Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Magnetic North Pole has now crossed the Prime Meridian
Earth’s magnetic north pole, which has been wandering faster than expected in recent years, has now crossed the prime meridian, based on the latest model of the Earth’s magnetic field, released this month. “It’s the fastest recorded shift seen since the mid-16th-century,” said Dr. Ciaran Beggan, a geophysicist at the British Geological Survey. This latest WMM also has something new – Blackout zones. Blackout zones around the magnetic poles are defined as areas around the north and south magnetic poles where compass accuracy is highly degraded.

US hits pro-Iran group with deadly strikes in Iraq, Syria
The US has carried out air strikes against a pro-Iran militant group in Iraq, killing 19 fighters, two days after a rocket attack that killed an American civilian contractor. The Pentagon said on Sunday it targeted weapons caches or command and control facilities linked to Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) in Western Iraq, as well as Eastern Syria, in response to a barrage of 30 or more rockets fired on Friday.

Geert Wilders relaunches Mohammed cartoon competition
Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders said he was reviving a Prophet Mohammed cartoon competition Saturday, more than a year after cancelling a similar contest that sparked demonstrations and death threats. The MP and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) invited his Twitter followers to send in satirical drawings of Mohammed. “#FreedomOfSpeech must prevail over violence and Islamic fatwas,” he wrote in the post.

Military-grade drone will fly over San Diego next year
the SkyGuardian — a drone with a 79-foot wingspan and surveillance capabilities of over 2,000 feet— will be used for “mapping of critical infrastructure” in the San Diego region. The path and location of the flights were not disclosed. General Atomics’ goal is to integrate SkyGuardian drones into American skies in a variety of ways in coming years. A test flight in San Diego will figure prominently in demonstrating the drones’ civilian capabilities, … .

Democrats Want To Outlaw ‘Racist’ Single-Family Housing In Virginia
Democratic lawmakers in Virginia want to override local zoning laws and abolish single-family housing, which they say is racist and bad for the environment. The proposed changes were introduced on Dec. 19 by VA House Delegate Ibraheem Samirah (D) as part of six housing measures.

UN Moves Towards Handing Dictatorships Power To Control The Internet
The General Assembly has approved a resolution sponsored by China and Russia to set up a committee of “international experts” whose role would be to stop “the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes.” However, many caution that the move is merely a back door for authoritarian regimes to further censor dissent.

Zuesse: Russiagate Investigation Now Endangers Obama
Obama is now in severe legal jeopardy, because the Russiagate investigation has turned 180 degrees; and he, instead of the current President, Donald Trump, is in its cross-hairs. Although he, of course, cannot be removed from office (since he is no longer in office), he is liable under criminal laws, the same as any other American would be, if he committed any crime while he was in office.

Hamas faces backlash over ‘ceasefire deal’ with Israel
The Palestinian Authority and several Palestinian factions have criticized Hamas for its reported readiness to reach a long-term ceasefire with Israel, warning that such a move would “solidify” the split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Nation of Ishmael Lights Menorah with 70 Nations on Mount Zion
A delegation representing the Noahides was present at the event. This included a representative from the Arab nations; Muhammad Massad, a longtime resident of Haifa originally from Jenin. Massad is a devout Muslim who believes that his faith and Arab identity require him to support the Jewish return to Israel. Massad’s desire for the Jewish Temple came from his belief that the Organization of 70 Nations was the means to bring universal peace

Dutch Politician Calls to Shut Down ICC in Hague over Anti-Israel Agenda
Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders has called for the closing of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague and to deport its lead prosecutor Fatou Bom Bensouda for her/its anti-Israel bias.

Five Hasidic Jews Stabbed by Machete Wielding Assailant in NY: Two in Critical Condition
During a Chanukah gathering in the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg, in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, N.Y., an individual with a scarf covering his face entered just before 10 p.m., brandishing a knife and began stabbing some of the Chassidic Jews gathered for the celebration.

Betelgeuse Supernova: Pre-Messiah Star of Jacob to Herald Gog Magog War With Iran
Betelgeuse, a relatively close star, is acting strange and astronomers are worried. The star, usually one of the brightest in the night sky, has visibly dimmed to its weakest in at least a century. Astronomers are unsure of the significance but one possible scenario is quite alarming: the star may go supernova, dying out in a blaze of glory.

Ex-IDF intel chief: Now that US engaged Iran, Israel must be careful
Following Sunday’s US airstrikes on Iranian-affiliated militias in Iraq, Israel must now be more careful about its own airstrikes in Iraq… Yadlin said that the US decision to directly engage Iran and its proxies with kinetic force was “the crossing of a rubicon” in which the US set down a red-line for Iran that it will respond with military force if the Islamic republic kills Americans.

Hamas blames PA for Israeli strike on Islamic Jihad commander
Hamas has accused Palestinian Authority intelligence officials of helping Israel to kill radical Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Ata last month and released CCTV footage of the airstrike on the northern Gaza safe house at which he and his wife were staying when the strike took place.

A very LGBTQ decade: Gay marriage, trans rights and a ‘rainbow wave’
At the dawn of the year 2010, few Americans could predict that the coming decade would revolutionize the legal and cultural landscape for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and ***** people. After all, it was only in 2003 that homosexuality was decriminalized across the country, thanks to a landmark Supreme Court ruling.

Major winter storm hits United States with heavy snow and freezing rain
A major winter storm has intensified as it shifted across the Plains and into the Upper Midwest this weekend, and is likely to continue disrupting holiday travel through New Year’s Day. The storm has brought a mix of snow, rain, and ice to the Twin Cities and several Midwest hubs, and is now headed for the Great Lakes and New England.

‘Get out now!’ – More than 30 000 people forced to evacuate East Gippsland due to extreme fire danger, Australia
Authorities of the Australian state of Victoria have ordered more than 30 000 residents and tourists in East Gippsland to leave the region immediately as bushfires have reached an extreme danger level. Dangerous fire conditions are expected across the state today and tomorrow, BOM said, with very hot temperatures in the forecast followed by strong and gusty NW’ly winds expected to develop on Monday afternoon (LT), December 30. A severe weather warning has been issued.

Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America?
Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to revealing the full breadth of corruption and criminality of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey and other treasonous criminals (including John McCain).

Texas church shooting: Gunman kills 2, ‘heroic’ parishioners take down shooter
A gunman opened fire in a Texas church on Sunday, killing two people and injuring others before two “heroic” parishioners shot and killed him at the scene, police said.

US strikes five facilities used Iran-backed militia in Iraq, Syria
The U.S. military struck five facilities used by an Iran-backed militia in Iraq and Syria blamed for a rocket attack that killed an American contractor.

Netanyahu Posts Mark Levin Show Alleging PM Victim of Coup
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday posted a video with Hebrew subtitles on his social media accounts entitled “The Coup Against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” in which a former U.S. federal prosecutor tells Mark Levin that the Israeli premier is facing bogus charges orchestrated by an “unethical” and “feckless” attorney general.

CHANUKAH STABBING: Monsey Machete Assailant Is a Recent Muslim Convert And May Be Linked to Another BRUTAL Synagogue Stabbing
The stabbing was so brutal, police thought the victim had been hit by a car, but still they did not think it a “hate crime.”

Filled with pride: LGBTQ-obsessed mother beats seven-year-old son to death because he refused to dress like a girl
Yet another innocent, underage boy has been brutally victimized by the Cult of LGBTQ for refusing to become one of them.

China Launches Stealth Rate Cut By Switching Benchmark Lending Rate, Lowering Funding Costs
China’s latest attempt to quietly stimulate the economy in a time of soaring food prices may end up doing far more bad than good.
