Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

COVID-19: Humanity or Hypocrisy?
The official reason for the unprecedented closure of much of the United States in response to COVID-19 is that lives matter. Indeed, they apparently matter so much that no sacrifice is too great—neither to your freedom nor to the economy—if it can save even one life from the virus. Consider the three leading causes of preventable deaths in the US: about 480,000 Americans die from smoking (some from secondhand), 300,000 die from obesity, and 88,000 die from alcohol, every single year.

CDC Chief Says 20 US States May Be Able to Re-Open Within 14 Days
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Robert Redfield said Wednesday that a number of the more mildly affected states may be in a good position to re-open come months’ end. John Hopkins data, however, however, suggested as of Thursday that (in ascending order of their case numbers) Wyoming (with 309), Alaska, North Dakota, Hawaii, West Virginia, Vermont, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Idaho, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, Oregon, Minnesota, Delaware, Oklahoma, Iowa and Kentucky (with 2,707) have accounted for the lowest totals in the nation.

Protesters Flock to Minnesota Governor’s Mansion, Chant ‘Open Up!’
Two days short of the 245th anniversary of the battles at Lexington and Concord that launched the Revolutionary War, defiance against what Americans believe to be unjust oppression was on display in Minnesota. More than 400 protesters gathered outside of the governor’s mansion in St. Paul on Friday to demand an end to restrictions imposed to address the threat of the coronavirus, Fox News reported.

First manned SpaceX Crew Dragon flight set for May 27 liftoff
The first manned mission to launch from American soil since the retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2011, Demo-2 will be the final test flight by SpaceX before certification for making regular flights to the International Space Station (ISS) to ferry crews back and forth. In addition to the systems of the Crew Dragon being tested in orbit, the launch pad, rocket, spacecraft, and operational capabilities will be put through their paces back on Earth.

Kansas Judge Stands by Constitution, Rules Churches Can Stay Open Under 1st Amend.
A federal judge on Saturday handed a legal victory to two churches that challenged an executive order by Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s order limiting church attendance to 10 or fewer worshippers.

Man Charged with Trying to Blow Up ‘Jewish’ Nursing Home in Massachusetts
Federal agents arrested a man in western Massachusetts on Wednesday after he attempted to blow up a local Jewish-sponsored assisted-living facility. John Michael Rathbun, 36, of East Longmeadow was charged with two counts of attempted arson after local police found a plastic gas container, with burned paper in its nozzle, on April 2 outside Ruth’s House, an assisted-living home for seniors of all faiths.

Storm season 2020: Another forecast predicts active season, but this one goes even further
Storm season 2020: It was a warm winter, and that’s bad news for hurricane season. The third major forecast for the upcoming season is out, and it’s even more bullish than the previous two. A third leading forecast is calling for an active hurricane season with a torrid Gulf of Mexico helping stoke storms. The hiatus of robust winter cold fronts oozing out of the Arctic allowed Gulf water to warm as much as 4 degrees above normal,

Netanyahu-Gantz meeting ends with no agreement
No unity agreement was made between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White head Benny Gantz after a 90-minute meeting at the prime minister’s residence… Reports suggested that Gantz and Netanyahu disagreed over the Judiciary Committee. After leaving the prime minister’s residence, Gantz headed to the Knesset, where he is expected to allow the advancement of proposed legislation that aims to disqualify Netanyahu from forming a government.

US governors feel heat to reopen from protesters, president
Stores in Texas can soon begin selling merchandise with curbside service, and hospitals can resume nonessential surgeries. In Florida, people are returning to a few beaches and parks. And protesters are clamoring for more. Governors eager to rescue their economies and feeling heat from President Donald Trump are moving to ease restrictions meant to control the spread of the coronavirus…experts warn that moving too fast could prove disastrous.

Stirrings of unrest could portend turmoil as economies collapse
As more than half the people in the world hunker down under some form of enforced confinement, stirrings of political and social unrest are pointing to a new, potentially turbulent phase in the global effort to stem the coronavirus pandemic. Already, protests spurred by the collapse of economic activity have erupted in scattered locations around the world.

Novartis, U.S. drug regulator agree to malaria drug trial against COVID-19
Novartis (NOVN.S) has won the go-ahead from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to conduct a randomized trial of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19 disease, the Swiss drugmaker said on Monday, to see if it helps patients. The decades-old generic medicine got FDA emergency use authorization this month for its unapproved use for coronavirus disease, but so far there is no scientific proof it works.

Picking for Britain – coronavirus crisis draws workers to farms
Thousands of Britons have answered the call for backbreaking work on the country’s fruit and vegetable farms this summer as the coronavirus crisis keeps Eastern European workers away but it may still not be enough to secure the harvest. The National Farmers Union (NFU) says 70,000 to 80,000 jobs need to be filled and the clock is ticking.

Turkey blocks Saudi and Emirati state news websites
Turkish authorities blocked Saudi and United Arab Emirates state news websites on Sunday, days after the sites of Turkey’s state broadcaster and news agency were blocked in Saudi Arabia. The apparently reciprocal moves come four weeks after Turkish prosecutors indicted 20 Saudis over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, a killing that soured relations between Ankara and Riyadh.

‘Worse than the war’: Hunger grows in Lebanon along with anger
“We have never seen days this dark,” says Souzan, a 50-year-old mother of two. Speaking by phone from her small home in Beirut’s southern suburbs, nearly a month into the country’s lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19, Souzan summed up the dire conditions confronting her and thousands of Lebanese. “It’s worse than the war,” she told Al Jazeera.

Experts: Coronvirus brings spike in anti-Semitic sentiments
Israeli researchers reported Monday that the global coronavirus outbreak has sparked a rise in anti-Semitic expression blaming Jews for the spread of the disease and the economic recession it has caused. The findings, which came in an annual report by Tel Aviv University researchers on anti-Semitism, show an 18% spike in attacks against Jews last year.

17 killed in deadliest shooting of Canadian history
RCMP say 17 people are dead, including one of their officers, after a man who at one point wore a police uniform and drove a mock-up cruiser went on a rampage across northern Nova Scotia in one of the deadliest killing sprees in Canadian history. Police said Sunday night the suspected shooter, 51-year-old Gabriel Wortman, was killed after being intercepted by officers in Enfield, N.S.

China Outraged After Largest German Newspaper Accuses Beijing Of “Exporting” Coronavirus Pandemic, Demands €149 Billion In Damages
“China’s greatest export hit (that nobody wanted to have, but which has nevertheless gone around the world) is coronavirus.”

Could anti-lockdown protests be new Tea Party movement?
Growing discontent with stringent state-level restrictions imposed to mitigate the coronavirus is pouring out into the streets near state capitols in ways reminiscent of the last decade’s conservative activism. “They have a very Tea Party feel,” said Tea Party Express co-founder Sal Russo of the demonstrations.

Are globalists using coronavirus crisis as battering ram to destroy, remake world order?
..The globalists have since done everything possible, with the full cooperation of their vicious allies in the fake news mainstream media, to try to convince the public that Trump is an evil, incompetent and corrupt man who has to be removed from the U.S. presidency. They need that to happen in order to carry on plans to permanently change America, destroy the capitalist system and replace it with a new globalist-controlled economy and radically changed world.

Trump and the COVID-19 Team Have Successfully Carried Out the Most Successful Coup In World History
I cannot legally go to a Christian Church with common sense restrictions in place, such as social distancing and perhaps even wearing a face mask. However, I can go to a Walmart, with no real social distancing and virtually nobody is wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Christians are fined $500 apiece for worshipping Jesus, as well as risking jail time, and Walmart, as a corporation, has more rights than every citizen in the United States.

Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory — lucrative! — vaccine
Police agencies in 22 states have accepted drones to help enforce social distancing rules from a Chinese company accused of sending information to China.

Police in 22 States Accept Drones from Company Allegedly Funneling Data to China
Police agencies in 22 states have accepted drones to help enforce social distancing rules from a Chinese company accused of sending information to China.

Spain “Authorizes” Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities
The Spanish government has just “authorized” the military to prepare planes for aerial spraying of disinfectants across major metro areas as confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise, reported La Razón News.

China Billionaire Undermines US Food Supply – Shuts Down Pork Plants in Multiple States – But Beef Packers Not Affected for Some Strange Reason?
China owned US pork producer, Smithfield Foods, shut down its operations in South Dakota recently due to the coronavirus.

Nigeria’s ‘genocide’: Who is helping the thousands of displaced Christians?
Just like hundreds of thousands of Christians today in Nigeria, pastor Jeremiah Okudo Elaigwu is no stranger to leaving all of his possessions behind and fleeing for his life.

“I’ve Never Encountered Anything Like This”: China Stock Index Suffers Record Crash And Nobody Knows Why
“It’s definitely a bad mistake, especially as it impacts various ETF trades — what will happen to those trades placed at misleading prices? No one knows as it’s never happened before.”

Atheist Group Wins $450,000 in Legal Fees after Ending Graduation Prayer
A federal judge this week awarded an atheist group more than $450,000 in attorney’s fees and expenses after the organization successfully fought against high school graduation prayer as part of a 2013 lawsuit.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Soros Backed a Disease Control Lab in Wuhan Right Before Covid-19 Break Out
Documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested heavily into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc., a pharmaceutical and biotechnology company. The company, established in 2000, provides validated research including in vitro (HTS, SAR screening support) and in vivo disease models in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases.


Sorrows in 193 nations around the world since a virus got out of that lab


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Trump Goes Off on CNN Reporter at Briefing: ‘You Don’t Have the Brains You Were Born With’
“Those people have been just absolutely excoriated by some of the fake news like you,” he said. “You’re CNN. You’re fake news. And let me just tell you, they were excoriated by people like you that don’t know any better because you don’t have the brains you were born with. You should be praising the people that have done a good job, not doing what you do, even that question.”

China’s first helo assault carrier catches fire
China’s first Type-075 amphibious assault carrier, designed for launching helicopters, caught fire last week while docked in Shanghai. The fire broke out aboard the Chinese ship on April 11, Forbes reported. The blazing carrier was China’s first amphibious assault carrier and the ship was set to be sailed down a nearby waterway within days of when the fire broke out.

Saudi Arabia suspends praying in the Two Holy Mosques in Ramadan
Saudi Arabia extended on Monday the suspension of praying in the Grand Mosque and Prophet’s Mosque during the fasting month of Ramadan to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques’ Affairs said on Twitter.

Trump to suspend immigration in light of coronavirus
US President Donald Trump announced on Monday night US time that he would sign an executive order suspending immigration in light of the Coronavirus. “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!” Trump Tweeted.

Vaccinating Democracy
As the world begins to normalize, there is no longer any question of the state’s ability to impose a strict economic agenda for the public good. Gone will be the excuses for lack of action on existential threats to humanity like climate change. However, how should democracies respond to this “anthropological shock” while there are active efforts globally to undermine personal liberties and republicanism?

Syria reports Israeli airstrike on targets in Homs province
Syrian state media on Monday night reported that air defenses were activated against Israeli missiles over the ancient city of Palmyra in the Homs province. Syria media regularly claims alleged Israeli strikes fail to hit their targets, though those assertions are questionable.

Unity deal allows PM to begin advancing West Bank annexation from July 1
Move must be carried out in full cooperation with US, which has all but given its blessing already; can be advanced through cabinet or Knesset, where right enjoys clear majority.

Oil Prices Tank, As Americans Protest Virus Stay-at-home Orders
Oil prices crashed into negative territory Monday after coronavirus lockdowns around the globe squelched demand, as US demonstrators rallied in more state capitals demanding the reopening of the world’s biggest economy.

Lutherans Publish New Version of Bible Without the Word ‘Israel’ in It
24NYT, a Danish news service, reported on Sunday that the Danish Bible Society just published a revised translation of the New Testament. The new edition has many surprises, including a new name: the New Agreement. But even more shocking is that the “New Agreement has all but removed any references to Israel, whether it describes the land or the people. Posts on social media suggested that the change may have been politically motivated as an anti-Israel statement. In a recent interview about the Bible 2020, Elaine Duncan, Global Council Chairperson of the Bible Society, noted that the new edition has already been downloaded to more than 90 countries, which she considered to be a great success at moving towards what she described as a “global church.”

China-Owned Smithfield Foods Closing Plants, Threatening US Meat Supply
America’s meat supply might be in jeopardy as workers at slaughterhouses and meat processing plants are diagnosed with COVID-19, leading to closures across the country. The effects of such closures are complex and could have far-reaching consequences across the food supply chain, putting America’s livestock farmers in jeopardy of going under as wholesale prices take a dive. Even more alarming is the fact that the largest provider of pork in the U.S. is owned and held by a corporation based in China. it is warning of a potential meat shortage nationwide that would harm no individual more than the American farmer.

Israel’s Netanyahu, Gantz Agree To Form Unity Government
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached a historic deal Monday with one-time rival parliament speaker Benny Gantz to form a unity government, ending the country’s worst-ever political crisis. The three-year agreement allows Netanyahu, 70, to stay in office for 18 months, during which he is due to stand trial on corruption charges he has long denied. Gantz, 60, will then take over as premier for the remaining 18 months as Netanyahu bows out after 12 years in office — the longest premiership in Israeli history.

A Historic First: Al-Aqsa Mosque Closed for Ramadan
Prayer at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City will be banned during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan in order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, Muslim clerics said on Thursday. This is the first recorded closure of the mosque since its construction in 692 CE.

Palestinians decry Netanyahu-Gantz deal, warn ‘annexation’ ends peace deal
Palestinians from across the political spectrum have reacted to the agreement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White Chairman Benny Gantz to form a unity government by warning that the extension of Israeli sovereignty to any part of the West Bank would signal the end of the two-state solution.

The deal is done: Netanyahu, Gantz ink coalition pact
Israel will soon have a new coalition government after an agreement was signed on Monday evening between Likud and Blue and White…As part of the deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as caretaker prime minister since December 2018, will remain prime minister for another 18 months and then will be replaced in October 2021 by Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, who will serve as vice prime minister in the meantime.

US monitoring intelligence that North Korean leader is in grave danger after surgery
The US is monitoring intelligence that suggests North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, is in grave danger after undergoing a previous surgery, according to a US official with direct knowledge. A second source familiar with the intelligence told CNN that the US has been closely monitoring reports on Kim’s health. Kim recently missed the celebration of his grandfather’s birthday on April 15, which raised speculation about his well-being.

Second night of riots erupt in Paris as residents accuse ‘racist’ police of attacking minorities during coronavirus lockdown
Paris has seen a second night of riots break out over police ‘heavy-handed’ treatment of ethnic minorities during the coronavirus lockdown. Anger erupted in the French capital last night and during the early hours of Monday morning over alleged ‘racist’ police attacks. In response, police used tear gas and baton charges in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, northern Paris, on Monday morning as fireworks exploded in the street.

Coronavirus: Banning cars made easier to aid social distancing
Barriers to imposing car-free streets are being lifted following a government decision to enable key workers to walk or cycle more safely. Normally, councils in England that want to close streets to cars must follow procedures that can take weeks to implement. But ministers say councils can now cut red tape governing temporary road closures.

Trump says he will suspend all immigration into U.S. over coronavirus
President Donald Trump said on Monday he will suspend all immigration into the United States temporarily through an executive order in response to the coronavirus outbreak and to protect American jobs. The move, which the Republican president announced on Twitter, effectively achieves a long-term Trump policy goal to curb immigration, making use of the health and economic crisis that has swept the country as a result of the pandemic to do so.

Syrian media: Air defense intercept Israeli air strikes on Homs
Syrian air defenses responded to an Israeli aerial attack on the city of Palmyra in eastern Homs province in central Syria and downed several “hostile targets,” the country’s state media said on Monday night. A news flash on state media did not give any details of the aerial attack on the ancient city in eastern Homs where Iranian backed-militias are dug in on its outskirts according to Western intelligence sources.

Flash floods and massive landslides wreak havoc in western Kenya
Heavy rains triggered devastating landslides and flash flooding in the counties of Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot, Kenya, over the weekend, leaving a path of destruction. At least 4 000 people have been displaced, 24 people are missing, and 6 were killed, including 2 police officers.

Severe flooding hits DR Congo, at least 36 fatalities and 18 500 homes damaged or destroyed
Heavy rains from April 16 to 17, 2020, triggered severe flooding in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo, resulting in significant damage and destruction. As of April 20, at least 36 fatalities were reported, 42 people were injured, and more than 77 000 have been left without shelter.

Drive-in church services now allowed in California after lawsuit
California churches will now be allowed to offer drive-in church services during the COVID-19 outbreak.

18 MONTHS: Netanyahu And Gantz Will Form Historic Unity Government In Israel, And Stand Ready To Annex Both Judea And Samaria Starting July 2020
I began calling 2020 the ‘year of prophecy’ way back in 2019 on our Sunday night radio bible study programs, and 2020 has in no way disappointed me. In fact, 2020, at the moment you are reading this article about Israel annexing the West Bank area of Judea and Samaria in July, is far and away exceeding my end times expectations. Something I would like to draw your attention to, though, is wondering why the phrase ’18 months’ keeps popping up so often.

Emmanuel Macron In France Positions Himself To Become The Leader Of The New World Order, Has Near Unanimous Backing From UN Security Council
As people who study the end times scripture of truth from the bible, we have long known that when Antichrist arises, he rises at a time when there is global chaos and uncertainty, with a plan to bring in global ‘peace and safety’. So it’s interesting to now see Emmanuel Macron of France, who actually looks like the Central Casting idea of Antichrist, wanting to bring in an era of ‘global peace’. And guess what? He has the backing and support of nearly all of the United Nations Security Council. Pass me the popcorn, please, this is getting good.

For First Time In History, The Price Of US Crude Oil Hits Zero As Coronavirus Plannedemic Continues To Reset And Destroy The Global Economy
A new day, and a new crisis as the coronavirus plannedemic shames the US crude oil market into oblivion, turning its value to negative for the first time in history. This coming mere months after the United States had just surpassed Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer and exporter. Hey, that’s a coincidence, you don’t that that….nah, couldn’t be. Nothing to see here folks, get back into quarantine.

Trump Moves To Protect America From Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
It’s not something many Americans think about: an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack on the nation’s electric grid. However, both peer competitors (Russia and China), and emerging threat countries, like North Korea and Iran, are perfecting this strategic weapon.

Star-Studded ‘One World’ Benefit Concert for the W.H.O. Sparks Outrage: ‘Commie Propaganda’
Critics of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) expressed anger over Saturday’s star-studded “One World” benefit concert held to raise funds for the U.N. body after President Donald Trump pulled funding for the organization over its connections to the Chinese communist regime.

Post-pandemic church: Here’s what it should look like
This is not the end of the world but the end of an era. Sequestered in our “bunkers” we’ve been surveying the situation, and as Christians we shouldn’t succumb to understandable sentiment: “Let’s hang in there so we can soon resume everything the way it was.”

WHITE HOUSE DOWN! A Coup and Counter Coup Is Raging Across An Unaware America
America has fallen. It has taken just over a century to put America on her knees, however, your life and liberties will never be the same. There are several key dates that Americans can point to in terms of pinpointing when America began to crumble. The pace of the destruction of America has increased with great rapidity since Obama became president. This country has been defeated and here a sequential look at the events that led up to our present level of subjugation.

Why America Is On the Way to Being Vegan and It Is Not by Choice
Why America Is On the Way to Being Vegan and its Not by Choice

Panel of 16 Judges Agrees: Barr Has Enough to Indict Clinton and Obama
A panel of 16 judges convened yesterday to process the information available to Attorney General Barr and their conclusion was unanimous: There is plenty of evidence to indict Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for Conspiracy to Create a False Conspiracy, a 2nd-degree felony with a 10-year mandatory minimum.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Shin Bet arrests Hamas operatives planning terror attacks in Jerusalem
The Shin Bet, in cooperation with the IDF and the Israel Police, arrested three Hamas operatives who were planning to commit several terror attacks against security forces and Israelis in Jerusalem and Ramallah area. 27-year-old Ahmed Sjadiyeh, 26-year-old Mohammad Hamed and 24-year-old Omer Eid met during their studies at the Bir Zeyt University, and were a part of Hamas’ central student’s union in the West Bank.

U.S. Adversaries Are Accelerating, Coordinating Coronavirus Disinformation, Report Says
The State Department has assessed that Russia, China and Iran are mounting increasingly intense and coordinated disinformation campaigns against the U.S. relating to the outbreak of the new coronavirus… All three countries are using state-controlled media, social media and government agencies and officials to disseminate information…that denigrates the U.S. and spreads false accounts, the State Department report says.

The Deadly Losharik Submarine Fire and Russia’s Secret Undersea Agenda
There could hardly have been a more terrifying place to fight a fire than in the belly of the Losharik, a mysterious deep-diving Russian submarine. Something, it appears, had gone terribly wrong in the battery compartment as the sub made its way through Russian waters 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle on the First of July.

Iran hails military satellite launch as US tensions simmer
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards announced they had successfully launched the country’s first military satellite on Wednesday, at a time of renewed tensions with US forces in the Gulf. The United States charges Iran’s satellite programme is a cover for its development of missiles. The Islamic republic has previously insisted its aerospace activities comply with its international obligations.

Mozambique villagers ‘massacred’ by Islamists
Islamist militants have killed around 52 people in northern Mozambique, police say. The police say that the villagers in Cabo Delgado province were “massacred”, with some beheaded, after some people refused to be recruited into the militant group. Hundreds have been killed and thousands displaced during the three-year insurgency in Cabo Delgado.

Coronavirus: World risks ‘biblical’ famines due to pandemic
The world is at risk of widespread famines “of biblical proportions” caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN has warned. David Beasley, head of the World Food Programme (WFP), said urgent action was needed to avoid a catastrophe. A report estimates that the number suffering from hunger could go from 135 million to more than 250 million.

American quandary: how to secure weapons-grade minerals without China
The United States wants to curb its reliance on China for specialized minerals…but it faces a Catch-22. It only has one rare earths mine – and government scientists have been told not to work with it because of its Chinese ties. The mine is southern California’s Mountain Pass, home to the world’s eighth-largest reserves of the rare earths used in missiles, fighter jets, night-vision goggles and other devices.

Israel razes illegal homes near flashpoint West Bank settlement
Israeli security forces on Wednesday demolished six illegal structures near the flashpoint Yitzhar settlement in the northern West Bank. The Civil Administration officials said four of the buildings were located in the Kipa Sruga and Tekuma outposts in Area C, while two others were in Kumi Ori in Area B. The Oslo Accords bar Israel from issuing building permits for Areas B and C.

Turkey warns Syria of ‘very heavy losses’ if truce violated
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Syrian government forces of “accelerating its aggression” in the Idlib de-escalation zone by taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic. “Turkey will protect its commitment to the March 5 agreement reached with Russia, and will not allow the aggression of the regime,” Erdogan said at a cabinet meeting late on Monday.

Arab countries could stop Israeli land grab
Arab countries could stop Israeli plans to annex land in the occupied territories by exploiting a loophole in an agreement between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Benjamin Gantz. An unofficial translation of two items in the Netanyahu-Gantz unity plan was obtained by Arab News. It says that Israel must preserve existing peace agreements.

Atlantic Hurricane Season Is Less Than 6 Weeks Away, But It Has Started Early 5 Straight Years
According to NOAA’s database, 38 storms formed in the Atlantic Basin before June 1 from 1851 through 2019, a long-term average of one such early storm every four to five years. The 2010s had the most such storms, and there has been a steady increase since the 1990s.

Israel’s New ‘Unity Government’ to Work with Trump Peace Plan for Middle East
The unity government agreement finalized on Monday evening by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz allows Israel to promote the annexation of parts of Judea and Samaria as early as July,

America On The Brink? Shocking Images Show “Pennsylvania Militia” Rolling Up To “Reopen America” Rally
Anti-quarantine rallies sprouted up across the country over the weekend, organized by right-wing groups that held rallies in Texas, Indiana, New Hampshire, Nevada, Maryland, Utah, Wisconsin, Washington, and Colorado. Attempting to show force, some protesters wielded rifles, handguns, and shotguns, along with American flags, Betsy Ross flags, Trump signs and “Don’t Tread On Me” flags right up to the doorsteps of some state capitol buildings.

Barr threatens legal action on governors over excessive lockdowns
Governors who impose rules to deal with the coronavirus pandemic that infringe on constitutional rights can expect to face legal action, warned Attorney General William Barr. “We have to give businesses more freedom to operate in a way that’s reasonably safe,” Barr said. “To the extent that governors don’t and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce – our common market that we have here – then we’ll have to address that.” Barr said the Justice Department could joins lawsuits by citizens or businesses against restrictions.

Britain to start vaccine trials on Thursday
British Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced that human trials of a coronavirus vaccine developed at Oxford University will begin on Thursday. “We have seen promising results,”

Old Picture of Dr. Fauci with George Soros Discovered
After it was revealed that George Soros invested in a biotech lab in Wuhan, some people were led to believe that the billionaire currency manipulator had a hand in the pandemic’s outbreak. But those theories have been furthered after an old photo resurfaced of director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates Sr, a prominent member of Planned Parenthood and George Soros. Shiva calls Fauci “Pharma’s front-man”adding that he “controls academic lies.” He added that Fauci is “very close to the Gates’.” “Fauci is literally destroying our economy heading it into a depression.”

Air Force awards major contract to develop next air-launched nuclear cruise missile
In a surprise move, the Air Force has named Tucson-based Raytheon Missiles & Defense the sole-source contractor on a multibillion program to develop the nation’s next air-launched, nuclear-armed cruise missile.

So, We’re Just Going to Ignore Why the Media Got Their Kim Jong-un Story Wrong?
What … happened last night? North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was supposedly in a dire medical situation. He might also have been dead. CNN first peddled this story, and then NBC News’ Katy Tur said that Kim was brain dead. She quickly deleted the tweet out of an abundance of caution. So, what is going on? As Daily NK noted, Kim did have heart surgery on April 12, but he’s doing fine. He’s not on his death bed. And now, with this story being proven wrong, we’ll just go about our day as if nothing happened, right?

Israeli Professor Debunks Government Claims That Lockdowns Slow Coronavirus Infection, Proves Worldwide Decline In Spread
Professor Ben-Israel began the analysis to find out whether the hypothesized coronavirus exponential growth rate is accurate. His research proved the answer is no. But aside from proving that the infection rate was not exponential in Israel, or anywhere else in the world, his investigation showed “a global phenomenon” of infection rate decline as opposed to exponential growth. “The spread of the virus starts at an exponential rate, however, it continues to moderate and ultimately fades after 8 weeks or so since its outbreak,” Professor Ben-Israel explains. Most importantly, Professor Ben-Israel debunks the misconception of government lockdowns or controls as a leading cause of coronavirus infection rate reductions.

What Comes after COVID-19?
We elected our members of Congress. And if we aren’t satisfied with the job they are doing on our behalf during this unprecedented crisis, it’s time to take notes and get ready for what I believe will be the biggest referendum on government in a generation. On November 3, you and I will have the opportunity to leverage our faith and convictions to send a clear and compelling message to Washington: our elected officials work for us – not the other way around. What happens next in America will be up to us. The leaders we elect will determine if faith, family, and freedom remain the heartbeat of our nation.

“Crazy Premiums” In Oil ETFs – Crude Carnage Sends AsiaPac Oil Futures Limit-Down
There is no escaping the carnage in the crude complex…

Kentucky church hammers out deal for drive-in services
On Fire Christian Church, which had sued Mayor Greg Fischer over COVID-19 measures, will be allowed to continue to hold drive-in services, according to a settlement.

Muslim migrant doctor who worked at Mayo Clinic: “I want to kill and get killed. This is what even Mohammed wished”
…Now that’s a point to ponder. How did a man who studied “Islamic morals and ethics” get the idea that he had to kill for Allah, and that even Muhammad wanted to kill and be killed (cf. Qur’an 9:111)? Counterterror authorities and analysts should closely examine that question. But they won’t, because they’re indefatigably committed to a fiction.

Severe weather outbreak with tornadoes, strong winds, and hail hit wide portions of the Deep South, U.S.
An outbreak of severe weather with tornadoes, strong winds, and hail hit wide portions of the Deep South over the weekend. Damages and power outages were reported in several states, including Florida, while at least three fatalities– one each in Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama– were blamed on the storms.

Flash floods and massive landslides wreak havoc in western Kenya
Heavy rains triggered devastating landslides and flash flooding in the counties of Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot, Kenya, over the weekend, leaving a path of destruction. At least 4 000 people have been displaced, 24 people are missing, and 6 were killed, including 2 police officers.

THIS IS FRAUD: CDC’s Latest Rules Change Forces States to Include Confirmed AND PRESUMED Coronavirus Fatalities — States Forced to Pad Their Numbers
The CDC is forcing states to recount their coronavirus deaths to include confirmed cases and probable cases. Several states are in the process of reassessing their numbers based on this questionable new rule.

False Prophet Pope Francis Gives Emmanuel Macron His Blessing And Anoints Him To Take The Global Stage As Leader Of The New World Order
Just yesterday we brought you the story of how French president Emmanuel Macron had shored up an alliance with the UN Security Council to take the reins of power in the burgeoning New World Order, no small feat that. That was the first shoe. Today, the second shoe drops as it’s revealed that Emmanuel Macron had phone meeting with Pope Francis, where he received his ‘blessing’ and full support to reset the global economy.

BREAKING: President Trump Suspending Immigration into US
President Trump announced on Twitter Monday night he will be signing an executive order temporarily suspending immigration to the United States due to the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus and the need to protect jobs for Americans.

BOMBSHELL: Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections
Before Bayer acquired Monsanto, the GMO giant had a reputation for faking the science and either bribing or threatening journalists to run stories touting its fake science, usually to claim GMOs were safe or that glyphosate was harmless.

Massachusetts: “Pedophile Hunter” Catches Police Chief Trying To Have Sex With 14-Year-Old Boy (Video)
A police chief in Stow, Massachusetts has been pulled from his job as the city’s top cop after video by a self-declared pedophile hunter was posted online. The video allegedly shows the cop attempt to meet a boy — who the chief knew was only 14 — for sex. Instead of meeting the boy, however, the chief was confronted by Predator Poachers Massachusetts.

CDC lab for coronavirus test kits may be contaminated: report
The Trump administration has reportedly ordered an investigation into a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lab in Atlanta that was in charge of assembling coronavirus test kits after a scientist with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised concerns that the lab itself may be “contaminated,” possibly leading to faulty test kits, according to reports.

Rich Americans Flee To Luxury ‘Doomsday Resort’ Shelters In New Zealand As Panic Grows
Private jets dashed off to “the Hamptons of New Zealand” where multi-million dollar luxury bunkers were long prepped, just before border closures…


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

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Prophetic Rabbi who Accurately Predicted WW2: ‘War of Gog-Magog this Summer’
One of the most influential rabbis of the last century gave a prophecy in his final days: a third war, greater than any other before it will come 75 years after the end of World War II. The deadline for that prediction is only a few months away. If the first account is word-for-word accurate and the final war, the pre-Messiah war of Gog and Magog will come precisely 75 years after the end of World War II. The armistice was signed on August 14, 1945, but the Japanese surrendered two weeks later on September 2, five days before Rosh Hashanna, the Jewish New Year. According to the precise understanding of the Chofetz Chaim, the third war is prophesied to begin in the summer of 2020.

America’s Pain Is the Ecosocialist’s Pleasure
As the economy has ground to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, demand for oil has dropped, but Texas rigs have continued to pump it out of the ground. With supply steady but demand dropping, Cushing’s storage tanks filled up. As a result, the people expecting to take delivery of oil in May started dumping those contracts, driving the price for a May-delivered barrel of WTI down. Eventually, something funny happened: The price went negative, reflecting the fact that the bearer would need to pay someone to take the oil off his hands. To the Democratic Party’s ecosocialist flank it was something different entirely: the latest sign of impending global catastrophe—perversely, something they are celebrating.

Dem in Congress admits blocking money for workers to gain political ‘leverage’
A House Democrat admitted she and her progressive colleagues are blocking relief to small businesses to gain leverage to advance their far-left agenda. “Think about that: Democrats would rather use workers as partisan leverage than actually help them,”

Obama administration funded Wuhan lab
Some of the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is considered the possible source of the coronavirus outbreak, was funded by a grant from the U.S. government while Barack Obama was president. During a White House coronavirus task force news conference last week, a reporter asked President Trump, “Why would the U.S. give a grant like that to China?” The president replied: “The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million? I’ve been hearing about that.”

Washington county sheriff says he won’t enforce governor’s stay-at-home order
Washington state’s Snohomish County Sheriff on Tuesday said he will not enforce Gov. Jay Inslee’s stay-at-home order because it is a violation of constitutional rights. Sheriff Adam Fortney was responding to Inslee’s most recent announcement on how he planned to get the state back in business.

Pompeo: West Bank annexation ‘an Israeli decision’
The secretary of state added: “We will work closely with them to share with them our views on this in a private setting.”

Pew: Record high number of Americans view China negatively
Two-thirds of Americans surveyed hold an unfavorable opinion of China, while just 26 percent view China favorably, according to the Pew Research Center polling report. The unfavorable views of China represent the highest measure of disapproval since the Pew Research Center began asking the question in 2005.

Trump Orders Navy: If any more Iranian Gunboats Harass you, Kill them
President Trump ordered the US Navy to destroy any gunboats that harass American sea-craft. “I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

Pope Joins Forces with IBM, Microsoft to Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Vatican joined forces with tech giants IBM and Microsoft in February to promote the “ethical” development of artificial intelligence (AI). The Vatican also called for regulating intrusive technologies including facial recognition reports Reuters. Pope Francis threw his support behind the development of AI …

Facebook is Censoring News Sites Criticizing China’s Management of Covid-19. Here’s the Real Reason Why
One theory about the origins of the coronavirus is that a naturally occurring virus being studied in a microbiology lab in Wuhan, China escaped. The virus escaped from a laboratory researching dangerous pathogens. Once labeled a conspiracy theory, evidence to indicate this may have been the case is piling up and the U.S. State Department recenty announced they were actively investigating this possibility.

Benjamin Netanyahu to meet Naftali Bennett to woo Yamina into coalition
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met by video conference with Yamina leader Naftali Bennett for an hour-and-a-half on Wednesday evening, amid threats from the right-wing party to remain outside the coalition. Netanyahu sent messages to Yamina ahead of the meeting that he wanted the party in his government. When it ended, Likud and Yamina issued a joint statement that it went well and they would meet again soon.

New coronavirus outbreak in northern China puts city of 11 million on lockdown
Authorities in China have placed a city on lockdown as the country battles to prevent a second wave of the potentially deadly coronavirus. The city of Harbin in northern China has become the latest hotspot after a woman unknowingly infected 70 others after testing negative for Covid-19. A 22-year-old student surnamed Han had returned to China from New York last month. She had gone through a 14-day quarantine and showed no symptoms of the bug.

‘Pandemic drone’ test flights are monitoring social distancing
A series of “pandemic drones” is taking part in a test flight in a COVID-19 hotspot in Connecticut with the goal of monitoring social distancing efforts and detecting the virus’ symptoms. Drone manufacturer Draganfly is working with the police department in Westport, Connecticut, to test the drones. Located in Fairfield County…Westport was the first town in the state to report several coronavirus infections…

Amazon sued for ‘price gouging as cost of essential items soared by up to 1,000%’ during coronavirus pandemic
California’s Unfair Competition Law prohibits raising the price of some consumer goods and services by more than 10 per cent after an emergency has been declared. Goods include food and drink, cleaning products, personal hygiene products – such as toilet paper – medical supplies, and emergency supplies, such as water, candles and batteries.

U.S. Police Departments Deploy Drones Donated by Chinese Manufacturer
A Chinese manufacturer is donating drones to police departments across the United States so agencies can better surveil citizens they suspect are violating social distancing orders. Shenzhen-based DJI Enterprise recently donated monitoring equipment to the Battle Creek Police Department and Kent County Sheriff’s Department in Michigan.

Severe storms, tornado kill at least six in Oklahoma and Texas
Severe storms and a tornado swept through the U.S. states of Oklahoma and Texas, killing at least six people and injuring dozens, officials said on Thursday. Three people died and at least 20 were injured when a tornado touched down in Onalaska, Texas, on Wednesday, emergency officials said. Onalaska is about 90 miles north of Houston.

Bankruptcy looms over U.S. energy industry, from oil fields to pipelines
U.S. shale producers, refiners and pipeline companies are scrambling for cash and face likely restructuring as they struggle under heavy debt loads and a dual supply/demand shock in the worst crisis the oil industry has faced. Fuel demand has tumbled roughly 30% worldwide due to the coronavirus pandemic, and just as the health crisis worsened a price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia flooded markets with crude.

Guards chief: U.S. warships will be destroyed if they threaten Iran in Gulf
Iran will destroy U.S. warships if its security is threatened in the Gulf, the head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards told state TV on Thursday, a day after U.S. President Donald Trump warned Tehran over “harassment” of U.S. vessels. “I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American terrorist force in the Persian Gulf that threatens security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Hossein Salami said.

Russia flaunts total war capabilities with satellite-coordinated attacks on targets
The Russian Army has flaunted its total war capabilities using a satellite navigation system to coordinate attacks on targets during military exercises that included tanks, helicopters and howitzers. In footage shared by the Russian MoD, howitzers and truck-mounted rocket launchers are seen firing missiles into the air as helicopters fly overhead.

Aden declared a disaster area after catastrophic flooding kills 10, Yemen
The government of Yemen has declared the port city of Aden a disaster area on April 22, 2020, following devastating flash floods caused by up to 125 mm (5 inches) of rain in just 24 hours. On average, the city receives just about 5 mm (0.19 inches) of rain in April and about 37 mm (1.4 inches) in an entire year. Floodwaters destroyed buildings and shelters, affecting thousands of people and killing at least 10.

Mississippi tornado rated as EF-4 — the fourth EF-4 in 2020, the most fatal tornado year since 2012
The National Weather Service (NWS) has rated the tornado that struck Mississippi over the weekend as EF-4. This is the third violent tornado in the area within just a week, and the fourth EF-4 tornado in 2020, making this year one with the most EF-4 tornadoes since 2014. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has released its initial storm reports, confirming one fatality and more than 80 properties partially or totally damaged. So far this year, tornadoes in the United States caused 67 fatalities, making it the most fatal individual tornado year since 2012.

Historic drought in Chile enters 10th year — the country’s longest dry spell on record
A severe drought in Chile’s central region is entering its 10th year, setting a record for the country’s longest dry-spell ever. Records since 1915, when the nation started data-keeping, showed that no droughts have lasted longer and that the previous megadrought of this scale likely occurred more than 1 000 years ago.

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Understanding The 18 Months In Light Of The Mark of The Beast, The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble And The Pretribulation Rapture
As you all know by now, 2020 began on Day One with end times events and has proceeded unrelentingly forward each and every day since the new year like a blitzkrieg, with no end in sight. Wait, let me correct that, there may be an end in sight, the end of the coming 18 month period of time that for some, strange reason is popping up in stories and articles everywhere you look.

Earth Day Co-Founder Ira Einhorn Dies in Prison, Convicted for Murdering, ‘Composting’ Girlfriend
In April 2011, NBC reported that environmental activist Ira Einhorn “was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the “composted” body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Stunningly Tells All 50 States In America It’s Time To Declare Bankruptcy Amid COVID-19 Plannedemic
With each passing day, the global outlook due to the COVID-19 Plannedemic grows bleaker and bleaker, as death tolls continue to rise and economies are either teetering on the edge of failure or collapsing outright. Here in America, our financial outlook is beyond grim, even after an historic $2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bailout. Now today we have Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell telling states they should go bankrupt. Should that happen, overnight America will cease to be a superpower. It will happen just that fast.

On Earth Day 2020, Pope Francis Cries That ‘We Have Sinned’ Against Mother Nature And She Will ‘Not Forgive Our Trespasses’ Against The Great Gaia
Back in October of 2019, Pope Francis published a book called ‘Our Mother Earth‘ in which he made the case, as he does today, that we have sinned against our Mother Earth, and we need to do penance and seek her forgiveness and blessing. Catholics listen to this New Age Earth Day drivel, and lap it up obediently as coming from the mouth of God Himself. When we open the bible, we see God has a very, very different view on who our ‘mother’ is and what is the state of the earth. Here is what God thinks of Earth Day.

Religious leaders in Jerusalem recite joint prayer composed for coronavirus
In unison, Israel’s multifaith leaders prayed Wednesday in Jerusalem for the end of the coronavirus crisis, reciting an appeal composed by the nation’s chief rabbis for the pandemic.

BOMBSHELL: Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections
Before Bayer acquired Monsanto, the GMO giant had a reputation for faking the science and either bribing or threatening journalists to run stories touting its fake science, usually to claim GMOs were safe or that glyphosate was harmless.

Idaho Bans Biological Men from Female Sports, Triggering Transgender Lawsuits
Idaho has introduced new laws that ban biological male transgender athletes from competing in female sports events, triggering a backlash of “transphobia” lawsuits.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Sweat could power battery-free health trackers of tomorrow
The Caltech team says that these biofuel cells can generate enough continuous, stable electricity (as much as “several milliwatts per square centimeter”) to power sensors for monitoring such things as heart rate, body temperature and blood sugar levels, as well a Bluetooth radio.

How The Coronavirus Sets The Stage For The End Times
The current coronavirus outbreak is not an event prophesied in the Bible for the seven-year Tribulation. The world simply hasn’t entered that time period yet. However, it is significant to bible prophecy, because it sets the stage for the near-term fulfillment of many end times bible prophecies.

Quantum Dots Deliver Vaccines and Invisibly Encode Vaccination History in Skin
Researchers headed by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin.

‘In End of Days, We’ll Demand Freedom Like in Egypt. But this time: it’ll be from the Vatican’ say Rabbi
According to the spiritual leader of the Yanar Institute in Jerusalem, Rabbi Daniel Asor, just as in Egypt, the world will be enslaved by a cabal of Globalists headquartered in the Vatican. At that point, the Jewish Messiah will struggle with the ‘Black Pope’ in the same fashion that Moses did to free the Jews from Egypt The rabbi explains that ultimate plan of the globalist cabal is to reduce the world’s population just like Pharoh did when he had the nation of Israel cast away their first born.

Holocaust Denying Professor Incinerated to Death on Holocaust Memorial Day
His death occurred following a blaze that broke out in his 19th century house where he lived for 34 years. Magarelli died on Tuesday which was Holocaust Remembrance day in Israel.

US keeping a sharp eye on North Korea amid Kim Jong Un ‘dire’ health rumors
The Yonhap News Agency has speculated that the U.S. military has allowed more of its surveillance flights to be seen flying near North Korea in recent months, in response to North Korean military buildups. The military buildups have emerged since denuclearization talks with the U.S. stalled.

Bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so ‘totally unprepared’ Biden would ‘lead US into crisis,’ say resurfaced declassified docs
A 2012 investigative report by the Washington Post has resurfaced, indicating that Osama Bin Laden had discussed a plot to assassinate then-President Barrack Obama, enabling a “totally unprepared” Joe Biden to fill the presidency. The report, based on declassified documents obtained during the May 2, 2011 SEAL Team 6 raid on Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan, indicated Bin Laden discussed plans to shoot down a plane carrying President Obama and Gen. David H. Petraeus.

Iran military chief warns they will ‘destroy’ US warships if threatened
“I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American terrorist force in the Persian Gulf that threatens security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Gen. Hossein Salami said on state television,

The Role of Christianity in the 6,000 Year Hebrew Calendar of Redemption
Based on Nachmanides, a prominent medieval Jewish scholar, Kullok investigated the possibility that each of these thousand-year ‘days’ contained two periods of twilight. Twilight is referred to in Jewish literature as … (ben ha’shmashot; literally ‘between the suns’). Each day has two ‘twilights’: one that contains the sunrise and another that contains the sunset. The twilight has a special status in Torah law. Since the new day begins at sunset, this twilight can be considered as belonging to both the day that is ending at sunset and the new day that is beginning.

The melee over the models
A conservative activist believes a lot of alleged “experts” are going to face some tough questions once COVID-19 crisis is over. Over the past week, demonstrations by frustrated and angry Americans demanding to go back to work have swept the country. Many of those citizens can no longer afford to feed their families and pay their mortgages – and a growing number are convinced they are being financially crushed over a virus that isn’t that dangerous to the vast majority of the population.

Netanyahu discusses lifting COVID-19 restrictions with world leaders
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a video conference on Friday with the leaders of Austria, Denmark and other countries to discuss their strategies for lifting restrictions that were put forth during the coronavirus crisis, Channel 13 News reported. The leaders also discussed ways to prevent a second wave of infections.

Labor leader Peretz secretly signs coalition agreement
Labor Party leader Amir Peretz and MK Itzik Shmuli signed an agreement with Blue and White leader Benny Gantz early Friday to enter the coalition that Gantz will head together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Peretz and Shmuli kept the signing secret from Labor MK Merav Michaeli, who opposes entering the government and learned that the deal had been signed from a news alert from a newspaper that she received on her phone.

Dutch Supreme Court rules doctors can euthanize dementia patients
The Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled on Tuesday…that it is lawful for doctors to euthanize patients with severe dementia, provided that the patient had expressed a desire to be euthanized while still legally capable of doing so. Lower courts had previously ruled that a doctor had not acted improperly when he euthanized a 74-year-old woman with advanced dementia…though the woman had to be repeatedly sedated and physically restrained…

Huge economic rescue plan agreed by EU leaders
A plan for injecting billions of euros of emergency aid into Europe’s battered economies has been agreed by EU heads. Meeting via video, they agreed to set up a massive recovery fund, closely tied to the bloc’s seven-year budget. They also confirmed that €540bn (£470bn) of financial support would be released through existing mechanisms from 1 June.

Europe ‘wary of confronting China over deaths’
China is continuing to under-report the true levels of deaths from Covid-19, national security officials in London and Washington believe. But European officials are wary about directly challenging China over the figures, sources told the BBC. That concern also extends to confronting Beijing over an information campaign to improve its standing and distract from blame in the crisis.

Israel halts police phone tracking over privacy concerns
The use by Israel’s police of mobile-phone location data to enforce quarantine has been halted because of privacy concerns. The government had approved the use of such data for a limited time, to make sure those ordered to self-isolate were doing so. But now an oversight group in Israel’s parliament blocked an attempt to extend the emergency measures past this week.

U.S. warship sails through Taiwan Strait, second time in a month
A U.S. warship has sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait for the second time in a month…amid heightened tensions between Taiwan and China and as a Chinese aircraft carrier passes near the island. China, which considers Taiwan its own, has been angered by the Trump administration’s stepped-up support for the island, such as more arms sales, U.S. patrols near it and a visit to Washington by Vice President-elect William Lai in February.

EU warns incoming Israeli gov’t against West Bank annexation
The European Union…issued a warning against the incoming Israeli government’s intention to annex parts of the West Bank, saying that such a move “would constitute a serious violation of international law.” The EU’s foreign policy chief…said the 27-member bloc does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory and that it will “continue to closely monitor the situation and its broader implications, and will act accordingly.”

Yemen truce expires amid fears of coronavirus disaster
A two-week ceasefire in Yemen announced by a Saudi-led military coalition has expired without leading to a permanent truce, raising fears that the country’s war will grind on and shatter its already weakened ability to contain the coronavirus pandemic. The latest Yemen peace push followed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s call last month for a global ceasefire so the world can focus on fighting COVID-19…

Organization of Islamic Cooperation calls for aid to flood-stricken Aden
The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has urged countries and international organizations to provide urgent humanitarian aid to Aden, it was ravaged by heavy rain and flood last week. Yousef Al-Othaimeen said it was important for organizations such as the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center to respond to the needs of the people who were affected by the floods.

Iran Guard commander threatens US Navy after Trump tweet
The leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard warned on Thursday that he has ordered his forces to potentially target the U.S. Navy after President Donald Trump’s tweet the previous day threatening to sink Iranian vessels. Iran also summoned the Swiss ambassador, who looks out for America’s interests in the country, to complain about Trump’s threat coming amid months of escalating tensions between the two countries.

The coronavirus outbreak is sparking the rollout of more digital surveillance
The global coronavirus pandemic and the measures being implemented to stop its spread are rewiring people’s sensitivities about digital surveillance and data privacy. Governments around the world are now rolling out surveillance schemes — even some that are particularly invasive — all in the name of stopping the pandemic. Privacy advocates, however, warn that these governments will not want to let go of these technologies, even after the crisis is over.

Destructive tornadoes hit Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana, claiming lives of at least 5 people and injuring dozens
At least 5 people have been killed and dozens were injured after a series of tornadoes ripped through Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana on April 22, 2020, destroying homes, businesses and cars.

Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as ‘useful idiots’ to spread propaganda, Biden ‘in the tank’ for Beijing
Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright reacted Thursday to a new report that China helped to spread misinformation about coronavirus, calling out Democrats – including former Vice President Joe Biden – for placing too much trust in Beijing’s narratives.

Danish Bible Society Removes Over 60 References To The Nation Of Israel In Stunning Example Of End Times Laodicean Replacement Theology
One of the things that rile us up here at Now The End Begins even more than the slanderous attacks of the Devil is when people who claim to be Christians exhibit hatred to God’s chosen people, the Jews, and towards His holy land of Israel. Over the past decade, we have see far too many people drink the Replacement Theology kool-aid, and bring about God’s Genesis 12:3 curse upon themselves. Deceived workers of iniquity like Chuck Baldwin, Steven Anderson, David Icke, and a Hell’s unholy host of countless more.

Chinese Step-up Propaganda and Spying Within the United States
Unfortunately, with each piece of news that seeps out of China creates a new standard of terrible. Whether it’s coronavirus, health and safety regulations, wet markets, trade, medical supplies, or technology, it seems China is nothing but a battle for the United States. However, we are now learning of a more subtle, hidden danger that China is ramping up: espionage.

TO SAVE AMERICA President Trump Must Fire Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Immediately, Rip Up Their Garbage Models and Hire Andres Tegnell from Sweden
With each new day it is apparent President Trump was misled by panic-stricken doctors with garbage models, irrational advice and little common sense. At each turn the geniuses have reduced their COVID-19 numbers after over-hyping their initial predictions.

Twitter acts against `unverified claims´ inciting 5G
Twitter is banning posts which encourage conspiracy theorists to attack 5G masts. The move from the social network comes as part of a wider effort to cut down on the amount of misinformation and ‘unverified claims’ about 5G circulating on the site.

Prepare Yourself For The ID2020 COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passport’ That Combines Digital Identity With Vaccinations, Blockchain And Nanotechnology
As you read this article today, I want you to begin to prepare yourself now, and resolve in your own mind what your answer will be when they come for you. Let me explain what I mean by that. In whatever form it finally takes, I can 99.9999% guarantee you that there will be a movement by world governments to vaccinate everyone on the planet, but that’s only the beginning, not the end.

Nunes Declares ‘Obama’s Dossier’ As Part Of Criminal Referrals For Trump-Russia Probe
In April of 2019, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes (R-CA) sent a notification to the Justice Department about eight criminal referrals of individuals who can be blamed for the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. Shortly after, on May 1st, Attorney General William Barr announced the Justice Department opened “multiple criminal leak investigations” relating to the handling of the Russia collusion investigation.

YouTube Vows to Remove ALL Content That Conflicts with WHO’s Recommendations
Video streaming platform YouTube has vowed to remove all content that conflicts with official recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Italian Citizens Want Italy to Leave the European Union, New Poll Reveals
The people of Italy are ready to walk away from the European Union as anti-EU sentiment surges amid the coronavirus pandemic, a new poll has revealed.

The Next Generation: Giant Locust Armies Of “Biblical Proportions” Threaten To Cause Mass Starvation In Africa
Even before COVID-19 became the biggest public health crisis to hit the globe in decades, enormous swarms of locusts the size of major cities were devouring crops throughout eastern Africa, across the Middle East and even in some parts of Asia. Now a new generation that officials are describing as “20 times bigger” has emerged, and the devastation that this new generation of locusts is causing is extremely alarmin


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

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“The Ripple-Effects Of The Government Lockdown Are Only Starting To Take Shape…”
Donald Trump was right when he worried out loud the other day that the cure may be far worse than the disease. Governors – mostly Democratic governors and mayors of major areas of the country – have imposed Lockdown Nation. It’s a complete economic disaster. It’s a wrong policy from a public health point of view and an economic point of view.

Iran Reveals Plan to Strike ‘400 American Targets’
Iranian military leaders on Friday said the country had drafted plans to strike “400 American targets” in response to further military action by the United States.

China sent team with medical experts to advise on North Korea’s Kim
The trip by the Chinese doctors and officials comes amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader. A delegation led by a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party’s International Liaison Department left Beijing for North Korea on Thursday, two of the people said. The department is the main Chinese body dealing with neighboring North Korea.

Oh my: Michigan legislature calls special session– to strip Whitmer of emergency powers
Couldn’t happen to a nicer petty martinet, nor at a better time. Winston Churchill once wrote that bad kings make for good law, and Michigan’s legislature might put that into action in a special session starting today. After Whitmer’s arbitrary and capricious COVID-19 shutdown order put the state’s unemployment at the highest in the nation, the legislature wants immediate oversight over Whitmer’s handling of the crisis. And they want to start reviewing bills to restrict the powers that she may have abused:

Supreme Court Hands Trump Administration a Win in Immigration Case
The Supreme Court has given President Donald Trump a victory in his efforts to deport immigrants who have committed crimes.

US Space Force has its first offensive weapon – here’s what it does
The U.S. Space Force has received its first offensive weapons in the form of a satellite jammer, known as a Counter Communications Systems (CCS) Block 10.2. The 4th Space Control Squadron (SPCS) has already been trained to use the satellite jammers.

US judge blocks background checks that denied ammo to law-abiding gun owners in California
A federal judge has blocked California’s ammunition background check program, which had prevented nearly one in five law-abiding gun owners from purchasing ammunition because of database glitches and other record-keeping problems.

Finding Europe’s Hidden Conservatives
Seemingly not. Politicians called conservative — such as Angela Merkel of Germany, Jacques Chirac of France, and Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden — are often in reality mild leftists, as are their parties. One might conclude that conservatism is defunct in its homeland. One would be wrong. A substantial conservative movement exists and is growing in Europe.

After Holocaust Day:Germany-EU Warn that Jews Should be Restricted From Living in Judea-Samaria
March 12 marked 82 years since Adolf Hitler, a native Austrian, led Germany to annex Austria, which led to more than 65,000 Austrian Jews being murdered during the Holocaust. French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière went further and said annexation “would not pass unchallenged and shall not be overlooked in our relationship with Israel.” In stark contrast, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that annexing parts of the West Bank is “ultimately Israel’s decision to make.”

Saudi Arabia to abolish flogging – supreme court
Saudi Arabia is to abolish flogging as a form of punishment, according to a legal document seen by media outlets. The directive from the Gulf kingdom’s Supreme Court says flogging will be replaced by imprisonment or fines. It says this is an extension of human rights reforms brought by King Salman and his son, the country’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Kim Jong Un evacuated from Pyongyang, reports say
Kim Jong Un may have left Pyongyang and could be sheltering in an undisclosed location on North Korea’s eastern coast, according to multiple press reports. The North Korean leader’s absence triggered wild speculation regarding the state of his health this week, following unconfirmed reports Kim was in critical condition after receiving heart surgery.

Coronavirus: People-tracking wristbands tested to enforce lockdown
Bulgaria is the latest country to test a wristband that can track people during the coronavirus pandemic. Up to 50 residents in Sofia will be given a device that can record their movements using GPS satellite location data. Several nations are testing similar wristbands to make sure people are obeying orders to stay at home.

UN, EU warn Israel against West Bank annexation
The United Nations and the European Union warned Israel not to annex parts of the occupied West Bank. The UN’s special Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov on Thursday said such a move would be a “devastating blow” to the internationally-backed two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as the EU said annexing Palestinian territory “would constitute a serious violation of international law”.

Elizabeth Banks to Lead Star-Studded Fundraiser ‘Operation to Save Abortion’
Actress Elizabeth Banks and The Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead are leading a star-studded day-long fundraiser to save abortion as millions of Americans have lost their jobs and healthcare workers are treating thousands of vulnerable patients who are now also afflicted with the coronavirus that originated in China.

“The Ripple-Effects Of The Government Lockdown Are Only Starting To Take Shape…”
“For the under-50-year-old population, the death-rate is 5 per 100,000… That’s a rounding error in the scheme of things. You can’t run a society based on the risk of 5 out of 100,000 people…”

Severe thunderstorms hit northern Vietnam, damaging nearly 6 000 homes and killing 3
Intense thunderstorms battered provinces in northern Vietnam from April 22 to 24, 2020, resulting in at least three fatalities, 13 people injured, ravaged crops, and almost 6 000 damaged homes.

Wolf Administration is Caught Adding Up to 269 Fake Coronavirus Deaths to State Totals the Day After Anti-Lockdown Protests in Pennsylvania
The Wolf administration was caught this week adding up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday. Unfortunately for the Democrat governor he got caught.

Petition Calling for WHO Chief to Resign Surpasses 1 Million Signatures
The petition demands the resignation of embattled WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus over his handling of the global COVID-19 pandemic and his organization’s ties to China – the source of the outbreak.

For the First Time in History of Minnesota, Muslim Call to Prayer Will Be Blasted Over Outdoor Speaker Five Times a Day Throughout Month of Ramadan
Socialism, Sharia law and Islam are creeping in while we are all distracted with authoritarian Coronavirus lockdown orders.

Might a new FCC approval for 5G development interfere with satellite weather data transmissions?
Europe recorded its hottest year on record in 2019, continuing a trend over the past two decades that saw all-time heat on the continent, researchers said in a new report Wednesday.

2019 eclipsed ’14 as Europe’s hottest year on record
Europe recorded its hottest year on record in 2019, continuing a trend over the past two decades that saw all-time heat on the continent, researchers said in a new report Wednesday.

Facebook under fire for helping Vietnam censor content
Facebook came under fire from Vietnamese and international rights activists Wednesday after the social media giant publicly admitted that it had agreed to help communist authorities censor posts critical of the government.

NEW COURT FILING: Following Release of Brady Documents that Exonerate Gen. Flynn — MOTION FILED TO DISMISS ALL CHARGES
Brady documents were finally disclosed by the DOJ in General Michael Flynn’s case today revealed exculpatory evidence that exonerated General Flynn.

Tucker Carlson and Dave Hodges Clearly Demonstrate the Need for Immediate and Complete Civil Disobedience
This article is an unplanned departure for the multipart series which exposes the globalist takeover of America and how dire their intentions are for our culture, economy and personal safety. The longevity of every American is at risk whether they be liberal, conservative or even hopelessly ignorant.

A Real New Deal & Debt Jubilee Or A Green New Deal & Global Dictatorship?
As scary as it is for some to admit even at this stage of the game, the current financial system sits precariously on the edge of a meltdown beyond anything ever recorded in human history.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

European Union calls for Libya truce, resumption of peace talks
The foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy, along with the European Union’s top diplomat, have issued a joint call for a ceasefire in Libya, urging the warring sides in the North African country to resume peace talks. “We want to unite our voices to those of the UN Secretary-General…and his Acting Special Representative for Libya…in their call for a humanitarian truce in Libya,” they said in a statement on Saturday.

Millions of Credit-Card Customers Can’t Pay Their Bills. Lenders Are Bracing for Impact
Robert Rodriguez and Migdalia Wharton, a married couple in Orlando, Fla., have been out of work for more than a month and can’t afford to pay their credit-card bills. When they called Capital One Financial Corp. to explain, the bank told them they could skip their April payments. But they doubt they will have money in May. Ms. Wharton, a school-bus driver, was told she wouldn’t get paid until school reopens.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un rumored to be dead, brain dead or just fine
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is either dead, brain dead or just fine… The dictator…underwent a stent procedure earlier this month that started a swirl of international speculation. A Hong Kong broadcast network claimed Saturday that Kim died, citing a “very solid source.” A Japanese magazine…reported late Friday that he is in “a vegetative state.” On Kim’s home turf, the North Korean media has acted as if everything is perfectly normal.

In four U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus — 96% without symptoms
When the first cases of the new coronavirus surfaced in Ohio’s prisons, the director in charge felt like she was fighting a ghost. “We weren’t always able to pinpoint where all the cases were coming from,” said Annette Chambers-Smith, director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. As the virus spread, they began mass testing.

Rouhani says Iran watching US activities in Gulf region
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said Tehran was closely following United States activities, but would never initiate a conflict in the region. Rouhani’s comments, which come at a time of rising tension between Washington and Tehran, were made during a telephone call to Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Iranian state media reported on Saturday.

Thousands demonstrate against Israeli coalition deal
Several thousand Israelis on Saturday demonstrated against a unity government deal reached last week that leaves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in power as he prepares to go on trial for corruption charges…The protesters say the unity government agreement, which gives Netanyahu influence over the appointment of judges and legal officials, “crushes democracy” and is meant to rescue Netanyahu from his legal troubles.

Too many false positives: CDC perplexed after 146 homeless people in Boston shelter tested positive for coronavirus, but NONE had any symptoms
As part of a coordinated response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a local homeless shelter in Boston known as the Pine Street Inn recently tested 397 people who were staying there, 146 of whom tested positive for the coronavirus. But the odd thing is that none of them showed any symptoms.

Unprecedented Pace Of Corporate Debt Issuance Has Crippled Corporate Fundamentals
The March IG debt issuance total surpasses the prior record for the busiest month by over $80 billion, and as companies flood the market with new debt, they plant the seeds of their own overlevered demise.

Putting America In the Rearview Mirror! When the Cure Is Worse Than the Disease
No reasonable person is saying the the virus is a hoax. However, and as has been pointed out, the numbers are greatly exaggerated in ways that have been identified in previous articles. The most notable fake science comes from the fact that “flu-like symptons” are being added to the CV-19 numbers in order to exacerbate the threat and to prolong the threat for as long as possible.

Big Tech, Elected Officials Mimicking China’s Surveillance Methods To Police Citizens Amid Pandemic
Surveillance measures elected officials and big tech companies are taking to slow the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. mimic some of the heavy-handed efforts China used to track and police citizens.

After threatening to close churches for good, NYC will give 400K meals to Muslims for Ramadan
Failed Democratic presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says his administration will provide free meals to Muslims celebrating Ramadan.

Nearly 400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in Canadian child pornography bust
Nearly 400 children have been rescued and 348 adults arrested following an expansive and “extraordinary” international child pornography investigation, Canadian police announced Thursday.

Ecuadorian Space Agency rules out meteorite impact in El Empalme, Ecuador
Although the Government of Ecuador initially confirmed that a meteorite hit the Guayas parish in El Empalme early Wednesday, April 22, 2020, causing panic among residents and power outages, experts from the Ecuadorian Space Agency ruled it out on April 23, saying that the geometry and texture of the object are inconsistent with the effects of atmospheric entry.

Dark And Sinister Opening Ceremony Of The 2012 London Olympics Used Predictive Programming To Show Us The Coming COVID-19 Plannedemic
For years now, we have shown you Predictive Programming and how it is used all throughout the movies, music and television shows we love so much. A 1981 episode of ‘Barney Miller‘ unveiled the New World Order, The Simpsons showed us 9/11, the Boston Bombing and so much more. More recently, predictive programming had already shown us how Kobe Bryant would die back in 2017. So naturally you would think that the global elites behind predictive programming would also have already given us the current COVID-19 Plannedemic. Guess what? They did back in 2012.

SilverDraft Supercomputing Company Powers Media And Entertainment Industry With Demonically-Inspired Computers And Virtual Reality
When Washington State NTEB’er Pete sent me this yesterday, I thought for sure it came from The Babylon Bee, it was so over the top. I mean, everywhere you looked on the website it was paying homage to the Devil with a capital ‘D’ as being the power behind the company, and bragged about a satanic infusion in its product line of supercomputers. But SilverDraft is not joking, and it’s not satire, they are powered by the Devil, and they are the power behind high-end supercomputing systems in Hollywood and the media industry.

China Will Be Testing Out A New Digital Currency And They’ll Be Using American Companies Starbucks, McDonald’s And Subway To Help Them Do It
Last week we told you how Microsoft Technologies, Inc., had filed patent #060606 on a human implantable cryptocurrency system using body activity data, something amazingly similar to the Mark of the Beast sans the Beast. The dust on that story has barely had time to settle when today’s story hit our end times radar about how China is rolling out a new digital currency, and will be using Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway to test it. Seems to me it is just as much a test for the American companies to see how they like it as it will be for the Chinese Communist government.

Harvard Law Professor Wants To Ban Homeschooling For Being ‘Dangerous’ To Children And Society
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy
Twice in the last week, Pennsylvania’s official COVID-19 death count spiked. Then, on Thursday, the number plummeted. facing mounting questions about the accuracy of the count, officials on Thursday removed more than 200 probable deaths from the tally, further complicating the state’s accounting of the pandemic.

More than 1,500 rally to ‘Reopen Wisconsin’
About 1,500 people gathered in defiance of Governor Tony Evers’ “Safer at Home” order on Friday to protest the order and demand the state “reopen.” A permit for the event was denied this week … Only a few Capitol Police officers could be seen outside the Capitol building. Neither police department intervened in the event, as it was peaceful and there were no arrests or citations.

European Union calls for Libya truce, resumption of peace talks
The foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy, along with the European Union’s top diplomat, have issued a joint call for a ceasefire in Libya, urging the warring sides in the North African country to resume peace talks. “We want to unite our voices to those of the UN Secretary-General…and his Acting Special Representative for Libya…in their call for a humanitarian truce in Libya,” they said in a statement on Saturday.

Millions of Credit-Card Customers Can’t Pay Their Bills. Lenders Are Bracing for Impact
Robert Rodriguez and Migdalia Wharton, a married couple in Orlando, Fla., have been out of work for more than a month and can’t afford to pay their credit-card bills. When they called Capital One Financial Corp. to explain, the bank told them they could skip their April payments. But they doubt they will have money in May. Ms. Wharton, a school-bus driver, was told she wouldn’t get paid until school reopens.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un rumored to be dead, brain dead or just fine
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is either dead, brain dead or just fine… The dictator…underwent a stent procedure earlier this month that started a swirl of international speculation. A Hong Kong broadcast network claimed Saturday that Kim died, citing a “very solid source.” A Japanese magazine…reported late Friday that he is in “a vegetative state.” On Kim’s home turf, the North Korean media has acted as if everything is perfectly normal.

In four U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus — 96% without symptoms
When the first cases of the new coronavirus surfaced in Ohio’s prisons, the director in charge felt like she was fighting a ghost. “We weren’t always able to pinpoint where all the cases were coming from,” said Annette Chambers-Smith, director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. As the virus spread, they began mass testing.

Rouhani says Iran watching US activities in Gulf region
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said Tehran was closely following United States activities, but would never initiate a conflict in the region. Rouhani’s comments, which come at a time of rising tension between Washington and Tehran, were made during a telephone call to Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Iranian state media reported on Saturday.

Thousands demonstrate against Israeli coalition deal
Several thousand Israelis on Saturday demonstrated against a unity government deal reached last week that leaves Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in power as he prepares to go on trial for corruption charges…The protesters say the unity government agreement, which gives Netanyahu influence over the appointment of judges and legal officials, “crushes democracy” and is meant to rescue Netanyahu from his legal troubles.

Too many false positives: CDC perplexed after 146 homeless people in Boston shelter tested positive for coronavirus, but NONE had any symptoms
As part of a coordinated response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a local homeless shelter in Boston known as the Pine Street Inn recently tested 397 people who were staying there, 146 of whom tested positive for the coronavirus. But the odd thing is that none of them showed any symptoms.

Unprecedented Pace Of Corporate Debt Issuance Has Crippled Corporate Fundamentals
The March IG debt issuance total surpasses the prior record for the busiest month by over $80 billion, and as companies flood the market with new debt, they plant the seeds of their own overlevered demise.

Putting America In the Rearview Mirror! When the Cure Is Worse Than the Disease
No reasonable person is saying the the virus is a hoax. However, and as has been pointed out, the numbers are greatly exaggerated in ways that have been identified in previous articles. The most notable fake science comes from the fact that “flu-like symptons” are being added to the CV-19 numbers in order to exacerbate the threat and to prolong the threat for as long as possible.

Big Tech, Elected Officials Mimicking China’s Surveillance Methods To Police Citizens Amid Pandemic
Surveillance measures elected officials and big tech companies are taking to slow the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. mimic some of the heavy-handed efforts China used to track and police citizens.

After threatening to close churches for good, NYC will give 400K meals to Muslims for Ramadan
Failed Democratic presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says his administration will provide free meals to Muslims celebrating Ramadan.

Ecuadorian Space Agency rules out meteorite impact in El Empalme, Ecuador
Although the Government of Ecuador initially confirmed that a meteorite hit the Guayas parish in El Empalme early Wednesday, April 22, 2020, causing panic among residents and power outages, experts from the Ecuadorian Space Agency ruled it out on April 23, saying that the geometry and texture of the object are inconsistent with the effects of atmospheric entry.

Dark And Sinister Opening Ceremony Of The 2012 London Olympics Used Predictive Programming To Show Us The Coming COVID-19 Plannedemic
For years now, we have shown you Predictive Programming and how it is used all throughout the movies, music and television shows we love so much. A 1981 episode of ‘Barney Miller‘ unveiled the New World Order, The Simpsons showed us 9/11, the Boston Bombing and so much more. More recently, predictive programming had already shown us how Kobe Bryant would die back in 2017. So naturally you would think that the global elites behind predictive programming would also have already given us the current COVID-19 Plannedemic. Guess what? They did back in 2012.

SilverDraft Supercomputing Company Powers Media And Entertainment Industry With Demonically-Inspired Computers And Virtual Reality
When Washington State NTEB’er Pete sent me this yesterday, I thought for sure it came from The Babylon Bee, it was so over the top. I mean, everywhere you looked on the website it was paying homage to the Devil with a capital ‘D’ as being the power behind the company, and bragged about a satanic infusion in its product line of supercomputers. But SilverDraft is not joking, and it’s not satire, they are powered by the Devil, and they are the power behind high-end supercomputing systems in Hollywood and the media industry.

China Will Be Testing Out A New Digital Currency And They’ll Be Using American Companies Starbucks, McDonald’s And Subway To Help Them Do It
Last week we told you how Microsoft Technologies, Inc., had filed patent #060606 on a human implantable cryptocurrency system using body activity data, something amazingly similar to the Mark of the Beast sans the Beast. The dust on that story has barely had time to settle when today’s story hit our end times radar about how China is rolling out a new digital currency, and will be using Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway to test it. Seems to me it is just as much a test for the American companies to see how they like it as it will be for the Chinese Communist government.

Harvard Law Professor Wants To Ban Homeschooling For Being ‘Dangerous’ To Children And Society
During the Coronavirus crisis, many people who have never even considered homeschooling have been thrust into the practice.


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Coronavirus global updates, April 26: US economy faces historic shock, unemployment rate higher than 16%
US economy faces historic shock, unemployment rate higher than 16% The shuttering of the U.S. economy due to the coronavirus pandemic is a shock of historic proportions that likely will push the national unemployment rate to 16% or higher this month and require more stimulus to ensure a strong rebound, a White House economic adviser said on Sunday,

Massachusetts gun shop vows to remain open despite cease-and-desist order amid coronavirus closures
Claiming he only answers to God and President Donald Trump, a gun store owner in Middleborough is refusing to comply with Gov. Charlie Baker’s order to close amid the coronavirus outbreak. John Costa, owner of The Gunrunner, said the store will remain open and that state will have to “drag” him out of his location on Wareham Street if they want to close it. I have two leaders, God and Trump. No one else.”

Whistleblowing ER Docs Urge “Open Up Society Now” Because “Lockdowns Are Weakening Our Immune Systems”
Watching the news in China in January, they knew the virus was on its way. They ordered many COVID-19 tests because they knew they would need them. They tested many thousands of people, and discovered for themselves what epidemiologists around the world are saying: COVID-19 came here earlier than previously believed, is more ubiquitous, and ultimately for the general population less deadly than we thought. While this realization is gradually dawning on people around the world, they went public with their findings, which are not generated out of a predictive model but rather the actual facts of the case.

U.N. promotes abortion and ‘gender identity’ as human rights
The alert comes from Emilie Kao, director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at the Heritage Foundation, and Shea Garrison, vice president for international affairs for Concerned Women for America. In a column at the Daily Signal, they explained that Ahmed Shaheed, the U.N. expert responsible for protecting religious freedom, is pushing a “progressive” agenda that includes abortion and the rights of sexual-identity groups.

Pro-Temple Mount Levite May Become Next Top Cop in Israel
The reshuffling currently taking place in the Israeli government may result in the serendipitous appointment of a new police commissioner who, in addition to his impressive background, was literally born to protect the Holy Land.

Sanhedrin to Reenact Hezekiah’s ‘Second Passover’ Sacrifice on Mount of Olives
Currently, no Jews are permitted to enter the Temple Mount even though the Waqf (Muslim authority) is holding public prayers in contravention of Health Ministry regulations. But the Sanhedrin did not despair and the Torah makes provisions for just such a difficulty with the institution of Pesach Sheni, the day on which Jews who were unable to bring the Passover offering on the 14th of Nisan would bring their Passover lamb one month later.

Italy Hails Conference Recognizing Judea-Samaria as Part of Israel
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte penned a letter to the European Coalition for Israel to mark the anniversary of the San Remo Conference, which ended on Sunday 100 years ago reports Israel Hayom. Conte wrote that the conference effectively sealed the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as part of international law saying. “One of the seeds of the olive tree which was to become the symbol of the modern State of Israel was planted in San Remo,” he states.

7 killed in 2nd alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria in a week
At least four Iranian militants and three civilians were killed and another four people were wounded, including a child, after Syrian air defense systems were activated in response to an alleged Israeli airstrike targeting the Damascus area from Lebanese airspace early Monday morning, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The attack marks the second airstrike in Syria blamed on Israel in the past week.

A-G: I will give view on whether Bibi can form gov’t after parties respond
Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit…told the High Court of Justice that he should only have to give his view on whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can form the next government…after the parties involved respond. Last Thursday, the High Court ordered Mandelblit to give his opinion on the disputed issues by Tuesday, including the implications for Netanyahu of the bribery indictment pending against him.

Coronavirus Means the Era of Big Government Is…Back
History shows that big national shocks have a way of changing the role of government in lasting ways—and any shock as big as the coronavirus pandemic inevitably will alter political life and philosophies in America. The crisis has been not just a public-health emergency requiring a sweeping response, but also the cause of the most searing economic pain since the Great Depression…

The Next Chapter of the Oil Crisis: The Industry Shuts Down
Negative oil prices, ships dawdling at sea with unwanted cargoes, and traders getting creative about where to stash oil. The next chapter in the oil crisis is now inevitable: great swathes of the petroleum industry are about to start shutting down. The economic impact of the coronavirus has ripped through the oil industry in dramatic phases. First it destroyed demand as lockdowns shut factories and kept drivers at home.

Coronavirus: Chile to introduce controversial ‘virus-free’ certificates
Chile’s government has said it will go ahead with a controversial plan to issue certificates to people who have recovered from Covid-19. The documents would be given to people to allow them to return to work, Deputy Health Minister Paula Daza said. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said there is “no evidence” that people who contract coronavirus are immune from being infected again.

Saudi Arabia ends executions for crimes committed by minors, says commission
Saudi Arabia will no longer impose the death penalty on people who committed crimes while still minors, the country’s Human Rights Commission says. The announcement, citing a royal decree by King Salman, comes two days after the country said it would ban flogging. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – which Riyadh has signed – says capital punishment should not be used for offences carried out by minors.

Yemen war: Separatists declare autonomous rule in south
Separatists in southern Yemen have declared self-rule, breaking a peace deal signed in November with the internationally recognised government. The Aden-based Southern Transitional Council (STC) declared a state of emergency, saying it would govern the port city and other southern provinces. The STC is supported by the United Arab Emirates.

More US states begin lifting virus lockdown orders
More US states are beginning to lift lockdown orders even as US leaders say social distancing guidelines will be necessary throughout the summer. But governors warn that life will not quickly return to normal, and that restrictions will remain in some places to keep the virus from resurging. On Friday, the US saw its largest single-day spike in cases.

Exports of Russian wheat dry up, stoking food security concerns
For the first time in a decade, the world risks being cut off from Russian wheat at a time when some key buyers are rushing to import it. The top shipper last month limited sales through June to protect its own supply as the coronavirus crisis sparks food-security concerns around the world. Although the curbs were seen loose enough to ensure normal trade flows for this time of year, Russia has already burned through the entire quota.

Anti-Semitic fliers left at homes and on cars in southwestern Montana city
Two fliers described by local media as anti-Semitic were placed in front of homes and on cars in Livingston, Montana.

Doctor says coronavirus similar to flu and reopen US
Two doctors, who have administered more than 5,000 coronavirus tests, say that coronavirus is similar to the seasonal flu, the quarantine is not helping with building coronavirus immunity, and they are confident that reopening is safe.

ONE-E forms as the earliest East Pacific tropical depression on record
A tropical depression — designated ONE-E –formed far off the coast of Baja California, East Pacific Ocean on Saturday, April 25, 2020, as the earliest East Pacific Ocean tropical depression on record. The season officially runs from May 15 to November 30. The system is moving northwest and is expected to become a remnant low today and dissipate by early Tuesday, April 28.

Will CERN Open a Dimension Portal and Release a Darkness Upon the Face of the Earth?
Is CERN and the Large Hadron Collider the Key to opening the Biblical Seventh Seal? Many believe it is, and also Believe CERN will not only open the Seventh Seal, but they will release demons locked away inside the earth to rule again over humanity.

Pennsylvania Takes Hundreds of ‘Probable’ COVID Deaths Off Books After Coroners Come Forward
Pennsylvania has removed hundreds of COVID-19 deaths from the official death count after coroners pointed out the state’s health department numbers did not match their own.

Emmanuel Macron And Bill Gates Held First New World Order Virtual Meeting To Mobilize All G7 And G20 Nations In COVID-19 Global Response Team
We have been showing you their every move since the COVID-19 global crisis began, and today we bring you this blockbuster story that is simply astonishing when you consider the speed at which all this is coming together. Last week we showed you how French president Emmanuel Macron has been positioning himself for months now to lead the New World Order that is being created during the global lockdown, and the other day in Europe he chaired the very first meeting of this nascent grouping of nations. By his side, virtually of course, was eugenicist Bill Gates who is waiting in the wings with his syringe and digital ID for ‘every person on earth’. It has officially begun.

New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught on Camera Telling Students She Hopes They Die From Coronavirus For Playing Outside
A math teacher at Steinert High School in New Jersey was caught on camera telling students who were playing football in the park that they should “die a long, painful death” from the coronavirus.

John Podesta and George Soros Connected to Consortium Behind Russia Collusion Sham Now Pushing Democrat Coronavirus Investigation
Creepy John Podesta and George Soros are connected to a consortium behind the creators of the Steele dossier and the Senate report on Russia collusion – both totally bogus reports. Now they’re working on the upcoming investigation into the President’s actions with the coronavirus.

KY Democrat Gov. Stops Bill That Would Save Babies Surviving Abortion
Kentucky Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear vetoed a bill that would have required abortionists to provide life-saving medical care to a baby who survived a botched abortion.

Death toll of Ramadan 2020 – Updated daily
I have followed and report Ramadan Bombathon for 7 years. It has always amazed me to see that no mainstream media ever dared to report the killing that happens during this spiritual and holy month, when Muslims around the world are supposed to pray and meditate. I am not expecting that it will change. But I am curious to see what the effect of the China Communist Party virus will have on this year of “meditation.”

Putting America In the Rearview Mirror! When the Cure Is Worse Than the Disease
No reasonable person is saying the the virus is a hoax. However, and as has been pointed out, the numbers are greatly exaggerated in ways that have been identified in previous articles. The most notable fake science comes from the fact that “flu-like symptons” are being added to the CV-19 numbers in order to exacerbate the threat and to prolong the threat for as long as possible


Re: Rapture Ready News - April 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Pandemic Setting The Stage For World To Accept Counterfeit Messianic Figure?
A number of recent developments help illustrate how quickly a false Messianic figure could emerge on the earth, in both religious and secular circles. The events surrounding the coronavirus have demonstrated how quickly the status quo can be overturned, how dramatically the fortunes of nations can shift, and how a call for one-world cooperation can arise. And what if there was a worldwide economic collapse, accompanied by plague and famine? Is it too farfetched to imagine that a powerful, problem solving leader could gain an international following?

Free Speech in the Time Before Redemption
free-speech is deeply ingrained and any attempt to take it away raises the alarm. I really feel that we are on the cusp of the final redemption and the biggest battle will, like in Egypt, be fought over speech.

Shapiro Accuses Pope of being a Pagan
Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro took to the airwaves on his Daily Wire program blasting Pope Francis for promoting what Shapiro considered pagan after the Pope commemorated Earth Day which Shapiro said was a “Pagan holiday.”

Waqf Threatens to Overpower Israeli Police to Control Temple Mount
The manager of the Al-Aksa Mosque and high ranking official in the Wakf Omar Al-Qiswani warned that “if Israel opens the Mughrabe Gate for Jewish pilgrims, we will open all of the gates to the Muslims.” Therefore, if Al-Qiswani is to make good on his threat, he would have to defy the Israeli police and take the law into his own hands.

Trump’s Recommended Treatment For Coronavirus Sourced in Book of Isaiah: Proven in Israel
President Trump’s claim that ultraviolet light could be used to battle the coronavirus was lambasted in the media with many claiming that ultraviolet lights were ineffective or even deadly. Not only do recent innovations in Israel confirm the president’s statement, but anyone familiar with the Bible knows that light is a powerful form of healing.

New Zealand is struck by 5.6 magnitude earthquake – the biggest to hit this year
New Zealand has recorded its most powerful earthquake of 2020 in a remote corner of the South Island. Dunedin, Queenstown and Invercargill residents were among thousands of Kiwis to report rattling from a 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Southland at 10:52am on Monday.

Facebook removes Army chaplains’ prayer videos after complaints from activist group
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), an organization that advocates against religious proselytizing through the armed services, shared a post about their successful efforts to flag and have religious videos shared on official military pages removed from Facebook.

Top theories on what’s going on with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un
Two weeks later, the whereabouts of the 36-year-old leader has become one of the world’s great mysteries, fed by internet rumors, satellite photos and anonymously sourced reports. Here are some possible scenarios being discussed:

Pentagon officially releases 3 UFO videos – see them here
The Pentagon authorized the release of three new videos containing footage of “unidentified aerial phenomena” on Monday. In a statement, the Pentagon said that after a review of the three videos, it determined that the videos do not “reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.” In one video, a U.S. Navy pilot exclaims there is a “whole fleet” of the unidentified objects.

Record breaking heat settles in the Southwest
A few records will be possible in the desert southwest today including Phoenix, where the current record is 101, with a forecast of 103 this afternoon. The heat will remain locked in place for much of the Southwest U.S. for the next several days this week. A 100 degree temperature has never been recorded in April in Las Vegas, and on Wednesday, April 29, the forecast currently is 102.

America’s First Gay Spy Chief Makes LGBT Radicalism First Priority
The acting director of national intelligence has decided that it’s time for America to stop sharing information with countries who aren’t as pro-LGBT as he is — a view that’s eerily similar to Hillary Clinton’s State Department, where ideological blackmail was the order of every day.

Molecules identified that reverse cellular aging process
Central to a lot of scientific research into aging are tiny caps on the ends of our chromosomes called telomeres. These protective sequences of DNA grow a little shorter each time a cell divides, but by intervening in this process, researchers hope to one day regulate the process of aging and the ill health effects it can bring.

Police prepare to lockdown Israel for Independence Day
Police have increased activity across Israel, including on highways and intercity roads, in an effort to minimize travel by the public as it prepares to celebrate Independence Day in the shadow of the coronavirus. So far, Police said they set up 40 checkpoints and that they will be stopping and checking drivers to ensure they are traveling only for reasons defined by the guidelines of the Health Ministry.

Pentagon formally releases 3 Navy videos showing “unidentified aerial phenomena”
The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with “unidentified aerial phenomena.” One of the videos shows an incident from 2004, and the other two were recorded in January 2015, according to Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman. The videos became public after unauthorized leaks in 2007 and 2017, and the Navy previously verified their authenticity.

Man dies after Lebanon economic protest turns violent
A man has died following overnight clashes between protesters and soldiers in the Lebanese city of Tripoli. The demonstrators were angry at the country’s worsening economic crisis, which has been exacerbated by its coronavirus-related lockdown. The army said saboteurs infiltrated the protest and sparked the clashes, in which a grenade was thrown at a patrol and at least one bank was set ablaze.

Ohio to vote, largely by mail, in primary delayed by COVID-19
Ohio will hold nominating contests largely by mail on Tuesday after voting originally scheduled for March 17 was delayed and in-person voting curtailed, as the coronavirus pandemic further disrupts the U.S. election season. Ohio was among the first states to delay its primaries…leading an unprecedented 1.9 million voters in the state to request absentee ballots.

Woman hurt in suspected Memorial Day terror attack in Kfar Sava
A woman was moderately to seriously wounded in a suspected terror attack in Kfar Sava as Israel marked Memorial Day for its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. The 62-year-old woman was stabbed by a 19-year-old assailant wearing a mask at around 1pm outside a shopping mall on Galgalei ha-Plada Street in the central city.

Arab League to discuss Israel’s plans to annex West Bank
The Arab League said Monday it will convene an urgent virtual meeting this week to discuss how to galvanize opposition to Israeli plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank. The extraordinary meeting scheduled for Thursday at the request of the Palestinian leadership will bring together Arab foreign ministers via video conference, rather than a face-to-face meeting, due to the global coronavirus pandemic.

US to recognise Israel annexation of West Bank, Jordan Valley
The United States said it was ready to recognise Israel’s annexation of much of the West Bank, but asked the new unity government also to negotiate with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has reached a power-sharing deal to remain in office after three inconclusive elections, has vowed to press ahead with annexations that the Palestinians say will shut the door on a two-state solution.

Cold blast to sweep across parts of Australia, Melbourne expects coldest April day since 1960
A deep, polar low is forecast to sweep across parts of southeastern Australia over the next couple of days, bringing cold, wet, and windy conditions. Heavy rains are expected in some areas, while Melbourne could experience its coldest April day in 60 years.

Asteroid 2020 HP6 to flyby Earth at 0.33 LD on April 27
A newly discovered asteroid designated 2020 HP6 will flyby Earth at a distance of 0.33 LD / 0.00084 AU (125 662 km / 78 082 miles) at 14:40 UTC on April 27, 2020. This is the 34th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 9th so far this month.

We Told You To Prepare For Joe Biden To Pick Michelle Obama For Vice President, Now Netflix Doc ‘Becoming’ Will Effectively Begin Her 2020 VP Campaign
On April 19th, we brought you the story of the master plan of the Democratic Party to have Joe Biden pick Michelle Obama as his vice president, only to have himself be declared mentally unfit to serve according to the 25th Amendment, this placing Michelle Obama into office as president where she will then pick someone like Barack Obama as her vice president. Sounds crazy, right?

Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website
Jong Woo Son, 23, a South Korean national, was indicted by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia for his operation of Welcome To Video, the largest child sexual exploitation market by volume of content. The nine-count indictment was unsealed today along with a parallel civil forfeiture action.

In 2018, Emmanuel Macron Raised The Sign Of Antichrist Over America, Now In 2020 He Needs President Donald Trump Taken Out Of His Way
In a photo for which no reasonable explanation exists to this day, French president Emmanuel Macron held hands with President Trump and First Lady Melania on the balcony of the White House, and raised the twin signs of Antichrist over both of them. Lost people will look at this photo and their first thoughts will be along the lines of the Texas “hook-em horns”, or the heavy metal hand sign for “rock and roll”. We who are saved know the Devil when we see him, and his signs, and are not fooled with any meaningless distractions from the media.

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Sudden Rise Of ‘Roman God’ Emmanuel Macron In Europe To Global Leadership Role In New World Order
Maybe he’s not the Antichrist, but he certainly is checking most of the boxes on our end times radar these days. Emmanuel Macon is the man who became president of France with 66.06% of the vote, the man who after he was elected said he wanted ‘reign over France like the Roman god Jupiter’, and the man who right now has partnered with Bill Gates to give the whole world a vaccination an digital Immunity Passport. For all these reasons, and many more, we take a look at the ‘boy president’ of France, Emmanuel Macron.

EU Softens Report on Chinese Disinformation After Pressure From China
The European Union caved to the demands of the Chinese Communist Party and altered a report that documented their disinformation campaign regarding their response to the coronavirus. The EU ended up removing language that criticized the CCP in order to deflect blame for their handling of the pandemic’s spread and its coverup of its origin.

Guess What Happened in One New York State Nursing Home Forced to Accept Coronavirus Patients
..Unsurprisingly and unfortunately, the disease has spread in at least one nursing home that was forced to take in coronavirus patients. Here’s what happened at The Gurwin Jewish Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in New York.

In Germany, where coronavirus is at bay, synagogues prepare to reopen with precautions – Europe
When synagogues reopen in Germany in the coming weeks, there will be no handshakes, no hugs and no parading with the Torah, a mainstay of Shabbat services.

Virtually money – China aims to launch the world’s first official digital currency | Finance and economics
Central banks have had a busy pandemic. Along with injecting vast amounts of money into the financial system, they have cleaned vast amounts of it—literally. From America to South Korea, central banks have quarantined and disinfected potentially contaminated banknotes. This hassle should make them all the more interested in a digital-currency pilot now under way in China. If successful, it could change how central banks manage both liquidity and physical cash.

Data Suggests REAL Coronavirus Death Rate In L.A. Is 0.18%, And 0.89% In NY
The COVID-19 death rate is likely far — far — lower than reports.

Death toll of Ramadan 2020 – Updated daily
I have followed and report Ramadan Bombathon for 7 years. It has always amazed me to see that no mainstream media ever dared to report the killing that happens during this spiritual and holy month, when Muslims around the world are supposed to pray and meditate. I am not expecting that it will change. But I am curious to see what the effect of the China Communist Party virus will have on this year of “meditation.”
