesheim revealed that the Berlin Senate orchestrated a crackpot scheme that saw vulnerable children being placed in the care of known pedophiles for decades. Our lives have been destroyed, we are unable to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery,” Marco said, with Sven adding bitterly, “I was and am a product of a child molester.”

Power-plant, Gas Pipeline: Latest Victims of Iran Mystery Blasts
An explosion was reported Sunday at the Islamabad power plant in Iran’s central Isfahan province, the latest in a mysterious set of explosions and blazes that have rocked the Islamic Republic. As of Sunday, there has been a total of 14 mysterious blasts at key Iranian energy sites in the past three weeks alone.

Convicted Terrorist Pardoned by Clinton Runs BLM Fundraising
It was recently revealed that a board member of a Black Lives Matter affiliated organization in charge of the tens of millions of dollars raised by the organization is a convicted terrorist that was pardoned by the Clinton administration.

Hungarian FM makes solidarity visit with Israel amid COVID-19, annexation
Staunch Israeli ally Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó is scheduled to visit Israel on Monday to sign a deal with regard to space research, as other European allies are warning of weakened ties due Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to annex portions of the West Bank. Hungary and Israel have tight ties and the country is considered to be a very “close friend” of Israel…

Nikki Haley: ‘If Biden comes in, all of the progress we made goes away’
Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said…if Joe Biden gets elected president…he will rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement. Speaking at a virtual panel discussion hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), she mentioned President Donald Trump’s actions, such as moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and withdrawing from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

IDF shoots down a drone near the Israel-Lebanon border
An unusual incident occurred on the Israel-Lebanon border on Sunday evening, as the IDF shot down a Lebanese drone that entered Israel’s airspace, according to the IDF Spokesperson Unit. According to the IDF Spokesperson Unit, IDF forces recognized a drone that was most likely operated from Lebanon and entered Israeli airspace. The drone was allegedly tracking IDF forces.

United Arab Emirates launches mission to Mars
The United Arab Emirates launched its first mission to Mars on Monday as it strives to develop its scientific and technological capabilities and reduce its reliance on oil. The Hope Probe blasted off from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Center at 1:58 a.m. UAE time/6:58 a.m. Japanese time Monday (2158 GMT Sunday) for a seven-month journey to the red planet, where it will orbit and send back data about the atmosphere.

IDF downs drone hovering over Israel-Lebanon border
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have managed to control a drone that hovered over the Israeli-Lebanese border, landing it successfully in Israel, The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said Sunday. In a statement, the IDF confirmed that “IDF troops spotted a drone infiltrating Israeli airspace from Lebanon. The drone was monitored by the forces who deployed various means [to stop it].”

Explosion hits Iran power plant
An explosion hit a power plant in the central Iranian province of Isfahan Sunday, state news agency IRNA reported, saying it was triggered by faulty equipment and caused no casualties. The blast was caused by the wear and tear of a transformer at the power plant in Islamabad, the managing director of the Isfahan electricity company told IRNA.

Kim Jong-un sparks war fears as he announces plans to ‘bolster North Korea deterrent’
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is making plans to bolster his country’s armed forces – with fears he hopes to boost his nation’s nuclear weapon capabilities. The 36-year-old dictator gathered his top military officials on Saturday for a meeting to discuss strengthening the “war deterrent” capabilities of the East Asian country.

Arizona Gov Is Granted the Right to Forcibly Vaccinate and Indefintely Confine Indiviudals With Absolutely No Legal Oversight
Recently, Arkansas, alleged CV-19 victims, were transported what I would call a FEMA medical martial law facility. This is not an isolated incident. Arizona has granted governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps.

Major explosion at Stromboli volcano, Italy
A sudden, major explosion took place at Stromboli volcano, Italy at 03:00 UTC (05:00 LT) on July 19, 2020. The explosion was about 10 times stronger than the average explosion at the volcano.

How Obama, Biden and Clinton helped Russia’s Putin weaponize energy
Russians secretly mocked Obama for so easily giving them American uranium, nuclear fuel contracts and technology, FBI informant reveals in excerpts from the new book “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.”

Kentucky Couple Who Tested Positive For COVID-19 Placed Under House Arrest In Chilling Sign Of What’s To Come Under The Great Global Reset
As we get closer and closer to the November election, those of us who are paying attention know exactly where all this is headed. Unhinged hysteria over a virus with an 0.6% mortality rate is patently absurd by any metric except one, the metric scale of the New World Order who is using COVID-19 as the great mechanism to reset the entire world. You are watching it come to pass in glorious end times technicolor.

LGBTQ Catholic Ministries Gathering Presents A ‘Queer Christ’ As The Cornerstone For Their Vision Of The New Roman Catholic Church
The church started by the Roman emperors back in the early days of the fourth century is about to add a new jewel to their crown, or should I say tiara? A sweeping and powerful movement within the counterfeit Christian Church, better known as Roman Catholicism, is in the process of bringing in the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile people into the RCC tent.

CDC Employees Made More Than 8,000 Federal Contributions To PACs And Politicians Since 2015. Only 5 Went To Republican Causes, FEC Records Show
Employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made more than 8,000 contributions totaling over $285,000 to Democratic candidates and causes since 2015, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of political contributions.

Chicago Mayor Tries to Cancel the Second Amendment: ‘Have a Problem? Call the Cops!’
After neutering the Chicago Police Department and allowing rioters to run rampant in the city, Chicago’s lesbian Mayor has now told the city’s gun owners to forget about their right to defend themselves.

Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp Roots of Adrenochrome?
Forced into black ops under MK Ultra mind control, I had cause to be in Haiti numerous times since it was a routine stop for NCL cruises in the 1980s. Neither Haitians, nor the rest of the world, knew true covert reasons why NCL docked in Port-au-Prince. Nor did Haitians anticipate that their conditioned livelihood from tourism would abruptly cease when New World Order perpeTraitors dropped Haiti as a Cruise ship destination in order to bury their crimes against humanity even deeper into the shadows and out of the public eye.

CIVIL WAR ANALYSIS: Black Lives Matter terror cells will carry out “armed flash mob” killing sprees on White communities while corporate America provides funding for illegal weapons
Civil war is now inevitable in America as left-wing terrorism groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter grow ever more confident thanks to 269 corporations funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into their hands, some of which is being used to purchase automatic weapons parts smuggled into the United After neutering the Chicago Police Department and allowing rioters to run rampant in the city, Chicago’s lesbian Mayor has now told the city’s gun owners to forget about their right to defend themselves. States by China.

Chinese Government Orders Low-Income Families to Abandon Their Christian Faith or Lose Financial Aid
In the Chinese government’s continuing persecution of Christians, poor families are now being told to renounce their faith or lose welfare benefits.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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75 years ago, the Trinity atomic bomb test changed the world forever
July 16 marks the 75th anniversary of the first detonation of an atomic bomb. Now famous as the Trinity Test, the giant explosion was the culmination of the ultra-secret Manhattan project and would within weeks lead to the end of the Second World War and usher in the Atomic Age. As a collection of the world’s leading scientists looked on from a safe distance, an ordinary-looking steel tower vanished in a fraction of a second as the world’s first plutonium bomb instantaneously converted matter into energy.

M5 Earthquake Felt in Reykjavík and Across Southwest Iceland
An earthquake measuring M5 occurred just before midnight on the Reykjanes peninsula last night. The quake was felt widely across Southwest Iceland, including in the capital area. A considerable amount of aftershocks occurred, the largest measuring M4.6 and M4.3.

Legendary Thomas Sowell Warns Our Country Is Approaching the ‘Point of No Return’
“I must say, even though I was regarded as pessimistic, I was never pessimistic enough to think that things would degenerate to the point where they are now,” Sowell told Levin. “Where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police. Where they’re talking about reducing the number of police, reducing the resources put in police work, at a time when murder rates have been skyrocketing over what they were just a year ago in 2019.

Explosion rocks Iranian power plant; latest in wave of unexplained fires
A power plant in Iran’s central Isfahan province was rocked by an explosion on Sunday, making it the latest in a series of unexplained explosions and fires at Iranian facilities in recent weeks. An official at the Islamabad thermal power plant said the explosion was caused by faulty equipment, Middle East Eye reported. The cause of the explosion was not clear, though the managing director for Isfahan’s electrical company told Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that the explosion was brought on by a “worn-out transformer.”

Minnesota Lawyer To Court: Walz Is ‘Acting Like A Drunken Monarch’
Local lawyer Erick Kaardal accused Minnesota Governor Tim Walz of “acting like a drunken monarch” in court documents, a claim he doubled down on via Fox News recently. Kaardal is representing a group of Minnesota business people who feel that Walz’s dozens of executive orders related to the coronavirus pandemic have directly and unfairly impacted their constitutional rights.

Egyptian professor: Muslim prayer at the Hagia Sophia ‘an escalation against civilization’
A professor of Islamic jurisprudence at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University has called upon Turkey’s Muslims to boycott the Friday prayers at the Hagia Sophia mosque announced by the Turkish government. Professor Saad el-Din Helaly told Egypt’s MBC Masr TV on July 13 that the announcement by the “Muslim Brotherhood government of Turkey,” was “an escalation against human civilization” and harmed Muslims and Islam. This, he said, was the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam, which “will put their hands on people’s possessions from China to America” if they rise to power.

‘Amalek Behind Riots, Culture War Against America’ Israeli Rabbi warns
In a recent post by Rabbi Chananya Weissman, the Israeli rabbi explains that the evil Biblical nation of Amalek is behind the culture war against the west. In the post, the rabbi explains how: Amalek has successfully neutralized Europe, is in the advanced stages of conquering America without planes and tanks, and is using the same tactics to weaken Israel from within more than all its external enemies have collectively managed since the state was declared.

Homeland Security making plans to deploy 150 agents in Chicago this week, with scope of duty unknown
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is crafting plans to deploy about 150 federal agents to Chicago this week, the Chicago Tribune has learned, a move that would come amid growing controversy nationally about federal force being used in American cities. The Homeland Security Investigations, or HSI, agents are set to assist other federal law enforcement and Chicago police in crime-fighting efforts, according to sources familiar with the matter, though a specific plan on what the agents will be doing had not been made public.

Gunman Kills NJ Judge Esther Salas’ Son, Wounds Her Husband Days After Taking Epstein Finances Case
A suspect in the fatal shooting has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound,. The deceased suspect was an attorney who had a case before Judge Salas in 2015, sources said. A FedEx package addressed to Judge Salas was discovered in the car, sources said.

Shin Bet thwarts attacks by Iranian-backed PFLP cell in the West Bank
Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service thwarted attacks against Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers by a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine cell which was trained and financed by Iran and Hezbollah…The exposure of the terror cell…began after the April 20th arrest and interrogation Popular Front activist Yazan Abu Salah, a 23-year-old resident of the West Bank village of Araba near Jenin.

Tax Hikes in a Pandemic: Some States, Cities Say Yes
Nashville City Councilman Bob Mendes tried unsuccessfully for two years to get his booming city to raise property taxes to address its growing municipal needs. Then came COVID-19. The City Council last month approved a 34% increase. What changed? “We’re broke,” said Mendes, who identifies as a Democrat though the council is nonpartisan.

China Orders Christians to Take Down Images of Jesus from Their Homes
Chinese communist authorities have ordered poor Christian villagers to remove Christian images from their homes and replace them with portraits of Chairman Mao and President Xi Jinping or risk losing their welfare benefits. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued its program of “Sinicization” of religion by channeling religious fervor in the country toward the Party rather than God…

China warns UK of ‘consequences’ over Hong Kong ‘interference’
The UK will “bear the consequences” if it continues to go “down the wrong road” on Hong Kong, China has warned. On Monday, the UK suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong over a new security law for the ex-colony, which gives Beijing more power. In response, the Chinese ambassador in London said the UK had “blatantly interfered” in China’s affairs.

Nuclear Gulf: Is Saudi Arabia pushing itself into a nuclear trap?
When countries start dabbling in nuclear energy, eyebrows raise. It’s understandable. Stopping the spread of nuclear weapons while allowing countries to pursue civilian nuclear programmes has proven a tough and sometimes unsuccessful balancing act for the global community. So when atom-splitting initiatives surface in a region with a history of nuclear secrecy…it is not just eyebrows that are hoisted, but red flags.

Syria says Israel strikes southern Damascus; Iranian base hit
Syrian air defences on Monday intercepted a barrage of missiles fired near the capital Damascus, state media reported, in the latest wave of suspected Israeli attacks. Sources said Israeli air raids struck a major Iranian-backed ammunition depot on the edge of the capital and Iranian fighters were reportedly killed.

Egypt approves Libya deployment, risking clash with Turkey
Egypt’s parliament on Monday authorized the deployment of troops outside the country, a move that could escalate the spiraling war in Libya after the president threatened military action against Turkish-backed forces in the oil-rich country. A troop deployment in Libya could bring Egypt and Turkey, close U.S. allies that support rival sides in the conflict, into direct confrontation.

19 million ha (47 million acres) of land scorched as wildfires continue to rage in Siberia
Major cities in Russia are covered in haze and smoke as mega wildfires continue to rage through Siberia. According to satellite monitoring data, fires have torched 19 million ha (47 million acres) of the area since the beginning of 2020– an area bigger than Greece. About 10 million ha (25 million acres) of these suffered forest fires.

China blasts dam on Yangtze tributary to ease flooding, death toll climbs to more than 150
Authorities in central China have blasted a dam on the Yangtze River tributary on Sunday, July 19, 2020, to ease surging waters amid severe flooding. The grim situation has left millions affected, damaged more than 28 000 houses, and caused more than 150 fatalities– 23 of which were reported since Thursday alone, July 16.

St. Louis Couple Charged With Felony After Using Firearms To Ward Off Trespassing Protesters
“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner.”

Joe Biden In Virtual Campaign Speech To Million Muslim Votes Summit Says ‘I Wish We Taught More In Our Schools About The Islamic Faith’
Democratic candidate for president of the United States Joe Biden has a message for America, he wants you to know that he regrets that Islam is not taught about more in our government-funded public school system. That’s one heck of a campaign speech, and I think we should absolutely take him at his word.

California Beach Revival Brings ‘Beautiful Harvest of Souls’ Together For Worship, Baptism
A revival is taking place on the sandy shores of Huntington Beach, California where hundreds of people are gathering to worship, pray, and receive salvation.

7 principles of biblical warfare to purge the cancer of Marxism
As a culture war missionary and attorney, I believe the Bible contains the highest law on this earth and that the divine principles underlying the Mosaic law remain constant and binding upon all mankind, even in cases where the “letter” of individual statutes may rightly be deemed situational to an ancient context or fulfilled by Christ. In my view, it is the spirit, not the letter, of the law that is perfect per Psalm 19:7 and 2 Corinthians 3:6, and as essential in the fabric of Creation as the fundamentals of physics.

Chicago weekend shootings leave 10 dead, while nearly a dozen minors injured | Fox News
Another turbulent weekend in Chicago has left 10 people dead from gun violence and 60 injured – including 10 minors, police say.

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: UN Secretary General Calls For New Social Contract To Promote Black Lives Matter And The LGBTQ Agenda
On Saturday, the Secretary General of the United Nations delivered these cryptic words, he said “COVID-19 is shining a spotlight on this injustice. The world is in turmoil. Economies are in free-fall. We have been brought to our knees – by a microscopic virus. The pandemic has demonstrated the fragility of our world. It has laid bare risks we have ignored for decades: inadequate health systems; gaps in social protection; structural inequalities; environmental degradation; the climate crisis. Today, in demonstrations for racial equality… in campaigns against hate speech… in the struggles of people claiming their rights and standing up for future generations… we see the beginnings of a new movement.”

The Housing Crisis Of 2020: Millions Of Americans Missed Their Last Rent Payments, And Tens Of Millions Could Soon Be Evicted
Week after week we continue to get economic numbers that are absolutely horrific, and it appears that we are heading for a housing crisis that will be even worse than what we witnessed in 2008. Back then, millions of Americans lost their homes, but this time around it could be tens of millions. I know that a statement like that may sound overly dramatic, but I believe that many of you that feel that way may change your minds after reading this entire article.

Rep. Nadler Proposes Law to Prohibit U.S. from Deporting Aliens Who Have COVID-19 |
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D.-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is sponsoring legislation to bar the U.S. government from deporting aliens who test positive for COVID-19.

Why we are now calling for the arrest, prosecution and EXECUTION of all corporate leaders who collude with communist China to suppress human rights
Communist China is the most treacherous and cruel government regime in the world. The regime has no regard for human rights or civil rights and routinely engages in heinous activities that violate the fundamental principles of human rights, such as:

Tucker Carlson Livid; Dismantles The New York Times Over Alleged Plan To Dox Him
“If one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote, they won’t consider it collateral damage. They know it’s the whole point of the exercise.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Israeli Rabbi Reveals Date of Messiah’s Arrival according to Kabbalah
In a recent interview, renowned Israeli Rabbi Daniel Asor warned of a globalist takeover happening as we speak. “If Hitler is the Third Reich, then the New World Order is the fourth Reich. It is Amalek’s last meeting with us before the Messiah’s arrival” he said. Rabbi Asor reveals the dates that the Messiah will reveal himself. “We are very very close to redemption” Rabbi Asor said.
In the … year of Taf Shin Pey Bet (September 2021-September 2022), a year of the Yovel (Jubilee), on Yom Kippur 2021, the Messiah will reveal himself

‘One-world government’ just nutty talk until UN demands it
The influential and corrupt United Nations has been viewed for generations as the probable leader of a future one-world government, and now an eye-opening speech is laying out that power-grabbing vision for the world to see. End Times expert Jan Markell of “Understanding the Times” says the Bible clearly lays out what the world will look like. “We know that the Bible in Revelation, particularly [chapter] 13, even in Daniel, we can see that there’s coming a global government with a single leader and a one-world religion as well,”

2 Chinese state hackers charged with stealing hundreds of US secrets in 10-year campaign
The U.S. Department of Justice announced charges against two Chinese hackers working with the Chinese Ministry of State Security who engaged in a decade-long theft campaign from hundreds of organizations. Chinese citizens Li Xiaoyu and Dong Jiazhi are accused of engaging in a massive 10-year-long “sweeping global computer intrusion campaign” which involved the theft of “terabytes of data” from hundreds of targets in 10 countries.

State Dept.’s Krach and Hook call out China and Iran ‘Totalitarian Twins’ in WSJ op-ed
In their article, titled “Iran and China, the Totalitarian Twins,” Krach and Hook expressed skepticism at a recent strategic partnership announced by the two countries, but said the partnership highlights common traits among the two countries. The two senior U.S. State Department officials wrote, “Both governments are revolutionary relics known for lawless behavior, duplicity, bullying, domestic oppression and thought control, coercive economic practices and grave human-rights abuses.”

Trump says he might send ‘more federal law enforcement’ to other cities in wake of Portland protests
President Donald Trump said Monday he may send “more federal law enforcement” to cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit as he lauded the use of force by local and federal officers during protests in Portland, Ore., that have followed the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. Federal officers in Portland have used tactics such as driving unmarked cars to detain demonstrators, according to accounts of protesters, videos circulated on social media and local media.

Baby found in trash now safe
A newborn’s life has been saved thanks to two women in North Carolina. Tamara Austin reportedly heard a woman shouting for help at her apartment complex in Wilmington, North Carolina. She ran to the scene a short distance away, where another woman had found a baby boy in a trash bin. Austin told Kentucky television station WKYT it was a shocking scene, and they immediately called for help.

Tropics pop with 3 systems to watch
Low chances of development doesn’t mean the tropics can be ignored. The central Atlantic is trying to tell us something. A restless Atlantic stirred awake Sunday after a more than week-long lull in tropical activity with the National Hurricane Center noting three areas of interest from the far reaches of cyclone alley to Texas’ doorstep.

Heat Index From 105°-110° Tomorrow
The famous Bermuda high, centered presently midway between Cape Hatteras and Bermuda, remains our dominate influence through tomorrow with mostly dry, hot, steamy weather and very few afternoon and early evening thunderstorms.

Russia’s ‘readiness’ drill involved 150k troops, 400 aircraft, 100 ships
Russia completed a massive combat readiness check on Tuesday after the snap drill was called for by President Vladimir Putin. The drills began on July 17 with the surprise decision. Units from the Southern and Western military districts, including marine infantry and Northern and Pacific fleets were all involved. Airborne forces were also deployed.

Turkey loses F-35s and gets pressured on Mediterranean drilling
Turkey, whose government attempts to create regional crises every month in order to stoke tensions from Libya to Armenia, is now running into increased pressure to stop its escalation of activities in the Mediterranean. It comes as the US Air Force agreed to acquire the F-35s that were meant for Turkey but which Ankara lost because it prefers Russia and Russian S-400s to working with US NATO members.

Iran’s maximum pressure on Iraq to remove US forces
In a tag team pressure campaign aimed at Iraq the Iranian leadership sent one after another of its heavies to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi during rounds of talks in Tehran this week. Kadhimi is a relatively new face in Baghdad, a former intelligence chief and activist who became Prime Minister this spring after Iraq failed twice to find another man to replace Adel Abdul Mahdi.

The Real Unemployment Rate Is 21%… And Heading Higher
As businesses, agencies and organizations recalibrate to the reality that the V-shaped recovery was nothing but a brief fantasy, 6 million additional jobs lost may be a best-case scenario rather than the worst-case scenario. It is somewhat less than reassuring that the “official” unemployment rate of around 12% is roughly half of the “real-world” unemployment rate.

Split societies, global chaos and World War Three: We could be in for the most tumultuous era in modern history
As we cross into the second half of 2020, there is little hope left that our misfortunes will end when this annus horribilis goes out. We may be entering one of the most cataclysmic and fateful periods in the history of humankind. There is the growing realization that humanity is in for an extremely rough ride that could last at least a decade.

US orders China to close Houston consulate
The US has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, by Friday – a move described as “political provocation” by Beijing. The US State Department said the decision was taken “in order to protect American intellectual property”. But China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said it was “outrageous and unjustified”.

Russia report: UK considers tougher security laws after criticism by MPs
Ministers are considering strengthening security laws after a report by MPs accused them of underestimating the threat of Russian interference. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said a new law requiring foreign agents to register in the UK was being looked at. He said the move would not be the “only solution” to security threats, but could make it easier to extradite spies.

Portland protests: US federal agents ‘will not retreat’, Chad Wolf says
US Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf has said federal agents “will not retreat” in their efforts to protect government buildings in Portland. “If you are a violent rioter looking to inflict damage to federal property or law enforcement officers, you need to find another line of work,” he said. US President Donald Trump sent federal agents to Portland in Oregon to end weeks of anti-racism protests there.

US report accuses China of ‘digital authoritarianism’
A US report accuses China of “digital authoritarianism” – using technology not only to track its own citizens but to exert power beyond its borders. It warns that China’s mounting influence on the digital sphere could soon overshadow that of the US and other democracies. And it expresses concern about its export of surveillance technology.

Israel uncovers Iran-backed terror cell posing as West Bank aid group
Israel has uncovered an Iranian-backed terror cell operating under the guise of a humanitarian aid agency in the Palestinian Authority-run West Bank, officials from the Shin Bet security service said Tuesday. The discovery of the cell by the Shin Bet and IDF prevented terror attacks planned for the West Bank, the officials said.

Alaska earthquake: Huge 7.8 magnitude tremor sparks tsunami warning for US
A tsunami warning was issued for part of the US coast after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The quake struck the Alaska peninsula at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The tsunami warning was issued from Kennedy Entrance to Unimak Pass in Alaska.

Trump Has To Spend $1.8 Trillion In The Next Three Months
Surely no president wants to leave USD1.8 trillion to a successor?

Marxist Revolution In Full-Swing In Portland As Thousands Of ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Militants Face Federal Law Enforcement Agents
Portland has taken the crown of the Marxist Revolution from Seattle, as thousands of out-of work and non-working Liberals who seem to have all the time in the world to protest instead of working to pay bills. Oh, that’s right, their “job” is shopping with food stamps, claiming welfare and cashing unemployment checks, I forgot. These are the people that Lenin called the “useful idiots”, and boy, are they ever.

Forced masking of America paving the way for Bill Gates’ ‘Final Solution’
Bill Gates informed us early on in the pandemic that we would not be allowed to “return to normal until the entire world is vaccinated.” Adoring news reporters quoted him saying this as though they were talking to God himself.

Spiritual ‘Pandemic of Hope’ Grips Iran as Thousands Accept Jesus Christ Amidst COVID-19
Iran is facing a wave of internal turmoil and covert attacks that are undermining the radical regime’s nefarious plans. Even as the violence escalates, hope is rising among Iranian citizens who are finding salvation in Jesus Christ.

Planning to return to college this fall? You may be forced to get a flu shot, followed by a coronavirus shot
As many expected, the self-appointed gods of “higher education” have taken it upon themselves to dictate a whole new set of requirements for students intending to return back to class this fall. And one of them is that they be forcibly vaccinated both with the flu shot and any future vaccine that becomes available for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Locust plague spreads to Europe as Sardinia sees worst attack in 70 years, Italy
After ravaging countries in Africa, the Middle East, and India, swarms of locust have now made their way to Europe as the Italian region of Sardinia recently saw its worst attack in 70 years. Around 30 000 ha (74 000 acres) of crops have been affected in Nuoro City alone, according to the Italian Journalist Agency (AGI).

Northern Vietnam hit by deadly floods and landslides after longest heatwave in 49 years
Heavy rains have been affecting northern parts of Vietnam over the past three days, particularly the Ha Giang Province, causing severe floods and landslides that resulted in property damage and five casualties, as of Tuesday, July 21, 2020. The rains came after the region experienced its longest heatwave in 49 years, with temperatures up to 2.5 °C (4.5 °F) higher than average.

Swollen river inundates hundreds of homes, capital Kathmandu cut off as death toll surpasses 130, Nepal
At least 105 houses were flooded in Nepal’s Jhapa rural municipality after the Kankai River’s eastern embankment was breached due to heavy rains on July 20, 2020. Several landslides hit Prithvi Highway on July 20 and 21, cutting off capital Kathmandu from most of the country. Since June, when the rainy season began in Nepal, more than 130 people were killed. 48 others remain missing.

Breaking | Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Illegals From 2020 Census Count For the Purpose of Congressional Representation
President Donald Trump signed a memorandum Tuesday that seeks to prevent illegal aliens from being counted in congressional reapportionment, a move that drew immediate criticism and promises of court challenges on constitutional grounds from the open border, anti-American activists.

Twitter bans Star of David images as ‘hateful’
Twitter is locking the accounts of users who display the Star of David in their profile image or header, deeming it “hateful imagery.”

CDC admits false positives are being “mistakenly” included in official coronavirus data
All day every day, the mainstream media continues to hammer home fear about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which supposedly is “spiking” all around the country. But according to new evidence, there are so many false positives being “mistakenly” reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by health officials that nobody can really say for sure what is actually true.

Concealment Will Be the Key to Surviving the Present Bolshevik Revolution-Robert
The Bolshevik Revolution participants will not allow you to stockpile food, water, guns, gold ammo, medicine (natural), and tools. They will search house to house for your resources. They will use food as a weapon. Christians will soon learn how hard it is going to be to follow Jesus.

Flaw in Manufacturer’s Testing System For Coronavirus Used by Labs Across the US Causing False Positives
A flaw in a manufacturer’s Coronavirus testing system used by labs across the US are causing false positives.

Auschwitz: Identifying inscriptions found in children’s shoes
Employees of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum discovered handwritten inscriptions in shoes belonging to children who were sent to the Nazi death camp in Poland.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Biden’s appeal to evangelicals labeled ‘absurd’
“The Biden campaign spokesperson can say whatever they want, but it really is just simply absurd to argue that Joe Biden’s worldview is shared by evangelical Christians,” Closson said Tuesday on the Washington Watch with Tony Perkins radio program. “The thing about it is that one’s policy positions … are an outworking of one’s worldview: the worldview comes first, that’s the foundation, and policy positions flow from the worldview.”

Twitter: Star of David is ‘Hate Symbol’
In an ironic twist, Twitter’s battle against racism led them to block accounts incorporating the Jewish star. The Campaign Against Antisemitism was contacted this week by many Twitter users whose accounts had been locked. Twitter sent messages explaining the measure:

King Hezekiah’s Administrative Compound Discovered Next to US Embassy, Jerusalem
A significant administrative storage center from the days of Kings Hezekiah and Manasseh (8th century to the middle of the 7th century BCE) has recently been exposed at archeological excavations in the Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem.

NY police rake in armored trucks, rifles from military
In the last seven years, two dozen New York police departments big and small have acquired Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (or MRAPs), armored utility trucks that were originally built to protect soldiers from explosions in war zones across the globe. Police across the state and nation say the program has helped provide them with useful tools they never would have been able to find room in the budget for otherwise.

Drought impacts pasture, rangeland conditions
In the continental United States, 49 percent as of July 7 is experiencing drought to some degree. That’s a significant increase from the previous year, and an increase from a reported 24 percent at the beginning of 2020. About two-thirds of the western United States is experiencing some form of drought, …

Missouri attorney general seeks to dismiss McCloskey case, defends his intervention in case
he said his controversial decision to seek to have gun charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey dismissed is rooted in the state’s long-held interest in the right to bear arms. “There is a common-law interest if the attorney general feels that the broader interest of Missourians are affected, like the chilling effect that this might have with people exercising their Second Amendment rights,” Schmitt said in the interview. “I felt it was appropriate that I weigh in,” Schmitt added. “We felt it was important to get it in and make the state’s position known early.”

Chinese mass burning documents at Houston consulate after US orders it closed
The U.S. has ordered the China to close down its consulate in Houston, Texas on Wednesday amid growing diplomatic tensions between the two countries. …video showing documents being burned at the Chinese consulate in Houston, US. It is believed that Chinese burnt files/documents after US asked Beijing to close this consulate,” a Twitter user posted with video of document burning efforts. Rubio also confirmed the 72 hour leave notice and warned those consulate staff who did not leave could face arrest.

Greenblatt: Peace plan asks Israel to pledge land for Palestinian state
The Trump administration’s peace plan asked Israel to commit to setting aside territory for a future Palestinian state in exchange for its approval for annexing West Bank settlements, former US envoy Jason Greenblatt told Army Radio. “Can the Israeli government declare the extension of sovereignty? The answer is yes,” Greenblatt said.

China to UNSC: Palestinians can count on us to back their just rights
China stands behind the “just cause” of the Palestinians, its UN envoy Zhang Jun told the United Nations Security Council, as he pledged China’s backing for the internationally led peace process, rather than one headed by US President Donald Trump. “China supports…President Abbas’s call for an international peace conference and to enlarge the multi-lateral mechanism for peace,” Zhang said.

Desecration of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Leaves Congregations Shaken
Parishioners and clergy were shocked and grieving following a spate of vandalism at Catholic churches in various U.S. cities in recent weeks. Catholic institutions from Boston to Florida reported more than half a dozen attacks on church property, including statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, between July 10 and 16.

Huge Kingdom of Judah government complex found near US Embassy in Jerusalem
One of the largest collections of royal Kingdom of Judah seal impressions has been uncovered at a massive First Temple-period public tax collection and storage complex being excavated near the new United States Embassy in Jerusalem. The main Iron Age structure is exceptional in terms of both its size and architectural style, said Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Neri Sapir, who co-directed the excavation.

China-US row: Fugitive researcher ‘hiding in San Francisco consulate’
A Chinese scientist suspected of visa fraud and concealing ties to the military has fled to China’s consulate in San Francisco, the US says. Prosecutors allege that the case is part of a Chinese programme to send undercover army scientists to the US. On Wednesday the Trump administration ordered the closure of China’s mission in Houston, saying it was involved in stealing intellectual property.

Israel: ‘Gay conversion’ therapy ban bill passed by MPs
Israeli MPs have taken steps to outlaw the practice of “gay conversion” therapy by psychologists – the first Middle East country to do so. A bill passed its first stage in parliament, after two parties in the coalition government joined the opposition to vote in favour. Last year, Israel’s then-education minister endorsed the therapy, triggering a backlash.

Israeli army reinforces Lebanon border after Hezbollah threats
The Israeli military said…it was reinforcing the country’s northern border with infantry troops after the Hezbollah terror group threatened to retaliate for the killing of one of its fighters in an alleged IDF raid in Syria earlier this week. The IDF…said the additional deployment is done “in accordance with the situational assessment” and that life of local farmers and holidaymakers is not expected to be affected.

‘Dangerous adventure’: Turkey warns Egypt over Libya invasion
Turkey and Russia agreed…to press for a ceasefire in…Libya, but Ankara said the leader of the eastern forces was illegitimate and must withdraw from key positions for a credible truce to take hold. Moscow and Ankara are among the main power brokers in Libya’s conflict while supporting opposing sides.

Douglas expected to become a hurricane soon, heading toward Hawaii, U.S.
Tropical Storm “Douglas” formed at 07:00 UTC on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, as the fourth named storm of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season. The storm is moving west and is expected to become a hurricane soon. It is expected to continue heading W and weaken back to tropical storm strength over the weekend, just before it reaches Hawaii.

6 million affected, 90 000 displaced and 470 dead as flood situation remains
The extensive flood situation due to seasonal monsoon rains remains severe in India as the death toll has crossed 470 this week, according to the National Emergency Response Center (NDMI). West Bengal is the worst-hit state, with 142 fatalities. More than 6 million people are now affected and more than 91 000 have been displaced.

Locust plague spreads to Europe as Sardinia sees worst attack in 70 years, Italy
After ravaging countries in Africa, the Middle East, and India, swarms of locust have now made their way to Europe as the Italian region of Sardinia recently saw its worst attack in 70 years. Around 30 000 ha (74 000 acres) of crops have been affected in Nuoro City alone, according to the Italian Journalist Agency (AGI).

Jordan: Obama Biden Admin Had No Proper Predicate For FBI Trump Probe. There Must Be Indictments.
Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News Wednesday that former FBI and Obama officials must be held accountable for dragging the nation through four years of turmoil in an investigation against President Donald Trump and his campaign that in “their own words” was not predicated on any real evidence.

Houston Fire, Police Responding To Reports Of Documents Being Burned At Chinese Consulate General
Officials from the Houston Fire Department and Houston Police Department are responding to reports that documents are being set on fire in the courtyard at the Chinese Consulate-General in Houston.

Church sues California Governor after he BANS home Bible studies
A church in California is suing Governor Newsom after he went so far as to not only ban church services, but home Bible studies as well:

The Bolshevik Revolution Has Entered Stage 3 of the Takeover of the Republic
Most people are familiar with my academic background as being rooted in psychology, statistics and research methodology. However, my undergraduate days were filled with history and sociology. Based upon my the latter two domains, I devised a six stage outline of what America could reasonably expect to have happen in the near future.

Satanic Temple offers scholarships to high school grads
The Salem, Massachusetts-based group, which advocates for stricter separation of church and state, among other civil rights issues, said Tuesday that the $500 “Devil’s Advocate Scholarship” is open to any 2020 graduate.

Self-Proclaimed Witch And Fascist ANITFA Supporter Cathy Areu Accuses Fox News Tucker Carlson Of Vague And Unspecified ‘Sexual Misconduct’
One thing the Republicans cannot seem to understand, no matter how hard they try, is the insatiable appetite the Liberals have for going low and playing dirty. Tucker Carlson has been on fire in the ratings over on Fox News, exposing the radical Left at every possible turn, so you knew this was coming from the Liberals. Tucker’s accuser is a self-proclaimed witch, a Trump hater, and a supporter of the fascist ANTIFA domestic terror group.

‘Very Powerful’ International Child Sex Cult Busted After Operating Freely for 30 YEARS
Police in Italy have raided what they called a “very powerful” sect, said to be entrenched in several cities across the country, which preyed on young women – many of whom were minors – subjecting them to sex abuse and torture.

Existing Home Sales Rebound By Most Ever In June (But Miss Expectations Despite Record Low Rates)
“This revitalization looks to be sustainable for many months ahead as long as mortgage rates remain low and job gains continue.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

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Israel sent de-escalation message to Hezbollah via Moscow – report
Israel sent a message of de-escalation to Hezbollah in Lebanon via Moscow, Kuwaiti news outlet Al Jarida reported on Friday quoting an unnamed source. This comes following a death of a Hezbollah official in Syria, whom the Lebanese terror organization accused Israel of killing in an airstrike earlier this week.

IDF beefs up Northern Command over tensions with Hezbollah
The IDF reinforced the Northern Command with additional infantry troops on Thursday following a situational assessment as tensions with Hezbollah rose following the death of one of its fighters in Syria. “In light of a situational assessment that was held in the IDF, it was decided to send a pinpoint reinforcement of infantry troops to the Northern Command,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

Financial markets need to ‘start thinking about a blue wave’: strategist
As President Trump continues to sink in the polls, the likelihood of a Democratic sweep in November increases. And that’s something financial markets need to be thinking about now. “I would say the chances of a decisive Biden victory, with the blue wave, the Democrats taking the Senate and keeping the House, the chances are quite good today,” Greg Valliere…told Yahoo Finance.

Greece wildfires rage out of control
Firefighters are battling out of control forest fires in Greece. Locals and tourists have been evacuated as fires continue to rage near the city of Corinth in the eastern Peloponnese for a second day. The city’s mayor says the flames are out of control and has called for a state of emergency to be declared in the region.

UK and US say Russia fired a satellite weapon in space
The US and UK have accused Russia of testing a weapon-like projectile in space that could be used to target satellites in orbit. The US State Department described the recent use of “what would appear to be actual in-orbit anti-satellite weaponry” as concerning. Russia’s defence ministry earlier said it was using new technology to perform checks on Russian space equipment.

Over 8,000 People Evacuated After Gigantic Landslide Blocks River, Causing Risk of Disaster in Flood-Devastated China
A landslide that has affected thousands of residents in Enshi city, Hubei province, is still deforming and expanding due to the continuous rainfall. By Tuesday afternoon, 8,397 residents nearby have been evacuated with nobody injured. The massive flow was triggered by sustained rainfall starting June 8 in the city, with more than 1.5 times the amount of water coming down than previous years.

China Orders U.S. to Close Chengdu Consulate in Retaliation to Houston Move
Beijing ordered the closure of the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, a city in southwestern China, retaliating against Washington’s decision to shut down the Chinese consulate in Houston.

U.S. hatches plan to build a quantum Internet that might be unhackable
U.S. officials and scientists unveiled a plan Thursday to pursue what they called one of the most important technological frontiers of the 21st century: building a quantum Internet.

Major Hollywood Studio Orders “AI-Driven” Face-Mask Detection Robots
A major Hollywood studio ordered face mask detection robots this week that mount on walls in public areas. Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc., published a press release Wednesday morning, revealing a major studio in the Holywood area (whose name cannot be disclosed due to non-disclosure agreements in place) purchased two Robotic Observation Security Apparatus Units (ROSA) from its wholly-owned subsidiary Robotic Assistance Devices’ (RAD) dealer GSG Protective Services, Inc. in Los Angeles.

IMERG maps excessive monsoon rain across Asia
NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission captured the rainfall accumulation across Asia– from India to Japan– this monsoon season, from June 1 to July 20, 2020. The data are remotely-sensed estimates that came from the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM. The rainy season has brought record-breaking downpours, killing at least 550 people and affecting millions across South and East Asia.

Nearly 75% Of Adults Say Social Media Companies Wield Too Much Power And Influence Over Politics: Pew
A new poll from Pew Research finds that 72% of American adults think social media companies wield too much power and influence over politics. According to a survey conducted last week, just 22% of Americans believe Silicon Valley technocrats hold the ‘right amount’ of political power, while just 6% believe it’s ‘not enough.’

Douglas becomes a major hurricane on its way toward Hawaii
Tropical Storm “Douglas” became the first hurricane of the 2020 eastern Pacific hurricane season at 15:00 UTC on July 22, 2020, and then rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane by 09:00 UTC on July 23. The only years with later first eastern North Pacific hurricane formations in the satellite era are 1987 (July 24), 1968 (August 8), and 2003 (August 24), according to Dr. Philip Klotzbach.

Bill Gates pushing for 7 billion mandatory experimental RNA injections that re-program human cells to produce coronavirus spike proteins
Operation Warp Speed is underway in the United States as the federal government moves forward with approximately $2 billion in contracts with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to produce and deliver up to 300 million experimental vaccine doses by January 2021

Biden and UN Secretary General Call for New Left Wing Social Contracts
Joe Biden calls his plan to radically transform America’s economy “Build Back Better.” There are four pillars of Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan. Three that have already been rolled out are revitalizing domestic manufacturing and innovation, a $2 trillion environmental and green energy infrastructure initiative, and a $775 billion caregiving initiative. Biden will be rolling out the details of his final “Build Back Better” pillar, advancing racial equity, shortly. Biden has lifted the “Build Back Better” catchphrase from the United Nations he so reveres.

The Coming Coin Shortage
As if the global economic disaster caused by the Chinese Covid-19 viral pandemic was not bad enough, the looming global “coin shortage” and the “unknown pneumonia” (Covid-20?) in Kazakhstan are here. Why exactly do we have a coin shortage?

D.C. Mask Mandate Exempts Lawmakers and Government Employees
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s (D) most recent mask mandate, which orders three-year-olds to cover their faces, exempts lawmakers and government employees while they are “on duty.”

DeSantis Calls for Investigation: Those Not Tested Receive Positive Results
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has asked the Department of Health to investigate following emerging reports of individuals receiving positive test results for the Chinese coronavirus, despite never taking the test.

BREAKING: Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website
Jong Woo Son, 23, a South Korean national, indicted by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia for his operation of Welcome To Video, the largest child sexual exploitation market by volume of content. The nine-count indictment was unsealed today along with a parallel civil forfeiture action.

Whitehead: The Federal Coup To Overthrow The States And Nix The 10th Amendment Is Underway
Don’t be fooled into thinking any of this will change when the next election rolls around…

Americans’ Bible engagement dramatically declining amid COVID-19: survey
The coronavirus pandemic has affected Americans’ Bible engagement, with the number of U.S. adults who read Scripture declining drastically amid the outbreak, a recent study found.

Christians told to renounce Jesus or be refused coronavirus aid – ‘Let your God take care of your family’
Christians are being told to renounce their faith in Jesus or have their coronavirus aid support for their families taken away.

Netanyahu says claims he wants elections are ‘absurd’; polls show Likud slipping
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday night dismissed as “absurd” reports that he intends to trigger new elections in November, but warned that a return to the polls would indeed result if his coalition does not pass a state budget in the next month.

U.S. judge finds Cohen target of retaliation, releases from prison
U.S. President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen was ordered released from prison and will return to home confinement on Friday after a federal judge found he was a target of retaliation for planning to publish a book about the president. Cohen was sent home from prison in May because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
IAF retaliates, strikes Syrian army posts
IAF attack helicopters struck several Syrian Arab Army targets on Friday night, including observation posts and intelligence facilities in bases near the town of Quientra… “The IDF sees the Syrian regime as responsible for the fire earlier today and will continue to act with determination, retaliating for every violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel,” the military said in a statement.

IDF ups alert in Northern Command over concerns of Hezbollah terror attack
The IDF on Friday upped its alert in the northern command and reinforced troops and artillery batteries out of concern of a terror attack by Hezbollah… Following a situational assessment and in accordance with the Northern Command’s defense plan, the military said it will be making changes to troop deployment and enhanced field intelligence in the area “with the goal of strengthening defenses along the northern border.”

China Is Harvesting DNA From Millions of People. Is This the Future of Policing?
For several years now, the police and other authorities in China have been collecting across the country DNA samples from millions of men and boys who aren’t suspected of having committed any crime. In a report published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute last month, we exposed the extent of the Chinese government’s program of genetic surveillance…

Pentagon’s UFO hunting department was NOT disbanded in 2012…
The Pentagon’s once secret department that hunts and investigates UFOs has continued to operate over the past decade despite previous claims it was disbanded. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force has been tucked away inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, and is now being called on to reveal at least some of its findings to the public every six months, according to the New York Times.

South China Sea dispute: Australia says Beijing’s claims have no legal basis
Australia has formally rejected China’s territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea, aligning itself more closely with the US as tensions rise. In a declaration to the United Nations, Australia said the claims, which take in the majority of the sea, had “no legal basis”. China has not reacted. It comes after the US called some of China’s actions in the area “unlawful”.

Lebanon’s future goes dark
Lebanon’s financial collapse is accelerating – and the old normal is fading, even down to the traffic lights. In a country where people were once able to pay just as easily with dollars as with local currency, many now can find neither.

Top US general visits Israel amid heightened border tension
America’s top general made an unannounced visit to Israel on Friday for talks on “Iran and regional security challenges,” Israel’s army said as it confirmed a reinforced presence on its northern border. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alternate premier and Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Israel’s army chief Aviv Kohavi.

US military: Russia ships more military supplies to Libya
The U.S. military accused Russia on Friday of supplying more weapons, air defense systems and mercenaries to Libya’s front lines to shape the outcome of the escalating proxy war in the North African country. The accusation comes as rival Libyan factions…prepare to face off over the strategic coastal city of Sirte, which sits next to Libya’s oil-expert terminals and fields.

Europe Panics as Worst Swarm of Locusts for 70 Years Invades Sardinia, Italy
In a situation reminiscent of a biblical plague, voracious locusts have stripped large areas of the island’s agricultural regions of crops, in what the World Bank has already been branded the most serious such invasion the world has faced in 70 years. The epicentre is formed by the municipalities of Orani, Ottana and Bolotana in the Tirso valley, with insects having arrived from the Middle East and Africa…

New Russian law means kids will be taught patriotism and respect for elders in schools
Russia’s parliament has approved a bill to boost ‘patriotism’ education in the school curriculum, designed to instill children with respect for…those who fought to defend the country, its laws and traditions. Aside from promoting respect to the nation, the amended law on education also obliges schools to teach kids to treasure Russia’s multicultural heritage and traditions, as well as nature and the environment.

Coin shortage in US has banks begging for spare change
Banks are begging you to break open your piggy bank, dig through your seat cushions and unload those coffee cans full of change sitting in the closet. The COVID-19 change shortage has bankers all across the country asking customers to bring in rolled coins as a way to pump more pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters into circulation.

Nepal records highest number of fatal landslides in 15 years
The number of this year’s fatal landslides in Nepal has exceeded the average annual total over the last 15 years, according to data gathered by The Landslide Blog’s Dr. Dave Petley.

Powerful Hurricane “Douglas” entering the Central Pacific, heading toward Hawaii
Category 4 Hurricane “Douglas” is entering the Central Pacific on its way toward Hawaii. There are still no coastal watches or warnings in effect, but interests in the Hawaiian Islands should monitor its progress as watches could be issued on Friday, July 24 for a portion of the area.

Tropical Storm “Hanna” forms in the Gulf of Mexico, landfall expected in Texas on Saturday, July 25
Tropical Storm “Hanna” formed in the Gulf of Mexico at 03:00 UTC on July 24, 2020, as the earliest 8th named storm formation in the Atlantic on record. The previous record was held by Harvey which formed on August 3, 2005. At the same time, Tropical Storm “Gonzalo” is heading toward the Windward Islands, marking the first simultaneous Atlantic July named storms since Beryl and Chris in 2018.

More Countries Ban Muslim Brotherhood
The United States should join them. Then we can begin to prosecute Muslim Brotherhood terror-tied groups like CAIR, MAS, ISNA et al.

Supreme Court denies Nevada church’s appeal of attendance restriction amid coronavirus pandemic
Nevada has placed a 50-person cap on all places of worship, no matter the capacity of the building, as a part of the state’s coronavirus restrictions. But casinos, along with other businesses such as restaurants and movie theaters, may permit up to 50 percent capacity, allowing casinos to grant access to hundreds of patrons at a time.

Shocking! Another Florida News Station finds Deaths incorrectly attributed to COVID-19
Last week a news station in Orlando found several discrepancies in COVID 19 reporting. Several deaths that have nothing to do with COVID are appearing as COVID-19 deaths. Now in Palm Beach County it is the same story.

Former Concentration Camp Guard Convicted in Germany
A German court on Thursday convicted a 93-year-old former SS private of being an accessory to murder at the Stutthof concentration camp, where he served as a guard in the final months of World War II. He was given a two-year suspended sentence.

China Now Forcing All Citizens To Activate Health Code On Smart Phones For Restaurant And Store Access, Only A Green Code Will Let Them in
Little by little, and inch by inch, the whole world is being brought under the control of the New World Order, and it’s being done under the guise of fighting a virus. China, the country that released this infection upon all of us, seems to be leading the way on all counts. After rolling out contact tracing on smart devices, now come the health codes that you device will generate to either let you in or keep you out of mainstream society in China. In a matter of months it will make its way here to America.

Wife of ABC News Hack George Stephanopoulos Says Parents Should Watch Porno with Their Young Kids
Ali Wentworth, wife of ABC News personality George Stephanopoulos, said during a recent podcast appearance that she believes parents should watch pornography with their young children.

Major League Baseball Opens With New York Yankees Kneeling And Boston Red Sox Unveiling Huge BLM Mural
America in 2020 is a nation that is hopelessly confused, we have removed God from our courtrooms and classrooms and as a result we are like blind men feeling our way through in the darkness. The religion of America is major league sports, it has been that way for some time now, Roger Goodell of the NFL famously said last year that the Super Bowl is the biggest holiday in the United States. Don’t get mad, her’s right. Did you know the word ‘holiday’ comes from ‘holy day’ meaning a day of worship? He’s right about that, too.

Gametime: Attorney General Barr Sets His Sights On George For Subverting Legal System and Causing “Increase in Violent Crime and More Victims”
…Well, most of us thought that George would probably never have a United States Attorney General who would even dare to utter George’s name, never mind to put him on notice that he is on the DOJ’s radar. William Barr appears to be the man with exactly what it takes to call out George, and all of the unrest he is accused of fostering around the nation, and the globe.

Washington, D.C., mandates face masks for the public, but exempts all lawmakers and government employees
Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., has decreed that everyone present in the federal territory must wear a face mask, including three-year-olds, to supposedly help stop the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But exempt from the order are all lawmakers and government employees, because they are apparently a different breed that is incapable of catching or spreading invisible germs.

185 Bodies Found in Cartel-Dug Mass Graves in One Mexican State
The number of bodies found in mass graves by Mexican authorities rose to 185 as the search continues. Authorities searched in one of three mass graves used by a ruthless drug cartel to dispose of their victims.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil
“In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,”

Shots Ring Out After Armed Militias Descend on American Heartland City
Police have confirmed reports of shots fired in Louisville as opposing militia groups descended on the city Saturday. WAVE-TV reported that in response to the NFAC traveling to Louisville, other militia groups also announced plans to descend on the city.

Cancel Culture – What Are You Going to Do When They Come for You?
To all the wealthy, liberal elites who are cheering on the protests and riots, a word of warning is in order. The same holds true for the conservative Christians who are lining up to show their support for the BLM movement. To each of you I say: Do not be deceived. The cancel culture will soon be coming for you.

End Times Birth Pains – What’s Coming Next?
The frequency of these events testify that Jesus is coming. Our generation will witness His return (Matthew 24:34). All the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for are present. They include, but aren’t limited to:

Hurricane Hanna Continues to Intensify Ahead of Texas Landfall; Conditions Worsening in South Texas
Hurricane Hanna’s eye is now coming ashore in South Texas ahead of landfall later today, with the potential for dangerous rainfall flash flooding extending well inland into northeast Mexico. Sustained winds have increased to 85 mph according to the Hurricane Hunters. The hurricane’s eyewall is moving inland south of Corpus Christi. Some areas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville will get a break in the wind and rain as Hanna’s eye moves ashore.

Prominent Muslim Group and Democratic Elected Officials Join in Endorsement of Biden
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has endorsed former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden for president. In a letter spearheaded and released on Wednesday by the Muslim group Emgage USA, Omar—along with Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, and 41 other elected Muslim officials … Omar has perpetuated anti-Semitic tropes on social media …

Iranian Govt Threatens to “Employ Other Weaponry” In Response to Foreign Cyber Attacks
Iran’s foreign ministry announced on Thursday that recent cyber attacks on its power facilities may have been caused by foreign governments.

Rockets Fall, Tensions Rise as Russia Taking Over Syrian Golan
Sources in Syria reported that anti-regime forces fired surface-to-air missiles at Syrian aircraft in southern Syria, after the aircraft responded to a “hostile target” which tried to enter Syrian airspace.The incident takes place while Russia has been stepping up its efforts to control sections of the Syrian Golan in recent weeks which include establishing a local militia, a development the Israeli government perceives as positive for the region.

California Churches Defy Gavin Newsom’s Lockdown Order: Christ Is Head of the Church
Two churches in California are defying Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders to keep their doors closed because of the coronavirus, including Grace Community Church in a Los Angeles suburb, where Pastor John MacArthur posted a letter on Friday titled, “Christ, Not Caesar, Is Head of the Church.”

Hurricane “Douglas” continues WNW toward Hawaii, pre-landfall emergency issued
Category 2 Hurricane “Douglas” continues moving WNW toward Hawaii and is expected to be near hurricane strength when it nears the islands Saturday night (LT) through Sunday, July 25 and 26, 2020.

De Blasio to Fight Increase in City’s Shootings With Useless “Gun Buyback”
After removing bail for 90% of cases, putting thousands of criminals back on the streets due to the pandemic, disbanding the city’s plainclothes anti-crimes unit, and demonizing police officers, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is finally ready to fight crime. And like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, he’s blaming the guns (which mysteriously weren’t going off at this frequency a mere year ago – at least for his city).

Austin Protester Dead After Gunman Opens Fire Into Crowd
A protester in downtown Austin is dead following a Saturday night shooting, according to local station KXAN.

Health company apologizes for falsely telling 600,000 US military members they were infected with coronavirus
A healthcare insurance company for members of the U.S. military had to apologize for accidentally telling over 600,000 people that they were infected with the virus when they were not.

George Soros Pumps Another Quarter Billion Dollars into Black Lives Matter
Far-left billionaire George Soros has announced he is pumping another staggering amount of cash into the radical Black Lives Matter organization.

U.S. Medical Research Agency Fires Dozens of Scientists with Financial Ties to China
Dozens of scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. government’s handsomely funded medical research agency, have been fired over their secret financial ties to Communist China. It is not clear how long they went undetected or how much taxpayer-funded research they stole,

Gov. DeSantis Suggests Florida’s Coronavirus Death Toll Inflated
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he wants to take a look at how the state is reporting its coronavirus cases and deaths.

CHICOM-Aligned Fox News Cements Its Position As Controlled Opposition By Breaking Away From the Communist-Inspired Portland Riot Coverage at the White House Press Briefing-Forever Fake News
CHICOM-Aligned Fox News Cements Its Position As Controlled Opposition By Breaking Away From Portland Riot Coverage at the White House Press Briefing-Forever Fake News

SCIENCE FRAUD: Florida Gov. DeSantis calls for investigation into why people are testing “positive” for coronavirus tests they never received
After learning that waves of people who were never even tested for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) received mysterious “positive” results, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, decided to call for an investigation into the matter to get to the bottom of it.

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ/FBI/ODNI for Records about Obama Oval Office Meeting about Dossier and Targeting of General Flynn
Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice, the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) for all records related to the January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama Oval Office during which the Steele Dossier and the investigation of General Flynn were discussed

California Churches Defy Lockdown Order: Christ Is Head of the Church
Two churches in California are defying Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders to keep their doors closed because of the coronavirus, including Grace Community Church in a Los Angeles suburb, where Pastor John MacArthur posted a letter on Friday titled, “Christ, Not Caesar, Is Head of the Church.”

Louisville Mayor addresses report the “NFAC” armed militia group is coming to Louisville
Democrat Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer addressed reports that the armed militia group known as the “NFAC” or will be marching in his city today.

Supreme Court denies Nevada church’s appeal of attendance restriction amid coronavirus pandemic
The Supreme Court on Friday denied an appeal by a Nevada church to allow additional worshipers to join in-person services based on capacity amid the coronavirus pandemic.

US officials raid Chinese consulate in Houston believed to be spy hub
U.S. officials pried open the doors of the Chinese consulate in Houston on Friday and took over the building shortly after Chinese officials vacated the facility on orders from the Trump Administration.

Russia-backed milita taking over Syrian Golan Heights
The Russians have been steadily gaining control over the Syrian Golan Heights region in recent weeks, establishing their own strong militia in the area, Hebrew-language outlet Channel 12 News reported Friday.

Las Vegas Casinos Are Making Another Round Of Brutal Furloughs And Layoffs
Hundreds of employees are set to be laid off and tens of thousands will be furloughed, with uncertain futures.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Louie Gohmert Urges House to Ban Democratic Party for Supporting Slavery
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a privileged resolution on Thursday that calls upon Congress to ban the Democratic Party for supporting slavery and the Confederate States of America, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Therefore, Gohmert argued, that because leftists now demand that the country must eliminate “entities symbols, and reminders” of America’s past, then the Democratic Party must change to recognize its “loathsome and bigoted past.”

Abbas: Sovereignty will eliminate any chance for peace
Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday warned that the implementation of the Israeli plan to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria will eliminate any chance of achieving peace and lead the region to chaos and violence,

Mike Ditka: ‘If you can’t respect our national anthem, get the he– out of the country’
However, Ditka said he wouldn’t change how he felt about this issue. “You don’t protest against the flag and you don’t protest against this country who’s given you the opportunities to make a living playing a sport that you never thought would happen,” Ditka told TMZ. “So, I don’t want to hear all the crap.”

Massive explosion at Iraqi base linked to Iranian-backed militias
According to Iraqi sources the area of the base affected was ammunition dumps linked to the Federal Police, which are part of the Interior Ministry. The Interior Ministry in Iraq has been infiltrated deeply by elements of the pro-Iranian Badr Organization. The claims that it was a Federal Poilice ammunition storage was to allay concerns that the explosion actually hit areas where the pro-Iranian militias, called Hashd al-Shaabi, have ammunition.

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign names Jewish donors to her main opponent
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has once again found herself mired in controversy after her campaign sent out a mailer identifying three Jewish donors who support her Democratic primary opponent, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported Thursday. “Can We Trust Antone Melton-Meaux’s Money?” the campaign literature, first obtained by Vice News, reads.

Here’s the latest on the tropical disturbance in the Atlantic
The tropics are relatively calm, however, one disturbance, in particular, has caught the eye of many Floridians. The tropical wave is said to likely become a tropical depression or tropical storm within the next 2 or 3 days and has a 90% chance of cyclone formation over the next five days.

Secret source for anti-Trump Steele dossier is revealed as US-based researcher on Russian politics
THE secret source behind the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier has been revealed as a US-based Russian politics researcher, Mark E. Schamel, an attorney for 42-year-old Igor Danchenko, told The New York Times that his client provided the information to Steele, a former British spy. Danchenko was an ex-Brookings Institution senior research analyst in Washington, DC and was not based in Russia. Nevertheless, the FBI utilized Steele’s dossier to obtain wiretaps of former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page. “Igor Danchenko has been identified as one of the sources who provided data and analysis [to Steele],” Schamel confirmed.

Hurricane Warning in effect for Oahu, Kauai County and Maui County
Hurricane Douglas is within 50 miles of Kahului and 100 miles east of Honolulu, maximum sustained winds remain at 85 mph with higher gusts. Winds are expected to ramp up Sunday night.

Why This Year’s Locust Invasion Is Setting Off Global Panic
As if 2020 hasn’t thrown enough curveballs already, desert locusts are setting off a global panic. From Kenya to Pakistan to, most recently, Argentina, locust swarms have been on the move. The infestation is most advanced in East Africa, which is experiencing the worst locust outbreak in generations. There’ve been six major locust plagues in the last century, one of which lasted nearly 13 years, according to the U.N. But the current infestation in East Africa is technically an upsurge,

Trump wants an ‘alliance of democracies’ to oppose China. It’s starting to take shape
Not since 1989, and the massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, have Chinese leaders looked out at the world and seen so much hostility. From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower.

Fugitive Chinese military researcher arrested in San Francisco after hiding in Chinese consulate
A member of the Chinese military who was posing as a researcher at the University of California – Davis has been taken into U.S. custody over visa fraud on Friday after hiding in a Chinese consulate, … the Chinese researcher had left the San Francisco consulate and was arrested by law enforcement, according to a senior Justice Department official.

EU crisis: Showdown with Turkey sparks military fears as Erdogan mocks Macron’s threats
Emmanuel Macron has called for punishment against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as tensions between the EU and Turkey continue to intensify. The tensions erupted this week after Greece accused Turkey of undermining its sovereignty by threatened to send ships to take natural resources within Greece’s territorial waters. There are mounting fears that this crisis could spill over into naval clashes between the EU member-states and Ankara. Turkey reacted by ridiculing these threats, saying “the statements of Macron have no value for our country”.

Explosive Pentagon Report Mentions RECOVERED HIGHER ENTITIES “Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth”
And one consultant to the agency has briefed Defense Department officials of some highly unusual discoveries ― including items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth,” the newspaper said. The Pentagon has claimed it disbanded its UFO office, but it actually simply changed names and moved. A Senate committee report suggests it will be expected to make some information public every six months.

Court lets state seize ‘pay for slay’ funds from terrorist prisoner
The Defense Ministry announced on Monday that a court has endorsed its seizure of “pay for slay” funds to a prisoner who aided a terrorist killer of six Israelis in 2005. The Tel Aviv District Court decision was handed down on Sunday but announced on Monday, ruling that a new 2016 anti-terror law permitted seizing the funds in order to deter terrorism.

In North, Gantz warns that Israel will meet tests with strong response
As tensions remain high between Israel and Hezbollah, Alternate Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz visited IDF Northern Command…warning that Israel will continue to protect its security interests…“We believe there can be [security] events on the border. We are prepared for all possibilities,” Gantz said.

Turkey faces threat of double sanctions
Turkey is facing fresh threats of sanctions from its Western allies as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan moves the country further away from the West’s orbit, but analysts say it is unlikely he will be convinced to change his foreign policy trajectory. The threats of sanctions come on a tumultuous week for Turkey on the world stage as it holds the first Muslim prayers in the historic Hagia Sophia…

South Texas drenched by cyclone amid surge in virus cases
A day after roaring ashore as a hurricane, Hanna lashed the Texas Gulf Coast on Sunday with high winds and drenching rains that destroyed boats, flooded streets and knocked out power across a region already reeling from a surge in coronavirus cases. Downgraded to a tropical depression, Hanna passed over the U.S.-Mexico border with winds near 50 mph (85 kph), the National Hurricane Center said.

First Arab country acquires new Chinese missile system
China has started exporting the third generation of their Red Arrow-12 anti-tank systems, also known as the HJ-12. According to the China Defense website, Algeria has become the first Arab country to obtain the upgraded Chinese anti-tank system. Not surprisingly, the Algerian military has long-standing relationships with the Chinese military-industrial complex.

U.S. Republicans to unveil coronavirus aid proposal as time runs out on jobless benefits
U.S. Senate Republicans…are expected to unveil a $1 trillion coronavirus aid package hammered out with the White House, a starting point for negotiations with Democrats as unemployment benefits…are set to expire. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters…the plan just needed a few clarifications before Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could unveil it on Monday afternoon.

AIPAC praises Congress for $3.8 billion Israel aid package
The American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) praised U.S. lawmakers after a bill including $3.8 billion in defense assistance for Israel cleared both chambers of Congress. The funding comes as part of the National Defense Authorization Act which was approved in the House of Representatives by 295 to 125 on Tuesday and in the Senate with 86 in support and 14 against on Thursday.

Israeli drone crashes in Lebanon amid tensions with Syria
Israel said a military drone crashed in southern Lebanon on Sunday as regional tensions ran high, days after a series of cross-border exchanges between Israel and Syria and the killing of a Hezbollah militant in an Israeli airstrike near the Syrian capital. The Israeli military issued the statement shortly after Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with army brass near the country’s northern frontier.

World’s religions embracing AI ‘God robots capable of performing miracles’
Religions around the world are evolving as technology progresses, and now some faiths are relying on “god robots ” to spread the good word. Back in the Middle Ages, Christian “robots” of a kind were fashioned to perform the religious pageantry of the Easter and Christmas rituals. In the 16th century, a mechanical monk was created by a Spanish clockmaker that incredibly remains fully functional to this day.

Russia rolls out 6,000mph ‘ship killer’ missile and issues chilling warning
Russia has carried out successful tests of a hypersonic missile that can supposedly travel at speeds of 6,000mph, state media reports. The Zircon missile was fired far from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate in the far north of the country this morning. Vladimir Putin’s defence ministry confirmed testing had been completed after being fired from warship Admiral Gorshkov.

Bill Gates says ‘final hurdle’ to distributing a Covid-19 vaccine will be convincing people to TAKE IT
Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates lamented the US is ‘not even close’ to doing enough to fight the pandemic, before warning that the vaccine he wants to inject into every human on the planet does require their consent first. Speaking to Anderson Cooper at a CNN town hall on Thursday, Gates insisted the US was “experiencing a rebound” in Covid-19 infections even accounting for the increase in testing.

Spain Second Virus Wave Swells, Fuels Concern Across Europe
Spain is scrambling to stay ahead of new outbreaks of the coronavirus that prompted the U.K. to impose a quarantine on travelers returning from the country, dealing a new blow to its tourism-dependent economy.

Agricultural Warfare? People Are Receiving Mysterious Unsolicited Packages Of Seeds In The Mail From China
“Look’s like it’s all across the country…”

America’s Biggest Retailers Now Walking Back Mandatory Mask Policy
A gap is emerging between the rules as they are written and the ones that are lived out at the entrances of major American retailers.

Dead doctors, nagalase and vaccines: What’s the connection?
Autism has now skyrocketed to ONE IN 45 in this country. That means if you walked down your street right now, it’s highly likely you wouldn’t even have to go a full block before you will have passed a home with at least one autistic child living in it. What you are about to hear may be why.

Demons Frolicking At Large In Lockdown’s Empty Churches
Locked out from the churches that so many are longing to get back into, how many wonder what is going on inside shuttered churches during the pandemic?…The Gospel of Christ has been hijacked by social justice.

Rutgers University Declares Grammar ‘Racist’
If you’re looking for peak idiocy from academic institutions who are falling all over themselves to kowtow to the mob’s notions of “social justice,” look no further…

MUST SEE: Yugoslavian woman issues warning to all Americans – unfolding events are following a scripted pattern of invoking hatred and violence to bring down America
A Yugoslavian woman has issued a powerful warning to all Americans, eloquently describing how all the events you see unfolding in America right now are scripted, emotionally-charged events designed to turn citizens against each other to invoke a deadly civil war that will bring down the nation.

The Chinese Floods Will Change the Balance of Power On the Planet
All of the Chinese-manufactured protective equipment is now underwater. China’s next harvest is almost 100% destroyed. China could soon have 400-500 million refugees. How many young men will be eager to join the Chinese military just so they can eat? Massive famine, both in China and around the world will soon be realized.

REPORT: Red Flag Gun Confiscation Included in U.S. Defense Budget?
Nancy Pelosi is trying to get federal gun control passed by sneaking it into the national defense budget. The National Association for Gun Rights sent an email to supporters, warning:

BREAKING: Rioters launch ‘EXPLOSIVES’ ‘MORTARS’, Throw rocks and more at Seattle PD, officers INJURED, Precinct ablaze
“SEATTLE IS A WARZONE!” said Seattle political activist and citizen journalist in a tweet just minutes ago from Oregon.

Virginia, Utah residents report receiving unsolicited packets of seeds in the mail reportedly from China
Virginia residents have been advised not to plant any unsolicited seeds they may have received in the mail, the state’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VADACS) has advised.

Mike Pompeo: US intelligence shows the head of WHO was ‘bought by the Chinese government,’ according to reports
Mike Pompeo has said that the World Health Organisation ‘s director-general was “bought by the Chinese government.”

Spot Gold Soars To Record High As Dollar Freefall Accelerates
“I think what we have is a monetary moment that is unprecedented and therefore calls for extreme caution and great humility on the parts of all of us.”

Kenya could introduce abortion up to birth, under radical Bill pushed by international abortion organisations
A Bill backed by major international abortion organisations, including Ipas and Planned Parenthood Global, which would introduce abortion up to birth, is currently progressing through Kenya’s Senate.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic.

Jews Allowed Access to Running Water on Temple Mt Bringing them Closer to Temple Service
While the US is rocked by anti-racism protests, a situation exists in Jerusalem that is even more racist than the US before the civil rights movement. The water fountains on the Temple Mount were reserved for the exclusive use of Muslims while Jews were not permitted to drink at all. But thanks to a group of determined Jews, that situation is slowly changing.

Trying to Appease Muslims, Biden Inadvertently Calls for Jihad
Last Friday, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden gave a virtual speech to Emgage Action, a Muslim advocacy group. Two experts on Islam analyzed Biden’s pre-written speech and both concluded that it gave a disturbing message the former VP (hopefully) did not intend.

Doctors Ignoring Hydroxychloroquine ‘Good Nazis’ says Doctor
One of the doctors, Dr. Stella Emmanuel has treated over 300 COVID patients and the U.S based Nigerian born doctor says there is a cure for COVID-19 – hydroxychloroquine. She says that she has received several threats to revoke her license but insists she would not let Americans die. Dr. Emmanuel called doctors who remain silent regarding the covid sure “good Nazis.”

Louie Gohmert Urges House to Ban Democratic Party for Supporting Slavery
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a privileged resolution on Thursday that calls upon Congress to ban the Democratic Party for supporting slavery and the Confederate States of America, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Therefore, Gohmert argued, that because leftists now demand that the country must eliminate “entities symbols, and reminders” of America’s past, then the Democratic Party must change to recognize its “loathsome and bigoted past.”

Polls: More black voters choosing ‘racist’ Trump
U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, a black Republican who represents South Carolina, has said it is “game over” for Democrats if 14 percent of black voters choose President Trump. A second poll cited in the Examiner story, conducted by Rasmussen, found 21 percent of black voters support President Trump’s re-election. The same polling firm reported support for Trump has grown in recent months despite the virus-wrecked economy, civil unrest in major cities, and poll numbers that show him trailing Joe Biden

Firearm Ownership Surging Among Black Americans amid Nationwide Run on Firearms
National African American Gun Owners’ Association (NAAGA) president Philip Smith has seen as many as 2,000 new members a day since coronavirus warnings and shutdowns began impacting the country earlier this year. That rush in membership only continued following the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd. Smith intimated that the very onset of the coronavirus made some black Americans give gun ownership serious thought for the first time: “If you have a half a brain in your head even saying, ‘Oh, this might get serious, let me plan accordingly.’” His group “has grown to more than 30,000 members” this year and has nearly 90,000 online followers.

US government outlines plans for “unhackable” national quantum internet
Advances towards a quantum internet are speeding up. And now, the United States government is outlining its own plans to develop a national quantum internet. The blueprint was developed at a meeting in February by the DOE National Laboratories, various universities and industry.

DOJ Announces First Federal Arrests in Chicago Under ‘Operation Legend’
Three people were federally charged last week with offenses related to illegally possessing guns or ammunition in Chicago—the first arrests made in the city in connection with the Justice Department’s (DOJ) “Operation Legend,” officials said. The arrests followed the Trump administration’s announcement on July 22 the expansion of the department’s program aimed to reduce violent crimes in Chicago and other cities around the nation.

Abbas congratulates Erdoğan on converting Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque
Mahmoud Abbas phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday to congratulate him for turning Istanbul’s iconic cathedral Hagia Sophia into a mosque,

Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
“Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime,” So what we have now, in a major America city, are desperate residents constructing barriers to keep out people who, in their opinion, do not belong… first priority of government is to protect our God-given rights from being violated, most especially by others. We have a God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the government has no higher purpose than to see to it those rights are not interfered with. To say the Democrat-run city of Minneapolis is failing on this point would be an understatement.

Over 30 Shot, 10 Killed, as Violence Surges in de Blasio’s NYC
Over 30 people were shot, with ten killed, over the weekend as violence continues to surge in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) New York City. One of the fatal shooting victims was a 16-year-old boy who sustained a bullet wound to the head “

Report: 59 Shot, 3 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago
Late Sunday night NBC 5 reported at least 49 people had been shot, two fatally. By Monday morning the Chicago Sun-Times reported nearly 60 shot with three fatalities.

Tim Murtaugh: National Polls Actively Trying to Suppress Trump Voter Enthusiasm
National polls on the 2020 presidential race are meant to “suppress the enthusiasm” of President Trump’s voters,

MSNBC Historian Warns: Many Trump Voters ‘Not Going to Tell Pollsters’
A majority of Pennsylvania voters, for instance, recently said there are “secret Trump voters” in their communities. In addition, numerous polls have found that Trump outperforms his polling numbers when voters are asked if they think Trump is going to win the election instead of whether they support Trump.

Lebanon PM: Israel assaulted sovereignty in dangerous military escalation
As Israel’s military remains on high alert along its northern border, Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab warned that Israel had “assaulted Lebanon’s soverignty again” in a “dangerous military escalation” on Tuesday, following a failed infiltration attempt by Hezbollah terrorists on Monday. Israel is “seeking to amend the tasks of UNIFIL and the rules of engagement with us,” added Diab.

Russia sends Su-27 fighter jet to intercept US spy plane over Black Sea
The Russian defense ministry said it had sent a Su-27 fighter plane on Monday to intercept a US surveillance plane over the Black Sea that it said was approaching the Russian border. The US plane, identified as a P-8 Poseidon, has changed course to move away from the Russian border, the ministry added.

Miami Police Setting Up ‘Mask Traps,’ Issuing $100 Fines to People Wearing Masks Improperly
It’s been less than two weeks since Miami-Dade County announced it would be fining people for not wearing masks in public. Already, Florida media outlets are filled with stories of people cited for wearing masks improperly, lowering masks to sip a drink, or removing their face coverings once outside of a store.

Six U.S. mayors urge Congress to block Trump federal deployment
Six U.S. mayors, all Democrats, urged Congress…to halt President Donald Trump’s deployment of federal forces to their cities, saying the move has escalated tensions at anti-racism protests spreading across the country. The request came on the same day the U.S. attorney for Oregon announced the arrest of 22 people on charges stemming from clashes with federal and local police at the federal courthouse in Portland.

Israel’s nightmare: The dissolution of the Palestinian Authority
Amid the anticipation of Israeli annexation of large parts of the occupied West Bank, there have been significant developments on the Palestinian political scene. It seems that there is an increasing likelihood that the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be dissolved, or at the very least, its powers greatly reduced.

Iran fires missile at mock aircraft carrier amid US tensions
Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard fired a missile from a helicopter targeting a replica aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday, state television reported, an exercise aimed at threatening the U.S. amid tensions between Tehran and Washington. Iranian commandos also fast-roped down from a helicopter onto the replica in the footage from an exercise called “Great Prophet 14.”

China collecting DNA from millions of men and boys for large-scale genetic surveillance project
We’ve known for several years that Chinese authorities collect DNA samples from their people, but they’ve recently ramped up their efforts in a way that is concerning observers around the world.

Cover-Up: NIH Removes 5G-Coronavirus Study From Website Following Infowars Exposé
The National Institute of Health (NIH) removed a study from its website linking 5G radiation with the coronavirus after Infowars first brought attention to it.

Violence Is Spreading City to City! Soon All Americans Living In Democratic Party Run Cities Will Be On Their Own
Under President Eisenhower, he endorsed the original Continuity of Government provisions. His motivation was, in part, due to his belief that Joe McCarthy (despite having serious professional and personal shortcomings) was correct about communist infiltration into America.

Major Breaking Story! UN Orders Trump to Withdraw Federal Agents From Portland
Major Breaking Story! UN Orders Trump to Withdraw Federal Agents From Portland

Time for Civil Disobedience is NOW!
In a 5-4 Decision the United States Supreme Court has determined that California restricting church gatherings is not unconstitutional, and does not violate the “free exercise clause of the First Amendment.” The Ninth Circuit Judges, regarding restrictions against churches regarding the free exercise of their religion, and more specifically, worship services, said, “constitutional standards that would normally govern our review of a Free Exercise claim should not be applied.” The last time I checked, the First Amendment does not say, “Freedom of Religion, unless there’s a virus.”

Hurricane Douglas expected to remain near hurricane intensity as it moves over parts of Hawaii
Hurricane Douglas continued to maintain its intensity as it nears the Hawaiian islands.

Law Forces Ohio Minister to Officiate Same-Sex Wedding or Face $5,000 Fine
An Ohio Christian business owner and ordained minister filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Cuyahoga County over a law that requires her to officiate same-sex weddings in violation of her religious beliefs.

Hurricane “Hanna” makes historic landfall in Texas as first rapidly intensifying named storm of 2020
Category 1 Hurricane “Hanna” made landfall on Padre Island, Texas, at around 22:00 UTC (17:00 LT) on July 25, 2020, as the first rapidly-intensifying named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. The state now has 9 hurricane landfalls in July since 1851, which is more than any other state in the U.S. As of 21:00 UTC on July 26, the storm has weakened into a depression with maximum sustained winds of about 56 km/h (35 mph). Its center was located near Monterrey, Mexico.

The First Group Of 30,000 Planned Volunteers Receive Untested And Unproven COVID-19 Vaccine In World’s Largest Coronavirus Trials
Remember back in March and April, when everyone was wide awake and ready to not fall into the clutches of Bill Gates and Big Pharma? That seems like a quaint and distant memory now as tens of thousands of COVID vaccine volunteers are signing up to be injected with untested and unproven vaccines, rushed through with little if any oversight. Bill Gates couldn’t be happier. I wonder if these thousands of volunteers will also be signing up for the ID2020 Immunity Passport? Rhetorical question, please don’t bother actually trying to answer it.

Media Credibility Decimated After Yale Epidemiologist Report On Hydroxycholoquine
A Yale professor of epidemiology is claiming that the key to beating the coronavirus is hydroxychloroquine, the drug that the media has moved heaven and earth to discredit.

Get Ready For Google ‘SkinMarks’, A Smart Tattoo That Will Turn Your Skin Into A Digital Touchpad To Control Your Devices Via Embedded Sensors
Google may have had a rare miss with the Smart Glasses but they are spending endless millions of dollars to create a collection of wearable technology like SkinMarks, which has become a multi-billion dollar business here in the days for the end of the Church Age and the arrival of Antichrist.

President Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson Quietly Eliminate Obama’s Actions Forcing Suburbs to Pay for the Cities
Last night, Stanley Kurtz was interviewed by Mark Levin at FOX News on Life, Liberty and Levin about recent actions taken by President Trump and his brilliant Secretary Ben Carson that help the suburbs. They did this by eliminating a massive rule similar to Obamacare taken by former President Obama that radically undercut the independence of local suburbs.

REPORT: Soros Pouring a Personal Record $50 Million into the 2020 Election
According to a new report from FreeBeacon, billionaire and activist George Soros is pouring a personal record $50 million into the 2020 election.

The Global Elites Are Laughing With Delight As They Watch Americans Going Insane Over Face Mask Regulations
All over America, in city after city including my own of Saint Augustine, we are being subjected to mandatory mask wearing and if we do not comply, bad things will happen to us. It starts with being denied access to basic necessities like food and clothing, all the way up to massive fines and imprisonment. This is America in 2020, and it is only going to get worse, a whole lot worse as we get closer to the election in November.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

US-China Military Conflict Deemed “Highly Likely” To “Almost Certain” Over Next 3 Years
…there’s lately been much forecasting on the potential for the US and China to stumble into war. While there’s already for the past couple years been much ink spilled over the possibility of the US and China falling into the so-called Thucydides Trap, this latest assessment is among the most dire predictions to date in terms of conclusions reached. Indeed we’ve already seen language out of both sides which too easily shifted from a ‘war of words’ within the usual economic and diplomatic realms, to the more unusual military threats.

“Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen”: Imminent Eviction Wave Is Coming To These States
The eviction moratorium expired last Friday nearly four months after the US economy effectively shutdown due to the covid pandemic, and more than 12 million renters – all behind on rent payments because of the virus-induced recession – are now at imminent risk of getting booted to the curb. This Friday, some 25 million Americans will no longer receive their weekly $600 federal unemployment checks, and the next round of government handouts, currently discussed by Republicans and Democrats, could see benefits slashed from $600 to $200 (or be nothing at all if no deal is reached in Congress).

Ted Cruz: Democrats Are ‘Letting Their Cities Burn’; It’s Time They Paid the Price
The key phrase is “local officials are allowing this disorder to occur.” And Cruz’s bill would make that tolerance for political violence too costly for cities to keep up. And all of that at the same time is being facilitated and even encouraged by Democratic politicians who have made a very cynical decision not to allow the police officers to actually do their job and protect physical safety, protect property, and so they’ve ordered the police officers to pull back and they’re letting their cities burn.

Sixth century church unearthed near site of Jesus’ transfiguration
The remains of a large 1,300-year-old church were uncovered near Mount Tabor in northern Israel, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) revealed Tuesday. Mount Tabor is noted in the books of Mark, Matthew and Luke as the site where Jesus took his disciples Peter, James, and John when they witnessed the face and clothing of their teacher glow with dazzlingly bright light.

Hamas refused $15B in US aid over demand it disarms, leader says
Ismail Haniyeh said Monday that his organization recently turned down a substantial aid package from the United States because it would have had to lay down its weapons.

Suspicious activity at Israel-Lebanon border
The incident comes one day after an attempt by the Hezbollah terrorist organization to infiltrate Israel was foiled. IDF spotters observed three terrorists in the midst of the infiltration attempt and called combat soldiers to the scene. The soldiers opened fire on the terrorists, who fled back into Lebanese territory.

Ambassador Friedman: Israel is still defending its right to exist
“We are in desperate need of unity,” Friedman said. “Israel faces challenges like never before. It is the only one nation that is still called upon to defend its right to exist, whether from the far right or the far left, whether from radical Shia Islamists to radical Sunni.” “People who cannot agree on anything else seem to find common ground in attacking, vilifying and ultimately seeking to destroy the Jewish state of Israel,”

Atlanta ‘Protesters’ Embedded Nails into Fireworks, Leaked FBI Document States
“protesters” who attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) embedded nails into commercial-grade fireworks. The devices were reportedly discovered after the protest ended Sunday morning.

Americans See The Hand Of God At Work In Current Events
2020 has really shaken up a large portion of the U.S. population, and we should hope that all of this shaking ultimately moves our society in a more positive direction. Right now, COVID-19 is dominating the headlines day after day, and the debates that I have seen on social media platforms about this pandemic have often gotten quite heated. I knew that many people had extremely passionate opinions about COVID-19, but what I didn’t realize is that a large percentage of them are also convinced that God is somehow involved. In fact, an Associated Press/NORC survey found that 63 percent of all religious Americans believe that this pandemic is “a sign from God”…

The great church COVID-19 plague that wasn’t
The next time you see the media blaming Christians for the spread of coronavirus, keep this in mind: You’re not reading journalism. You’re reading leftist-activist garbage journalism, thinly disguised as reporting.

Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic.

Temple Mount orgs. on Tisha Be’av: Come up even if you might need to drink
The Joint Headquarters of Temple Mount Organizations released a pamphlet with a number of rulings concerning Jewish law for those who visit the Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av on Wednesday, including a ruling that even people who are concerned that they may need to drink water after visiting the site should visit in any case.

Turkish parliament passes social media law to regulate content
Turkey’s parliament passed a government-backed law regulating social media on Wednesday, that critics said will increase censorship and help authorities silence dissent. President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party, which has a majority with an allied nationalist party, had backed the bill. The assembly began debate of the new regulations on Tuesday, and its passage was as announced by parliament on Twitter.

Scientists Goofed and Accidentally Created a New Kind of Fish
In a wild turn of events, a new kind of fish has been born in a lab entirely by accident. The “sturddlefish” is a hybrid between a Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and an American paddlefish and came into existence by accident. Both fish—which are considered endangered—managed to breed while in captivity at a Hungarian lab.

Rafale: India gets new jets amid border tension with China
India’s air force has received five new Rafale fighter jets amid ongoing border tensions with China. The aircraft are part of India’s deal with France in 2016 to buy 36 warplanes. Delhi is hoping to modernise its dwindling Soviet-era air force fleet with the induction of Rafale multi-role jets.

Iter: World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly
The world’s biggest nuclear fusion project has entered its five-year assembly phase. After this is finished, the facility will be able to start generating the super-hot “plasma” required for fusion power. The £18.2bn (€20bn; $23.5bn) facility has been under construction in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, southern France.

Ecuador on alert over huge Chinese fishing fleet off Galapagos Islands
Ecuador is on alert due to the appearance of a huge fleet of mostly Chinese-flagged fishing vessels off its Galapagos Islands. Patrols are trying to ensure the fleet – which is made up of around 260 vessels – does not enter the delicate eco-system from international waters. Chinese vessels travel to the region each year in search of marine species.

Coronavirus: Scaled back Hajj pilgrimage begins in Saudi Arabia
The annual Hajj pilgrimage performed by Muslims from around the world has begun in Saudi Arabia, dramatically scaled back because of coronavirus. International visitors have been banned from making the journey to Mecca, to try to curb the pandemic. Only 10,000 pilgrims are expected, as opposed to about two million usually.

Iran launches underground ballistic missiles during exercise
Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard launched underground ballistic missiles as part of an exercise involving a fake aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz, state television reported Wednesday, the latest barrage in a drill that saw two American bases temporarily go on alert over the launches.

Under fire for pro-Israel comments, South African chief justice cites the Bible
South Africa’s chief justice defended pro-Israel comments he made during an online conference last month for which he was heavily criticized by local politicians and pro-Palestinian activists, saying he was merely fulfilling his religious duties to advocate for peace and to “pray for Jerusalem.”

Is It Time To Defund The Defunders?
“If these mobs want to risk the lives of their fellow citizens to act cool, make them do it on their own dime. It is time to defund the defunders.”

Right on schedule, the United Nations is intervening in U.S. domestic affairs, claiming Trump has no right to defend cities against left-wing terrorists
The United Nations (UN) has decided to side with Antifa and intervene in U.S. domestic affairs, condemning President Donald Trump for defending American cities against left-wing terrorism. Liz Throssell, a UN human rights spokeswoman warned that unidentified federal agents are illegally detaining peaceful protestors, which may give rise to “arbitrary detention and other human rights violations.”

Coastal low prompts thousands of rescues in NSW, power disrupted to 15 000 properties, Australia
A coastal low brought strong winds, heavy rainfall, flooding, and damaging surf to parts of New South Wales over the weekend. The severe weather prompted volunteers to respond to more than 2 200 calls for rescue and left about 15 000 properties without power on Monday, July 27, 2020.

Tropical Depression “Hanna” barrels through Mexico, leaving 11 people dead or missing
After making landfall in Texas as Category 1 hurricane, Hanna weakened into a tropical depression as it barrelled through Mexico, bringing severe flooding that caused considerable property damage, killed at least five people, and left six others missing in the northeast states on Sunday, July 26, 2020.

Group Of Medical Doctors Exposing The Plot To Stop Hydroxychloroquine And Promote The Very Expensive Remdesivir Have Web Site Removed
A group of medical professionals called America’s Frontline Doctors are trying very hard right now to expose a plot to prevent people from having access to hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, which is very effective against the COVID-19 coronavirus, and instead promote a new drug called Remdesivir, from Gilead pharmaceuticals. The cost per dose for HCQ is under $10, the cost per dose for Remdesivir is over $3,000! Do you see where this is going? Do you see why Bill Gates has invested so much money into vaccines and drugs?

National Catholic Reporter Declares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The ‘Future Of The Catholic Church’ With Taxpayer Funded Abortion On Demand
The National Catholic Reporter may be a Liberal Progressive outlet, but it is absolutely the direction that Pope Francis has been steadily taking the church that Rome built in 325 AD. The conservative Catholic voices are growing softer in volume and fewer in number as the highly-energized, ‘new Catholics’ began to take control.

Black Community Elder Shot Dead ‘Execution-Style’ Hours After Pro-Trump Interview
A black community elder has been shot dead “execution-style” just hours after giving an interview expressing his support for President Donald Trump.

Yes America, there is voter fraud. These recent cases prove it
Many news media, political activists and social media giants have gotten on the bandwagon that voter fraud is fiction. It is not.

Judge denies Oregon’s request to stop arrests by US federal agents
U.S. judge Friday denied an order sought by Oregon’s top law enforcement officer to stop federal agents from arresting people during nightly protests in Portland that have roiled the progressive city and pitted local officials against the Trump administration.

Big Tech commits MEDICAL TREASON by censoring doctors’ video revealing covid-19 CURE being suppressed by Big Pharma / Big Science fraudsters
Big Tech, a massive criminal enterprise that colludes with Big Pharma to see Americans enslaved under a system of medical tyranny, has now committed an act of medical treason against all Americans.

China Has Quietly Cut Dollar Usage In Cross-Border Trade By 20%
The usage of the dollar in cross-border trade and services has declined to 56% from 70%, a decline of ~20%.


Re: Rapture Ready News - July 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Over 100 Police Agencies Withdraw From Agreements to Guard Democratic National Convention
At least 100 police agencies are pulling out of agreements to send personnel to next month’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Milwaukee, partly over concerns that officers will be unable to use tear gas to control crowds under a recent directive.

America’s National Pastime Just Betrayed America
Major League Baseball (MLB)—America’s “national pastime” by affirmation of the U.S. Supreme Court—has turned itself completely backward. What do you get when you reverse the league’s initials? BLM for Black Lives Matter. The hallowed New York Yankees literally got on their knees and groveled in coordination with an avowedly Marxist, anti-white, anti-family, pro-abortion-on-demand organization founded to destroy the American family,

Detroit Police Chief James Craig on why city isn’t rocked by riots: ‘We don’t retreat here’
Detroit Police Chief James Craig said Tuesday his city isn’t seeing the riots that are occurring in other major cities across the country because his police department is supported by the mayor and fellow Detroiters who are “fed up” with the “misguided radicals” fomenting chaos. Chief Craig made an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where Mr. Carlson praised Detroit as an “unlikely success story” amid the political violence plaguing the country. The police chief explained that unlike in many other cities, “we don’t retreat here in Detroit.”

US to Begin Removing 12,000 Troops From Germany ‘Within Weeks’
The U.S. will move 11,900 troops from Germany beginning within weeks, Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced on Wednesday, …
The cuts will bring the U.S. force in Germany down by one-third, from roughly 36,000 to 24,000 troops. But not all will be leaving Europe or staying in the United States for long. About 5,600 will be repositioned within NATO countries, including Belgium and Italy.

Russia Tests a Satellite That Rams Other Satellites, US Says
“The Russian satellite system used to conduct this on-orbit weapons test is the same satellite system that we raised concerns about earlier this year, when Russia maneuvered near a U.S. government satellite,” Gen. John Raymond, who leads U.S. Space Command, said in a statement. “This is further evidence of Russia’s continuing efforts to develop and test space-based systems, and consistent with the Kremlin’s published military doctrine to employ weapons that hold U.S. and allied space assets at risk.”

More than 1,200 retired senior IDF officials urge US Congress to back Israeli sovereignty
More than 1,200 retired senior commanders and officers of the Israel Defense Forces have signed a letter that was sent to all members of Congress on Tuesday endorsing U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Peace for Prosperity” Mideast plan, as well as calling for the application of sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria, and the Jordan Valley, to secure Israel’s national interests.

Fuel trucks catch fire in western Iranian city of Kermanshah
Several fuel tankers have caught fire at a truck park near the western Iranian city of Kermanshah, sparking panic among local residents. Governor Fazlollah Ranjbar was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying that the fire broke out on July 28 during repair work to a heavy vehicle before spreading to seven others. The governor, however, denied there was an explosion.

After Ending Police Contract, Minneapolis Schools Quietly Post Job Listings For Security Guards
The public school district in Minneapolis, after cutting their ties with the city’s police in early June, has quietly sought to replace contracted school resource officers (SROs) with privately hired security guards – a move that enraged the teachers union, which wants no policing on campus at all.

National Catholic Reporter: ‘AOC is the Future of the Catholic Church’
National Catholic Reporter (NCR) has declared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be “the future of the Catholic Church” noting her frequent references to “Catholic values” and her “passion for justice.”

Local Officials Buck Virginia Dems’ Gun-Control Push
Local officials across Virginia are resisting the push from Virginia Democrats to adopt gun-free zones. Lawmakers in Powhatan County—located just outside Richmond— unanimously passed a “No Local Gun Control” resolution that would prevent localities from creating gun-free zones.

Anti-Christian Acts in France Up 285 Percent Since 2008, Observatory Says
Fantini noted an unusual distinction is evident between the French government’s data on anti-Christian acts and hate crimes against Christians. “Those numbers, the most recent figures for hate crimes, were nearly 2,000 in 2018,” Fantini explained. “So when people react with shock when we say that this works out to about three a day, we are taking conservative numbers.

Democrat governor sends money to Ilhan Omar’s primary opponent
Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis sent a check for $1,000 to attorney Antone Melton-Meaux, who is vying for Omar’s 5th District seat, according to Federal Election Commission data. Polis’ move comes as Melton-Meaux’s total donations substantially outpace those of Omar’s for the upcoming August race, according to the Washington Examiner.

Unhinged, mask-wearing woman screams in small children’s faces: ‘I hope you all die!’
In a video making its rounds on social media Wednesday, an elderly, masked woman can be seen approaching what appears to be a young mother and her two small children. The video picks up as the mother can be heard defending her children from the woman. “They’re not supposed to wear them,” the mother can be heard saying in apparent defense of her children not wearing masks. The elderly woman fires back, “That’s not true,” shaking her head. The young mother insists that the children aren’t required to wear masks, but the elderly woman is not phased by her protestations. The elderly woman can then be seen looking down at one of the children, who is staring at the woman with apparent concern, and says, “I hope you all die!”

Rabbis Call to Break Holiday Tradition of Fasting: Arise to Temple Mount
Rabbi Yehuda Kroizer, Chief Rabbi of Mitzpe Yericho in Judea and dean of the Hara’ayon Hayehudi (the Jewish idea) yeshiva (Torah academy) in Jerusalem, released a ruling this week instructing that ascending to the Temple Mount is so important that a person who does so may even break the fast by drinking water in order to do so.

So Many Jews are Returning to Israel that the Govt. is Worried they won’t be Able to Absorb them
Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner.

After Western Wall riots, police prepare for violence at Balfour protests
After hundreds stormed through security in anger over the coronavirus restrictions put in place to limit the number of people praying at the Western Wall on Wednesday night – the beginning of Tisha B’Av – police are preparing for violence during protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his official residence on Thursday night.

United Nations appoints first ‘UN Focal Point’ to monitor antisemitism
The United Nations named Spanish diplomat Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), as their UN Focal Point responsible with monitoring antisemitism. Moratinos, appointed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, will now be tasked with “enhancing a system-wide response” to combat global antisemitism – within an international body that has long been accused of anti-Israel bias.

Israel Defense Ministry hosts US-Israeli Defense Policy Advisory group
With tensions high along Israel’s northern border, the Defense Ministry hosted the annual US- Israeli Defense Policy Advisory Group (DPAG) and discussed strategic and regional security challenges. Held over the past two days via secure video-conference due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic…

Almost 30 Million in U.S. Didn’t Have Enough to Eat Last Week
Food insecurity for U.S. households last week reached its highest reported level since the Census Bureau started tracking the data in May, with almost 30 million Americans reporting that they’d not had enough to eat at some point in the seven days through July 21…The number of respondents who sometimes had insufficient food was at its highest point in the survey’s 12 weeks.

Puerto Rico’s power grid fails hours ahead of potential arrival of tropical storm
A day before potential Tropical Storm Isaias was expected to bring rains and winds to Puerto Rico, at least 400,000 customers throughout the island were left without power. The outage affected multiple municipalities — from cities in the metropolitan area such as San Juan and Guaynabo to the mountainous towns of Jayuya and Naranjito to the coastal town of Cabo Rojo in the southwest.

Americans Aren’t Making Babies, and That’s Bad for the Economy
Pandas and white rhinos aren’t the only creatures that are unsuccessful at mating in captivity. The folk wisdom that humans will copulate when left with nothing else to do—dubbed the blackout babies theory—surfaces regularly in the immediate aftermath of disasters, but the baby boom never materializes.

Nile dam row: Egypt fumes as Ethiopia celebrates
As Ethiopia celebrated rains which began filling a controversial dam on a tributary of the River Nile, Egypt was fuming. The North African nation had long been opposed to any development on the Nile upstream that could reduce the amount of water it receives from the river and has regarded the Ethiopian project as an existential threat.

Hong Kong bars 12 opposition candidates from election
Hong Kong authorities have disqualified 12 pro-democracy candidates from upcoming elections, deepening political tensions in the Chinese territory. Opposition legislators had hoped to obtain a majority in the Legislative Council (LegCo) in September’s poll after Beijing’s imposition of a highly controversial national security law.

US to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany in ‘strategic’ move
The US is set to withdraw almost 12,000 troops from Germany in what it described as a “strategic” repositioning of its forces in Europe. About 6,400 troops will be sent home, with the rest moved to other Nato countries such as Italy and Belgium. President Donald Trump said the move was a response to Germany failing to meet Nato targets on defence spending.

US expands sanctions on Assad, blacklists 5 people, 9 entities
The United States on Wednesday imposed fresh sanctions aimed at depriving the Syrian government of funds and warned that Washington would blacklist anyone doing business with President Bashar al-Assad’s government until he supports a negotiated end to the country’s nearly decade-long war. The US Treasury blacklisted one person and nine entities, while the US State Department sanctioned four individuals.

Symbolic Signs in the Sky: More Than 125,000 Lightnings Strike Washington DC in Just Two Hours During Unprecedented Electrical Storm
Powerful thunderstorms consolidated over the D.C. area Thursday evening, releasing a dramatic and memorable outburst of thunder and lightning while also dispensing tremendous rainfall. Energized by stifling heat and humidity, it was the fourth day in a row of vigorous summer storms in some locations…The D.C. Lightning Mapping array detected 126,500 instances of lightning discharge between 8 and 10 p.m.

Nearly 2 500 people evacuate as record rainfall hits northern Japan, triggering floods and landslides
Almost 2 500 people have been evacuated as record-high rainfall poured over northern Japan into Wednesday, July 29, 2020, causing damaging floods and landslides, including in the Yamagata Prefecture, where the Mogami River burst its banks and a mudslide left 540 people isolated.

Mumbai records wettest July since records began, India
With 1 474.4 mm (58 inches) of rain recorded between July 1 to 28, India’s state of Maharashtra capital Mumbai saw the city’s highest rainfall for this month in 76 years. The previous record was set in 2014 with 1 468.5 mm (57.8 inches) of rain.

119 dead, 4 million affected as Bangladesh remains in grip of severe flooding
Widespread flooding situation continues to worsen in Bangladesh, affecting more than 4.8 million people and claiming at least 119 lives, officials reported Wednesday, July 29, 2020. The Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC) warned that major rivers in the central districts around Dhaka are expected to rise in the following days.

No jab, no job? NEJM says everyone needs to be vaccinated for coronavirus in order to go to work
A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living.

Junkies Openly Shooting Up On The Streets Of Liberal Democrat Mayor Bill Di Blasio’s New York City As ‘Defunding The Police’ Wreaking Havoc
I went to college in New York City in the early 1980’s, and how well I can recall walking through the midtown streets, taking my life in my hand because the drugs and violence were so bad, always breathing a sigh of relief when I go to my destination without incident. New York City was a dangerous cesspool because it was run by Democrats, then Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor in 1993, and seemingly overnight everything changed.

Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media are waging an all-out WAR against humanity, and their goal is to mass murder as many human beings as possible before they are stopped
Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media are now actively colluding to silence all doctors, websites, videos and online content that explains why hydroxychloroquine can save lives and end the coronavirus pandemic in mere weeks.

CHAOS: Democrats VOTE unanimously AGAINST resolution that condemns violence and rioting
Of course. Why would the Democrats support a resolution that condemns the behavior of their constituents? The constituents that they need to take power in November. The Democrat Party is dangerous. They must go down hard in November.

World Bank Offered Belarus $940 Million Coronavirus Loan But Only If They Locked Down and Destroyed Economy
The World Bank offered Belarus a $940 million coronavirus loan in June. But the conditions included that they lock down and destroy their economy.

Billionaire George Soros Gives Whopping $50M to Help Biden and Other Dems Win US Elections
Billionaire George Soros has set a new personal record in his latest attempt to influence US campaigns, reportedly donating more than $50 million for left-wing causes and candidates in the 2020 elections.

Zimbabwe agrees to pay $3.5 billion compensation to white farmers
Zimbabwe agreed on Wednesday to pay $3.5 billion in compensation to white farmers whose land was expropriated by the government to resettle black families, moving a step closer to resolving one the most divisive policies of the Robert Mugabe era.

Harvard Prof Charged With False Statements, Failing To Report Income From Wuhan University Of Technology
It is alleged that in 2018 and 2019, Dr. Charles Lieber lied to federal authorities about his invo
