Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Iran Raises Red Flag Over ‘Messianic Mosque’ Declaring ‘End-of-Days’ War’ for First Time Ever
A chilling sight appeared on Sunday as a red flag, symbolizing a call for vengeance, appeared over the Holy Dome Jamkarān Mosque in Qom, Iran. The call has end-of-days significance as the mosque is dedicated to the “Final Imam” the Shiite Muslims believe is the Mahdi, the messianic figure that will appear alongside Isa, the Muslim Jesus, killing all the infidels in order to prepare the world for the ultimate arrival of the Messiah.

End of Days Expert: “Iran Sharpening Swords for Gog and Magog”
Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of-times author, stated a disclaimer that it is impossible to definitively state when the War of Gog and Magog begins. “That being said, we have been seeing the signs of Gog and Magog for some time now,” Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. “It will come as the result of many disparate seemingly insignificant acts that all culminate in something major. “If you look at it from our perspective, the perspective of flesh and blood, it doesn’t make sense. You need to look at these events from how they fit into God’s plan.

Petraeus: US Soleimani strike more important than Bin Laden killing
“It is impossible to overstate the importance of this particular action,” said Petraeus. “It is more significant than the killing of Osama bin Laden or even the death of [ISIS leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi.”The former CIA director stressed that Soleimani was the “architect and operational commander” of Iran’s efforts to establish control over the region.

Soleimani was a monster, wanted atomic cloud over Tel Aviv – German newspaper
Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of best-selling German newspaper Bild, on Friday authored a barn-burning commentary praising US President Donald Trump for authorizing a military strike to eliminate Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. “President Trump has freed the world of a monster whose aim in life was an atomic cloud over Tel Aviv. Trump has acted in self-defense – the self-defense of the US and all peace-loving people,”

Trump, U.K.’s Johnson discuss situation in Iran, Iraq -White House
U.S. President Donald Trump spoke with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday, discussing the current situation in Iraq and Iran, the White House said in a statement. The release offered few details of the specifics of the call, noting only that the two leaders “reaffirmed the close alliance between the two countries.”

NATO to hold urgent meeting on Monday over Iraq-Iran crisis
NATO ambassadors will gather on Monday in Brussels for an urgent meeting convened by the head of the military alliance to discuss the situation in the Middle East after a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad killed a top Iranian general, a NATO official said.

Trump Threatens to hit 52 ‘Important’ Iranian Targets if Iran Retaliates
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that the United States is targeting 52 “important” Iranian sites, representing the 52 U.S. hostages held hostage in Iran for 444 days in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, and will strike “very fast and very hard” if Tehran attacks the United States or its assets.

Trump surprised everyone, especially Soleimani
A great strategic miracle has happened here. Suddenly Israel is no longer alone. For years, Israel has tried unsuccessfully to harness the United States for a military confrontation with Iran. And last Friday we emerged from these 40 years in the wilderness.

Trump Says “US Will Not Leave” Iraq Unless Billions For Air Base Are Repaid, Threatens Baghdad With “Very Big” Sanctions
Just hours after Iraq voted to expel US troops stationed in Iraq, Trump made it clear that he has no interest in vacating the nation that has been a stalwart US military outpost in the middle east for nearly two decades ever since it was invaded by, well, the US in search of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and speaking to reporters on Air Force One said “we’re not leaving” unless Iraq “pays us back” for a US air base built in Iraq.

Erdogan says Turkish soldiers have begun deploying to Libya
Erdogan on Sunday said Turkish soldiers had begun deploying to Libya after parliament approved such a move last week. “Our soldiers’ duty there is coordination. They will develop the operation center there. Our soldiers are gradually going right now,” he told CNN Turk broadcaster during an interview.

Haifa could be among retaliation targets, says Iranian hardliner
‘Haifa and Israeli military centers will be included in the retaliation,’ says fmr Revolutionary Guards chief

Prepare for potential broad war between Iran and US – INSS annual report
As tensions heat up between Iran, the US and Israel following the assassination of Qasem Soleimani last week, the absence of a stable government will harm Jerusalem’s ability to achieve its broader national security and foreign affairs goals, the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) said in its annual report on Monday.

Libya conflict: Turkey sends troops to shore up UN-backed government
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said troops have begun moving into Libya after parliament approved the move last week. He said their mission was to ensure stability for the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli. The Libyan government is fighting an insurgency by rebel forces under Gen Khalifa Haftar, based in eastern Libya.

Trump threatens Iraq with sanctions if US troops are expelled
President Trump has threatened severe sanctions against Iraq after its parliament called on US troops to leave the country. “We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it,” he told reporters. Tensions are high after the US assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad last week.

Lebanese refuse Nasrallah’s ‘declaration of war’ on US
There were mixed responses in Lebanon to a speech by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday about the assassination of Qassem Soleimani. A media activist, who declined to be named, said Nasrallah’s speech amounted to “a declaration of war” on the US. “How can the leader of a Lebanese party declare such war?”

“It’s Like An Atomic Bomb” – Australia Deploys Military As Monstrous Storm Creates It’s Own Weather Crisis
“I’ve got to be honest with you, this isn’t a bushfire, it’s an atomic bomb… It’s indescribable the hell it’s caused and the devastation it’s caused…”

Photo report: Ice covers desert town of Ain Sefra — The Gateway to the Sahara, Algeria
Ice has covered deserts around the Algerian town of Ain Sefra — The Gateway to the Sahara — on December 31, 2019. This is the third winter in a row we receive snow or ice reports from this area.

Series of strong storms to dump heavy rain and snow on Pacific Northwest, U.S.
Several strong storms are expected to bring heavy rain and snow to parts of the Northwest in the week ahead. As the active weather pattern continues through the coming week, storms will line up to track across the region, with a cold front moving through Sunday, and a warm front approaching on Monday, January 6, National Weather Service (NWS) reported.

USA Today sums up the anti-gun lunacy of the Left: It’s “terrifying” that Americans can protect themselves with concealed carry firearms
If the Democrat Left ever gets their way, Americans by the millions will become slaves to an authoritarian state.

Pope Francis, Leading Imam Sign Covenant Pushing Us Toward One-World Religion
A historic interfaith covenant was signed in the Middle East on Monday, and the mainstream media in the United States has been almost entirely silent about it. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb is considered to be the most important imam in Sunni Islam, and he arrived at the signing ceremony in Abu Dhabi with Pope Francis “hand in hand in a symbol of interfaith brotherhood.” But this wasn’t just a ceremony for Catholics and Muslims. According to a British news source, the signing of this covenant was done “in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other faiths”

California Passes Insane New Law Limiting Personal Water Usage With Massive Fines
..Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law which just went into effect that limits personal water usage. People can even be hit with massive fines if they exceed their limit by doing laundry and taking a shower on the same day.

PREPARE for Iran to activate terror cells across America and attack the power grid, water supplies and vulnerable infrastructure
As we roll into the new year with events already exploding in Iraq and Iran — rockets were just fired into the U.S.-controlled “green zone” near the U.S. embassy in Iraq — it’s shocking to realize how many people remain in total denial about the retribution that’s going to be carried out by Iran’s terror cells that are already embedded in cities across America.

Iran Announces They Will Pay $80 Million To The Person Who Kills President Trump, Says Will Immediately Start Enriching Uranium For Nuclear
This morning we told you that the Iraqi parliament was voting on whether or not to expel American forces from Iraq, and I can tell you now that they did indeed vote to remove US military troops. At the same time over in Iran, their parliament was also voting on action to take, and well, what they voted to do is a doozy.

Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs Chant “Death To America”
“Despite the internal and external difficulties that we might face, it remains best for Iraq on principle and practically.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Very strong and shallow M6.4 earthquake hits Puerto Rico — power outages, widespread damage reported
A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 (downgraded from M6.5) hit southern Puerto Rico at 08:24 UTC (04:24 local time) on January 7, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 6.7 km (4.1 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 10 km (6.5 miles). This is by far the strongest earthquake in an intense swarm shaking this area since December 29, 2019. To learn more about the swarm, visit Intense earthquake swarm shaking southern Puerto Rico

2,200 Marines heading to Iraq aboard the USS Bataan amid Iran tensions
Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) will now head to Iraq aboard the USS Bataan (LHD-5) amphibious assault ship to join other U.S. troops recently called upon to bolster security measures and military readiness in the country, according to USNI News.

Six B-52 Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base To Be “Available” Against Iran
As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC’s Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.

52 Stealth Fighter Jets Elephant Walk In Show Of Force Amid Threats Of War
Also known as the Elephant Walk exercise, 52 Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth fighters carrying missiles and bombs were taxiing down a runway at Hill Air Force base in Utah on Monday. The objective of the exercise is to get all fighters and bombers in the air within fifteen minutes of an alert of an incoming missile attack.

Trump Blasts Members of ‘the Squad,’ Says ‘They Hate Jewish People’
During his speech, Trump said anti-Semitic violence is cresting in America. Later, he condemned Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York for their alleged hatred of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

The reaction to Ricky Gervais opening monologue at the Golden Globes on Sunday night? It was a killer.
Ricky Gervais, who is a Liberal, took at the Hollywood elites and shot them with both barrels. “In this room are some of the most important TV and film executives in the world, people from every background. But they all have one thing in common: They’re all terrified of Ronan Farrow. He’s coming for you. He’s coming for you. Look, talking to all you perverts, it was a big year for pedophile movies. ‘Surviving R. Kelly.’ ‘Leaving Neverland.’ ‘The Two Popes.’ ”

Health-care company worker claims to let Trump supporters die, employer responds
After allegedly bragging about letting elderly supporters of President Donald Trump die at a health care job, one employee could be in some serious trouble. “I can tell you with certainty that 11 people (all verified trump supporters) could have been resuscitated/prevented from failing had I taken the appropriate measures.

Mexican drug war’s hidden human toll includes 61,000 disappeared
The Mexican government on Monday revised upward by as much as 50% the number of citizens classified as missing to more than 61,000, the vast majority of them victims of the country’s grinding war with powerful drug gangs that have grown more violent.

US Defense Secretary: There has been no decision to leave Iraq
US Defense Secretary Mark Esper denies reports that the US-led international coalition fighting ISIS has decided to withdraw from Iraq. “There has been no decision to leave Iraq. Period,” he said.

The view from Tehran: Soleimani’s death is just the beginning
I have no doubt Iran will retaliate against American targets in the region. Hezbollah’s chief Hassan Nasrallah said in his speech on Sunday that such targets can be found anywhere in the Middle East (echoing the sentiments of one Iranian official who mentioned Tel Aviv specifically). Iran will decide where and when to strike, but its proxies will surely act independently and attack Israeli targets as well, which will certainly complicate things further.

Ilhan Omar voted 2019’s antisemite of the year
The poll, which started at the end of 2019, included Omar as one of the top three nominees, alongside Louis Farrakhan and Richard Spencer. The votes are in and the counting has been completed: US Rep. Ilhan Omar is 2019’s biggest antisemite, according to stopantisemitism.org.

The Ottomans are back – what does that mean for Israel?
Tracing regional dynamics over the last century is vital to understanding the combustible situation today. Turkey supports Tripoli; Egypt supports Haftar. It is part of a much wider struggle that represents Turkey’s attempt to revive influence not seen since the end of the First World War. A century ago, the European powers thought that the Ottoman Empire could be easily chopped up and its territories given away. Today Turkey is back, moving into areas like northern Iraq, northern Syria, Libya and even the Gulf and Somalia.

Netanyahu Praises Trump’s Assassination of Soleimani
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lauded the US strike that took out ICRG head Qasem Soleimani at the start of his cabinet meeting on Sunday. “Qassem Soleimani initiated, planned and carried out many terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East and beyond. President Trump is deserving of all esteem for taking determined, strong and quick action” Netanyahu said.

Iran Threatens to Turn Tel Aviv, Haifa into Dust
The battle of words between Iran and the USA is still going strong in the Twittersphere. And Israel seems to be absorbing the brunt of it. After US President Donald Trump threatened to strike 52 Iranian targets should Tehran continue attacking the US or its assets abroad, former head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), Mohsen Rezaei, responded saying that if they did that, the Israeli cities of Haifa and Tel Aviv would be decimated and returned to the ground-level.

Here’s How Ilhan Omar Reacted To Trump Ordering The Hit On Iranian Terrorist Soleimani
Ilhan Omar accused President Donald Trump of killing Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani — a designated terrorist by the U.S. government — as a “distraction” from domestic political issues.

Ezekiel’s Hoofbeats Get Louder With Turkey’s Influence Over Libya
A new opportunity for restoring what are viewed as former Ottoman territorial claims has recently arisen with the Turkish-Libyan maritime agreements concluded on November 27, 2019. Following the Arab Spring, Libya split into several subdivisions, including the Government of National Accord (GNA), based in Tripoli, under the leadership of Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj, and the Libyan National Army (LNA), based in Tobruk, under General Khalifa Haftar.

Berkowitz meets Netanyahu over potential Trump peace plan roll out
Avi Berkowitz, assistant to US President Donald Trump and special representative for international negotiations, met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Residence on Monday to discuss the Trump administration’s peace plan, The Jerusalem Post has confirmed. Attending the meeting was also US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Trump under fire for threat to Iranian cultural sites
US President Donald Trump has faced growing criticism over his threats to attack Iran’s cultural sites. Mr Trump made the threats amid fallout from the US assassination of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani. The president said cultural sites were among 52 identified Iranian targets that could be attacked if Iranians “torture, maim and blow up our people”.

CES Gadget Show: Surveillance is in – and in a big way
From the face scanner that will check in some attendees to the cameras-everywhere array of digital products, the CES gadget show is all-in on surveillance technology — whether it calls it that or not. Nestled in the “smart home” and “smart city” showrooms at the sprawling Las Vegas consumer tech conference are devices that see, hear and track the people they encounter.

Stocks steady, oil cools as U.S.-Iran tensions ease
World shares steadied and oil pulled back from multi-month highs on Tuesday after dramatic post-new year moves, as investors judged prospects of an all-out conflict between the United States and Iran had eased. After a strong rally, oil gave back some of its gains amid signs that Iran would be unlikely to strike against the U.S. in a way that would disrupt supplies.

Iran Guard leader threatens to ‘set ablaze’ U.S.-backed places
The leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard threatened on Tuesday to “set ablaze” places supported by the United States over the killing of a top Iranian general in a U.S. airstrike last week, sparking cries from the crowd of “Death to Israel!” Hossein Salami made the pledge before a crowd of thousands gathered in a central square in Kerman, the hometown of the slain Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Iran ‘ready to come back to full compliance’ in nuclear deal – senior official
Iran is “ready to come back to full compliance” with its nuclear deal with world powers, deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi said on Tuesday, according to a tweet from the Foreign Ministry, though the post did not provide any information on possible conditions.

Major floods hit Israel after 20 percent of yearly rainfall in just 2 hours
Major flooding hit parts of Israel following days of heavy downpour on January 4 and 5, 2020, claiming at least four lives. The rain was so intense that the city of Tel Aviv received 20% of its yearly rainfall in just two hours.

Intense earthquake swarm shaking southern Puerto Rico, damage reported after today’s M5.8
Numerous moderate to strong earthquakes shook southern Puerto Rico over the past 9 days, with the strongest earthquake in the sequence — M5.8 on January 6, 2020. The quake struck 13 km (8 miles) SSE of Indios. “I’ve spent 29 years with Puerto Rico’s Seismic Network, and it’s the first time I observe this kind of activity,” director Víctor Huérfano told The Associated Press a couple of days ago.

Tropical Cyclone “Blake” forms near northern Western Australia, landfall expected January 8/9
Tropical Cyclone “Blake” formed at 00:00 UTC on Monday, January 6, 2020, off the northern coast of Western Australia, as the first tropical cyclone of the 2019/20 Australian region cyclone season. Landfall is expected in the vicinity of Wallal Downs along Eighty Mile Beach late on Tuesday or early Wednesday, January 8 or 9 (LT) as a Category 2.

New Laws to Take Effect in China: Total Submission by Religious Groups to Communist Party
Chinese Christians have expressed their concern after the Chinese government announced it will soon require all religious personnel of any faith to support total submission to the Chinese Communist Party.

United States And Canadian Embassies Warn Their Citizens Living In Israel About Possible Missile Attacks From Iran And Proxies In The Coming Days
When all this news first broke a few days ago about the hostilities between the United States and Iran over the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the first thing we told you was look to Israel. Why? Because the Bible is true and all world conflict will ultimately lead you straight to Israel’s doorstep. And here we are just 2 days later and what do we see? We see the US Embassy as well as the Canadian Embassy in Israel warning their citizens of a possible missile strike in the coming days.

Air Force Launches 52 F-35A Lightning II Jets In Training Exercise Say It Is ‘Completely Coincidental’ and Has Nothing To Do With 52 Strikes Trump Warned Iran With On Saturday
Two days ago, President Trump let Iran know in no uncertain terms that he had ordered the Pentagon to target 52 sites in Iran that the United States was planning on hitting is Iran retaliated for the killing of General Qassem Soleimani. Those 52 targets represented the 52 American hostages Iran held captive back in 1979.

Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires
Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster.

Truckers’ transportation coalition warns of “super supply chain crisis” as America’s cities may collapse into war zones: food, fuel, medical supplies could all be disrupted
The Executive Director of the Small Business in Transportation Coalition (SBTC) — known as Truckers.com — has issued a stern warning about a “super supply chain crisis” that could severely disrupt trucking and transportation operations that bring supplies to all U.S. cities.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Iraqi Militia Leader Threatens To Target American Citizens If They Re-Elect Trump
Jawad Al Telbawi, a commander of one of the factions within the PMF, says American civilians may be targeted if they return Donald Trump to the Oval Office. After threatening …. Trump as well as the U.S. military, Al Telbawi also demanded that American citizens “pressure” Trump to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq “before we send your soldiers back in coffins.” He also suggested American civilians could be the target of terror attacks.

“If I’m A Criminal, It’s Open Season”: Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals
In a country where the balance of power swings wildly between law enforcement and criminals, Atlanta has launching a program that as of this moment will let crime run rampant without and police officers in pursuit. Literally. Last week, Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields sent out an email to the entire police force notifying officers that the department will no longer chase suspects, in what is now called a “zero chase policy.” According to WSB-TV, Shields cited “the risk to the safety of the officers and the public for each chase”, and “knowing that the judicial system is largely unresponsive to the actions of the defendants.” “This is pretty drastic,”… “If I’m a criminal, it’s open season. It’s going to impact all the law-abiding citizens. It’s worrisome.”….expect a surge in crime because the alternative, a crackdown on crime, is now seen as racist and politically disadvantageous to those in charge of inner city slums.

Planned Parenthood Reports Record 345,672 Abortions – ‘Abortion Is Its Mission’
Planned Parenthood performed nearly 350,000 abortions during its most recent fiscal year – a record number that pro-life groups say underscores the organization’s tragic real mission.

Trump on war-crime charges: If Iran can kill our people, we can hit Iran cultural sites
Trump stood by his words. “They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites. It doesn’t work that way,” Trump told reporters, referring to Iran, according to NBC.

Nunes: Inspector general who started impeachment now under investigation
The intelligence community inspector general who already had been rebuked for his handling of the whistleblower complaint that triggered the Democrats’ impeachment of President Trump is under investigation, according to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.

Soleimani’s killing ignites Russia-vs.-Iran schism in Syria
The death of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, at the orders of President Trump last week, not only has cast a murky shadow on the future of Iraq’s leadership, but also has sent schisms through Syria’s leadership, multiple sources tell Fox News.

So sorry we eliminated your mass murderer
The world’s gone nuts – it’s official. There’s no crying in baseball, but there’s plenty of it for a madman general who got what’s coming. For starters, in a snit over Trump’s termination of Soleimani, Iraq wants all US troops out of there, and remind me, please, why we are still there. I forgot. I forgot which gang of Islamists we are protecting from another group of Islamists, and does anybody know which are the good guys and which are the bad guys?

Iran fires dozens of rockets towards US forces in Iraq
Pentagon: Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against US forces in Iraq. Iran says it is revenge for Soleimani’s death.

How What’s Happening in America, Iran and Israel are Linked To The End of Days
Rabbi Mendel Kessin, messianic era expert, scholar, and international speaker … outlined what he called “three basic areas” in the messianic advancement. The first arena is America under the leadership of President Trump. The second arena is Iran. …the third player on the messianic stage is, of course, Israel.

Was Soleimani Found Wearing the Ring of Haman?
Sod 1820, a Hebrew language website reporting on current events from a Jewish mystical perspective, noted the significance of a ring presented to a prominent Biblical figure: Haman. Haman was, like Soleimani, an evil underling in the Persian Empire, both dedicated to killing Jews. Like Haman’s evil actions resulted in the deaths of his ten sons, ten people were killed in the drone strike that eliminated Soleimani.

Repeating radio signal traced back to nearby galaxy
“What’s very interesting about this particular repeating FRB is that it is in the arm of a Milky Way-like spiral galaxy, and is the closest to Earth thus far localized,” says Kevin Bandura, co-author of the study. “The unique proximity and repetition of this FRB might allow for observation in other wavelengths and the potential for more detailed study to understand the nature of this type of FRB.”

Netanyahu: We stand by the United States
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel’s commitment to stand with the U.S. following the Iranian missile attack on American bases in Iraq. “We stand in determination and strength”, said Netanyahu during a ceremony on Wednesday at The Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. “He who shall strike at us will face a strong blow.”

Khamenei: We must end the ‘corrupting presence’ of America in the region
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, spoke Wednesday morning following the Iranian missile attack on Iraqi military bases where US forces are located. The attack comes in response to the assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani.

DR Congo measles: More than 6,000 dead in world’s worst outbreak
The number of people killed by a measles epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo has passed 6,000, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said. The WHO says the epidemic is the world’s largest and fastest moving. Around 310,000 suspected measles cases have been reported since the start of 2019, the WHO says.

Russian president Vladimir Putin lands in Damascus on unannounced visit
Russian president Vladimir Putin has arrived in Damascus on a surprise visit to meet his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad. Mr Putin met Mr Assad at a Russian military base in the capital, where the two leaders discussed the military situation in the country, a Kremlin spokesperson said. Moscow has been a key backer of Mr Assad for years, formally entering Syria’s civil war on his side in 2015.

6.4 quake strikes Puerto Rico amid heavy seismic activity
Thousands of people fled their homes on Puerto Rico’s southwest coast on Tuesday after a 10-day string of earthquakes crescendoed in a powerful magnitude 6.4 temblor that crushed an elderly man, injured at least eight other people and sent buildings tumbling to the ground. Hours after the predawn quake cut power…a large swath of southern Puerto Rico was shaken by smaller quakes late into Tuesday afternoon.

“If I’m A Criminal, It’s Open Season”: Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals
“Please know that I realize this will not be a popular decision; and more disconcerting to me personally, is that this decision may drive crime up. I get it.”

Hezbollah Says They Will Attack Israel If United States Responds To Iran Missile Attack By The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps On Tuesday
No sooner than Iran launches over 36 ballistic missiles on US troop bases in Iraq than Hezbollah issues a statement saying that if the US responds in any way to Iran’s attack, then they will immediately launch a strike against Israel. Looks like no one in Washington or Israel is getting any sleep tonight. Like we always tell you, whenever conflict pops in the Middle East that involves Iran, look immediately to Israel because that’s where it’s all leading. Now we see Hezbollah leading the charge, time will tell how serious this thing really is.

Ukrainian Boeing 737 carrying 180 crashes in Tehran shortly after takeoff
Iranian state TV is reporting a Ukrainian airplane carrying 180 passengers and crew has crashed near an airport in the capital, Tehran.

Very strong and shallow M6.4 earthquake hits Puerto Rico — power outages, widespread damage reported
A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 (downgraded from M6.5) hit southern Puerto Rico at 08:24 UTC (04:24 local time) on January 7, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 6.7 km (4.1 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 10 km (6.5 miles). This is by far the strongest earthquake in an intense swarm shaking this area since December 29, 2019. To learn more about the swarm, visit Intense earthquake swarm shaking southern Puerto Rico.

Iran Fires Dozens Of Ballistic Missiles At US Troops As It Begins ‘Operation: ‘Martyr Soleimani’ And The 82nd Airborne deploys to the Middle East
Iran has officially begun ‘Operation: Martyr Soleimani’ which is their official retaliation for the killing of General Qassam Soleimani over the weekend. It began just a few hours ago with the firing of ballistic missiles from Iran in a cross-border attack on US forces in Iraq. The United States is right now at this moment sending waves of troops to the Middle East, including the 82nd Airborne from Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

British Astronaut: Aliens Definitely Exist and They Could Be Living among Us on Earth, Says Britain’s First Astronaut
Helen Sharman, who visited the Soviet Mir space station in 1991, told the Observer newspaper on Sunday that “aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.”

Chicago Public Schools IG Opened 458 Sexual Misconduct Cases in 2019
The office of the inspector general (OIG) of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) opened 458 cases in 2019 that involved alleged sexual misconduct of CPS staff against students.

Iraq base with US troops targeted in rocket attack: reports

Tehran has launched a missile attack on two Iraqi air bases housing US troops, a retaliatory attack for the killing of their top general, according to the Pentagon and Iran state TV.

Armies of Unidentified Drones are Appearing Over The Western U.S. After Nightfall
Since just before Christmas, armies of unidentified drones have been appearing each night in the skies above Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas. The drones are approximately 6 feet wide and they have red and white lights, but nobody knows where they are from or who owns them. This is a story that is now receiving national attention, and the FBI, the FAA and the U.S. Air Force are all investigating this mystery.

CNN Settles $275M Lawsuit With ‘Punchable’ Teenager Nick Sandmann
Sandmann was viciously attacked by left-leaning news outlets…


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Ilhan Omar ‘stricken with PTSD’ amid US-Iran tensions
Rep. Jim Banks called Omar’s PTSD comments a “disgrace,” and “offensive to our nation’s veterans who really do have PTSD after putting their life on the line to keep America safe.”

Kohelet Policy Forum Applaud Trump Administration Announcement to “Disavow” Hansel Memo on Legality of Israeli Settlements
The Kohelet Policy Forum applauds the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s announcement that the U.S. is “disavowing” the 1978 State Department memo that wrongly concluded that Israeli settlements violate international law. Secretary Pompeo makes clear that the U.S. not only does not adopt the conclusions of the Carter-era memo, but entirely repudiates it as a source of legal guidance.

Understanding Iran’s End Times Eschatology – The Mahdi & The Mosque
For the first time ever, a blood red flag is being flown over the famous Jamkaran Mosque in the Iranian “holy city” of Qom. And as I will explain below, the fact that this mosque is directly associated with the Mahdi makes this symbolic gesture doubly significant. The hoisting of this flag was broadcast on Iranian state television, and it was obviously intended to send a message to Shiites all over the globe. So precisely what was that message?

Glacier National Park making changes to its signs as the settled science wasn’t so settled after all
The signs at Glacier National Park warning that its signature glaciers would be gone by 2020 are being changed. They were added more than a decade ago to reflect climate change forecasts at the time by the US Geological Survey, a park spokeswoman says.

Surveillance Capitalism: Weaponizing The Web To Manipulate Behavior
Over the past two decades, an entirely new economic model has taken hold, seemingly right under our noses. Whereas the Internet and digital technologies once promised to liberate humanity through disintermediation and shared connections, now they have been turned into tools for behavioral manipulation and exploitation.

Senate Democrats break with Pelosi over impeachment trial
Democrats are finally acknowledging that their efforts to extract concessions from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial are coming to an end. And Senate Democrats say it’s time to begin the trial and end the delay.

‘Iranian attack was intended to kill US personnel’
The top US military officer said on Wednesday that Iran’s missile attack in Iraq on Tuesday night had been intended to kill US personnel as well as cause major damage at al-Asad airbase. “I believe, based on what I saw and what I know, is that (the strikes) were intended to cause structural damage, destroy vehicles and equipment and aircraft and to kill personnel.

Netanyahu: Iran will ‘suffer overwhelming blow’ if it attacks Israel
“The state of Israel is the stable anchor in the stormy [Middle East] waters,” Netanyahu said. “We stand firm in the face of those who seek to destroy us. Anyone who tries to attack us will suffer the most overwhelming blow.” The prime minister added that Israel “stands completely besides the United States.”

Israel unveils breakthrough laser to intercept missiles, aerial threats
The Defense Ministry has made a technological breakthrough in the development of lasers that can intercept aerial threats, including rockets and antitank guided missiles, it announced Wednesday.

Rabbi Glick Interrupts Netanyahu’s Speech to Remind him to Build Third Temple
Warning about the dangers of Israel’s withdrawal from the region it liberated in the Six-Day-War, Netanyahu stated: “If Israel is not present on the hills of Judea and Samaria, Islamists will take over instead.” Without skipping a beat, Rabbi Yehuda Glick interrupted him yelling: “same with the Temple Mount!” Bennett responded to Glick’s comment saying: “You’re absolutely right Yehuda, also the Temple Mount.”

Magnitude 5 Earthquake Near Iran’s Nuclear Facility
An earthquake struck Iran near the Islamic Regime’s Bushehr nuclear plant on Wednesday according to reports. The event happened as missiles were launched at Iraqi bases housing US troops. This is the second magnitude 5 earthquake to hit the area of Iran’s Busheir Nuclear Facility in less than two weeks.

Iran-backed militias, IRGC threaten further ‘revenge’ attacks
As US President Donald Trump announced that Iran appeared to be “standing down,” Iranian officials and Iran-backed Iraqi militias warned that further “revenge” attacks would be carried out in the near future in response to the US assassination of former IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani.

Israeli tech company producing water from air gets top honor in Las Vegas
Genny, the Israeli-innovated home appliance that generates water out of thin air, was named the Consumer Technology Association’s Energy Efficiency Product of the Year in the 2020 Smart Home Mark of Excellence Awards at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas Wednesday night – an award series that annually recognizes the tech industry’s top smart home innovations.

Libya conflict: Turkey and Russia call for ceasefire
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have called for a ceasefire to end the conflict in Libya. The two leaders are seen to back rival sides in a conflict dragging in an increasing number of states. After talks in Istanbul, Mr Erdogan and Mr Putin said the ceasefire should come into force at midnight on Sunday.

China facial-recognition case puts Big Brother on trial
Facial-recognition technology has become embedded in China, from airports to hotels, e-commerce sites and even public toilets, but a law professor had enough when asked to scan his face at a safari park. Guo Bing took the wildlife park to court, raising the temperature in a growing debate about privacy and abuse of personal data in an increasingly digitised society.

New Virus Discovered by Chinese Scientists Investigating Pneumonia Outbreak
Chinese scientists investigating a mystery illness that has sickened dozens in central China have discovered a new strain of coronavirus, a development that will test the country’s upgraded capabilities for dealing with unfamiliar infectious diseases. The novel coronavirus was genetically sequenced from a sample from one patient and subsequently found in some of the others affected in the city of Wuhan…

More than 500 earthquakes have rattled the Puerto Rico region in 10 days. There may be more to come
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake that killed one person in Puerto Rico on Tuesday is one of hundreds of tremors that have rattled the island for more than a week. And experts say the shaking is not over yet. The latest earthquake struck during the predawn hours, flattening homes, knocking out power in some areas and jolting awake terrified residents.

Pompeo says U.S. support for Israeli settlements advances peace with Palestinians
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that Washington’s backing for Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank will advance Israeli-Palestinian peace, angering Palestinian leaders who seek the territory for a state…Pompeo in November announced that the United States no longer viewed Israel’s settlements on West Bank land…as “inconsistent with international law”.

CNN Gives Platform To Spokeswoman For The 1979 US Embassy Hostage-Takers To Push Iran Propaganda
CNN on Monday conducted a lengthy interview with an Iranian government official who once served as the spokeswoman for a group of students who held 52 American diplomats hostage for more than a year in 1979.

James Shupe Leaves ‘Fraud’ Transgender Lifestyle: ‘Legal Fiction Based on Pseudoscience’
James Shupe, the man who became the first person to obtain a legal sex designation of “non-binary,” now says the transgender lifestyle is a “fraud.”

Planned Parenthood Murdered Record Number of Unborn Babies in 2018-2019 While Receiving $616 Million in Taxpayer Funds
The abortion and contraception giant Planned Parenthood has released its annual report, which shows that the organization performed a record number of abortions during the 2018-2019 fiscal year, as 345,672 babies were murdered in their mother’s womb, up 12,915 from the year prior and up 24,288 from two years ago. Government funding was also at a record high, as Planned Parenthood received over $616 million in reimbursements and grants.

Mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China is causing panic
Weeks before an influx of visitors are slated to travel around China for the Lunar New Year, 59 people have been infected with a mysterious viral pneumonia, and officials still don’t know exactly how they got sick or what they’re sick with.

Illinois pot shops can’t keep up with demand after state legalizes recreational use
Less than a week after legalizing recreational marijuana in Illinois, an overwhelming number of buyers have strained the state’s supply and forced several dispensaries to shut down due to product shortages.

Obama’s Legacy: Iranian-backed Hezbollah Says It Has 70,000 Missiles Pointed at Israel in Case Tehran Calls
Iranians were heard shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” as the missiles were fired off.

1 dead as violent cloudburst triggers flood in Nahariya, Israel
A violent cloudburst hit Nahariya, Israel on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, leading to widespread flooding in which one person lost its life. This was the second severe storm within a week, following the first one on January 4 that claimed four lives in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Givat Nili.

Widespread floods and landslides hit Turkey, huge amounts of snow at higher elevations
Torrential rains have been battering Turkey for days beginning Monday, January 6, 2020, disrupting daily life in parts of the country as the downpour sparked widespread flash floods and landslides, claiming at least two lives. Extreme weather conditions led to heavy traffic, travel delays, power outages, and road closures. Huge amounts of snow were also reported at higher elevations.

Blake hits Western Australia, new tropical system forming near Northern Territory expected to make landfall between Maningrida and Croker Island
Tropical Cyclone “Blake” made landfall near Wallal Downs, Western Australia on January 7, 2020 with winds up to 85 km/h (53 mph) and heavy rain. Blake is the first named storm of the 2019/20 Australian region cyclone season. Meanwhile, another tropical cyclone is brewing near the coast of Northern Territory. It is forecast to approach and most likely cross the north coast early on Friday between Maningrida and Croker Island, then continue towards the Darwin area or the Tiwi Islands while gradually weakening.

Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes gets life sentence in Brian Terry ‘Fast and Furious’ killing
One of the men convicted of killing Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in 2010 was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for the crime, which shocked the country and exposed the Obama administration’s Fast and Furious gun-walking operations.

“Evil Sunrise” – Creepy Red Devil Horns Rise Over Iran
Creepy red devil horns over the Persian Gulf were photographed during a solar eclipse.

Ebola-infected woman crosses America’s open border and dies in a U.S. hospital… “human weapons” infected with Ebola are being sent into the USA
There’s still no formidable wall protecting America’s southern border from continued invasion, which means that “migrants” and “refugees” – let’s call these people what they really are: illegals – continue to flood into our country like a broken fire hydrant. And some of them, disturbing new reports indicate, are bringing with them deadly Ebola infections that could create a national health nightmare.

Israel Unveils Stunning New Hyper-Advanced Technology That Allows Them To Intercept Incoming Missiles Through Laser Beam Defense System
Even though their hearts as a nation are from Him, very far, the God of Abraham continues to keep His protective and providential hand upon His chosen people the Jews. With a little less than 15 million Jews worldwide, and a nation smaller than the size of New Jersey, the Jews continue to amaze the world with their innovation and development in technology, defense, agriculture, medicine and so many other areas. When was the last time you read about any Muslim in any Muslim nation inventing anything the whole world could benefit from? You never have and likely never will. Why? Because the Jews are so successful because God makes them that way.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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At long last: UK parliament approves Brexit deal
The UK Parliament on Thursday approved British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit bill, authorizing Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU). The bill passed 330 to 231, and now goes to the House of Lords for approval. It is expected that the breakaway will occur on January 31, 2020.

Hollywood Actress Accused of Sacrificing Child for Golden Idol
As far-fetched as the following may sound, it is actually disturbingly accurate. During her award speech at the “prestigious” Golden Globes award, Hollywood actress Michelle Williams, proudly stated that if it wasn’t for her getting an abortion, she would not have been able to receive her golden globe award. “She literally held a golden idol while claiming she had to sacrifice her child for it”.

University Displays ‘Unholy Bible’ Artwork Depicting Jesus With Satanic Face
The University of Southern Maine has displayed student-created artwork entitled Unholy Bible: Very Revised Standard Edition, which cut up the Holy Scriptures to look like flames and pasted a Satanic image over the face of Christ. After receiving complaints from Christian students, the university says the display is protected speech.

Supreme Court to Hear That Abortion Disproportionately Harms Black Women
Black pro-life organizations are arguing in an abortion case soon to be heard by the Supreme Court that “unqualified and uncredentialed abortion providers” have a long history of “disproportionately harming black women.” Oral arguments are scheduled for March 4 in the case cited as June Medical Services LLC v. Gee.

Ebola-infected woman crosses America’s open border and dies in a U.S. hospital… “human weapons” infected with Ebola are being sent into the USA
A case-in-point was a 41-year-old woman from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who died recently after entering the country via Texas. Border Patrol reportedly took the woman into custody after it was revealed that she had “a pre-existing medical condition,” after which she “vomited” before dying from “acute kidney failure.” Upon analysis, it was determined that the woman was infected with Ebola,

Just Days Before Conflict In The Middle East Exploded, Rare Solar Eclipse Mirage Created The Image Of ‘Red Devil Horns’ Rising Over The Persian Gulf
An optical illusion known as the Fata Morgana, caused by a rare solar eclipse, gave the appearance of red devil horns rising over the water. Not only that, when it was done, the eclipse caused the sun to appear as the crescent moon of Islam, glowing an most evil shade of red. These stunning photos were taken by Elias Chasiotis.

Appeals Court Gives Trump Green Light To Use Military Funds To Build Border Wall, Despite Judge Branding Bid Unlawful
A federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday to put a hold on a nationwide injunction barring President Donald Trump and his administration from using $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build his long-promised border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

“The End Stage Has Begun” – Rubino Warns “We’re Past The Point Of No Return”
“The coming monetary reset and what that means for gold and what that means for the rest of the global financial system, you don’t need a war to bring that about because we are making enough financial mistakes that will get us there in no time flat now without geopolitical turmoil…” “If you add a big war in the Middle East into the equation, then anything can happen. Rubino says the monetary masters “tried to fix the financial system but could not do it.” “We have entered a new stage which feels like one of the end stages of this process…”

Jussie Smollett’s Emails, Photos, Location Data And Private Messages To Be Turned Over By Google: Judge
A judge in Cook County, Illinois has ordered Google to hand over 12 months of Jussie Smollett’s emails, photos, location data and private messages to the special prosecutor conducting an investigation into the actor’s 2018 hate crime hoax, in which he two associates say the actor paid them to dress up as white Trump supporters and beat him, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Al-Jazeera Survey Reveals: After Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, Muslims Don’t Want Iran to “Liberate” Jerusalem
The Arabic people are telling you: You want to liberate Jerusalem? We don’t want you to liberate her! I conducted a survey yesterday. No one wants you to liberate Jerusalem or Palestine.

Shishaldin volcano eruptions intensify, prompting alert
The Alaska Volcano Observatory has raised the alert level for Mount Shishaldin to code red due to ongoing eruptions that continue to intensify. This level of alert means that a major volcanic eruption is imminent, underway, or suspected with hazardous activity both on the ground and in the air.

Footage seems to show Iran shooting down plane with Russian-made missile
A Ukrainian airliner that crashed in Iran, killing all 176 people aboard, seems to have been shot down by Iran with a Russian-made missile, a US official said… They additionally aired footage of what seems to be missiles hitting the airplane. It was likely brought down by an Iranian missile, Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said on Thursday, citing intelligence from Canadian and other sources.

Iran wants to handle black box data after plane crash blamed on missile
Iran said on Friday it wanted to download black box recordings itself from a Ukrainian airliner that crashed, killing all 176 people aboard, after Canada and others said the plane was brought down by an Iranian missile, probably by mistake. According to news agency Irina, the boxes will be ‘opened’ on January 10.

Israel breaks 50-year record for most rainfall in North, 76 years in South
Israel broke a more than 50-year record for the highest amount of rainfall in northern Israel on Thursday, according to the Israel Meteorological Service, as the heavy rains that have swept the nation over the last two weeks are expected to continue through Friday. Emergency services remain on high alert across the country…

Kashmir: India top court orders review of longest internet shutdown
India’s Supreme Court has given the government a week to review its suspension of internet services in Indian-administered Kashmir. The region has not had access to the internet for more than 150 days, India’s longest such shutdown. The government suspended internet, mobile phone and landline services in Kashmir before stripping it of partial autonomy on 5 August.

Hong Kong PTSD level ‘comparable to conflict zones’, study finds
Around a third of adults in Hong Kong reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the often-violent pro-democracy protests, according to a new study. The number was six times higher than four years ago, the University of Hong Kong study found. Levels of depression are reportedly comparable to those in conflict zones.

Brexit: MPs give final backing to Withdrawal Agreement Bill
MPs have given their final backing to the bill that will implement the UK government’s Brexit deal. The Commons voted 330 to 231 in favour of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill and it will now pass to the House of Lords for further scrutiny next week. If peers choose to amend it will it come back before MPs.

Iran crisis: Commander says more air strikes were planned against US
Strikes against US forces in Iraq could have been just the beginning of a major operation across the region if the US had responded, a senior Iranian commander is reported as saying. Quoted by state TV, Amir Ali Hajizadeh said the only fitting revenge for Gen Qasem Soleimani’s killing by the US was to drive US forces from the region.

Fearing nuclear proliferation, Europe scrambles to calm Iran tensions
Europe will look on Friday for ways to guide the United States and Iran away from open conflict, knowing that a miscalculation from either side could leave the bloc facing a war and a serious nuclear proliferation crisis at its doorstep.

Suspected Islamists kill 25 soldiers in Niger: government
Suspected Islamist militants killed 25 soldiers and wounded six others in an attack on an army post in west Niger near its border with Mali on Thursday, the government said. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attack on the post at Chinagodrar, about 130 miles (209 km) north of the capital Niamey.

U.S. senators back bill to provide $3.3 billion for Israel
Republican and Democratic U.S. senators introduced legislation on Thursday to provide $3.3 billion in annual aid to Israel, seeking to put into law an aid agreement between the two countries reached in 2016 amid concern over rising Middle East tensions. Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic Senator Chris Coons co-sponsored the bill, a standalone provision of a broader measure that stalled a year ago.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

PRAISE GOD! President Trump Pledges to Restore Prayer in School
President Trump announced at a campaign rally in Miami that he will take action to restore prayer in public schools. “Very soon I’ll be taking action to safeguard students and teachers’ First Amendment rights to pray in our schools,” Trump said. “They want to take that right along with many other ones.”

Iran admits: Ukrainian plane brought down because of ‘human error’
Iran said on Saturday its military had mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian plane killing all 176 aboard, saying air defenses were fired in error while on high alert in the tense aftermath of Iranian missile strikes on US targets in Iraq. Iran had previously vigorously denied bringing the plane down. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who until Saturday kept silent about the crash, said information should be made public.

Taiwan election: Tsai bids for second term against contender Han
Polls have closed in Taiwan’s presidential election, whose outcome will shape the island’s relationship with China. Tsai Ing-wen, running for a second term, favours the status quo, and does not want closer ties with Beijing. Meanwhile, her main rival, Han Kuo-yu, promises to ease tensions with China.

Sultan Qaboos of Oman, Arab world’s longest-serving ruler, dies aged 79
Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman, the Arab world’s longest-serving ruler, has died aged 79. The sultan deposed his father in a bloodless coup with British support in 1970 and set Oman on a path to development, using its oil wealth. Widely regarded as popular, he was also an absolute monarch and any dissenting voices were silenced.

Texas governor to reject new refugees under Trump order
The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has said the state will not accept new refugees under the US government’s resettlement programme. The decision means Texas will become the first state known to do so. Last year US President Donald Trump signed an executive order allowing states to opt out of the programme.

White House considering dramatic expansion of travel ban
The White House is considering dramatically expanding its much-litigated travel ban to additional countries amid a renewed election-year focus on immigration by President Donald Trump, according to six people familiar with the deliberations. A document outlining the plans — timed to coincide with the third anniversary of Trump’s January 2017 executive order — has been circulating the White House.

Magnitude 6 shock rocks quake-stunned Puerto Rico
A magnitude 6.0 quake shook Puerto Rico on Saturday, causing further damage along the island’s southern coast… The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake hit 8 miles (13 kilometers) south of Indios at a shallow depth of 6 miles (10 kilometers). Puerto Rico’s Electric Power Authority said outages were reported across much of southern Puerto Rico and crews were assessing possible damage at power plants.

Trump administration refuses to heed Iraq’s call for troop withdrawal
The Trump administration refused…to recognize Iraq’s call to withdraw all U.S. troops, saying…any discussion with Baghdad would center on whatever force size…is sufficient to achieve its goals there. “At this time, any delegation sent to Iraq would be dedicated to discussing how best to recommit to our strategic partnership – not to discuss troop withdrawal,” the State Department said.

U.S., China agree to have semi-annual talks aimed a reforms, resolving disputes: WSJ
The United States and China have agreed to having semi-annual talks aimed at pushing for reforms in both countries and resolving disputes… The negotiations will be announced on Jan. 15 as part of the signing of a Phase 1 trade deal between the U.S. and China, but will be separate from any second-phase trade negotiations…

Egyptian restores historic synagogue, but few Jews remain
Egypt reopened a historic synagogue on Friday in the Mediterranean coastal city of Alexandria after a yearslong government renovation. But only a handful of Jews remain from Egypt’s once-thriving community, most of them elderly. The country’s Jews largely left more than 60 years ago amid the hostilities between Egypt and Israel.

Israel breaks 51-year-old rainfall record, historic flooding claims 7 lives
Torrential downpours in northern Israel have broken a 51-year-old rainfall record within a two-week period… An average of 350 and 400 mm (14 to 16 inches) of rain had been accumulated since December 25, 2019– the highest amount measured in two-week time since January 1969. Several areas received rainfall amounts in days that surpassed the average for a month and a season. 7 people have been killed.

Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano had a spectacular eruption this week
The active volcano Popocatépetl – just 43 miles (70 km) southeast of Mexico City, and visible from there when atmospheric conditions permit – erupted Thursday morning, January 9, 2020, spewing ash high into the air and oozing lava.

Development in Drone Swarm Mystery: Sheriff Releases ‘Command Vehicle’ Description
Authorities working to crack the case of mysterious swarms of drones in the central United States are now taking a new approach — they’re searching for a command vehicle. The Phillips County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado made the announcement Monday, revealing that the case now has its own task force comprised of local, state and federal officials.

Largest rocket since Apollo rolls out
The first of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) deep space exploration rockets is on the move as it rolled out of the space agency’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans on January 8, 2020. The Boeing-built SLS Core Stage was put on the Pegasus barge to make its voyage downriver to the Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi for hot-fire tests before delivery to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The SLS is the largest rockets to fly since the Moon landings and will even outclass the legendary Saturn V.

The Methodist Split – A Warning For All Churches
On Friday, representatives of the United Methodist Church tentatively agreed on a proposal that would split the nation’s second largest Protestant denomination over “fundamental differences” regarding the “interpretation of Scripture, theology, and practice.” Thus, every Bible-believing pastor and congregation will have to make a conscious and public decision. Will they remain committed to their theologically conservative convictions or will they compromise?

240 000 urged to flee Victoria as scorching temperatures and erratic winds worsen bushfires, Australia
Australian authorities urged 240 000 people to evacuate Victoria on Friday, January 10, 2020, as blazing temperatures and erratic winds fan massive bushfires. As of January 8, the fires have raged through 10.7 million ha (26 million acres) of land, destroyed over 5 900 buildings and claimed at least 28 lives.

Wildfire Jihad: Muslims in Australia Among Nearly 200 Arsonists Who Set Fires
….We might not know the makeup of all of the arsonists, but we do know that some were Muslim and we know that this is taken right from the Muslim playbook.

Heavy snow blankets Saudi Arabian NW province of Tabuk, Lebanon and Syria
Residents of the Saudi Arabian northwestern province of Tabuk took to social media to share stunning scenes of heavy snow. During the same period, severe weather struck parts of the Middle East, with rain in the UAE, hailstorms in Alexandria, Egypt and rain and snowstorms in Lebanon and Syria.

Widespread destruction, 41 people dead after heavy rains hit Angola
Torrential rains affecting Angola since January 3, 2020, caused widespread destruction and left at least 41 people dead. According to Interior Minister Eugenio Laborinho, capital city Luanda is among the worst-hit areas.

Icy roads impact travel ahead of major multi-hazard storm, snow, and damaging winds across central U.S.
A large multi-hazard storm is forecast to pound the central US, particularly the Plains and Midwest starting Friday, January 10, 2020. The storm will shift to the East Coast by early Sunday, January 12.

William Barr: Congress has to pass a bill to restrict fentanyl ? and save lives
While the political circus drags on inside the Beltway, Congress is sitting on critical legislation needed to deal with the deadliest opioid fueling the nation’s drug overdose crisis.

Police: Man ‘Looking for Someone to Kill’ Hits Veteran with Car
A Florida man killed a 75-year-old veteran with his car Thursday, just to see what it would be like to end someone’s life.

Did Russian Warship ‘Aggressively Approach’ US Destroyer In Arabian Sea Yesterday In A Show Of Support For Iran And Their Conflict With America?
Imagine if the United States actually did enter into a war with Iran, I am sure you can see it in your mind’s eye.

The Normalization Of Pedophilia By Liberals Is Happening Right Now With One California University Already Teaching That To Their Students
Very quietly over the past few years the Social Justice Left has been working and lobbying to change the classification of pedophilia from a deviant mental sickness to a sexual orientation. Here at NTEB we have been warning you about this for some time. And for those of you who think this type of leap is impossible, remember this.

No Mistake: Iran FIRED TWO MISSILES at Passenger Jet Killing All 176 Civilians on Board
It’s taken the media days to catch up and reluctantly report on what Geller Report reported the day of the crash, that Iran shot down that passenger plane. In their haste to cover for their jihad cause du jour, they insist it was a mistake. It wasn’t. The idea that Iran mistook flight 737 for a US military plane is absurd on its face. There are no Us military planes at Tehran airport.

College Professor Says Iran Should Target 52 Sites In America — PROMPTLY GETS FIRED
After President Trump took out Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force and the world’s No. 1 terrorist, he sent a message to the nation’s leaders via Twitter.

Dogs help save koalas in Australian wildfires
Rescuers in Australia are using dogs to save koalas as fires ravage parts of the country. The owner of TATE Animal Training Enterprises, which trains dogs on how to find threatened species, told ABC News his team of canines has rescued dozens of koalas.

Vermont Is Trying To Pass A Bill That Would Make It Illegal For Anyone Under The Age Of 21 To Use Or Possess A Cell Phone Or Mobile Device
Liberals are a funny sort of creature, from their name you would think they would be all about freedom and liberty, perhaps that was true at one time but it is certainly not true in our day. In 2020 being a Liberal means you are wanting either a Socialist or Communist form of government, both systems being antithetical to both freedom and liberty.

AFA President Thanks Chick-fil-A’s Cathy: ‘He Did Admit They Made a Mistake’
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s letter to the American Family Association (AFA) about the company’s charitable giving is being called a sign of progress, but the AFA says there’s still cause for concern.

Virginia Democrats Move to Begin ‘Confiscation’ of Guns from Americans, Report Shows
Democratic lawmakers in the Democrat-controlled state of Virginia have filed proposals to begin the “confiscation” of legally-acquired guns from law-abiding American citizens, according to a bombshell new report.

School Blocks Parents From Viewing ‘Gay Porn’ Shown to Children in LGBT Lessons
A Pennsylvania has blocked parents from being able to review “gay porn” videos that are shown to their children during mandatory LGBT sex education classes.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Four hospitalized after antisemitic mob rampages through Uman
An armed mob stormed through the city of Uman, Ukraine over Shabbat, attacking Jews outside the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, Yeshiva World News reported. “I returned from the Kloiz [the Breslov synagogue] and I see that they’re beating every Jew who ‘dared’ to look at them or say a word to them,” one Jewish visitor to the town said.

Libya conflict: GNA and Gen Haftar’s LNA ceasefire ‘broken’
The two sides in Libya’s civil war have accused the other of breaking an internationally brokered ceasefire within hours of it taking effect. After pressure from their backers, Russia and Turkey, the ceasefire officially started on Sunday. But both the UN-backed government and forces loyal to Russian ally Gen Khalifar Haftar say there has been fighting around the capital, Tripoli.

Britain condemns Tehran’s arrest of UK ambassador
Britain has condemned the arrest of the UK ambassador to Iran as a “flagrant violation of international law”. Rob Macaire was detained after attending a vigil for those who died when Iran’s military shot down a passenger plane on Wednesday. He left when it turned into a protest before being arrested and accused of helping to organise the demonstrations.

US storms: At least 11 killed as severe weather hits south
At least 11 people have died as a result of severe storms sweeping across parts of the southern US, bringing high winds and heavy rain. Deaths were reported in the states of Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected by power cuts as a result of the storms, while homes have been destroyed and roads flooded.

German and Russian leaders discuss Mideast tensions
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks in Moscow on Saturday to discuss growing tensions in the Middle East and other issues. Earlier in the week, the German leader’s spokesman described Russia as “indispensable when it comes to solving political conflicts” due to its status as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

Powerful eruption at Taal volcano, volcanic ash to 16.7 km (55 000 feet) a.s.l., Philippines
Taal volcano in the Philippines started erupting at 06:04 UTC on January 12, 2020, for the first time since 1977. The volcanic ash cloud is reaching up to 16.7 km (55 000 feet) above sea level… PHIVOLCS said it strongly recommends Taal Volcano Island and high-risk barangays of Agoncillo and Laurel, Batangas be evacuated due to the possible hazards of pyroclastic density currents and volcanic tsunami.

Massive dust storm across Australia extends almost the total width of the continent
A trough moving through central Australia on January 11, 2020, lifted up huge amounts of dust, creating a massive dust storm — almost the entire width of the continent. The trough is expected to bring showers and storms to the southeast into Sunday morning, January 12.

Magnitude 5.9 Shock Rocks Quake-Stunned Puerto Rico
A magnitude 5.9 quake shook Puerto Rico on Saturday, causing further damage along the island’s southern coast, where previous recent quakes have toppled homes and schools.

Storm cancels over 1,000 flights in Chicago and triggers flooding along lakeshore
A potent storm traversing the eastern half of the country has produced flooding rain, deadly tornadoes and travel-halting ice and snow and its impacts are far from over.

Sonoma County Plan Would Evict Renters To Buy Housing For Homeless
A controversial plan to solve the homeless crisis has people fired up in Sonoma County where officials plan to spend millions of dollars to buy three properties that would be used to house the homeless.

Israel Bombs Multiple Targets On Border
Eight people were reportedly killed in airstrikes against Iranian militias along the border between Syrian and Iraq, according to Ynet that quoted the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

US to expel over a dozen Saudi trainees after review of Naval Air Station Pensacola shooting
The United States is poised to expel more than a dozen Saudi servicemen training at U.S. military installations following a review of last month’s shooting at the naval air station in Pensacola, Florida.

Iranians Riot In The Streets Of Tehran Demanding The Ayatollah Resign After Iran Admits To Killing 176 People When They Shot Down Ukrainian Jetliner
Irate Iranians mobbed the streets of Tehran Saturday, demanding that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei resign immediately after it was learned that Iran lied about intentionally targeting the Ukrainian jetliner, bringing it down with 176 souls on board. It is a sweet irony that in the aftermath of the decision by American president Trump to take out Quds general Qassem Soleimani, the people calling for regime change in Iran are its own citizens. You really can’t stop that Trump Train, can you?

Don’t Take That Eoola Vaccine!
Some people will have a difficult time accepting the sum and substance of this report. Because I have been covering the topic for six years, I am somewhat desensitized to the objective of the hard core satanists that are trying to run this planet. The fact is clear, they want 90% of you dead and the comments of their minions and their colleagues speaks clearly to this intent. This article will reveal the intent to spread Ebola through the United States. But first, here are some quotes which verify the intent of the meaning and motivation which underlies this report.

The Worst Case Scenario Has Happened: Undeniable Proof That EBOLA IS NOW AIRBORNE!!!
Ebola is airborne and this nightmare scenario is soon to be visited upon the United State and the world as a whole. This article will validate this claim.

He threatened Soros, Clinton, and Obama-now he’s dead.
Kevin Massey was a former member of the Texas border militia group, Rusty’s Rangers. In 2014 his group embarrassed the Obama administration’s Border Patrol by stepping in and proving illegal immigrants could be located and apprehended.

Pampers new device sends you a notification when your kid has a dirty diaper
Lumi by Pampers is a smart sensor that attaches to your infant’s diaper and sends you a notification when they go to the bathroom.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Sanhedrin Meets With Representative of ‘Ten Lost Tribes’: Launches Efforts to Return them to Israel
In its effort to establish an Organization of 70 Nations, the Sanhedrin reached out to an ethnic group that represents the most likely candidate to be the actual descendants of the 10 tribes of Israel that were taken away in captivity in the eighth century BCE. The Pashtun, an Iranic ethnic group of 50 million Muslims refer to themselves as the “Bani Israel,” very similar phonetically to the Hebrew term for the “children of Israel,” Bnei Yisrael… the representative of the Pashtun signed the charter in which he agreed, as Pashtun, to join with the other nations in helping Israel to bring about the Third Temple.

Royal Heiress of Cambodia is Jewish and Just had her Bat Mitzvah
The Cambodian royal family celebrated its first Bat Mitzvah (coming of age party) last week. Elior Koroghli is the great-granddaughter of Sisowath Monivong who was the King of Cambodia from 1927 until his death in 1941. Elior is the daughter of Ray (Rahamim), a Persian Jew, and Susie (Sarah Bracha), the daughter of the Cambodian ambassador to the United States, who grew up in a Buddhist home (her father was a monk) but converted to Judaism.

England’s Ambassador to Iran Arrested in Tehran
According to reports from Tehran, Macaire was arrested for ‘organizing, provoking and directing radical actions’ at a protest outside Tehran’s Amir Kabir University. Thousands of protestors in the country’s capital took to the streets after it was revealed that the regime shot down a Ukrainian airliner.

Trump says he “couldn’t care less” if Iran agrees to negotiate
US President Donald Trump said Sunday he does not care if Iran agrees to negotiate with the United States after a senior adviser earlier suggested the Islamic Republic would have no choice but to agree to talks.

Volcano erupts on southwestern Japan island, no injuries reported
A volcano on a southwestern Japan island erupted Saturday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said, with no immediate reports of injuries. Rocks were thrown about 300 meters from the crater of Mt. Shintake on Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima Prefecture following the eruption around 3:05 p.m., the agency said, adding it had not confirmed any pyroclastic flow.

Australia Cyclone warning issued in WA as heavy rain batters Top End
A cyclone warning has been issued for Western Australia’s remote Kimberley region after more than half a metre of rain fell in some parts of Top End. Tropical Cyclone Claudia could produce hazardous winds with gusts up to 100km/h and heavy rainfall as it intensifies offshore on Sunday.

Taal volcano: Lava spews as ‘hazardous eruption’ feared
A volcano in the Philippines has begun spewing lava, as authorities warn that a “hazardous eruption” is possible “within hours or days”. In the early hours of Monday weak lava began flowing out of Taal volcano- located some 70km (45 miles) south of the capital Manila.

“In State Of Shock” – Former CIA Spook Warns Dems, Deep State “Getting Desperate” To Stop Trump
They want to get rid of Trump because for the first time in their careers, they can be prosecuted for what they have done. I think they are afraid of that, and that’s why John Brennan and others are coming out as mocking birds on CNN and MSNBC and constantly attacking the President.”

SPIKE anti-tank missiles now reach 2,000 meters
The Israeli defense company Rafael has expanded the range of its SPIKE SR (short range) precision guided anti-tank missile to 2000 meters. During a series of tests in the Negev Desert in southern Israel, the operators successfully hit targets located 2000 meters (6,561.6 feet) away, a range formerly covered only by heavier ATGM‘s.

Iranian protesters refuse to walk on US, Israeli flags
As anti-government protests swept Iran in the aftermath of the downing of a Ukrainian plane, students from Tehran avoided walking on massive American and Israel flags placed on the road in front of them. Videos circulated on social media showed Iranian students parting as they approached the large flags, taking pains to avoid stepping on them.

Egypt-Ethiopia row: The trouble over a giant Nile dam
The latest talks to resolve the dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt over the future of a giant hydropower project on the Nile River are due to resume in Washington later. Last year a deadline of 15 January was set to solve the long-standing impasse but the latest round of talks, last week, ended in deadlock.

Same-sex marriage now legal in Northern Ireland
Same-sex marriage is now legally recognised in Northern Ireland. From Monday, same-sex couples will be able to register to marry, meaning the first ceremonies will take place in February. For couples who are already married, their marriage will now be legally recognised in Northern Ireland.

China could flex military muscles to pressure Taiwan post-election
His policies rejected by Taiwan voters in a landslide re-election for President Tsai Ing-wen, Chinese President Xi Jinping will most likely continue to tighten the screws on the island, with state media already floating shows of force. China took center stage in the campaign after Xi sought in a major speech a year ago to get Taiwan to sign on to the same sort of “one country, two systems” model as Hong Kong.

Heads of Libya’s warring sides to hold talks in Russia
The leaders of Libya’s two warring sides have arrived in Moscow for talks, a day after a ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey came into force. The development on Monday came amid suggestions that Fayez al-Sarraj, the chief of the internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA), and his rival, renegade commander Khalifa Haftar, may sign the ceasefire agreement in the Russian capital.

Hassan Nasrallah: Attacks on Iraqi bases just the start
The leader of…Hezbollah said Iran’s missile attacks on two Iraqi bases housing US troops was just the beginning of actions that would be taken in response to the US’s killing of a top Iranian general in a drone attack…Hassan Nasrallah called the attacks a “slap” to Washington, describing the attack as the “first step down a long path” that would ensure the withdrawal of US troops from the Middle East.

King Abdullah of Jordan warns Daesh on the rise again
King Abdullah of Jordan on Monday warned that the Daesh group was regrouping and was once again on the rise in the Middle East. Months after the ousting of Daesh last year from their last Syrian holdout, Abdullah said his “major concern is that we have seen over the past year the re-establishment and rise of Isis, not only in southern eastern Syria but also in western Iraq.

Here’s Why Trump Tipped Israel Off To Soleimani Strike: They Helped With Intel
“Armed with a tip from informants at the airport, the CIA knew exactly when a jet carrying Soleimani took off en route to Baghdad. Intelligence from Israel helped confirm the details…”

Boy Scout Organization is a Magnet for Tens of Thousands of Pedophiles, Lawsuit Claims
Lawyers for eight plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington D.C. on Monday, demanding justice for victims of sexual abuse allegedly committed by leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The lawsuit states that the organization failed to protect children who were entrusted to their adult scoutmasters and leaders. The eight plaintiffs are identified as John Does 1 through 8.

Virginia bill would allow the state to vaccinate children without parental consent
First it was gun control. Now it’s vaccine policy that the police state of Virginia is trying to manipulate so that minors can choose to get vaccinated or even obtain birth control without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

Health Ranger warned in 2017 that Obama was a “sleeper cell” committing treason with Iran
The explosive breakdown of diplomatic relations that occurred between the United States and Iran recently echoes back to what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warned about back in 2017 concerning Barack Obama’s secret collusion with this enemy state.

WikiHow goes insane with vaccine propaganda, teaches children how to “get vaccinated in secret” by scheming against “anti-vaxxer” parents who WikiHow warns might “abuse” their own children
The WikiHow website, a hub for how-to information, has joined the other evil tech giants by going all-in with vaccine propaganda that poses a very real danger to the health and safety of children.

“A Ridiculous Choice” – FISA Court Sparks Firestorm, Appoints Conflicted, Anti-Trump Attorney To Oversee FBI Fixes
“Trump has to go…”

Powerful eruption at Taal volcano, volcanic ash to 16.7 km (55 000 feet) a.s.l., Philippines
Taal volcano in the Philippines started erupting at 06:04 UTC on January 12, 2020, for the first time since 1977. The volcanic ash cloud is reaching up to 16.7 km (55 000 feet) above sea level, according to data provided by the Tokyo VAAC.

Major Arrests in Haiti Connected to Clinton Corruption?
It was recently reported that Haitian officials attempted to arrest one Dmitri Vorbe who was hiding out at the home of the widow of former Haitian President Preval:

The Iranian Timeline Proves Hassan Rouhani, Pelosi, Schiff, Putin & Ukrainian Arms Dealers Are On the Same Team
In 1967, the CIA, in response to extreme public skepticism over the Warren Report on the JFK assassination, the complicit and co-conspirator in the plot, the CIA concocted a plot to discredit all conspiracy theories for time immemorial.

12 Shot, 5 Fatally As Baltimore Murder Crisis Erupts In New Year
Please do yourself a favor this year and avoid traveling to Baltimore.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Earthquake Hits Puerto Rico, Island Jolted by 5.7-Magnitude Quake
A 5.7-magnitude earthquake that shook the entire island of Puerto Rico Monday morning was the strongest in a flurry of quakes to strike the U.S. territory in recent days. The relatively shallow 10 kilometer deep quake struck just south of the island, where it was felt most strongly, according to the U.S. Geological Service. There was no tsunami threat, according to officials. “I have never felt anything like this,” Benitez said. “It was like a giant grabbed our room and shook it.” “There was a state of panic,” he said, adding that people flooded out of their hotel rooms in their underwear.

Rolls-Royce developing advanced jet engine to power Tempest fighter
Rolls-Royce has revealed the radical state-of-the-art jet engine that will power the UK’s Tempest fighter plane when it enters service in 2035. Currently in its fifth year of development, the new engine will not only provide thrust for the supersonic warfighter but also unprecedented amounts of electricity to power future energy weapons and other systems.

Lightweight gold made of plastic is still as pure as your wedding ring
When it comes to gold, beauty and weight are two sides of the same coin. As nice as it looks in a watch or ring, pure gold would get too heavy for everyday wear, so it’s often lightened up with alloys. Now, by mixing it with plastic instead of other metals, researchers at ETH Zurich have created a new form of gold with as little as one-10th the usual weight, but retaining the same purity.

Judicial Watch sues Schiff even as Senate is afraid to ask him questions over his abuse of President Trump.
Not intimidated by Schiff. Judicial Watch sued Schiff in federal court for docs on his illicit subpoenas for phone records of Trump’s lawyer and other innocent Americans. (video)

Thanks to Heavy Rains: Ritual Baths for Temple now Fully Functional for First Time in 2,000 Years
The ancient mikvah, located on the road known as Derech HaAvot (Patriarch’s Route), was rediscovered just 35 years ago. Although it is currently under the control of the military and has not yet been completely restored, Brezis spoke excitedly about the Biblical significance of the mikvah and the area surrounding it. He knows it has the potential to captivate Bible-based Jews and Christian alike. He knows because he’s witnessed visitors crying at the site, as they come to understand its Biblical significance.

Scantily Clad Women, Men Dance in Suggestive Manner for Pope
A Circus act put on a performance for Pope Francis. The act featured scantily clad men and women dancing in a sexually suggestive manner for the Pope. One Youtuber noticed that the performance took place in a location that featured a massive statue with a serpent coming out of Jesus’ head as seen in the video… (see video)

Abbas Livid that EU Wants to Stipulate Aid on Severing Ties with Terror Organizations
“The national Palestinian campaign to reject conditional funding” has picked up steam in recent weeks, after the European Union, for the first time, introduced a fundamental change to the financial aid contracts Palestinian bodies are required to sign, whereby any cooperation with terrorist organizations will result in the unilateral cessation of funding. The Palestinian campaign to annul this stipulation is based on the claim that “the struggle against Israeli occupation” is not terrorism, and that P.A. institutions included on the European Union terrorist list are political parties for all intents and purposes.

Putin says Syrian president should invite Trump to visit Damascus
Vladimir Putin said during his visit to Damascus that his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad should invite US President Donald Trump. In his interview with the TV program ‘Moscow. Kremlin. Putin’ on the Rossiya-1 TV Channel on Sunday, the Russian leader expressed readiness to send this invitation to the US president. Assad voiced readiness to do that… .

Pensacola military base shooting confirmed as jihadi terrorism, AG Barr says
U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr announced the results of an investigation into the motives of the Saudi flight student who carried out a deadly Dec. 6 shooting attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida. The conclusion: the shooting was an act of terrorism.

France, Britain, Germany to trigger Iran nuclear deal dispute mechanism Tuesday, diplomats say
Britain, France and Germany will trigger the dispute resolution mechanism in the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, two European diplomats said on Tuesday, the biggest step the Europeans have taken in response as Tehran has backed off nuclear commitments. In one of the strongest calls yet from Europe…British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the way forward was to agree a new “Trump deal.”

Unidentified aircraft strike Iranian militias in Syria: report
Dozens of militants and Syrian regime forces have defected and Iranian militias are on high alert after a series of airstrikes in recent days have targeted their positions in areas near Al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syria. The reported airstrikes come as tensions remain high in the region…

Libya conflict: Haftar ‘leaves’ Moscow ceasefire talks without deal
Libya’s Gen Khalifa Haftar, whose forces are fighting the UN-backed government in the capital Tripoli, has left talks in Moscow without signing a deal, according to media reports. Meetings involving Gen Haftar and the Government of National Accord (GNA) began on Monday. Both Russia, which backs Gen Haftar, and Turkey, which supports the GNA, were behind efforts to reach a truce.

At least 67 killed by avalanches in Pakistan, India: government officials
At least 57 people were killed and others were missing after avalanches in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir over the last 24 hours, senior government officials said on Tuesday. In neighboring India, at least 10 people were killed after several avalanches hit the northern-part of Indian-administered Kashmir.

If Passed, the USMCA Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Russia, China & Iran Combined! This Will Be the End of America!
America better wake up! Americans are about ready to lose their country in perpetuity and the amazing thing about this major challenge to individual freedom and national sovereignty, is that President Trump is taking the word of his advisors and is in favor of this legislation which gives away all aspects of our government and individual liberty with no concessions from the globalists who have hand-crafted this communist legislation.

Fighter jets damaged in weekend flooding; repairs to cost tens of millions
Several fighter jets were damaged last week as heavy rains flooded their hangars, the military acknowledged Sunday, following attempts to have the information censored.

Cyclone Claudia strengthens off the coast of northwestern Australia
After former Cyclone Blake brought areas of flash flooding and gusty winds to parts of Western Australia last week, forecasters shifted their focus north to a brewing tropical system.

As of January 1, 2020, the cancer industry has now killed 20 million people around the world since the year 2000
If you’re curious how many people are dying from things that the government claims are “safe and effective,” look no further than the Pharma Death Clock website, which explains that more than 20 million people have died from chemotherapy alone since the year 2000.

Two Arizona School Districts Promoting Racial Divisions and Social Justice
Two school districts in the Phoenix, Arizona area have implemented educational programs promoting racial divisions and social justice. The two programs attack students on the basis of their skin color and other characteristics.

UAE smashes 24-year-old rainfall record, widespread flooding and destruction reported
Non-stop heavy rain, which led to widespread flooding and destruction in the United Arab Emirates, broke the highest rainfall record since 1996. According to the National Center of Meteorology (NCM), as of Sunday, January 12, 2020, the highest amount of rain from January 9 to 12 was 190.4 mm (7.5 inches) in Al Shakla, Al Ain. One fatality was also reported in Ras Al Khaima.

At least 12 dead as massive winter storm system hits U.S.
A powerful outbreak of severe weather beginning Friday, January 10, 2020, has claimed at least 12 lives in Alabama, Iowa, Louisiana, and Texas as storms hit parts of the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Meanwhile, ice storm warnings were in place for parts of the northern USA, including Michigan to the north of Detroit, as well as Upstate New York and Downeast Maine.

New eruption at Fernandina volcano (Cerro la Cumbre), lava flows descending to the coast
A new eruption started at Fernandina volcano (Cerro La Cumbre), Galapagos, Ecuador on January 12, 2020. The last eruption of this volcano took place from June 16 to 18, 2018. The island has no human population.

Walt Disney Launches New Children’s Show Called ‘The Owl House’ That Grooms Them To Accept Witchcraft And Demonology As A Way To ‘Fight Evil’
Remember when Walt Disney was the ‘family company’, they didn’t serve alcohol at their theme parks, and they strived to produce wholesome entertainment for children? Those days are as dead and buried as founder Walt Disney himself is. Walt Disney today proudly hosts their annual ‘Gay Days‘, aggressively supports late-term abortion, makes their park guests receive an RFID microchip to be tracked, and now want your kids to welcome witchcraft and demonology into their lives.

U.S. gave Britain new evidence of ‘madness’ of using Huawei in 5G network: report
U.S. government officials presented the British government with new evidence on Monday about the risks of including Huawei [HWT.UL] equipment in future 5G mobile networks, branding it “madness”, the Guardian newspaper reported.

Kanye West Joins Up With End Times Deceivers New Apostolic Reformation For Display Of ‘Signs, Miracles And Wonders’ At ‘Awaken 2020’ At Sun Devil Stadium In Arizona
It’s official, Kanye West is now confirmed to be a major player in the end times false revival as we can now confirm to you that Kanye has joined up with the end times deceivers from the NAR, or the New Apostolic Reformation, and will be a speaker at Awaken 2020 at Sun Devil Stadium in Arizona. Yep, that’s right, what a fitting name for what will be taking place, Sun Devil. Hello, old Mother Rome, you are never too far away, are you?

Meth-related fatalities have increased significantly in Florida, state officials report
Florida has been experiencing an escalation in deaths attributed to methamphetamine abuse, with the most recent available records reflecting 1,056 meth-related deaths during 2018 – a 23 percent increase compared to the year before.

Chick-fil-A ‘inadvertently discredited’ Christian nonprofits, CEO Dan Cathy admits
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy admitted in a letter to the American Family Association that the fast-food chain “inadvertently discredited” groups including the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes after changing its “giving strategy.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Disney Introduces: ‘Demon’ who Trains Children to be Witches
A new Disney animated television series released by Disney Television Animation on Friday has many parents concerned that the House that Mickey Mouse Built has transitioned into giving children a bizarre pro-demon and witchcraft message. The Newsweek article noted that the writers’ room for the show was “full of books on witchcraft, witches and spells to take inspiration from.”

Bloomberg: I’m Spending $56 Billion to Bring Down Trump
Bloomberg said that he is willing to spend his entire fortune in his effort to defeat President Trump in the upcoming November election. Bloomberg’s net worth is estimated at $56 Billion.

2020: The Lowest Solar Activity In Over 200 Years
As we move further into 2020, solar activity dwindles. This year, solar activity will be marked as the lowest in over 200 years. The low in the sun’s 11-year cycle will also have at least some repercussions for the climate here on Earth. When solar activity gets really low, it can have the effect of a “mini ice age.” ust don’t tell Greta that climate change could be related to solar activity… and not Trump flying Air Force One to murder koala bears…

Gulags good way to ‘de-Nazify’ Trump supporters, says Bernie Sanders organizer
Soviet-style gulags would be a good way to carry out necessary “re-education” of Donald Trump supporters if Sen. Bernie Sanders becomes president, according to a field organizer for the self-declared socialist candidate. Gulags would be the best way to re-educate billionaires, according to Jurek.

Lebanon protests turn violent outside central bank
Lebanese security forces lobbed tear gas at protesters who responded with rocks outside the country’s central bank Tuesday, a violent turn after demonstrators returned to the streets following a weekslong lull.

The duplicity of Western progressives
But what a stark difference between the protesters in Iran and the radicals on campuses in the West. In the West, the radical avant-garde is characterized by a hatred of the West and Israel, whereas Iran’s avant-garde is characterized by a hatred of the ayatollahs. And while the Western avant-garde enters into coalitions of hate with jihadists and anti-Semites, the Iranian avant-garde abhors such dalliances.

Democrats are siding with a genocidal terror state
America is in a national security crisis situation with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. And, what are the Democrats doing? They are goading the Iranians into attacking American troops so that the Democrats can gain a “Trump has blown up the world” talking point. In effect, the Democrats are actively colluding with terror-state Iran.

Stunning video: ‘We are ashamed of our stupid Supreme Leader!’
[repeated chanting] “We are ashamed of our stupid Supreme Leader!” (Video)

Pompeo: US commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering
“Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and I just spoke and underscored the importance of countering Iran’s malign influence and threats to the region,” Pompeo wrote on Twitter. “I am always grateful for Israel’s steadfast support in defeating terrorism. The bond between Israel and the United States is unbreakable.”

EU leaders finally throw down Iran gauntlet at worst time for Tehran
Iran is reeling from the loss of general Qasem Soleimani and the protests against its shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet. And now it is facing a potential “snapback” of sanctions, as the UK, France and Germany triggered a dispute mechanism that was part of the 2015 Iran deal. Now it has too much on its hands.

Syrian army claims Israel struck T4 Military Airbase‎ near Homs
A Syrian Army source reported that the Israeli Air Force carried out an airstrike on the T-4 Military Airbase near the city of Homs in western Syria, according to the Syrian state news agency SANA. The attack caused material damage and most of the missiles were shot down, according to the Syrian Army.

Selection bias and abortion propaganda from CNN
There aren’t many life events a woman is less likely to discuss with a stranger than abortion. There aren’t many issues where the major media’s bias is stronger and more uniform than abortion. Add those two factors together, and you get a factually misleading, seemingly agenda-driven piece from CNN asserting that almost no women feel regret five years after having an abortion.

Taal: Multiple new fissures reported, total evacuation within 14 km (8.6 miles), Philippines
Multiple new fissures (cracks) were observed around Taal volcano on January 14, 2020, two days after intense unrest began. Fissures, accompanied by intense seismicity activity, are an indication of an imminent explosive eruption, PHIVOLCS warns. The agency strongly reiterated total evacuation of Taal Volcano Island and areas at high risk to pyroclastic density currents and volcanic tsunami within a 14 km (8.6 miles) radius from the volcano. Areas around the volcano are advised to guard against the effects of heavy and prolonged ashfall. New eruption could force more than 200 000 additional people from their homes.

Extreme winter weather wreaks havoc across Pakistan, death toll jumps to 75
Severe winter weather affecting Pakistan over the past couple of days has claimed at least 75 lives and injured around 64 people, as of Tuesday, January 14, 2020, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) reports. The death toll is expected to increase as the powerful weather system continues to dump heavy rain and snow on parts of the country.

Syrian Army Says Israel Carried Out Airstrikes On Their T-4 Military Base Near The City Of Homs In Western Syria
Just yesterday we reported about unidentified airstrikes happening in Syria, and today, Syria is claiming that Israel has been bombing their military installations and that is probably quite accurate. Israel has to routinely bomb these facilities in Syria because they house Iranian forces and equipment, which is how Iran wages war with Israel by proxy through Syria. Israel has been forced into the unenviable position of have to consistently not only defend themselves from Muslim aggression, but to be ever vigilant and do preemptive strikes as well. As along as there as Israelis who remember the Six Day War, they stand a pretty good chance of not being taken by surprise.

‘Only God Knows’: Hero Who Saved Lives in Texas Church Attack Awarded State’s Highest Civilian Honor
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave the state’s highest civilian honor to 71-year-old Jack Wilson on Monday for shooting and killing an armed attacker during a church service in December.

US Navy Says That UFOs Spotted In 2004 And 2015 Represent A ‘Grave Threat’ To National Security And Has No Plans To Officially Release Them
2019 was the year that UFOs became real, with their existence even being officially acknowledged by the US Navyon multiple occasions. But in 2020, the Navy is saying that while it is true that they cannot explain what type of craft are in the videos, that releasing what they know about it would ‘gravely damage’ our national security. But you and I who believe the Bible know what’s going on, because we have already had the only ‘official briefing’ that matters.

NYT: Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Destroyed Iran’s Will to Fight | Breitbart
The New York Times noted Monday that one reason the United States successfully stared down the Iranian regime last week was that President Donald Trump’s renewed economic sanctions have made the cost of war too high for Iran to bear.

California Homeless Crisis: Fecal Bacteria Detected in State’s Waterways
President Donald Trump, a self-described germophobe, has made no secret of his disgust with California’s growing homeless problem, which he has called a “disgrace” and “inappropriate” and equated to “living in hell.”

The USMCA Will Place the Average American Into Feudalism
In Part One, I detailed the history of trade agreements as a lead to help people understand what is coming with the USMCA. This is a combination of the TPP, the North American Union and NAFTA on steroids. The provision of this agreement will turn America into a corporate dictatorship.

Unknown Jet Aircraft Continue To Bomb Iranian Militias In Eastern Syria And Iraq Border Since Drone Strike Killed Qassem Soleimani Two Weeks Ago
No one is talking about the identity of the military that has been continuously bombing Iranian militias for the past two weeks, but common sense would tell you that it’s either the United States or Israel dropping the bombs. Whoever it is, they are doing a great job, and Iran is feeling the heat from all sides including their own people who are protesting them.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Northam Declares State Of Emergency In Virginia Because “Armed Militia Groups Plan To Storm The Capitol”
The rally had been planned as an open carry event and the turnout is expected to be massive.
When you push a population to the brink, threatening them with gun confiscation at the hands of the National Guard and telling them that their lawful actions of rebellion are meaningless, you have to expect that population to push back. Particularly a rural, gun-loving population that makes up most of the counties in Virginia.

Trump, Chinese leader sign ‘phase one’ trade deal in 1st step to end conflict
Trump welcomed Beijing’s delegation, led by Vice Premier Liu He, for the signing ceremony in the East Room of the White House. The “phase one” agreement loosens some U.S. tariffs against China and secures new purchases of American-made items for Beijing.

Pressure Increases on Imperiled Mississippi Dam as Lake Rises Overnight
Water in Mississippi’s Oktibbeha County Lake rose at least a foot from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning, putting more pressure on a dam that officials warn is in danger of collapsing. Saying the failure of the dam was imminent, emergency management officials on Tuesday urged nearby residents to evacuate. County officials said Wednesday morning that mandatory evacuations could be issued if conditions continue to worsen, according to the Starkville Daily News.

Democrats refuse to condemn Iran’s shootdown of passenger jet
House Democrats refused Tuesday to formally support anti-government protesters in Iran and to condemn the Islamic regime’s shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner that killed 176 people. “What a disappointment — Democrats just blocked a vote on a resolution supporting the Iranian protesters,” McCarthy wrote on Twitter.

Putin engineers shakeup that could keep him in power longer
Putin engineered a surprise shakeup of Russia’s leadership Wednesday, proposing changes to the constitution that could keep him in power well past the end of his term in 2024.

Iran’s secret underground ‘missile city’ unveiled
The IRGC has claimed for the past six years that it has built three underground “missile cities,” showing tunnels packed with solid-fuel rockets, as well as mid-range ballistic missiles.

Palestinian Authority ‘deeply concerned’ over Israel-Hamas truce deal
Palestinian officials in Ramallah have expressed deep concern over reports that Israel and Hamas are close to reaching a long-term ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. The officials warned that Hamas was not authorized to conduct negotiations with Israel or any other party, particularly regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip.

IDF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rocket fire
Israeli Air Force jets attacked Hamas targets in the northern Strip, including a site for weapons production and a military compound, the spokesperson confirmed. The IDF said in a statement, “The Hamas terror organization is responsible for what is happening in and out of the Gaza Strip and it will have consequences for actions against Israeli citizens.”

Sanders Campaign Manager Caught Revealing Plan to Reeducate Trump Supporters Like Germany did with Nazis
Kyle Jurek, the field organizer of Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders, was caught on a hot mike revealing some of his team’s more sinister future plans. Among them was the threat to “burn” Milwaukee as well as other US cities if President Trump gets reelected. Jurek exposed a plan to “re-educate” Trump supporters the same way Germany did to Nazis following the war,… Jurek then explained that the re-education program was part of Sanders’ free education plan saying: “That’s kind of what all Bernie’s whole f–king like – hey, free education!”

Israel: Iran to Go Full Nuclear by December
IDF intelligence reported that Iran will have enough uranium for a nuclear warhead by the end of year but President Trump is leading a multinational effort to prevent this from happening.

2010-2019: A Landmark Decade of U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters
During 2019, the U.S. experienced a very active year of weather and climate disasters. In total, the U.S. was impacted by 14 separate billion-dollar disasters including: 3 major inland floods, 8 severe storms, 2 tropical cyclones (Dorian and Imelda), and 1 wildfire event. 2019 also marks the fifth consecutive year (2015-19) in which 10 or more separate billion-dollar disaster events have impacted the U.S.

Israeli Air Force inaugurates second F-35 squadron
The Israeli Air Force’s second squadron of F-35i ‘Adir’ stealth fighter jets will be officially inaugurated on Thursday at Nevatim air base in the country’s south. The ceremony will be attended by senior IAF commanders including IAF Commander Maj.-Gen. Amikam Norkin as well as officials from Lockheed Martin.

Former Iranian Crown Prince: We are beginning to see end of the regime
The “beginning of the end” of the Iranian regime has started, former Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi said Wednesday in a conversation at the Hudson Institute in Washington with senior fellow Mike Doran. Pahlavi stated that the recent protests in Iran are different than previous demonstrations.

Palestinian Authority ‘deeply concerned’ over Israel-Hamas truce deal
Palestinian officials in Ramallah have expressed deep concern over reports that Israel and Hamas are close to reaching a long-term ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. The officials warned that Hamas was not authorized to conduct negotiations with Israel or any other party, particularly regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip.

US and China sign deal to ease trade war
The US and China have signed an agreement aimed at easing a trade war that has rattled markets and weighed on the global economy. Speaking in Washington, US President Donald Trump said the pact would be “transformative” for the US economy. Chinese leaders called it a “win-win” deal that would help foster better relations between the two countries.

Germany agrees plan to phase out coal power by 2038
The German government and regional leaders have agreed on a plan to phase out coal-fired power stations by 2038, involving compensation of about €40bn (£34bn; $45bn). The end date for burning brown coal (lignite) – the dirtiest type of coal – could be brought forward to 2035, depending on the progress made. Germany has more than 250,000 workers in renewable energy sectors – far more than in the coal industry.

Syria war: Air strikes kill 18 in Idlib city despite truce
At least 18 civilians are reported to have died in air strikes that hit a market and an industrial zone in the Syrian rebel-held city of Idlib. A monitoring group said Russian and Syrian government planes carried out the attacks. The air strikes happened despite a ceasefire brokered earlier this month by Russia and Turkey.

Video shows man hanging large swastika in subway station
The NYPD released security camera video footage showing a man plastering a swastika on an elevator inside a subway station on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The video shows the man fashioning the swastika out of MTA service advisory flyers at the 96 Street Station for the Nos. 1, 2, and 3 lines at about 6:20 a.m. on Dec. 31, 2019, police said.

Israel concerned over renewed violence on the Gaza border
Gaza factions are seeking to increase cross-border violence, as negotiations for a long-term understanding with Israel stall – a Hamas affiliated Gaza media outlet reported on Thursday. The report emerges only a day after a salvo of four rockets was fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities and an incendiary balloon was also sent across the border.

Jordan’s king warns of Israeli annexation, ‘untold chaos’ of possible U.S.-Iran war
Jordan’s King Abdullah II warned…if Israel succeeds in imposing “an unthinkable solution” by annexing parts of the West Bank, hopes for a two-state solution and Palestinian state would quickly come to an end…Abdullah added Israel’s construction of settlements in the West Bank…could be summed up as “one state turning its back on its neighborhood, perpetuating divisions among peoples and faiths worldwide.”

Israel creates seven ‘nature reserves’ in occupied West Bank
Israel’s defence minister has announced the creation of seven nature reserves in the occupied West Bank as part of efforts to maintain Israeli control of the area, saying the move would strengthen Israel and further develop Jewish settlements. The sites are all located in what is known as Area C of the West Bank that includes the strategic Jordan Valley…

Powerful new winter storm to slam Pacific Northwest, move toward Plains and Midwest, U.S.
A powerful winter storm with areas of heavy snow and ice will cross the Pacific Northwest tonight, January 15 into 16, 2020 and drive east across the Plains and Midwest by the end of the week, NWS warns.

Major floods hit Iran after a year’s worth of rain in 3 days, at least 3 dead and over 20 000 homeless
Days of torrential rain in Iran have led to major floods, resulting in at least three fatalities, official media confirmed on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Thousands of establishments were damaged, hundreds of villages were cut off, and more than 20 000 residents left homeless. The amount of rain registered in a three-day period in Sistan and Baluchestan Province alone was equivalent to one-year average rainfall in the region.

IDF Attacking Terrorist Targets In Gaza Strip After Hamas Launches Incendiary Balloons And Fires 4 Rockets Into Southern City Of Sderot In Israel
Another Wednesday, another rocket attack from Hamas against Israel, and another blistering response by the IDF against the Palestinian terror group.

BOMBSHELL: WHO Chief Scientist caught on video overtly contradicting public propaganda videos that falsely claim vaccines work “without risks”
…in a leaked W.H.O. vaccine summit video that has now gone public, she frets about vaccine safety, saying, “we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems” and, “[we] learned about adverse events only after the drug’s been licensed and introduced into the population. So I think that risk is always there…”

NYET! The Entire Russian Government Resigns After President Putin In ‘State Of The Nation’ Address Proposed Changing Russia’s Constitution
In a stunning display of unlimited power over the nation he controls, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has conspired together with Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev to successfully collapse the entire government of Russia, and now set out to completely remake it. Under the guise of “benefits to the people”, Putin is consolidating his power base so that, like Castro in Cuba, he will reign for many decades to come.

New Poll Shows That 47% Of Young Democrats Prefer Other Countries To United States As Democratic Leadership Says America Was Never Great
This year’s election is not about Donald Trump, it’s really not. It is about forces within America, the Democrats, that are openly and vocally opposed to the very principles that our founding fathers created this nation on. When 47% of Democrats under the age of 30 say that they prefer other countries to our own, what does that tell you about the type of leadership they want to see in power? It tells you that Socialism and Communism are lurking outside the door like the wolves that they are, and if given the chance, they will bite and devour the United States until there is nothing left.

Federal Agencies and the People Are Preparing to Go to War With Itself
We know that FEMA is buying massive assault rifles from China. Why is FEMA buying these guns? Who will be the targets. Certainly, this is a domestic operation. Therefore, the easy answer is that Americans will be targeted. Which ones? That is the $64 million dollar question.

Virginia Declares State of Emergency, Gov. Says Armed Militias Threatened to Storm the Capitol
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has declared a state of emergency and is banning firearms and other weapons on the state capitol grounds ahead of a gun-rights demonstration next week.

News Anchors Quit Iran’s State TV: ‘Forgive Me for the Lies I Told You’
News anchors on Iran’s state-controlled TV have reportedly quit their jobs saying they can no longer lie for the Iranian regime.

“It’s The ‘Bill Clinton’ Of Cities”: Traveling Bankers Stunned By San Francisco’s Squalor
“It gets worse and worse in terms of concentration and cost. It’s outrageous.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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FBI, ICE, Education Department all investigating Omar
The FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Education are investigating Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., according to a report. ICE is considering evidence that Omar married a U.K. citizen to commit immigration fraud. …the FBI already was looking into Omar’s “apparent, astonishing spree of felonies from 2009 to 2017.” “To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.”

Navy Littoral Combat Ship Will Soon Be Armed With A Laser Weapon System
The U.S. Navy says the Freedom class Littoral Combat Ship USS Little Rock will get a 150-kilowatt class laser weapon system from Lockheed Martin this year. This would make Little Rock the third of the service’s warships to be fitted with a high-power laser of some kind,…

Former Iranian crown prince says Tehran regime on the brink of collapse
Former Iranian crown prince Reza Pahlavi estimated that the Islamic Republic regime could be months away from collapse but emphasized the importance of Western democracies providing aid in achieving that goal.

Ukraine Launches Criminal Probe Into ‘Illegal Surveillance’ Of American Ambassador Fired By Trump
The first domino in the House Dems’ plan to push moderate Republicans to support a decision to call witnesses during President Trump’s impeachment trial has just fallen.

Jerry Falwell, Jr. May Call for ‘Civil Disobedience’ if Virginia Passes New Gun Control Laws
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. said Wednesday in a radio interview that civil disobedience may be in order if Virginia’s Democrat-controlled legislature passes a series of gun-restricting measures. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to call for civil disobedience if the Democrats go through with this,” Falwell told the host on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “You don’t mess with people’s guns in this part of the state,” he told the conservative commentator. “They (Democrats) don’t know what they’ve gotten into and they’re going to find out the hard way, I’m afraid.”

Netanyahu Reveals Document Showing Left-Wing Opposition Rivals Trying to Ban Trump from Entering Israel
Yair Netanyahu, the outspoken son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, took to Twitter on Thursday to remind Israeli voters that back in 2015, when Donald Trump was running for president, members of the Prime Minister’s main rival on the left – the Yesh Atid Party, signed a letter to ban Donald Trump from entering Israel.

Hamas Calls for Mass Prayer Rallies at Temple Mount, Cave of the Patriarchs
Hamas is calling for mass prayer rallies on Friday at the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and other mosques in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip in protest against “Israeli Judaization schemes” at the two sites.

Iran’s Khamenei: IRGC Quds are humanitarian organization with human values
Iran supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds force should be viewed as a “humanitarian organisation with human values,” while delivering the morning prayer sermon on Friday…Khamenei was expected to throw his support behind the elite Revolutionary Guards after their belated admission that they had downed an airliner in error sparked days of rage on the streets.

Disturbances on Temple Mount during Friday prayers at al-Aqsa
Several hundred Muslim worshipers gathered for morning prayers at the al-Aqsa Mosque began to chant nationalistic slogans and to cause disturbances, a police spokesman said on Friday morning. Police responded to the disorder by dispersing those involved. “Police will not allow disturbances to take place or nationalistic calls on the Temple Mount,” they said in a statement.

Chinese birth rate falls to lowest in seven decades
China’s birth rate has fallen to its lowest since the formation of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago – despite the easing of the one-child policy. The birth rate was 10.48 per thousand in 2019 – the lowest since 1949, the National Bureau of Statistics said. The number of babies born in 2019 dropped by 580,000 to 14.65 million.

Panama: Seven people found dead after suspected exorcism
The bodies of seven people have been found in a mass grave in an indigenous area of Panama where members of a religious sect were believed to be performing exorcisms, officials say. The victims included a pregnant woman, 32, and five of her children, aged one to 11. The sixth was a neighbour, 17. Fifteen other people were freed.

Syria war: Society leaders hold secret peace summit in Berlin
Some of Syria’s leading figures met in secret this week in Berlin to overcome the sectarian divides that are tearing their country apart. This is shadow diplomacy, away from the glare of publicity and political pressures, to find a path to peace. Sunni tribal chiefs, some of whom have their own militias, sat opposite Alawite dignitaries with close links to the Assad regime.

Trump impeachment: Senators sworn in for historic trial
The 100 lawmakers of the US Senate were sworn in on Thursday as jurors for the impending impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts administered the oath to the senators to “do impartial justice”. In the coming weeks, the senators will decide whether Mr Trump should be removed from office over charges brought by the House of Representatives.

Acting UNRWA head says U.S., Israel working against it
The interim head of the UN agency that aids Palestinian refugees on Thursday accused pro-Israel groups of lobbying foreign parliaments to stop donations, even as it struggled to recover from losing United States funding in 2018. Christian Saunders…also said Israel was seeking to replace United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) services for Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem with those of its own.

Several US troops were wounded in Iran missile attack in Iraq
The United States treated 11 of its troops for symptoms of concussion after an Iranian missile attack targeted an Iraqi base where US forces were stationed, the US military has said, after initially saying no service members were hurt. The January 8 attack was retaliation for a US drone strike in Baghdad on January 3 that killed Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the elite Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

Christians see ‘alarming’ trend worldwide as China builds ‘blueprint of persecution’
Shortly before President Trump signed phase one of the historic trade deal with China, a Chinese pastor described the fear and intimidation believers are enduring under the Communist government.

BREAKING: Bernie Sanders field operative exposed as radical eco-fascist, demands mass killings of conservatives to save “the entire human race” and “planet Earth”
More shocking video has been released of Bernie Sanders campaign employee Kyle Jurek, who was caught on video by journalists working for Project Veritas Action, founded by James O’Keefe.

Oman hit by 4 months’ worth of rain in 1 day, severe flash floods and freezing temperatures
Heavy rain triggered flash flooding across parts of Oman on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, with temperatures plummeting below freezing and snow in some areas.

The Virginia Gun Rights Conflict: Best And Worst Case Scenarios
…this is an establishment beta test for the rest of the country, …to start a conflict in the hopes that this will spread into a national civil war. This kind of scheme would require accelerated and violent enforcement of gun laws…

Brutal cold snap brings death toll to at least 170 in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan
Heavy snow, rain, and frigid temperatures across Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan continue to trigger avalanches that have brought the death toll to at least 170, as of Thursday, January 16, 2020.

California’s Environmentalist Democrats Force Children to Swim in Diluted Sewage
E. coli levels at beaches are supposed to be at 88 or below, and anything over 1,000 is supposed to lead to a beach closure. At 500, there’s a 10% chance of gastroenteritis and a 4% risk of febrile respiratory disease. But at Discovery Park, the numbers went as high as 2419.6 in December 2019.

Report: 260 million Christians Face ‘High Levels of Persecution’
Christian persecution around the globe reached an unprecedented level at the end of 2019, with over 260 million Christians facing “high levels of persecution,” Open Doors revealed Wednesday.

Global Turmoil Abounds As Researchers Now Saying That Over 40% Of The World’s Population Is Going To Experience Civil Unrest In 2020
Speaking of civil unrest, we told you way back in 2009, that God placed Barack Obama in office as a judgment on America, and it certainly was that. You can thank Obama for legalized same-sex marriage, transgenders as a protected class, billions in funding to our enemy Iran, taxpayer-funded abortion in Obamacare, and the list goes on an on. When Donald Trump was elected, and we warned you before he was elected, that God was going to use that in something we called the global shaking. Nice to see that in 2020, the elite researchers have finally caught up to us.

BREAKING: Democrats conspiring to stage false flag bloodshed on Jan. 20th in Virginia – “Charlottesville 2.0” – in order to ignite a civil war and mass chaos
The stage is being set by Democrats and the complicit left-wing media (CNN) to turn Jan. 20th “Lobby Day” in Richmond, Virginia into a false flag bloodbath that will attempt to frame gun owners as terrorists and provide the justification for state-wide martial law and the confiscation of all firearms from citizens.

45-Year-Old Man Caught With Child Pornography Says He ‘Identifies’ As An 8-Year-Old Girl
“I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl, and even in my drawings and fantasies I’m always an 8-year-old girl,”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Locust outbreak, most serious in 25 years, hits East Africa
The locust swarms hang like shimmering dark clouds on the horizon in some places. Roughly the length of a finger, the insects fly together by the millions and are devouring crops and forcing people in some areas to bodily wade through them.

Christians see ‘alarming’ trend worldwide as China builds ‘blueprint of persecution’
While the list’s top 10 countries were Muslim-majority nations, the focus on China highlighted three trends:
Governments using artificial intelligence systems to monitor citizens and keep them in line.
A rise in Islamic extremism including last year’s Easter bombing in Sri Lanka and the spike in violent attacks in Burkina Faso.
The increased pressure from dictators including Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

The Rise Of Gog? Putin Positions Himself To Influence Russia For Life
The entire Russian government led by former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev resigned after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech on constitutional reform, Reuters reported. Medvedev said, this was “to give President Vladimir Putin room to carry out the changes he wants to make to the constitution.” The move is intended according to many for Putin to retain power after the end of his presidency in 2024.

Methodists not the only ones deviating from Scripture
Even more alarmingly, he says the Southern Baptist Convention – the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. – is trending left as well, although not over sexuality. “The current leader of the SBC, JD Greear, a few months ago … said, ‘Unless we include social justice, we are not preaching the gospel,'”

Amir Peretz: With us Hamas will not get a single dollar from Israel
Labor and Meretz Chairman Amir Peretz went to a Shabbat event in Holon on Saturday, January 18. “We will steer the policies of the next government back to political negotiations for peace and away from a path of abandoning social investment. We will wave the flag of peace alongside the flag of social justice,” Peretz said, according to a press release.

Six wounded after car bomb hits Turkish contractors, police in Somalia
A car bomb targeting a group of Turkish contractors exploded on Saturday in Afgoye, northwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu, wounding at least six people, police said. It was not known who carried out the attack but residents and police said al Shabaab fighters had tried to attack Afgoye, about 30 km from Mogadishu, late on Friday and were repulsed.

New Chinese virus ‘will have infected hundreds’
The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC. There have been nearly 50 confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700. Two people are known to have died from the respiratory illness, which appeared in Wuhan city in December.

Australia fires: Heavy rains hit some blaze-hit regions
Heavy rains and thunderstorms have lashed parts of Australia’s east coast, dousing some of its fires but bringing a new threat of flooding to some areas. There have been downpours in the states of Victoria, New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland, which have all been badly hit by the bushfire crisis. Major roads were closed in Queensland and power cuts were reported in parts of NSW as a result of the weather.

Iran plane crash: Khamenei defends armed forces in rare address
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has defended the country’s armed forces after it admitted shooting down a passenger plane by mistake. He said the Revolutionary Guard – the elite unit responsible for the disaster – “maintained the security” of Iran. Widespread protests and criticism from abroad have put growing pressure on Iran over its handling of the incident.

Antifa Group Plans To March Alongside Pro-Gun Protesters In Virginia
A diverse gathering of pro-gun protestors set to descend upon Virginia’s capital on Monday could include an unlikely ally, a local antifa group. In what Vice called a “bizarre meeting of the minds,” Richmond-based Antifa Seven Hills also strongly opposes the gun measures now likely to become law since Democrats won control of both Virginia houses last year, and they too want Democratic leaders in Richmond to know.

Catholic bishops call on West to recognize Palestine
A group of Catholic bishops from throughout Europe, North America and South Africa have called on their governments to insist on the application of international law in Israel and Palestine. The plea by 34 bishops of the Holy Land Coordination, followed their five-day visit to the region this week.

“We Need A Full Investigation”: Bannon Accuses Pelosi, Schiff And MSM Of Colluding On 11th Hour Impeachment Bombshells
We ought to have all the emails and all the text messages…

Powerful blizzard, epic snowfall rates hit Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John’s declares a state emergency
A rapidly intensifying winter storm brought intense blizzard conditions to parts of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada on Friday, January 17, 2020, forcing St. John’s authorities to issue a state of emergency.

BREAKING: Military to jam GPS signals across East Coast through Jan. 24th; FBI asserting imminent domain to seize night vision devices from distributors
In case you didn’t fully realize that something big is about to take place in America, file these two facts in your brain:

The Failed Russian Attack Which Was Designed to Trigger a Cascadia Cataclysm
The Russians have attempted to unleash a devastating attack upon the United States by trying to trigger a mass volcanic event in Cascadia. This is the story….

Iran rocket attack on Iraqi military base injured 11 US service members, official reveals
Eleven U.S. service members were flown out of Al Assad Air Base in Iraq and treated for concussion symptoms after Iran’s rocket attack targeting two Iraqi military bases earlier this month, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command revealed Thursday night.

Updates: Political Crisis Continues in Venezuela – Armed Groups Beat Opposition with Stones and Sticks
There was a surge of aggression and violence in Venezuela, this week before a new attempt by Juan Guaido and the opposition majority to meet at the headquarters of the Parliament in Caracas.

Trump commemorates ‘National Religious Freedom Day’ with federal guidance protecting school prayer
President Trump is commemorating National Religious Freedom Day by reinforcing religious liberty and encouraging school prayer in the form of new federal guidance.

Human Rights Watch: China Is “Existential Threat” To Global Freedom
…warns of “a dystopian future in which no one is beyond the reach of Chinese censors”

In post-caliphate era, does ISIS still pose a risk to Israel?
It went from being a hybrid terror organization that controls its own territory to a classical decentralized terror network. Yet the ISIS branch in Sinai remains one of the most effective in the world.

“Make Iran Great Again” – Trump Says “Noble Iranian People” Should “Abandon Terror”
“The noble people of Iran – who love America – deserve a government that’s more interested in helping them achieve their dreams than killing them for demanding respect.”

Poll: Israeli, Palestinian millennials feel conflict ‘will never end’
The majority of Israeli and Palestinian youth believe that the bitter Israeli-Palestinian conflict “will never end,” a survey released Thursday by the International Committee of the Red Cross has found. According to the ICRC survey of people between the ages of 20 and 35 living in war-affected areas, 65% of Israeli and 52% of Palestinian respondents said that they expected the rivalry to last for years, if not for the decades to come.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Tropical Cyclone becomes ‘severe’ category 3, horrid conditions to ‘churn up’ Kiwi beaches
A ferocious tropical cyclone terrorising the Pacific is now a “severe” category 3 storm and could soon create horrid conditions for Kiwi beach-goers. Tropical Cyclone Tino has ripped across several Fijian islands and now is heading southeast, with central parts of Tonga in its sights. Two people are missing after the storm struck Fiji.

No immediate injuries reported after earthquake shakes Indonesia
The magnitude 6.0 quake was centred 141 kilometres west of Abepura city at a depth of 33.6 kilometres, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Rahmat Triyono, head of Indonesia’s earthquake and tsunami centre, said in a statement the inland earthquake did not have the potential to cause a tsunami…

Judge Smacks Down Transgender Pronouns, Says They’re a Courtesy, Not a Right for People Before the Court
In an advisory opinion Wednesday, as The Hill reported, Duncan said that it was “convention,” not “binding precedent,” for the courts to refer to a transgender-identifying litigant by their chosen gender pronouns. “No authority supports the proposition that we may require litigants, judges, court personnel, or anyone else to refer to gender-dysphoric litigants with pronouns matching their subjective gender identity,” Duncan’s opinion read.

Netanyahu to bring up Iran to leaders in town for Holocaust Forum
Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be on the agenda for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meetings with world leaders visiting Jerusalem this week for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, he said at the opening of Sunday’s cabinet meeting. Netanyahu is expected to meet with US Vice President Mike Pence, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron, among others…

IDF laying new infrastructure to detect sounds of Hezbollah digging
A year after Operation Northern Shield destroyed six cross-border attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah, the Israeli army has begun deploying new sensors along the border with Lebanon that are able to detect and identify any sounds of new digging by the terrorist group. IDF spokesman…said…the…acoustic and seismic data that will be used as a preventative measure…

Australia fires: Victoria braces for severe storms
Forecasters have warned of severe storms in Australia’s fire-hit state of Victoria, which could lead to flooding. Recent heavy rains have dampened many of the country’s bushfires, but also led to power cuts and road closures. The fires, which began in September, have claimed at least 28 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and scorched millions of acres of land.

Yemen war: At least 70 soldiers killed in missile attack
A missile attack on a military training camp in Yemen has killed at least 70 soldiers. Dozens of others were wounded in the strike in the central province of Marib on Saturday, officials say. The camp, about 170km (105 miles) east of the capital, Sanaa, targeted a mosque as people gathered for prayer, military sources told Reuters.

Virginia braces for enormous gun-rights rally Monday
The convoys and militias are coming, if social media posts are to be believed, headed to Virginia’s capital on Monday to take a stand for gun rights – or, in the words of some, to fan the flames of a civil war. “I’ll be rolling into town early. I can’t give you my exact time for security reasons,” said Christian Yingling, head of the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia…

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It
…Hoan Ton-That’s greatest hits included an obscure iPhone game and an app that let people put Donald Trump’s distinctive yellow hair on their own photos. Then Mr. Ton-That…invented a tool that could end your ability to walk down the street anonymously, and provided it to hundreds of law enforcement agencies, ranging from local cops in Florida to the F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security.

Iran may review cooperation with IAEA if EU pressure mounts
Iran will review its cooperation with the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog should it face “unjust” measures, Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani said, after EU powers last week triggered a dispute mechanism under Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal. The move by France, Britain and Germany amounts to formally accusing Iran of violating the terms of the deal and could lead eventually to reimposing U.N. sanctions…

Scores wounded as Lebanon’s anti-gov’t protests turn violent
Scores of people have been wounded in Beirut after security forces used tear gas and water cannon to disperse crowds of anti-government protesters trying to reach Martyrs’ Square, the hub of a months-long protest movement calling for changes to Lebanon’s political and financial systems. On Saturday, demonstrators set out…in a march towards the city centre under the slogan: “We won’t pay the price.”

Turkey, Russia and the Libyan conundrum
Since the outbreak of the Libyan revolution in 2011…international involvement in Libya has gradually escalated. Although some Western states took a step back in recent years, there has been growing intervention by other countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), France, Turkey, Russia and Egypt, which have all been looking to secure their own interests in the post-Gaddafi era.

Erdogan issues new terror warning to Europe over conflict in Libya
Europe will face a new terrorist threat unless it steps up its support for the beleaguered Libyan government in Tripoli, Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned on Saturday. The Turkish president spoke on the eve of a UN-sponsored summit of world leaders in Berlin aimed at resolving the conflict between Tripoli’s UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libya National Army (LNA)…

Iran says it is preparing for satellite launch
Iran said Sunday that two newly constructed satellites have passed pre-launch tests and will be transported to the nation’s space center for eventual launch, without elaborating. Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi tweeted about the development, calling it an “important research step.”

False Flag? Fmr CIA Officer Suggests US Hacked Ukrainian Plane Transponder To Provoke Iran Shootdown
Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the CIA, penned a piece in the American Herald Tribune speculating that the U.S. launched several cyber-attacks, one on an Iranian missile defense system, and another on the transponder of the doomed Ukrainian plane.

F-18 Fighters To Drop Live Bombs On Florida Swamp This Weekend
According to a statement published by the Naval Air Station Jacksonville, the US Navy is preparing to conduct live bombing raids with fighter jets at a training facility in the middle of Florida this weekend.

7-year-old children left psychologically terrorized after hearing Greta Thunberg speech… “I don’t want to die!”
Children have been coming home from school afraid for their future, afraid for their lives. Some kids now believe they have less than ten years to live because of something that has been pounded in their heads — a political dogma called climate change.

Did You Know That 2020 Socialist Candidate For President Bernie Sanders Supported Iran During The 444 Days Of The 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis?
ow far has America fallen in just 41 short years? We have fallen so far that the most popular Democratic candidate for president in 2020 is a hardcore Socialist Communist who sided with Iran and against America during the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis. That same man in 2020 displays an open hatred for Israel and is still siding with Iranagainst America. Of course, I can only be talking about Bernie Sanders. The terror-supporting nation of Iran never had a better friend than Bernie Sanders, now imagine him as president.

Worst locust plague in 60 years, roughly 360 000 ha (890 000 acres) of crops damaged in Rajasthan
At least 360 000 ha (890 000 acres) of crops have been affected in Rajasthan’s 10 districts in the midst of the state’s worst locust infestation in 60 years. The plague has been severe in Sriganganagar, with 75% of standing crops being damaged, as of January 18, 2020.

Virginia Governor Northam’s Intent To Bring In the UN Blocked by Trump
The Virginia Governor wants to bring in UN Peacekeeprs to enforce his gun confiscation policies and to actually begin the process of collecting Patriot guns. Gun confiscation is merely an avenue to violence which will allow the UN to roll out its troops on American soil, under the Kigali Principles.

Amazon Go Cashierless Stores Will Soon Allow Customers To Use Their Palms To Process Payment As World Moves Closer To Mark Of The Beast
We first told you back in 2018 about Amazon’s new cashierless stores called Amazon Go where you pay for your purchases using only your Amazon Go app. And at that time we warned you that using the app was only because technology had not sufficiently advanced, and what they really wanted to do was have you pay with your hand. Two years later here in 2020, and what do we see? Amazon Go and the coming palm payment. Is this the Mark of the Beast? Nope. So what is it? Training.

United States Commits To Fully Supporting The Chrislam Abrahamic Faiths Initiative As VP Mike Pence Prepares For Private Meeting With Pope Francis At Vatican Next Week
The woman in the main photo is U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Callista Gingrich, wife of former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. She, on behalf of the United States, is spearheading what is officially known as the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative. Bible believers, of course, have a different name for it. We call this Chrislam, and so it begins. And just as we also told that Chrislam would include Judaism alongside of Islam and Catholicism, that has now been taken care of as well. All systems go for Chrislam.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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America Is Far More Christian Than We Realize
One week ago, I met with an old friend who was born in America but who has spent almost all of his life in Italy. He was struck by how openly and boldly the gospel was proclaimed here in the States, from massive billboards on the roadside to Christian radio and TV. Yet on his most recent visit, which was much longer than usual, he was struck afresh by how openly and boldly the gospel is proclaimed here. It’s the same with American patriotism. Visitors from other nations are surprised to see American flags everywhere. They are also surprised to see so much Christianity openly displayed and proclaimed.

UK government announces Brexit day plans
The British government has announced plans to mark the country’s departure from the European Union on January 31.The government hailed the date as a significant moment in British history and says it intends to use the event to bring communities back together and “heal divisions”.

We will soon establish the Caliphate, liberate Jerusalem and conquer Rome’
Rome will be conquered by Islam in the near future, Palestinian preacher Nidhal Siam told an enthusiastic crowd last week at an event in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque marking the anniversary of the 1453 CE capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire. Siam can be seen telling a crowd that three prophecies will soon be fulfilled, and expressing his hope that his audience will be the ones to fulfil them.

“We’re Ready To Fight”: 1000s Expected To Attend Massive Gun-Rights Rally At Virginia Capitol
The rally is expected to draw tens of thousands, and fears about Charlottesville-style violence are prompting police to scour the web for any signs of a violent plot. The tension even prompted President Trump to weigh in with a tweet on Friday: “That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away.” Perhaps, as Ben Garrison writes, the Democrats want to spark a Civil War in the hopes that public opinion will turn against the president. They are playing with fire. When tyrants create laws to remove our rights, it’s time to remove the tyrants.

Apple goes Full BDS as Siri calls Israel ‘Zionist Occupation State’
Case and point – Apple customer Stephen Ackerman asked Apple’s voice-activated virtual search assistant ‘Siri’ a simple question: “Who is the president of Israel?” Siri’s response, however, came as quite a shock to Ackerman after she answered: “Reuven Rivlin is the President of the Zionist Occupation state”.

After Hezbollah Headquarters Burns Downs, Israel Deploys ‘Highly Sophisticated’ Weaponry on Lebanese Border
Hezbollah’s headquarters in the south-central Iraqi city of Najaf burned down on Saturday. The structure’s destruction comes amidst the backdrop of massive unrest by Iraqi citizens who no longer want to see Iran, and its proxies like Hezbollah, meddling in internal Iraqi affairs.

Thousands of Muslims Scream Battle-Cry on Temple Mount
Something else that happened, that was largely unreported was that during the incident, thousands of those participating in the riot chanted slogans threatening a holy war with Israel yelling: “Jews! the army of Al-Aksa (mosque) is returning!”They also chanted mantras implying a bloody war to retake the Temple Mount screaming: with spirit, with blood, we will free Al-Aksa!”

“Super-human red blood cells” hide drugs from immune system attack
An impressive new study published in the journal Advanced Biosystems describes a fascinating new method whereby red blood cells are essentially hollowed out and filled with a synthetic liposome that could hypothetically encapsulate any number of different kinds of drug molecules. “We call these super-human red blood cells,” says Maikel Rheinstädter, a senior adviser on the study. “We think that they could work as the perfect stealth drug carriers which can outsmart our immune system.”

PA Calls to Commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day by Killing Jews (Seriously)
In a piece published yesterday, Yahya Rabah, a regular columnist for the PA-controlled Al-Hayat Al Jadida wrote: “One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony.” “It is scandalous that PA is allowing its official daily to call for murder to achieve a political goal.

Trump to decide on ‘Deal of the Century’ release date in coming days
US President Donald Trump is expected to decide in the coming days whether to present the White House’s “Deal of the Century” before the Israeli election, Channel 13’s political correspondent Barak Ravid has reported. Ravid was speaking to the American news website Axios on Sunday.

4.5 magnitude earthquake shakes southern Kansas
A small earthquake was reported in southern Kansas on Sunday. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 4.5 earthquake struck about 2 miles (3 kilometers) southwest of Hutchinson shortly after 1 p.m. The service had initially reported that it was a magnitude 4.4 earthquake, but later upgraded it. No damage was immediately reported.

Scenes From Virginia’s Capital: Militarized Police Arrive in Richmond
Following a temporary emergency declaration by Governor Ralph Northam, large elements of the Virginia State Police have been photographed arriving in the capital city of Richmond, bringing with them a ROOK armored SWAT carrier. The temporary emergency has been issued ahead of Monday’s Lobby Day Demonstration, in…protest of Democrat-sponsored gun control and confiscation bills…

Iraq’s Shia armed groups meet over ‘US aggression’: Spokesman
The leaders of major Shia armed groups in Iraq gathered in Iran’s city of Qom earlier this month to coordinate efforts to expel the United States’ troops in Iraq. Mohammad Mohie, spokesman of the Iran-backed Shia paramilitary group Kataib Hezbollah, told Al Jazeera on Sunday that the meeting held on January 13 aimed to coordinate future action among the armed groups.

BREAKING: Democrats conspiring to stage false flag bloodshed on Jan. 20th in Virginia – “Charlottesville 2.0” – in order to ignite a civil war and mass chaos
The stage is being set by Democrats and the complicit left-wing media (CNN) to turn Jan. 20th “Lobby Day” in Richmond, Virginia into a false flag bloodbath that will attempt to frame gun owners as terrorists and provide the justification for state-wide martial law and the confiscation of all firearms from citizens.

Eruption at Shishaldin volcano, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, Alaska
Starting at about 09:30 UTC (00:30 AKST) on January 19, 2020, the eruption at Shishaldin volcano in Alaska intensified, and about 13:30 UTC began generating a more ash-rich volcanic plume. The aviation color code was raised to RED and the volcano alert level to WARNING at 17:28 UTC.

Police: Pennsylvania Woman Drives Into Path Of Oncoming Vehicle While Waiting For Calling From God
A Luzerne County woman drove into the path of an oncoming vehicle as a way to test her faith, then exhibited no concern about the people who were injured in the crash, state police said. Bail was revoked this week for Nadejda Reilly, 31, of Drums, who is charged with aggravated assault and other offenses over allegations she purposely caused the wreck on Route 93 near Weatherly on Jan. 7.

Planned Parenthood launches $45 million campaign for 2020: ‘Matter of life and death’
The political fundraising arm of the nation’s largest abortion provider will spend $45 million in the 2020 elections as it pushes back against what many conservatives are calling the most pro-life administration in history.

Virginia State Senator warns pro-2A demonstrators being set up for staged terrorism event on Monday, “Lobby Day” in Virginia… “KILL ZONE” trap constructed by Dems
According to numerous media reports, all cited here, treasonous Democrats and the radical left-wing terrorism group Antifa are conspiring to stage violence during the Monday “Lobby Day” event in Richmond, Virginia. The goal of the staged violence is to falsely depict gun owners and Trump supporters as violent, lawless terrorists.

A Courageous Group Of College Students In Australia Interrupt Drag Queen Story Hour Chanting ‘Drag Queens Are Not For Kids!’
College students in Australia showed how you deal with an encroaching evil like Drag Queen Story Hour, or Storytime as they call it down under, you confront it head on and call it out for what it is. You stand up for the children and you defend and protect them, that’s how it should be done. This whole Laodicean business of ‘who am I to judge?‘ comes from the very pit of Hell itself and out of the mouth of the Devil. If you are not standing for the Lord, you are standing against Him, plain and simple.

Will Electromagnetic Mood-Altering Technologies Turn the Virginia Anti-Gun Rally Into a Blood Bath?
Several weeks ago, I was contacted by a group of intelligence agents who were concerned about the composition of the Space Command and who, or what, was actually in charge. In response to my recent article in which reported that the government is imposing a GPS block during the planned anti-gun confiscation protests in Virginia in which the potential is extremely high. I have maintained that this gun confiscation activity by the Governor of Virginia is merely a means to an end. He is assisting the Deep-State in starting a civil war over the controversy.

The Awakening to Human Truth – Powerful new video forces Leftists to face the depths of their own anti-human EVIL
We’ve now posted a powerful new mini-documentary called, “The Awakening to Human Truth.” Just ten minutes in duration, the documentary forces pro-abortion Leftists to face the depths of their own evil as they call for the destruction of the very same kind of conscious human existence that once defined their own lives as unborn human babies.

$6.4 Trillion And Counting – How The Military-Industrial Complex Hijacked The War On Terror
Ike was right!


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Damage reported at Campbell County home after M 3.8 earthquake
A Campbell County family reported a magnitude 3.8 earthquake caused damage to their foundation Monday afternoon.

Netanyahu ‘hopes for good news’ about Issachar ahead of Putin meeting
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss a likely pardon for Naama Issachar, who is in a Moscow prison, the Kremlin said on Monday. This was the first time the Kremlin acknowledged talks were taking place between the leaders about Issachar’s fate, as they continued negotiations over her release.

Massive Gathering of Kings in Jerusalem on Thursday: A Realization of Psalms 48
On Thursday, Jerusalem’s role as a gathering place for kings will appear. The event commemorates the Holocaust but one rabbi sees it as a decisive moment in which the nations will choose which side they will fight for in the final battle between Good and Evil.

‘Secret’ River Discovered Connecting Jerusalem to Dead Sea
A previously unknown river in the Israeli wilderness was revealed to the world on Sunday night. Indeed, Biblical prophecy foretells of the appearance of a river similar to this “hidden river” flowing east from Jerusalem into the Dead Sea, filling it up with fish and the surrounding desert with life:

New China virus: Cases triple as infection spreads to Beijing and Shanghai
The number of people infected with a new virus in China tripled over the weekend, with the outbreak spreading from Wuhan to other major cities. There are now more than 200 cases, mostly in Wuhan, though the respiratory illness has also been detected in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Three people have died. Japan, Thailand and South Korea have reported cases.

‘I’ve given up on your president’: Putin revealed contempt for Obama in 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in 2013 that he was finished with President Barack Obama and would wait until the United States elected a president he could do business with. “I’ve given up on your president,” Putin said to then-Exxon chief Rex Tillerson, who would later become President Trump’s secretary of state. “I’ll wait for your next president and see if I can get along with him.”

Son of Jordanian Immigrants Becomes Neo-Nazi: Vandalizes U.S Synagogue
A man, whose parents immigrated to the U.S from Jordan, was charged with vandalizing a Wisconsin synagogue as part of his role in a Neo-Nazi gang reports Ynet. Yousef O. Barasneh, 22, of Oak Creek, Wis.,…

The team behind the US ‘Deal of the Century’ is heading to Israel
The entire US peace team – Jared Kushner, Avi Berkowitz and Brian Hook – are headed to Israel and expected to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, The Jerusalem Post has confirmed.

Trump lawyers call for immediate acquittal in legal, political defense
U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday rejected the Democratic-led House of Representatives’ impeachment charges and called for their immediate dismissal by the Republican-led Senate in a memo offering a legal and political case against his removal.

Iranian MP announces $3 million award for ‘whoever kills Trump’
An Iranian lawmaker announced a 3 million dollar award to “whoever kills Trump,” Iranian semi-official News agency reported. “On behalf of people of Kerman province, we will pay 3 million dollar award in cash to whoever kills Trump,” Ahmad Hamzeh told parliamentarians, according to ISNA. He did not elaborate whether it was a decision made by Iran’s clerical rulers to threaten US President Donald Trump.

Israeli F-35 jet accidentally exposes location over nuclear facility
An Israeli Air Force F-35 stealth jet revealed itself on international civil aircraft tracking radars while flying over the Shimon Peres Nuclear Research Center in the Negev…According to the source, the aircraft revealed itself at an altitude of 31,000 feet over the nuclear facility when the pilot turned on a non-encrypted transponder, making Israel’s newest fighter jet visible in civil flight radars.

CBP Expands Facial Recognition for Global Entry Travelers
Over the last few years, Customs and Border Protection has been rolling out facial recognition programs at ports of entry…including…international airports. Now, the agency is increasing the use of the technology for its…Global Entry program. The Global Entry program allows frequent travelers who are considered “low risk” to bypass CBP officers and go directly to baggage claim after visiting a kiosk.

Storm Gloria: Deadly squall batters Spain, then shifts to France
Powerful storm Gloria has battered much of eastern Spain, with officials linking at least four deaths to it. The region around Valencia and the Balearic Islands were the worst-hit on Monday, with heavy flooding and strong winds causing havoc. More than 30 provinces in Spain were put on high alert. The storm later moved into southern France.

‘Israel warns Hamas against disrupting World Holocaust Forum’
Israel has sent a stark warning to the Hamas terror group that it will respond forcefully to any attempts to disturb Thursday’s Holocaust remembrance event in Jerusalem, which will be attended by dozens of world leaders. According to Channel 13 television, the IDF says it will if necessary strike Hamas in Gaza in response to any attacks, despite international attention.

Lebanon officials vow to deter ‘infiltrator’ attacks
Officials in protest-hit Lebanon on Monday promised to take measures to deter attacks on security forces by alleged “infiltrators” during the violence over the weekend that injured hundreds of people. Lebanon has been rocked by mostly peaceful anti-government rallies since October 17, but the protests turned violent on Saturday and Sunday amid political deadlock and an ever-deepening economic crisis.

Two rockets hit near US embassy in Baghdad
Three Katyusha rockets fell on Tuesday inside Baghdad’s Green Zone which houses government buildings and foreign missions, Iraqi police sources told Reuters. The three rockets were launched from Zafaraniyah district outside Baghdad, the sources said, adding that two rockets landed near the US embassy.

Australia weather: Melbourne battered by golf ball-sized hail as extreme conditions persist
Golf ball-sized hailstones fell from the sky and dust storms blocked out the sun as extreme weather swept southern Australia over the weekend.

Newfoundland asks for military help after record blizzard
Newfoundland’s premier asked for the Canadian military’s help Saturday as residents of the province’s capital struggled to tunnel out from homes buried by the heaviest snowfall ever recorded in St. John’s.

China confirms person-to-person spread of new virus as fourth death reported
The Chinese official investigating a pneumonia outbreak stemming from a new coronavirus said the disease can spread from person to person but can be halted with increased vigilance, as authorities on Tuesday confirmed a fourth death.

Virginia Democrats’ Gun Control Plan Backfires as Gun Sales Hit Near All-Time Record
Radical anti-Second Amendment measures, currently being pushed by Virginia’s Democrat-controlled state government, appear to be backfiring as gun sales have reached near all-time record highs, according to reports.

Minnesota Church Works to Attract Younger Congregants…By Banning Old People
A Minnesota church is employing a bold new strategy to attract younger families and congregants…banning old people.

Hospitals Across The US Make Deal To Sell Your Medical Records To Technology Giants Like Microsoft, Amazon And IBM In $3 Trillion Dollar Healthcare Boom Market
We all have either heard the stories or experienced it ourselves. Someone stays overnight in a hospital and when they review thier bill on checkout, they see things like a $45 charge for two Tylenol. Funny thing is, when my oldest brother was born back in the 1950’s, my mom’s entire bill for the labor, delivery and a two-day stay was only $50, for all of it. Somewhere between then and now hospitals and hospital care have become a huge racket, and now, hospitals want even more.

Antifa terrorists a NO SHOW at the Virginia pro-2A rally… deep state BACKS DOWN in presence of overwhelming patriot presence
The overwhelming numbers of armed patriots at the pro-2A rally in Richmond, Virginia has apparently caused Antifa terrorists and deep state operatives to back down from their plans to instigate staged violence for CNN’s cameras. While an estimated “tens of thousands” of armed patriots peacefully demonstrated at the Virginia capitol today, there were no reports of Antifa terrorists on the scene.

Historic blizzard sets new all-time daily snowfall record — Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
A powerful blizzard brought intense winds and record-breaking snowfall to parts of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador on Friday and Saturday, January 17 and 18, 2020. “It’s snow and a hurricane, and snow and a hurricane shuts down a city,” Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan​ said, referring to the scale of the blizzard and epic snowfall rates in the province’s capital, St. John’s. One person is missing.

Red alerts issued as major storm hits Spain with hurricane-force winds and heavy snow
Powerful Storm Gloria hit Spain on Sunday, January 19, 2020, prompting red weather alerts for intense snow, freezing temperatures, and high winds. There are fears this could be Spain’s ‘most intense’ snowfall on record.

Anti-Gun Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ As Thousands Descend On Virginia Capital In Pro-Gun Rally Defending Second Amendment Rights
Perhaps you have heard the expression ‘Molon Labe‘, and wondered what it meant, and wondered even more why you see a lot of American patriots using that expression. Molon Labe comes from the Greek and it means literally ‘come and take it’, and is a classic expression of defiance. Tens of thousands of American patriots are in Virginia right now to defend the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution against a democratic governor who is looking to take it away for the residents of that state.

Iran Now Threatening Withdraw From Landmark 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty
If Europeans refer “violations” to UN Security Council, “we will withdraw from the NPT.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Trump’s lawyer ‘absolutely destroyed’ Schiff as impeachment trial opens
President Trump’s counsel Jay Sekulow on Tuesday was praised on Twitter for having “absolutely destroyed” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and his “little impeachment sham.” Sekulow pointed out that when Trump was investigated in the House, he was “denied the right to cross-examine witnesses … to access evidence … the right to have counsel at hearings.” Sekulow also noted Schiff is known for putting “words into transcripts that didn’t exist.”

Gantz’s U-turn on Trump peace plan – Analysis
Why did Gantz suddenly change his mind about the release of Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’? Gantz suddenly reversed his opposition to the presentation of Trump’s plan, saying that he hopes it is unveiled, and that he expects that it will happen. What explains this U-turn?

40 World Leaders Scheduled to Converge on Jerusalem: ‘Preparation for Messiah’ says Prominent Rabbi
When you finally see that all the nations come flowing into Jerusalem, you will understand that it began here and now, with all the heads of state, just like the head leads the body.”

Iranian MP announces $3 million award for ‘whoever kills Trump’
“On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump,” lawmaker Ahmad Hamzeh told the 290-seat parliament, ISNA reported.

Aviation warning issued after Alaskan volcano creates ashy plume that reached 30,000 feet
The volcano’s aviation alert level was raised to red, or warning level, Sunday morning when data from the Alaska volcano observatory showed that eruptive activity had intensified, according to the United States Geological Survey. Eruptive activity includes elevated seismic actions, lava flows and plumes of steam and ash. At least three other Alaskan volcanos remained under a yellow or advisory level, the report said.

Chinese Officials Warn Of “Virus Mutation Spreading” – 440 Cases Confirmed, 9 Dead
Chinese officials have just held a press conference that was anything but the usual CDC “everything’s ok” statement. The particularly ominous warning that the virus is mutating and spreading is perhaps due to the poor handling of the SARS breakout in 2002/3 which was marked by cover-ups and official reluctance to share information. Li Bin, vice head of China’s National Health Commission, confirmed there are 440 confirmed coronavirus cases in this new outbreak and there have been 9 deaths. Some 1,394 patients are under medical observation.

Benjamin Netanyahu to Emmanuel Macron: Join sanctions against Iran
France should sanction Iran in light of its enriching uranium and aggression throughout the Middle East, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday. In addition, the leaders agreed to establish a strategic dialogue between their countries, that will “allow us to continue to cooperate on our shared interests,” Netanyahu said.

Did Israel transfer Jerusalem property to Russia in exchange for Issachar?
Following reports that to obtain the release of Naama Issachar from Russia, Israel would have to relinquish Alexander’s courtyard in the Old City, The Jerusalem Post’s Hebrew sister paper Maariv obtained a document confirming that Israel had already responded to Russia about this request around three weeks ago.

Netanyahu seeks green light from White House to annex Jordan Valley
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his office appealed to the White House on Wednesday for a green light to apply Israeli sovereignty on the Jordan Valley and the northern region of the Dead Sea before the March 2 elections, Kan 11 News reported on Wednesday morning. Netanyahu would otherwise…have already announced his intention to hold a cabinet vote Sunday and a Knesset vote on the matter Tuesday…

Senate approves impeachment trial rules, rejecting witnesses
The U.S. Senate plunged into President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial with Republicans abruptly abandoning plans to cram opening arguments into two days but solidly rejecting Democratic demands for more witnesses to expose what they deem Trump’s “trifecta” of offenses. The daylong session…ended near 2 a.m. Wednesday with Republicans easily approving the rest of the trial rules largely on their terms.

Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field
U.S. troops last weekend reportedly found themselves in a standoff with Russian forces trying to gain access to key oil fields in northeastern Syria. The Saturday standoff…seems to have ended without any shots being fired or any real risk of violence between the two sides.

Lebanon protests: New government ends months of deadlock
Lebanon has formed a new government, ending months of deadlock that have left the country adrift as an economic crisis deepens. Saad Hariri resigned as prime minister in October in response to mass protests over corruption and mismanagement. The Hezbollah movement and its allies chose university professor Hassan Diab to replace him last month, but they could not agree the cabinet’s make-up.

U.S. drinking water widely contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’: report
The contamination of U.S. drinking water with man-made “forever chemicals” is far worse than previously estimated with some of the highest levels found in Miami, Philadelphia and New Orleans, said a report on Wednesday by an environmental watchdog group. The chemicals, resistant to breaking down in the environment, are known as perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.

‘Death Cross,’ growth abroad threaten U.S. dollar
Storm clouds are gathering over the U.S. dollar, threatening a two-year rally in the currency that has squeezed corporate profits and angered President Donald Trump. Dollar bullishness in future markets stands at its lowest level in more than a year-and-a-half, according to the most recent data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission measuring the net dollar amount of bets on a rising greenback.

World leaders arrive in Israel for country’s biggest diplomatic event
At leats 6,300 police officers and other security forces were deployed to Jerusalem ahead of the arrival of high-profile dignitaries including Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and m 49 countries, including 41 heads of state, the diplomatic event is set to become the biggest in the country’s history.

Hamas official threatens more explosive balloons into Israel
Incendiary balloons Palestinians launched from the Gaza Strip recently were a signal to Israel to accelerate unofficial “understandings” meant to ease the crippling blockade on the Hamas-ruled territory, a senior official from the Islamic militant group said Tuesday. The resumption of flammable balloons and other explosive devices flown across the border broke a month of calm…

Chinese Officials Warn Of “Virus Mutation Spreading” – 440 Cases Confirmed, 9 Dead
Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Henan, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Brisbane, Taipei – and now Washington State.

Mass grave of 34 Ethiopian Christians executed by ISIS found in Libya
Libyan authorities have announced that a mass grave containing the remains of 34 Christians murdered by the Islamic State in 2015 has been found.

Pope Francis Calls For Marxist Economic Summit
Not only have Bergoglio and his cohorts abandoned the Faith, but they have also overturned the Church’s long-held condemnation of socialism and have ignored many of its own outstanding thinkers on financial matters…

Coronavirus Spreads Across China as Confirmed Cases Triple
A leading Chinese health official said that a newly identified virus originating in central China has spread between humans, heightening health officials’ concerns that it could be transmitted even more quickly as the number of confirmed cases tripled on Monday.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: WE CAUGHT HIM! Rep. Adam Schiff Caught Leaking Classified Information from House Committee in Effort to Damage President Trump
Democrat Adam Schiff leaked sensitive and classified House Committee materials in his obsession to politically damage President Trump.

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond
As has been long reported by the independent media, so-called “white supremacist” groups are actually run by the FBI, and it was the FBI that masterminded the actions of a group called “The Base,” which provided a pretext for the authoritarian actions of Democrats.

New mud volcanoes form in Trinidad and Tobago
Six new mud volcanoes were spotted in southern Trinidad and Tobago on Monday, January 20, 2020. Geologist and researcher Xavier Moonan took to social media to share the new formations in Los Iros, as further geological activity was also discovered.

4 dead as powerful storm triggers strong winds, heavy snowfall, and record waves in Spain
At least four people died as powerful Storm Gloria wreaked havoc across parts of Spain, producing strong winds, heavy snowfall, and record-breaking waves on Sunday and Monday, January 19 and 20, 2020.

Clearview AI App Allows Strangers To Instantly Retrieve All Your Personal Information Simply by Snapping Your Picture As They Pass You On The Streets
It’s been building now for decades, but when the change finally comes, it will seem so swift and all encompassing that it will be nearly unrecognizable by most people. I am talking of course about the day when we become fully integrated into a cyborg world dominated by AI, VR, and all the other alphabet designations that are heralding the coming switch. And this is not something that will be relegated to the time of Jacob’s trouble, this is something we will experience nowbefore the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Adam Schiff: Americans are too stupid to decide elections
Schiff charged that the results of elections cannot be trusted and Americans who vote are too stupid to make such decisions. “He actually said it. The son of a … actually said it,”

Millions on virus lockdown in China as WHO weighs response
Health officials fear the transmission rate will accelerate as hundreds of millions of Chinese travel at home and abroad during week-long holidays for the Lunar New Year, which begins on Saturday. The previously unknown virus strain is believed to have emerged late last year from illegally traded wildlife at an animal market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.

China Quarantines City Of 11 Million As Hong Kong Confirms Second Case Of Coronavirus
Chinese authorities have reportedly suspended all outbound air and train travel from the city, expanding on their edict that nobody leave, and nobody enter, the city in central China, which has a population of 11 million people, making it larger than New York City.

70th Anniversary Of Orwell’s Death Sees ‘Newspeak’ Censorship Soaring
It is a dangerous practice: Government, corporations, universities, news outlets and “experts” curating our information so that we cannot access, see or believe that which they determine we should not access, see or believe. If anyone had suggested to Orwell, or the American founders, that we would invite this sort of manipulation and control of our information, they wouldn’t have believed it.

“I Don’t See Her In Beijing Or Delhi” – Niall Ferguson Slams Davos’ “Virtue Signaling” Greta Fanboys
Quite a speech, and the billionaire crowd at Davos soaked it all up, proudly patting themselves on the back and supporting Greta and her ‘movement’. However, as Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, explained during a brief (and uncomfortable) interview on CNBC, it’s all bull****.

Commander of Iranian militia shot dead
Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq,….Abdolhossein Mojaddami, a Basij commander in the city of Darkhovin in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, was shot on Tuesday in front of his home by two men riding a motorcycle, said IRNA.

Senior Saudi Muslim leader set for “groundbreaking” visit to Auschwitz Thursday. Historic moment in faith diplomacy.
In an historic moment in what I call “faith diplomacy,” the top Muslim religious leader in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in southern Poland for the first time on Thursday. He will also participate a delegation of Muslim and Jewish leaders commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz 75 years ago this week.

Australia Slammed With Hail, Pestilence, Darkness Plagues in one Week
In the midst of raging wildfires, hailstones the size of baseballs pounded Australia in a mix of elemental opposites echoing the Egyptian plague. As if that reminder of the Exodus were not enough, a massive dust storm turned day into night. These and other phenomena created a pre-Messiah show of wonders in the hard-hit continent down under conspicuously timed to coincide with the week when Jews around the world read the section of the Torah relating the story of the plaques in Egypt.

‘We Will Never Tire of Defending Innocent Life’: President Trump Makes Roe Anniversary ‘Sanctity of Life Day’
“I ask every citizen of this great Nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen.” -President Donald J Trump. US President Donald J. Trump has declared January 22, the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision imposing abortion on demand across the country, to be “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.”

Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for $50 million over ‘Russian asset’ remarks
Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard unveiled a defamation lawsuit on Wednesday against Hillary Clinton as a response to Clinton’s October remarks calling Gabbard a “Russian asset.”

CDC confirms first case of coronavirus in the United States
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States. After returning to Seattle, Washington, from traveling in Wuhan, China, a man in his 30s began to experience pneumonia-like symptoms, the CDC announced Tuesday. “Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, healthcare professionals suspected this new coronavirus. A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis,”

White House urging Netanyahu to refrain from annexation, to wait for plan
The Trump administration has urged Israel to hold back from unilaterally annexing the Jordan Valley, recommending that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wait for the US peace plan instead. Netanyahu has spoken of Jordan Valley annexation since the summer, and it has been presumed that the Trump administration would support such a move or at the very least not oppose it.

China locks down two cities at epicenter of virus outbreak
China put on lockdown on Thursday two cities at the epicenter of a new coronavirus outbreak that has killed 17 people and infected nearly 600, as health authorities around the world scramble to prevent a global pandemic. Health officials fear the transmission rate will accelerate as hundreds of millions of Chinese travel at home and abroad during week-long holidays for the Lunar New Year…

Hezbollah a ‘major architect’ of Lebanon’s new government
The formation of a new government in Lebanon after months of political deadlock is unlikely to quell continuing protests, analysts say. The new government, which consists of 20 ministers, is led by the newly-appointed Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who has been the frontrunner for the position for weeks.

Nebraska governor declares day of prayer to end abortion
Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts issued a proclamation Wednesday declaring that January 22, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling, will be a statewide day of prayer, calling on his constituents to ask God to help end abortion in the United States.

Ex-Witch’s Warning About New Disney Show: ‘It’s Not a Joke… That Realm Is Very Real’
A new Disney cartoon is teaching kids that being a witch is a good thing. It’s called “The Owl House” and recently premiered on the Disney Channel.

World needs to prepare for ‘millions’ of climate displaced: U.N.
The world needs to prepare for millions of people being driven from their homes by the impact of climate change, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday.

Disney World, Universal Orlando water parks closed due to cold weather
Heads up if you’re vacationing in Florida this chilly week: Several water parks in Florida are closing due to cold temperatures in the Sunshine State.

CIA Director Testified to Congress That He Told The Obama White House Everything About “Trump-Russia” Disproven Ties
How much longer the mainstream media will be able to protect our former Manchurian president will be determined by U.S. Attorney General William Barr and the man he appointed to determine the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion witch-hunt, U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Commander of Iranian militia shot dead
Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing Iran’s official news agency IRNA.

Less than half of Americans know 6 million Jews killed in Holocaust
A poll found that less than half of Americans know how many Jewish people were killed in the Holocaust.

China Quarantines City Of 11 Million As Hong Kong Confirms Second Case Of Coronavirus
After praising all of China’s efforts to contain the outbreak, the WHO Director General announced that the emergency committee would delay its decision on whether to declare the coronavirus a major health emergency of international concern because the committee wants “more information.”

STUNNING! YouTube Takes Down Judicial Watch and Right Side Broadcasting’s Impeachment Feed — Want to Drive Viewers to Liberal Media Feeds!
The Democrats sent their elite brain trust to the Senate Floor on Tuesday to push their sham impeachment against President Donald Trump.

Dark Money Group Founded By Bernie Sanders Is Violating The Law, Watchdog Group Says
A dark money group founded by Sen. Bernie Sanders is violating federal campaign finance law, according to a Federal Election Commission complaint filed Wednesday.

US Navy To Revive Flak Cannons To Combat Drone Attacks
“We’re looking at another round called the proximity round, which detects the drone as it approaches and then blows up.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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‘Doomsday Clock’ creeps closer to midnight than it ever has in history. Scientists call world affairs ‘highly unstable.’
The metaphorical clock is now set to 100 seconds to midnight, … “We are now expressing how close the world is to catastrophe in seconds — not hours, or even minutes,”

The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab Was Studying “The World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens”
Now that not one but seven Chinese cities – including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic – and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine… comparisons to the infamous Raccoon City from Resident Evil are coming in hot and heavy. And, since reality often tends to imitate if not art then certainly Hollywood, earlier today we jokingly asked if the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University would end up being China’s version of Umbrella Corp. As it turns out, it wasn’t a joke, …….

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo Disease outbreak news: Update 23 January 2020
Nine new confirmed cases were reported from 15 to 21 January in the ongoing Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. All of the cases were reported from Beni Health Zone in North Kivu Province. Eight of the cases (8/9) were registered contacts prior to symptom onset; all nine had epidemiological links to a confirmed case. In the past 21 days (1 to 21 January 2020), 35 confirmed cases were reported from 11 health areas within five active health zones in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces

A-10 Warthogs Elephant Walk In Show Of Force, Weeks After 52 Stealth Fighters Taxied Down Runway
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) conducted its second Elephant Walk within weeks, this time with ten Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II fighters at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, located in Harrison Township, Michigan,. Earlier this month, we reported 52 Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth fighters conducted an Elephant Walk down a runway at Hill Air Force base in Utah. It was a show of massive force against Iran as the world was on edge for war. Since then, tensions have receded but are still elevated.

Trump: I will release the Middle East peace plan before Netanyahu visit
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to make a visit in Washington on January 28. “Sometime prior to that,” he told reporters during a flight to Florida. “Probably, we’ll release it a little bit prior to that.”

‘Soleimani successor faces same fate if he kills Americans’
The US special representative for Iran said the successor to Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a US drone strike, would suffer the same fate if he followed a similar path of killing Americans, Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported.

Another Holocaust is possible, warns former chief rabbi
If Jews do not make an effort to constantly remember what their enemies did to them, they might overlook trends that could “God forbid, lead to another annihilation,” but notes that “this time things will be different,” because Israel exists.

Trump invites Gantz and Netanyahu to Washington ahead of likely rollout of peace plan
Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday announced that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main political rival Benny Gantz would visit Washinton next week to discuss the “prospect of peace” with the Palestinians, with Israeli officials saying the terms of the administration’s peace plan include highly favorable terms for Israel.

Bones of Holocaust Victims Rise Up from Under Ground in Auschwitz
The delegation discovered many examples of human bone emerging from the ground. This phenomenon was witnessed over a wide area in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where over one million people, 90% of them Jews, were murdered. Many bone fragments were found, mainly in the ponds surrounding the crematoria, where some of the ash had been thrown.

ISIS has a new leader. He is Amir Mohammed Abdul Rahman al-Mawli al-Salbi
The position became available Oct. 27 when its previous holder, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, blew himself up in with a suicide vest while being chased down a Syrian tunnel by special forces operatives including a Belgian Malinois named Conan. Like Baghdadi, Salbi is viewed as a militant hardliner with deep ties to the Islamic State. He is a native of Tal Afar, Iraq, who reportedly has a degree in Sharia law from the University of Mosul. He also has a son.

Tensions high on Temple Mount amid peace plan reports
Tensions were high on the Temple Mount amid calls for mass attendance at Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque and reports that the Trump Administration’s Deal of the Century peace plan would be released within the week. Israeli security forces arrested multiple Palestinian activists in Jerusalem and dispersed worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque…

Trump: I will release the Middle East peace plan before Netanyahu visit
US President Donald Trump said Thursday evening that the release of the long-awaited peace plan of his administration is imminent and expected before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz’s visit to Washington next Tuesday. “Sometime prior to that,” he told reporters during a flight to Florida. “Probably, we’ll release it a little bit prior to that.”

Rogue NYPD cops are using facial recognition app Clearview
Rogue NYPD officers are using a sketchy facial-recognition software on their personal phones that the department’s own facial recognition unit doesn’t want to touch because of concerns about security and potential for abuse…Clearview AI, which has scraped millions of photos from social media and other public sources…has been pitching itself to law enforcement organizations across the country…

Locusts: UN calls for international help in East Africa
The UN has called for international help to fight huge swarms of desert locusts sweeping through east Africa. A spokesman for the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), called for aid to “avert any threats to food security, livelihoods, malnutrition”. Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are all struggling with “unprecedented” and “devastating” swarms of the food-devouring insects, the FAO has said.

Brexit: EU leaders sign UK withdrawal deal
The heads of the European Commission and Council – Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel – have signed the Withdrawal Agreement, ahead of the UK’s exit from the EU on 31 January. The Queen approved it on Thursday, and next Wednesday the European Parliament is expected to vote for it too. The UK has agreed to abide by EU rules during a transition period until the end of the year.

Trump to become first president in history to speak at March for Life
President Trump will deliver an in-person speech on Friday at the March for Life, an annual rally held in Washington protesting the legalization of abortion.

Obama Led Cover-Up of Democratic Involvement In Burisma- Major US Banks and Prominent Democrats Implicated
The trail to unravel the Ukrainian criminality involving so many officials within our government is extremely complicated. To keep the presentation simple, it is important to segment and compartmentalize the information. For every piece of evidence I am offering below, there is at least a thousand times more of the same evidence.

‘Unprecedented’ locust swarms devastating several countries in Africa fueled by multiple weather factors
Unusually heavy rain is being cited as a factor in one of the worst outbreaks of desert locusts in decades across parts of East Africa and posing what officials say is an “unprecedented” threat to crops in third world countries, according to a recent report

Winter storm in Spain caused surge that ‘ravaged’ major delta area
A powerful winter storm that battered Spain for days, killing at least seven people, also spawned devastating flooding in a major delta area.

Major Chinese city goes into lockdown as new virus death toll rises to at least 17
The death toll from China’s coronavirus has jumped to at least 17 as of Thursday, January 23, 2020. Amid heightening concerns, officials in Wuhan– the outbreak’s epicenter– announced a partial lockdown of the city in efforts to contain the outbreak. Wuhan is the capital of the Province of Hubei and the seventh most populous Chinese city, with a population of 11 million.

House bill targets use of Pentagon networks for child pornography
Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) introduced legislation on Tuesday meant to halt the use of Department of Defense (DOD) computer networks by users for sharing or procuring pornographic images of children.

At Holocaust forum, Pence calls on world to stand against anti-Semitism, Iranian threats
Vice President Mike Pence commemorated the victims of the Holocaust on Thursday in a speech in Jerusalem, saying the world must stand strong against anti-Semitism and against Iran’s threats to annihilate Israel.

LGBTQ+P For Pedophile Advocacy Group ‘Garden State Equality’ Begins Forced Reeducation Of New Jersey Public School Teachers In Gay Curriculum
The advance of the end times agenda of the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement is not only swift but stunning to the degree in which they have been and are able to effect radical change in states all across America. In New Jersey, public school teachers in 12 different districts are being ‘re-educated’ by LGBTQ+ advocacy group Garden State Equality on how to teach the new ***** curriculum to the students. New Jersey can thank their Democratic governor Phil Murphy for making this nightmare a reality.

HERE WE GO… Happening Tomorrow! Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office
President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Alleged al-Qaeda Jihadis Caught Trying to Enter U.S. with Fake Passports
American authorities identified and apprehended three Syrian nationals accused of belonging to al-Qaeda in Dallas, Texas, from Colombia, the Colombian news agency RCN reported on Thursday, publishing images of the three individuals’ fake passports.

Weaponized coronavirus invades the USA as world panics over possible pandemic
The next wave of attack against humanity has just been unleashed. The so-called “novel coronavirus” (2019-nCoV) is now spreading across Mainland China, and with the Chinese New Year travel surge under way, China’s residents are “exporting” the virus everywhere. Confirmed cases have cropped up in Taiwan, and the CDC has confirmed that at least one patient in the United States has been infected and hospitalized (after being misdiagnosed for a week, during which he most likely spread the infections to others).

Secret Court Issuing Website “Takedown” Orders in America, Targeting “Vaccine Truth” Sites
Take note, all independent media publishers and vaccine skeptics: A Natural News investigation has discovered the existence of a “secret court” in America which is run by the vaccine industry and is currently issuing takedown orders to tech companies and hosting infrastructure companies to cause targeted disruptions (sabotage) of independent media websites that question any official vaccine narrative.

One million new cases of sexually transmitted disease diagnosed each day, WHO warns
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are contracted every day, with chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and syphilis infections being the most worrisome.

George Soros in Davos: 2020 Election Will Determine ‘Fate of the World’
Left-wing billionaire George Soros on Thursday reportedly warned that the 2020 election will determine the “fate of the world” and lashed out at President Donald Trump during a private dinner event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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UK Researcher Predicts Over 250,000 Chinese Will Have Coronavirus In Ten Days
When it comes to estimating the human capital and potential fallout from a highly contagious epidemic, arguably the most important variable is the R0 (“R-naught”) value of the disease, which represents the average number of secondary cases arising from an average primary case in a entirely susceptible population. Human-to-human transmission is occurring and a preliminary R0 estimate of 1.4-2.5 was presented. Needless to say, while 2.5 is quite high, and in line with that of the Spanish flu epidemic which infected about half a billion people back in 1918, killing as many as 100 million before it eventually fizzled out, the real coronavirus R0 number may end up being far higher 3.6-4.0 or roughly the same as SARS,…

ICE Chief Threatens Sanctuary City Officials with Jail Time if They Don’t Comply with Subpoenas
According to the Washington Examiner, acting ICE Director Matt Albence told reporters Thursday in Washington that local officials who refuse to cooperate, releasing criminal illegal immigrants back into the population rather than handing them or their personal information over to the agency, should be prepared to “show up to court with a toothbrush.” “That’s the route we’re going,” the ICE chief added.

China Suddenly Increases Death Toll By Over 60% As Virus Jumps To Europe
AFP reports, citing a minister, that two cases of coronavirus are now confirmed in France, as the virus officially spreads to Europe. The outbreak will give President Emmanuel Macron a desperately needed distraction from seemingly never-ending protests of his government. As authorities in Beijing try to convince the world that they have the outbreak under control, researchers in the US and UK have warned that the total number of cases might be closer to 4,000, …

Amir Peretz slams Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century
Labor-Meretz chairman Amir Peretz was a guest at a cultural event in Hadera on Saturday and attacked US President Donald Trump’s peace plan known as the “Deal of the Century.” “Our position is that negotiations should be conducted on the basis of a two-state solution for two peoples, with the principle of land swaps. We oppose any unilateral move,” Peretz said.

Analysis: The Pentagon has a credibility problem, and it’s only getting worse
Americans breathed a collective sigh of relief when, the morning after Iran’s Jan. 8 ballistic missile attack on Al Asad air base in Iraq, Defense Department leaders said there were “no casualties.” That initial assessment hasn’t held up, and neither have the department’s varying statements on the matter since then.

At March for Life, Trump gets an enthusiastic reception
President Donald Trump, seeking to court evangelical voters, addressed thousands of activists gathered Friday on the National Mall for the nation’s largest annual anti-abortion rally. Trump, who this week revealed his “Pro-Life Voices for Trump” coalition for his 2020 reelection campaign, has strong ties to the anti-abortion community and is the first president to speak onstage at the event.

‘This time I’m scared’: experts fear too late for China virus lockdown
China’s bid to contain a deadly new virus by placing cities of millions under quarantine is an unprecedented undertaking but it is unlikely to stop the disease spreading, experts warn. The contagious virus has already reached elsewhere in China and abroad, and even an authoritarian government has only a small timeframe in which trapped residents will submit to such a lockdown, they say.

Pence to Pope Francis: ‘You have made me a hero’
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, a former Catholic, held an unusually long meeting with Pope Francis on Friday and quipped that he emerged from the encounter feeling like “a hero”. Pence’s talks with Francis in the papal library lasted about an hour, twice as long as the meeting between the pope and U.S. President Donald Trump in the same frescoed room in May 2017.

Turkey earthquake: At least 22 dead as buildings collapse
At least 22 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured in a powerful earthquake in eastern Turkey. The magnitude-6.8 quake, centred on the town of Sivrice in Elazig province, caused buildings to collapse and sent residents rushing into the street. Thirty-nine people have been pulled from the wreckage, with more than 20 feared to remain trapped, rescuers say.

Huge rally as Iraqis demand US troops pull out
Huge crowds have taken to the streets of Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, to demand that US forces leave Iraq. Powerful Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr earlier called for a million people to join Friday’s march, close to the US embassy in the capital. Iranian-backed militias were among those protesting in the city.

Article 13: UK will not implement EU copyright law
Universities and Science Minister Chris Skidmore has said that the UK will not implement the EU Copyright Directive after the country leaves the EU. Several companies have criticised the law, which would hold them accountable for not removing copyrighted content uploaded by users, if it is passed. EU member states have until 7 June 2021 to implement the new reforms, but the UK will have left the EU by then.

Cut meat and dairy intake ‘by a fifth’, report urges
People should cut the amount of beef, lamb and dairy produce they eat by a fifth to combat climate change, a report says. It says public bodies should lead the way by offering plant-based options with all meals. But it says if people don’t cut consumption willingly, taxes on meat and dairy might be needed.

Russia to Install ‘Spiritual’ Domestic Apps – Vedomosti
Russian authorities will give priority to “spiritual values” when deciding which Russian-made apps should come pre-installed under a controversial law banning smartphone sales without domestic software, the Vedomosti newspaper reported Thursday. From July 1, smartphones will be required to go on sale with pre-installed apps approved by the Russian government.

Very strong and shallow M6.8 earthquake hits eastern Turkey
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the EMSC as M6.8 hit eastern Turkey at 17:55 UTC (20:55 local time) on January 24, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The USGS is reporting M6.7 at a depth of 10 km. This earthquake can have a medium humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Storm Gloria: Death toll rises to 13, over 1 500 evacuated in France after two months’ worth of rain in 48 hours
At least 13 people have died in Spain and more than 1 500 were evacuated in southwest France, authorities confirmed on January 24, 2020, after powerful Storm Gloria caused widespread flooding and left a trail of destruction in its wake. In parts of France, Gloria dumped approximately two months’ worth of rain in just two days. According to Meteo France forecaster Olivier Proust, it was the worst storm to hit the region during the winter period since January 1982.

China coronavirus death toll hits 26 with 830 infected, more than 33 million people in lockdown
China’s coronavirus has killed 26 people and infected 830 as of Friday, January 24, 2020, the National Health Commission (NHC) confirmed. The worsening case prompted more cities in Hubei province to restrict travel, following the lockdown of Wuhan— the center of the infection.

Soccer ball rigged with explosives found attached to balloons near Gaza
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip apparently used balloons to float a soccer ball attached to an explosive device into Israel, as part of an uptick in arson balloon attacks in recent days.

Climate Soothsayer Greta Mimics UN Sustainability
The non-profits and think-tanks have now adopted and added another descriptor to their strategical predictions – sustainable. Mimicking and adopting the dictates of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development 17 goals, everything is now sustainable. If it is not sustainable, it is not hip and worthy of discussion.

People Flee Their Homes After Massive 6.8 Earthquake In Eastern Turkey, Felt As Far Away As Israel, Leaves 18+ Dead With Over 300 Injured
Eastern Turkey is reeling tonight after a devastating 6.8 earthquake hit outside of the capital city of Ankara, and was felt as far away as Israel, news reports said. Funny how everything in the Middle East is always related some how and in some way to Israel, isn’t it? Fun fact, the word ‘earthquakes’ appears only 3 times in your King James Bible, and it all refers to events that will be happening during the time of Jacob’s trouble. We won’t be in the time of Jacob’s trouble, but I thought it was a fun fact anyway.

New Jersey cops told to halt all use of controversial facial-recognition technology
The state attorney general is ordering all New Jersey police to stop using a powerful new facial-recognition technology that’s pulling millions of photos from social media.

VACCINE BOMBSHELL as U.N. health experts admit toxic vaccine ingredients are harming children worldwide – see video, transcript
A Dec. 2, 2019 World Health Organization “Global Vaccine Safety Summit” video has been found and leaked to the world, revealing shocking admissions of the health hazards posed by vaccines and their toxic ingredients.

BREAKING: Coronavirus a stealth strain that can be carried by people who show NO fever or coughing symptoms… detection almost impossible under current government guidelines
Coronavirus is spreading among people who show non-respiratorysymptoms. This means detection of the carriers of the virus is going to be extremely difficult, given that nearly all health officials around the world are looking for respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties.

Red Cross director admits $10MILLION will not go to bushfire victims
The director of the Red Cross has revealed that almost $11million of the money donated to the bushfire relief fund will go towards ‘administration costs’.

China Goes On Lockdown With Wuhan Coronavirus As Health Authorities Alarmingly Predict Sickness Will Soon Infect 350,000 In Chinese Province
China is struggling to deal with the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus that has the potential to breakout globally, 26 people are dead and thousands more infected. The current panic over the Wuhan coronavirus reminds me of a few years ago and the very similar situation of the Ebola virus. Remember that one?


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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First Israelis permitted to limited visit in Saudi Arabia
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri…permitted a select number of Israelis to be the first with permission to visit Saudi Arabia. The visit is limited to nine days and…only…for religious worship purposes or for business meetings and funding…Travelers would still need permission from the Saudi authorities to gain entry to the country on top of initial permission from the State of Israel.

China coronavirus ‘spreads before symptoms show’
A new coronavirus that has spread to almost 2,000 people is infectious in its incubation period – before symptoms show – making it harder to contain, Chinese officials say. Some 56 people have died from the virus. Health minister Ma Xiaowei told reporters the ability of the virus to spread appeared to be strengthening.

Iraqi security forces raid Baghdad protest site
Iraqi security forces have moved against the main anti-government protest site in central Baghdad. They fired live ammunition and tear gas as they began removing tents and concrete barriers near Tahrir Square and a bridge across the Tigris river, eyewitnesses say. Several people are reported to have been injured in Saturday’s clashes.

Russia, Turkey emerge political frontrunners in Libya: Report
Russia and Turkey have formed an alliance to exploit insolvency of the West in the Libyan crisis to pose as sponsors of a future political solution in the North African country, according to a report by French newspaper Le Monde. Libya, a large oil producer, has been engulfed by chaos since 2011 when longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed in an uprising.

Israeli aircraft strike Gaza sites after balloon launches
Israeli aircraft struck several sites for Gaza militants late Saturday in response to incendiary balloons launched from the Palestinian enclave. The Israeli military said the sites belonged to Hamas, the Islamic group ruling the territory, and included weapons manufacturing and intelligence-gathering facilities. There were no reports of injuries from the airstrikes in southern Gaza Strip.

Turkey Moves Toward Passage Of Controversial “Marry Your Rapist” Law
Under this legislation, men accused of having sex with underaged girls could avoid punishment if they marry their victims…

Personal identification – People can now be identified at a distance by their heartbeat
..This system, dubbed Jetson, is able to measure, from up to 200 metres away, the minute vibrations induced in clothing by someone’s heartbeat. Since hearts differ in both shape and contraction pattern, the details of heartbeats differ, too. The effect of this on the fabric of garments produces what Ideal Innovations, a firm involved in the Jetson project, calls a “heartprint”—a pattern reckoned sufficiently distinctive to confirm someone’s identity.

More than 2,000 now infected with coronavirus; 56 dead in China
More than 2,000 people globally have been infected with a new coronavirus, the vast majority of them in China, where 56 people have died from the disease, according to figures released on Sunday.

Virginia Goes Full Libtard, Passes Transgender Educational Mandates for Children, Other Pro-LGBT Measures
Now that Virginia’s legislature is filled with Democrats, they are wasting no time in passing crazy bills that the people of Virginia will not likely support.

Oprah Winfrey And Stephen Colbert Take Turns Mocking God, Jesus And The Bible On The Late Show
The other night on the Stephen Colbert show, Colbert discussed with guest Oprah Winfrey the possibility of her running for president in 2020. Winfrey famously said not too long ago that if she were to run for president, she would need a ‘sign from God’.

Don’t buy the media hype over the new China virus
A CNN reporter broadcasts from Wuhan, China, on the recent viral outbreak. There is nobody near who could possibly infect him ­— unless the cameraman has Guinness Book of Records coughs and sneezes. So why does he insist on wearing a blue surgical mask while talking?

At least 22 killed and 1 030 injured after M6.8 earthquake in eastern Turkey
At least 22 people have been killed and 1 030 injured after a shallow M6.8 earthquake hit near the town of Sivrice in eastern Turkey’s Elazig province at 17:55 UTC (20:55 local time) on January 24, 2020.

CHRISLAM COVENANT: Is Trump Preparing To Combine His ‘Deal Of The Century’ Middle East Peace Plan With Pope Francis’ Abrahamic Faiths Initiative?
Suddenly, everything begins to makes sense. From one side, I have been watching Donald Trump over the past three and a half years, the man that God placed in power of the world’s strongest and most-prosperous nation, doing amazing things for the nation of Israel. The thing he wants most to do in Israel is his ‘Deal Of The Century‘ Middle East Peace Plan, headed up by his Jewish son in law, Jared Kushner.

US to evacuate citizens in Chinese city at center of coronavirus outbreak
The United States is organizing a charter flight to evacuate diplomats and citizens from the Chinese city where the recent coronavirus outbreak originated.

Coronavirus “Perfect Storm” Now Exists Thanks to Biosludge, Open Borders, Filthy Liberal Cities
The horrendously bad decisions of human beings who hold power in government, media and industry have brought the human race to a “perfect storm” of conditions that will strongly contribute to the spread and fatalities of the coronavirus pandemic now threatening the world.

A Pandemic Is Now Unavoidable!!! Tens of Millions at Risk
The grainy thumbnail document is from DHS and it is written in the tone that a pandemic is inevitable. The document is written for DHS agents in a manner so as to advise them how to minimize exposure. To re-emphasize, this document tells me that a pandemic is unavoidable in the United States.

DNA Tests at Border Reveal Many Cases of Deception by Illegal Immigrants|
Posing as a family used to be a surefire way for illegal immigrants to gain quick release into the United States. But measures at the border are slowly shutting down the illegal immigrants’ tactics and ferreting out fake families.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

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Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits Andreanof Islands, Alaska
The USGS issued a green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage. Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are resistant to earthquake shaking, though vulnerable structures exist.

Coronavirus Latest: 2,799 Global Cases Resulting in 80 Fatalities
In China there are now 2,744 confirmed cases as of 1200am on Jan 27, an increase of 39% resulting in 80 deaths, up 43%. This is triple the 916 mainland China cases reported late on Friday. Across the globe, there are now 2,799 confirmed cases, including the 80 Chinese fatalities, so far nobody outside of China has died from the disease.

Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?
Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. This Winnipeg based Canadian lab was targeted by Chinese agents in what could be termed as Biological Espionage.

Puerto Rican Protesters Bring A Guillotine To Governor’s Mansion
Puerto Rican protestors carried a “symbolic” guillotine to the American territory’s governor’s mansion on Thursday to protest leaders’ handling of disaster relief supplies. As earthquakes continue to rock the island leaving thousands without power, Puerto Ricans are still suffering the effects from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Late last week, residents of the city of Ponce discovered “a warehouse filled with water, cots and other unused emergency supplies,” NBC News reported. The unused supplies had been there since 2017.

US Evacuating Citizens as Experts Predict Wuhan Virus Could Infect 270K
The United States government is reportedly preparing to evacuate American citizens from Wuhan as the novel coronavirus continues to ravage the region. While China has dumped considerable resources into containing the outbreak, experts predict cases could still soar above 200,000 in less than two weeks. Americans will be airlifted from the city as soon as possible, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Pence, Netanyahu Met Under Pic of Jews Trekking to Jewish Temple
Vice President Mike Pence was photographed Thursday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of a painting of the Jewish Temple in the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Netanyahu went on to thank Trump for giving Israel peace and security.

Trump’s peace plan undercuts Palestinian egotism
The so-called deal of the century offers the Palestinians far less than they’ve ever been offered, but they’ve been saying ‘no’ to any proposal to resolve the conflict since the 1920s, and the time has come to pay the price.

Iran may be pushing Islamic Jihad to challenge ‘Deal of Century’
Evidence for Iran’s real intentions comes from Tasnim news media, which reports in detail on Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s plans to disrupt the process. The report notes that PIJ, which fought a brief conflict with Israel in November, has called for an uprising, or intifada.

Netanyahu says he and Trump will ‘make history’ this week
“I am going to Washington to face an American president who is bringing forward a plan that I believe will advance our most vital interests,” Netanyahu said. “During the last three years I spoke countless times with Trump – who is a great friend of Israel – and his team,” Netanyahu said.

Rockets make “direct hit” on US embassy, Baghdad, reportedly injuring one
At least one rocket hit a dining facility or cafeteria at the site. Sirens sounded in the compound directing people to seek shelter.

Trump ‘Deal of the Century’ to be Revealed at Meeting with Netanyahu; Abbas Threatens US “Not to Cross Red Lines”
“We warn Israel and the American administration against crossing the red lines,” Abbas said in a statement. “The Palestinian position supports ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories whose capital is East Jerusalem. If the U.S. publishes the ‘Deal of the Century’, the authority will take steps to protect its basic rights.”

Netanyahu may annex Ma’aleh Adumim before Jordan Valley – report
Israel could apply sovereignty over the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement first, rather than over the Jordan Valley, Army Radio reported on Monday morning. It had always been presumed that Ma’aleh Adumim, the third largest settlement and home to over 38,000 people, would be the first West Bank settlement to be annexed by Israel.

Netanyahu, Gantz land in DC ahead of meeting with Trump on peace plan
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz landed in Washington, DC on Sunday, ahead of a meeting with US President Donald Trump to discuss the release of the administration’s peace plan, knows as “Deal of the Century.” The two traveled separately and will meet with Trump in two distinct meetings.

Palestinian factions call ‘day of rage’ on day of Trump peace plan
Palestinian factions on Sunday called for a “day of rage” for the day US President Donald Trump releases his long-awaited plan for Mideast peace. Parts of the plan are expected to be publicized during separate meetings in Washington this week between Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz.

Brazil floods: Dozens dead in severe Minas Gerais rainstorms
At least 30 people have died during severe rainstorms in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state, the country’s emergency services have said. Many of the victims were buried in landslides or washed away in floods after intense rain on Friday and Saturday. More than 2,500 people were evacuated from their homes, and local TV showed images of ruined houses under red mud.

Two hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus symptoms
A 60-year-old woman was admitted into a Tel Aviv hospital Sunday four days after she returned from China, exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory illness and fever. The woman was put in a dedicated intensive care unit pending tests to determine if she was exposed to the coronavirus.

Syrian troops reach outskirts of key rebel-held town
Syrian government forces reached the outskirts of a key rebel-held town on Sunday, part of a weekslong offensive into the country’s last rebel stronghold, state media and opposition activists said. Further north, a car bomb exploded in a town held by Turkey-backed opposition fighters killing at least seven people.

61 Million Babies Have Died in Abortions, a Death Toll That’s the Population of Italy
The following are the remarks Congressman Chris Smith gave today at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.: Today we march for life to defend the weakest and most vulnerable. Tragically, since the infamous 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions that eviscerated legal protection for unborn children, more than 61 million babies have been dismembered or chemically aborted—a death toll that equates with the entire population of Italy.

Locust outbreak in Kenya is worst in 70 years: “Even cows are wondering what is happening”
The worst outbreak of desert locusts in Kenya in 70 years has seen hundreds of millions of the bugs swarm into the East African nation from Somalia and Ethiopia. Those two countries have not had an infestation like this in a quarter-century, destroying farmland and threatening an already vulnerable region with devastating hunger.

Again, there are now three (3) tropical cyclone ongoing in the tropics – two over the South Indian Ocean and one over the South Pacific
There have been three tropical waves ongoing in the Southwest Indian Ocean earlier this week, two of them have been upgraded to a tropical cyclone. Now there is also a new tropical cyclone in the South Pacific. While all systems are classified as tropical cyclones, they are only poorly organized and remain over the open seas only, so no threat to the land areas at all.

End Times Prosperity Gospel Deceiver Paula White Calls For ‘All Satanic Pregnancies To Miscarry Right Now’ During Sermon Earlier This Month
Gospel pimp Paula White is at it again, this time calling for all “satanic pregnancies” that have been conceived in “satanic wombs” to be aborted through miscarriages. What a truly bizarre thing to say, even for Paula White. You can see a 01:34 snippet of it below, but trust me, even at one minute and thirty four seconds it will try your patience. What in the world is a satanic pregnancy, anyway? The things you say when you need to keep people jacked on emotion so they keep writing so big checks she loves so much. Satanic pregnancies??? It never ends.

75 Years After The Liberation Of Auschwitz, Shocking New Documentary Shows Holocaust Concentration Camp Horror With Never-Seen Color Images
Auschwitz Untold: In Colour is a two-part series which is shot from the perspective of Holocaust survivors, with the archive footage used from the concentration camp in Poland having been restored to full color. It is set to feature testimonies from survivors which have never been shared before and is narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley. One female survivor recounts arriving at the camp saying: ‘Once we entered there, we thought we’d entered hell.’

Three Rockets Thought To Be Fired By Iran Score Direct Hits On The US Embassy In Baghdad Located In Heavily-Fortified Green Zone In Iraq
As massive student-led protests in Baghdad continued to keep Iraq’s capital in an uproar, 5 rockets, presumably fired by Iran, hit the area on and around the US Embassy in the heavily-fortified Green Zone today. 3 of those rockets scored direct hits on the US Embassy building. The United States and Iran famously stood down from their tense standoff just a few weeks ago, but something tells me that it’s about to be revisited.

Dead Hand: Russian Real-Life Doomsday Machine
Russia is actively working towards restoring lost Soviet capabilities and developing new strategic deterrence projects. One of them is the Dead Hand, also known as the Perimeter…


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Sanhedrin Assembly on Third Temple Brings Representatives from Sons of Ishmael
“Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran and there is not a basis to believe that Jerusalem had any significance for Muhammad,” Dr. Kedar explained to Breaking Israel News. “In early Islam, we see that assigning holiness to the Temple Mount was criticized as an attempt to introduce Jewish concepts into Islam.”

Augmented-reality contact lens is making its way toward production
Currently in working prototype form, the company’s Mojo Lens features what is being billed as “the smallest and densest dynamic display ever made.” Superimposed over the wearer’s view of the real world, moving text and graphics are delivered at a pixel pitch of over 14,000 ppi (pixels per inch) and a pixel density of over 200 million pixels per square inch.

Neuro-Scientist Calculates: We Are Currently in Final Twilight Before Messiah
Neuro-scientist with dozens of patents to his credit, focused his intellect on the Bible and discovered a timeline laid out in detail which, according to his calculations, places the current date firmly in the “twilight of Messiah.”

‘We are not going to pass it by,’ PM tells Trump ahead of peace plan rollout
“We are not going to pass it by,” Netanyahu told Trump when the two met Monday at the White House. This is the “opportunity of the century,” he said. The proposal is expected to be very favorable to Israel, and Netanyahu has hailed it as a chance to “make history” and define Israel’s final borders.

Omar, Corbyn slammed by Jews for remarks on Holocaust Remembrance Day
“How dare you defame memory of the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust!” tweeted Arsen Ostrovsky, executive director of the Israeli-Jewish Congress. “Your Antisemitism, however you cloak it, knows no bounds. Barely one year ago, you tried to pass boycott law comparing Israel to Nazi Germany & now you seek destruction of Jewish state! Have you no shame?,”

Gantz: Trump plan can be implemented when we have ‘stable’ government
Gantz called the meeting “exceptional,” and said his plan is a “significant historic milestone,” though he would not give details. “Immediately after the [March 2] election, I will work towards implementing it from within a stable, functioning Israeli government in tandem with other countries in our region,” he said in a statement to the press before his return flight to Israel.

ISIS calls on operatives to target Jews with chemical weapons
ISIS spokesman and second Caliph Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi sent a recorded message to all the organization’s operatives, mainly those in Sinai and Syria, to begin conquering Israeli “settlements,” referring to both West Bank settlements and Israeli cities, multiple reports confirmed on Monday.

Lebanon forms government with backing of Hezbollah and allies
Lebanon formed a new government on Tuesday under Prime Minister Hassan Diab after the Shi’ite group Hezbollah and its allies agreed on a cabinet that must urgently address the economic crisis and ensuing protests that toppled its predecessor.

Nikki Haley: This is the Palestinians’ last chance
“We knew we would not do anything to compromise security, and there would be no deal if either party disagreed,” Haley added, according to a report in Israel Hayom. “The goal is to get to a place where we can help the Palestinians be in better condition – without harming Israel.

China Virus Cases Almost Double Overnight, Deaths Top 100 As North Korea Closes Border
According to the Health Commission of Hubei Province, there was a massive jump in cases and deaths overnight in China. The death toll from a coronavirus outbreak in China has soared to 106 while nearly 1,300 new cases have been confirmed, authorities said Tuesday. 4295 Cases confirmed worldwide. 106 Dead worldwide. 2714 Cases in Hubei (up 1291 overnight – a stunning 91% surge)

IDF to reinforce troops in Jordan Valley ahead of ‘Deal of the Century’
The IDF will reinforce troops in the Jordan Valley with an additional infantry brigade following a situational assessment ahead of the reveal of Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” plan. According to reports, the additional troops will come from the Golani Brigade’s elite reconnaissance battalion over concerns that violence will break out in the area.

Leaked Documents Expose the Secretive Market for Your Web Browsing Data
An antivirus program used by hundreds of millions of people around the world is selling highly sensitive web browsing data to many of the world’s biggest companies, a joint investigation by Motherboard and PCMag has found. Our report relies on leaked user data, contracts, and other company documents that show the sale of this data is both highly sensitive and is in many cases supposed to remain confidential…

OPEC aims to extend oil output cuts through June, alarmed by China virus
OPEC wants to extend current oil output cuts until at least June, with the possibility of deeper reductions on the table if oil demand in China is significantly impacted by the spread of a new coronavirus… The quick slide in oil prices over the past few days has alarmed OPEC officials…as the new virus found in China and several other countries raised concerns about a hit to economic growth and oil demand.

Furious Abbas ‘gives go-ahead’ to Day of Rage over Trump plan
An irate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has told his security forces not to prevent protests or confrontations with Israeli troops on a “Day of Rage” set for Wednesday in the West Bank in response to Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan, senior Palestinian sources told Ynet on Tuesday. The same sources estimated the demonstrations would be large and widespread.

Satellite images suggest Iran preparing satellite launch
Iranian officials and satellite images suggest the Islamic Republic is preparing to a launch a satellite into space after three major failures last year… Satellite images from San Francisco-based Planet Labs Inc. that have been annotated by experts at Middlebury Institute of International Studies show work at a launchpad at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Iran’s Semnan province.

Iraqi PM promises to boost protection for US embassy
The Iraqi prime minister has promised to strengthen security for the US embassy in Baghdad after one person was injured in the latest missile attack on the compound. Adel Abdul Mahdi stressed, in a phone call with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday, the importance of respecting Iraq’s sovereignty by everyone.

Madagascar declares national emergency as massive floods claim 31 lives and inundate more than 10 000 homes
The government of Madagascar has declared a national emergency on Monday, January 27, 2020, following days of intense downpour that triggered widespread flooding and devastations across the country. The severe weather has so far claimed 31 lives, displaced more than 16 000 people and affected nearly 107 000 since January 20.

Capital Nur-Sultan under state of emergency as powerful winter storm hits Kazakhstan
Authorities in Kazakhstan’s capital city Nur-Sultan (previously named Astana) have declared a state of emergency on Monday, January 27, 2020, due to a powerful winter storm that has been battering the country since Thursday, January 23, unleashing strong winds and heavy snowfall.

Major floods and landslides leave at least 57 people dead after heaviest rains since records began, Brazil
At least 57 people were confirmed dead on Monday, January 27, 2020, after days of intense downpour struck southeastern Brazil, triggering massive floods and landslides. Belo Horizonte city registered 171.8 mm (6.7 inches) of rain on Friday, January 24– the highest precipitation in the city since records began in 1910.

South Korea ‘all out’ to contain virus outbreak, vows to stabilize market
South Korea on Tuesday said it was going “all out” to contain the outbreak of the spreading coronavirus and vowed to stabilize financial markets should volatilities worsen as it confirmed the fourth case of the China-linked virus.

Students At University of Missouri Will Now Be Forcibly Required To Install Location Tracking App SpotterEDU To Monitor Their Movements
Years ago, we warned you that the everyone in America would soon be tracked and chipped, and every day that scenario comes closer and closer to becoming reality. NBC News promotes the benefits of being chipped, Bill Gates wants to place an RFID microchip into every child that receives vaccinations, Amazon just patented a payment system using only your palm, and the list trudges on seemingly endless. Now college students in Missouri will be forced to install the location tracking app SpotterEDU on their mobile devices.

President Trump Welcomes PM Benjamin Netanyahu To White House, Says ‘Deal Of The Century’ Peace Plan To Be Released Tuesday At Noon
After all of the months and years of speculation about the Deal of the Century Middle East Peace Plan, we will have our answer tomorrow at Noon. Today, President Trump welcomed both Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Benny Gantz to the White House, where they said things are finally ready to be revealed. I don’t know about you, but I am a tad past excited.

Homeowners In California Slapped with $20K Bill to Clean Up Homeless Camp
Northern California homeowners have been hit with a bill to clean up a homeless camp after Alameda County announced that the trash had crossed onto their property lines.

China races against the clock to build virus hospitals
Hundreds of workers are toiling around the clock at the site of a field hospital that China is racing to build within days to treat a rapidly growing number of patients stricken by a deadly virus.

How Drag Queen Story Hour Expanded Across America
Drag Queen Story Hours started out as niche events on the West Coast, but these events — aimed at children as young as age 3 — have spread to libraries and schools across the United States, dividing local communities.

California Democrats introduce bill to protect pedophiles who lure and sexually abuse innocent children
A handful of leftist politicians in California recently introduced a new bill that they claim will “end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.” But the devil is in the details, as the bill would actually protect adult sex offenders who prey upon and assault minors.

Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?
Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Alyssa Ahlgren: The Only Argument for Abortion
The question is no longer when does life begin. That science has been settled. When a human embryo is formed at conception, a completely separate set of DNA is created and life begins. An honest pro-abortion advocate will concede to the fact that life begins at conception. The question has always been and still remains, does that life have value? This is where the debate begins. Those who champion the hyperbolic slogan of “women’s choice” argue that a woman’s convenience and circumstance outweigh the life inside of her. The life that encompasses an entirely separate body, brain, autonomy, and DNA code. A life that is half of her. A life that is her child.

With Putin’s Proposed Changes, Russia Begins Its Transition to One-Party Rule
On January 15, 2020, in his State of the Nation address to the Russian political elite, Russian president Vladimir Putin proposed some major constitutional amendments, perhaps the most significant of which was a boost of power for the State Duma (Russia’s parliament). With these moves, Putin is carving out significant political space for himself to occupy after the expiration of his presidential term.

Many Planes Actually Made It Out Of Wuhan Yesterday And Today
Just like that, more than 1,000 people on three flights from China walked into Canada without medical screening. If the coronavirus happens to be incubating in any one of those passengers who arrived at Pearson International Airport’s Terminal 3 on Monday, they are now mingling with Canadian residents. Please note that Scientists Estimate 44,000 Virus Cases, Doubling Every 6 Days.

Number Of Coronavirus Cases Surpasses SARS As China Holds 60k Under ‘Observation’
Japan, Germany confirm human-to-human transmission. US, UK warn citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China. 6,049 cases confirmed; 131 deaths.

Kushner: Palestinians have a perfect track record of blowing every opportunity
Jared Kushner on Tuesday admonished Palestinian Arabs not to blow their “big opportunity” to achieve peace with Israel. “It’s a big opportunity for the Palestinians and they have a perfect track record of blowing every opportunity they’ve had in their past, but perhaps maybe their leadership will read the details of it, stop posturing and do what’s best to try to make the Palestinians’ lives better,” he added.

‘Mr. President, Israel is blessed to have your friendship and your powerful leadership’
This is a historic day and it recalls another historic day. We remember May 14, 1948, because on that day President Truman became the first world leader to recognize the State of Israel after our first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared our independence. That day chartered a brilliant future.

Powerful earthquake strikes south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica
A powerful magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck in the Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and eastern Cuba on Tuesday, shaking a vast area from Mexico to Florida and beyond, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or heavy damage.

Christian Killing Fields Ignored By Western Media
“An ongoing Islamic extremist project to exterminate Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is even more brutal and more consequential for the Church than it is in the Middle East, the place where Christians suffered ISIS ‘genocide’, as the U.S. government officially designated.”

‘Miracle Worker’ Rabbi Predicts: Trump’s ‘Peace’ Deal Won’t Succeed Because Messiah Will Come First
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses President Trump’s plan for the Middle East, political pundits weigh in on what the ‘Deal of the Century’ actually entails. Two Israeli mystics have spoken, both predicting that the political program endorsed by the most powerful country in the world will never be actualized.

Israeli Woman on Temple Mount Calls for the Messiah to Arrive
Yaffa Musai, who works at an organization that prepares for the 3rd Temple, explains who is the Messiah according to Jewish tradition. What is the connection between the Messiah and the Holy of Holies? (video)

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE welcome Trump peace plan
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE on Tuesday issued statements welcoming the Trump administration’s peace plan. “The Kingdom reiterates its support for all efforts aimed at reaching a just and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian cause,” said the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Indonesia’s Aceh unveils new female flogging squad
The masked woman nervously approaches her target, shuffles into position and then unleashes a flurry of lashes — proving herself as the newest member of the first female flogging squad in Indonesia’s Aceh province. The new recruit initially needed some coaxing to punish the offender — an unmarried woman caught in a hotel room with a man.

Coronavirus: Australian scientists first to recreate virus outside China
Scientists in Australia have become the first to recreate the new coronavirus outside of China in what they have called a “significant breakthrough”. The discovery will be shared with the World Health Organization (WHO) in the hope it may help efforts to diagnose and treat the virus. Scientists in China have also recreated the virus and shared its genome sequence, but not the virus itself.

Trump to sign North American trade pact at White House; key Democrats not invited
U.S. President Donald Trump will sign a new North American trade agreement on Wednesday in an outdoor ceremony at the White House to be attended by about 400 guests – but not the key Democrats who helped secure congressional passage of the deal. Guests invited to the South Lawn signing include lawmakers from around the country, workers, farmers, and CEOs, as well as officials from Mexico and Canada…

Hamas: ‘All options open’ following Trump ‘conspiracies’ with Israel
Palestinian terror group Hamas on Tuesday dismissed U.S. President Donald Trump’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan as “conspiracies” and warned “all options are open” in response. “We are certain that our Palestinian people will not let these conspiracies pass. So, all options are open,” said senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya.

Daesh tries to stage comeback amid rising US-Iran tensions
The Daesh group’s self-styled “caliphate” across parts of Iraq and Syria seemed largely defeated last year, with the loss of its territory, the killing of its founder in a US raid and an unprecedented crackdown on its social media propaganda machine. But tensions between the US and Iran and the resulting clash over the US military presence in the region provide a comeback opportunity for the extremist group…

Major M7.7 earthquake hits between Cuba and Jamaica, followed by M6.1 near Cayman Islands
A powerful earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.7 hit off the southern coast of Cuba at 19:10 UTC (14:10 LT) on January 28, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

Heavy monsoon rains drench Queensland, causing widespread floods, Australia
A nearly stationary monsoonal low close to the Gulf of Carpentaria is driving very humid air toward Queensland, with heaviest rains in the state’s northeast and tropical coast. The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has issued several flood warnings on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, as rains inundated streets and prompted school closures.

Madagascar declares national emergency as massive floods claim 31 lives and inundate more than 10 000 homes
The government of Madagascar has declared a national emergency on Monday, January 27, 2020, following days of intense downpour that triggered widespread flooding and devastations across the country. The severe weather has so far claimed 31 lives, displaced more than 16 000 people and affected nearly 107 000 since January 20.

DO THE MATH: Wuhan Region Urgently Adding 100,000 Hospital Beds as Official Chinese Government Claims Outbreak Only Affecting 4,000 People
As The Epoch Times is now reporting, China’s Hubei Province, which encompasses the Wuhan region known as “ground zero” for the coronavirus outbreak, is urgently adding 100,000 hospital beds even as the official infection numbers from the Chinese government are barely above 2,900.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Others Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Ran 3 Months Ago!
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak.

FBI Arrests Top San Francisco Official Mohammed Nuru In Corruption Probe: ‘Bribery, Kickbacks, Side Deals’
The FBI just arrested a very well-connected and high ranking San Francisco employee for “corruption, bribery, side deals from one of San Francisco’s highest-ranking public employees.”

Kobe Bryant And Nike Created The Kobe System Brand That’s Filled With More Illuminati Symbolism And Satanic References Than You Can Imagine
Kobe Bryant was a man driven to success, you might also say he was a man possessed as well. I am not a huge basketball fan, so I only knew of him when seeing some game he played in when he was still active, or in a passing news byte of his time after

Study Shows Giza Pyramid Concentrates Energy Within its Chambers
… a group of physicists has discovered that the Great Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy, leading scientists to believe they can use this ancient schema to create new nanoparticles for use in sensors and improved photovoltaic cells

With Netanyahu By His Side, President Trump Unveils His ‘Deal Of The Century’ Plan For Peace With Jerusalem As Undivided Capital Of Israel
Well, I have to admit, Trump’s Peace Plan is actually pretty good, all things considered. It was strong, it stands for Israel while at the same time acknowledging the Palestinian reality. It even retains all of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. Amazingly, PM Netanyahu agreed to return to the negotiation table with the Palestinians and reopen peace talks with the Palestinians. That by itself is a huge step.

Palestinian Demonstrators In Ramallah Set Fires To Protest Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Without Having Heard Any Of The Actual Details Of It
In typical Palestinian style, without ever actually hearing what the details of Trump’s peace plan is, they have already decided to reject it and set stuff on fire. That’s because they don’t want a peace plan, they want to steal Jerusalem and use it to create a Palestinian state.

Hong Kong and Russia limit travel from China to halt spread of coronavirus
Hong Kong will sever rail connections to the mainland, and Russia closed its border with China to halt the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

Adam Schiff’s collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed
What drives Adam Schiff’s never-ending Russia hysteria? When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

For First Time Ever, Drag Queens Will Be Featured In Super Bowl LIV Ad, Marking The Ongoing Relentless Push By Global Elites To Normalize Perversion
Bit by bit, the rising tide of end times darkness is wearing down the opposition in its quest to normalize that which is not normal, to promote the perverse to a culture that is increasingly unable to discern right from wrong.

Sen. Rick Scott: Boris, please don’t let communist China into your 5G networks
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is positioned to lead the United Kingdom through an exciting and transformative time. The challenges and risks associated with the U.K.’s exit from the European Union also present many opportunities, including the opportunity to build on the already strong economic relationship between the two countries.


Re: Rapture Ready News - January 2020

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Locust Swarm of ‘Biblical Proportions’ Plagues Eastern Africa
A swarm of locusts passed through the Middle East last year, eating their way through Somalia and Ethiopia on their way to East Africa. Migrating with the wind, the locusts can cover up to 150km in a single day. The problem came to a head last week when a “super-swarm” almost 600 square miles across was spotted last week on its way into Kenya, signaling its worst infestation of locusts in 70 years.

Mystic Rabbi Predicts Plague of Natural Disasters Throughout U.S will Prevent his Peace Deal from Succeeding
An Israeli mystic known for astounding predictions described Trump’s Deal of the Century even before Jared Kushner began working on it. But the rabbi’s prediction came with a warning: massive natural disasters would prevent the deal from being actualized. And the deal would mark an irreversible rise in anti-Semitism.

Palestinian “Expert”: “Israel is Building the Third Temple Under the Aqsa Mosque”
Official PA TV reporter: “There is construction work taking place under the Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the alleged Temple of Solomon…”

Netanyahu pledges Israel ‘will not contradict in any way’ Trump’s plan
Israeli prime minister reiterates his support for newly unveiled peace plan: “This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Israel, for the Palestinians and for peace.” Defense minister Bennett echoes Netanyahu: “Last night history knocked on the door.”

Silence speaks louder than words as Arab leaders signal PA has exhausted their patience
Arab leaders have more pressing domestic and international issues to attend to than the obstinacy of the Palestinian leadership, which has consistently rejected every peace plan ever presented to it.

US evacuees from China placed under 72-hour ‘hold’ at military base
Nearly 200 Americans airlifted from China in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak arrived on Wednesday at a US military base in California, where they will remain isolated for at least 72 hours of medical evaluation, public health officials said.

British Airways suspends all flights to China over coronavirus
British Airways has suspended all direct flights to and from mainland China, one of the biggest names in aviation to do so, as worries grow about the impact of a spreading coronavirus on global travel.

European Parliament ratifies Brexit deal.
Britain’s departure from the European Union set in law, to take effect at midnight on Friday.

WHO sets global risk level to ‘high’ as nearly 1 in 4 infected end up dead or in severe condition
The World Health Organization has changed the status of the novel coronavirus, raising its threat level to “high” amid increasing global transmission and mounting deaths.

Reporters Claim To Have Proof China Lying About Virus Death Toll As Total Cases Near 8,000; Another 12,000 Suspected
China’s NHC just released another up . China now admits to 7,771 cases across the country, Adding nearly 1,800 from 5,974 yesterday. The death toll has climbed to 170, and 170 patients have been cured. Some 31 cases were labeled “severe” and nearly 82,000 are under observation. What is perhaps most shocking is that the number of suspected cases soared by nearly 3,000 overnight from 9,239 to 12,167.

Trump signs NAFTA replacement into law
President Donald Trump signed his proposed replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement on Wednesday, clearing the way for expected approvals in Canada and Mexico and delivering a measure of trade certainty to automakers.

In the US, Liberty University’s Falwell throws support behind ‘Vexit’
Jerry Falwell Jr, president of Liberty University, has voiced his support for efforts to allow counties in Virginia unhappy with the state’s Democrat-controlled Legislature to join West Virginia.

‘Trump’s Peace Deal is Akin to Decree of King Cyrus Paving Path For Third Temple’ says Israeli Politician
While people on both the Arab and the Israeli side are still considering the possible implications of President Trump’ ‘Deal of the Century’ revealed on Tuesday, one insightful Israeli declared it to be “the declaration of Cyrus in our time.”

Netanyahu meets with Putin to discuss Trump’s peace plan
Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at the Kremlin and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday. “This visit symbolizes our ties getting even closer,” Netanyahu said, highlighting that Putin was the first international leader he met to discuss the release of the Trump administration’s peace plan after his meetings in Washington.

Israel braces for Temple Mount clashes after ‘Deal of Century’ released
Israeli security forces are bracing for possible clashes on the Temple Mount during Friday prayers, as tensions rise after the announcement of US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan on Tuesday. Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in the past few weeks have been used to protest against Israeli actions at the site.

Coronavirus: Death toll rises as virus spreads to every Chinese region
The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak has risen to 170, and a confirmed case in Tibet means it has reached every region in mainland China. Chinese health authorities said there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29 January. Infections have also spread to at least 15 other countries.

US-Mexico border: ‘Longest ever’ smuggling tunnel discovered
US officials say they have discovered the longest smuggling tunnel ever found on the border with Mexico. Stretching for 4,309ft (1,313m), the tunnel had a lift, rail track, drainage and air ventilation systems, and high voltage electrical cables. The passageway connected an industrial site in the Mexican city of Tijuana to the San Diego area in California.

Kushner repeats call for Israel to wait on West Bank sovereignty
The chief architect of the newly unveiled U.S. plan for Middle East peace has reiterated an American warning against Israel rushing to annex the areas of the West Bank in which it has settlements. White House senior adviser Jared Kushner…said Washington wants Israel to wait until after its March 2 elections before making any moves towards annexation following the announcement of the Trump peace plan…

Gantz says will bring U.S. peace plan for Knesset approval next week
Blue & White chairman Benny Gantz announced…he will bring a peace plan for the Middle East proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump for Knesset approval next week. “In recent months, we met with U.S. President Donald Trump’s team, led by his adviser Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador David Friedman and Ambassador to the Middle East Avi Berkowitz, and discussed the U.S. government’s peace plan,” said Gantz…

CDC Diverts Flight of American Evacuees to Military Base in California as Coronavirus Pandemic Spreads
The CDC ordered a flight of up to 240 American evacuees from the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic region to be diverted to a military base in the United States, reports The Epoch Times.

Kazakhstan Struck By Snowpocalypse
Authorities in the Kazakh capital declared a state of emergency after a winter storm pummeled the city with strong winds and heavy snowfall. Transportation links to and from Nur-Sultan were cut on January 27, while all schools in the capital were closed.

In Shocking Development, Arab Nations Across Middle East Support Trump Peace Plan Tell Palestinians To Return To Negotiating Table With Israel
On Tuesday, I wrote an article where I said to “look for the wildcard” as President Trump prepared to roll out his long-awaited Peace Plan at the White House. Here we are a scant 48 hours later, and we have our wildcard, and boy, it’s a good one. Arab leaders across the Middle East in place like the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Saudi Arabia today are urging the Palestinians to accept the Trump Peace Plan, and return to the negotiating table. Let that little nugget sink in for a moment, is that “come up hither” sounding faintly in the distance?

Pope Francis Summons Microsoft And IBM Heads To Rome To Sign ‘Call For Ethics’ Covenant Ensuring The Vatican Retains Seat At AI Technology Table
Throughout their 1,700 year history, the Roman Catholic Church has been about money, power and control. As political Rome began to fade from power, it declared Christianity to be the state religion, such a pagan notion, and re-branded itself as a papal power. For none thousand years, the Roman Catholic harlot, the counterfeit Christian church, amassed wealth on a level that is impossible to fathom by any standard. They have always been about the money, and today’s story shows you that.

Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund?
Well over a hundred billion dollars has siphoned through the hands of individuals with scandalous histories, with over $90 billion from the U.S. Government (taxpayers) alone, via PEPFAR.

Facebook Teams with George Soros-Funded ‘Fact-Checker’ to Filter News Feed
Facebook is now partnering with another George Soros-funded “fact-checker” that will be employed to filter out posts from its News Feed that it deems to be “fake news.”

Pastor Rick Wiles From TruNews Makes The Ridiculous Statements That Wuhan Coronavirus Is A ‘Judgment From God’ And That ‘Jesus Believers Are Immune’
Laodicean pastor Rick Wiles likes to make truth-challenged inflammatory statements, so much so that he has landed on our end times radar this morning. For those of you who may not have heard of him, let’s get you up to speed. First off, Rick Wiles is a hardcore anti-semite and anti-zionist preacher who has claimed that the current attacks against President Trump are the result of a ‘Jew coup‘ to take him down. I find it ironic that his website is called TruNews because you won’t find much truth in what comes out of Rick Wiles mouth.

Mom Catches Pedophile Trying to Rape Child, Blows His Head Off With Shotgun
A notorious pedophile has been found dead by police after a mother blew his head off with a shotgun when he tried to rape her 12-year-old child.

Biden’s Sister Sent Millions of Joe’s Campaign Dollars to Her Own Firm
Valerie Biden Owens, the sister of former vice president Joe Biden (D), who served as the campaign manager for his past presidential campaigns, directed $2.5 million from “Citizens for Biden” and “Biden for President Inc.” to her own consulting firm during her brother’s 2008 presidential bid alone..

Mercola: New Thought Police ‘NewsGuard’ Is Owned By Big Pharma
The media is using a variety of tactics to restrict your access to the truth from websites like mine, including NewsGuard, a self-appointed internet watchdog that sells a browser plugin to rate websites on nine criteria of credibility and transparency. Before I delve further into NewsGuard and its underlying agenda, it’s important to look at who funds it.
