Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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3 deaths tied to Southern California wildfires
At the site of the second blaze east of Los Angeles, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said a second body was found at a mobile home park where 74 structures were destroyed Thursday in Calimesa. Officials previously reported one death at the community east of Los Angeles.

Report of Total Gun Control Fail: Less than 1% of 500,000 Bump Stocks Surrendered
After a bump stock was used in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the devices were eventually made illegal. The final ban came in December 2018. Thanks to a Freedom of Information request from The Washington Times, we can finally see how effective a government-mandated ban on a firearm device really is. From the date of the ban to April 2019, only 582 bump stocks were handed over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Saudi king approves U.S. military deployment -SPA
Saudi Arabia’s king and crown prince have approved the deployment of additional U.S. troops and equipment, after an attack last month on the kingdom’s oil facilities, state news agency SPA reported on Saturday. The United States announced a deployment of about 3,000 troops to the Gulf state, including fighter squadrons, an air expeditionary wing and air defense personnel, amid heightened tensions with Saudi’s arch-rival Iran.

The Economist admits that President Trump is trying to destroy the new world order that globalists spent decades trying to build
The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order, for good.Globalism propaganda tool and Rothschild family-owned publication, The Economist has branded the US President a “present danger” to the “New World Order,” and stated that the “internationalists” that formed it are “spinning in their graves.“The Economist names Trump is the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order above other legitimate threats such as jihadism and terrorism, Communist Chinese expansion, and North Korean hostility.”

Sources: Rivlin won’t extend Netanyahu’s mandate
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mandate to form a government will not be extended beyond the Thursday, October 24, deadline, sources close to President Reuven Rivlin said on Saturday night, confirming a report on Channel 12.

Typhoon Hagibis: Biggest Japan storm in decades makes landfall
Torrential rain and tornado-like winds are lashing large parts of Japan, as the country endures what could be its worst storm for 60 years.

US Moving Closer to War as Trump Cancels the Open Skies Treaty with Russia and China
US Moving Closer to War as Trump Cancels the Open Skies Treaty with Russia and China!
Remember, everything must be considered in context. Here is the story….

EXCLUSIVE – Polish MP: ‘Puppet Master’ Soros ‘Wants to Rule the World’
The left-liberal establishment is attacking Poland’s conservative government ahead of national elections on Sunday because its success “damages the Soros Plan”, according to Polish lawmaker Dominik Tarczyński.

Satanism At The US Naval Academy
…the gist is that the Chief is a confessed Satanist, and is inviting others at the USNA to participate in a Satanic ritual.)

New Jersey man allegedly threatened farmers who denied him sex with animals
A New Jersey man was arrested for asking local farmers permission to have sex with their animals — and then threatening the farmers and damaging their cars when refused, a report said.

Four reasons why Typhoon Hagibis is so dangerous
This year’s most powerful typhoon, Hagibis, is inching toward Japan. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, or JMA, it’s classed as a violent typhoon — the highest category on Japan’s typhoon scale. (As of Thursday, its central pressure: 915hPa, sustained winds: 198kph)

Federal Judge Upholds Florida Law That Prohibits Sanctuary Jurisdictions
A new Florida state law that bans so-called sanctuary cities and requires Florida law enforcement officials to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents took effect Oct. 1 after a federal judge upheld its constitutionality.

C A Update – UN in Mexico – Invasion planned
UN is silently grouping caravans in Mexico to invade California en masse.

Court Rules Ohio Ban on Down Syndrome Abortions Illegal
A federal appeals court panel affirmed a lower court’s ruling that blocked Ohio’s law banning abortions performed because of a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Anti-Christian: Secularists Target Judge for Sharing Jesus With Convicted Murderer
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is on the war path after Texas Judge Tammy Kemp shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger.

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation
“Operation Torch California is a very real ongoing black operation being conducted by the U.S. Intelligence Community in collusion with Operation Gladio. These false flag terrorist attacks are first and foremost a highly sophisticated psyop. They have many goals. And they will continue until California has been completely subjugated by the globalists.”

South Africa: Hate Crimes Expert and Psychologist Slaughtered in Her Home, Throat Slit and Stabbed Multiple Times
Dr. Mirah Wilks was an expert on hate crimes against the LGBTQ community. Mirah and her husband moved to South Africa after their retirement.

EXCLUSIVE: Internet Abuzz – Schiff’s Ukrainian Hoax Linked to Members of Obama’s NSC Including Eric Ciaramella and Charles Kupchan
…The Deep State is doing all they can to damage President Trump before news comes out about the many criminal acts by the Obama Administration, the Democrat Party, the Deep State, Global Elites and the corrupt mainstream media.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Kurds announce deal with Damascus as Turkey pushes deep into Syria
Syria’s Kurds on Sunday announced a groundbreaking deal with Damascus on a Syrian troop deployment near the border with Turkey, as Ankara pressed a deadly cross-border offensive that has sparked an international outcry.

Why Is Turkey in NATO Anyway?
Both sides have been repeatedly disappointed in the decades since Ankara joined the alliance. Is it time to call it off?

Project Veritas announces major undercover exposé of CNN next week
James O’Keefe, Project Veritas’s founder, announced what “may be the biggest story Project Veritas has ever broke.” An insider at CNN has come forward, O’Keefe said, having covertly recorded videos for months that promise to reveal what CNN has really been doing to – essentially – spin and fake the news. The revelations are scheduled to see the light of day next week. Things are looking very interesting. Stay tuned for developments.

Any Attempt To Divide China Will End In “Shattered Bones”, China’s Xi Warns
Xi said that “anyone attempting to split China in any part of the country will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones,” he told Nepal’s Oli, according to China’s state broadcaster CCTV.

It’s Middle East Mayhem As U.S. Pulls Out All Troops In Front Of Rapidly Advancing Turkish Army Leaving Syria In The Hands Of Erdogan And Putin
Here’s a little Bible Prophecy 101 for you: The Old Testament prophets all tell us that Syria in general is a major end times player, with Damascus being mentioned repeatedly in particular and singled out for ultimate destruction during the Battle of Armageddon just prior to the Second Coming. Also we read out Russia, China, Iran and Turkey as playing major roles. Care to hazard a guess which world superpower is absent from your end times scorecard?

At Yom Kippur, rabbi cites sins of Trump’s enemies
A rabbi is calling out the enemies of President Trump for their sins in the hope that “God will transform the darkness residing in their hearts, the toxin of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), and they will be cleansed and spare Mr. Trump, and the country, further abuse.”

The upside of Trump’s pullout
We take Trump at his word that he is finished with Middle East wars; while understanding that Israel’s situation is unique at asking no special favors. No special favors except to stand at Israel’s side on the diplomatic front, as when the rest of the world, say, the UN, the EU, tries to vote Israel out of existence, as is their habit. The bottom line is that if Trump really means it, and he does, about keeping hands off, this would include any sort of interference between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. That means no deal, no Deal of the Century. It has likely been scrapped.

Tunisia’s president-elect: Normalization with Israel is treason
Candidate Kais Saied said that the problem is not with the Jews and that Tunisians, including his father, protected Jews from the Nazis. He also said that anybody who normalizes relations with Israel, with which he said Tunisia is in a state of war, should be tried for treason.

Khamenei: Prepare against the ‘enemies’
Khamenei, on Sunday urged the country’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) to prepare against the “enemies”. The IRGC should continue inventing and building modern and advanced military hardware, Khamenei said,…

Trump swears allegiance to Israel as he decries endless Middle East wars
US President Donald Trump swore allegiance to Israel as he decried endless Middle East wars and defended his decision to withdraw US troops from the Kurdish area of northern Syria when he spoke Saturday night at the annual Values Voters Conference in Washington D.C.

Trump prepares to drop sanctions hammer on Turkey
President Donald Trump’s administration is set to impose economic sanctions on Ankara, potentially as early as this week, for its incursion into northern Syria, one of the few levers the United States still has over NATO-ally Turkey…the administration appeared ready to start making good on Trump’s threat to obliterate Turkey’s economy.

Assad’s army marches in on the Kurdish zone near the Turkish border
Syrian army units loyal to Bashar al-Assad entered the Kurdish town of Tall Tamr near the Turkish border on Saturday. The abrupt US withdrawal from the eight-year Syrian war, and the potential return of the Syrian army to the Kurdish-controlled northeast, are major victories for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his allies Russia and Iran.

Typhoon Hagibis: Japan deploys military rescuers as deadly storm hits
Japan has deployed tens of thousands of troops and rescue workers after one of the strongest storms in years hit, killing at least 23 people. Typhoon Hagibis made landfall south of Tokyo on Saturday, moving north and bringing severe flooding. Seventeen people are missing from the storm, public broadcaster NHK said.

Hong Kong protests: President Xi warns of “crushed bodies”
China’s President Xi Jinping has issued a stern warning against dissent as protests continue in Hong Kong, saying any attempt to divide China will end in “crushed bodies and shattered bones”. His comments came during a state visit to Nepal on Sunday, China’s state broadcaster CCTV said. Several peaceful Hong Kong rallies descended into clashes between riot police and protesters on Sunday.

Putin offers to help ease Gulf tensions before Saudi trip
Russia can play a positive role in easing tensions in the Gulf following a spate of attacks in the region, President Vladimir Putin said…before his first visit to Saudi Arabia in over a decade. He cited good Russian ties with Gulf Arab states and Iran in an interview…but said he had no reliable information about who was behind attacks on Saudi oil facilities…

U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria
Turkish forces who launched multiple artillery rounds near a U.S. Special Operations outpost in northeastern Syria on Friday have known for months that Americans were there, according to four current and former U.S. officials, raising questions whether Turkey is trying to push American troops farther from the border.

Egypt’s president to meet with Ethiopia PM over Nile dispute
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said…he would meet Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Russia to discuss a dispute over a hydropower dam that the Horn of Africa country is building on the River Nile. A long-running diplomatic standoff over building and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has heightened tensions between the two countries.

Starting where Nazis burned books, 10,000 march in Berlin against anti-Semitism
Thousands of people in Berlin protested against anti-Semitism on Sunday, four days after a German neo-Nazi attacked a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle.

Pig News: ‘Hog Apocalypse’ Fears Over African Swine Fever
By official accounts, the pig contagion wreaking havoc across Eastern Asia has virtually skipped over North Korea, with a single outbreak reported there in May. But wayward feral pigs have stoked concern that Kim Jong Un’s reclusive state is hiding an African swine fever disaster.

Japan: Typhoon Hagibis death toll as high as 33; now a tropical storm
Helicopters, boats and thousands of troops were deployed across Japan to rescue people stranded in flooded homes Sunday, as the death toll from a ferocious typhoon climbed to as high as 33. One woman fell to her death as she was being placed inside a rescue helicopter.

California blackouts expose the total scam of solar panels: They don’t work when the grid goes down
Solar panels are largely a scam. And over the last week, thousands of solar panel owners in California are colliding with that sobering reality as they realize solar panels don’t work when the power grid goes down.

“It’s Not A Game When It’s Real-Life” – China’s Social Credit System
…each citizen is assigned 1,000 points and is consistently monitored and rated on how they behave. Points are earned through good deeds, and lost for bad behavior…

Pakistani Muslim mother tied her daughter to a bed and set her on fire as a “honor killing”
Pakistani Police says 18-year-old Zeenat Rafique was tied to a bed and set on fire by her mother and brother after she eloped against their wishes.its just the latest in a long line of so-called honor killings.

It’s Middle East Mayhem As U.S. Pulls Out All Troops In Front Of Rapidly Advancing Turkish Army Leaving Syria In The Hands Of Erdogan And Putin
Here’s a little Bible Prophecy 101 for you: The Old Testament prophets all tell us that Syria in general is a major end times player, with Damascus being mentioned repeatedly in particular and singled out for ultimate destruction during the Battle of Armageddon just prior to the Second Coming. Also we read out Russia, China, Iran and Turkey as playing major roles. Care to hazard a guess which world superpower is absent from your end times scorecard?

BREAKING: DOJ IG Report Due Out Friday, Will Cover More Than FISA Abuse
Quick bit of breaking news just dropped. About a month ago, IG Horowitz announced he had finished his report dealing with the Trump-Russia investigation, which most assumed would only cover possible FISA abuse. Now we are getting word it’s coming out this Friday.

Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: “If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over”
“Gold is … the trust anchor for the financial system. If the entire system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over.”

France: More Death To Free Speech
“Defending someone who is accused of being a ‘racist’ implies the risk of being accused of being a ‘racist’ too. Intellectual terror reigns in France…”


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Explosive Undercover Video: CNN Employee Discusses Network Head’s ‘Personal Vendetta’ Against Trump
The conversations Poarch recorded reveal Zucker pushing the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump as the most significant news story for his network. Poarch explains that the morning calls are daily events in which Zucker directs CNN’s news operations from the company’s New York bureau. “He runs it with an iron fist,” Poarch says. “Every day just hammering Trump in some way, shape or form or Republicans in general, about, yeah, all these other stories may be happening, but we want to divert all our resources to this aspect of Trump or that aspect of Trump or most recently it’s just all about impeachment.”

ICE Chief Says ‘Judicial Overreach’ Is Threatening Public Safety
Speaking from the White House press room podium, acting ICE Director Matt Albence lambasted a judge’s ruling that blocks Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from using database information to issue detainers. A detainer is a request to a local jail to hold an inmate for up to 48 hours longer in order for ICE to take custody. ICE issues detainers based on probable cause to believe that an individual is a removable alien, Albence said. “Probable cause is the same legal standard that other law enforcement agencies must meet in order to make an arrest,” he said on Oct. 10.

Terminally-ill scientist with motor neurone disease ‘transforms into world’s first cyborg’ by replacing body parts with machinery
A dying scientist battling motor neurone disease has become the world’s first full cyborg. Dr Peter Scott-Morgan, 61, was diagnosed with the muscle wasting illness two years ago but instead of accepting his fate he decided to transform himself into a robot and extend his life. He said he wanted to push the boundaries of what science can achieve so decided to extend his life and become fully robotic – and he’s now known as Peter 2.0.

ABC News caught red-handed ‘lying to news customers’
ABC News is coming under heavy fire after airing footage it claimed showed a ferocious attack by Turkish military forces bombing Kurdish civilians in Syria. There’s only one problem: the video was actually from a nighttime weapons demonstration at the Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky. “ABC News regrets the error.” “This is full-fledged illusion creation. This is lying to news customers.”

Interstellar interloper is a comet resembling those in our solar system
The second interstellar object ever spotted passing through the solar system is a comet that appears quite like those formed in our neighborhood of the cosmos, providing fresh evidence that other planetary systems may be very similar to our own.

Trump to impose sanctions over Turkish action in Syria
I will soon be issuing an Executive Order authorizing the imposition of sanctions against current and former officials of the Government of Turkey and any persons contributing to Turkey’s destabilizing actions in northeast Syria. Likewise, the steel tariffs will be increased back up to 50 percent, the level prior to reduction in May. The United States will also immediately stop negotiations, being led by the Department of Commerce, with respect to a $100 billion trade deal with Turkey.

Trump’s Syria Pullout is Great for Israel says Jerusalem’s Top Middle-East Expert
While many in the pro-Israel community have been decrying President Trump’s decision to withdraw US troops in northern Syria to make way for a Turkish invasion, Guy Bechor, one of Israel’s most respected Middle East experts says that ironically, Israel stands to benefit significantly from the move….

Thunder Strikes Al-Aksa Mosque on Temple Mount
On the second evening of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), thunder and lightning storms hit Israel on Monday night illuminating Jerusalem’s skyline. One local man snapped a photograph of a lightning bolt that appeared to have hit the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

California is just in a race to the bottom it seems. Just one disastrous move after another.
now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed SB225, a bill to allow illegals to “serve” 9and be paid) on state boards that make policy in California. If your interests conflict with theirs, too bad about yours: This is ridiculous. The only way we’re going to get better is if the president cuts off all federal funding to the state. This and the state board thing is equal to enabling a drug addict by paying for his drugs and giving him a place to live.

Schrodinger’s superconductor naturally stable in two states at once
Quantum computers have the potential to someday far outperform our traditional machines, thanks to their ability to store data on “qubits” that can exist in two states at once. That sounds good in theory, but in practice it’s hard to make materials that can do that and stay stable for long periods of time. Now, researchers from Johns Hopkins University have found a superconducting material that naturally stays in two states at once, which could be an important step towards quantum computers.

Tunisia’s president elect: Normalization with ‘Zionist entity’ is treachery
Kais Saied, who was recently voted in as Tunisia’s next president, expressed opposition to normalizing ties between his country and Israel… “This is my view on the Zionist entity and it will not change. If one day I change my mind, remind me about the things I said now. We are in a situation of war with Zionism, and normalization is treachery,” said Saied in a televised interview on Monday.

Violent clashes erupt as Spanish court jails Catalonia leaders
Protests have erupted in Barcelona after Spain’s Supreme Court sentenced nine Catalan separatist leaders to between nine and 13 years in prison. The separatists were convicted of sedition over their role in an illegal independence referendum in 2017. Another three were found guilty of disobedience and fined, but not jailed. All 12 defendants denied the charges.

Fourteen police dead in Mexico gun ambush
Fourteen police officers have been killed and three injured in a shooting in western Mexico. The police were carrying out a court order in El Aguaje, Michoacán state, when their convoy was ambushed. A powerful criminal group, the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel, is believed to have carried out the attack.

U.S. demands Syria ceasefire, slaps sanctions on Turkey over incursion
President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey on Monday and demanded the NATO ally stop a military incursion in northeast Syria that is rapidly reshaping the battlefield of the world’s deadliest ongoing war. Trump, who gave what critics say was a de facto green light for Turkey’s assault by ordering U.S. forces away from the conflict area, requested the ceasefire in a call with President Tayyip Erdogan.

Putin visits Saudi Arabia in sign of growing ties
Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited Saudi Arabia in his first trip to the kingdom in over a decade, signing oil agreements and discussing regional security, in particular, Saudi Arabia’s ongoing rivalry with Iran. A mounted guard escorted Putin’s limousine to King Salman’s Al-Yamamah palace in Riyadh after his arrival on Monday, his first visit since 2007.

Erdogan vows no Daesh fighters will escape Syria
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed not to allow any Daesh fighters to escape northern Syria, in an editorial published Tuesday, following fears from Western nations over its offensive in the region. “We will ensure that no ISIS (Islamic State) fighters leave northeastern Syria,” Erdogan wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

State of emergency after unprecedented October snowstorm leaves 250 000 without power in Manitoba, Canada
At least 250 000 were left without power after an unprecedented snowstorm hit Manitoba, Canada. Heavy and wet snow began falling on Thursday, October 10 and continued into Friday, October 11. The capital, Winnipeg, was prompted to declare a state of emergency following the destructive event. As of Sunday, October 13, around 32 000 homes and businesses remain without electricity.

Record weather conditions across USA in the first half of October
A strong early-season snowstorm pounded several parts of the United States in the first half of October. The unusual weather set records, with snowstorm blanketing the Northern Rockies and Northern Plains. Meanwhile, blizzard conditions have hit Dakota, while Denver dropped to a record low of -10 °C (13 °F). Widespread extreme wind events in California also prompted a massive power shut-off in the prevention of wind-induced wildfires.

Communist China just doubled its number of military troops… is an invasion of America the next chapter in global domination?
Americans take it for granted that foreign troops aren’t pillaging their country, vying for military control over U.S. cities, and forcing compliance to a communist government. Neither China nor Russia has attempted such a bold invasion, but their core communist belief systems continue to drive them toward global domination.

Democrats and Militant LGBT Activists Want to Shut Down American Churches
There should be no doubt that Democrats and a militant mob of LGBT activists are hell-bent on shutting down every evangelical church in America and silencing any Christian who dares to stand in the way of their agenda.

Trump sending Pence to Turkey to ‘pursue a ceasefire and negotiated settlement’
US President Donald Trump on Monday urged his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to “stop the invasion” of Syria, Vice President Mike Pence said.

The Star Of The 39th Gitex Technology Week In Dubai Is A Human Implantable NFC Microchip That Is Capturing Attention Of United Arab Emirates
UAE operator Etisalat has partnered with Swedish company Biohax International to implant microchips in a person’s hand that can be loaded with all kinds of data, including medical history and passwords.

51 Dead, 214 Wounded in Chicago September Gun Violence
You won’t hear these stats in the mainstream media. That’s why we encourage you to bookmark The DC Patriot. We are “Real News in Real Time.”

MONKEY TRIALS: Adam Schiff Is Banning Republicans From Impeachment Depositions And Holding Secret Closed Door Testimony Meetings
Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi…have begun banning Republicans from attending the depositions, are holding testimony meetings in secret, and refuse to put impeachment of the president to a vote. What do all those things add up to? A monkey trial in a banana republic, that’s what, and these sham proceedings are a national disgrace.

Whistleblower: Google Partners with China on ‘AI Manhattan Project’
Former Google senior software developer and whistleblower Zach Vorhies appeared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour Friday to discuss Google’s relationship with Communist China and the company’s artificial intelligence project DeepMind, which has been called the “AI Manhattan Project.”

The use of chemical abortions is on the rise
The use of chemical abortion (sometimes referred to as “medical abortion”) is on the rise, and there is an alarming push to make it ubiquitous. A recent column for The New York Times advocates for abortion pills to be “everywhere.” But chemical abortion endangers women and ends the lives of their unborn children.

After Failed Gun Buyback Program, New Zealand Moves to Establish Firearms Registry
Despite the epic failure of its recent semi-automatic rifle ban, New Zealand is attempting to impose even more gun control mandates on its citizenry.

Air Canada Drops ‘Offensive’ ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Greeting, Goes ‘Gender Fluid’
Air Canada has begun efforts to become more inclusive of its customers by dropping its traditional “ladies and gentlemen” or the French “mesdames et messieurs” when greeting passengers boarding its aircraft.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Major change: Saudi Arabia opens tourism to Bible sites!
A travel group in Saudi Arabia is offering this week a “first-ever Christian tour of rare sites,” including a close-up of a location believed by some Western visitors to be the mountain where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. Bible scholar and author Joel Richardson is taking a group of 25 people this week through “Jethro’s Caves in the land of Midian,” believed to be ancient Midian.

Erdogan says Turkey’s Syria offensive will end if Kurdish fighters withdraw
Turkey’s offensive into northeast Syria will end if Kurdish fighters in the region drop their weapons and withdraw from a planned “safe zone”, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, but warned that no power could stop it until then.

6.4 magnitude earthquake Strikes Southwest of Davao Philippines
A 6.4-magnitude earthquake has hit near the Philippine island of Mindanao, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said in a statement on Wednesday. No casualties or destruction have been reported.

Youth org. of Angela Merkel’s party call for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
The JU, with roughly 105,000 members, passed a resolution titled “Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital” at its 59th Germany Day convention, held in Saarland. According to reports in German media, the JU urged the CDU and CSU parties in the Bundestag to “follow the examples of the USA, Russia and Guatemala, and relocate its embassy to Jerusalem and therefore recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

Rome commemorates Nazi raid on ghetto on October 16, 1943
The Nazi raid targeting the ancient Jewish neighborhood of the Italian capital, as well as Jews living in the rest of the city, started at 5:15 a.m. It was Shabbat and, as was the case this year, it was the third day of Sukkot – the dates on the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars tend to cycle once every 19 years. Over 1,000 Jews were arrested that day. Two days later, they were all deported to Auschwitz. Only 16 survived.

Turkey says it will retaliate against U.S. sanctions over Syria offensive
ANKARA – Turkey will retaliate against U.S. sanctions over Ankara’s military operation into northeast Syria, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday, adding that all threats and sanctions against Turkey were unacceptable.

40,000 Attend Priestly Blessing at Western Wall
An estimated 40,000 worshippers filled the Western Wall, or Kotel, Plaza on Monday morning for the Birkat Hakohanim (priestly blessing) performed en masse at the Kotel during Passover and Sukkot. The blessing is performed by the priests holding their hands up with the fingers spread in the manner made famous by Leonard Nimoy (a kohen) when he played Spock on the television series Star Trek. The fingers of both hands are separated so as to make five spaces between them; spaces are between the ring finger and middle finger of each hand, between the index finger and thumb of each hand, and the two thumbs touch each other at the knuckle.

Historic First: Official Saudi Delegation Enters Israel, Prays on Temple Mount
In a growing sign of coordination between Riyadh and Jerusalem, the Saudi Arabian national soccer team came to Israel, passed through Israeli security and visited Jerusalem for the first time ever. The delegation then prayed on the Temple Mount before playing against the ‘”Palestinian” national soccer team for both the 2022 World Cup and the 2023 Asia Cup qualifier.

Waffling Warren Confirms Gender-Reassignment Surgery Is Now A Right
Prisoners, for example, do have some rights: food, shelter, health care. But, when it comes to medical issues, should the taxpayers be forced to fund transgender reassignment surgery? Apparently, Rep. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) now thinks so. At a recent LGBTQ town hall meeting, Warren received thundering applause for stating that the gender reassignment surgery should be provided free of charge to transgender prisoners:

Russia readies major Strategic Missile Forces drills
Russia says it will test its Strategic Missile Forces this week in a three-day exercise set to include ballistic and cruise missiles fired from the land, sea, and air. The Thunder-2019 exercises, from October 15-17, will involve some 12,000 military personnel, as well as surface ships, submarines, and aircraft such as strategic nuclear bombers, the Defense Ministry said on October 14. The ministry said in a statement that the aim of the drills was to test the readiness of Russia’s command structure and how efficiently its orders are carried out.

Russia in another warning to Turkey: Turkish operation in northern Syria is not acceptable to Moscow
On Tuesday, October 15, Moscow sent another signal to Turkey to stop the Turkish currency in northern Syria. Alexander Lavrentiev , Russian President Vladimir Putin’s emissary to Syria Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev, told Russian media that the Turkish operation in northern Syria was unacceptable to Moscow and stressed that it had not been compatible with Russia earlier.

4.5 earthquake shakes San Francisco Bay area
The San Francisco Bay Area widely felt a magnitude 4.5 earthquake. The Los Angeles Times reports moderate shaking was felt at 10:33 p.m. on Monday, with the epicenter the Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek areas. The U.S. Geological Survey says weak shaking was felt in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. Scientists say they don’t expect any major structural damage.

Brexit deal within reach in last-ditch talks, but doubts remain
Britain and the EU made headway on Tuesday in last-ditch talks on a Brexit deal ahead of a leaders’ summit, but with just hours left to clinch an agreement it was still unclear if London could avoid postponing its scheduled departure on Oct. 31. Officials and diplomats involved in negotiations over the acrimonious divorce between the world’s fifth-largest economy and its biggest trading bloc said that differences over the terms of the split had narrowed significantly.

Pelosi on Impeachment Inquiry: ‘We Will Not Be Having a Vote’
“We will not be having a vote,” Pelosi told reporters on Oct. 15, adding that “a path to truth” must be taken first. Schiff (D-Calif.) on Oct. 15 also told reporters that there was “full participation by the GOP” during a series of interviews related to the inquiry this week. It came amid Republican accusations that Schiff wasn’t being transparent and was holding closed-door meetings. A whistleblower, who remains anonymous, alleged that Trump’s request to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a July 25 call may have amounted to a violation of campaign finance law. The Justice Department determined no further action was necessary after reviewing the complaint.

More Disturbing Facts Revealed as Planned Parenthood Abortionist Testifies in Monumental Trial
One of the defendants was asked to read an email received from one of the investigative journalists soon after a meeting with senior Planned Parenthood officials. The email was admitted into evidence and read directly to the jury. The contents of the email regarding Planned Parenthood’s practices are particularly disturbing. The email stated: “‘She . . . admitted PP (Planned Parenthood) knows the potential for illegality/unethics but has a don’t-ask/don’t-tell policy going so far as to choose to keep NOTHING in writing about fetal tissue because it’s too dangerous.’ One of Planned Parenthood’s own abortionists admitted under oath that there were actual demands for specific organs, even referencing some kind of ghoulish shopping list.

World’s Largest Ouija Board Built in Salem Massachusetts to ‘Summon the World’s Largest Ghost’
On October 12th, 2019 at one in the afternoon officially called Ouijazilla was unveiled in Salem, Massachusetts. The gigantic ouija board is the largest in the world and was built with the hope of summoning the world’s largest ghost.

AG Barr Speaks of Demonic Attacks Upon Americans In His Notre Dame Speech
Going back to the days of Ruby Ridge, I confess that I have never been a fan of Attorney General Barr. However, I’m keenly aware of the redemptive power of the Lord and it would appear that the Lord is using Barr. You will not believe what he just said in a speech at Notre Dame University regarding demonic attacks.

Russia Announces Massive Nuclear War Games In Arctic This Week
We’ve been documenting how there is a new cold war flourishing across the Arctic. The US, Russia, China, and Europen countries are all attempting to militarize parts of the Arctic region. The first country to dominate the frozen frontier will become the world’s next superpower and possibly control $35 trillion worth of natural resources hiding underneath the ocean floor.

‘I Respect His Decision’: Franklin Graham Tells CBN News He Won’t Second-Guess Trump on Syria
In an interview with CBN News, Franklin Graham says he spoke to Vice President Mike Pence about the perilous situation in Syria, and Graham says he respects President Donald Trump’s decision to remove US troops from harm’s way.

Twitter Paves Way For Trump Ban With New Content Rules For World Leaders
“There continues to be meaningful public conversation about how we think about Tweets from world leaders on our service. We welcome the conversation and want to share more context on our principles and process for reviewing reported Tweets from these accounts,” reads the statement.

Amazing Non-Biblical Infographic Video Accidentally Shows You How The Roman Catholic Church And Vatican City Fulfills Revelation 17
Many bible students get confused when they get to Revelation 17, because the main character in the chapter, the woman, appears to play a dual role. In this chapter, we are introduced to an entity typified as a ‘woman’, who commits spiritual fornication with the ‘kings of the earth’. Trying to rectify the spiritual kingdom with what is obviously a political kingdom can get confusing. This is why many bible scholars and commentators over the years have failed to identify her. Let’s meet this woman, shall we?

Women Across the US Suing Police For Refusing to Investigate Their Rape Kits
In the land of the free, those tasked with ‘protecting’ society — often and with extreme prejudice — fall far short of providing anything resembling actual safety. Instead, law enforcement in America often chooses profit over people. One particularly egregious example of this choice is the fact that tens of thousands of raids on people for suspected illegal substances take place every year, while hundreds of thousands of rape kits collect dust in police departments across the country.

Awkward: Hillary, Chelsea Asked if Person With Beard & Penis Can Identify as a Woman
Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea shared an awkward moment after being asked a question about transgnderism while promoting their new book titled “The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

Christian School Administrator Suspended After Questioning New LGBT Agenda
A 74-year-old school administrator has been suspended for questioning the introduction of a pride month and the adding of a plethora of LGBT books to the school library.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Kim Jong-un’s ride up volcano is warning of ‘strike’
Kim Jong-un has made a symbolic horseback pilgrimage to North Korea’s sacred mountain in what appears to be a veiled warning that he is ready to give up diplomacy and return to nuclear development.

Not a Fake: WH Releases Menacing Letter Trump Sent Turkey’s President – So Intense People Thought It Wasn’t Real
On Wednesday, the White House released a letter Trump sent to Turkey’s President Racep Erdogan on Oct. 9, the contents of which can only be described as explosive. It was so explosive, in fact, that Twitter’s banks overflowed with declarations that the letter simply had to be a fake. No president would write something like this to another world leader. Trump, in the space of four short paragraphs, told Erdogan that if he made a false move, Trump would “be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy.”

US Apaches Give Turkish-Backed Fighters Brutal Reminder with Show of Force
Turkish-backed forces in Syria got a reality check after their attacks came a little too close to American troops, courtesy of some of the finest aerial hardware the United States has in its arsenal.

Does the Democratic Party have a God problem?
At least one of the Democratic presidential hopefuls — Beto O’Rourke — has stated that churches who don’t support same-sex marriage should lose their tax exempt status. Will any of the other candidates distance themselves from this unconstitutional weaponization of the IRS? It was not so long ago at the 2016 Democrat National Convention when the attempt to add the words “God-given” to a resolution was met with a chorus of boos from the delegates.

‘Huge Victory’ for Doctors Who Didn’t Want to Violate Their Own Beliefs with Gender Transition Operations
On Tuesday, a federal court in Texas ruled that doctors are not required to perform gender-transition surgeries if the procedure in question violates their medical judgment or religious beliefs. Becket Fund for Religious Liberty described the ruling as a “huge victory” for the conscience rights of medical professionals across the nation.

Turkey’s Erdogan Re-Evaluates Plans to Meet With Pence and Pompeo
Erdogan told Sky News that he would not meet with a U.S. delegation visiting Ankara, that delegation members would only be talking with their counterparts. Erdogan said he would only meet with President Trump.

Beto O’Rourke Says Police Will Show Up To Confiscate AR-15s from Owners Who Don’t Turn Them Over
Beto O’Rourke of Texas said Wednesday that in his vision of the future, America’s police will make home visits to confiscate weapons that are not surrendered.

Whales ‘breach like crazy’ moments after earthquake
Moments after a 4.7-magnitude earthquake struck near the California towns of Hollister and Salinas on Tuesday, boaters in nearby Monterey Bay witnessed a spectacular display of breaching humpback whales. While it’s impossible to know whether the whales were reacting to sound generated by the earthquake, anecdotal evidence suggests that this was the case.

Collusion? Deep State CFR Takes HUGE “Donation” From Putin Crony
Perhaps there really has been some Russia collusion. The globalist Deep State organization known as the Council on Foreign Relations is under fire after it was exposed taking a massive “donation” from Soviet-born oligarch Len Blavatnik (shown), a close crony of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and his corrupt minions. The shady billionaire has also been showering money on U.S. politicians on both sides of the aisle. The $12 million “gift” to the CFR, reported publicly by the New York Post and other publications, was described as “influence buying” by critics. Beyond that, it appears to highlight the broader problem of systemic corruption within the U.S. foreign-policy establishment,…

Pompeo to visit Netanyahu Friday to offer assurances over U.S. Syria pullout
The US pullout of its troops from northeast Syria has not endangered Israel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said two days before his scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. The two men are expected to “discuss developments in Syria and the continued need to counter the Iranian regime’s destabilizing behavior in the region,” the State Department said on Wednesday.

Turkish attack on Kurds inspires joint Jewish-Arab protest
NGO Standing Together will hold a protest outside the Turkish embassy on Thursday, protesting the…recent attacks against the Syrian Kurds. Standing Together is a Jewish-Arab…movement based in Israel. “At times in which the repressive Erdogan regime in Turkey sends his army – in coordination with the US President Donald Trump – to invade the Kurdish Autonomous Region…we cannot stand idly by,” the organization said…

Palestinian attempts ramming attack against Border Police
Israeli Border Police arrested a Palestinian for attempting to carry out a ramming attack against undercover border police on Wednesday night. The attacker hit an armored vehicle and was neutralized and then transferred to a hospital in serious condition. The armored vehicle was heavily damaged. No police were injured.

US makes China’s diplomats say where they’re going
Chinese diplomats in the US will have to notify American authorities before holding any meetings with US officials. Official visits to “educational and research institutions”, such as schools and universities, must also be pre-registered, the state department said. China said the US was breaking international rules – but the US said American diplomats in China faced similar restrictions.

Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries
More than 300 people have been arrested following the take-down of one of the world’s “largest dark web child porn marketplaces”, investigators said. The site had more than 200,000 videos which had collectively been downloaded more than a million times. It was shut down last year after a UK investigation into a child sex offender uncovered its existence.

US diplomats held near Russian rocket test site
Three US diplomats were taken off a train on Monday while heading to an Arctic city near the site of a military testing accident in northern Russia. The trio were bound for the port of Severodvinsk, where access is restricted for foreign nationals. Severodvinsk hosts a naval shipyard and is close to a rocket test site where a deadly explosion in August led to a spike in radiation levels.

Lebanon calls for help as forest fires spread
Lebanon has asked for international help battling hundreds of forest fires that broke out on Monday and have spread abroad. The blazes – the worst in decades – started in Lebanon’s western mountains, amid a heatwave and strong winds. Heavy smoke was seen over Beirut and the city of Sidon, and one volunteer firefighter reportedly died.

Lawmakers hit Trump administration for including tech legal shield in trade negotiations
Bipartisan lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee…hit the Trump administration for including language from legal liability protections for internet companies… The protections from Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act…gives platforms legal immunity for content posted by third-party users while also giving them legal cover to take good-faith efforts to moderate their platforms…

Federal Debt Up $1.2 Trillion in FY 2019; Borrowed $9,432 Per U.S. Household
The federal debt increased by $1,203,343,570,253.55 in fiscal 2019, according to…the U.S. Treasury Department. That equaled approximately $9,432 for each of the 127,586,000 households…in the United States in 2018. In the decade that began on the first day of fiscal 2010 and ended on the last day of fiscal 2019, the federal debt increased by $10,809,572,749,922—for an average of $1,080,957,274,992.20 per year.

Exclusive: Satellite images reveal China’s aircraft carrier ‘factory,’ analysts say
High-resolution satellite images show that the construction of China’s first full-sized aircraft carrier is progressing steadily alongside expansive infrastructure work that analysts say suggests the ship will be the first of several large vessels produced at the site. The images of the Jiangnan shipyard outside Shanghai were taken last month…

UK drops plans for online pornography age verification system
Plans to introduce a nationwide age verification system for online pornography have been abandoned by the government after years of technical troubles and concerns from privacy campaigners.

‘Ron Reagan’ tops Google search during Dem debate for atheist group ad: ‘Not afraid of burning in hell’
Ron Reagan was not on stage Tuesday night for the Democratic presidential primary debate, but his provocative plug for a prominent atheist group earned him the top spot on Google after he declared himself a “lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.”

Potent nor’easter to bring heavy rain and strong winds across Mid-Atlantic and New England, USA
A rapidly intensifying storm developing across the Mid-Atlantic will move quickly into New England by Thursday, October 17, 2019. The storm will produce heavy rainfall and localized flooding across these areas. Additionally, strong winds may cause some tree damage and power outages through Thursday. The storm system is developing following an Alberta Clipper system heading through the Midwest and merging with another storm.

Strong and shallow M6.4 earthquake hits Mindanao, Philippines
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit Mindanao, Philippines at 11:37 UTC (19:37 LT) on October 16, 2019. EMSC is reporting M6.3 at a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles).PHIVOLCS is reporting M6.3 at a depth of 15 km (9.3 miles).

Scientists discover new geophysical phenomenon
A study published on October 14, 2019, shows a new geophysical phenomenon where a heavy storm can trigger seismic events in the nearby ocean as powerful as a 3.5 magnitude earthquake. Lead author Wenyuan Fan, an assistant professor of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science said they call this phenomenon a “stormquake”.

The Heretical Doctrine Of Pelagianism Denies The Biblical Fact That All Humans Born Since Genesis 5 Have Been Created In The Image Of Fallen Adam
Many of you right now who just read the headline are likely scratching your heads and saying to yourself “what on earth is Pelagianism, and why should I care?” Well, you should care because it is a false teaching about the nature of man, the nature of sin, and what you believe to be true about it will have a huge impact on how you see and understand large portions of the Bible. So let’s take a look at false teaching of Pelagianism and where it came from.

2100 Caged Children Liberated and Saved by U.S Marines and Navy Seals from DeepState owned Underground Bases in California !
I saw reports two days ago of a huge joint exercise by Marines and Navy Forces in California ! Well 10,000 men did seem like a lot to me and i must say it raised my attention somewhat and i was sure something was going to happen ! Well i was not wrong and today we are getting reports of 2100 children being released from captivity in underground bunkers where they were held captive in cages 1 See the title image, that is real by the way !

Due To The Weather, Midwest Farmers Fear Widespread Crop Failures And A “Record-Low” Harvest In 2019
Snow usually blankets the Upper Midwest around the first week of November, and so that means that many farmers in the Midwest only have about two weeks to salvage what they can before everything is lost. The unprecedented October blizzard that we just witnessed dumped massive amounts of snow on millions upon millions of acres of crops from Colorado to Minnesota.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

White House official: Kushner to visit Israel this month
Kushner, who is also Trump’s son in law, is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his chief political rival, Benny Gantz. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

CNN boss: We’ve sold ourselves to the devil
“When I got this job 13 years ago, CNN was nothing like this. … They sold themselves to the devil. It’s, it’s sad.” Brevna said. Another segment shows CNN Field Production Supervisor Gerald Sisnette wishing for Trump’s death.

Muslim Teacher Wants to See Jews Praying on Temple Mount
Nahil Zoabi, a Muslim teacher and headmaster of a school in the Arab town of Tamra. During a recent visit to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Zoabi declared that the Temple Mount should be a place of worship for all religions, and that Jews in particular should be allowed to pray there. “The Temple Mount is a unifying place, and therefore everyone, including the Jews, who has the desire to pray on the Temple Mount, has the fundamental right to do so,”

“Wild Night With 90mph Wind Gusts” – Bomb Cyclone Unleashes Hurricane-Force Winds In Northeast
Hurricane-force winds slammed parts of New England and New York on Thursday, as the bomb cyclone, we first reported on Tuesday, knocks out power to hundreds of thousands of people, destroys critical infrastructure, and delays air travel in parts of the Northeast. The strong overnight storm “is now parked over southern New England with the pressure equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane,”

Are Secret Human Experiments Advancing Brain Chip Tech?
A doctor from Peru claims that recent advancements in brain chip technology could be due to “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation” by a consortium of transnational tech companies and governments operating outside of the law. South America has served as a test site for unregulated off shore drug trials for the pharmaceutical industry for many years. Peru has been described as a “paradise of human experimentation“, and is riddled with corruption.

Senate Fails to Override Trump Veto Over Funding for Border Wall
The Senate didn’t get enough votes to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a resolution that, if it had gone through, would have ended the emergency declaration that included an order to use national security funds to build the wall at the southern border. The vote on Thursday was 53-36.

US, Turkey Agree on Ceasefire in Syria as Kurd-Assad Alliance Blocks Turkish Offensive
A U.S. delegation led by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo negotiated with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to agree to a five-day ceasefire in Syria, Pence said on Oct. 17. Turkey’s week-long military incursion in northern Syria, which it called “Operation Peace Spring,” was met with tough resistance from a new alliance between local Kurdish forces and their previous enemy, the Russian-backed Syrian government.

Final hurdle in sight as Boris Johnson gets his Brexit deal
Boris Johnson flew back from Brussels with a Brexit deal last night and will spend the next 24 hours frantically trying to sell it to MPs before a historic Saturday sitting of the Commons.

Mainstream Media Says Prayer for Netanyahu’s Death
In an interview between channel 12 news reporters Oded Ben Ami and his political correspondent Amnon Abramovitch on the Actualia program, while discussing Netanyahu, the two repeated passages from the mourners kaddish prayer implying that they consider the Israeli Prime Minister to be dead. The interview set off a storm on social media and even led to protests outside the Keshet studio in Neve Ilan. Israel’s mainstream media, especially Abramovitch, have a reputation of being hostile towards the right and Prime Minister Netanyahu in particular.

Netanyahu’s new proposal to Benny Gantz
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu presented a proposal for a framework for a coalition agreement on religious and state issues to Blue and White leader Benny Gantz which has also been accepted by the haredi parties.

‘The American public loves how Trump doesn’t mince words’
Marc Zell, Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, spoke about the letter sent by US President Trump to Erdogan, in which he urged the Turkish leader: “Don’t be a fool!” Zell told Galei Tzahal that “The American public loves how Trump doesn’t mince words. True, he’s not an academic, a doctor or a professor – but he’s a businessman who does what he promised.”

Shelling heard around Syrian town after Turkish-U.S. ceasefire deal
Shelling and gunfire resounded around the northeast Syrian town of Ras al Ain on Friday, a day after Turkey agreed with the United States to pause its offensive in Syria for five days to let Kurdish forces withdraw. Machine-gun fire and shelling could be heard from the Turkish town of Ceylanpinar across the border from Ras al Ain, and smoke rose from one part of the Syrian town.

Mike Pompeo lands in Israel to visit Netanyahu
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed at Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel late on Thursday night…He came for a meeting scheduled for Friday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which they intend to “discuss developments in Syria and the continued need to counter the Iranian regime’s destabilizing behavior in the region,” according to the US State Department’s statement on Wednesday.

U.S. peace team to visit Israel by end of month
The US peace team is expected to visit Israel and Saudi Arabia by the end of the month, sources familiar with the matter told The Jerusalem Post. Jared Kushner, Brian Hook and Avi Berkowitz will arrive in Jerusalem on October 27 and are expected to meet with both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White co-leader Benny Gantz.

China economy: Third quarter growth misses expectations
China’s economy grew at a slower pace than expected in the third quarter as it struggled with a US-led trade war and softer domestic demand. In the three months to September, the economy expanded 6% from a year earlier, official figures showed. The result fell just short of expectations for 6.1% growth for the period.

Catalan protests: Why is Barcelona burning?
A general strike has been called in Catalonia on Friday, marking the end of a week of protests following the ruling of Spain’s Supreme Court on Monday. The court sentenced nine Catalan pro-independence leaders to jail for sedition. At the heart of the mobilisation are the Catalan youth.

Protests in Lebanon after move to tax calls on messaging apps
Hundreds of people took to the streets across Lebanon on Thursday to protest dire economic conditions after a government decision to tax calls made on messaging applications sparked widespread outrage. The far-reaching demonstrations forced the government to walk back on its decision to approve the tax late on Thursday, Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Choucair said.

Unprecedented movement detected on California earthquake fault capable of 8.0 temblor
A major California fault capable of producing a magnitude 8 earthquake has begun moving for the first time on record, a result of this year’s Ridgecrest earthquake sequence destabilizing nearby faults, Caltech scientists say…In the modern historical record, the 160-mile-long Garlock fault on the northern edge of the Mojave Desert has never been observed to produce either a strong earthquake or even to creep…

Netanyahu presents outline for new unity government
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forwarded Thursday an outline for the establishment of a broad unity government to Blue and White leader Benny Gantz. “This government will be based on a broad national consensus to enable it to address the pressing security and economic challenges that are rising around us,” said Netanyahu. “All parties will need to make some concessions to reach a consensus”.

IDF troops bring down drone that entered Israel from Gaza
Israeli troops on Thursday identified and shot down an unmanned drone that entered Israeli territory near the Gaza border. The IDF Spokesman’s Unit confirmed the incident and said that there were no injuries or damage as a result of the event. The drone was taken by the IDF for further examination.

Japan to dispatch its own self-defense troops to Strait of Hormuz: report
Japan has decided to dispatch its own self-defense troops to the Strait of Hormuz area instead of joining the US-coalition to protect merchant vessels passing through key Middle Eastern waterways, the Asahi newspaper reported. The decision is in line with a previous Japanese media report that Japan would not join its most important ally in the security mission due to its close economic ties with Iran, a major oil producer.

Religion Is on the Decline as More Adults Check ‘None’
Religiosity in the U.S. is in sharp decline, according to a study released by the Pew Research Center on Thursday, with the ranks of people who don’t adhere to any faith growing fast while church attendance has fallen steeply.

Vatican unveils ‘smart rosary’ activated by making the sign of the cross
Vatican officials unveiled the eRosary wearable bracelet on Tuesday. The device, which is activated by making the sign of the cross, is connected to the ‘Click to Pray’ app. Click to Pray is the official prayer app of Pope Francis’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

Surprise ‘coming out ’ middle school assembly angers parents
No advance parental notice was given for this event held in conjunction with homosexual/transgender National Coming Out Day. As I have mentioned in previous articles, schools are regularly observing special days and weeks as part of a coordinated “LGBT” agenda directed to America’s children.

Tropical Storm Nestor expected to form, warnings issued for Gulf Coast
An area of disturbed weather over the southwest Gulf of Mexico is forecast to strengthen over the warm waters, potentially impacting the northern Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a tropical storm by the weekend, according to forecasters.

Canada’s top court has ruled in favour of denying accreditation to a Christian law school that banned students from having gay sex.

Federal court strikes down Obama administration ‘transgender mandate’ for doctors
A federal court in Texas ruled Tuesday that doctors across the nation are not required to perform gender-transition surgeries if they go against their medical judgment or religious beliefs.

Comey, Biden and Romney Issue Thinly Veiled Assassination Threats Against Trump on the Eve of His Dallas Visit
Today, on October 17th, the President travels to Dallas, the site of the 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy. Because of recent and thinly veiled threats against the President, many are concerned for his safety. However, the Secret Service is nowhere to be found. Even the most ignorant among us could and should see the following as a direct threat to the President.

Several injured as very destructive, possibly multivortex tornado hits Arles, France
Several people were injured after a destructive tornado hit the city of Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, southern France on October 15, 2019. Damage suggests this was a multiple vortex tornado.

Baby Parts Buyers Were ‘Scalping the Babies,’ Planned Parenthood Trial Reveals
In chilling testimony last week, an abortion whistleblower involved in revealing how Planned Parenthood affiliates had sold aborted baby body parts revealed one of the horrifying research purposes of body parts buyers: they were “scalping the babies.”

Map exposes the extent of China’s ‘human farms’ as tribunal slams $1b forced organ harvesting trade China is forcibly harvesting the organs of tens of thousands of political prisoners to operate a rapidly growing medical black market worth $1 billion a year, an international tribunal has found.

Decline of Christianity in America continuing at rapid pace, poll finds
The portion of Americans with no religious affiliation is rising significantly, in tandem with a sharp drop in the percentage that identifies as Christians, according to new data from the Pew Research Center.

Disney Confirms ‘Gay Couple’ in Kids’ Show Star Wars Resistance
As part of its pro-LGBT agenda, Disney executives confirmed that two characters in the popular animated kids’ show Star Wars Resistance are a “gay couple.” The Disney official added, “we’re proud of that.”

‘Hail Satan?’: How a documentary is turning people into Satanists
There aren’t many documentarians who can claim they’ve made a movie which turns people into Satanists. But Hail Satan? director Penny Lane is one of them.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Riots Stun Chile
Residents of Chile’s capital awoke Saturday to a ravaged city as burned-out buses, bikes and garbage littered the streets after a day of violent protests that prompted the government to declare a state of emergency and call out soldiers to maintain order for the first time in decades.

Twitter War Breaks Out Between “Russian Asset” Tulsi Gabbard And “Warmongering Queen” Hillary Clinton
“From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you.”

France Foils “Sept. 11-Style” Terrorist Attack
French intelligence must be particularly vigilant since their city encompasses many of Europe’s most recognizable monuments and statues…

Post-tropical storm Nestor batters Florida with storm surge, tornadoes
Post-tropical storm Nestor is expected to make landfall in Florida Saturday as it brings heavy rain, gusty winds, storm surge, and possible tornadoes to parts of the Southeast U.S.

Louisiana could become the first state without abortion access as soon as next year
Louisiana could become the first state not to have legal abortion access since the procedure was legalized in 1973. Depending on the outcome of an upcoming Supreme Court case next spring, the state could see abortion access effectively eliminated, even though Roe v. Wade — the case that legalized the procedure — would stay intact.

The Late Great State Of California
It’s not that California anymore. We are overregulated and overtaxed and people aren’t so optimistic. People want to leave…

Florida Set to Require Schools to Teach Human Trafficking Prevention
In a bold move earlier this month, Florida’s State Board of Education voted unanimously to require schools to teach human trafficking prevention in all K-12 schools.

At least 28 killed, 286 homes destroyed as severe flooding hits Upper East Region, Ghana
Eight days of unusually heavy rain caused severe floods in parts of northeastern Ghana, leaving at least 28 people dead.

‘Start Your Day With Maximum Gay:’ Kellogg’s Launches LGBT Cereal
Have you ever eaten Froot Loops and thought, “This cereal isn’t gay enough?” Do you seek a safe space to eat your Rice Krispies? Are you concerned that your Corn Flakes aren’t sufficiently woke? Well, now Kellogg’s has the solution!

Dangerous storm surge and tropical-storm-force winds expected along portions of Gulf Coast
Dangerous storm surge and tropical-storm-force winds expected along portions of the northern Gulf Coast later today, October 18 and tonight (CDT) as a dangerous weather system, currently designated Potential Tropical Cyclone Sixteen, heads toward northern Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and the Carolinas.

Thousands of Occultists Plan Halloween ‘Spell’ Ritual to ‘Stop Trump’
Thousands of ‘occult’ opponents of President Donald Trump are reportedly planning to gather in order to cast a ritualist spell to prevent the administration from ‘harming the country.’

China Bans Exports Of Black Clothing To Hong Kong Amid Escalating Social Unrest
Bulk items of masks, riot gear, umbrellas, helmets, and sticks, were also on the export ban list.

At least 8 killed in mayhem surrounding Mexico’s failed effort to capture El Chapo’s son
Mexican security forces aborted an attempt to capture a son of imprisoned drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman after finding themselves outgunned in a ferocious shootout with cartel henchmen that left at least eight people dead and more than 20 wounded, authorities said Friday.

SHOCK: President bound, abused in Times Square ad
President Trump — held against his will and abused — is the focus of a new ad campaign by the athletic apparel company Dhvani.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Major Blaze At Iran Oil Refinery Raises Suspicions Of Saudi Revenge Attack
State media is describing it only as “a fire in a canal carrying waste from Iran’s Abadan oil refinery.”

FOXNEWS Chris Wallace: ‘Well-connected’ Republican says 20% chance Senate will remove President…
Fox’s Chris Wallace said a “well-connected” Washington Republican told him that there’s a 20 percent chance enough Republicans will vote to remove the president from office in an impeachment trial in the Senate.

After trade ‘deal’ with USA, China ramps up Brazilian soy purchases?
Chinese importers have been busy booking fresh purchases of soybeans from Brazil this week, despite the White House announcement that China had agreed to buy up to $50 billion (38.6 billion pounds) of U.S. farm products annually during trade talks last week.

Secondary circuit of Iran’s Arak nuclear reactor to be operational within two weeks: official
The secondary circuit of the Arak heavy water nuclear reactor will be operational within two weeks, Ali Asghar Zarean, a special assistant to the chief of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, was quoted as saying on Sunday by the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

CIA Analysts Lawyer Up As Brennan, Clapper Ensnared In Expanding Russiagate Probe
“A line of inquiry based on accusations made by George Papadopoulos…”

Sanders New York rally marks largest of primary campaign
Bernie Sanders’s campaign rally in New York City brought in nearly 26,000 attendants, making it the largest audience of the entire Democratic primary thus far.

Typhoon-hit areas brace for more floods as heavy rains threaten parts of Japan
Some of Japan’s eastern and northeastern regions were bracing for the chance of more floods and landslides, as heavy rain threatened to drench areas that are still reeling from the most powerful typhoon to hit the country in decades a week ago.

Tropical Storm “Nestor” moving quickly toward Florida
Tropical Storm “Nestor” formed October 18, 2019, as the 14th named storm of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. The system is moving quickly toward Florida. Landfall s expected over Florida Panhandle on Saturday morning (LT), October 19, 2019.

Why Portland’s Homeless Problem Is the Worst in the Nation
The alleys of Portland, Oregon, are strewn with piles of garbage and used drug needles, reflecting a growing problem of homelessness, drug addiction, and mental illness.

The Army Is Building A Cannon Capable Of Firing From Nashville To NYC
The powerful cannon can fire a projectile over a distance of more than 1,150 nautical miles…

Watch: Kanye West Releases Trailer for ‘Jesus is King’
On Friday, rap megastar and fashion mogul Kanye West released a short trailer for his upcoming IMAX film Jesus Is King.

Turkey Breaks Fragile Ceasefire Agreement With United States In New Attacks On Kurds In Northern Syria As Putin Steps Up Control Of Region
Once again, a military move by President Trump that was panned initially in carefully engineered outrage is turning out to be not so bad after all. Yes, Trump has ordered US troops out of Syria, fulfilling yet another one of his 2016 campaign promises, and Russian leader Vladimir Putin has stepped in to take control. But what exactly is he taking control of, and what order can a weakened Russia possibly make out of all this chaos?

Slaveholding Mauritania, Sharia Sudan, jihad-plagued Libya elected to UN Human Rights Council
The UN is a sick joke. It is nothing close to what it was intended to be: an international body in which the nations of the world could work out their differences peacefully, without resorting to war.

Escobar: Syria May Be The Biggest Defeat For The CIA Since Vietnam
What is happening in Syria, following yet another Russia-brokered deal, is a massive geopolitical game-changer…


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Defense Sec. Mark Esper: U.S. troops leaving Syria will go to Iraq
When discussing the US withdrawal from northeastern Syria, Esper emphasized that the US is aiming to be “very deliberate” and it is not rushing, saying “we’re talking weeks, not days.” “The current game plan is for those forces to re-position into western Iraq,” Esper said, adding that this is the current plan and that things could change between now and when the US finishes its withdrawal from Syri

California’s War on Citizenship
California—a one-party state dominated by progressives—has become the model for where progressivism will go when completely unchecked. Now, even the basic concept of citizenship is under full-blown assault as the state has moved on from being a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants to outright insisting that noncitizens have the same access to the levers of power as citizens.

Erdogan: We will crush the Kurds’ heads
Despite reports of a ceasefire agreed between President Erdogan and President Trump, the Turkish president continues to threaten Kurdish forces in northern Syria.

Brexit will happen on Oct. 31 despite PM’s unsigned delay request, UK says
The British government insisted on Sunday the country will leave the European Union on Oct. 31 despite a letter that Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced by parliament to send to the bloc requesting a Brexit delay. “We are going to leave by October 31. We have the means and the ability to do so,” Michael Gove, the minister in charge of no-deal Brexit preparations, told Sky News.

Chinese Authorities Demolish Megachurch, Detain Pastors Called ‘War Against the Peaceful Christian Faithful’
Authorities in China demolished a megachurch building in the Funan, Anhui region of the country with a seating capacity of over 3,000 and detained its pastors, according to a new report by ChinaAid. According to the report, “no legal papers ordering the church’s demolition were provided, but the officials tore it down on Friday.

Hacking Darwin: How the coming genetics revolution will play out
Humanity is poised to take a huge leap forward, as a convergence of next-gen technologies combine to give us unprecedented power over our own biology. Here’s a roadmap to the key technologies and how it’s going to play out in the coming decades. A Perfect Strom. “Right now we’re at this moment of super-convergence,” Metzl tells us. “It’s not any one technology that’s determinative, it’s all these technologies happening at the same time, because they’re all influencing each other.” …IVF technologies that will soon enable us to generate egg and sperm cells from skin cells without needing invasive or embarrassing procedures to be carried out. Eventually, we’ll have the capability to cheaply produce dozens, or even hundreds of embryos to sequence, select and implant.

State Department report on Clinton emails finds hundreds of violations, dozens of individuals at fault
The report summarized an administrative review of the handling of classified information relating to Clinton’s private email server used during her tenure as the nation’s highest-ranking diplomat between 2009 and 2013. The report, dated Sept. 13., was delivered to the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa., who was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee until last year. The report reflected only approximately 30,000 emails that the State Department was able to physically review, and found 38 individuals were responsible for 91 violations. Another 497 violations were also found, although the report was not able to assign responsibility in those cases, in part because many of those involved had already left the department during the time it took to receive the emails and review them.

U.S. troops cross into Iraq from Syria -witnesses
United States troops have crossed into Iraq from Syria through the Sahela border crossing in the northern province of Dohuk, Reuters witnesses said on Monday. Reuters video images showed armored vehicles carrying troops into Iraq, part of the U.S. withdrawal from Syria. A Reuters cameraman saw more than 100 vehicles crossing.

PA journalist: We must help Jews leave Israel, return to their countries
In an article published in Palestinian Authority (PA) daily al-Hayat al-Jadida, a journalist named Muwaffaq Matar called to adopt the idea of establishing an Arab foundation that would help Mizrahi Jews disenchanted with Israel return to their countries of origin, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported last week.

Brexit: No 10 to push again for vote on Boris Johnson’s deal
Parliament must be given “a straight up-and-down vote” on the PM’s Brexit deal, No 10 says, after MPs delivered a major blow to his strategy on Saturday. Boris Johnson was forced by law to send a letter asking the EU for a new delay on Brexit, but did not sign it. The PM now wants MPs to say a clear “yes” or “no” to the deal on Monday, adding: “We cannot allow Parliament’s letter to lead to Parliament’s delay.”

Venezuela wins seat on UN Human Rights Council
Venezuela has won a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council, despite widespread criticism of its poor human rights record. A UN General Assembly meeting in Geneva saw the Latin American country elected to one of 14 new seats on the 47-member body. Nicolás Maduro’s government hailed it as an “important achievement”.

Hong Kong descends into chaos again as protesters defy ban
Hong Kong streets descended into chaotic scenes following an unauthorized pro-democracy rally Sunday, as protesters set up roadblocks and torched businesses, and police responded with tear gas and a water cannon. Protesters tossed firebombs and took their anger out on shops with mainland Chinese ties as they skirmished late into the evening with riot police, who unleashed numerous tear gas rounds on short notice…

China seeks $2.4 billion in sanctions against U.S. in Obama-era case: WTO
China is seeking $2.4 billion in retaliatory sanctions against the United States for non-compliance with a WTO ruling in a tariffs case dating to the Obama era, a document published on Monday showed. WTO appeals judges said in July that the United States did not fully comply with a WTO ruling and could face Chinese sanctions if it does not remove certain tariffs that break the watchdog’s rules.

Chile’s Pinera extends state of emergency, says ‘we are at war’
Chile’s government will extend a state of emergency to cities in its north and south, President Sebastian Pinera said late on Sunday, after at least seven people were killed amid violent clashes and arson attacks over the weekend. “We are at war against a powerful enemy, who is willing to use violence without any limits,” Pinera said in a late-night televised statement at army headquarters in Santiago.

Tornado ravages north Dallas, leaving thousands without power
A tornado plowed through parts of northern Dallas late on Sunday, knocking out power to more than 175,000 homes and businesses and delaying flights at regional airports, officials said. The storm left a miles-long swath of destruction through Dallas, hitting near the Love Field airport in the city’s north, the National Weather Service’s (NWS) Weather Prediction Center in College Park Maryland said early on Monday.

Pompeo and Netanyahu meet as the U.S. seeks to assure Israel focus stays on Iran “threat”
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem Friday. Following the meeting, the secretary described the relationship between the two countries as “strong as it has ever been” adding the two discussed the challenges facing the world, the United States and Israel.

A month’s worth of rainfall in a single day could trigger mudslides in southern Europe next week
Two storms will push into the Mediterranean Sea over the next couple of days, bringing waves of heavy rain from Spain to the Alps.

Nearly 200 000 displaced as unprecedented flooding hits South Sudan
Heavy rains caused unprecedented flooding in the northeastern part of South Sudan, forced 200 000 residents to evacuate, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesperson Andrej Mahecic said October 18, 2019. The affected area, located in the Upper Nile region, is home to over 150 000 refugees from Sudan.

A California Fault Line Has Started ‘Creeping’, And We Don’t Know What to Expect
At any moment, an earthquake of magnitude 6.7 or higher could ripple through California, leading infrastructure to topple, power to shut off, and buildings to collapse. Scientists expect to experience this “Big One” in their lifetimes – though they’re not sure where or when.

Arizona Mafia is not a fiction – but a group of Democrats from Arizona in DC – and they are meddling in NXIVM case
…According to the Arizona Capitol Times, “At least 25 Arizonans, mostly from within her gubernatorial administration, followed [Janet] Napolitano to Washington D.C., and served within the massive U.S. Department of Homeland Security that she has overseen for the past four-and-a-half years. Many have moved on to bigger and better things.”

Chick-fil-A Is Forced to Close First U.K. Store Due to Pressure From LGBTQ-Rights Supporters
One of the bigger problems I think we as humans face in this life is allowing other people to have their own opinion and make their own choices. A characteristic that I find so distasteful is an attitude that I must conform to someone else’s view because they demand that their standards are the rule by which we must live.

The normalization of satanism and witchcraft is now nearly complete
The Goal Of Hollywood And The Entire Entertainment Industry Is To Normalize Satanism And That Mission Is Now Nearly Complete

The American Deep State Would Sooner Sacrifice The Republic Than Lose Again To Donald Trump
You’d really think the American people would have caught on by now…

Here’s Why 97% Of Congress Get Re-Elected Each Year
It’s called an incumbent protection system. Taxpayers have a right to know how it works.

Take a BIG guess why most flu shots are free
Can you name any medicine that the U.S. government or the CDC offers for free other than the flu shot? Does it make you wonder why? If not, that’s probably because you get the flu shot every year, and your cognitive abilities are very limited, due to the high mercury levels secretly dosed in nearly every influenza vaccine doled out.

ALERT: Antifa puppetmasters to engineer “patriot” slaughter of Leftists to spark violent uprising against conservatives
….The coordinated messaging and accelerating George Soros funding of mob-for-hire Antifa terrorists points to an imminent event that will unleash nationwide political, civil and financial chaos from which globalists hope to remove Trump from power (or collapse the United States if Trump survives).

CA Democrats Introduce LGBTQ Bill that would Protect Pedophiles who Rape Children
Editor’s Note: It’s becoming more apparent with each passing day that another kind of purported sexual orientation is being pushed as normative, Pedophilia. Last year, Mirjam Heine, a German medical student gave a TEDxTalk “Why perception of pedophilia has to change.” Included in her basic premise, “pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for example, heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile, no one can cease being one.” To assert that it’s not only like “heterosexuality,” but also “unchangeable” is deeply disturbing.

“Toe The Line Or Be Destroyed”: Tulsi Gabbard Dismantles Establishment ‘Hit-Job’ In Viral Video
“If you stand up to the rich and powerful elite and the war machine, they will destroy you and discredit your message…”


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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rump Ready to Go to War with Turkey says Secretary of State
Although the administration prefers “peace to war,” U.S. President Donald Trump is “fully prepared” to authorize military action against Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday. In an interview with CNBC’s Wilfred Frost, Pompeo said the “world should know” that “where we see American interests at stake or fundamental norms around the world that need to be enforced, we’ll use all the powers that we have.”

Mass Protests in Lebanon Pave the Path to Temple-Building Alliance with Israel
“Theoretically, Lebanon was established with a Christian hegemony,” Dr. Kedar said. “But Hezbollah as a branch of Shiite Iran has taken control. Christians have been fleeing the counry for some time. At this point, the Shiite population in Lebanon is the majority. Most Lebanese are sick of religious conflict. The protesters are waving Lebanese flags. They want to be Lebanese.” “Unlike Syria, which was incorporated into ancient Israel, Lebanon, was a separate country that was an ally in building the Temple,” Rabbi Winston pointed out. “Spiritually, Lebanon’s role in the Temple was not coincidental,” Rabbi Winston explained. “The word ‘Lebanon’ comes from the word ‘lavan’ (white). Lebanon needed to play a role in the Temple in order for it to be a mechanism for whitening sins.”

Actual Witches Hunt Trump With Pre-Halloween “Binding Spell”
Witches across the United States are preparing to cast a coordinated “binding spell” on President Trump on October 25 – their third such attempt.

Iran is getting stronger, so what will Israel do about it?
The constant state of flux in the Mideast has reached new heights, and so Israel must choose whether to stay on its the current course, or change some of the foreign policies it has adhered to until now The technological abilities of Iran and its various proxies has reached a level at which they can now alter the balance of power around the world.

Apologist: Christianity like gravity – it benefits everyone
The Christian educator acknowledges that atheists can act morally and ethically – “but they don’t have any objective reason to be moral,” he tells OneNewsNow. “As John Adams said, ‘Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'”

National police unions refuse to enforce Beto’s gun confiscation plan if elected
While Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s plan for a mandatory buyback of “assault weapons” remains conceptual, many law enforcement officials have already assailed the proposed measure as “unconstitutional” and one they would not enforce.

Obama Headlining Democratic Fundraising Event at Home of George Soros’ Son Alex
Obama will be headlining a fundraising event Monday at the home of Alex Soros, the son of billionaire activist George Soros. Former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe will also be at the event, according to a flyer obtained by Politico. Alex Soros serves as deputy chair of his father’s organization, the Open Society Foundation.

Tulsi Gabbard Eviscerates Hillary Clinton: ‘Queen of Warmongers, Embodiment of Corruption’
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard offered a spirited response to Hillary Clinton on Thursday after the former secretary of state appeared to claim that the Hawaiian congresswoman is a “favorite of the Russians.” Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton,” Gabbard tweeted. “You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.” “Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies.

Watchdog Says Benghazi Coverup Discussed on Emails to Clinton’s Unsecured Server
Judicial Watch made public on Oct. 21 a 2012 email chain showing multiple senior U.S. State Department executives used then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private email to discuss the most sensitive details of the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died in the assault, which within hours was attributed by the Obama White House to an internet video that critically portrayed Islam and its founder, Mohammed.

Supreme Court Will Look into Whether Watchdog Warren Helped Create Is Actually Constitutional
The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether the brainchild of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is actually constitutional. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an independent federal agency that oversees consumer-related actions in the financial sector. It was created by Congress in 2010. The issue before the court is that the director serves a five-year term and can only be removed for “inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office,” Fox News reported.

Iraq trolls U.S. Syria withdrawal, tells American troops they can’t stay
US President Donald Trump’s Syria withdrawal hit a snag in northern Iraq as the country indicated that US troops only have permission to transit, temporarily, into norther Iraq before leaving. Convoys of Americans leaving Syria were spotted in the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq on Monday. Now Iraq’s government appears to be telling the Americans that they can’t stay in Iraq either.

Turkey replaces four more pro-Kurdish mayors as crackdown widens
Turkey has replaced four mayors from the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) with state officials, the offices of two provincial governors said on Tuesday, part of a widening crackdown on local councils controlled by the party. Ankara accuses the HDP of links to militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Northern Ireland abortion and same-sex marriage laws change
Abortion has been decriminalised and same-sex marriage is to be legalised in Northern Ireland. Legislation making the changes – which was passed by MPs at Westminster – came into force at midnight. The first same-sex weddings in Northern Ireland are set to take place in February 2020. The government has until the end of March to come up with regulations for the provision of abortion services.

Israel PM Netanyahu fails to form government ahead of deadline
Israel’s long-standing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said he cannot form a government, handing the opportunity to his political rival. Mr Netanyahu has been in power for the past decade, but he was unable to build a coalition with a majority after September’s election ended in deadlock. His rival Benny Gantz of the Blue and White party will now be invited to attempt to form a government.

Prime editing: DNA tool could correct 89% of genetic defects
A new way of editing the code of life could correct 89% of the errors in DNA that cause disease, say US scientists. The technology, called prime editing, has been described as a “genetic word processor” able to accurately re-write the genetic code. It has been used to correct damaging mutations in the lab, including those that cause sickle cell anaemia.

Russia to send strategic bombers to South Africa for visit
The Russian military says two of its nuclear-capable bombers will visit South Africa in what appears to be the first-ever such deployment to the African continent. The Russian Defense Ministry said Monday that sending the Tu-160 bombers is intended to help “develop bilateral military cooperation” and reflects a “strategic partnership” with one of Africa’s most developed economies.

Road built by biblical villain uncovered in Jerusalem
Pontius Pilate is a man many Jews and Christians love to hate. For Christians, the Roman governor…played a central role in the execution of Jesus…for Jews he was a callous ruler who set the stage for the rebellion that led to the destruction of Jerusalem… But a new discovery suggests that Pilate also spent…time and money embellishing the famous city that drew…visitors from around the Roman Empire.

South Korea says scrambled fighters after Russian warplanes violated air defense zone
South Korea scrambled fighter jets after Russian warplanes entered South Korea’s air space identification zone on Tuesday, the latest in a series of such violations, its military said. A total of six Russian military aircraft repeatedly entered the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) over a six-hour span starting 9:23 a.m. (0023 GMT), Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.

Army trys to reopen roads as Lebanon remains paralyzed
Security forces are trying to persuade protesters to reopen roads across Lebanon through peaceful means but will not use force if they refuse…as the country remained paralyzed by anti-government demonstrations. Aiming to defuse anger at the political elite and dire economic conditions, the government…announced a set of measures on Monday including long-delayed reforms…aimed to fight corruption and waste.

Report: Toxic chemicals arsenic, lead found in baby food
An investigative report released Thursday reveals that harmful chemicals are hiding in an array of common baby foods, including toxic metals that can stunt children’s brain development.

Faithful Catholics Throw Amazonian Idols Displayed in the Vatican into the Tiber River
The Amazon Synod has been full of scandal. It started when the opening ceremony in the Vatican garden was full of earth worship and what appeared to be idol worship happening right in front of the pope with his blessing. One doesn’t have to be an art major to recognize ancient fertility goddesses.

Bryann Trejo Walks Out of ‘The Addams Family’ Over Demonic Themes
…”The first thing that startled me was that they had the voice of a demon growling,” Trejo said. “Second, the little boy in the cartoon started crawling up the wall, possessed. Strike three was when they pulled out the Ouija board.” At that point, Trejo and his wife walked out of the movie. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I know the kids are probably mad. But it’s our job to protect them from this stuff.”

BREAKING: Jury rules against dad trying to save his 7-year-old from gender ‘transition’ | News
A jury has ruled against Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition.” This means James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will be able to continue “transitioning” him into “Luna,” and now has full authority to start him on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones.

Obama Involved in Canadian Federal Election
Colluding with the Liberal Party of Canada, Ex-US President Barack Obama became involved in Canada’s federal election today—five days before Canadian voters go to the polls on October 21. “Here’s what Barack Obama had to say this afternoon,” boasted the Liberty Party of Canada in an email to millions of Canadians.

EF-2 tornado rips through Dallas, leaving major damage, USA
An EF-2 tornado left major damage on structures and power towers in Dallas, USA on Sunday night, October 20, 2019. Authorities urged commuters to avoid affected areas as emergency services are conducting major roadway repairs.

Human Waste From Homeless People Seeps Into Miami Streets
Homeless people are defecating on the sidewalks and streets of downtown Miami, turning the city into an outdoor wasteland, residents and business owners say.

Democrat Elijah Cummings Hated President Trump With Such Intensity He Spent His Last Hours on Earth Signing Impeachment Subpoenas From His Hospital Death Bed
Want to know how badly the Democrats hate Donald Trump? They hate him with such intensity that as House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings was on his death bed in the hospital, his one constant thought was not for friends or family, for love or forgiveness, and not even for the afterlife that he was about to be propelling into. Elijah Cummings on his death bed could only think of destroying Donald Trump, and as he took his last breath on this earth, he was consumed with hatred.

After Intense Pressure From Transgender Activists, Procter & Gamble Will Remove The Symbol For Woman From Their ‘Always’ Menstrual Products Because ‘It’s Offensive’
Perhaps you’ve guessed by now that the LGBTQ+ and transgender revolution is actually a rebellion, they’re not looking to join they’re trying to take over. This article today is an excellent example of just how fried the minds and souls of people have become, and pretty good proof that this is happening on a spiritual level. How else can you account for a company that makes menstrual products for women being forced to remove the universal symbol for women from their women-only feminine care products? Yet, here we are, men can have periods too!

Warren Threatens Israel: ‘Everything Is On the Table’
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) took a hard line on Israel Saturday saying “everything is on the table” in imposing a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

UK Police Force Highlights Problem of Racist Toddlers
A UK police force created a video which portrayed a white toddler being racist towards another toddler in kindergarten as part of “hate crime awareness week.” Yes, really.

Algerian Gov Officials Close Down Country’s Largest Christian Churches
Algerian government officials continued their brutal crackdown on a number of Christian communities, shuttering the doors to the largest protestant church in the country.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Prominent Rabbi Identifies Destructive Storm on Sukkoth as Beginning of Gog and Magog
Nine days ago, during the first evening of the intermediary days of the holiday, Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, was enjoying the holiday meal in his father’s sukkah when a thunderstorm shook the fragile structure. After a few moments of meditation, his father said, “This is the beginning of Gog and Magog.” It should be noted that Rabbi Yosef Berger’s father is Rabbi Shalom Berger, the revered spiritual leader of thousands of Hassidic Jews belinging to the Mishkoltz sect of Judaism. Rabbi Shalom reminded his son that the War of Gog and Magog will include the forces of nature as well as soldiers of flesh and blood.

Russia’s Arctic War Games Up the Ante on Unsettled North Pole Claims Tensions
Nuclear-capable missiles streaking across Arctic skies last week not only showcased Russia’s nuclear deterrent but also signaled to geostrategic rivals that Moscow’s bid to control vast swathes of Arctic turf is underpinned by a formidable arsenal. Code-named “Thunder 2019” and directed personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin from the Defense Ministry’s headquarters, the drills involved five submarines, 15 surface warships, 105 aircraft, 12,000 troops, and 213 missile launchers. “There is no friendship between nations here,” Sykulski said of the growing tension around competing claims in the Arctic. “There’s just an absolute race, no longer just civil and technological, but an actual arms race in the Arctic.”

Pew pushes polling propaganda
Pollsters are at it again, pushing sketchy polls – not to reflect public opinion, but to shape it. This is called propaganda, a popular tool for dictators who want to control the information flow from an all-powerful government to their subjects, the people. What once passed for journalism is now mostly propaganda, an effort by major media organizations to insert themselves into the political process, to push their agenda, even if it means throwing any pretense of journalistic principle and integrity to the wind.

President Trump’s WTO Win Over the EU Is Great for America and Long Overdue
Last week, for instance, the World Trade Organization ruled that the European Union had violated WTO rules by heavily subsidizing its largest airline manufacturer, Airbus. While the dispute had been going on for nearly 15 years, President Trump has made it a priority to finally resolve such long-standing trade abuses, and vowed to quickly take advantage of the decision allowing the U.S. to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion in goods from the EU to rectify the economic damage inflicted on American companies by the illegal subsidies Airbus received.

Netanyahu Seemingly Out as Israeli PM After Failing To Form Government
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Monday that he was unable to form a coalition government in the Israeli parliament — the Knesset — meaning that it’s uncertain who will be the next leader of the Jewish state.

NYT, Democrat Insiders Desperate for a New Candidate To Challenge Trump as Biden Flounders
Since the last debate, just anecdotally, I’ve had five or six people ask me: ‘Is there anybody else?’” Leah Daughtry, a Democratic insider who chaired the party’s national convention committee in 2008 and 2016, told The Times.

Russia, Turkey Agree to Remove Kurds From Turkey-Syria Border
According to the deal, starting on Oct. 23, Russian forces and Syrian border guards will “facilitate the removal of [Kurdish] YPG elements and their weapons to the depth” of 30 kilometers (20 miles) from the Turkish–Syrian border.

Trump Ready to Go to War with Turkey says Secretary of State
Although the administration prefers “peace to war,” U.S. President Donald Trump is “fully prepared” to authorize military action against Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday. In an interview with CNBC’s Wilfred Frost, Pompeo said the “world should know” that “where we see American interests at stake or fundamental norms around the world that need to be enforced, we’ll use all the powers that we have.”

IDF quadcopter shot down in southern Lebanon
The Israeli military said a small quadcopter fell inside southern Lebanon on Wednesday morning after Lebanese media claimed that it had been shot down by Hezbollah. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that the aerial device was conducting “routine operations to secure the border” when it fell and that there is no concern that any intelligence gathered could be leaked.

Unidentified drones attack Iranian-backed militia in eastern Syria-report
Unidentified drones attacked Syrian areas controlled by the Assad regime and Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias at the Hamdan airport near the town of Al-Bukamal in the eastern region of Deir ez-Zor… Before the attack, three drones were seen flying from the direction of areas under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces militia, according to Step News, a news agency founded by Syrian activists and journalists.

Kremlin says U.S. betrayed Kurds in Syria, tells Kurds to withdraw or be mauled by Turkey
Russia warned Syrian Kurdish YPG forces on Wednesday they face further armed conflict with Turkey if they fail to comply with a Russian-Turkish accord calling for their withdrawal from the entire length of Syria’s northeastern border with Turkey. Moscow’s warning came shortly before Russian and Syrian security forces were due to start overseeing the removal of YPG fighters and weapons at least 30 km (19 miles) into Syria…

Hong Kong formally scraps extradition bill that sparked protests
Hong Kong’s legislature has formally withdrawn a controversial extradition bill that has sparked months of unrest. The bill – which would have allowed for criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China – prompted outrage when it was introduced in April. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets and the bill was eventually suspended.

Turkey Syria offensive: Erdogan and Putin strike deal over Kurds
Turkey and Russia have agreed what they say is a “historic” deal aimed at keeping Kurdish forces away from Syria’s border with Turkey. It comes during a pause in Turkey’s offensive to drive Kurdish forces out, creating a “safe zone” in the area. Under the deal, Syrian and Russian forces will immediately oversee a withdrawal of Kurdish forces.

BIZARRE: Avon catalog features image of woman caressing baphomet
People are questioning why an edition of the popular beauty supply catalog Avon features a woman placing her arms around a Satanic baphomet figure.

Justice Department Plan To Collect DNA From Migrants
The Justice Department is proposing to begin collecting DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the border, creating an enormous database of asylum-seekers and other migrants that federal officials say will be used to help authorities fight crime.

PG&E power shut off to affect 500K as wildfires threaten California
California’s largest utility says it could shut off power to 500,000 people this week for two days or longer as wildfires again threaten to bring havoc to northern parts of the state.

Tornado sweeps through East Java, killing one and displacing thousands, Indonesia
A tornado struck three different villages in Batu City, East Java in Indonesia on the night of October 19, 2019, displacing at least 1 270 people. One person was killed, while a number of other locals were injured.

MILLER: Permanent bureaucracy a mortal threat to America…
Anonymous efforts by anti-Trump federal bureaucrats to thwart the White House agenda through leaks and complaints to friendly reporters and congressional allies are a “mortal threat” to democracy and the 2016 election results, according to a top administration official. “This is a mortal threat to the American system of government,” said Stephen Miller, the senior adviser for policy.

PUMP: Worries grow over Fed efforts to fix funding issues…
Wall Street is getting worried that the Federal Reserve’s aggressive efforts to control short-term borrowing rates have run into some potholes, with more danger ahead.

End Times Watchers Taking Another Look At Malachy’s Prophecy Of The Last Pope As Pope Francis Continues To Radically Change The Catholic Church
…there is no trustworthy prophecy outside of the Bible, it begins with Genesis 1 and ends with Revelation 22, and honestly that is that. That said, Malachy at the very least was astute in his consideration of the Roman system on many levels. Things he got right in his “prophecy” is that the Roman Catholic Church does indeed sit on 7 hills, and it will be destroyed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Arizona Trafficking Case Exposes Local and Federal Politicians Tied to Child Trafficking with Ties to Ukraine
…Enter Arizona State Senator David Farnsworth. He is investigating 550 children who have gone missing in Arizona. And for his trouble, Farnsworth says he has been threatened by another elected official for “daring” to investigate this heinous activity in Arizona. Before I start connecting dots, and there are a lot of dots to connect, let’s take a momentary detour and show Senator Farnsworth just how much danger he is in.

Japan To Create Human-Rodent Hybrids For Organ Harvesting
Scientists involved in the study will inject human cells into rat and mice embryos. Researchers plan to follow the development of the resulting creatures’ organs over the course of two years after the baby hybrids are born.

Has Pierre Delecto Killed Mitt Romney’s Political Career?
A self-styled paragon of ethical behavior, Romney ‘fesses up to Twitter pseudonym…

Vatican denies risk of default over structural deficit…
A top Vatican administrator is denying the Holy See risks of default over its structural deficit, saying claims in a new book about possible financial ruin are overblown.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Turns Out That ‘****ing’ Taylor Testimony About Trump Quid-Pro-Quo Was 100% Hearsay
On Wednesday, though, The New York Times published a piece that throws the entire testimony into question and actually supports one of Trump’s fundamental arguments about this impeachment nonsense. “Mr. Taylor neither described any direct conversation with Mr. Trump himself nor made any reference to documents or recordings that would explicitly implicate the president. Instead, he provided a road map for investigators by quoting others around Mr. Trump describing his actions and statements,” the piece reads. …it turns out the only thing they’re basing the nation-rending narrative on is hearsay.

Thirst turns to anger as Australia’s mighty river runs dry
Reduced to a string of stagnant mustard-colored pools, fouled in places with pesticide runoff and stinking with the rotting carcasses of cattle and fish, the Darling River is running dry. The parched earth of Australia’s longest waterway, if tributaries are included, is in the grip of the continent’s most severe drought in a century. The past two years have been the driest in the catchment area of the Darling, which flows 2,844 km (1,767 miles) over the outback to the sea, and adjoining Murray river since records began in 1900. Drought is weighing on economic growth, and the dire conditions have prompted Australia, a major wheat exporter, to import the grain for the first time in 12 years. Last summer was the hottest on record, and in Menindee, where temperatures regularly top 38 Celsius (100 Fahrenheit),

Border wall construction advances in South Texas
The U.S. Border Patrol said workers were installing steel rebar at a site south of Donna, a small city in South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. The rebar will reinforce concrete panels that will in turn be topped with 18-foot (5.5-meter) steel bollards.

Ed Snowden: US Government “Could Have Prevented 9/11”
when you look back at the 9/11 report and when you look back at the history of what actually happened, what we can prove. Not on what we can speculate on, but what are at least are the commonly agreed facts… it’s very clear to me, as someone who worked in the intelligence community… that these attacks could have been prevented.” He goes on to explain that the government’s excuse for not preventing the attacks was essentially due to the fact that the various intelligence agencies were unable to effectively share information, coordinate investigations, and work together. Snowden is implying that 9/11 was essentially allowed to happen so that the mass surveillance state, which is insanely profitable to certain people, could be created. And it has since been created.

Republicans storm ‘Soviet-style’ impeachment meeting
Complaining of a “Soviet-style process,” more than a dozen House Republicans stormed a closed-door meeting Wednesday where Democratic lawmakers were questioning a Defense Department official in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Admits To Helping Pete Buttigieg with Campaign Hires
Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that he played a role in hiring members of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s campaign, but said the gesture did not amount to an endorsement of the South Bend, Indiana, mayor.

Lindsey Graham Reverses Course on Trump’s Syria Move, ‘Increasingly Optimistic’ It Could Work
GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina appears to have made a 180-degree turn and now supports President Donald Trump’s handling of the invasion of Syria by Turkey. “I am increasingly optimistic that we can have some historic solutions in Syria that have eluded us for years, if we play our cards right,”

6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Near Shores of Samoa – USGS
a 6.0-magnitude tremor struck off Samoa Tuesday morning. The epicentre of the quake is located at a depth of 89 kilometres (55 miles), about 169 km (105 miles) southwest of the capital city of Apia. There are no official reports on casualties at the moment, and the authorities haven’t issued a tsunami alert.

British police find 39 bodies in a truck container
Police in southeastern England said 39 people were found dead Wednesday inside a truck container believed to have come from Bulgaria. The truck, which is said to have entered Britain via the Welsh port of Holyhead on Saturday, was found by ambulance workers at Waterglade Industrial Park in Grays, a town just by the River Thames around 25 miles (40 kms) east of central London.

Israel reportedly preparing for Iran missile strike
Local media says Jerusalem preemptively bolstering defenses should Iran retaliate to ongoing series of attacks on its proxies attributed to IDF; sources says military will focus on deterring harder to detect, low-flying cruise missiles and drone strikes

U. Arizona paid $2M to Chinese Communist Party for propaganda center on campus
The University of Arizona paid more than $2 million to launch and maintain a Confucius Institute, a Chinese-founded organization, an investigation by Judicial Watch reveals. The tax-payer funded university, which has an enrollment of about 44,000, is just one of more than 100 campuses around the county to erect the Chinese Ministry of Education-controlled institutions.

Gantz receives mandate from Rivlin to form government
Blue and White leader Benny Gantz formally accepted the mandate to form a government on Wednesday at the President’s Residence. He will have 28 days starting Wednesday night at midnight. If he cannot build a coalition, there will be three weeks in which any MK can obtain the support of a majority in the Knesset, and if not, Israel will automatically go to its third election in less than a year.

Muslim Convert to Judaism Gets Tortured by Palestinian Authority
The man who can’t be identified out of concern for his safety, would receive a permit to enter Jerusalem where he studied at the Machon Meir Yeshiva (seminary) in Jerusalem while working at a supermarket there. The yeshiva is known for its nationalistic leanings and runs a very successful conversion program. The torture that he endured at the hands of the Palestinian Authority left his limbs “badly burned”.

A First Since the Temple: Levites Sing Psalms at Footsteps of Temple Mount
For the first time in modern history, approximately 800 men from the tribe of Levi joined together on the stairs in front of the Hulda Gates in the Davidson Center adjacent to the southern wall of the Temple Mount to sing the three songs the Levites sang in the Temple. The Levites sang three of the fifteen psalms that were traditionally sung on the steps inside the Temple including Psalm 121 and 126. The Levites were accompanied by musicians also from the tribe of Levi.

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent
President Donald Trump said Wednesday he will lift sanctions on Turkey after the NATO ally agreed to permanently stop fighting Kurdish forces in Syria and he defended his decision to withdraw American troops, saying the U.S. should not be the world’s policeman. “Other nations must step up and do their fair share. Today’s breakthrough is a critical step in that direction.”

Security forces start to evacuate outpost near Yitzhar after clashes
Security forces including border police and the Civil Administration entered the Kumi Ori outpost near Yitzhar to evacuate it on Thursday after violent clashes between soldiers and Jewish settlers in the area recently, according to Channel 13. The buildings being evacuated are not used for housing.

Gantz receives mandate from Rivlin to form government
Blue and White leader Benny Gantz formally accepted the mandate to form a government on Wednesday at the President’s Residence. He will have 28 days starting Wednesday night at midnight. If he cannot build a coalition, there will be three weeks in which any MK can obtain the support of a majority in the Knesset, and if not, Israel will automatically go to its third election in less than a year.

Turkey Syria offensive: Trump lifts Turkey sanctions after deal
The US is lifting sanctions imposed on Turkey nine days ago over its offensive against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, President Donald Trump says. His decision came after Russia agreed with Turkey to deploy troops to extend a ceasefire along the Syrian border. Turkey’s assault began after Mr Trump’s unexpected move to withdraw US troops from northern Syria earlier this month.

Chinese ship leaves Vietnam’s waters after disputed South China Sea surveys
A Chinese oil survey vessel that has been embroiled in a tense standoff with Vietnamese vessels in the South China Sea left Vietnamese-controlled waters on Thursday after more than three months, marine data showed. The Chinese vessel, the Haiyang Dizhi 8, was speeding away from Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone towards China on Thursday under the escort of at least two Chinese ships…

UN expert calls for ban on settlement products
The U.N. independent expert on human rights in the Palestinian territories called…for an international ban on all products made in Israeli settlements….Michael Lynk told the General Assembly…that the…community should…issue “a clarion call to the United Nations” to complete and release a database “on businesses engaged in activities related to the illegal settlements.”

Israel reportedly preparing for Iran missile strike
Israel is preemptively bolstering its defenses over fears that Iran may retaliate against an ongoing series of attacks on its proxies in Syria and Iraq that have been attributed to Israel… Citing unnamed sources, the report claimed Israel was focusing its defense capabilities on harder to detect, low-flying cruise missiles and drone strikes – unlike high-arcing ballistic missiles that are easier to intercept.

Davos in the Desert: Kushner, Mnuchin & others to attend from US
United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and presidential adviser Jared Kushner will lead Washington’s delegation to an annual financial conference in Saudi Arabia, government sources told the Reuters news agency on Tuesday. The conference comes one year after US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, prompting a global outcry.

Lebanon protests enter second week
Protests in Lebanon entered a second week on Thursday with demonstrators blocking main roads in Beirut and other parts of the country, AFP correspondents and Lebanese media reported. Sparked on October 17 by a proposed tax on calls made through messaging apps, the protests have morphed into a cross-sectarian street mobilization against a political system seen as corrupt and broken.

Byzantine church to mystery martyr unearthed near Jerusalem
Israeli archaeologists have revealed an elaborately decorated Byzantine church dedicated to an anonymous martyr that was recently uncovered near Jerusalem. The Israel Antiquities Authority showcased some of the finds from the nearly 1,500-year-old structure on Wednesday after three years of excavations. The findings will be exhibited at Jerusalem’s Bible Lands Museum.

Thirst turns to anger as Australia’s mighty river runs dry
Reduced to a string of stagnant mustard-colored pools, fouled in places with pesticide runoff and stinking with the rotting carcasses of cattle and fish, the Darling River is running dry.

America Does Not Know How Close It Is to Being Ruled DIRECTLY by Satan
It has been well-publicized that a group of witches are meeting on October 25th to cast spells on President Trump and conservative supporters of the President. This is a highly significant event, because it shows who and what is on the verge of taking over America.

Elizabeth Warren Says That As President She Will ‘Withhold Aid To Israel’ Unless They Agree To Give Up Jerusalem To Create A Two-State Solution With Palestine
As the Democratic Party grows increasingly more anti-semitic, occasional frontrunner Elizabeth Warren has just thrown some ‘red meat’ to her anti-Israel base.

Deadly flash floods and landslides in Italy following 250 mm (10 inches) of rain in 12 hours
Up to 250 mm (10 inches) of rain fell on parts of Italy in just 12 hours on October 22, 2019, leading to flash floods and landslides in Lombardy, Piedmont, and Liguria. At least 2 people have been killed.

Torrential rains spawn devastating floods in Karnataka, India
Heavy rains over the past days have caused deadly floods in the Indian state of Karnataka. 12 people were reportedly killed, at least 5 444 homes were damaged, and thousands of residents were displaced, as of October 23, 2019.

Severe flash floods, tornado hit Spain, leaving 6 dead or missing
Severe flash floods hit parts of northeastern Spain on October 23, 2019, leaving at least 2 people dead and 4 others missing. Adding to the devastating weather was a tornado that touched down in Ibiza, causing damage and injuring civilians. Thousands of residents were left without electricity.

NASA: Ozone Hole Is Now The Smallest On Record
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, says that Earth’s ozone hole is now the smallest it’s been since it’s discovery. Abnormally warm weather patterns in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica dramatically limited ozone depletion in September and October 2019, resulting in the smallest ozone hole since 1982, NASA and NOAA scientists reported.

Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma
It’s all happening, just as we predicted. Big Pharma is officially partnering with the tech industry to pair “immunization” with digital biometrics, meaning humans will soon be microchipped, tracked, and ultimately controlled through a global identification matrix.

In Bid To Create A One World Monetary System, Facebook Launching New Cryptocurrency ‘Libra’ That Was Originally Called ‘GlobalCoin’
…today we bring you the story of Facebook’s new cryptocurrency named ‘Libra’ which is set to launch globally on June 18th. And what was the original name of ‘Libra’? You guessed it, ‘GlobalCoin‘.

The Next Big Seller Are Chinese Firms, Looking To Offload Western Companies
“Some Chinese companies made overseas acquisitions at the top of the cycle and ended up overpaying for assets that did not make a lot of strategic sense. They are now finding it challenging to offload those businesses at fair values.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Ben Shapiro Calls for Building House of Worship on Temple Mount
It is enormous but it was definitely a pretty incredible experience. And the Kotel, the Western Wall, which everybody always says the holiest site in Judaism …. They’re getting it wrong. The holiest site in Judaism is the stuff that is above the Western Wall. The Western Wall isn’t even one of the original walls of the of the temple. It is an outer retaining wall that was outside the walls of the temple.

Leaked Pentagon report reveals US troops can fire on vehicles at southern border
“Weapons may be fired at a moving vehicle or watercraft when DOD forces have a reasonable belief that the vehicle or watercraft poses an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm to DOD forces. Weapons may also be fired at a moving vehicle or watercraft posing an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm to non-DOD persons in the vicinity when doing so is directly related to the assigned mission,” the document states.

Steve Bannon Teams Up With Chinese Group That Thinks Donald Trump Is Bringing On THE END-TIMES
New Tang Dynasty is part of the Epoch Media Group, a collection of far-right media outlets linked to Falun Gong, a Chinese spiritual movement that has been repressed by the Chinese government. The group’s members apparently now see Trump’s presidency and Chinese trade war as a fateful moment.

Omniviolence Is Coming and the World Isn’t Ready
The terrorist or psychopath of the future, however, will have not just the Internet or drones—called “slaughterbots” in this video from the Future of Life Institute—but also synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and advanced AI systems at their disposal. These tools make wreaking havoc across international borders trivial, which raises the question: Will emerging technologies make the state system obsolete? It’s hard to see why not. You need only three guys to write the program and launch.” In this scenario, the K/K ratio could be perhaps 3/1,000,000, assuming a 10-percent accuracy and only a single one-gram shaped charge per drone.

Top Hamas Official: Israel Planning to Build Third Temple
Achmad Abu Khalbiah, who heads the Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Commission in the Palestinian parliament, categorized permitting Jews to practice freedom of worship on the Temple Mount “a blatant provocation” and warned that Israeli officials seek to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque and build the temple on its ruins.

The Israel Defense Forces is Becoming ‘God’s army,’ Says Lieberman
The Israel Defense Forces is becoming an organ of the country’s Chief Rabbinate, Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman said on Wednesday. Lieberman’s comments, which he posted on Facebook, came in reaction to a booklet authored by senior rabbinical figures, among them military rabbis, with instructions for religious Jewish soldiers on how to avoid interactions with women forbidden by Jewish law. “This attempt to turn the IDF into the ‘army of Hashem,’ with conduct resembling that of a haredi [ultra-Orthodox] kollel, is part of the same messianic worldview that has penetrated Israeli society and which seeks to damage the fabric of life and the status quo on religion and state issues,” wrote Lieberman.

Syrian Kurds accuse Turkey of violations, Russia says peace plan on track
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) accused Turkey on Thursday of launching a large land offensive targeting three villages in northeast Syria despite a truce, but Russia said a peace plan hammered out this week was going ahead smoothly. Under the plan, agreed by Presidents Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin, Syrian Kurdish forces are to withdraw more than 30 km (19 miles) from the Turkish border, a goal Russia’s RIA news agency, quoting an SDF official, said was already achieved.

Christians continue to support President Trump
A new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute finds 77% of white Evangelicals like the job Mr. Trump is doing. 54% of white Mainline Protestants agree while white Catholics are split about 50-50.

More than half a million Californian customers may face power outages
More than half a million homes and businesses in California could lose power this week as utilities including Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison cut off electricity as a preventive measure against wildfires. Over 308,000 customers in seven counties, including Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Ventura in southern California, are under the Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) consideration, Southern California Edison said.

Algeria shuts down Protestant churches, police arrest worshipers
The closure of three Protestant churches in the Muslim-majority North African country of Algeria coincided with arrests of Protestant worshipers in mid-October. These church closures are completely baseless and clear indicators of persecution and harassment of Algeria’s Christians, who represent a significant religious minority.

The Harrowing Facts Of Chicago Homicide
Most of the violence is related to gang activity. But Chicago is unique among similarly afflicted cities in that its gang violence problem is not just the result of poverty or cultural issues. One of the worst aspects of these homicides is that very few cases are solved, meaning most of the criminals responsible do not face justice.

Trump Cancels All Admins’ NYT, WaPo Subs: “Will Save 100s Of 1000s Of Taxpayer Dollars”
In what we are sure will be “hair-on-fire” screamed about as ‘tyrannical-book-burning’, President Trump has reportedly planning to instruct federal agencies to not renew their subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post. Not renewing subscriptions across all federal agencies will be a significant cost saving – hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be saved.”

Pacific measles outbreak: NZ Govt under pressure to step up
New Zealand’s government is under pressure to limit harm from the highly-contagious measles virus, which is spreading into Pacific Island countries.

US Air Force gets drone-killing laser
The US Air Force has taken delivery of its first high-energy laser for shooting down Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Built by Raytheon, it will be used in overseas deployments as part of a year-long experiment to test the laser weapon and to train operators in real-world scenarios. Laser weapons are starting to move out of the realm of science fiction and into the real world, and it seems that the US Air Force is looking at the small end to deal with UAVs. It may appear odd to use a high-tech energy beam to take out a quadcopter, but in many ways, it’s a neat match of threat and capabilities.

Amnesty says Turkey deporting Syrians to planned “safe zone” region
Turkey is forcibly sending Syrian refugees to an area of Syria near the border where it aims to set up a “safe zone” even though the conflict there has not ended… Turkey currently hosts some 3.6 million refugees who fled Syria’s eight-year-long civil war. But, with Turkish public sentiment towards them souring over time, Ankara hopes to resettle up to two million in the planned safe zone in northeast Syria.

Russian military police reinforcements arrive in Syria
Around 300 more Russian military police have arrived in Syria…under an accord between Ankara and Moscow which halted Turkey’s military incursion into northeast Syria. The deal, reached on Tuesday by Presidents Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin, requires that Russian military police and Syrian border guards remove all Kurdish YPG militia from within 30 km (19 miles) of the Turkish border by next Tuesday.

Turkey Syria offensive: Kurds accuse Turkish army of violating ceasefire
Kurdish-led forces in north-east Syria have accused Turkish troops and allied Syrian rebels of violating a ceasefire deal that ended a two-week offensive. The head of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance, Mazloum Abdi, said there had been attacks on the frontline near the town of Ras al-Ain. He urged the truce’s guarantors – the US and Russia – to “rein in the Turks”.

Russia Will Test Its Ability to Disconnect from the Internet
Russia will test its internal RuNet network to see whether the country can function without the global internet, the Russian government announced Monday. The tests will begin after Nov. 1, recur at least annually, and possibly more frequently. It’s the latest move in a series of technical and policy steps intended to allow the Russian government to cut its citizens off from the rest of the world.

Poll: Majority of Americans Want First Amendment Rewritten
A majority of Americans believe the First Amendment should be rewritten and are willing to crack down on free speech, as well as the press, according to a new poll. More than 60 percent of Americans agree on restricting speech in some way, while a slim majority, 51 percent, want to see the First Amendment rewritten to “reflect the cultural norms of today.”

Iraqi police open fire to disperse protesters on Baghdad streets
Iraqi police fired live ammunition and volleys of tear gas canisters to disperse thousands of protesters in Baghdad on Friday as anti-government demonstrations resumed after a three-week hiatus. At least two people were killed and about 100 wounded. Security forces were deployed on the streets of Iraq’s capital city on Thursday night in anticipation.

Israel, Jordan mark 25 years of imperfect peace
The Naharayim park was established 25 years ago as a symbol of the landmark peace agreement between Israel and Jordan. Now…the park and its “Island of Peace” are being shuttered. It is a fitting reflection of the Israeli-Jordanian relationship — one that began with great promise, but which has been plagued by mistrust, disappointment and missed opportunities.

‘I think we’re very close’: Freed pastor Andrew Brunson urges young American Christians to prepare for persecution
The American pastor whose two-year imprisonment plunged Turkey into a diplomatic feud with the United States urged young Christians in his home country to prepare for the persecution he sees gathering for them on the horizon.

DOJ reportedly opens criminal inquiry into DOJ Russia-collusion investigation of Trump
The New York Times reports that the administrative review of the Department of Justice investigation of the Trump campaign has shifted from an administrative review to a criminal investigation.

“Absolutely Horrendous”: All 39 Dead Found By UK Police In Back Of Truck Were Chinese Nationals
More than 24 hours have passed since Essex police were called to investigate a container truck with 39 dead bodies inside, including one victim believed to be a teenager. And while police have been tight-lipped, some new information trickled out on Thursday.

Kincade Fire explodes to 4 047 ha (10 000 acres), mandatory evacuations ordered, California
A fast-moving wildfire has exploded in rural Sonoma County late Wednesday (LT), October 23, 2019. The so-called Kincade Fire further intensified by 113 km/h (70 mph) winds, consuming around 4 047 hectares (10 000 acres) by October 24 and forcing hundreds of residents to evacuate their homes their Geyserville in Northern California.

Heavy rains wreak havoc across capital Cairo, killing 8, Egypt
Heavy rains pounded parts of Cairo (population 9.5 million) prompting schools to cancel classes on October 23, 2019. The rains also produced floodwaters that blocked many major roads and caused massive traffic jams. Eight people have died, including four children, due to the harsh weather conditions.

Heavy rains brought by strong positive IOD impact East Africa, hundreds of thousands affected
Hundreds of thousands in East Africa are now being affected by torrential rains influenced by the very strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which was predicted to cause extreme rainfall in the region from October to December. The current positive IOD event has strengthened significantly over the past month. The latest weekly value of +2.15 °C is the strongest positive weekly value since at least 2001 (when the BOM’s weekly dataset commenced), and possibly since 1997, when strong monthly values were recorded.

Forbes Magazine Publishes Open Letter To Facebook’s Zuckerberg: Call Your New Cryptocurrency ‘The Mark’ Instead Of Roman Empire Libra
Forbes Magazine is a serious periodical for serious investors, they are not known for their humor. So it is with great interest that we see that Steve Forbes, CEO of the Forbes empire, has written an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg regarding his fledgling Libra cryptocurrency he is currently trying to get congressional approval for. Forbes had a novel suggestion for the social media magnate, he told him to call it “the Mark” instead of Libra. Wow.

Planned Parenthood admits guilt in illegal baby body parts trafficking scheme
A preliminary hearing in the case of Planned Parenthood versus the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has already revealed that the nation’s largest abortion provider is, in fact, guilty of illegally trafficking aborted baby body parts, just as CMP proved with the undercover video footage it released to the world.

Soros Group Eclipses $70 Million Spent on Lobbying Since Trump Took Office – Washington Free Beacon
The Open Society Policy Center (OSPC), an advocacy group funded by billionaire George Soros, has now pushed more than $70 million into lobbying efforts since Donald Trump took office.

Former Department Of Justice Information Technology Specialist Sentenced To Federal Prison For Posse
..In November 2018, law enforcement officers received information that Darenberg, then employed as an information technology specialist with the Middle District of Florida’s United States Attorney’s Office, was in possession of child pornography..A forensic review of Darenberg’s personal computer confirmed his attempts to encrypt and conceal files containing approximately 1,630 images of child pornography, including approximately 270 videos.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Anti-Zionism’s shift from extremist fringe to mainstream discourse
Following the shock of the Holocaust, openly antisemitic expression was silenced, or at least muted, for a few decades. Today, in most Western societies…antisemitism is the hatred that dare not speaks its name. Among the most lethal new, covert forms of…“alibi antisemitism” is anti-Zionism, in which the perpetrators disguise their true feelings behind the fig leaf of a respectable, even humanitarian ideology.

Japan floods: Death toll reaches 10 after heavy rain and landslides
Heavy rain in eastern and northeastern Japan has led to the deaths of 10 people. Chiba and ********* prefectures have been affected by torrential rain and landslides, with a months worth of rain falling in half a day in some areas.

Brexit: EU agrees to Brexit delay, but no date yet
EU ambassadors have agreed to delay Brexit, but will not make a decision on a new deadline date until next week. The European Commission said work on this would “continue in the coming days”. The talks came after Chancellor Sajid Javid admitted the government’s deadline to deliver Brexit next Thursday “can’t be met”.

Iraq protests: 40 dead as mass unrest descends into violence
At least 40 people have died in Iraq during a fresh wave of anti-government protests that descended into violence. Two of the dead were reportedly hit by tear gas canisters fired by security forces in the capital Baghdad. Reports say half of the victims were killed while trying to storm the offices of militia groups and the government.

California wildfires: Millions warned of possible power cut
Millions of Californians face having their power cut as firefighters continue to battle a surge in wildfires in the state. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) said it may have to turn off power in 36 counties amid forecasts of a “historic wind event”, which it said could damage facilities and cause new fires. The warning came as wildfires forced some 50,000 people from their homes.

‘All of them’: Lebanon protesters dig in after Nasrallah’s speech
Demonstrators in the Lebanese capital say their demands are “clear” and they will keep protesting until the government falls, disregarding a speech by Hezbollah’s leader who warned that the protest movement risked pushing Lebanon into “chaos” and “God forbid” civil war…Hassan Nasrallah said a government resignation would create a power vacuum which could lead the country into civil unrest “similar to what’s happening in the region”.

Secret synagogue in Dubai prays for Persian Gulf revival
In an unmarked villa, nestled amid homes in an upscale Dubai neighborhood, a congregation prays in the first fully functioning synagogue in the Arabian Peninsula in decades. Though its members keep its precise location secret, the synagogue’s existence and the tacit approval it has received from this Islamic sheikhdom represent a slow rebirth of a burgeoning Jewish community in the Persian Gulf…

Bern One Down: Sanders introduces plan to legalize marijuana nationwide during first 100 days in office
Bernie Sanders says legalize it, don’t criticize it. The independent senator and 2020 presidential primary contender announced on Thursday his plan to legalize marijuana by executive order within the first 100 days of his administration should he win the White House.

Haunted House McKamey Manor employee details what’s really inside
A haunted tour experience that spans two states and lasts up to 10 hours requires its participants to clear a background check, pass a doctor’s physical and mental exams, and sign a 40-page waiver.

China’s ‘Pig Ebola’ Epidemic Leads to Increased Demand for Dog Meat
China’s devastating outbreak of African swine fever, nicknamed “Pig Ebola” by outside observers, has compelled the destruction of millions of pigs and created a shortage of pork severe enough to put dog and rabbit meat back on the menu in rural areas.

Brazil deploys 5,000 troops as fury mounts at inaction over worst oil spill in country’s history
Brazil has deployed 5,000 troops to its beaches amid mounting fury at the government’s inaction over the worst oil spill in the country’s history.

False Teacher Joel Osteen Invites Kanye West To Attend Sunday Service at Lakewood Church in Houston Same Day His ‘Jesus Is King’ Album Drops
President Trump has ratcheted up his claim that the Obama White House spied on his 2016 campaign, charging in a new book that it was a “treasonous” act by the former Democratic president.

ICT: 2019 Dallas tornadoes the costliest tornado event in Texas history, USA
A tornado outbreak that hit Dallas on October 20, 2019, is now the costliest tornado event in the history of Texas and the 11th weather disaster in the USA in 2019 whose damage topped 1 billion dollars.

Severe storms hit parts of southern Europe, fatalities reported in France, Spain and Italy
Severe storms swept through parts of southern Europe, including France, Italy, and Spain over the past few days, bringing very heavy to record rain. After two days of heavy rainfall, travel warnings have been issued in Spain and France while Italy remained under alert. Several flood-related casualties have also been reported.

George Soros Is Thrilled By The Civil War In Washington, Confidentially Predicts That 2020 Will Bring A Return To Globalism With Elizabeth Warren As The Democratic Nominee
When you read this article today championing end times evildoer George Soros, just remember a few things about its source, the recently-deceased ‘Gray Lady’ of the fake news New York Times. George Soros has recently invested millionsinto the NYT, and right after he did that, the news rag began publishing some very complimentary stories about him. In fact, one might call it a veritable whitewashing of this very dirty individual.

Palestinian Advocacy Group Touring US Has Ties To Terrorist Organization
Palestinian advocacy group wrapping up a 10-day speaking tour across the U.S. has ties to a Palestinian terrorist organization, according to research by the Israeli government and NGO Monitor.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

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Don’t be surprised, Donald Trump will recognize a sovereign Kurdish state
I believe that the president has a plan to recognize Kurdish sovereignty and statehood. Many have called him “Cyrus,” after the Mede, Cyrus the Great. The Kurdish people are descendants of the ancient Medes. The wise men who brought gifts to honor the birth of Jesus were also Medes. I believe the president has a gift for them. President Trump loves to say “Merry Christmas,” so don’t be surprised if he announces a Christmas gift for the Kurds.

Kadavu Earthquake: Disaster Assessment Team Ready For Kadavu
Parts of Kadavu were visibly affected by lanslides. Nabukelevu is a potentially active volcan, as it last erupted in about 1660.

Turkey rejects German security zone plan as ‘unrealistic’
German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s recently proposed an internationally controlled security zone in north Syria under the United Nations umbrella to protect fleeing civilians and de-escalate the situation with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) fighters in the war-torn country. “We find this proposal not very realistic,” Cavusoglu said.

China passes cryptography law as gears up for digital currency
China’s largely rubber stamp parliament has passed a new law on cryptography as the country gears up to launch its own digital currency, state media reported late on Saturday. China’s central bank set up a research team in 2014 to explore launching its own digital currency to cut the costs of circulating traditional paper money and boost policymakers’ control of money supply.

Russia decries US decision to secure oil fields in eastern Syria
Russia’s Defence Ministry has criticised the United States’ decision to send armoured vehicles and combat troops into eastern Syria to protect oil fields, calling it “banditry”. US defence chief Mark Esper has said the move is aimed at keeping the fields from potentially falling into the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) armed group.

Syria army reaches border area, deploys around Turkish zone
Syrian troops reached a key area near Turkey’s border on Saturday after sending further reinforcements to the region, in what a war monitor said was its largest deployment there in years. Syrian regime forces entered the provincial borders of the town of Ras Al-Ain, state news agency SANA said.

Medicane “Scott” makes landfall over Egypt, heavy rain spreading through the region
Medicane “Scott” made landfall southeast of Port Said, northeastern Egypt early October 26, 2019, with maximum sustained winds of 72 km/h (45 mph) and gusts to 80 km/h (50 mph). The storm had minimum central pressure of 1 006 hPa and was moving SE at 10 km/h (6 mph) prior to landfall.

United States: A raid targeting ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and killing him

UN Flies EU-funded Planeloads of Somalis, Syrians to Germany, Romania
The UN Migration Agency/International Organization for Migration (IOM) has hailed the arrival of its “first” planeload of 154 Somali migrants to Germany, along with dozens of Syrians transported to Romania using European Union funds.

Party of Progress Lets Its Mask Slip
Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along a “first gentleman” instead of a first lady.

“I’m Very Proud Of The Enemies I Have”: Soros Predicts Victory For Globalists In 2020
Progressive billionaire George Soros believes that the global surge in nationalism – from Brexit to Trump – is an aberration, and that globalism will make a resurgence after the 2020 US election.

Hillsong Pastor Nathan Finochio Says Christians Parents Should Let Kids Celebrate Halloween Because It’s Not Fair That The ‘World Has More Fun’
Hillsong Church pastor Nathan Finochio has a message for Christian parents across America – let your kids celebrate the Devil’s holiday of Halloween because if you don’t you will teach them that the world has more fun than they do. I kid you not, but buckle up snowflakes, because it gets a lot worse than that.

NCAA Big Sky Conference Names Biological Male Transgender Runner Jonathan ‘June’ Eastwood ‘Female Athlete Of The Week’ At University Of Montana
Perhaps the biggest scam in the modern-day history or organized sports, on any level, is this patently absurd notion that you can ‘identify’ as another gender, and then be treated as if you really were what you identified as. We are seeing scores of mediocre male athletes who ‘switch genders‘ to compete with women as a woman. And woe be to the person who dares to say that it’s not a woman, you will find yourself in the hate speech prison faster than you can blink. So where does all this insanity lead us? To the last days.

Breaking News…About Obama Seeking Asylum
…Obama Seeking Asylum in Canada if an indictment is delivered. A phony source was revealed but a credible source confirmed the claim. This goes to show you that the Deep State hides the obvious in plain site so it is criticized and not taken seriously.

Not Just San Francisco! Miami, FL Overtaken by Feces in the Streets Caused by Mass Homelessness
The homeless population of Miami, Florida, which is located in a “red state,” has grown to such a degree that the city now rivals San Francisco for having the most piles of human feces smeared across its sidewalks.

GoFundMe EXPOSED for taking money from Big Pharma to de-platform vaccine skeptics
It was recently announced that the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe has begun purging all users from its site who attempt to raise money for causes that in any way call into question the safety and efficacy of vaccines. And as to be expected, this censorship push is being driven by Big Pharma, which has effectively slithered its tentacles into GoFundMe’s leadership structure.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Soros Backed Lobby Group to Pin Democratic Candidates Against Israel
Kicking off its annual 2019 national conference on Sunday, the anti-Israel lobbyist group, J-Street unveiled a new campaign to pressure 2020 Democratic candidates to oppose Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria reports TOI. The objective is to compel the party to include an addendum in its official platform opposing the “occupation”. J-Street was funded by billionaire tycoon George Soros’ Open Society.

Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination
This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes… Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines— They will permanently alter your DNA.

California Declares State of Emergency Over Wildfires, Hundreds of Thousands Forced to Evacuate
California’s governor declared a statewide emergency with nearly 200,000 people ordered to flee their homes because of wildfires fueled by historic winds, while millions were without electricity after the largest utility cut power in some areas as a precaution to prevent other fires. The biggest evacuation was in Sonoma County where 180,000 people were told to pack up and leave.

Trump Says He Didn’t Inform Congressional Leaders, Including Pelosi, of ISIS Raid
‘Washington is a leaking machine’. congressional leaders weren’t informed of the raid on ISIS terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ahead of time, said President Donald Trump, saying that he believes someone would have leaked information about it. Trump confirmed the death of Baghdadi in a press conference on Oct. 27. “I wanted to make sure this was kept secret. I don’t want to have lost men and women. I don’t want to have people lost,” he said, adding that a “leak could have caused the death of all of them.”

Germany’s far-right AfD surges in eastern heartland vote
Germany’s far-right AfD scored strong gains Sunday in the ex-communist eastern state of Thuringia, home to one of its most radical figures, beating mainstream parties such as Angela Merkel’s center-right CDU, exit polls showed.

Global Authorities Brace For Worldwide Protein Shortage After “Quarter Of Earth’s Pigs Wiped Out”
African Swine Fever is killing millions upon millions of pigs all over the world, and this threatens to create a crippling global shortage of protein as we head into 2020. This epidemic began in China last year, and it is now also running wild in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines. But this crisis is certainly not limited to Asia. According to the Washington Post, so far in 2019 there have also been outbreaks “in Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine.” African Swine Fever is extremely contagious, there is no vaccine, and there is no cure.

Biblical Hebrew Is The Mother Of All Languages: Before And After The Tower of Babel
The Bible teaches that all humans originally spoke the same language. Modern linguists have speculated that a single language that is the predecessor of all other human languages. Dr. Isaac E. Mozeson’s life’s work has been to document that this original language, the one first spoken in the Garden of Eden, is the source for all the world’s languages. He named this proto-human language Edenics for its connection to the Garden of Eden. Not surprisingly, Edenics is very similar to Biblical Hebrew.

Egypt and Ethiopia Might Go to War over Nile River
Ethiopia is planning to build a massive dam to supply their population with hydro-electric energy. The only problem is that the dam will block a key water source to the Nile River. And the Nile is Egypt’s main source of fresh water. This has caused pro-government journalists to call for war against Ethiopia similar to that of the 1973 Yom Kippur War against Israel – a war that Egypt lost.

Trump’s SyrIa withdrawal is actually a stroke of genius
In reality, Pres. Trump’s Syria withdrawal, and its likely concomitant redeployment to western Iraq, is a genius-level strategic move that will, in the short to medium term, stabilize Syria, and present Iran with great difficulties. Despite the noise, we can expect great results form President Trump’s brilliant unilateral gambit to extract America from a war it has no business being in from the start.

President Trump Watched While ISIS Supreme Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Died Like A ‘Whimpering Dog’ During US Special Ops Raid At Secret Hideout
That ripping sound you heard earlier today was the sound of Democrats in Washington pulling their own hair out of their own heads as Donald Trump kept yet another campaign promise in spectacular fashion. President Trump watched while US Special Ops forces raided the secret lair of ISIS supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi early Sunday morning. Faced with no way out, al-Baghdadi detonated his own suicide vest rather than face justice in the United States.

Study Finds Antisemitic Beliefs Rising Among German ‘Elites’
A new study has found that more than one-in-four Germans have anti-semitic beliefs, claiming that antisemitism is on the rise amongst the nation’s ‘elites

VOICE OF THE MARTYRS (VOM) — Exposing Voice Of The Martyrs
…The leadership of Voice of the Martyrs USA lacks legitimacy. Richard Wurmbrand retired in 1992 and died in 2001. His successor, Tom White, was a pedophile who committed suicide in 2012 at the Voice of the Martyrs compound when the police was about to arrest him for having sexually abused a 10-year old girl.

US still pressing Turkey to nix Russian missile purchase, official says
“There’s still work to get the Turks to walk away from the S-400s: be it turn it off, send it back, destroy it, what have you. That is still an ongoing issue. We’re talking about remediating, readdressing, reconciling. That’s not off the table,” top State Department official says.

US: Talks progressing with Saudis on possible nuclear program
The world’s top oil exporter says it wants to use nuclear power to diversify its energy mix, but in order for US companies to compete for Saudi Arabia’s project, Riyadh would normally need to sign an accord on the peaceful use of nuclear technology with Washington. “The kingdom and the leadership in the kingdom will find a way to sign a 1,2,3 agreement with the United States, I think,” says US Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

The EU Is Rewriting WWII History to Demonize Russia
Rather than preventing future crimes, the EU has committed one itself by deceptively modifying the historical record of communism to be parallel with that of the Third Reich…

Innovation BIS 2025: A Stepping Stone Towards An Economic “New World Order”
The longer the BIS remains in the shadows, the more likely their initiative is to succeed…

About 41% of the global population are under 24. And they’re angry…
A spate of large-scale street protests around the world, from Chile and Hong Kong to Lebanon and Barcelona, is fuelling a search for common denominators and collective causes. Are we entering a new age of global revolution?

The Loan Market Is Starting To Freeze Up Again: “There Is Growing Risk Of Credit Accidents”
“beneath the veneer of relative spread resilience and muted realized defaults, the weak links in the leveraged credit markets are coming under pressure.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Deep-State Opens New Front Against Netanyahu: Confiscates his Staffer’s Cell Phones
A complaint was filed against Prime Minister Netanyahu’s advisers after several people protested outside the home of a state witness named Shlomo Filber, who is due to testify against the Prime Minister. In response, the state prosecutor, who is going after Netanyahu for a slew of what many are calling trumped up charges, has ordered the cell phones of his advisers to be confiscated… He added that the police are “threatening my immediate environment, and thereby stopping me from reacting to the onslaught of criminal leaks against me that has been going on incessantly. Why isn’t this being investigated?”

Deadly M6.6 Earthquake Hits 14km E of Bual, Philippines
A powerful earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.6 hit near Bual, Philippines at 01:04 UTC on Oct 29. The agency is reporting a depth of 15.3 km (9.5 miles). And at two people are known to have died.

Cyclone Kyarr, the Strongest Storm on Earth, Is Breaking All Sorts of Records
Cyclone Kyarr formed on Thursday and quickly spun up in the Indian Ocean into the most powerful storm on the planet. While the storm won’t have a huge impact on land, it’s already making its present felt in the record books in what’s been a weird and bad year in general for tropical cyclones, a classification that includes tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons as well. It’s currently packing winds of around 150 mph, …

“Diablo Winds” Are Ferociously Whipping “Out Of Control” Wildfires Across Vast Stretches Of Northern California
Why does this keep happening to California year after year? It was being reported that on Sunday morning there were sustained winds exceeding 90 mph in northern California with “gusts that topped 100 mph”. It was the strongest wind event in several years, and it came at an extremely unfortunate time.

Netanyahu, His Books, and the Biblical Commandment for Kings of Israel
One set of books was a selection of teachings from Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitch Chabad leader who died in 1994. Netanyahu had a personal connection with the rabbi who was the spiritual leader to millions of Orthodox Jews.

Saudi Arabia, U.S. to cooperate on security of global energy supply
Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry met in Riyadh on Monday and will work together to ensure the security of global energy supply, Saudi state news agency SPA reported.

Hamas one of largest obstacles to Palestinian peace, U.S. tells UNSC
The US Ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft, chastised the UN for its biased approach to Israel, noting, that it’s stance was “unfairly negative and one-sided.”

A result of Trump’s pullout: Turkey unmasked
Strategic practical businessman Donald Trump cuts through all the fog of US military-to-Turkish military alliance inertia, and gives Turkey’s Caliph Erdogan all the rope he needs to hang himself, and expose Turkey for what Turkey has become: That is the principal and closest enemy of NATO.

Netanyahu says Iran seeking means to attack Israel from Yemen
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran on Monday of seeking the means to launch precision-guided missiles at Israel from Yemen, a signal that the war-torn Gulf Arab country could come under pre-emptive Israeli attack.

Hubble Spots a Ghoulish ‘Face’ in the Depths of Space
A ghostly countenance is glaring back at us through 704 million light-years of interstellar space, in what’s actually a galactic collision of epic proportions. With galaxies for eyes and rings of gas and dust for its face, the Arp-Madore system presents a truly haunting visage. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope captured this striking image back in June,…

America Has Officially Gone Insane
The sanity test was spectacularly failed recently when former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lashed out at her party member Tulsi Gabbard, inferring she was a “Russian asset”. The Hawaii congresswoman, who is vying for a run at the presidency in next year’s elections, was defended by some fellow Democratic politicians. But many Clinton aides and media pundits doubled down on Clinton’s smear campaign, reiterating that Gabbard was “working for the Kremlin”.

Israeli embassies on alert, air defenses adjusted in face of Iran threat
Israel’s Air Force has adjusted its air defenses and several Israeli embassies around the world have raised their alert level in light of increased tensions from Iran. According to reports…a series of adjustments were made to IAF air defense systems in light of the fear that Iran might try to carry out an attack using cruise missiles or suicide drones similar to the October attack against Saudi Arabia.

Netanyahu: Iran turning Yemen into launching pad for missiles attacks on Israel
Iran is deploying precision weapons to Yemen “in order to strike Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday. Netanyahu, speaking alongside visiting US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, said that Iran is seeking to develop precision guided missiles that can strike within 5-10 meters of any target in the Middle East.

Saudi woos back heavyweights despite Khashoggi murder
Saudi Arabia has attracted high-profile business and political figures to its “Davos in the Desert” event, including some who stayed away last year over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The event, under way in Riyadh, features US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who pulled out last time. Others who have changed their minds since then include the bosses of Credit Suisse, Blackstone and BlackRock.

Pope declares Vatican’s Secret Archive not so secret anymore
Pope Francis has declared that the Vatican Secret Archive isn’t so secret after all. Francis on Monday officially changed the name of the Holy See archive to remove what he said were the “negative” connotations of having “secret” in its name. From now on, the vast trove of documents, manuscripts and papyrus of popes past will be officially known as the “Vatican Apostolic Archive.”

1 In 3 Millennials See Communism As Favorable, Survey Finds
A growing number of Millennials show support for communism and socialism, a survey from the Victims of Communism found. The survey…found that 70% of Millennials are likely to vote socialist and that one in three Millennials perceive communism as “favorable.” The survey…polled 2,100 people in the United States who were 16 and older with a margin of error of +/- 2.4%.

New Swedish FM : BDS is not Antisemitic
Newly appointed Swedish foreign minister Ann Linde told the Swedish parliament she does not consider the Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) movement Antisemitic. Linde said she does not support boycotts but considers the BDS a legitimate, political, non-violent tool, in the struggle for human rights, freedom of expression and an end to occupation.

Iraq declares curfew amid ongoing mass anti-government protests
Authorities in Iraq have declared a curfew in the capital, Baghdad, where mass anti-government demonstrations continue for a fourth day. The renewed protests came weeks after an earlier wave of rallies broke out as a result of widespread anger at high-level corruption, mass unemployment and poor public services.

Google Has Scrubbed Their Search Engine Of All Opposing Views On Chemtrails, Showing Only Results That Promote Official Gov’t Narrative
I live here in America’s oldest city of Saint Augustine, in the perpetually-sunny state of Florida. Multiple times per week, for the past 9 years, I have watched with amused fascination as airplanes fly in a weaving pattern, criss-crossing each other while their planes emit a dense, white trail. This trail, from here on referred to as a chemtrail, is not the same as the normal contrail that is produced when planes fly. A ‘condensed vapor trail’, or contrail, is thinner and dissipates within seconds after the plane has passed.

Mexico is about to legalize marijuana, with huge implications for the USA
Marijuana use – in all its forms – was banned in the United States and many other countries for decades. Governments resolutely refused to recognize its myriad health benefits, and for many years anyone pushing for the legalization of marijuana was viewed as promoting drug abuse.

Hurricane “Pablo” – the farthest east an Atlantic named storm has first become a hurricane
urricane “Pablo” became the sixth Atlantic hurricane on Sunday morning, October 27, 2019. It strengthened into a hurricane at 15:00 UTC at 42.8°​ north latitude, making it the strongest one to form this far north in the Atlantic and this late in the calendar since 1894. Pablo broke the record previously held by a storm that first reached farther north in 1971. Meteorologist Philip Klotzbach also confirmed that since Pablo formed at 18.3° west – it broke another record of the farthest east hurricane set by Vince in 2005, which was 18.9°​ west.

7 dead, 11 injured as floods sweep through Saudi Arabia
Seven people have been killed while 11 others were injured after heavy rainfall triggered flooding in the northeastern part of Saudi Arabia on October 27, 2019. The rains have been occurring since October 25.

Ex-Bill Clinton Advisor: Hillary Thinks ‘God Put Her on Earth’ to Be President
Former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris says he believes Hillary Clinton is preparing to run for president again in 2020, saying the twice-failed presidential candidate thinks “God put her on the Earth” to be POTUS.

“Diablo Winds” Are Ferociously Whipping “Out Of Control” Wildfires Across Vast Stretches Of Northern California
Why does this keep happening to California year after year? As you read this article, enormous wildfires are ravaging large portions of northern California, and Governor Gavin Newsom has already declared a statewide emergency. An extreme wind event that began on Saturday evening is pushing the fires along at a staggering rate, and when the winds are howling this ferociously it is exceedingly difficult for firefighters to keep the fires from spreading.

876 abortion clinics lost taxpayer funding – thank you, President Trump
The Title X Family Planning Program, aka Public Law 91-572 or “Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs”, was enacted under President Richard Nixon in 1970 as part of the Public Health Service Act.

NYC Exports Homeless Without Telling Receiving Cities
New York City is spreading its homeless crisis across the nation by quietly sending homeless people to other cities in the U.S., all without giving the receiving cities a heads up.

Dearborn Public Schools Spark Protest by Adopting All Halal Meat Policy
The Dearborn Public Schools website states it matter-of-factly: “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified Halal.” Now one courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this and to provide options for students who object to halal food.

Biosludge spread on food crops will soon contain dead human tissue as Washington legalizes “human composting”
The state of Washington is the first in the union to start “composting” dead human bodies as crop “fertilizer,” bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green.

CPS Worker Defies Gag Order, Exposes Violent Child Sex Ring in State Foster System
A woman who previously worked for the Arizona DCS has broken her gag order and is speaking out about a horrifying child sex trafficking ring in which children are raped and tortured.


Re: Rapture Ready News - October 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

After PM Hariri Resigned, Hezbollah Now the “Strongest Party in Lebanon”
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his resignation on Tuesday afternoon and that he is submitting his resignation to the president of Lebanon, Michel Aoun on the backdrop of anti-government protests across the country. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech on Friday that “Hezbollah is the strongest party in Lebanon”, With Hariri out of the way, Hezbollah wasted no time sending their agents to attack the peaceful protesters.

Palestinians Turn to Sanhedrin Organization of 70 Nations, Accept Role in Third Temple
The Sanhedrin sent out invitations to many nations in many languages. This included invitations in Arabic and Persian to nations that have openly declared aggression towards Israel since the Sanhedrin was acting as the emissary of the Bible and not in any political interest or as the representative of the State of Israel. The Sanhedrin has received responses from several nations since the conference from the most unexpected sources; a Pashtun political figure from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Cameroon, and others.

South Carolina priest denies Joe Biden communion over Democratic frontrunner’s stance on abortion
Joe Biden was denied the Catholic sacrament of communion at a South Carolina church, because the priest took issue with his support for abortion, the cleric has confirmed to local media. “Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching,”

South America’s Autumn of Anger
Across South America, October has been a month of public fury at elected leaders, in expressions ranging from social media ridicule to lethal clashes in the streets between masked youths and law enforcement. Some have likened the protesters, especially those in Chile, to the “Yellow Vest” movement in France. States of emergency and curfews were declared in Ecuador earlier in the month, and this week in Chile and Bolivia.

Our media ignore, but Mullahs don’t: US assembling a devastating strike force in the Middle East
The American media are paying no attention to it, but you can be sure that the mullahs in Tehran have noticed: The United States is openly deploying the weapons necessary to launch a devastating attack on Iran, should the need arise. B-1B bombers have arrived in the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with stealth fighters, missile batteries and specialist troops. Exactly why they’re there depends on who you listen to.

Has California Lost ‘The Mandate Of Heaven’?
In Chinese history, natural disasters were viewed as portents that the The Mandate of Heaven (tianming or “Heaven’s will”) had been withdrawn from the ruling dynasty. Broadening this concept a bit to regional dominance and power, we might ask: has California lost the Mandate of Heaven?

26 Million Californians Under Red Flag Warning As “Remarkable And Dangerous” Santa Ana Approaches
Over 26 million Californians are under red flag warnings as residents of heavily populated Southern California brace for a record-strong Santa Ana wind event slated to begin Tuesday night and last through at least Thursday morning. The notice comes as fire crews battle at least 11 blazes throughout the state.

Trump: ISIS replacement leader also killed
“Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops. Most likely would have taken the top spot – Now he is also Dead!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.

Haley: Sanders wants to give Israel’s money to terrorists
“Just when you thought Bernie Sanders couldn’t get any more radical, he outdid himself. He wants to take money we give to Israel to defend itself from terrorists, and give it to Gaza, which is run by terrorists?? Unreal. Why isn’t every other Dem pres candidate saying he’s wrong?” tweeted Haley.

U.S. House recognizes Armenian genocide, backs Turkey sanctions
The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to recognize the mass killings of Armenians a century ago as a genocide, a symbolic but historic vote instantly denounced by Turkey. The Democratic-controlled House voted 405-11 in favor of a resolution asserting that it is U.S. policy to commemorate as genocide the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923. The Ottoman Empire was centered in present-day Turkey.

Turkey slams U.S. move to back measure recognising Armenian “genocide”
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu slammed a move by the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday to vote in favour of a resolution recognising the mass killings of Armenians a century ago as a “genocide”, saying the decision was “null and void”.

Knife-Wielding Muslim Enters Vatican, Mainstream Media Silent
A young man wielding a knife threatened worshippers in the Vatican on Saturday, waving the blade and wandering for several minutes before security personnel brought the situation under control. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of the story is the near-complete media silence over an attempted terrorist attack in the heart of the Catholic Church.

Latest: PG&E may not turn on power for some between wind events
PG&E is watching the forecast a widespread dry, offshore wind event beginning Tuesday through midday Wednesday, and will begin shutting off power to approximately 596,000 customers to mitigate wildfire risk in for Northern and Southern Sierra, North Bay, Bay Area, Santa Cruz mountains, North Coast and Kern County.

Israeli Scientists May Have Found A Cure for MS, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s And Colitis in One Single Drug
Each of these diseases affects millions of people worldwide…

Turkey ‘Double Whammy’: US House Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Approves Sanctions Over Syria Incursion
Two same-day “gifts” to Erdogan, and on the 96th anniversary of the founding of Turkey as a republic no less.

Japanese PM tells the United Nations to shove it, will not take in any Muslim ‘refugees’
Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Surge of Arctic air brings record cold temperatures and widespread snow, USA
A deep upper-level low over central Canada is bringing the coldest air mass thus far this season down from western Canada into the northern Rockies and into the northern Plains, U.S.

Strong and shallow M6.8 earthquake hits Mindanao, Philippines
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the PHIVOLCS as M6.6 hit Mindanao, Philippines at 01:04 UTC (09:04 PHT) on October 29, 2019. The agency is reporting a depth of 7 km (4.3 miles).USGS is reporting M6.6 at a depth of 15.3 km (9.5 miles); EMSC M6.6 at a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles).

Texas School District Mandates Teaching Kids How to Have Anal Sex
The sex and gender revolutionaries have officially taken over the Austin Independent School District without firing a single shot.

FOMC Preview: If The Fed Doesn’t Cut, Brace For Impact; If The Fed Cuts… Then What?
“Over the past 30 years the Fed has never cut more than 75bp at a stretch without the US economy going into a recession.”

President Trump Shocks World with Major Breakthrough on Turkey-Syria Situation
President Trump has shocked them all by achieving this “permanant” ceasefire which both secures the Kurds and without the loss of any US soldier’s life.

Leaving Illinois: “Does Anybody Care About People Like Us?”
“We’re talking about the bag tax, a progressive tax, a rain tax, a mileage tax, a TV tax, a beer and tobacco tax, a farm tax, a parking tax, a car trade-in tax…”
