Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

“Fake News’: Half of all Americans believe the media make up anti-Trump stories
Nearly half of all Americans believe media outlets fabricate negative stories about President Trump, according to a new survey. Forty-four percent of respondents in the 2017 Poynter Media Trust Survey say the media invent “fake news” to make the president look bad.

France’s secret tax authority for Jews only
…“The procedure is new and questionable, and discriminates against French Jews,” Itay Bracha, a tax expert who represents French clients with tax authorities in Israel and France, told the Globes. “The measure is an extremely irregular and rare one in which a tax authority in a foreign country is setting up a special division to handle Jews, and recruiting an exceptionally large number of employees for it.”

Jerusalem Muslims go nuts at Israeli plan to cut the glorifying of terrorism and hatred of Jews out of its school textbooks
Parents, religious leaders, and PA officials band together protesting Israel’s proposed changes to the PA curriculum of incitement.

Russia demands that US forces leave ALL of Syria immediately – the American response ‘HELL NO’
In a statement sure to raise tensions between Russia and the USA, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on Thursday that US forces must leave all of Syria.

Jedi religion much like others, rabbi concludes
There’s a new religion arising in Western nations – Jediism – based on the “Star Wars” movies.

America: Home Of The Human Lab Rats – Why Prescription Medications Are Mostly Unsafe Chemical Experiments That Worsen Overall Health
…Currently, about 35 million people abuse opioids worldwide. Unintentional overdoses have quadrupled since 2000. Thanks to drugs like oxycodone (think of Percocet) and hydrocodone (think of Vicodin), the U.S. is the biggest consumer of deadly prescription painkillers.

New ‘SofTouch’ Abortions Kill Unborn Babies In Only Minutes
A device called SofTouch performs an abortion in minutes, virtually removing all the burdens of more conventional abortion methods.

A “Monster Of A Storm” Could Hit The East Coast Next Week
“This is likely going to be one monster of a storm later this week. Seeing ensemble members between 950-970mb with an ensemble mean of 982mb is absolutely impressive for a 5 day lead time.”

IAF pounds Hamas targets after weekend rocket fire
Israeli jets attacked a Hamas observation post Saturday evening in northern Gaza in response to rockets that were fired Friday morning at Israel during a ceremony held in memory of an IDF soldier who was killed during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. One of the rockets hit a structure in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, while the Iron Dome system intercepted two other rockets.

North Korea: South seizes second ship in oil supply row
South Korean authorities have seized a second ship suspected of supplying oil to North Korea in violation of international sanctions, officials say. The Panama-flagged tanker, which is named Koti, is being held at a port near the western city of Pyeongtaek. South Korea has already impounded a Hong Kong-registered ship it suspects of secretly transferring 600 tonnes of refined oil to a North Korean vessel.

St Petersburg supermarket bombing suspect arrested
Russian authorities have arrested a suspect they believe carried out Wednesday’s bombing of a supermarket in St Petersburg that was claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS). The Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had detained the “organiser and executor” of the blast, Russian news agencies reported. The bombing at the Perekrestok branch injured 13 people. IS has not released evidence that proves it was behind it.

Iran protests: ‘Iron fist’ threatened if unrest continues
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have warned anti-government protesters they will face the nation’s “iron fist” if political unrest continues. Three days of demonstrations over falling living standards have become the biggest show of dissent since huge pro-reform rallies in 2009. A Revolutionary Guards commander said the protests had degenerated into people chanting political slogans and burning public property.

DHS Announces Program To Illegally Scan American Faces
Both Congress and the Department of Homeland Security have never justified the biometric scanners at airports that could cost Americans $1 billion in 2018. As TSA agents continue to prove their incompetence in the “War on Terror,” the Department of Homeland Security is now allocating $1 billion in taxpayer funding to create a facial recognition program that will illegally scan Americans’ faces.

California Led U.S. with 490 UFO Sightings in 2017
UFO sightings are nothing new. The Puritans reported strange sightings and lights in the sky as early as the 1600s. With the advent of movies about outer space and unidentified flying objects came even more sightings. The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has an entire website dedicated to the “collection and dissemination of objective UFO data.”

Plan to combat worst rabies outbreak in Israeli history in limbo over funds
A 400% spike in rabies cases has been recorded in Israel over the past year… While there have been 72 cases reported in Israel of people and animals being bitten by rabies-infected dogs, jackals and other animals since the beginning of 2017, the government has yet to approve a NIS 20 million a year plan to prevent the disease from spreading further.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

A “Monster Of A Storm” Could Hit The East Coast Next Week
“The potential for a strong coastal storm system is increasing next week as multiple pieces of energy come together. However, where this system tracks remains highly uncertain and will ultimately determine sensible weather impacts along the East Coast. Subtle changes to the forecast may be the difference between a snowstorm or more Arctic cold and little or no snowfall,” said Ed Vallee, a meteorologist who specializes in Northeast weather. As the New Year’s festivities begin, the increasing threat of a major East Coast snowstorm is possible for the second half of the upcoming week. Recent Weather Channel computer models are in agreement that a surface low-pressure system will develop off the Southeast coast Wednesday, then charge up the coast towards the north-northeast over the western Atlantic Ocean Thursday.

Clay Seals From First Temple Found, Hint at Kings of Israel
A collection of dozens of sealings, mentioning the names of officials dated to the days of the Judean kingdom prior to the Babylonian destruction, was unearthed during excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David National Park in the area of the walls of Jerusalem. (VIDEO).

Likud Central Committee Votes To ‘Exercise Sovereignty’ Over Judea and Samaria
“To mark 50 years to the liberation of Judea and Samaria, including Jerusalem our eternal capital, the Likud Central Committee calls on Likud officials to act so as to enable free construction and to apply Israeli law and sovereignty in all the liberated settlements in Judea and Samaria,” read the resolution passed by the committee. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was a notable absentee from the event held at the Airport City convention center. Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein told the 1,500 delegates attending the event that United States President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital had “opened a new chapter with regard to how the international community views Israel, Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.”

Iranians take to the streets for fourth day of anti-regime protests
Anti-government protesters demonstrated in Iran on Sunday in defiance of a warning by the authorities of a tough crackdown, extending for a fourth day one of the most audacious challenges to the clerical leadership since pro-reform unrest in 2009. There were also reports of demonstrations in the cities of Sanandaj and Kermanshah in western Iran as well as Chabahar in the southeast and Ilam and Izeh in the southwest. Tens of thousands of people have protested across the country since Thursday against the Islamic Republic’s unelected clerical elite and Iranian foreign policy in the region. They have also chanted slogans in support of political prisoners.

US far-left subversion is reaching Israel
An article recently appeared on Arutz Sheva quoting Deputy Defense Minister Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan (Jewish Home) and his response to a letter written by “Israeli high school seniors” calling on their peers not to enlist in the IDF. The letter claims Israel “oppresses” Palestinian Authority Arabs, and the signatories refused “to have any part” in such “oppression.” The rhetoric, however, was not that of some sixteen to eighteen-year-olds in high school, but of the terrorist group PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and the Israeli and American Far Left. What’s that? The American Far Left?

Crack in the Iranian Wall? Leading Iranian ‘Hard-Line’ Cleric Supports Protests
A top Islamic legal authority in the Iranian city of Qom – a member of the council headed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – has announced his support for demonstrators as the protests enter their fourth day in Iran. Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori-Hamedani, age 92, is the country’s top religious authority on Islamic jurisprudence. On Saturday he was quoted by the Tasnim news agency as expressing his support for “the people,” saying it was time to support their rights.

Storm Eleanor to SMASH UK: Hurricane-force winds will sweep Britain as flood alert issued
The entire country is warned to batten down the hatches for torrential downpours and 50 to 80mph gales through tomorrow. Heavy rain threatens widespread flooding sparking warnings to expect travel mayhem through the start of 2018. It is likely forecasters will name the fifth storm of the season today (Tuesday) – Eleanor – following Dylan on New Year’s Eve.

Saudi Columnist Says Trump Right to Recognize Israel’s Claims to Jerusalem
While much of the Arab world predictably reacted with outrage to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a number of leading Arab intellectuals took a very different position. Among them was Abdulhameed Hakeem, head of the Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. While Riyadh publicly decried Trump’s announcement, the Saudi regime did not engage in long-winded rants against Israeli control over Jerusalem, prompting many to wonder where the oil-rich kingdom really stood on the issue. In an interview on the US-based al-Hurra Arabic-language TV channel, Hakeem tried to clarify why Trump’s decision actually met with muted acceptance, even some degree of appreciation, in Saudi Arabia:

Intelligence Minister: Iran directly involved in upgrading Hamas threat
Iran is currently working on upgrading Hamas’ capabilities, Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Monday. “In recent days, while we face the known threat from Gaza, there is a direct Iranian intervention. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas are involved in operative preparations to upgrade the threat to Israel from the direction of Gaza,” he stated.

Kurdish-Iranian groups support protests for democracy in Iran
Three Kurdish parties have called on their supporters to join the demonstrations in Iran. Many thousands of Kurds in Iran have been protesting over the last several days, clashing with security forces. Over the weekend video from numerous Kurdish towns and cities showed protesters in the streets and scuffles with police.

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un issues threats and olive branch
North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has said a nuclear launch button is “always on my table” and warned the US it will never be able to start a war. In a televised new year speech, he said the entire US was within range of North Korean nuclear weapons, adding: “This is reality, not a threat.” But he also offered a potential olive branch to South Korea, suggesting he was “open to dialogue”.

Germany starts enforcing hate speech law
Germany is set to start enforcing a law that demands social media sites move quickly to remove hate speech, fake news and illegal material. Sites that do not remove “obviously illegal” posts could face fines of up to 50m euro (£44.3m). The law gives the networks 24 hours to act after they have been told about law-breaking material.

Palestinians recall envoy to US
The Palestinians have announced they are recalling their envoy to the United States for “consultations”, weeks after President Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he would not accept any US peace plan in the wake of Mr Trump’s move. Protests and clashes broke out in the Gaza Strip after the announcement.

China’s moon mission to boldly go a step further
This time next year, there may be a new world leader in lunar exploration. If all goes according to plan, China will have done something no other space-faring superpower has been able to do: land on the far side of the moon…In 2018, they will launch a pair of missions known collectively as Chang’e 4. It is the fourth mission in a series named after the Chinese moon goddess.

Torrential downpour leads to floods in multiple regions
Israel saw heavy rainfall Monday morning in the northern and central regions accompanied by thunder storms, with flood warnings in the communities of the Coastal Plain. The rain will be spreading to the Negev later Monday, with flood warnings in the streams of the Judea Desert, Dead Sea and Negev.

“Fake News’: Half of all Americans believe the media make up anti-Trump stories
Nearly half of all Americans believe media outlets fabricate negative stories about President Trump, according to a new survey. Forty-four percent of respondents in the 2017 Poynter Media Trust Survey say the media invent “fake news” to make the president look bad.

France’s secret tax authority for Jews only
…“The procedure is new and questionable, and discriminates against French Jews,” Itay Bracha, a tax expert who represents French clients with tax authorities in Israel and France, told the Globes. “The measure is an extremely irregular and rare one in which a tax authority in a foreign country is setting up a special division to handle Jews, and recruiting an exceptionally large number of employees for it.”

Jerusalem Muslims go nuts at Israeli plan to cut the glorifying of terrorism and hatred of Jews out of its school textbooks
Parents, religious leaders, and PA officials band together protesting Israel’s proposed changes to the PA curriculum of incitement.

Russia demands that US forces leave ALL of Syria immediately – the American response ‘HELL NO’
In a statement sure to raise tensions between Russia and the USA, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on Thursday that US forces must leave all of Syria.

Jedi religion much like others, rabbi concludes
There’s a new religion arising in Western nations – Jediism – based on the “Star Wars” movies.

America: Home Of The Human Lab Rats – Why Prescription Medications Are Mostly Unsafe Chemical Experiments That Worsen Overall Health
…Currently, about 35 million people abuse opioids worldwide. Unintentional overdoses have quadrupled since 2000. Thanks to drugs like oxycodone (think of Percocet) and hydrocodone (think of Vicodin), the U.S. is the biggest consumer of deadly prescription painkillers.

New ‘SofTouch’ Abortions Kill Unborn Babies In Only Minutes
A device called SofTouch performs an abortion in minutes, virtually removing all the burdens of more conventional abortion methods.

A “Monster Of A Storm” Could Hit The East Coast Next Week
“This is likely going to be one monster of a storm later this week. Seeing ensemble members between 950-970mb with an ensemble mean of 982mb is absolutely impressive for a 5 day lead time.”

IAF pounds Hamas targets after weekend rocket fire
Israeli jets attacked a Hamas observation post Saturday evening in northern Gaza in response to rockets that were fired Friday morning at Israel during a ceremony held in memory of an IDF soldier who was killed during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. One of the rockets hit a structure in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, while the Iron Dome system intercepted two other rockets.

North Korea: South seizes second ship in oil supply row
South Korean authorities have seized a second ship suspected of supplying oil to North Korea in violation of international sanctions, officials say. The Panama-flagged tanker, which is named Koti, is being held at a port near the western city of Pyeongtaek. South Korea has already impounded a Hong Kong-registered ship it suspects of secretly transferring 600 tonnes of refined oil to a North Korean vessel.

St Petersburg supermarket bombing suspect arrested
Russian authorities have arrested a suspect they believe carried out Wednesday’s bombing of a supermarket in St Petersburg that was claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS). The Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had detained the “organiser and executor” of the blast, Russian news agencies reported. The bombing at the Perekrestok branch injured 13 people. IS has not released evidence that proves it was behind it.

Iran protests: ‘Iron fist’ threatened if unrest continues
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have warned anti-government protesters they will face the nation’s “iron fist” if political unrest continues. Three days of demonstrations over falling living standards have become the biggest show of dissent since huge pro-reform rallies in 2009. A Revolutionary Guards commander said the protests had degenerated into people chanting political slogans and burning public property.

DHS Announces Program To Illegally Scan American Faces
Both Congress and the Department of Homeland Security have never justified the biometric scanners at airports that could cost Americans $1 billion in 2018. As TSA agents continue to prove their incompetence in the “War on Terror,” the Department of Homeland Security is now allocating $1 billion in taxpayer funding to create a facial recognition program that will illegally scan Americans’ faces.

California Led U.S. with 490 UFO Sightings in 2017
UFO sightings are nothing new. The Puritans reported strange sightings and lights in the sky as early as the 1600s. With the advent of movies about outer space and unidentified flying objects came even more sightings. The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has an entire website dedicated to the “collection and dissemination of objective UFO data.”

Plan to combat worst rabies outbreak in Israeli history in limbo over funds
A 400% spike in rabies cases has been recorded in Israel over the past year… While there have been 72 cases reported in Israel of people and animals being bitten by rabies-infected dogs, jackals and other animals since the beginning of 2017, the government has yet to approve a NIS 20 million a year plan to prevent the disease from spreading further.

German Jewish Leader Warns That Jews May Require Police Protection As Anti-Semitism Escalates
Former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Charlotte Knobloch claims that Jews are increasingly under threat in public and may require police protection to lead a normal life without harassment and violence.

It’s so cold, a dog froze ‘solid’ and sharks died
Even though this year is on track to be one of the hottest ever recorded, this week has been frigid. An arctic blast brought record-low temperatures, freezing rain and piles of snow. The chill is uncomfortable, but also deadly.

UNESCO chief receives Israel’s withdrawal notice: ‘I regret this deeply’
Israel has formally notified the UN’s culture and education body of its withdrawal from the organization, two months after it announced it would follow the US by walking out over resolutions critical of the Jewish state.

US State Department Hints At Iran Overthrow: Are We Witnessing The Early Stages Of Regime Change?
The US State Department has issued a formal condemnation of the Iranian government following two days of economic protests centering in a handful of cities, calling the regime “a rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos” while announcing support for protesters. It fits a familiar script which seems to roll out when anyone protests for any reason in a country considered an enemy of the United States (whether over economic grievances or full on calling for government overthrow).

A Simultaneous Coup and Counter Coup Are Underway In America
Americans, as a whole, do not know and understand their history. Most importantly, Americans don’t fully understand the plot being levied against them by the Deep State and their two primary representatives, former President Obama and wannabe President, Hillary Clinton. The combination of these two subversive leaders, along with revolutionaries such as George Soros, are seeking to destroy what is left of America. Arizona quickly became a battleground for the attempted Deep State takeover shortly after Obama was elected.

There are 20,000 potential pedophiles in UK, as many as terrorist suspects, police chief warns
More than 20,000 British men are “interested” in sexually abusing children, UK’s national police chief in charge of child protection has said, having compared the data to the number of suspects posing a terrorist threat.

No More Free Money To Pakistan: President Trump Cuts Off $255 Million In Military Aid To Pakistan
The Trump administration announced on Friday it will not be sending military aid totaling $255 million to Pakistan. The monetary aid was denied to the Pakistan government in response to its ineffective action against terrorists and militants on its soil.

Trump Stands Up For Iranian People, Obama Failed To Do Same
While his predecessor was hesitant and perhaps overly cautious, President Donald Trump was quick to offer his support to Iranian protesters that are critical of the country’s leadership.

Report: Losses From Global Disasters In 2017 Exceed $300 Billion
Economic losses from natural and man-made disasters have soared by 63 percent in 2017 to an estimated $306 billion, according to a report from reinsurance firm Swiss Re.

What’s killing the world’s bees? New study claims a surprising culprit
Scientists have found what they believe to be the strongest factor leading to the worryingly steep decline of bumblebees… fungicides.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

NASA-inspired “speed breeding” boosts wheat production threefold
Researchers are now reporting an advance in a NASA-inspired field known as “speed breeding” that relies on intense lighting regimes to raise crops several times faster, and boost their health at the same time.

Iran’s leader says enemies have stirred unrest in country
Iran’s Supreme Leader on Tuesday accused enemies of the Islamic Republic of stirring unrest across the country as a crackdown intensified against anti-government demonstrations… Police have arrested more than 450 protesters in the capital Tehran over the past three days… Protesters also attacked police stations elsewhere in Iran late into the night on Monday, news agency and social media reports said.

Nigerians killed in New Year attack on Rivers church
At least 16 people have been killed by gunmen in southern Nigeria after a New Year’s Day church service, police say. The group had attended a midnight service before they were ambushed in the early hours of Monday, police told the BBC. The incident, which happened in the oil-rich region of Rivers state, has been linked to growing tensions between rival gangs, local reports say.

IDF retaliates to rocket launched at Eshkol
A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in open land near a community in the Eshkol Regional Council, catching nearby residents by surprise as no alarm was sounded to warn them ahead of time. Israel Air Force aircrafts attacked a Hamas military compound in the southern Gaza Strip in retaliation.

Trump says U.S. has gotten ‘nothing’ from Pakistan aid
…“They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools.”

Right-wing coalition passes law allowing Jerusalem to be divided
A law ostensibly meant to make it harder to cede parts of Jerusalem to a foreign entity, which has a glaring loophole that allows Jerusalem to be divided, passed in a final vote in the Knesset overnight Monday. The amendment to Basic Law: Jerusalem, requiring a vote of 80 MKs out of 120 to give parts of the capital away, was proposed by Bayit Yehudi faction chairwoman Shuli Moalem-Refaeli with enthusiastic backing from her party leader Education Minister Naftali Bennett.

Western Wall Prayers for Rain Answered
Prayers for rain offered up by thousands of Jews at the Western Wall on Thursday had an effect as desperately needed rain fell, raising the level of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) one centimeter. Israel has suffered five dry years in a row, causing the worst drought in 40 years. The country has received just 45 percent of its multiyear average rainfall for September through November, and with only two light rainfalls in December. This dire situation has led to emergency measures, both spiritual and physical. At the behest of Chief Rabbi David Lau three weeks ago, Jews and Christians around the world began adding special prayers for rain.

US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran’s Top General
According to reports circulating widely in Israeli media today, the United States has quietly given Israel the green light to assassinate Iran’s top military officer, Iranian Revolutionary Guards al-Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The leader of Iran’s most elite force also coordinates military activity between the Islamic Republic and Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah, and Hamas – a position he’s filled since 1998 – and as Quds Force commander reports directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and oversees Iran’s covert operations in foreign countries.

Malfunctioning Chinese Space Station Expected To Crash To Earth In March
An out-of-control Chinese space station which has lost communication with Earth is expected to come crashing down to Earth sometime in March – only nobody knows exactly where or when the derelict spacecraft will hit, except that it will be between the 43rd parallels. While most of the space station should burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere, thousands of pounds of debris is expected to survive reentry, with a 1-in-10,000 chance of hitting a populated area.

Mattis: “War Is Not Over” In Iraq And Syria
Declarations of victory over ISIS by both Iraq and Syria, along with Russia, are not having an impact on US military policy in the region, according to Defense Secretary James Mattis, who insisted on Friday that “the war is not over.” Which isn’t to say that the US is determined to keep fighting a war against ISIS, as such, but rather that there’s definitely going to be a war against somebody in those countries. Mattis in particular has been keen to talk up the idea of an “ISIS 2.0” emerging in areas ISIS has been expelled from.

Remnant TV video production of Trump’s Christmas message has gone viral
This is awesomely inspiring. Gave me goosebumps viewing it. It has received over one-half million views so far. It is much more than the simple version previously posted on LifeSite. Pass it on. The Christmas season is still not over by any means.

Iran Protests Turn Deadly: Photos, Video Show Demonstrators Risking Lives to Oppose Extremist Regime
Protesters have been increasingly met with state-sponsored violence in Iran as they take to the streets to voice their opposition to the country’s hard-line Islamic government and its supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The bloody demonstrations, the largest to strike Iran since its disputed 2009 presidential election, have seen six days of unrest across the country. The number of people killed has now risen to at least 21 after more violence against the extremist government on Monday night.

US Government Preparing for “Black Sky” Doomsday Scenario
An exercise designed to prepare the US for a high-tech end-of-days scenario has just ended in preparation for a threat that is growing as America’s enemies focus on these attacks that could cripple America. Government efforts in this area are increasing and as one expert put it, “It is not a matter of ‘if, but a matter of ‘when’”.

‘Same big pharma that hooked people on opioids now profits again from addicts’ switch to heroin’
The same pharma companies that profited from the opioid epidemic in the US by hooking patients on their drugs are profiting again as their victims migrate to heroin and participate in needle exchange programs, an attorney told RT.

Prophecy 2018—History and Prophecy on a Collision Course
This is the tenth message in a series which began with an article entitled, “Prophecy 2008..” While many of the changes in our world have been negative, such as the same sex marriage ruling of “Obergefell v. Hodges,” and the many destructive policies of the Obama administration, the rest of the world hasn’t done much better than America.

44 Numbers From 2017 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
…As 2018 begins, I think that it would be good to look back and remember some of the most important things that happened over the past 12 months. The following are 44 numbers from 2017 that are almost too crazy to believe… #1 During Donald Trump’s first year, ISIS lost 98 percent of the territory that it gained while Barack Obama was in the White House.

Zmirak: Pope Francis Should Repent or Else Resign
In his 2018 wish list, John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream and author of the new Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism, writes that he hopes Pope Francis “repents or else resigns” this year.

Pope prays for Muslim terrorists after yet another Christian slaughter, says he hopes G-d will ‘convert their hearts’
Pope Francis prayed for comfort for the victims of the Islamic States’ Friday attack on an Egyptian church and for terrorists’ conversions, in his penultimate 2017 address.

Undeniable Proof That the UN Is Here to Take Our Guns
I certainly do not have a crystal ball, but I am an historical expert on how tyranny comes to power. I have studied the emergence of every tyrannical government in the 20th Century and they ALL have certain things in common.

THE TRUMP EFFECT: Twenty-three new bills have been introduced in 18 state legislatures this year to ban the practice of Islamic law
Twenty-three new bills have been introduced in 18 state legislatures this year to ban the practice of Islamic law – critics say the aim is to spread fear about Muslims. Anti-sharia legislation is spreading in state legislatures across the US, as Donald Trump’s hostile stance towards Muslims appears to be emboldening rightwing Islamophobes critics of the Islamization of America.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

There Have Been More Than 30,000 Documented Terror Attacks Worldwide Since September 2001
When are we going to say that enough is enough? According to Act For America, more than 30,000 documented terror attacks have taken place around the world since September 11th, 2001. And in case you were wondering, almost all of those terror attacks were committed by radical Islamic terrorists.

Vicious Winter Storm Brings Snow to Florida as It Winds Northward
For the first time in 28 years, it is snowing in Florida — and the storm is far from over.

Exclusive-Kris Kobach: Voter Fraud Commission ‘Being Handed Off’ to DHS, Will No Longer Be ‘Stonewalled’ by Dems
Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach says the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity will be “handed off” to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to “more effectively” investigate voter fraud without being “stonewalled” by Democrats.

Bombshell Study: Migrants Caused 92% Violent Crime Increase In Germany
Migrants are responsible for a 92% increase in reported violent crimes in Germany during 2015 and 2016, according to a university criminologist study.

A WORLD OF SHAME: Allied forces knew about Holocaust two years before discovery of concentration camps, secret documents reveal
Newly accessed material from the United Nations – not seen for around 70 years – shows that as early as December 1942, the US, UK and Soviet governments were aware that at least two million Jews had been murdered and a further five million were at risk of being killed, and were preparing charges. Despite this, the Allied Powers did very little to try and rescue or provide sanctuary to those in mortal danger.

Company Harvesting Human Body Heat to Mine Cryptocurrencies
A Dutch startup has been using the body heat of volunteers to mine cryptocurrencies in a project reminiscent of “The Matrix.”

Tech Firms: Spying On Iranian Activists
…Since 2009, Iran’s mullahs have mastered the surveillance capabilities of the internet and smart phones, in large part due to critical help they’ve received from western telecom companies, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

Homosexuality Splits Mennonite Church
The largest conference of Mennonite churches in the U.S. split from the Mennonite community Monday in a dispute over the denomination’s stance on homosexuality.

Even The Penguins Are Panicking: North America Is Entering A Record-Setting Deep Freeze
North America is in the grip of a record-setting cold spell that’s set to culminate with the arrival of a “bomb cyclone” along the eastern seaboard late Thursday. The cold front has delivered temperatures that haven’t been seen in decades.

President Donald Trump Recognized as ‘Pro-Life Person of the Year’ for 2017
One of the most prominent pro-life groups in America has given its annual award to President Donald Trump, declaring him the 2017 “Pro-Life Person of the Year.”

Chelsea Clinton Sends Happy New Year Tweet to The Church of Satan
Chelsea Clinton wished The Church of Satan a Happy New Year Tuesday during an exchange on social media.

Franklin Graham offers Rosie O’Donnell salvation in Jesus after she condemned Paul Ryan ‘to hell’
Rev. Franklin Graham offered Liberal comedienne and lesbian Rosie O’Donnell a chance to be saved by Jesus Christ after she told Republican Paul Ryan that he would go “to hell” for voting for tax cuts. The outspoken minister then directly appealed to the vulgar actress. “I hope one day you will put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and let him heal your heart, clean up your mouth, and forgive your sins,” the reverend concluded.

Germany to Censor Media in Upcoming Nazi-Style Purge
German government using Hitler-style law to censor news reports. German officials will start censoring Infowars and other media that report on Germany’s migrant crisis which makes Chancellor Merkel look bad. Germany is ramping up enforcement of a Nazi-style censorship law that will pressure Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites to remove content the government considers “hate speech.”

Hawkins: I Bet Freedom-Starved Iranians Wish They Had a Second Amendment
As we watch freedom-starved Iranians stand against an extremist regime bent on retaining power, it is a safe bet that Iran’s rank and file would benefit from a Second Amendment. The power structure in Iran right now is such that the right to keep and bear arms is not guaranteed by law. Additionally, only certain types of guns are allowable for private ownership, and those guns only go to people with special permission to own them.

Probe Uncovers “Laws Broken, False Statements” In FBI Handling of Clinton Emails
In what could be a major black eye for the deep state and yet another nail in the Clinton legacy coffin, The Hill’s John Solomon reports that Republicans on key congressional committees say they have uncovered new irregularities and contradictions inside the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email server. “This was an effort to pre-bake the cake, pre-bake the outcome,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), a House Judiciary Committee member who attended the McCabe briefing before the holidays. “Hillary Clinton obviously benefited from people taking actions to ensure she wasn’t held accountable.”

A “Bomb Cyclone” Is Set To Detonate Off The East Coast
“This storm developing off the Southeast coast will meet the meteorological criteria of a “bomb” as it rapidly intensifies. The signal for a storm has been evident since last week, but as the track has been fine-tuned, impacts to the I-95 corridor are now expected. Snow, strong winds, and very cold temperatures are expected particularly the further east one heads,” said Ed Vallee, meteorologist at Vallee Weather Consulting LLC.

Geologists See 2018 As Year Of Monster Quakes
Geophysicists who studied seismic activity over the past 117 years report 2018 could be shaping up as a year of monster earthquakes – especially around the equator. Why? The signal that causes the alarm from a historical pattern, they say, is the slowing of the Earth’s rotation.

Nikki Haley Says Palestinians Could Lose US Aid if They Reject Negotiations With Israel
Haley told reporters at the U.N. on Tuesday that the U.S. remains committed to the peace process, but implied that America would cut off aid to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) if the Palestinians refuse to participate in negotiations.

Trump: My nuclear button is bigger than Kim’s
“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.’ Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!” tweeted Trump.

Putin’s Titanic has hit a fatal Middle East iceberg
In 1912, imagine buying a super-expensive ticket on the unsinkable Titanic only to find out halfway across the Atlantic Ocean that not only is the Titanic sinking, but you are going to die drowning in the frigid waters. It’s 2018 and that’s exactly how Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Foreign Minister Lavrov are feeling at this exact moment about their buy into Iranian debt and Iranian “hegemony.” Iran’s genocidal Islamo-Fascist Regime is slowing or at the least, going up in flames. The problem for Putin is that Putin has put all his Middle East eggs in the Shiite Ayatollah’s basket, and that basket has just crashed to the ground.

UNESCO Produces Lion Idol, Consort of Goddess of Adultery
A UNESCO funded project reproduced a statue of a lion, the third project of its kind the organization has supported, leading at least one rabbi to conclude that the real goal of the political organization is to promote an agenda that has always stood as Israel’s nemesis: idolatry. Early pagans believed the lion was the consort of the goddess al-Lat. It has been conjectured that al-Lat was the pre-Islamic consort of the Arabian god Allah.

‘Frozen America’: 92% of Country Below Freezing
With temperatures dropping 15 to 25 degrees below average in vast areas of the US breaking century-old records, citizens and authorities are taking unusual measures to stay warm and to keep facilities running.

Planned Parenthood: We Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million in Tax Dollars
Planned Parenthood says its affiliates did 321,384 abortions in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2016, according to its newly released 2016-2017 annual report.

Boom! US To Withhold Funding From Palestinians Until They Agree To Join Peace Negotiations
United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nicki Haley held a press conference on Tuesday regarding the Iranian democracy protests. Haley also touched on the North Korean threat and the Trump administration decision to withhold funding to Pakistan.

Germany To Censor Media In Upcoming Nazi-Style Purge
German officials will start censoring Infowars and other media that report on Germany’s migrant crisis which makes Chancellor Merkel look bad. Germany is ramping up enforcement of a Nazi-style censorship law that will pressure Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites to remove content the government considers “hate speech.”

Baltimore Sets New Per-Capita Homicide Record
Population shrinks while murder rate explodes in Democrat stronghold

Turkish State Institution Says Girls Can Marry & Get Pregnant Aged 9
Turkey’s top state religious institution has issued a new fatwa on marriage announcing that girls can get married and become pregnant as young as 9 years old.

PHOTOS=> Sanctuary State Signs Pop Up on California Highways for the New Year: “Felons, Illegals and MS13 Welcome!”
Anonymous Street artists moved out to highways once again to ring in the new year by posting messages to the “Welcome to California” highway signs.

Tables turn: Now FBI probed for election interferenceWhat began as an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election has now become a probe into how federal law enforcement conspired to stop Donald Trump from becoming president.

Bone-Chilling Cold Grips Wide Swath of US, at Least 2 DeathsBone-chilling cold gripped much of the U.S. as 2018 began, breaking century-old records and leading to at least three deaths attributed to exposure to the dangerously low temperatures.

Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’
In his new message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has denounced those who question the wisdom of mass migration, accusing them of demagoguery and promoting xenophobia.

Pakistan Summons US Envoy, Calls Emergency Meetings After Trump’s ‘No More’ Tweet
Islamabad called an emergency cabinet meeting to establish the “difference between facts and fiction,” and summoned the US ambassador after Trump targeted Pakistan in his first tweet in 2018, accusing it of “lies and deceit.”

Trump Accuses Obama Administration of Helping Fund Iran’s ‘Terrorism,’ Praises Protests
“The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their ‘pockets.’ The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!” Trump tweeted early Tuesday.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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China: President Xi Jinping Tells Army Not To Fear Death at Enormous Military Assembly
At 10 a.m. in the northern province of Hebei, Xi told 7,000 heavily armed officers and soldiers standing in formation that they should not fear “hardship or death” as they fight for their country’s Communist values. The address was simultaneously broadcast to 4,000 other military bases across the country—spanning China’s army, navy and air forces—who were ordered to watch Xi’s address via a live feed, according to the state-owned Xinhua News Agency.

Trump to announce ‘most dishonest’ and ‘corrupt media awards’ next week
“I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock.” Trump tweeted on Tuesday, adding: “Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!”

‘In 2017, Jews Won War for Temple Mount’ – Activist
In the past year, an unprecedented number of Jews ascended to their holiest site, laying claim in a manner that some Temple Mount Activists consider even more significant than the IDF victory in 1967 that unified Jerusalem. The next step for the Jews, prayer on the Temple Mount, may be even closer than most realize, waiting on a court case set to be decided in just a few weeks. “The war for the Temple Mount is finally over,” Fried told Breaking Israel News. “Now, we need more Jews to go up to the Temple Mount, and we all need to do much more spiritual work because the next step is the Temple.”

Burning Man Announces Newest Centerpiece: Temple to Greek Goddess
The Burning Man Festival, held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada in August, has chosen its centerpiece structure, a massive wood temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Gaia, that is just one of the many pagan symbols featured at the popular desert gathering.

Neo-Nazi behind the Daily Stormer website has Jewish ancestry
Prominent American neo-Nazi comes from ‘mixed-race family’, says his mother, and has Jewish ancestors on both sides. Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer’s mother, Alyse, confirmed to Newsweek magazine in an article published Wednesday that her son comes from a “large, mixed race family” with Native American heritage, and that he has Jewish lineage “on both sides of his family.” His Jewish heritage was first reported by Gawker in 2012 when he volunteered the information to a reporter, but this is the first time a family member has confirmed his background.

Israel strikes Gaza terror infrastructure following rocket fire
The Israel Air Force struck terror infrastructure in the southern Gaza Strip early Thursday morning following three mortar shells which were fired towards Israel on Wednesday. A statement released by the IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit stated that the airstrikes targeted a “central terror infrastructure” and while Israel holds Hamas responsible…the statement did not mention the group, which rules the enclave.

Haley hosts reception for diplomats who voted ‘no’ on Jerusalem UN vote
US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley hosted her counterparts from 64 nations on Wednesday night who abstained, voted ‘no’ or remained absent last month on a General Assembly resolution condemning the Trump administration for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital…”It’s easy for friends to be with you in the good times, but it’s the friends who are with you during the challenging times that will never be forgotten,” Haley said.

Deadly storm blasts across Europe, killing three
Winter storms are sweeping across western Europe, causing three deaths and widespread disruption. Tens of thousands of people have been affected by power cuts, and air travel has been disrupted. Two people drowned on Spain’s northern Basque coast after being swept away by a huge wave and a skier was killed by a falling tree in the French Alps.

Iran protests: US accused of ‘grotesque’ interference
Iran has accused the US of “grotesque” interference in its internal affairs in a letter to the UN. It said the US leadership, in “numerous absurd tweets, [had] incited Iranians to engage in disruptive acts” which violated international law. Twenty-one people died in six days of protests sparked by Iran’s economic problems, which spanned several cities.

Tech giant is rolling out new robots to replace workers in hotels, airports and supermarkets
A Korean tech giant on Thursday announced new robots that take aim squarely at the jobs of many services industry workers around the globe. There have long been predictions that advances in artificial intelligence and automation could end up eliminating millions of jobs over time, and tech companies have been testing robots to carry out a variety of tasks — from working in a pizza parlor to making deliveries…


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Obamacare mandate ‘irony’: Its ‘tax’ repealed in tax reform
Republicans succeeded in repealing the individual mandate in the 2010 Affordable Care Act as part of the recent tax reform package, but a leading health care expert urges President Trump and members of Congress to do even more this year to bring financial relief to Americans saddled by high premiums and deductibles.

India’s abortion rate is 20 times higher than estimates, but there’s a push for even more liberal laws
A recently-released study estimates that abortion in India is 20 times higher than previous estimates – 15.6 million children aborted in 2015 alone. The news led abortion advocates to call on New Delhi to liberalize India’s abortion law even further, past the 20-week gestation limit, even though India’s law is already among the most liberal of its kind in Asia.

U.S. Places Pakistan on ‘Severe Religious Rights Violations’ Watch List
The U.S. State Department announced Thursday that it would add Pakistan—and ten other countries—to its Special Watch List for severe religious freedom violations, citing the egregious abuse of Christians, Hindus, Ahmadi Muslims, and other minorities in the country.

Scarborough Asked Trump: Can You Read?
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough once asked President Donald Trump if he knew how to read after a GOP primary debate in 2015, and Trump responded by pulling out his Bible.

French President To CENSOR THE MEDIA By Making Certain News Illegal
French President Emmanuel Macron says he will push a new law aimed at cracking down on alternative media and news that isn’t liberal. He invoked the term “fake news” saying he hopes to have the law in place by the end of the year.

A Muslim country that is 4,700 miles from Israel wants to send its army to Jerusalem to defend it from the Jews
…Malaysia is ready to send troops to Jerusalem, the defense minister said, calling President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize the city as Israel’s capital “a slap in the face for the entire Muslim world.”

BREAKING: Muslim Waitress Refuses To Seat 27-Person Church Group Because ‘Religious Freedom’
The meaning of “religious freedom” has been repeatedly perverted by liberal perverts over the years, but Muslim waitress Sallah al-Sallah took things farther than usual when she used it to take away the rights of 27 Christians, many of whom were children.

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg FAVORS Decriminalizing Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking
It’s important to understand the legal definition of “age of consent”, and how it pertains to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s views on pedophilia:

Jim Caviezel: We must be ‘warriors’ ready to risk our lives for the Gospel
…Speaking at a gathering of Catholic college students in Chicago this past Wednesday, Caviezel said that we have to be “warriors, ready to risk their reputations, their names, even our very lives, to stand for the truth.” He said that to be with Christ we must stand apart from the world and bring the sword of truth, without compromise, without making concessions. “Set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation,” he challenged those in attendance. “Be saints. You weren’t made to fit in. You were born to stand out.”

China President Xi Urges Army to Be Ready for War: ‘Don’t Fear Death’
President Xi Jinping has issued a blunt call for China’s military to be ready for war and unafraid to die defending the country, as geopolitical tensions mount in Asia.

5 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2017 and 5 More Expected in 2018
A retrospective of Breaking Israel News reveals that so many remarkable and unprecedented events occurred in 2017, conforming to prophecy and bringing the world closer to the Messianic era. Other articles presented hints of prophecies that are still waiting to be revealed in their entirety.

Israeli Lawmakers Approve Preliminary Bill on Death Penalty for Terrorists
Israeli lawmakers on Wednesday approved a preliminary piece of legislation easing the threshold for military courts to carry out executions of convicted terrorists. The bill was approved in a 52-49 vote in its preliminary reading by the Knesset. Currently, military courts have the power to carry out executions only if a panel of three military judges passes a sentence unanimously. The new bill would lower that requirement to a majority verdict.

Russia: US demand for UN meeting on Iran is ‘destructive’
The United Nations Security Council on Friday afternoon will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the recent protests in Iran. The uprising, the largest since a series of mass protests in 2009, began in the city of Mashhad, when demonstrators denounced Iranian President Rouhani over the failure to reduce the country’s high unemployment rates. Efforts to contain the protests have led to the deaths of at least 21 people. However, Russia considers the US-initiated meeting to be “harmful and destructive,” RIA reported

Justice Department investigating Clinton Foundation over ‘pay to play’ allegations
The Justice Department has launched a new investigation into allegations the Clinton Foundation used “pay to play” politics while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state, Fox News has confirmed. A source familiar with the investigation told Fox News late Thursday the investigation is being led by the U.S. Attorney’s office and the FBI in Little Rock, Ark.

‘World is doomed’: Erdogan denounces U.S. justice after Turkish banker trial
In his first public comments on Wednesday’s verdict, the Turkish president cast the case as American plot to undermine Turkey’s government and economy – an argument likely to resonate with nationalist supporters. A U.S. jury convicted an executive of Turkey’s majority state-owned Halkbank (HALKB.IS) of evading Iran sanctions, at the close of the trial which has strained relations between the NATO allies. Some of the court testimony implicated senior Turkish officials, including Erdogan.

ISIS declares war on Hamas with new video execution
The extremist ISIL group’s branch in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula has taken a simmering dispute with the Palestinian Hamas group based in nearby Gaza to new levels in a 22-minute video calling on its followers to attack the group and executing what it said was a collaborator. It’s an escalation that analysts say has the potential to destabilize an already fragile security situation in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave that Hamas has controlled for the past decade.

Pot bad, offshore drilling good: Trump rolls back two signature Obama-era policies
On the judicial front, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded an Obama-era policy that paved the way for legalized marijuana to flourish in states across the country. The Obama policy was to discourage federal prosecutors from charging people in states that had legalized pot. Sessions said that undermined the rule of law and he will now allow federal prosecutors in those states to decide how aggressively to enforce cannabis laws. On the energy front, the Trump administration moved to vastly expand offshore drilling in Atlantic waters near Maine, California’s Pacific Ocean and the eastern Gulf of Mexico — areas where drilling had been banned by Obama.

Egyptian academic under fire for lecture at Israeli university
One of Egypt’s most distinguished academics is facing a torrent of condemnation for traveling to Israel and giving a lecture at Tel Aviv University in violation of a taboo on “normalization” of relations. Sociologist Saad Eddin Ibrahim, 79, attended an international conference about Egyptian society at the university on Tuesday and lectured to a packed auditorium on “Lessons from 100 Years of Changes in Egypt.

Israel privately urging Trump to back down from UNRWA funding threat
There were cries of joy in Israel Tuesday when the United States threatened to cease funding for the Palestinian refugee aid organization UNRWA as long as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas refuses to return to the negotiating table. But the Israeli Foreign Ministry, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has privately urged President Donald Trump’s administration to back down from its threat, according to an Israeli TV report Thursday.

U.S. issues new sanctions on Iran over missiles
The Treasury Department on Thursday sanctioned five Iran-based entities involved in Tehran’s ballistic missile program and announced its intent to add more sanctions on Iran over its treatment of anti-government protesters this past week, just as critical deadlines approach for US President Donald Trump on sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear work.

Syria war: ‘Russian strikes’ kill 25 in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta
Twenty-five civilians are reported to have been killed in air strikes on two towns in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area outside Syria’s capital, Damascus. The Syria Civil Defence said one of its rescue workers was among 18 people who died when what witnesses identified as Russian jets bombed Misraba. Another six people died in suspected Russian strikes on Arbin, it added.

Major chip flaws affect billions of devices
Two major flaws in computer chips could leave a huge number of computers and smartphones vulnerable to security concerns, researchers revealed Wednesday. And a U.S. government-backed body warned that the chips themselves need to be replaced to completely fix the problems. The flaws could allow an attacker to read sensitive data stored in the memory, like passwords, or look at what tabs someone has open on their computer, researchers found.

Genetically-modified animals could be sold in UK after Brexit, says Michael Gove
Genetically-modified animals could be sold in the UK after Brexit, Michael Gove has said. The Environment Secretary said that “bio-tech changes” are coming which will “challenge us to think about the future” as he suggested gene editing could be used to create “more valuable livestock”. But he admitted that the science was still “in its infancy” and that its use would raise “political and moral questions”.

Heavy rains, ferocious winds whip Israel from north to south
Israelis awoke to a morning of harsh weather conditions Friday as heavy rains and furious storms lashed the country from north to south, inflicting floods on various areas and causing trees to come crashing down on parked cars in Tel Aviv. Police officers and municipal crews were forced to nip the first signs of danger in the bud by the early morning after two drivers found themselves ensnared in a puddle 60cm deep at the HaSira Interchange in…Herzliya.

Strong Earthquakes Hit San Francisco And Mount St. Helens And Experts Warn They May Be Foreshocks For ‘Something Larger’
Just when it seemed like things may be settling down, two very unusual earthquakes have hit the west coast within the past couple of days. A 4.4 magnitude quake struck Berkeley, California just prior to 3 AM on Thursday morning, and a 3.9 magnitude earthquake hit Mount St. Helens in Washington state on Wednesday. Overall, there have been 68 earthquakes in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens since New Year’s Day, and there have been a total of 629 earthquakes in the state of California within the last 30 days. Could it be possible that all of this activity is leading up to a historic seismic disaster on the west coast?

FBI Launches New Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation
The probe will focus on pay-for-play schemes and tax code violations.

Israel recently performed one of the greatest medical miracles in history
When we think of modern medicine, we think of pills and advanced scans. But we’d be overlooking a modern marvel: how advanced focused ultrasound technology has been used by Israelis to treat tremors.

Trump Announces Massive Expansion In Offshore Drilling; Environmentalists Outraged
In December 2017, during the twilight days of the previous administration, as one of Barack Obama’s last executive actions the former president formally blocked offshore oil and gas drilling in most of the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, responding to a call from environmentalists who say the government needs to do more to prevent drilling in environmentally sensitive areas of U.S.-controlled oceans.

PM ‘concerned’ about Yemen crisis
Despite being almost eradicated worldwide, diphtheria is returning to Yemen as a result of the country’s civil war.

Lab Develops DNA Vaccine That Could Lead to One-Dose Flu Vaccination
…a professor in the university’s Department of Microbiology, explained the DNA vaccine in a news release, saying, “The current flu vaccine is an inactivated virus. The whole virus is first grown in eggs, then it’s inactivated and injected. DNA vaccines are different. Instead of producing the vaccines in eggs, we instead inject a genetic code for proteins from the virus into our own cells.

College Kid Makes Case For Infanticide
A University of Knoxville, Tenn., student claims it is okay to kill young children, because they cannot communicate like adults do, the pro-choice college male said in a video released Thursday.

Earthquake Alert: Swarms Reported Near Mt. Saint Helens Volcano
A magnitude 3.9 earthquake that hit near Mount St. Helens early Wednesday was followed by a swarm of aftershocks. This earthquake swarm is sparking fears that the volcano could be awakening once again.

John Kerry wanted Israel to abandon the strategically important Golan Heights – to ISIS
MK Motti Yogev to Arutz Sheva: We are in an amazing and wonderful time period. We are finished with the eight years of Obama’s freeze.

Are You OK With a Muslim Judge Being Sworn In With A Koran?
Patriots, are you comfortable having a Muslim Judge sworn in with her hand on the Koran? Is this even compatible with the U.S. Constitution?

North Korea Missile Hits Own City
A North Korea missile reportedly hit one of its own cities and destroyed several buildings after a failed launch during a test, The Diplomat reported citing a U.S. government source. News of the failure sharply escalates concerns that such an errant missile could lead to war if it lands in a country like Japan or South Korea.

Trump pushes to scale back welfare programs has Republicans on edge
Emboldened by his victory in the passage of the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in decades, President Donald Trump now wants to rein in social welfare programs even though some Republicans are wary of tackling the volatile issue in a congressional election year.

DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Endorses Antifa (A Terrorist Group)
DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison has stoked controversy by appearing to endorse Antifa, a group that is formally classified by the federal government as a domestic terror organizatio


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Rapture Ready News
6 Jan 2018
Published on: January 6, 2018 by RRadmin7

Battlefield soldiers to get Alexa-style assistant telling them who to kill
SUPERHERO Tony Stark uses JARVIS, his Iron Man suit-mounted “brain” capable of analysing data and interacting with all things technological. Now US scientists are developing a similar Artificial Intelligence system which may accompany all soldiers on the battlefield within just 10 years. Like the fictional JARVIS – which stands for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System” – the technology will allow soldiers to converse with their omniscient companion to interpret threats in the field and analyse data with lightning speed.

It’s getting nasty: Poles say Germany should pay reparations to remind them of Nazi past
More than half of Poland’s adult population is in favour of Germany footing the bill for the devastation of the conflict, a Centre for Public Opinion Research (CBOS) poll has found. A clear 54 percent majority agreed that it was morally just for Germany to step up and pay and be reminded about its responsibility for the war. The striking poll comes months after Warsaw ramped up its offensive to demand hundreds of billions of pounds in compensation from Berlin.

‘USA: ‘EU very difficult to do business with – looking forward to UK pressing reset button’
Ted McKinney, undersecretary for trade at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, called the EU a very difficult place to do business and welcomed Brexit as an a opportunity to ‘press the reset button’. And he added that if Theresa May ditches many of the crippling EU rules on farming and food processing, there would be “a much greater opportunity for trade between the UK and US” Mr McKinney said: “We hope the UK will look for its own food standards, environmental safety protocols.

Report: Religious Jews’ Ascent to Temple Mount Up 75%
In the past year there have been 25,628 religious Jews’ visits to the Temple Mount, compared with 14,626 last year, 11,001 visits in 2015, 11,754 in 2014, and only 5,658 visits by religious Jews in 2009. Religious Jews are counted separately from the other visitors, and are not allowed to enter the Temple Mount compound without police escort.

Couple bled to death on vacation island in ‘Satanic’ ritual: cops
A tourist couple who bled to death in a Greek island guesthouse appear to have been performing a Satanic ceremony before their double suicide on New Year’s Eve, authorities say. Knives, candles and a pentagram symbol — used by devil-worshippers — were found in the Airbnb room near the bodies of Lilia Botusheva, 23, and her 30-year-old German boyfriend. The sinister arrangement of objects in the blood-soaked apartment led investigators to believe the pair were taking part in a black magic ritual. The 24 hours before the first full moon of the year is said to be associated with sacrifices and other Satanic practices. Coroner Angeliki Tsiola said the two appear to have taken their own lives during the ceremony.

Trump backs Sen. Paul’s plan to fund infrastructure projects with suspended aid to Pakistan
President Donald Trump on Friday evening issued support for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul’s proposal to fund infrastructure projects in the U.S. with foreign aid halted from going to Pakistan. “Good idea Rand!” came the president’s response. “My bill will take the money that would have gone to Pakistan and put it in an infrastructure fund to build roads and bridges here at home,” the senator tweeted.

Iran stages pro-government rallies, derides Trump ‘blunder’ at UN
Thousands of government supporters staged rallies in Iran for a fourth day on Saturday, in a backlash against widespread protests that the clerical establishment has blamed on the country’s enemies. Saturday’s show of support came a day after Iran’s foreign minister said a United Nations Security Council meeting called by the United States to discuss the protests had proved a “blunder” by the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Is Turkey setting up a naval base on the Red Sea?
The Middle East is in chaos… While Iran has taken the world’s attention, Turkey is stealthily pursuing its goal of developing a military and intelligence infrastructure on the Red Sea. It has already deployed troops in Qatar to support the embattled emirate in its conflict with the Gulf states and Egypt, a conflict that is effectively preventing the revival of the group of pragmatic Sunni states against Iranian incitement…

Macron tells Erdogan: No chance of Turkey joining EU
French President Emmanuel Macron has told his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that there is no chance of progress towards Turkey joining the European Union at present. At a joint news conference in Paris, Mr Macron said there were differences over human rights since Turkey’s purges following a failed coup in 2016. Mr Erdogan said Turkey was tired of constantly imploring to join the EU.

Lakenheath F-15s intercept Russian fighters in new video
The Air Force on Friday released a video showing two recent instances in which F-15s deployed to Šiauliai Air Base, Lithuania, intercepted Russian Navy Su-30 Flankers near the Baltics. The video compilation shows one encounter on Nov. 23 and another on Dec. 13. According to descriptions posted by the military, both incidents involved two Russian fighters in international airspace near the Baltics.

North and South Korea Will Meet Against Backdrop of Nuclear Threats
As North and South Korea prepare to hold their first official, face-to-face talks in two years, the stakes have rarely been higher. The North, now under the tightest sanctions yet, has rapidly advanced its weapons program in the past year and claims to be able to hit the U.S. with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. Leaders in Pyongyang and Washington have openly threatened nuclear war.

Companies in New York ‘open’ to new payroll tax system: state official
Companies in New York state are “open to the idea” of moving the state income tax code to a payroll tax system, a senior state official told Reuters on Friday. Governor Andrew Cuomo earlier this week said the state was exploring using a payroll tax as an alternative to the income tax in order to help residents hurt by new limits on deductions of state taxes from federal returns, under a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code passed in late December.

Germany, Turkey pledge to thaw ties that coup and arrests froze
Germany and Turkey’s foreign ministers on Saturday agreed to pull out all the stops to improve ties that have soured due to disputes over Ankara’s post-coup crackdown and the arrests of German citizens in Turkey. Meeting in an ornate imperial palace in central Germany, the pair said they were keen to make amends after falling out as Ankara rounded up suspected supporters of a failed 2016 coup…


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Rapture Ready News
7 Jan 2018
Published on: January 7, 2018 by RRadmin7

Israel lists international pro-BDS organizations to be banned from country
Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs on Sunday released a list of international pro-BDS organizations to be banned from the country for their calls to boycott the Jewish state. “We have switched from defense to offense. The boycott organizations need to know that the State of Israel will act to stop them and prevent their representatives from entering the country to harm its citizens,”…Gilad Erdan said in a statement.

Netanyahu: UNRWA needs to pass away from the world
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) needs to pass away from the world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday…”I fully agree with President Trump’s strong criticism of UNRWA,” Netanyahu said…referring to Trump’s tweet last week threatening to cut aid to the Palestinians, including to UNRWA, if the Palestinians do not return to the negotiation table.

Iran protests: Students ‘among more than 1,000 arrested’
Ninety university students are among more than 1,000 people arrested since anti-government demonstrations began last month, say reformist MPs in Iran. Mahmoud Sadeghi told the Iranian Students’ News Agency that many of them were not involved in protests. Another MP, Farid Mousavi, said it was a preventative measure and they would be released soon.

Manhattan reported more UFO sightings than any other borough
Manhattan has gone from Studio 54 to Area 51, leading the five boroughs in sightings of unidentified flying objects over the last two years, data from the National UFO Reporting Center reveals. Otherworldly tourists have included travelers in a “round orange orb,” a crew in a “cigar-shaped” craft and even “an unknown creature” that rudely “teleported” into one New Yorker’s back yard, according to reports made to the Washington-based group.

A new generation of L.A. Satanists finds community in blasphemous times
…“It’s important for women to try to reclaim our images for ourselves.” That, more than anything, is the animating force behind this new wave of interest in both Satanism and the occult… If satanic rituals of old were centered on smashing Christian orthodoxy and middle American propriety…this form of Satanism explicitly uses a huge range of ideas to give shape to the inchoate rage felt by so many — especially women and other marginalized groups.

Severe flu brings medicine shortages, packed ERs and a rising death toll in California
So many people have fallen sick with influenza in California that pharmacies have run out of flu medicines, emergency rooms are packed, and the death toll is rising higher than in previous years. Health officials said Friday that 27 people younger than 65 have died of the flu in California since October, compared with three at the same time last year. Nationwide and in California, flu activity spiked sharply in late December and continues to grow.

Ex-Iranian president Ahmadinejad arrested for inciting unrest
Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been arrested by authorities for allegedly inciting unrest against the government, the London-based daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported Saturday, citing “reliable sources in Tehran.” The newspaper said that Ahmadinejad, during a visit to…Bushehr…said, “Some of the current leaders live detached from the problems and concerns of the people, and do not know anything about the reality of society.”

Palestinians seek to become full UN member state
The Palestinians are planning to ask the UN Security Council to upgrade their status from a non-member observer state to a full member state with voting rights at the United Nations. The Palestinian move is the latest in a diplomatic war that was sparked by US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital…and recently culminated in US threats to cut funding for the Palestinian Authority and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Breaking: Whistleblower Bigger Than Wikileaks Exposes Documents That Destroy Deep State Forever
Much like the early days of Wikileaks, a high-level intelligence source known only as QAnon is leaking secret information from deep within the system, and Infowars’ Owen Shroyer breaks down how this renewed the FBI investigations into both Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Clinton Foundation.

TRUMP EFFECT: Spain Suddenly Tilts Toward Israel, Strikes Down BDS Boycotts
In Spain, whose parliament called on the Spanish government to recognize a Palestinian state only hours after two Palestinian terrorists used meat cleavers and a gun to murder four rabbis at prayer and a policeman in 2014, and a country at the top of the list of the Anti-Defamation League’s 2015 anti-Semitism index in Western Europe, suddenly there has been a sea change regarding Israel.

Life Time fitness tunes out all-news TV outlets from its big screens
Life Time has scrubbed all-news cable channels from the screens at its fitness centers, saying a growing number of customers think they don’t fit a healthy lifestyle.

War between Israel and Iran is inevitable, and there is one person to blame
In 2015, President Barack Obama was successful in passing the controversial Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran Nuclear deal. The deal received quite a response. President Trump has called the JCPOA “the worst deal he has ever seen.” Senator Ted Cruz has called the deal “catastrophic.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deal an “existential threat to Israel.” Alan Dershowitz, the famed lawyer, former Harvard legal professor, and longtime Democrat, believes that Obama may eventually be compared to Neville Chamberlain, the late Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who signed a peace pact with Adolf Hitler.

MEDIA SILENCE: Egyptian regime cracks down on gays, musicians and atheists – world shrugs
Egypt now looks set to inherit the coveted title of Arab country with the most absurd restrictions. Having made little progress in combating an Islamist insurgency, the Sisi regime has turned its attention to the “threat” posed by atheists, gay people and – increasingly – musicians.

Report: Labor unions ‘ATM of the Democratic Party’
Labor unions across the country sent nearly $1.1 billion in member dues to hundreds of advocacy groups aligned with the Democratic Party from 2010 to 2016, according to new research.

Trump deals another blow to Obamacare
…now the administration is taking the first step toward implementing one of the most important planks of conservative health-care reform: allowing the sale of health insurance across state lines.

Video: “National Students for Justice in Palestine” Exposed
Campus watchdog group Canary Mission recently released an exposé of the 2017 National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) Conference, held at the University of Houston, Texas, and the virulent anti-Semitism of its student participants. Social media posts include support for terror, incitement, anti-Semitism, praising Hitler, mocking the Holocaust and calls for violence. Watch the shocking companion video to the Canary Mission report below.

Israel set to green-light over 1,300 settlement homes next week
Among plans are retroactive building permits for 11 of the 15 homes sanctioned for demolition in illegal Netiv Ha’avot outpost

‘Preparing For The Unthinkable’: CDC To Hold Briefing On How To Prepare The Public For a Nuclear Detonation In America
Amid rising tensions between the United States and North Korea, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention have scheduled a briefing for later this month that will teach healthcare professionals how to better prepare the public for a nuclear detonation in America.

Iran Claims It Has “Hard Evidence” Of Foreign Meddling In Protests
Iran’s ambassador says he has “hard evidence” that recent protests in Iran were “very clearly directed from abroad.” France’s ambassador said “no to instrumentalization of the crisis from the outside.”


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Rapture Ready News

8 Jan 2018
Published on: January 8, 2018 by RRadmin7
Is this lurking fiend putting your kids in danger?
Hollywood cashing in on villain who has already scarred 3 children for life

Trump Takes Second Swing at Pakistan, Shows $250 Million Cut Was Only the Beginning
…On Jan. 1, President Trump expressed his frustration with former President Barack Obama’s administration for letting Pakistan take advantage of the United States and its resources. “The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools,” Trump tweeted.“They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” he exclaimed.

Robots Have Replaced Humans In 25% Of China’s Ammunition Factories
“China has begun replacing the workers in its ammunition factories with robots… The move will reduce the number of accidents suffered by human workers, and has already increased the production of ammunition in the country.”

FACEBOOK to roll out facial recognition AI in latest deep state ploy to use your own biometrics against you
…In 2018, Facebook plans to unveil a new facial recognition technology across the site. Using artificial intelligence, Facebook plans to scan uploaded photos to analyze and recognize faces based on images previously uploaded to the site. This means users will have to verify their identity with a picture and then they will be traced through the social media site, every time their face is uploaded to the site. This surveillance technique will link users to the people they meet in real life, while tracking their whereabouts and social circle further.

Israel (Finally) Bars Foreign BDS Groups from Entering Israel; Obama, Hamas Ally Code Pink ‘Appalled’ at Being Banned
Israel has finally had enough and banned from entering the country foreign groups that support the anti-Israel BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) including the Obama-Hamas terrorist allied American group Code Pink.

NEVER FORGET that Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets
The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.

(Watch) Most Vile Racist Hate Speech Filled Video Of Hussein Obama EVER!
Wow! So people are all over Donald Trump for some menial locker room talk that recently surfaced when he was joking around with Billy Bush and thought he was “off the record.” I surely hope too many people do not fall for the distraction, and that’s all it is. The Dems can’t beat The Donald with facts when it comes to Crooked Hillary’s incompetence during all of her roles in Government, so they’re hitting Trump below the belt.

Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Rapture Ready News

9 Jan 2018
Published on: January 9, 2018 by RRadmin7
US Virgin Islands Gov. Renews Gun Order
U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp renewed a highly controversial executive order in January that allows the National Guard to seize arms from everyday civilians.

Guardian Writer: Clinton Made Satan Cool
A Guardian writer said that the Church of Satan “got cool” thanks to Chelsea Clinton and others’ media attention, proposing the religion as the “spiritual antidote to the Trump era.”

FOOTSTEPS OF WAR: Israeli government meets to discuss the growing Iranian presence on its northern border – how will this threat be dealt with?
Recent Cabinet meetings have dealt with the threat of Iran’s presence near the Syrian border.

Scandal: Oprah’s World Depopulation Scheme Dashes Presidential Hopes
Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world. The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.

A North Korean BOMBSHELL: Kim Jong-un’s secret plot to TAKE OVER South Korea REVEALED
A POLITICAL expert on North Korea has revealed Kim Jong-un’s motive in accepting talks with South Korea is ultimately to invade and take over the bordering country.

BLACKLISTED: Israel publishes the FULL list of groups and organizations that will be refused entry into the Jewish State
Full list of organizations to be prevented entry into Israel published. Interior Minister: ‘These people slander the Land.’ The Israeli government has compiled a list anti-israel organizations backing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement whose activists will not be allowed to enter Israel.

Arab Muslim states lead effort to recognize Jerusalem as ‘Palestinian Capital’
Arab states will push for international recognition of east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital in response to President Donald Trump Dec. 6 decision to recognize the city as Israel’s capital, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Saturday.

Internet users in UK Parliament access porn 160 times a day
Around 160 requests a day were made in late 2017 to access pornography websites from computers within the Houses of Parliament, Britain’s Press Association reported Monday.

Earth’s Volcanoes Are Waking Up: DORMANT Papua New Guinea Volcano Erupts For First Time
Hundreds of people are fleeing the island of Kadovar after a violent volcano has erupted for the first time in history. There have also been warnings that tsunamis could strike the island after the alarming eruption.

PM NETANYAHU DECLARES: The UNRWA agency for ‘Palestinian refugees’ exists only to destroy Israel – it must be eliminated
Netanyahu added, “UNRWA is an organization that perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem and also perpetuates the narrative of the so-called right of return in order to destroy the State of Israel.” “UNRWA needs to pass from the world,” Netanyahu said, “there is a UN commission for the treatment of the other refugees in the world. This absurdity must be stopped.”

Spanish Catholics Outraged After Gay-Themed Float Appears In Three Kings Parade
Madrid’s 2018 Three Kings Parade featured a gay themed float to encourage LGBT normalization on the eve of Epiphany, stirring outrage among the country’s Catholic faithful. The controversial float in Friday’s parade featured a female stripper, a female hip-hop artist, and a drag queen, according to Crux Now. The archdiocese of Madrid responded indirectly to the float, reminding Catholics that celebrations of Christmas and the Magi should center around praise of Jesus, not the promotion of personal ideologies.

Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Chilean authorities confirm crack opening in volcanic crater
The National Geology and Mining (Sernageomin) reported Sunday that in recent days there has been an increase in seismic energy volcanic complex Nevados de Chillán, in southern Chile, and opening a crack in the bottom of a new crater. Faced with this situation, Governor of Dims, Alvaro Miguieles, warned that “we are facing an active volcano and which have been updated evacuation plans against volcanic risk”.

51st Anniversary of First Scientific Attempt at Resurrecting the Dead
Since the process of thawing the body has yet to be developed and the cure for clinical death does not currently exist, cryonics is performed with the hope that resuscitation and restoration to full health may be possible sometime in the future. Implicit in this process is the belief that will only consider a person properly preserved if they can be revived with all of their memories intact with the understanding that long-term memory is stored in cell structures and molecules within the brain. Rabbi Doniel Katz, a Torah educator who lectures on consciousness, is skeptical of the attempts at cryonics and the reasoning behind it.

Herzog offers Saudis ‘special role’ on Temple Mount
“We need to implement an interim solution for the next ten years, and then talk about Jerusalem,” he said. “Here, Saudi Arabia has a big job. When we start talking about Jerusalem and holy places such as Al-Aqsa mosque, I think Saudi Arabia has an important job and responsibility…we need to give them a central role in this issue.”

Report: Saudi Arabia working with Israel against Iran
The Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung on Monday morning reported that Israel and Saudi Arabia are working together to fight Iran’s expanding presence in the Middle East. According to the report, the two countries are cooperating significantly in the areas of military issues and security on strategic issues, despite the fact that they have no open diplomatic ties.

Hamas official shot in the head in Gaza
Senior Hamas official Imad al-Alami was shot to head and seriously injured in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. The circumstances behind the injury are still unclear. It is possible he tried to take his own life after being diagnosed with cancer a year ago, or that he was hurt in an assassination attempt. A third option is that his handgun accidentally discharged, hitting him.

North Korea urges guarantee of peace on Korean peninsula: South Korea
South Korea on Tuesday asked North Korea to halt hostile acts that raise tension on the Korean peninsula, in the first talks between the neighbors in two years, Seoul said in a statement.

Thank God we’re LEAVING! Macron and Merkel plot massive EU power-grab in latest revelation
France and Germany have long shared a strong partnership on European Union issues, with Chancellor Angela Merkel putting fellow leader Emmanuel Macron’s plans for EU reform at the centre of her coalition talks. French MEP Jean Arthuis claimed Ms Merkel could push for an even stronger alliance should she succeed in forming a majority government after leaving Germany without formal leadership for months.

CIA Director Seeks Stronger Counterintelligence Against Spies and Leakers
CIA counterintelligence efforts, however, remain limited by a lack of both qualified personnel and strategic vision needed to deal with a growing spy threat that today includes both cyber operations and influence activities, in addition to traditional spying by nations such as China and Russia. The foreign spying threat is increasing in both scale and sophistication, according to intelligence experts. As part of the reform, Pompeo is stepping up internal security at CIA in a bid to better identify leakers—employees who may be politically motivated to conduct more non-traditional digital-age crimes—such as exposing secrets in a bid to undermine American intelligence, or overall U.S. national security.

A Curious Thing Happened When Ontario Hiked Minimum Wages By Over 20%
Faced with a 21% hike in minimum wages starting January 1st, with hourly rates going to $14 from $11.60, owners of the two restaurants said they had no choice but to cut employee benefits and eliminate paid breaks to offset their higher costs. Per the Financial Post:

Mossad chief: We have eyes and ears in Iran
Mossad chief Yossi Cohen spoke out at a Ministry of Finance conference Tuesday morning regarding the recent protests in Iran, according to Kan Radio. He stated that “Israel has eyes and ears there, too,” and added that he would be “happy to see a social revolution in Iran.” Cohen then warned that “the Iranians are coasting into the Middle East undisturbed and with very large forces…in order to actualize the Iranian vision.”

Syrian army claims Israel struck targets near Damascus in overnight raids
The Israeli Air Force struck Syrian military positions east of Damascus in a series of overnight raids, the Syrian army said Tuesday. In a statement by Syrian state news agency SANA, Israel jets flying inside Lebanese airspace fired several missiles towards the al-Qutaifa area at around 2:40 in the morning on Tuesday causing damage near the military site.

Credit card debt hits new record, raising warning sign
Americans’ outstanding credit card debt hit a new record in November, highlighting a more confident U.S. consumer but also flashing a warning signal of potential trouble down the road. Revolving credit, mostly credit cards, increased by $11.2 billion to $1.023 trillion, the Federal Reserve said Monday. That nudged the figure past the $1.021 trillion highwater mark reached in April 2008, just before the housing and credit bubbles burst.

U.S. spy satellite believed destroyed after failing to reach orbit: officials
A U.S. spy satellite that was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, aboard a SpaceX rocket on Sunday failed to reach orbit and is assumed to be a total loss, two U.S. officials briefed on the mission said on Monday. The classified intelligence satellite, built by Northrop Grumman Corp, failed to separate from the second stage of the Falcon 9 rocket and is assumed to have broken up or plunged into the sea, said the two officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Philippines to protest to China over apparent airbase on manmade island
The Philippines will make a diplomatic protest to China, which the southeast Asian nation’s defense minister described as having reneged on a promise not to militarize artificial islands in the busy South China Sea waterway. The United States has criticized China’s build-up of military facilities on the artificial islands and is concerned they could be used to restrict free movement along the key trade route.

US Virgin Islands Gov. Renews Gun Order
U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp renewed a highly controversial executive order in January that allows the National Guard to seize arms from everyday civilians.

Guardian Writer: Clinton Made Satan Cool
A Guardian writer said that the Church of Satan “got cool” thanks to Chelsea Clinton and others’ media attention, proposing the religion as the “spiritual antidote to the Trump era.”

FOOTSTEPS OF WAR: Israeli government meets to discuss the growing Iranian presence on its northern border – how will this threat be dealt with?
Recent Cabinet meetings have dealt with the threat of Iran’s presence near the Syrian border.

Scandal: Oprah’s World Depopulation Scheme Dashes Presidential Hopes
Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world. The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.

A North Korean BOMBSHELL: Kim Jong-un’s secret plot to TAKE OVER South Korea REVEALED
A POLITICAL expert on North Korea has revealed Kim Jong-un’s motive in accepting talks with South Korea is ultimately to invade and take over the bordering country.

BLACKLISTED: Israel publishes the FULL list of groups and organizations that will be refused entry into the Jewish State
Full list of organizations to be prevented entry into Israel published. Interior Minister: ‘These people slander the Land.’ The Israeli government has compiled a list anti-israel organizations backing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement whose activists will not be allowed to enter Israel.

Arab Muslim states lead effort to recognize Jerusalem as ‘Palestinian Capital’
Arab states will push for international recognition of east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital in response to President Donald Trump Dec. 6 decision to recognize the city as Israel’s capital, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Saturday.

Internet users in UK Parliament access porn 160 times a day
Around 160 requests a day were made in late 2017 to access pornography websites from computers within the Houses of Parliament, Britain’s Press Association reported Monday.

Earth’s Volcanoes Are Waking Up: DORMANT Papua New Guinea Volcano Erupts For First Time
Hundreds of people are fleeing the island of Kadovar after a violent volcano has erupted for the first time in history. There have also been warnings that tsunamis could strike the island after the alarming eruption.

PM NETANYAHU DECLARES: The UNRWA agency for ‘Palestinian refugees’ exists only to destroy Israel – it must be eliminated
Netanyahu added, “UNRWA is an organization that perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem and also perpetuates the narrative of the so-called right of return in order to destroy the State of Israel.” “UNRWA needs to pass from the world,” Netanyahu said, “there is a UN commission for the treatment of the other refugees in the world. This absurdity must be stopped.”

Spanish Catholics Outraged After Gay-Themed Float Appears In Three Kings Parade
Madrid’s 2018 Three Kings Parade featured a gay themed float to encourage LGBT normalization on the eve of Epiphany, stirring outrage among the country’s Catholic faithful. The controversial float in Friday’s parade featured a female stripper, a female hip-hop artist, and a drag queen, according to Crux Now. The archdiocese of Madrid responded indirectly to the float, reminding Catholics that celebrations of Christmas and the Magi should center around praise of Jesus, not the promotion of personal ideologies.

Mohamed 3rd most popular name for baby boys in Minnesota town
We already know this is happening in London and Paris. But St. Cloud, Minnesota?

Beyond the orbit of Mars, blue Comet PanSTARRS (C/2016 R2) is behaving strangley. Active jets of gaseous material are spewing from the comet’s core, feeding a chaotic tail marked by rough swirls and an unusual rectangular “knee.” “The last notable comet with high CO was Comet Humason in 1962, so this is quite a rare sight,” notes veteran comet observer Michael Mattiazzo of Australia. “It will be very interesting to watch Comet PanSTARRS as it makes its closest approach to the sun (2.6 AU) in May 2018.” Stay tuned!

US and European scientists ‘photograph’ mysterious FOURTH dimension in shock breakthrough
A MAJOR scientific breakthrough has been discovered by two separate research teams who have glimpsed the “fourth dimension”, it has been revealed. In layman’s terms, 3D objects cast 2D shadows, so 4D objects should cast 3D shadows even if the 4D object is imperceivable. The two teams created two custom-designed, two-dimensional experiments to generate an instance of the quantum Hall effect, which restricts the movement of electrons which allows us both to perceive and measure them.

5 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2017 and 5 More Expected in 2018
The year 2017 was packed with what many describe as “remarkable” or “unprecedented” events. Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration and his latest announcement that he sees Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people are considered by believers to be prophetic signs that the world is coming ever closer to the Messianic area.

Law Enforcement Backs Sessions’s Ending of Hands-Off Approach to Marijuana
Cite car accidents, opioid epidemic, rule of law as reasons for support. Sessions’s new guidance simply instructs prosecutors to “follow the well-established principles that govern all federal prosecutions.” Law enforcement officials applauded Sessions’ move.

Bannon expresses regret after slamming Trump family in new book
Steve Bannon expressed regret Sunday after he created a furor with comments critical of President Donald Trump’s family in a new book, dragging the controversy into its fifth day as the White House kept up its attacks on both the former chief strategist and “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff. “Donald Trump, Jr. is both a patriot and a good man. He has been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that has helped turn our country around,” Bannon said in a statement. “I regret that my delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting regarding Don Jr has diverted attention from the president’s historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency.”

‘Bomb cyclone’ brings deaths and damage to East Coast
Twenty-two people die due to severe weather, US National Weather Service expects weather to warm in coming days.

Eleven dead after gun battle erupts outside Mexican beach resort
The aftermath of a gunfight on the outskirts of the Mexican seaside resort of Acapulco that pit residents of a small town against members of a local, self-appointed community police force has left 11 dead, state officials said on Sunday. The exchange of gunfire took place in the farming community of La Concepcion, just south of Acapulco, after elements of the community police detailed a young man for disorderly conduct during town festivities early Sunday morning.

Trump Follows Through on Threat, Slashes Aid to Palestinians
One thing is becoming certain – you dismiss US President Donald Trump’s threats at your own peril. Until now, the US covered a full one-fourth of UNRWA’s operating costs.

Poll: Most Israeli Jews Think Trump is Helping Israel
The monthly Peace Index survey released this week revealed that a firm majority of Israeli Jews believe Trump truly understands Israel’s concerns and is helping the Jewish state, despite hysterical reactions to the contrary. According to the poll, 65 percent of Israeli Jews believe Trump’s Jerusalem declaration was in Israel’s best interests.

Is this lurking fiend putting your kids in danger?
Hollywood cashing in on villain who has already scarred 3 children for life


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Pope Prepares Counterattack?
A new report claims Pope Francis is preparing a “campaign of denigration” against five bishops who have publicly rejected his stance on marriage and the sacraments. The source told me that [the pope] was furious. He went on a rampage — because he cannot stand any opposition. They heard him scream: “They will regret it! They will regret it bitterly!”

US OKs selling Japan missiles to shoot down North Korean missiles
The Trump administration has approved a $133.3 million missile defense sale to Japan to meet the escalating threat from North Korea — by shooting down the rogue nation’s own ballistic missiles. (video)

A new generation of L.A. Satanists finds community in blasphemous times
“On this altar we consecrate swords to direct the fire of our unholy will,” she said. “A human skull, symbol of death. The great mother Lilith created us all, and will destroy us all.” “Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!” The group chanted back.

Snow falls in Sahara desert for third time in 40 years
Snow has fallen in the Sahara, covering desert dunes in a layer up to 40cm deep. Snow started falling on the Algerian town of Ain Sefra in the early hours of Sunday morning, giving children an opportunity to race each other down the slopes. Rising temperatures meant it began to melt later in the day. It is the third time in nearly 40 years the town, known as “The Gateway to the Desert”, has seen snowfall.

Carles Puigdemont set to be named Catalonia president in exile as deal is reached by separatist parties
Carles Puigdemont is set be re-installed as Catalonia’s president of government after a deal was reached between the region’s two major separatist parties.

485 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Undermine Supposed ‘Consensus’ on Climate Change
A broad survey of climate change literature for 2017 reveals that the alleged “consensus” behind the dangers of anthropogenic global warming is not nearly as settled among climate scientists as people imagine. Author Kenneth Richard found that during the course of the year 2017, at least 485 scientific papers were published that in some way questioned the supposed consensus regarding the perils of human CO2 emissions or the efficacy of climate models to predict the future.

US ambassador: Palestinian endorsement of terror is why there’s no peace
US Ambassador David Friedman said in a tweet Wednesday that those wondering why there is no peace should look no further than Tuesday nights murder of Raziel Shevach and the Palestinian reaction to it. “An Israeli father of six was killed last night in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists. Hamas praises the killers and PA laws will provide them financial rewards,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

After settler murder, IDF beefs up West Bank presence
The Israeli military increased presence in the Samaria region of the West Bank Wednesday following a deadly terror attack near the Havat Gilad outpost Tuesday evening. Overnight, the army, together with special forces, conducted searches and set up closures of villages in the Nablus region in an effort to locate the killer or killers of Rabbi Raziel Shevach, the father of six who was murdered in the drive-by shooting on Route 60.

Judge blocks Trump’s move to end Daca Dreamers scheme
A US judge has blocked attempts by the White House to end a programme barring the deportation of children brought illegally to the US by parents. In September, President Donald Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) programme. But San Francisco’s Judge William Alsup ruled it must stay in place while litigation against the move continues.

Massive 7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes in the Caribbean
A massive 7.6 magnitude earthquake has struck the Caribbean Sea, prompting a tsunami warning for nearby islands including the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. The tremor, one of the largest to hit the Caribbean in recorded history, struck on Tuesday night at about 9.51pm just over 25 miles from the coast of Great Swan Island, belonging to Honduras.

Another imam in U.S. calls for killing Jews
A third Muslim imam in the United States has been recorded citing an Islamic text that prophesies the killing of Jews by Muslims. As with the other two imams, Abdullah Khadra, speaking at a mosque Dec. 8 in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area, was responding to President Trump’s Dec. 6 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

FBI chief calls unbreakable encryption ‘urgent public safety issue’
The inability of law enforcement authorities to access data from electronic devices due to powerful encryption is an “urgent public safety issue,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Tuesday…The FBI has been unable to access data in more than half of the devices that it tried to unlock due to encryption, Wray added. “This is an urgent public safety issue,” Wray added, while saying that a solution is “not so clear cut.”

Exclusive: Trump’s EPA aims to replace Obama-era climate, water regulations in 2018
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will replace Obama-era carbon and clean water regulations and open up a national debate on climate change in 2018, part of a list of priorities for the year that also includes fighting lead contamination in public drinking water.

Microsoft says security patches slowing down PCs, servers
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) said on Tuesday that software patches released to guard against microchip security threats slowed down some personal computers and servers, with systems running on older Intel Corp (INTC.O) processors seeing a noticeable decrease in performance. The comments in a blog post were the clearest signal from Microsoft that fixes for flaws in microchips from Intel and rivals described last week could meaningfully degrade performance.

Was 2017 Record Year of Disasters a Famed Mystic’s Final Pre-Messiah Warning?
The past year was declared by the US government to be the worst on record for natural disasters, an alarming fact in itself, but a closer look shows that the data conform to a prophecy made 12 years ago by Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, in which he predicted an age of natural disasters intended to drive American Jews back to Israel in time for the Messiah. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported on Monday that 2017 was the worst year in recorded history for natural disasters.

Christian Tourist Uses Loophole to Recite ‘Shema’ on Temple Mount
A Christian tourist from Germany visited the Temple Mount and under the very noses of the Muslim Waqf guards managed to sidestep the ban on non-Muslim prayer and recite the ‘Shema’, the powerful recognition of God’s kingship, by using sign language. (video)

Everyone evacuated from volcano island
Dormant for decades, the volcano began erupting last week. Kadovar, which is part of the Schouten islands group, is about 21km off the mouth of the Sepik River. East Sepik governor’s spokesman Chris Bais told The National newspaper the volcano became active on Friday and almost 60% of the island has been covered with lava.

Russia ‘simulated a full-scale WAR against NATO’, warns military commander
Riho Terras, the commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, said Vladimir Putin’s forces “simulated a large-scale military attack” against the alliance last September. He claims the war games were so the superpower could prepare to move a large number of troops at extremely short notice if it were to go to war with the US-led organisation. The drills were held across Belarus, the Baltic Sea and western Russia for six days last year and saw the Russian military engage in fictional enemy combat scenarios.

Hungary’s PM: “We Don’t See Them As Refugees, We See Them As Muslim Invaders”
according to Orban what Europe has seen was not a wave of refugees, but an invasion. He mentioned that he never understood how in a country like Germany the chaos and the illegal crossing of borders could be celebrated as something good. When asked by Bild whether it was fair for Germany to accept hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants while Hungary accepted none, Orban responded: “The difference is, you wanted the migrants, and we didn’t.” Migration, he said, threatens the “sovereignty and cultural identity” of Hungary. “Multiculturalism is only an illusion.”

‘We Can Build The Wall in One Year:’ Trump Tells DHS Never to ‘Mention 7 Years Again’ for Border Wall Timeframe
During a meeting at the White House on immigration, President Trump told Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen never to “mention seven years again” in reference to the timeframe that DHS claimed it would take to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. “I can build it for less,” Trump said in regard to the recent DHS report which stated that it would cost them $18 billion to build the border wall.

Flooding Kills 13 In California
A winter storm that triggered flooding and mudslides in California’s Santa Barbara County has taken more than a dozen lives, authorities announced Tuesday.

The Palestinian Authority Paid Terrorists $350 Million In 2017 To Plot Attacks Against Israel
Tthe Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million last year, according to its own records, the defense ministry reported to the foreign affairs and defense committee Tuesday.

The Church Of Satan Experiencing Huge Swell In Membership As Satanism Goes Mainstream In America
EDITOR’S NOTE: What’s fueling the nascent popularity of Satanism is the presidency of Donald Trump, the satanists can’t stand him. Funny thing, 8 years of Barack Obama and the satanists didn’t really have much to say, one year of Trump and it’s an explosion. Looks like the Devil is not a fan of Trump for some reason. Could it be he opposes him because God is the one that placed Trump in office to bring about end times events? It is no coincidence that satanism is rising rapidly. As the Rapture of the Church draws ever closer, the Antichrist is getting ready to take the stage.

Trump Vows to Crush Globalist Agenda by Attending Secret Elite Meeting in Davos
The White House has confirmed that President Trump will attend the annual secretive meeting in Davos, Switzerland this year with a promise to crush globalist policies.

NYPD outraged over the demand of the NYC mayor to forcibly expand the number of Muslim recruits in their ranks
The NYPD. And they have the largest recipient of Muslim campaign contributions, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, to thank for forcing the NYC police department to hire some 1,000 Muslim recruits, ten times more than there were on 9/11.

Non-urgent health care services being put on hold across the UK as state-run health care nightmare edges toward collapse
The National Health Service in England has put a hold on non-urgent health care services, as the state-run healthcare system edges toward collapse. State officials have instructed hospitals across the country to delay non-emergency procedures and only deal with emergency patients first. About 55,000 operations are to be put on hold in January as England’s health system goes into full rationing mode. There aren’t enough hospital beds or staff to accommodate the mounting pressure of a sick and dying population.

Google’s Fact-Checking Is Liberal Bias
Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results. No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment.

Supremes allow law exempting Christians from homosexual promotion
Ever since five liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court created same-sex “marriage” – with two arguably having breached ethics rules by advocating for same-sex “marriage” while the case was pending – homosexual activists have been using the legal system to punish defenders of traditional marriage.

Guess what’s not in Obama’s super posh library
…Unlike other presidential libraries, there’s one thing the Obamas didn’t want the presidential center to include: hard copies of Obama’s letters, manuscripts or other documents. According to the plans, the center will feature only a digital archive of Obama’s records.

Elizabeth Warren’s CFPB Faces New Scandal Amid Out Of Control Spending On D.C. Headquarters
Another day, another scandal for Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild — the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. According to Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller, renovation costs for the agency’s headquarters may place it on the list of top ten most expensive office buildings in Washington, D.C.

California just mandated LGBT indoctrination of all children in public schools, and parents have no choice to opt out
Several hundred new laws have come into effect in California as of the first of the year, and one of them shamelessly strips parents of elementary-age children of their right to opt out of brand new LGBT-promoting curriculum that’s now being taught throughout the state’s public schools.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Warning to Christians: Don’t board the Oprah bandwagon
The Christian attorney also offers the following advice to believers who might find a Winfrey 2020 presidential bid appealing, pointing out “her denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ, rejection of biblical Christianity, and her being one of the primary purveyors of pagan spirituality in American society.” “I would encourage you to really reconsider whether or not she is the type of person you should be clamoring for,” Hamilton states.

The Madness of the Anti-Trump Shrinks
The ‘Duty to Warn’ march had begun at New York Law School where the experts demanded that Trump be removed from office based on their inability to understand the 25th Amendment. And then the mental health experts marched to the beat of Fraenkel’s drum ….

Seal calls out Oprah Winfrey for hypocrisy, calls her ‘part of the problem’
Seal slams Oprah as a hypocrite after Golden Globes speech. In a fiery Instagram post Wednesday, Seal republished a pair of photos of Winfrey with disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, including one in which she appears to be kissing the producer’s cheek. Overlayed on the photos, in all-caps, is the text: “When you have been part of the problem for decades, but suddenly they all think you are the solution.” “Oh I forgot, that’s right…..you’d heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad,” Seal wrote.

Exclusive: Canada increasingly convinced Trump will pull out of NAFTA
Canada is increasingly convinced that President Donald Trump will soon announce the United States intends to pull out of NAFTA, two government sources said on Wednesday, sending the Canadian and Mexican currencies lower and hurting stocks. The comments cast further doubt on prospects for talks to modernize the trilateral North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Trump has repeatedly threatened to abandon unless major changes are made.

Rabbi identifies ‘Gog,’ enemy of God’s people
“Gog” is defined as the name of the enemies of God’s people, “apparently a ruler from the land of Magog,” or even a “nation under the dominion of Satan.” Many people would understand the description as very uncomplimentary. But that’s what one prominent rabbi has labeled the United Nations, according to Breaking Israel News. BIN’s Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz reports Rabbi Mendal Kessin, who “interprets modern events from a Torah perspective, lectured that U.S. President Donald Trump is bringing the world close to the Messiah, and the United Nations is Gog.”

Feinstein Makes Startling Admission: “I Got Pressured” To Release Fusion Transcripts
“I meant to tell him, and I didn’t have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me,” Feinstein told CNN Congressional correspondent Manu Raju, adding “I just got pressured, and I didn’t do it.” When asked to elaborate, Feinstein walked back her statement, saying “I wasn’t pressured,” without any further comment. Her office later said she misspoke and that she wasn’t pressured to release the transcript.

Defense, finance ministries agree on NIS 150 million to boost northern defenses
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon have agreed to allocate NIS 150 million to strengthen and fortify buildings in the north and to create a team to examine the defense establishment’s demand for an increase in the state’s budget. The team will present its recommendations to the Security Cabinet.

Abbas to meet Putin in February to discuss Trump’s Jerusalem moves
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Russia in the first half of February to discuss US President Donald Trump’s changes to American policy on Jerusalem, a Palestinian diplomat said on Thursday…Abbas last visited the Russian president in Moscow in May, where he said “it is impossible to solve the Palestinian issue without Russia’s meaningful participation in the peace process.”

Tunisia hit by new anti-austerity protests
More than 300 people have been arrested in Tunisia overnight, as anger over the government’s austerity measures spilled into the streets once more. Police used tear gas against large crowds demonstrating against price rises affecting basic goods. The army was deployed into towns across the country to protect government buildings, which have become targets.

By 2040, Islam could be the second-largest religion in the US
The Muslim population is growing, and in the next two decades Muslims could become the second-largest religious group in the United States, according to a Pew Research study…According to their data, the Muslim population is growing at an accelerated rate, and will more than double from an estimated 3.45 million in 2017 to an estimated 8.1 million in 2050.

Trump administration will allow states to test Medicaid work requirements
The Trump administration said on Thursday it would allow states to test requiring some Medicaid recipients to work or participate in community activities such as volunteering or jobs training as a condition of eligibility for the government health insurance program for the poor…Certain Medicaid populations would be exempt from the rules, including those with disabilities, the elderly, children and pregnant women.

Rev. Graham: Washington State Grants 3 Sexes, M,F, or X, But God’s Word, Male, Female, Never Changes
In reference to Washington State now allowing three choices for sex on a birth certificate — “Male, Female, or X” — evangelical leader Franklin Graham said that society may change but God’s Word does not change and, as Jesus Christ instructed us, from the beginning God made them “make and female.”

Trump’s Airstrikes Destroy Acres of Poppy Fields, Ends Afghanistan’s Opium Trade
The Trump administration’s relentless airstrikes on the vast opium fields in southern Afghanistan has destroyed Taliban’s a top funding source of heroin and opium.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Hillary-Funded Russia Dossier Used to Obtain Trump FISA Warrant – More Systemic “FISA Abuse” to be Revealed Soon
…Of course the Russia dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s camp. Hillary Clinton didn’t pay over $10 million for mere gossip about Trump and Russian hookers. Hillary paid for a document that could pass as ‘intelligence’ in order to spy on her political opponent. This is precisely why fake news New York Times and other Deep State operatives are desperate to shift focus from the dossier to George Papadopoulos. Hint: It’s not working.

Our World: The Palestinians’ race to the bottom
The problem for the PLO/PA is that the world has changed fundamentally while they were busy embracing terrorists and getting away with it.

BREAKING: Activist Judge Temporarily Blocks Trump From Ending Obama’s DACA Program
A judge granted a pretrial injunction barring the Trump administration from rescinding Obama’s DACA program Tuesday.

SODOM AND GEMORRAH: Grammar school bans teachers calling pupils ‘girls’ to not offend transgender children
TEACHERS at a leading all-female school have been ordered not to refer to its pupils as girls. The ban is said to be to avoid upsetting youngsters who are questioning their gender. And it comes despite the word featuring in the single-sex school’s name: Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. The school, in Trafford, Greater Manchester, confirmed that the term will no longer be encouraged when staff address the pupils.

TARGET INFIDEL: ‘Terrorist dream come true’ ISIS using Bitcoin to fund deadly attacks and buy weapons
Terrorists are using anonymous cryptocurrencies to fund their operations and evade detection as they move huge sums of money across international borders, former US Treasury advisor Elizabeth Rosenberg and Centre for a New American Security researcher Edoardo Saravalle have warned.

A Planned Genocide In the Making: The Final Solution for White Males
From Hollywood to college campuses, the war on whites continues unabated. The rhetoric against white, conservative males grows stronger by the day. This article contains word-for-word proof that a war against white males is under way.

CBP Offers Daily Tally of Drug Seizures: 14-Year-old Meth Smuggler; Heroin, Cocaine, Pot Pouring In
Here’s a sample of those CBP news releases — just for this past Monday and Tuesday — documenting recent drug seizures and arrests:

Dems Admit They Need Illegals For Their Votes
…Democrats at the Left’s premier think tank have finally admitted in a leaked memo that illegal immigration is key to their party’s future electoral success. Republicans may not be angels but they have never wielded compassion as a cudgel the way Democrats do. But this memo ought to end Democrats’ phony compassion shtick for all time. Power is the only thing that matters to them. They don’t care about America or Americans. They care only about winning. Honest observers have known this for years.

“It Looks Like A Battlefield” -Photos Show California Mudslides’ Devastating Aftermath
…The storm may be over, but the hunt for survivors isn’t. So far, 13 people have been confirmed dead, while 25 more were injured and another 50 had to be rescued. But those numbers could rise as the search is deepened and expanded Wednesday, with a major search-and-rescue team arriving from nearby Los Angeles County and help from the Coast Guard and National Guard along with law enforcement, according to the Associated Press

Anger as ‘Underage’ Migrant in Controversial ‘Teen Love’ Children’s Documentary Revealed as Adult
An “underage” migrant, who was presented as being in a romantic relationship with an underage girl in a controversial German children’s channel television programme, has admitted he is actually an adult.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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6.0-magnitude earthquake hits Myanmar’s southern region
An earthquake of 6.0 magnitude hit Myanmar’s Bago region in the early hours of Friday, said the Meteorology and Hydrology Department. The earthquake struck at 00:56 a.m. local time. The epicenter was 27.3 km west-southwest of Phyu city in Bago region. It was also followed by two shallow 5.3-magnitude aftershocks within a few minutes, a statement from the Myanmar Earthquake Committee said.

Giza Pyramid: Scientist Suggests There is an ‘Iron Throne’ in Unexplored Cavity
The newly discovered cavity in the Giza Pyramid has left scientists around the world wondering what lies inside the mysterious chamber. Italian mathematician Giulio Magli may have some answers. Magli believes that the answer can be found in the burial religion of the ancient Egypt. There is a possible interpretation, which is in good agreement with what we know about the Egyptian funerary religion as witnessed in the Pyramids Texts. In these texts it is said that the pharaoh, before reaching the stars of the north, will have to pass the “gates of the sky” and sit on his “throne of iron,” Magli was reported as saying by Eurekalert.

After Trump’s J’lem declaration, PA turns to UN to lead talks
The Palestinian Authority’s ruling faction will plan its response to President Donald Trump’s December recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital during an upcoming meeting next week, and will weigh proposals including a plan to rescind its recognition of Israel, AFP reported Friday.

Trump to tap pro-Israel Rumsfeld adviser to State Dep.
According to the report, President Trump is poised to announce the selection of David Schenker to serve as the State Department’s Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. The move would make Schenker America’s top diplomat to the Middle East. If chosen, Schenker would be the first non-career diplomat to fill the position in some two decades. If chosen, Schenker would replace Anne Patterson, a career State Department employee who once defended the Palestinian Authority policy of providing stipends to jailed terrorists and the families of terrorists killed during attacks on Israelis.

President Trump is a real life James Bond
Normally, spy-masters have to use a “honey-trap” to ensnare an intelligence asset in order to blackmail him into giving up his government’s secrets. Another spy-craft called the “money-trap” uses money to entice the asset only to blackmail him once he’s taken the money. Uniquely, President Trump successfully executed the first “tweet-trap” in the history of intelligence. In essence, while the deep state chattered, President Trump’s PsyOp single-handedly exposed North Korea’s deepest military secrets,

Trump cancels London trip over ‘bad’ Embassy deal
“Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for ‘peanuts,’ only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!” Trump wrote Thursday night.

Iran nuclear deal: Trump to extend sanctions waiver – reports
US President Donald Trump will continue to suspend key sanctions on Iran, and so avoiding jeopardising the 2015 nuclear agreement, US officials say. But Mr Trump is expected to set a deadline for Congress and European allies to improve the deal or the US will abandon it, the officials say. He is also likely to impose a new set of sanctions targeting Iranian firms and individuals, a top aide has said.

Cyclone Joyce: Australian residents warned to take shelter
Communities in Australia’s north-west are bracing for a tropical cyclone, the second to hit the region in two weeks. Cyclone Joyce, currently a category one system, is due to make landfall near Broome in Western Australia on Friday. Authorities have told local residents to secure their homes and take shelter.

WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange becomes Ecuadorean citizen
The Ecuadorean government has confirmed that Julian Assange was granted Ecuadorean citizenship on 12 December. Ecuador subsequently asked the UK to recognise Mr Assange as a diplomatic agent – a move that could have given him immunity. The UK has refused, saying Mr Assange – who has been at the embassy since 2012 – should now leave and “face justice”.

Twitter…Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions
In…undercover Project Veritas video investigation, current and former Twitter employees are…explaining steps…to censor political content that they don’t like…“One strategy is to shadow ban so you have ultimate control. The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting and no one sees their content. So they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it.”

Army Rips Out Chinese-Made Surveillance Cameras Overlooking U.S. Base
The U.S. Army said it removed surveillance cameras made by a Chinese state-backed manufacturer from a domestic military base, while a congressional committee plans to hold a hearing this month into whether small businesses face cybersecurity risks from using the equipment. Fort Leonard Wood, an Army base in Missouri’s Ozarks, replaced five cameras on the base branded and made by Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. , said Col. Christopher Beck…

US Navy bolting LASER WEAPON onto lead warship for futuristic warfare
Top Navy officials said the device is slated to be installed on the USS Portland by this autumn. Crucially, the prototype will not be used in combat, but may pave the way for high-tech lasers that will be used during warfare. Captain Brian Metcalfe said: “They’ve got what I call ‘power modules’ that control the laser that will just fit in those open and reserve weight spaces and then the laser itself gets bolted onto the deck.

Does the gender “spectrum” also include pedophilia? Canadian group announces “naked swim day” at public pool, encourages children to attend
Local Calgarians are expressing deep concern about an upcoming event at a public recreation center in Calgary, Canada, where individuals both young and old will be swimming in the nude together at a “naked swim day” that many feel has overtones of encouraging pedophilia.

Trump Administration Moves to Halt Abortion of Fourth Illegal Immigrant Teen
The Trump administration has again moved to block a fourth illegal immigrant minor from obtaining an abortion in the United States, stating the federal government is not required to facilitate abortions for these individuals.

US Teachers Replace American Flags With LGBT Rainbows In Classroom
Teachers at Banks High School in Oregon have caused outage amongst parents after they replaced the American flags with LGBT flags in their classrooms.

Trump’s National Security Adviser Rushes To Save Obama Era Iran Nuclear Deal
A new report suggests that President Donald Trump’s national security advisor H.R. McMaster is rushing to save the deeply flawed nuclear Iran deal, which was seen as a hallmark of former President Obama’s legacy, ahead of Friday’s deadline for recertification.

Paula White Reps. Scrub Web Page of Language Urging ‘First Fruits’ Offering of Day, Week, Month’s Wages, ‘Consequences’ for Not Giving
Following media reports and public backlash over the matter, representatives for false teacher Paula White, who also serves as the chair of President Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, have scrubbed a page on White’s website of any mention that she had urged followers to give a “first fruits” offering of a day, week, or month’s wages—and that there are “consequences” for those who don’t give God their first fruits out of “ignorance or direct disobedience.”

As Media Obsesses On Oprah 2020, FISA Pushed To Let FBI Spy On You Without A Warrant
While Americans were distracted by the possibility of Oprah’s 2020 presidential campaign following her speech at the Golden Globes, the United States government has ramped up its campaign to let the FBI legally spy on Americans without a warrant.

Monsanto Trying To Hide GMO Foods Under The Term “Biofortified”
Do genetically engineered crops and their pesticides make you think of the term “biofortified”? Chances are, the term biofortified makes you think of vitamins in kids’ cereals.

BREAKING: Obama’s Deep State FBI and DOJ Caught Synchronizing Anti-Trump Classified Leaks to Liberal Media
Obama’s Deep State DOJ and FBI were not only leaking classified intelligence to the mainstream media (MSM) but they were synchronizing their leaks to various outlets to achieve the most impact. These criminal acts are beyond any imagination and show how criminal and corrupt the Obama justice team was by the end of his eight years in office.

The Hillary scandal everyone’s ignoring
The Federal Election Commission is examining a complaint that the Hillary Victory Fund — a $500 million joint fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and Democratic state parties — engaged in a scheme to illegal direct some $84 million directly to Clinton’s campaign.

Rep. Harris: End Obama-Era Policy of Funding ‘Opposition Media’ in Hungary
Representative Andy Harris (R-MD) has asked colleagues to sign a letter urging the U.S. State Department to improve relations with Hungary and end the Obama-era policy of funding media to “interfere in Hungarian elections”.

Jon Voight Part of Team on Roe v Wade Film About ‘Real Story’
A film project examining Roe v. Wade from a pro-life prospective has Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight, actor/producer Nick Loeb, and Alveda King involved.

Switzerland Rejects Citizenship Bids of Residents Who Have Been on Welfare
A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that prevents residents who have been on welfare in the past three years from becoming citizens unless they pay back the money they received to the state.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Trump waives Iran nuclear sanctions, sets 120-day clock for talks
President Donald Trump waived nuclear-related sanctions on Iran on Friday, keeping the US in an international deal governing its nuclear program for the time being. But in doing so, a senior administration official said that Trump would not sign any more such waivers going forward— starting a 120-day clock for negotiations over what the White House describes as a supplemental accord with Europe that will impose new terms on Iran over its future nuclear work.

Germany coalition talks: Merkel welcomes breakthrough
German politicians have achieved a breakthrough in talks aimed at forming a new coalition government. A blueprint for formal negotiations was agreed between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their former coalition partners, the Social Democrats (SPD). Politicians stayed up all night to discuss the 28-page document, with the talks lasting more than 24 hours.

Chile churches attacked before Pope Francis visit
Several churches in Chile have been attacked or vandalised ahead of a visit by Pope Francis next week. Three churches in the capital Santiago were damaged by firebombs. Some flyers left behind warned that the next one was for the Pope. But at another church south of the capital, a pamphlet used a phrase that refers to activism in the indigenous Mapuche territory.

Iran sanctions: Tehran vows retaliation over Trump move
Iran says the US has “crossed a red line” by imposing sanctions on the head of its judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli-Larijani. The foreign ministry vowed to retaliate, but did not say what form any action might take. Iran also rejected any changes to its nuclear deal with world powers.

Saudi Arabia allows women at football game for first time
Saudi Arabia has for the first time allowed women to spectate at a football match, part of an easing of strict rules on gender separation by the ultra-conservative Muslim country. Women fans filed into a stadium in the city of Jeddah on Friday, through family gates into family seating. But even segregated as they were, their presence in the stadium marked a significant moment for the Kingdom.

Flu season is shaping up as one of the worst in years, officials say
The entire continental United States is experiencing widespread flu right now, the first time in the 13 years of the current tracking system that that has happened, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Officials said that this flu season is shaping up to be one of the worst in recent years.

Chinese authorities blow up Christian megachurch with dynamite
Chinese authorities have demolished a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming long-standing tensions between religious groups and the Communist Party. Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand Church, which has a congregation of more than 50,000, in the city of Linfen in Shaanxi province.

Kentucky becomes first U.S. state to impose Medicaid work provisions
Kentucky on Friday became the first U.S. state to require that Medicaid recipients work or get jobs training, after gaining federal approval for the fundamental change to the 50-year-old health insurance program for the poor. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued policy guidance on Thursday allowing states to design and propose test programs with such requirements.

Russia deploys more surface-to-air missiles in Crimean build-up
Russia deployed a new division of S-400 surface-to-air missiles in Crimea on Saturday, Russian news agencies reported, in an escalation of military tensions on the Crimean peninsula. Russian annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, triggering economic sanctions by the European Union and United States and a tense stand-off in the region.

New Survey Reveals Staggering Number Of People Are Buying BitCoin On Their Credit Cards
A new survey from LendEDU reveals that a staggering number of Americans are making BitCoin purchases on their credit cards…what could go wrong?

Caught on Camera: Baltimore Hospital Dumps Patient on Street in Gown in Frigid Weather
“I saw the unthinkable: another human in a wheelchair being wheeled out in the dead of cold,” Imamu Baraka said of the horrifying scene he witnessed earlier this week.

Another Step Toward Armageddon
The US military/security complex has taken another step toward Armageddon. The Pentagon has prepared a nuclear posture review (NPR) that gives the OK to development of smaller “usable” nuclear weapons and permits their use in response to a non-nuclear attack.

Facebook blocks funding for major pro-life movie
A crowdfunding site for a theatrical drama in production that promises to tell the “true story” of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established a “right” to abortion has been blocked by Facebook.

LEAKED: New UN Boss Reveals Chilling Plot To Promote Global Mass Migration
….This year, governments will negotiate a global compact on migration through the United Nations. This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind. It will not be a formal treaty. Nor will it place any binding obligations on states. Instead, it is an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants, and lay out a common vision of how to make migration work for all our nations.

1984: Facebook Getting Ready To Release ‘Portal’ Hardware That Will Mine Your Home 24×7 For Video And Sound
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Internet is filled with funny memes and videos of people asking their in-home ‘personal assistants’ like Alexa and Echo funny questions. But while you’re chuckling over the next one you see posted, just remember that you’re laughing as you watch the One World surveillance system that will eventually be known as the Mark Of The Beast coming to life in stages. Just as the Day Of The Lord is a period of time beginning from the Rapture of the Church to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ that culminates in an actual day, so the Mark Of The Beast is a system whose crown jewel will be an implantable mark. Facebook had 2.07 billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2017, and now they want in-home surveillance. Hey, Alexa…are you ready for what comes next?

Trump Accuses Adam Schiff Of Leaking Details
“All I see of these Democrats, like Adam Schiff — it’s all he does, he’ll have a meeting, and then he’ll leave, and he’ll call up the meeting, and then I’ll have a meeting and then he’ll leave. He left meetings where people are being interviewed, and then all of a sudden they say a story about what’s going on inside the meetings,” Trump said.

RINO Jeff Flake Announces ‘Gang of 6’ Have Reached a DACA Amnesty Agreement
…Flake is an anti-Trump pro-amnesty Republican. He is not running for reelection this year in Arizona…The three Republicans also are top anti-Trumpers.

Army Finds $830 Million In “Missing” Helicopters As First Ever Audit Begins
After several decades of nation-building and trillions of dollars missing or improperly recorded, the long-awaited audit of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has finally begun. On Wednesday, the Defense Department Comptroller David Norquist told lawmakers in Washington that the DoD’s first-ever department wide audit will cost about $367 million in 2018 and an addition


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Rapture Ready News

15 Jan 2018
Published on: January 15, 2018 by RRadmin7

New U.S.-backed ‘border force’ in Syria infuriates Ankara, Damascus
Syria, Turkey and Russia responded vehemently on Monday to new US-backed plans to set up a 30,000-strong “border force” inside Syria to protect territory held by Washington’s mainly Kurdish allies. The Syrian government vowed to drive the US presence from the country. Turkey, an increasingly estranged US ally within NATO, accused Washington of setting up a “terror army” on the Turkish border, and said it would take steps to protect itself.

Abbas confirms Palestinians being offered Abu Dis as capital of future state
The Palestinians are being offered Abu Dis as the capital of a future Palestinian state…Abbas said on Sunday. Abu Dis is a Palestinian town on the outskirts of Jerusalem, where Al-Quds University, one of the largest Palestinian universities, is located…“We can say no to anyone… And we have now said ‘no’ to Trump and others. No, we will not accept his plan,” Abbas said. “We told him that the deal of the era is the slap of the era… We will repel it.”

Russia says no to Trump fixing or nixing Iran nuclear deal
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday Moscow will not support attempts by Washington to modify the Iran nuclear deal, arguing such a move could also complicate diplomacy over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Lavrov spoke days after US President Donald Trump said he would waive nuclear sanctions against Iran for the last time to give Washington and its European allies a chance to fix the “terrible flaws” of the 2015 nuclear deal.

Chile complains of World Bank unfair treatment
Chilean officials have accused the World Bank of treating the country unfairly for several years. Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, tweeted “fake news was becoming fake statistics”. He was responding to an interview given by the bank’s chief economist, Paul Romer, who said indicators for Chile may have been manipulated for political reasons to show a decline in Chile’s business conditions.

Baghdad double suicide attack kills many/a>
At least 35 people have been killed in a double suicide bombing in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, medical sources say, the second attack in three days. More than 90 were injured in the attack in Tayaran Square, in the city centre. Baghdad has repeatedly been the target of bombings and armed attacks since the Islamic State (IS) group overran large areas of the country in 2014.

Non-believers call on God when faced with a crisis – despite insisting they’re not religious
A new survey has revealed that one in four non-believers pray when confronted by tough times – despite insisting they are not religious. For atheists and agnostics, personal crisis or tragedy is the most common reason for them to resort to prayer, with a quarter admitting they pray for comfort or to feel less lonely.

Criminal charges against street preachers dismissed
A group of five Washington state Christian street preachers who received prior approval of their public evangelism efforts but were nevertheless charged criminally under the guise of violating a noise ordinance won dismissals with the assistance of a nonprofit First Amendment legal defense group. Police in Washougal, Washington, cited the five for disturbing the peace outside a high school in November.

Britain scrambles two Typhoon jets to intercept Russian planes
Britain scrambled two Royal Air Force Typhoon jets on Monday from Scotland to intercept Russian planes near the United Kingdom’s airspace, a defense ministry spokesman said. The Typhoons were scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in Moray, Scotland.

Pope Francis Claims It’s A Sin To Reject Migrants and Refugees
Pope Francis has defined hostility and rejection of refugees and migrants as sin, encouraging people to overcome their “fully comprehensible” fears that these new arrivals might “disturb the established order” of local communities.

US Set to Cut UN Money for Palestinian Refugees
The Trump administration is preparing to withhold tens of millions of dollars from the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, cutting the year’s first contribution by more than half or perhaps entirely, and making additional donations contingent on major changes to the organization, according to U.S. officials.

Australia’s Hard Choice Between China And US
Canberra has always deftly balanced between Beijing and Washington but it may soon need to choose one over the other…

Conservative Message Continues To Disappear From Social Media
Twitter has become so adept at keeping Conservative masses from finding the truth that it even gets away with hiding the Tweets of the President of the United States of America from public view.

Attorney: Google Has ‘Re-Education’ Camps For Its Conservative Employees
Those who don’t toe the party line on any politically sensitive topic tend not to last very long – they’re either removed or forced to change their way of thinking to match the prevailing power until diversity of thought is a thing of the past.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Pro-Life Groups Are ‘Not In Line’ With Canadian Government Or Society
On Wednesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a town hall at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. During the event, a first-year student asked the PM about free speech as it relates to the pro-life movement.

Trump To Dems: ‘DACA Is Probably Dead’
Democrats may use failure to compromise on DACA as opportunity to shut down government on Jan. 19

Belgium Euthanizing People Sans Consent
Medical professionals and leaders of the Belgian Catholic Church claimed Belgian officials are abusing euthanasia laws to kill people without reasonable consent.

Famous Christ Statue Set Ablaze
A fire of dubious origin damaged the famous Christ of the Pacific statue in Lima, Peru, charring it days before Pope Francis’ visit to South America.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Rapture Ready News

16 Jan 2018
Published on: January 16, 2018 by RRadmin7
Israel Gearing up for 70th Independence Day Celebrations
The government is already preparing for a massive celebration on April 18th, the 70th anniversary of the modern miracle that is the State of Israel. (video)

A Strong Israeli Army is the Answer to International Holocaust Remembrance Day
International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on January 27, is a day set aside by the UN to memorialize victims of the Holocaust, encourage educational programs about one of the darkest times in history, and prevent future acts of genocide. To that end, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) runs a meaningful program called, “Witnesses in Uniform”. The program, funded by Yahad-United for Israel’s Soldiers and IFCJ, sends hundreds of IDF officers and reservists to Germany and Poland to visit concentration and death camps, the ghettos and the old communities of destroyed European Jewry.

Putin Pals Panic Over US “Corrupt Oligarchs” List, Begin Liquidating Assets
Russian oligarchs are growing increasingly nervous over the U.S. Treasury’s upcoming “Official Oligarch” list, which is being created pursuant to an Aug. 2, 2017 law requiring that the Treasury and State Departments identify officials and oligarchs as determined by “their closeness to the Russian regime and their net worth” an Executive Order signed quietly in Late December which freezes the U.S. housed assets of foreign government officials or executives of foreign corporations deemed to be corrupt.

Netanyahu: Abbas’ speech exposed his true colors
Using particularly jarring language, Abbas said, “Trump, ‘ikhrab beitak'” – an Arabic curse meaning “may your house be destroyed.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is on a state visit to India, said, “Abbas has shown his true colors. He has torn off his mask and made clear the simple truth that I have been trying to expose for many years: The root of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies with the Palestinians’ fundamental and constant refusal to recognize a Jewish state in any borders.”

Abbas: Israel a colonial project that has nothing to do with Jews
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said during a conference of the PLO’s Central Committee that “Israel is a colonial project that has nothing to do with Jews.” “Europeans wanted to bring the Jews here to preserve their interests in the region,” Abbas added.

Trump Designates $55 Million to Help Christians, Religious Minorities Rebuild in Iraq
In the wake of Vice President Mike Pence’s announcement last October that the United States government would provide direct aid to persecuted Iraqi Christians struggling to rebuild following the liberation of the Nineveh Plains, the Trump administration has taken concrete steps to follow through on its promises.

U.S. Deploys Electronic Warfare Aircraft To Korean Peninsula
The United States Air Force has deployed an aircraft designed for electronic warfare to the Korean Peninsula. As reported by The Aviationist Monday, an EC-130H Compass Call aircraft recently left Japan’s Yokota Air Base and arrived at Osan Air Base in South Korea.

Now global warming blamed for refugee madness
Rising oceans. Flooded shorelines. Horrific storms. Cold winters. Hot summers. An Arctic without ice or snow. Water flooding into the 9/11 memorial in New York. You’ve heard all the dire warnings about what global warming is doing. But there’s a new one: It’s causing immigration.

Pray to Allah, Soap Opera Tells German Kids
Native German kids must learn to pray to Allah, a soap opera recommended. A segment from Lindenstraße, a state-funded TV show, shows a young German woman telling a boy that there’s “another name for God,” and that name is Allah.

WATCH: Cops Raid Park, Arrest a Dozen People, Including a Child—For Helping the Homeless
In spite of the myriad of stories over the years, in which police and governments across the United States have been exposed as tyrants, cities and their armed agents continue to persecute good people who help those less fortunate than them. The latest case of police oppressing those who’d dare to help the homeless comes out of El Cajon, California this week in which more than a dozen good Samaritans were arrested.

Obama Lied and Argued Against Executive Amnesty, Then Lied and Said DACA Only Temporary, Now Lies and Calls Trump Racist for Scrapping DACA!
….But Obama lied. He didn’t really believe what he was saying, he only hoped Americans believed him. A short time later, in June 2012, Obama went on to push through his Executive Amnesty plan referred to as DACA. During his announcement at the White House, Obama claimed that the law would be temporary –

Mass Surveillance: The Government’s Secret Tool To Convict By Violating Rights
A devious process, known as “parallel reconstruction,” lurks behind many cases being brought to trial in America, these days. It’s actually a mass surveillance tool for the government and it violates the rights of every single person in the United States.

ENEMY OF THE JEWS: Obama and his deep hatred of Israel on full display
It’s outlandish how friends become enemies and enemies become friends on this in-depth video about Obama’s relationship (or lack thereof) with Israel. Once you see it all together, the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place.

****ing Oprah Video Surfaces; Anti-Christianity Rant Goes Viral
That Oprah 2020 presidential run just ended after this vintage yet ****ing video surfaced.

More Than 100 Are Dead As The Worst Flu Epidemic In Years Sweeps Across The United States
This flu season is already off to a record-setting beginning, and many believe that it could ultimately be the worst that we have seen in decades. In fact, it has been reported that if we stay on this current pace that this could truly be the worst flu season in more than 50 years. As you will see below, the CDC is reporting widespread flu activity from coast to coast, and the death toll has already crossed 100. Here in the United States, flu season usually begins in October and ends in May, and so we still have a long way to go before it is over.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Rapture Ready News

17 Jan 2018
Published on: January 17, 2018 by RRadmin7

FINALLY: Trump authorizes anti-aircraft missiles for the Kurds to combat Islamic threats from Turkey and Syria
The US is supplying N. Syrian Kurds with man-portable air defense weapons MANPADs to counter Turkish war threats. Tensions around northern Syria hit a new high on Tuesday, Jan. 16, when Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan threatened his army would invade the Kurdish region of Afrin – and then Kurdish-held Manbij – both of which abut on the Turkish border.

With a risk premium for oil, the World Economic Forum worried by war
“A deteriorating geopolitical landscape is partly to blame for the pessimistic outlook in 2018, with 93 percent of respondents saying they expect political or economic confrontations between major powers to worsen and nearly 80 percent expecting an increase in risks associated with war involving major powers,” the report read. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said last year that global economic momentum was “robust,” but warned the interdependent world that normally binds peace to deeper levels of connectivity was “falling apart and countries and peoples are pulling away from each other.”

Washington’s Paradigm Shift on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Trump administration’s approach to the Palestinians represents what Mideast experts and Israel advocates are describing as a paradigm shift in Washington, D.C.—acknowledging that Palestinian rejectionism lies at the root of the Arab-Israeli conflict, rather than reflexively blaming the Jewish state for the impasse in negotiations. The purported paradigm shift comes as the current Palestinian leadership is rejecting American involvement in the peace process.

US Withholds $65 Million From UN’s Palestinian Refugee Agency, Calls for Changes
“There is a need to undertake a fundamental re-examination of UNRWA, both in the way it operates and the way it is funded,” a U.S. official told AFP. According to the State Department, the U.S. sent UNRWA $60 million to keep the agency operating through the end of the year, but withheld additional planned funding of $65 million, while encouraging other countries to share the burden.

White House Announces Religious Freedom Day
On Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump publicly proclaimed January 16 as the national day of religious freedom. He called on Americans to celebrate the day, so as to “remind us of our shared heritage of religious liberty.” The president’s announcement addressed both religious freedom internationally and within the United States.

‘New California’ movement seeks to divide the Golden State in half
Two men have launched a campaign to divide rural California from the coastal cities, motivated by what they referred to as a “tyrannical form of government,” that doesn’t follow the state or federal constitution, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Unlike the failed 2016 campaign to split California into 6 states, the “New California” movement, founded by Robert Paul Preston and Tom Reed, seeks to consolidate rural California into a dinstinct economy separate from the coast. The “founders” have evoked Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution as justification for establishing a new economy with a new state constitution.

PA Chairman threatens war over Jerusalem
Mahmoud Abbas threatened war if US President Donald Trump does not allocate Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian State. In a Cairo speech, Abbas said, “Jerusalem is the key to peace if it is our capital, and if it is not – it is the key to war. Trump will need to chose.”

Magnitude 5.8 Quake Hits 51 Miles Southwest of Rivas, Nicaragua – USGS
At first the USGS put the magnitude of the earthquake at 6.0 but later it revised it.

Thermometer in world’s coldest village breaks as temperatures plunge to -62C
The thermometer in a remote Siberian village known as the coldest inhabited place on earth has broken as temperatures plunged to near-record depths. The public device, which was installed in Oymyakon as a tourist attraction, recorded -62C, before malfunctioning this week.

Out!’ Trump Kicks CNN’s Jim Acosta Out Of Press Conference
When Jim Acosta asked if the President would prefer the people to be from Caucasian countries or places of color, President Trump looked at the Senior White House Correspondent, pointed a finger at him and said one word — “Out.”

UNRWA chief appeals for Palestinian refugee funds after US cut
The head of the UN agency that provides aid to Palestinian refugees appealed on Wednesday for world donations after the United States withheld about half its planned funding for the organization, a move he said risks instability in the region. Washington said on Tuesday it would provide $60 million to the UN Relief and Welfare Agency while keeping back a further $65 million for now. The US State Department said UNRWA needed to make unspecified reforms.

Abbas cancels peace negotiations due to Saudi leaked Jerusalem plan
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas decided to deliver Sunday’s speech – in which he ruled out a peace process as long as Donald Trump is US president – after parts of Trump’s Middle East peace plan were leaked to him by the Saudis, Channel 2 reported on Tuesday night. Even before Sunday’s speech, Ben Caspit of The Jerusalem Post’s Hebrew sister paper Maariv reported last week that Abbas was angered by the preliminary reports of Trump’s plan that the Saudis had given him.

Brexit: Brits take EU rights bid to Dutch court
Five UK nationals are going to court in the Netherlands in a campaign to keep their EU citizenship after Brexit. They want a Dutch judge to press the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to clarify their rights. The ECJ, if it decides to make a ruling, could guarantee such rights as freedom of movement after the UK leaves the European Union. An ECJ decision would affect all British nationals living in the European Union.

Syria war: Turkish forces mass near Kurdish areas
Turkey’s president has warned of imminent military offensives on two Kurdish-held areas in northern Syria, as tanks and troops mass on the border. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Syrian rebels would support Turkish efforts to clear the “terror nests” of Afrin and Manbij. The areas are controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara considers a terrorist group.

Earthquake-causing meteor leaves southeast Michigan residents awestruck
Residents of southeast Michigan were left a bit shaken Tuesday night after a big bright flash lit up the sky and the ground beneath them shook. A flying saucer? No. A shooting star? Not quite. The National Weather Service eventually solved the mystery, tweeting “USGS confirms meteor occurred around 810 pm, causing a magnitude 2.0 earthquake.”

The Church of Satan believes that sex robots could save our society
Oddly, the founder of the church of Satan, Anton Lavey, predicted sex robots more than two decades ago – and today’s Satanists still believe they could save us all. In Lavey’s ‘Five Point Plan’, drawn up in the Eighties, he recommended the use of ‘humanoids’ as an outlet for people’s darker impulses…Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan told Metro, ‘Anton LaVey promoted the idea of “artificial human companions” as a means for people to exercise sexual or other drives with a device that might gratify their fantasies without having to involve other human beings.

How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms
Last year, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte made an announcement to great fanfare: The university would soon open a branch of the Confucius Institute, the Chinese government-funded educational institutions that teach Chinese language, culture and history. The Confucius Institute would “help students be better equipped to succeed in an increasingly globalized world,” says Nancy Gutierrez, UNC Charlotte’s dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences…

Welcome to the neighbourhood. Have you read the terms of service?
…Quayside may be one of the most sensor-laden neighbourhoods in North America, thanks to Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs, which has been working on a plan to redevelop the area from the ground up into a test bed for smart city technology…The Canadian government is soliciting pitches for more smart cities across the country, and has promised up to $80 million to communities competing in its Smart Cities Challenge prize.

21 states sue to keep net neutrality as Senate Democrats reach 50 votes
A group of 21 U.S. state attorneys general filed suit to challenge the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to do away with net neutrality on Tuesday while Democrats said they needed just one more vote in the Senate to repeal the FCC ruling…Trump backed the FCC action, the White House said last month, and overturning a presidential veto requires a two-thirds vote of both chambers.

Breaking Report: Trump Admin To Appeal DACA Decision Directly To Supreme Court
Fox News is reporting that the Justice Department is planning to appeal directly to the Supreme Court to overrule a San Francisco federal judge’s ruling voiding President Trump’s order ending the Obama administration’s controversial DACA program for certain illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as children.

Government Report: 73% of All Terrorism Related Offenders Over Last 15 Years were Foreign Born
A new report by the Department of Homeland Security found that 73% of terrorism related offenses in the last 15 years were by foreign born residents.

It’s Spreading=> Congressional Investigation Into Steele Dossier Has New Target: The Obama State Department
Congressional investigators probing the origins of the Steele dossier have set their sights on a brand new target — The Obama State Department.

Isaiah’s Shocking Prophecy Comes True in the Sahara as Snow Falls in World’s Hottest Desert
The people of Ain Sefra were greeted by a strange sight when they woke up last Sunday: 4-12 inches of snow had fallen overnight in the northern Algerian town known as “the Gateway to the Desert”, situated between the Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains. This is only the third time in the last 40 years that the Sahara’s dunes have been coated with snow. The Sahara is one of the hottest places on the planet but strangely, it snowed there last year as well. Before that, it had been 37 years since Ain Sefra’s last snowfall.

Trump Withholds $65 Million from U.N.’s Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency
The Trump administration on Tuesday informed the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which ministers to so-called Palestinian refugees, that it is providing tens of millions of dollars less than its annual pledge to the agency.

OUTBREAK ALERT: ‘Eye Bleed Fever’ Kills 4 As Virus Sweeps Through Uganda
Panic is setting in after a nine-year-old girl died suddenly of “eye bleed fever” in Uganda. This new virus is said to be even more dangerous than the “Black Death,” killing 40 percent of those who contract the disease, and four have died already.

Islamic Takeover in FULL SWING – American School District Surrenders to SHARIA LAW
The greatest damage to the American country had been made during the Obama’s time in the White House. His legislation’s allowed hundreds of thousands Muslim immigrants from third-world countries, move to America and stay here forever.

Our Leaders Have Sold America to the United Nations
…Despite all of these problems, the United Nations champions massive, disorganized immigration. Why? Because it serves to dilute the culture. Oh, I know this is a conspiracy theory and as some would have you believe there is no such thing as a conspiracy. But before you can install a new world order, you must destroy the existing cultures and the spirit of nationalism.

Palestinians Attempt to Bomb 1,000 Jewish Pilgrims Visiting Joseph’s Tomb, Judaism’s Third Holiest Site
On Tuesday, Palestinians apparently attempted to bomb Joseph’s Tomb, considered Judaism’s third holiest site, during a visit there earlier today by about 1,000 Jewish pilgrims.

Every Swedish household to receive guide on how to handle terror attacks
Sweden is set to send a guide to every household in the country on how to handle terror attacks as its security deteriorates. The ‘If War Comes’ booklet was first distributed in the 1940s in the early days of the Second World War and contained tips for citizens on what they should do if Sweden was invaded.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Rapture Ready News

18 Jan 2018
Published on: January 18, 2018 by RRadmin7

Erdogan, Pope to discuss Trump’s Jerusalem move
Turkish president to visit Vatican, discuss response to US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

100 Victims Testify In Court Over Massive Child Molestation Cover-Up In USA Gymnastics
…Nearly 100 women will read victim impact statements this week, sharing their accounts of the horrific sexual assault they endured when they were young girls, at the hands of Larry Nassar—and in doing so, they are also revealing that USA Gymnastics enabled the predator.

TOM FITTON WARNS: “Tsunami of Information” Set To Expose “Obama/Clinton/Deep State Scandals” (VIDEO)
Echoing statements he made on Fox News program “Hannity” last week, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton warned on Tuesday that a “tsunami of information” exposing “Obama/Clinton/Deep State scandals,” will soon be released.

Dow Breaks 26,000! First Time Ever! President Trump Now Owns EVERY MAJOR DOW RECORD in History!
New All Time Highs! Records Shattered! Every Dow record imaginable shattered. President Trump owns the Dow. Although President Trump has not yet been in office for a full year, his first year in office is already the greatest year in stock market history! Today it got even better.

Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney: Trump Admin’s Espionage Act Enforcement May Spell Trouble For Hillary Clinton
The Justice Department announced Tuesday that it had charged ex-CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee with a felony for unlawfully retaining classified information. Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy believes Lee’s arrest demonstrates the Trump administration is doing what the Obama administration, in part, refused to do — enforce the Espionage Act. The move may spell trouble for Hillary Clinton.

Report: Medicaid And Obamacare May Be Incentivizing Opioid Trafficking And Abuse
One of the largest entitlement programs in the country is incentivizing prescription drug trafficking and exacerbating the national opioid epidemic, according to a Senate report.

REPORT: Homeland Security Is Preparing To ARREST Leaders Of Sanctuary Cities
The move follows the Justice Department issuing a “final warning,” to various sanctuary cities around the country. Cook County, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, New Orleans, Louisiana, New York, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are on the Justice Department’s hit list for failing to enforce federal immigration laws.

BREAKING VIDEO: James O’Keefe EXPOSES Twitter Bans Users Under Pressure From Chinese Government
Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe released a brand new video exposing Twitter’s practice of banning users due to pressure from foreign governments. On January 1st, Conrado Miranda, a former senior software engineer at Twitter admitted to Project Veritas that the social media giant routinely bars users at the behest of the Chinese government.

Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon
Nunes to reveal Obama electronic surveillance evidence

SODOM AND GEMORRAH: California Gov. Jerry Brown To Force Schools To Show Kids ‘Gay Sex’ As Part Of LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum
California Governor Jerry Brown has mandated the use of gay pornography in elementary schools in order to teach children about LGBT sex.

Racist Google (Youtube) Censors MLK’s Niece and Her Message of Racial Harmony
In the aftermath of President Trump’s alleged “S-hole” comment, that he denies, Alveda King, Fox News contributor and the niece of the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King spoke out and said that President Trump was no racist and provided examples. I published those examples and Youtube (Google) chose to to censor Ms. King’s comments regarding President Trump and his lack of overt racism as well as Ms. King’s message of racial unity by demonitizing the following video (see below).

Rev. Graham: ‘Darkness Is Spreading,’ ‘Forces of Evil’ Working to Destroy Moral Society
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham, son of Pastor Billy Graham, said, “darkness is spreading rapidly” across the globe — the sins of pornography, sexual abuse, drugs, religious persecution — and that the “forces of evil are” are doing all they can to “destroy the foundations of a morally healthy society.” He added that the light of Truth, which is Jesus Christ, will dispel the darkness but believers need to help spread this truth in their everyday lives.

Trump: Freedom Doesn’t Come From Govt, It’s a ‘Sacred Right From Almighty God’
Today, President Donald Trump issued a proclamation declaring January 16, 2018 as Religious Freedom Day, wherein he noted that, “Our forefathers, seeking refuge from religious persecution, believed in the eternal truth that freedom is not a gift from the government, but a sacred right from Almighty God.”

9 of 12 National Park Service advisers resign, cite differences with Zinke
A majority of the members of the U.S. National Park Service advisory board resigned this week — citing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s unwillingness to engage with them. Nine of the panel’s 12 members — a bipartisan panel appointed by former President Barack Obama — signed off on a letter of resignation on Monday.

Diversity Visa Lottery Winner Offered to Kill Obama for ISIS
“The defendant in this case lived in Brooklyn while making plans to travel to Syria to support a design(at)ed terrorist organization,” O’Neill said. “If that was not successful, the defendant schemed of bombing Coney Island or killing the president of the United States.” This story starts in 2011.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Player Who Refused to Kneel for Anthem Drops Incredible Statement About Jesus After Winning Play
Besides being a dignified NFL player who’s reportedly never once kneeled for the national anthem, Minnesota Vikings quarterback Case Keenum is also a stalwart Christian who truly prizes his personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Trump Sends “Silent Death” Ship to NK Conflict Zone
the USS Wasp — an amphibious assault ship with stealth attack capabilities — has been deployed to Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan, joining the 7th Fleet’s show of force against Pyongyang. The ship will be replacing the USS Bonhomme Richard as the flagship of Task Force 76. One of the key features of the Wasp is that it’s been modified to carry F-35B Lightning II stealth aircraft, allowing for nearly silent strikes against the North Koreans should the situation arise.

Canadian Christians say they can’t apply for federal job funding due to abortion clause
Canadian Christians say they can’t apply for a federal job funding program called the Canada Summer Jobs program because it would require them to voice support for abortion, the Ottawa Citizen reported. The clause states that “reproductive rights” includes “the right to access safe and legal abortions.”

Kabbalist: New High-Speed Train Necessary For Third Temple
The new high-speed train nearing completion connecting Israel’s recently upgraded international airport directly to the Temple Mount is expected to be complete just in time for Passover, which one mystic sees as fitting since so many esoteric hints indicate the road to the Third Temple will be paved with train tracks.

Damascus warns Turkey against Afrin attack
“We warn the Turkish leadership that if they initiate combat operations in the Afrin area, that will be considered an act of aggression by the Turkish army,” deputy foreign minister Faisal Meqdad said in comments reported by state media.

India test-fires missile amid perceived threats from China, Pakistan
India tested its longest-range intercontinental missile on Thursday, the defense ministry said, part of efforts to build a nuclear deterrent against neighboring Pakistan and China. The 5,000-km range (3,107-mile) Agni missile was tested from an island in India’s eastern coast in the Bay of Bengal, the ministry said on its official Twitter account.

Saudi Arabia to allow Israel flyover rights?
During his official state visit to India, Prime Minister Netanyahu dropped tantalizing hints that Saudi Arabia would soon allow Israel-bound planes to fly over its territory. Netanyahu told a group of Indian businessmen that “One of the things we are trying to do is promote a simple thing – an efficient and direct route between Israel and India, the kind we have between Israel and Silicon Valley, the kind we now have between Israel and China”.

US Palestinian rep. says UNRWA funds ‘not a bargaining chip’
The head of the Palestinian mission to Washington slammed the US Trump administration Wednesday over its decision to withhold $65 million to Palestinian aid agencies, saying that making basic humanitarian services such as food, medical supplies and education accessible to Palestinians is not a bargaining chip, but an American and international obligation.

North Korea crisis: South to continue talks with ‘clear eyes’
South Korea says it will continue high-level talks with North Korea with “clear eyes” amid global warnings that Pyongyang might be playing for time to continue its nuclear-arms programme. “We have to make the most” of the opportunity, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha told the BBC. The two Koreas earlier agreed to march under a “unified Korea” flag at next month’s Winter Olympics in the South.

‘Code red’ storm halts Dutch trains and flights
Dutch authorities have suspended all flights to and from Amsterdam Schiphol airport because of a severe storm. Most rail traffic has also stopped as winds gust at up to 140km/h (90mph) across the Netherlands. Schiphol, one of Europe’s busiest airports, gave no estimated time for flights to resume.

At least 10 deaths from snow, ice and record cold in South
Snow, ice and a record-breaking blast of cold closed runways, highways, schools and government offices across the South and sent cars sliding off roads Wednesday in a corner of the country ill-equipped to deal with wintry weather. At least 10 people died, including a baby in a car that plunged off a slippery overpass into a Louisiana canal.

Turkey says could act in Syria unless U.S. withdraws support for Kurdish force
Turkey said on Wednesday it would not hesitate to take action in Syria’s Afrin district and other areas unless the United States withdrew support for a Kurdish-led force there, but Washington denied such plans and said “some people misspoke”. Turkish President Erdogan has repeatedly warned of an imminent incursion in Afrin after Washington said it would help the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish YPG militia, set up a new 30,000-strong border force.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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19 Jan 2018
Published on: January 19, 2018 by RRadmin7
“Explosive”, “Shocking” And “Alarming” FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, “End Mueller Investigation”
“Not only will the release of this memo result in DOJ firing, but people will go to jail.” –Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)

Abercrombie Kids Launches Genderless Fashion Line For Children
Abercrombie Kids launched a gender-inclusive children’s fashion line Wednesday called the “Everybody Collection.”

‘Catholic’ Georgetown to Offer LGBT Housing to Students
Georgetown University, founded in 1789 and ostensibly a “Catholic” school, will offer a “gender & sexuality” housing complex for students starting in the 2018-19 academic year, which will operate as a residential center for homosexual, transgender, and “questioning” students, according to Campus Reform. The center was the brainchild of Georgetown senior Grace Smith, who leads the student government’s LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Policy Team.

EXCLUSIVE: Steve King Calls on Leadership, Advocacy Groups to Protect Unborn with Heartbeat Bill
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says House leadership and one very powerful pro-life group is posturing to prevent his anti-abortion “Heartbeat Bill” from passing in the House.

Venezuelans Throw Worthless Money in Trash Amid Massive Inflation
The financial situation in Venezuela is so bad people are tossing money in the trash because it is worth so little, according to a new report.

EMERGENCY WARNING: Scientific Journals Confirm Plan To Sterilize You
The globalists’ eugenics operation is out in the open

Sweden Prepares Its Citizens For ‘Imminent’ War With Russia
Sweden has issued an official public information manual urging its citizens to prepare for war with Russia urging the public to stock up on essential food supplies as tensions grow.

Senate Votes To Reauthorize NSA Spying Program
While most Congressional observers are focused on the battle to avert a weekend government shutdown (an outcome that’s looking increasingly likely), the Senate on Thursday quietly passed an extension of the NSA’s spying surveillance program, sending the bill to the president’s desk a week after the House voted to authorize the controversial plan.

Damascus warns it may shoot down Turkish planes attacking Kurds within Syrian borders
The Syrian government warned Turkey against launching a bombing campaign in the Syrian province of Afrin, saying its air defenses may be used. Ankara had threatened airstrikes against Afrin-based Kurdish militias.

Dem IT aides pretended to be congressmen to steal data
In a report on the bizarre scandal centering on Pakistani-born Democratic congressional IT aides, a House investigation concluded the aides accessed the data of members for whom they did not work, sometimes logging in as lawmakers to cover their tracks.

Did the World Just Avoid Two False Flag Attempts Designed to Start World War III?
…I have concluded that there was a indeed a missile fired at Hawaii in which it is my personal opinion that this was an attempt to provoke the American people into wanting WW III against North Korea. I believe that this missile was brought down and then the coverup started. I have learned that the mechanism of warning of an impending attack is a 5 step process and the excuse that a wrong button was pushed in shift change is ridiculous….I believe that this was a false flag attack attempting to frame North Korea for starting World War III.

Trump: Embassy Not Moving to Jerusalem Within the Year
The Times of Israel reports: US President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied the US would relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem within a year, rejecting comments made a day earlier by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

SHOCK: An Elon University Professor Is Using Software To Provide Private Details On American Patriots To The Domestic Terror Group Antifa
In an absolutely shocking revelation, a report from Wired Magazine has revealed that a professor at Elon University has devised a so-called “secret weapon”, in support of Antifa, that allows her to keep tabs on at least 400,000 Americans who she believes are members of the alt-right.

FBI Investigating Millions Of “Mishandled” Dollars Funneled From Australian Govt To Clinton Foundation
The Clinton Foundation received some $88 million from Australian taxpayers between 2006 and 2014, reaching its peak in 2012-2013


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

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Netanyahu: If Abbas rejects the US as mediator, he doesn’t want peace
“If he doesn’t want the US as a mediator, he doesn’t want peace,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday about Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s rejection of the US as the go-between in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. “There is no substitute for the United States,” Netanyahu told reporters upon landing back in Israel after a five day trip to India.

NOAA forecasters say there is a 45% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Jan. 20th when a stream of solar wind is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. The gaseous material is flowing from a crescent-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras this weekend.

On Temple Mount, Jews Respond to Arab Incitement by Praising God
In what may very well be a historic turning point in the struggle for equality of religions on the Temple Mount, 42 Jews responded to an aggressive attempt by the Jerusalem Waqf (Islamic Religious Trust) to prevent them from touring the site, by singing praises of God. The Israeli police escort immediately responded by expelling the group of Jewish tourists from the Temple Mount, detaining them and threatening to revoke their rights to visit the site in the future.

What’s The Connection Between the Biblical Esau and President Trump?
Earlier this week, in a talk in Jerusalem that lasted well over two hours, Rabbi Kessin laid out his Bible-based case that Trump has a singular role to play in preparing the world for redemption. He did not claim that Trump is the Messiah, though Rabbi Kessin said, “Trump is a messianic figure,” meaning he is connected to the process of moving redemption forward.

IAF Reportedly Hits Hezbollah Weapons Depot in Syrian Military Airport Near Damascus
Syrian opposition sources are claiming that on Tuesday night, the Israeli Air Force attacked a Hezbollah weapons depot adjacent to the Mezzeh military airport near Damascus, Syria. Neither the Syrian government nor the IDF commented on the attack.

“Explosive”, “Shocking” And “Alarming” FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, “End Mueller Investigation”
“Not only will the release of this memo result in DOJ firing, but people will go to jail.” –Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)

Abercrombie Kids Launches Genderless Fashion Line For Children
Abercrombie Kids launched a gender-inclusive children’s fashion line Wednesday called the “Everybody Collection.”

‘Catholic’ Georgetown to Offer LGBT Housing to Students
Georgetown University, founded in 1789 and ostensibly a “Catholic” school, will offer a “gender & sexuality” housing complex for students starting in the 2018-19 academic year, which will operate as a residential center for homosexual, transgender, and “questioning” students, according to Campus Reform. The center was the brainchild of Georgetown senior Grace Smith, who leads the student government’s LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Policy Team.

EXCLUSIVE: Steve King Calls on Leadership, Advocacy Groups to Protect Unborn with Heartbeat Bill
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says House leadership and one very powerful pro-life group is posturing to prevent his anti-abortion “Heartbeat Bill” from passing in the House.

Venezuelans Throw Worthless Money in Trash Amid Massive Inflation
The financial situation in Venezuela is so bad people are tossing money in the trash because it is worth so little, according to a new report.

EMERGENCY WARNING: Scientific Journals Confirm Plan To Sterilize You
The globalists’ eugenics operation is out in the open

Sweden Prepares Its Citizens For ‘Imminent’ War With Russia
Sweden has issued an official public information manual urging its citizens to prepare for war with Russia urging the public to stock up on essential food supplies as tensions grow.

Senate Votes To Reauthorize NSA Spying Program
While most Congressional observers are focused on the battle to avert a weekend government shutdown (an outcome that’s looking increasingly likely), the Senate on Thursday quietly passed an extension of the NSA’s spying surveillance program, sending the bill to the president’s desk a week after the House voted to authorize the controversial plan.

Damascus warns it may shoot down Turkish planes attacking Kurds within Syrian borders
The Syrian government warned Turkey against launching a bombing campaign in the Syrian province of Afrin, saying its air defenses may be used. Ankara had threatened airstrikes against Afrin-based Kurdish militias.

Dem IT aides pretended to be congressmen to steal data
In a report on the bizarre scandal centering on Pakistani-born Democratic congressional IT aides, a House investigation concluded the aides accessed the data of members for whom they did not work, sometimes logging in as lawmakers to cover their tracks.

Did the World Just Avoid Two False Flag Attempts Designed to Start World War III?
…I have concluded that there was a indeed a missile fired at Hawaii in which it is my personal opinion that this was an attempt to provoke the American people into wanting WW III against North Korea. I believe that this missile was brought down and then the coverup started. I have learned that the mechanism of warning of an impending attack is a 5 step process and the excuse that a wrong button was pushed in shift change is ridiculous….I believe that this was a false flag attack attempting to frame North Korea for starting World War III.

Trump: Embassy Not Moving to Jerusalem Within the Year
The Times of Israel reports: US President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied the US would relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem within a year, rejecting comments made a day earlier by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

SHOCK: An Elon University Professor Is Using Software To Provide Private Details On American Patriots To The Domestic Terror Group Antifa
In an absolutely shocking revelation, a report from Wired Magazine has revealed that a professor at Elon University has devised a so-called “secret weapon”, in support of Antifa, that allows her to keep tabs on at least 400,000 Americans who she believes are members of the alt-right.

FBI Investigating Millions Of “Mishandled” Dollars Funneled From Australian Govt To Clinton Foundation
The Clinton Foundation received some $88 million from Australian taxpayers between 2006 and 2014, reaching its peak in 2012-2013


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Chinese Space Station Set to Plunge to Earth
No one is sure exactly where a Chinese space station will come crashing back to Earth in the next few months. (VIDEO)

Earthquake Off Coast of Mexico Measured 6.3 and Struck Near Popular Tourist Town
A magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck the Gulf of California Friday morning. No immediate damage was reported, according to the Associated Press. The earthquake struck the waters between Baja California Sur and Sonora, Mexico, about 48 miles off the coast of Loreto, Mexico, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Macron says ‘special’ UK deal possible
French President Emmanuel Macron has suggested the UK could get a special trade deal with the EU after Brexit. But he warned that Britain would not have full access to the single market without accepting its rules. Speaking to Andrew Marr, he warned – as Brussels has already done – that the UK could not “cherry-pick” the elements it liked.

Colombia says 550,000 Venezuelans have fled to the country
Colombia says the number of Venezuelans fleeing a severe economic crisis to live in Colombia has increased by 62% in the last six months. Migration officials say more than 550,000 Venezuelans are now living in Colombia, mostly illegally. The influx is putting pressure on the government especially in border areas to provide the migrants with food, shelter and medical care.

US shutdown begins as Senate fails to pass new budget
The US government has begun shutting down many of its services after the Senate failed to agree on a new budget. A bill to fund the federal government until 16 February did not receive the required 60 votes amid a bitter dispute over immigration and border security. It is the first shutdown ever to happen while the same party, the Republicans, controls Congress and the White House.

Facebook to use surveys to boost ‘trustworthy’ news
Facebook has announced it will prioritise news sources deemed to be more trustworthy on its News Feed. The firm said the social network community will determine which outlets are reliable via the use of user surveys. Founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said news content will soon make up around 4% of what appeared in people’s News Feeds – down from 5% before.

Russian spy ship spotted off US coast a year ago returns to region
The Russian spy ship first spotted near American waters last year is making its way back in the direction of the U.S., Fox News confirmed on Thursday. The Victor Leonov is still in the Caribbean, according to officials, but heading north off the coast of Florida, home to a U.S. Navy base located in North Florida, east of Jacksonville. The ship could be off the Florida coast by Friday if the ship maintains present course and speed, according to officials.

China accuses U.S. warship of violating its sovereignty
China’s foreign ministry has accused a U.S. warship of entering its territorial waters without permission and said it would take “necessary measures” to ensure its sovereignty is protected. On the evening of Jan. 17, the missile destroyer USS Hopper came within 12 nautical miles of Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, the ministry said on its website on Saturday.

U.S. health agency revokes Obama-era Planned Parenthood protection
U.S. health officials said on Friday they were revoking legal guidance issued by the Obama administration that had sought to discourage states from trying to defund organizations that provide abortion services, such as Planned Parenthood. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials also said the department was issuing a new regulation aimed at protecting healthcare workers’ civil rights based on religious and conscience objections.

Breaking down stereotypes, Jewish day school to host drag queen Shabbat ceremony
….The school, together with local Jewish organizations, is hosting a Jewish version of Drag Queen Story Hour, a national program in which drag entertainers read stories to children. The goal of the program, launched in San Francisco in 2015, is to give kids “glamorous, positive, and unabashedly ***** role models.”

Tiny earthquakes: Almost 250 of them shake Reno, Nev., in past week
Reno’s southern neighborhoods have been shaking, ever so gently, for seven days now.

U.S. to convert existing Jerusalem facility into embassy for 2019 opening
The Trump administration plans to retrofit an existing facility in Jerusalem into an embassy with the goal of moving its staff there from Tel Aviv in 2019, US officials said on Thursday.

Video, Transcript: While Left Marches To Abort, Trump Attends March For Life
President Donald Trump speaks at the March For Life anti-abortion rally in Washington D.C. where over 100,000 are expected to be in attendance. Trump will be the first president to attend the march in 45 years. Meanwhile, the left is holding another women’s march, which focuses on abortion rights among other issues.

Democrats Insist on DACA Amnesty
Democrats’ insistence on an immediate immigration amnesty for potentially millions of young illegal aliens may shut down the federal government at midnight tonight for the first time in the Trump era.

Why Would the NASB Bible Translation Use the Word ‘Palestine’?
The New American Standard Bible (NASB) s one of the most widely used modern translations of the Bible, and there is not the slightest hint that the translation is anti-Israel, let alone anti-Semitic. So, my question comes by way of interest and curiosity, not by way of indictment or accusation. Why would this fine translation introduce the word ‘Palestine’ in its section headings?

Judicial Watch Releases “NEW Smoking Gun” Proof Hillary Clinton Mishandled Classified Information (VIDEO)
Described as a “new smoking gun,” conservative watchdog Judicial Watch released 78 pages of U.S. State Department Friday that detail new proof Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information.

Can’t Make It Up=> Hijab-Wearing Model Stars in L’Oreal Hair Campaign (VIDEO)
Progressive elites are celebrating the hijab-wearing model in the new L’Oreal hair ads.

State demands preachers get permission to speak
Two street preachers are targeted, confronted and eventually arrested by transit officers who insist that they stop talking about their Christian beliefs without getting the agency’s permission first, and the courts say that’s all right.

U.S. withholds additional $45 million from terror-linked U.N. agency
Days after announcing it was withholding $65 million from a U.N. agency supporting Palestinian refugees, the United States announced it will not provide a separate $45 million it had pledged to the agency, according to the State Department.

Snowden: Trump Must Veto Reauthorized NSA Spying Powers In Light Of FISA Memo
Donald Trump must veto reauthorized NSA spying powers which passed both the House and the Senate yesterday without a single reform, in light of an exploseive four-page memo said to detail sweeping FISA Abuses by the FBI, DOJ and the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 presidential election, says former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Islamic Malaysia says its army is on standby waiting for the signal to invade Jerusalem and take it from the Jews
The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) are always ready for the signal and directives from the top leadership and head of state on the issue of Jerusalem.

CONFIRMED: Obama DOJ Used Information From Dossier Author Christopher Steele To Spy On Trump Campaign Official
According to a new report, the Obama Justice Department relied on information obtained by former British spy, Christopher Steele, to spy on Trump campaign aide, Carter Page, during the final days of the 2016 presidential election.

Pope Accuses Child Sex Abuse Victims of Slander
Pope Francis defended a bishop accused of covering up pedophilia during a visit to Chile by labeling sex abuse victims as slanderous.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

We Don’t Care About Anti-Semitism in This Office,’ Senate Aide Allegedly Says
Cornett responded, “We don’t care about anti-Semitism in this office. We care about transgenders, we care about blacks we care about Hispanics, we care about gays, we care about lesbians, we care about the disabled. We don’t care about anti-Semitism in this office.”

Turkey Launches Major Campaign Against Kurdish Fighters in Northern Syria
Turkey launched a military operation in northern Syria over the weekend against the US-backed Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), in a move that is likely to cause further strain in Istanbul’s relationship with Washington, DC.

On eve of Pence visit, Netanyahu says ‘no substitute’ for US leadership in region
There is no substitute to US mediation in the diplomatic process, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday…hours before US Vice President Mike Pence was scheduled to arrive for a two day visit. In an apparent reference to the Palestinian Authority’s decision to boycott Pence, Netanyahu said that “those who truly aspire to these goals [regional stability] know that there is no substitute for US leadership.”

Jordan’s king says east Jerusalem must be capital of Palestinian state
In remarks during talks with US Vice Mike Pence in Amman, the king said the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a two-state one. “The US decision on Jerusalem …does not come as a result of a comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” the monarch told Pence at the start of the talks in the royal palace.

Nasrallah warns Israel against continued construction of border wall
Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has warned Israel against continued construction of a wall along its border with Lebanon… “After liberating the Lebanese occupied territories from the Zionist enemy in 2000…the Lebanese government informed the UNIFIL about its rejection for any Israeli measure in this concern,” Nasrallah was quoted by Hezbollah website al-Manar as saying.

Turkish forces push into Syria as Kurds fight back
Turkish ground forces pushed into northern Syria’s Afrin province on Sunday, the army said, after Turkey launched artillery and air strikes on a US-backed Kurdish militia it aims to sweep from its border. The Syrian-Kurdish YPG militia, supported by the United States but seen as a terrorist organization by Turkey, said it had repulsed the Turkish forces and their allies after fierce clashes.

Kabul: Gunman shot Intercontinental Hotel diners – eyewitness
An eyewitness has told the BBC of the terrifying moment gunmen burst into Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel restaurant on Saturday. The man, who is not being named for security reasons, said he was spared after saying he was an Afghan. “Where are the foreigners?” they shouted. At least six civilians were killed in the 12-hour siege, officials said.

Syria: Turkey says ground troops moved in on Afrin
Turkish ground troops have crossed into northern Syria as part of Ankara’s campaign to rid the border area of Kurdish fighters, Turkey’s PM says. Binali Yildirim said the aim was to establish a 30km (19-mile) “safe zone” deep inside Syria, Turkish reports say. Turkey launched its operation against Kurdish YPG militia in the Afrin region with air strikes on Saturday.

Earthquake Swarm in U.S. City Has Lasted 7 Days Straight—What’s Going On?
In the past month, parts of Reno, Nevada, have experienced a total of 274 known earthquakes. But if you’re surprised you haven’t heard about them by now, consider that the vast majority of those have been truly tiny tremors—just five of those quakes have been stronger than a magnitude 2.0, which means they’ve mostly been too gentle to feel.

Calif. Dems Propose Amendment to Seize Half of Businesses’ Tax Reform Savings
Democrats in California have proposed an amendment to take half of the tax savings businesses in their state get from the recently-passed federal tax cuts.

63 GOP Lawmakers Petition Chairman Nunes to Release Classified and Explosive FISA Memo #ReleaseTheMemo
IT’S OFFICIAL…. GOP lawmakers today petitioned Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes to release the classified and explosive FISA memo.

LONDON: Muslim Enclave Votes to Ban Trump
A London borough – which has the highest percentage of Muslims in the UK – has voted to ban U.S. President Donald J. Trump for the area, declaring him a “bigot”. The council has been at the centre of serious corruption scandals, including the removal of an Islamist mayor who was found guilty of bribing Muslim groups and wielding “undue spiritual influence” on Muslim voters.

Shocking: House Intel Committee Releases 165 Page Simpson FISA Testimony-Is Obama Going to Jail?
Simpson’s testimony about illegal FISA issued spy warrants on Candidate Trmp and his staff should send Deep State servants to prison including Obama.

Atheists Are Throwing a Fit Over Trump’s “Secret” Bible Study
Over the summer the White House began holding a Bible study for President Donald trump’s cabinet sponsored by Vice President Mike Pence. No big deal, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, this study wound up piquing the attention of the secularists at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which began hounding the Trump administration for additional information on these otherwise totally innocuous Bible study sessions.

Illegal Aliens Are Quietly Being Redistributed Across United States on Private Flights
Illegal aliens are quietly being redistributed across the country on private flights paid for by US taxpayers. The illegal aliens were seen boarding planes this past week in Harlington, Texas and Tucson, Arizona.

Can you hear me now?: NSA can find & track people with ‘voice-matching technology’
Declassified documents reveal the National Security Agency has been using secret “speaker recognition” technology to identify people by their unique “voiceprint” for more than a decade.

Socialism: Venezuelans Scavenging, Then Selling Garbage for Survival
Venezuelans are increasingly buying and selling items of garbage as a means of survival as the country’s economic and humanitarian crisis continues to deepen.

Rene Boucher charged with felony assault against Bowling Green neighbor Sen. Rand Paul
Rene Boucher, the 58-year-old Bowling Green man accused of attacking U.S. Sen. Rand Paul at his home in November, has been charged with assaulting a member of congress resulting in personal injury.

NSA deleted surveillance data it pledged to preserve
The National Security Agency destroyed surveillance data it pledged to preserve in connection with pending lawsuits and apparently never took some of the steps it told a federal court it had taken to make sure the information wasn’t destroyed, according to recent


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Neutron star cosmic collision keeps burning brighter, baffling scientists
The event, reported last October, marked the fifth observation of gravitational waves – ripples in the very fabric of spacetime, caused by huge cosmic cataclysms. Radio telescopes have remained trained on the site since detection, and found that the emissions weren’t fading away as expected – to the contrary, they actually brightened.

Will Turkish Invasion of Syria Bring About Pre-Messianic Conflict With Russia?
A massive Turkish ground force crossed into the Afrin region of Syria to fight the Kurdish militia and push them out of Syria. The Turkish government claims their goal is to establish a 19-mile buffer zone against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a militant group based in Syria. If the conflict intensifies, it could pit Turkey directly against Russia, which has boosted its military presence and bases in Syria in an effort to support the Syrian government in the country’s nearly seven-year-long civil war. A conflict between Turkey and Russia was predicted over 200 years ago by Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, known as the Vilna Gaon, …

Report: Trump suggests annexation of 10% of Judea and Samaria
Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erekat revealed in a report prepared for the PLO Central Committee meeting last week details of the American proposal for a “deal of the century” aimed at advancing an agreement to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. According to the report, the outline drawn up by US President Donald Trump’s negotiating team included the annexation of 10% of Judea and Samaria by Israel and the placement of the capital of the future state of Palestine in the suburbs of Jerusalem.

Analysis: A new anti-Israel axis is forming
With Hamas running out of options in its terror war against Israel from Gazan soil, the Islamist terrorist organization is looking for other options to hit Israel. After Israel proved it can virtually neutralize every rocket launched at southern Israel from Gaza and developed what is dubbed ‘an underground Iron Dome’ in order to combat the increasing threat of Hamas’ terror tunnels, the Palestinian terror group is now threatening Israel from the north.

The age of Neo-Stalinism
Today, the judicial system has turned into a disgusting parody of itself; supported by politicians, Academia, media and NGOs, it is now a powerful lever used by prominent people to promote the ideology of political correctness and multiculturalism. The goal of this ideology is ethnic and cultural substitution and, as a consequence, Islamization. It is not actively displayed, although it is not concealed.

Pope shocks Chile by accusing sex abuse victims of slander
Pope Francis accused victims of Chile’s most notorious pedophile of slander Thursday, an astonishing end to a visit meant to help heal the wounds of a sex abuse scandal that has cost the Catholic Church its credibility in the country. Francis said that until he sees proof that Bishop Juan Barros was complicit in covering up the sex crimes of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, such accusations against Barros are “all calumny.”

Israeli Obstacles to Peace
Abbas has never met an offer he liked. In 2008, then prime minister Ehud Olmert offered him everything he demanded, and Abbas walked away. In 2014, then-president Barack Obama offered him even more than Olmert did. And Abbas walked away.

Iran says warplanes warned off 2 Western vessels during drill
Iranian warplanes warned off two “coalition vessels” during military drill in waters off the country’s southeast, a senior naval officer said, in the latest confrontation between Iranian and Western forces that patrol the Gulf. The vessels approached the area of the drills early on Monday to monitor Iranian ships, said Rear Admiral Mahmoud Mousavi, spokesman for the drills, according to Tasnim news agency.

French prison guards in nationwide strike after attacks
A series of attacks against prison guards by inmates at institutions across France has led to a nationwide strike in the country. Unions have vowed a “total blockade” of prisons on Monday as their dispute with the government over safety improvements and wage rises enters its second week. France’s Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said she would meet union leaders to try to end the crisis.

Syria offensive: Turkish troops ‘capture villages’ in Afrin
Turkish forces have captured a number of villages in north-western Syria, on the third day of an offensive to oust Kurdish fighters, Turkish media report. Turkish troops, accompanied by allied Syrian rebels, reportedly seized control of several areas in the region of Afrin on Monday. But Kurdish fighters later said they had recaptured two of the villages.

US shutdown: Government services closed as working week begins
Hundreds of thousands of federal workers will be unable to report for work on Monday, as the US Senate struggles to end a government shutdown. Some will not be paid until the stalemate is resolved. A rare Sunday session of the Senate yielded no agreement between Democrats and Republicans, with immigration one of the main sticking points.

Scientists are worried a mysterious “zombie” disease killing deer could spread to humans
Deer across North America are dying from a mysterious disease that gradually destroys the animals’ nervous systems. And scientists are concerned that the infection could make its way to humans. Chronic wasting disease — or “zombie deer disease” — was first observed in 1967 in Fort Collins, Colorado, and has since infected wild herds in 24 states and Canada, as well as in South Korea and Norway, NPR reported.

China, Unhampered by Rules, Races Ahead in Gene-Editing Trials
In a hospital west of Shanghai, Wu Shixiu since March has been trying to treat cancer patients using a promising new gene-editing tool. U.S. scientists helped devise the tool, known as Crispr-Cas9, which has captured global attention since a 2012 report said it can be used to edit DNA. Doctors haven’t been allowed to use it in human trials in America. That isn’t the case for Dr. Wu and others in China.

Paris dustmen film swarming plague of rats as Paris faces up to mass rodent infestation
Paris rubbish collectors have released a video to sound the alarm over a plague of rats that have invaded the banks of the Seine, claiming that the rodents now pose a physical threat to dustmen. Shot last month between the tourist landmark of the Musée d’Orsay and the Pont Royal, the film shows a huge group of the large vermin desperately trying to escape from a deep plastic municipal rubbish bin.

PROPHECY COMING ALIVE: Just Like The Bible Said, Israel Will Turn The Desert Into Paradise
“G-d will console Zion..and He will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the garden of G-d” Isaiah prophesied and the prophecy is happening now…

A workshop on how women can dress in accordance with Islam has been approved by city officials in Dresden, Germany
A course offered by an educational center in Dresden that tells how to properly wear the burqa is going forward, despite some outcry from those who say the class contributes to the oppression of women. What’s even more outrageous is that this course has been sanctioned by city authorities.

Number of young women using ADHD medicine up by 700 percent, CDC says
Are more people suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? More prescriptions are certainly being filled, because the number of women in their late 20s using ADHD medicine jumped to 700 percent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Brazil declares yellow fever emergency in Minas Gerais
Brazil’s south-eastern state of Minas Gerais has declared a public health emergency following a deadly outbreak of yellow fever. At least 15 people have died there since December. Many areas, including the state capital Belo Horizonte, have been affected. A mass vaccination programme is in place in three southern states.

BREAKING: FIVE MONTHS Worth of Peter Strzok Text Messages GO MISSING – FBI Cites Mystery “Glitch”
Additional text messages sent and received by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok have been handed over Congress, reports the Associated Press. In yet another twist to the Peter Strzok saga, the FBI failed to hand over a block of the agent’s text messages because they have gone missing.

Major state to register illegal aliens to vote – automatically
California will take the next step in blurring the lines between citizens and non-citizens beginning April Fool’s Day when the state complies with a court order to begin automatically registering to vote all those who are granted driver’s licenses.

Look who’s suing to quash U.S. terrorist screening
A group established as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. is suing the federal government’s Terrorist Screening Database, contending it stigmatizes its targets without due process.

HHS Rescinds Obama-Era Rule Banning States From Excluding Planned Parenthood From Medicaid Program
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has rescinded an Obama-era rule that banned states from excluding the abortion giant Planned Parenthood from their Medicaid program.

Amazon’s Automated Grocery Store of the Future Opens Monday
…The Seattle store, known as Amazon Go, relies on cameras and sensors to track what shoppers remove from the shelves, and what they put back. Cash registers and checkout lines become superfluous – customers are billed after leaving the store using credit cards on file.

Ryan Zinke Signs Over Road For King Cove
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will swap federal land with the Aleut of King Cove, Ak., on Jan. 22, answering decades of pleas from local officials to build a road on roughly 500 acres.

Trump Undoes Obama’s Legacy In First Year
As president, Barack Obama repeatedly mocked Donald Trump’s political ambitions, laughing at the idea of Trump ever winning the presidency.

More than 25,000 Murdered in Mexico in 2017, Country’s Deadliest Year
Mexico saw a total of 25,339 murders last year, official data has shown, after 2017 was already established as a record-breaking year based on killings carried out until November.

NEW WORLD (DIS)ORDER: George Soros Suffers Embarrassment of the Century, May Be Banished from His Own Country That Detests Him
Hungarian-born US billionaire Soros has been called “a public enemy” by Prime Minister Viktor Orban who accuses the 87-year-old of orchestrating migration into Europe since the refugee crisis began in 2015. Hungary erected fences on its southern borders in 2015 and last year began holding all adult asylum-seekers in guarded border camps.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Artificial synapses fill the gaps for brainier computer chips
Right now, you’re carrying around the most powerful computer in existence – the human brain. This naturally super-efficient machine is far better than anything humans have ever built, so it’s not surprising that scientists are trying to reverse-engineer it. Rather than binary bits of information, neuromorphic computers are built with networks of artificial neurons, and now an MIT team has developed a more lifelike synapse to better connect those neurons.

Avalanche kills one in Japan ski resort after volcanic eruption
At least 11 people have also been injured, several of them critically. The eruption sent rocks raining down over a kilometre-wide area near Kusatsu in central Japan, say local media. Mount Kusatsu-Shirane, 150km (93 miles) north-west of Tokyo, erupted on Tuesday but officials are still investigating whether it caused the avalanche. Images of the volcano showed a vent on its side appeared to have blown out, while video footage shows a large cloud of black ash and rock being thrown down the mountainside.

Strong earthquake sets buildings swaying in Indonesia
Indonesians wait outside an office building after a 6.4 magnitude quake hit Jakarta, Jan. 23, 2018. There were no immediate reports of injuries and no tsunami was generated.

Alaska hit by 7.9 earthquake; tsunami warning canceled
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Alaska’s Kodiak Island early Tuesday, prompting a tsunami warning for a large swath of the state’s coast and sending some residents fleeing to higher ground.

Netanyahu to travel to Davos less than one week after India trip
Just five days after returning from India, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will leave Tuesday afternoon for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and meet a number of international leaders. Among those Netanyahu is slated to meet include German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Presidents of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Switzerland, as well as, the Prime Ministers of Belgium, Canada and Netherlands.

Israel accuses UN rights forum of bias over Palestinians
Israel accused the United Nations on Tuesday of continuous discrimination against it over its treatment of Palestinians and called for reforms of its human rights body. The Human Rights Council’s regular examination of Israel’s record, the first since 2013, comes after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem last month as the capital of Israel, angering Palestinians, Middle East leaders and world powers.

Avalanche kills one in Japan ski resort after volcanic eruption
A Japanese soldier has been killed in an avalanche in central Japan that may have been triggered by a volcanic eruption. At least 11 people have also been injured, several of them critically. The eruption sent rocks raining down over a kilometre-wide area near Kusatsu in central Japan, say local media.

Syria offensive: Turkey warns US over Kurdish militia group
Turkey has urged the US to stop backing the Kurdish YPG in Syria, as it steps up an offensive against the militia. A spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said YPG fighters were using US-supplied weapons against troops trying to clear the Afrin region. Turkey says the YPG is an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is fighting for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey, and is a terrorist group.

US slaps ‘America First’ tariffs on washing machines and solar panels
The US has approved controversial tariffs on imported washing machines and solar panels. The move is in line with President Donald Trump’s “America First” trade policy, which aims to protect local manufacturers from foreign competition. A spokesman said the administration would “always defend American workers, farmers, ranchers and businessmen”.

Alaska tsunami fears prompt evacuation
A tsunami warning was lifted hours after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska in the US. The quake hit 280km (173 miles) south-east of Kodiak, at a depth of 25km, at 00:31 local time (09:31 GMT), the US Geological Survey said. The US National Weather Service (NWS) said tsunami waves of less than one foot (0.3m) had been confirmed.

Senior Qaeda leader calls for killing Jews, Americans over Jerusalem
A senior Al-Qaeda leader has called on Muslims “everywhere” to rise up and kill Jews and Americans in response to US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In a video released Monday, Khalid Batarfi said Trump’s decision was “a declaration of a new Jewish-Crusader war” and every Muslim had a duty to “liberate” the holy city, the SITE Intelligence monitoring group reported.

As U.S. goes quiet on close naval patrols, China speaks out
While the Pentagon plays down patrols close to Chinese-controlled reefs and islands in the South China Sea, Beijing is sounding the alarm about them… Chinese officials publicized the latest U.S. “freedom of navigation patrol”, protesting the deployment last week of the destroyer USS Hopper to within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal, an atoll west of the Philippines which Beijing disputes with Manila.

U.S., European powers set up working group to address Iran deal concerns
UK’s Johnson says Jerusalem decision can prove helpful with “symmetrical movement in the other direction.” The Trump administration has entered talks with the governments of Britain, France and Germany on ways to address their joint concerns with an international nuclear deal brokered with Iran in 2015.

Council of Europe takes up PA challenge to Trump
The Council of Europe will discuss a Palestinian Authority-led resolution on Tuesday, which calls for all negotiations between Israel and the PA to be based on the two-state solution and the 1967 borders with territorial exchanges. It explicitly states that Israel must refrain from unilateral steps – including construction – beyond the 1949 Armistice Line and calls for European countries to take a more significant role in bringing the parties to the negotiating table.

What the Media Really Wants
President Trump’s end-year remarks to the New York Times acerbically summed up his relationship with the media. “I’m going to win another four years… because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there.” The answering outburst of rage and contempt from the media burned all the hotter because the statement was not only intentionally provocative; it was also true.

Flu outbreak: 100 people a week dying in US as virus continues to spread
A deadly flu virus has been killing around 100 people per week in the US since mid-December, the Center for Disease Control has warned. A report published by the CDC with the latest figures showed there were 759 flu deaths between 7 October and 23 December.

Will Missing Texts Save Manafort From Mueller’s Probe?
“Throw in this evidence that the investigation may have been tainted before Mueller even took over, and that the DOJ could be covering up damaging information, and a motion to dismiss alleging prosecutorial misconduct is a near certainty.”

Shocker! L’Oreal Muslim Hair Model Amena Khan Is Fired After Series of Anti-Jew Tweets
…someone found tweets she posted several years ago, per the Jerusalem Post, in which she referred to Israelis as “child murderers,” among other insults. She also called Israel a “sinister state,” an “illegal state” and hoped for the country to be defeated. Other tweets found the model accused Israel of committing “Torture. Murder. Rape. Genocide” and, quite falsely, noting that “Orthodox Jews themselves condemn the actions of Israel.”

Same-sex active-duty couple marries at West Point}
Two Army captains who met at West Point returned there to be married, in what is believed to be the first same-sex marriage of active-duty personnel at the storied New York military academy.

Prophetic update: Is the Great Deception here?
..Some call it fake news. Jesus called it deception. When His disciples asked about the signs of the last days, Jesus began by giving His followers this warning: “Take heed that no one deceives you” -Matthew 24:4

Here comes a ‘super blue blood moon eclipse’
…As if the total solar eclipse last August and the “blood moons” of 2014 and 2015 weren’t enough, there will be a “super blue blood moon eclipse” on Jan. 31 – something that hasn’t happened for 150 years. And this rare event could herald war and turbulence on earth, according to a leading researcher of astronomical signs and how they interact with Scripture.

Socialist Bolivia Makes Evangelism a Crime
This coming Sunday, evangelical churches in Bolivia will observe a day of prayer and fasting in the wake of their socialist government introducing potentially severe restrictions on religious freedom.

Two More Children Dead as ‘Deadly’ Flu Shot Causes Fatal Influenza Epidemic
…The tragic stories of children dying of the flu after receiving the flu shot is sadly not uncommon. Eight Santa Barbara County residents have died from the flu in the last fortnight. Seven of them had the flu shot… President Donald Trump has warned citizens to be vigilant when it comes to taking ‘deadly’ flu shots, urging the American public to “avoid them at all costs.”

******* I read the Koran every day, says former UK PM Tony Blair who claims it keeps him ‘faith-literate’
Mr Blair, who converted to Catholicism months after leaving Number 10, has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day. Reading the Islamic religion’s holy book – considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God – ensured he remained ‘faith-literate’, the former Labour leader said. In an interview with the Observer magazine, published yesterday he said: ‘To be faith-literate is crucial in a globalised world, I believe.

Entitled Muslim Migrants Reportedly Leaving In Droves Due To Simple 2-Word Requirement
…Austria is reporting an exodus of veil-wearing Muslims and their families after passing a law that requires migrants to sign an “integration contract,” which includes prohibiting them from wearing the burqa and niqab and requires them to take courses in German language and Western values.

Ex-CIA Clandestine Officer Confirms False Flag Missile Attack Upon Hawaii
…One should realize that the “attack” upon Hawaii and later Japan happened very shortly after is was announced that the two Korea’s would march under the same flag and form a joint hockey team. This development is being undertated in the mainstream media. This development is monumental in its implication because this represents two nations who are saying no to World War III.

VP Pence Confirms US Will No Longer Certify Iran Deal
…Pence has received a warm welcome in Israel, which has praised the American decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is among the fiercest opponents to the nuclear accord the Obama administration reached with Iran, saying it could pave a path for the Islamic Republic acquiring a nuclear weapon that could threaten Israel’s existence.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Watch NBC’s Lester Holt Try Out to be North Korea’s Baghdad Bob
North Koreans are happy and prosperous. They treat Americans with respect, and people are skiing, not starving! Well, that’s the line Lester Holt sold on NBC today. Does anyone believe this? And yet, Lester Holt is doing it anyway. How dumb can you be, to sell out any shred of journalistic integrity you have, in order to get access for one video series?

Church of England Sneaks Transgender ‘Re-Baptism’ into Liturgy
The Church of England has rejected a proposal for a new service to mark a congregant’s sex change – but has given the nod to using an existing ‘reaffirmation’ baptism service, instead. The decision by the Anglican House of Bishops to reject proposals for the development of a new special service to mark gender transitions was criticised by LGBT activists within the church.

Virus shown to be likely cause of mystery polio-like illness
A major review has identified strong evidence that a virus called Enterovirus D68 is the cause of a mystery polio-like illness that has paralyzed children in the US, Canada and Europe. “More than 120 children developed the condition, known as acute flaccid myelitis, in the US alone but experts were baffled as to the cause.”

Pence’s Biblical Knesset Address Affirms America’s Christian Connection to Israel
“We stand with Israel, because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, and in liberty over tyranny,” Pence said in his address. “The people of the US have always held a special affection and admiration for the People of the Book.” “The Book” Pence was undoubtedly referring to was the Bible, which he said not only described the story of the Jewish people but also foreshadowed the story of America in a similar fashion.

6.2 magnitude earthquake 90 km from Misawa, Aomori, Japan
UTC time: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:51 AM Your time: Wednesday, January 24 2018 4:51 AM Magnitude Type: mww

Haley: Russia is telling world chemical weapons are okay
Haley said that the reports of chlorine gas being used by the Syrian regime “are yet another demonstration of its blatant disregard for international law and cruel indifference for the lives of its own people.” In November, Russia vetoed the renewal of the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), the independent, impartial, technical group unanimously created by the UN Security Council to investigate the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks in Syria and identify those responsible.

Palestinian Leader Abbas Fails to Eject Trump From the Peace Process
A week after publicly wishing for Trump’s house to be destroyed, Abbas’ quest took him to Brussels, where he entreated the European Union to officially recognize the “State of Palestine” and taken the reins of the peace process. While one nation, Slovenia, agreed to recognize Palestine, and the EU promised to take a more “central” role in the peace process, Abbas ultimately failed in his mission.

Senator Confirms Existence Of FBI ‘Secret Society,’ Says He Has Informant
Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson told Fox News Tuesday that an “informant” confirmed the existence of an anti-Trump “secret society” within the Department of Justice and FBI. House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy raised eyebrows Monday describing how FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page described a “secret society” that met off-site at the FBI.

Mayon volcano in Philippines spews lava fountains & ash plumes as thousands more flee
Thousands more have been forced to flee in the Philippines, latest figures show, as the country’s most active volcano keeps spewing massive lava fountains and ash plumes up to five kilometers high. The “alert level 4” status remains for the local residents following five more “episodes of intense but sporadic lava fountaining from the summit crater” on Wednesday morning,

Pediatric Nurse Files Complaint With HHS After Leaving Job Over Requirement to Provide Abortion Referrals
A former pediatric nurse in Illinois has filed a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) after she felt forced out of her job when her employer allegedly told her that she could not keep her position if she wouldn’t be willing to provide referrals for abortions and morning-after pills.

‘DACA No Longer Enough:’ Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens Demand Amnesty by Protesting Schumer, Democrats
Illegal alien activists stormed the home of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the offices of Democrats demanding immediate amnesty for all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens in the United States, as well as the release of all illegal aliens who are in detention centers for crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Should You Cancel Your Trip to Cape Town?
If you haven’t heard, Cape Town is running out of water. So much so that the city has marked April 21 as “Day Zero,” the day the taps run dry; they even had to bump that up a week because water’s being used at an alarming rate.

Study: Progressive and Liberal US Churches Are Shrinking, Fundamental and Nondenominational American Christians Are Growing
Christians are tired of hearing watered down teachings, instead, according to a recently published study, people of America are turning to Churches that stand on the Word of God.

Global media excoriate Canadian gov’t for denying funding to pro-life churches
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government are being blasted by media across the globe for requiring employers to sign an “attestation” supporting abortion and transgender “rights” in order to receive summer job grants.

Mayon Volcano Alert Level Raised, Explosion Anytime: ‘Just Be READY’
The Philippines most active volcano, Mount Mayon, has been rumbling for days. Because of the volcano’s ongoing activity, the alert level has been raised to 4 and the danger zone around Mayon is now 5 miles in diameter.

WW3 Preparations: Amidst Drought North Korean Officials Raid Homes And Farms To Feed Army
North Korean officials are ransacking homes and raiding farms in order to feed their starving army. Not only has the drought taken its toll on the nation, but this newest harsh seizure of food is causing internal clashes between the civilians and the army.

TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died.

Obama’s ICE Didn’t Follow Procedure For Checking Illegal Immigrants’ Ties to Terrorism
The full disastrous effect of the Obama administration will not be felt or fully known for quite some time. He has planted any number of ticking time bombs in the American body politic. One year of President Trump has done a great deal to undo the damage, but there is a great deal more that must be done. There is an unknowable number of illegals now in the country who have ties to terrorism, including jihad groups, and Obama welcomed them. If even one is not tracked down and deported now, people could be murdered. That’s Obama’s legacy.

FBI Agents Discussed “Secret Society” Within DOJ And FBI Working To Undermine Trump
Congressional investigators learned from a new batch of text messages between anti-Trump FBI investigators that a “secret societyof folks” within the Department of Justice and the FBI may have come together in the “immediate aftermath” of the 2016 election to undermine President Trump, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) who has reviewed the texts.

Pictures: Globalist Davos Summit Buried in Snow as Elites Gather to Discuss Global Warming
The annual meeting of globalist elites at the Swiss ski resort Davos got off to an unintentionally ironic start this week as delegates including 60 heads of state and hundreds of top business leaders found themselves severely delayed by snow storms.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Artificial intelligence in the End-of-Days: Killer Bots for Gog or Dry Bones to Praise God?
It seems that any future war, including the pre-Messianic War of Gog and Magog, will include killer robots, and many spiritual leaders are already considering how AI figures into a religious vision of the end-of-days. Rabbi Michael Laitman, a leading expert in Kabbalah and the founder of Bnei Baruch Kabbalah association, believes that technology and more specifically artificial intelligence, will play a major role in the end-of-days but not necessarily a positive one. Rabbi Laitman believes that the same motives of Man which led to the construction of the Tower of Babel are also in play with the development of artificial intelligence.

California Wants to Steal Trump’s Tax Break Back From Top Businesses
This is unreal. Not only has California vowed to prosecute any employer who cooperates with the Trump administration on the issue of arresting and deporting illegal aliens, at least two Democrats in the state legislature want to prevent California’s largest businesses from accruing any benefit from Trump’s recent tax reform plan. If you didn’t know better, you’d think this state was run by a bunch of half-cocked Communists hellbent on destroying the free market.

White House to Release New DACA Proposal on Monday
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced the administration will officially release an immigration framework on Monday. The framework will include a DACA fix and embraces border security principles already laid out by President Trump.

Kerry Urged Abbas to ‘Hang On and Not Give In to Trump’
“Tell him,” Kerry said, “that he should stay strong in spirit and play for time, that he should not break down and not capitulate to President Trump’s demands.” Kerry assured Agha that Trump will not remain in office for long, and that there’s a good chance that within a year he will not be in the White House any longer. Agha reportedly suggested the former Secretary of State was “fanatical” about fulfilling his dream of peace between Israel and the PA.

Which Nation Will Be The Last To Oppress The Jews, and Which Will Make it to The End Of Days?
At the end of days, there will be two powers remaining… Western civilization and the Arab world,” Rabbi Glatstein asserted. He explained that in today’s terms, Yishmael is a reference to the Arab world and Edom is a reference to the United States. Rabbi Glatstein asked, “which nation will prevail? Who will be the last nation standing?” In his view, “we don’t have a definitive answer.”

DOJ Threatens Legal Action Against 23 Potential Sanctuary Jurisdictions
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Wednesday that it will subpoena up to 23 jurisdictions if they don’t offer proof they are complying with a key federal immigration law. “We’ve given them federal dollars — your taxpayer dollars — to cooperate with federal law enforcement,” DOJ spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores told Fox News Wednesday. “They didn’t have to take that money, but they did. And when they took it, they said they would comply with federal law. So what we’re saying is if we find out you’re not complying with federal law, we’re taking the tax dollars back.”

Macron: I Won’t Recognize Palestinian State in Response to Trump’s Jerusalem Move
“I will not take any decision in reaction to any decision,” Macron told reporters in response to a Times of Israel question on the potential recognition of a Palestinian state. The comments came during a photo op with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ahead of their closed-door meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The meeting lasted nearly an hour.

Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe All Named In FISA Memo, First Leak Reveals
A bombshell four-page “FISA memo” alleging egregious surveillance abuse by the FBI, DOJ and Obama administration, specifically names FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein…. “The sickening reality has set in. I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public has seen. I have long said it is worse than Watergate. It was #neverTrump & #alwaysHillary. #releasethememo.”

Teacher sued for teaching Islam is ‘the true faith’
A lawsuit has been filed against social-studies teacher Christine Jakowski and others in the Chatham School District in New Jersey for teaching public school students that Islam is “the true faith.” Jakowski’s lesson included an explanation on how to become a Muslim and ended with a plea: “May god help us all find the true faith, Islam. Ameen.”

John Kerry Tells Palestinian Official in London – “Trump Will Not Remain in Office Long”
John Kerry met with a top Palestinian official in London recently. Kerry told the Fatal leader to stay strong because Trump will not be in office long. Kerry also hinted that he may run for office again.

Proposed law would turn Florida into a vaccine police state: “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act” would mandate mass injections with toxic HPV vaccines
Following in the eugenics footsteps of California’s SB 277, Florida lawmakers are now pushing a totalitarian medical police state law that would deny an education to children who aren’t injected with the extremely toxic and risky HPV vaccine.

Oscars make history, quietly, with transgender nominees
Oscar nods for women and minorities drew many of the headlines in Tuesday’s nominations, but this year’s Academy Awards also mark a breakthrough for transgender filmmakers.

US-led coalition strikes kill 150 Islamic State militants in Syria
Strikes near As Shafah come as the US urged Turkey to focus on fighting Isis and show restraint in its campaign against Kurdish forces

SHOCK CLAIM=> Dinesh D’Souza: ‘My File Shows the FBI Red-Flagged Me As an OBAMA CRITIC’ – Then Sent Him to Reeducation Camp
Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions.

FISA Document: 85% of NSA Searches Under Obama Were Illegal
In trudging through the FISA document that came to light on Tuesday, it was discovered that the National Security Agency had been illegally conducting searches on people in the US. The document has gone on to state that those illegal searches, which were conducted under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, mounted to a whopping 85% of the total searches involving US person indentifiers.

Senate Judiciary Chair Grassley Confirms Russia Dossier “Unverified in 2016” When Obama FBI Used it to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) confirmed Wednesday from the Senate floor the Russia dossier was “unverified in 2016” when Obama’s FBI/DOJ used it to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his private associates.

Globalists Unite: Elites Shred Trump, Nationalism At Davos
Numerous global leaders decried nationalism that is undoing the global world order at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump
A number of the 50,000 missing FBI text messages contain threats of physical violence aimed at President Trump, according to a new report.

‘Trump’s Administration is a miracle for the Jewish people’
Science and Technology Minister says huge change from ‘anti-Israel’ Obama Administration to Trump presidency.

Patients Are “Dying In Corridors” Of Britain’s Socialised Health System
…So went the headline which appeared on the BBC’s website last week, detailing the newest outrages which have emerged from Britain’s crisis-beset healthcare system. This most recent revelation came as a result of an open letter sent to the prime minister by 68 senior doctors, offering details of the inhuman conditions which have become common in the National Health Service’s hospitals.

Watch NBC’s Lester Holt Try Out to be North Korea’s Baghdad Bob
North Koreans are happy and prosperous. They treat Americans with respect, and people are skiing, not starving! Well, that’s the line Lester Holt sold on NBC today. Does anyone believe this? And yet, Lester Holt is doing it anyway. How dumb can you be, to sell out any shred of journalistic integrity you have, in order to get access for one video series?

Church of England Sneaks Transgender ‘Re-Baptism’ into Liturgy
The Church of England has rejected a proposal for a new service to mark a congregant’s sex change – but has given the nod to using an existing ‘reaffirmation’ baptism service, instead. The decision by the Anglican House of Bishops to reject proposals for the development of a new special service to mark gender transitions was criticised by LGBT activists within the church.

Virus shown to be likely cause of mystery polio-like illness
A major review has identified strong evidence that a virus called Enterovirus D68 is the cause of a mystery polio-like illness that has paralyzed children in the US, Canada and Europe. “More than 120 children developed the condition, known as acute flaccid myelitis, in the US alone but experts were baffled as to the cause.”

Pence’s Biblical Knesset Address Affirms America’s Christian Connection to Israel
“We stand with Israel, because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil, and in liberty over tyranny,” Pence said in his address. “The people of the US have always held a special affection and admiration for the People of the Book.” “The Book” Pence was undoubtedly referring to was the Bible, which he said not only described the story of the Jewish people but also foreshadowed the story of America in a similar fashion.

6.2 magnitude earthquake 90 km from Misawa, Aomori, Japan
UTC time: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:51 AM Your time: Wednesday, January 24 2018 4:51 AM Magnitude Type: mww

Haley: Russia is telling world chemical weapons are okay
Haley said that the reports of chlorine gas being used by the Syrian regime “are yet another demonstration of its blatant disregard for international law and cruel indifference for the lives of its own people.” In November, Russia vetoed the renewal of the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), the independent, impartial, technical group unanimously created by the UN Security Council to investigate the perpetrators of chemical weapons attacks in Syria and identify those responsible.

Palestinian Leader Abbas Fails to Eject Trump From the Peace Process
A week after publicly wishing for Trump’s house to be destroyed, Abbas’ quest took him to Brussels, where he entreated the European Union to officially recognize the “State of Palestine” and taken the reins of the peace process. While one nation, Slovenia, agreed to recognize Palestine, and the EU promised to take a more “central” role in the peace process, Abbas ultimately failed in his mission.

Senator Confirms Existence Of FBI ‘Secret Society,’ Says He Has Informant
Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson told Fox News Tuesday that an “informant” confirmed the existence of an anti-Trump “secret society” within the Department of Justice and FBI. House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy raised eyebrows Monday describing how FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page described a “secret society” that met off-site at the FBI.

Mayon volcano in Philippines spews lava fountains & ash plumes as thousands more flee
Thousands more have been forced to flee in the Philippines, latest figures show, as the country’s most active volcano keeps spewing massive lava fountains and ash plumes up to five kilometers high. The “alert level 4” status remains for the local residents following five more “episodes of intense but sporadic lava fountaining from the summit crater” on Wednesday morning,

Pediatric Nurse Files Complaint With HHS After Leaving Job Over Requirement to Provide Abortion Referrals
A former pediatric nurse in Illinois has filed a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) after she felt forced out of her job when her employer allegedly told her that she could not keep her position if she wouldn’t be willing to provide referrals for abortions and morning-after pills.

‘DACA No Longer Enough:’ Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens Demand Amnesty by Protesting Schumer, Democrats
Illegal alien activists stormed the home of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the offices of Democrats demanding immediate amnesty for all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens in the United States, as well as the release of all illegal aliens who are in detention centers for crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Should You Cancel Your Trip to Cape Town?
If you haven’t heard, Cape Town is running out of water. So much so that the city has marked April 21 as “Day Zero,” the day the taps run dry; they even had to bump that up a week because water’s being used at an alarming rate.

Study: Progressive and Liberal US Churches Are Shrinking, Fundamental and Nondenominational American Christians Are Growing
Christians are tired of hearing watered down teachings, instead, according to a recently published study, people of America are turning to Churches that stand on the Word of God.

Global media excoriate Canadian gov’t for denying funding to pro-life churches
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government are being blasted by media across the globe for requiring employers to sign an “attestation” supporting abortion and transgender “rights” in order to receive summer job grants.

Mayon Volcano Alert Level Raised, Explosion Anytime: ‘Just Be READY’
The Philippines most active volcano, Mount Mayon, has been rumbling for days. Because of the volcano’s ongoing activity, the alert level has been raised to 4 and the danger zone around Mayon is now 5 miles in diameter.

WW3 Preparations: Amidst Drought North Korean Officials Raid Homes And Farms To Feed Army
North Korean officials are ransacking homes and raiding farms in order to feed their starving army. Not only has the drought taken its toll on the nation, but this newest harsh seizure of food is causing internal clashes between the civilians and the army.

TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died.

Obama’s ICE Didn’t Follow Procedure For Checking Illegal Immigrants’ Ties to Terrorism
The full disastrous effect of the Obama administration will not be felt or fully known for quite some time. He has planted any number of ticking time bombs in the American body politic. One year of President Trump has done a great deal to undo the damage, but there is a great deal more that must be done. There is an unknowable number of illegals now in the country who have ties to terrorism, including jihad groups, and Obama welcomed them. If even one is not tracked down and deported now, people could be murdered. That’s Obama’s legacy.

FBI Agents Discussed “Secret Society” Within DOJ And FBI Working To Undermine Trump
Congressional investigators learned from a new batch of text messages between anti-Trump FBI investigators that a “secret societyof folks” within the Department of Justice and the FBI may have come together in the “immediate aftermath” of the 2016 election to undermine President Trump, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) who has reviewed the texts.

Pictures: Globalist Davos Summit Buried in Snow as Elites Gather to Discuss Global Warming
The annual meeting of globalist elites at the Swiss ski resort Davos got off to an unintentionally ironic start this week as delegates including 60 heads of state and hundreds of top business leaders found themselves severely delayed by snow storms


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake strikes near Ferndale, California
The United States Geological Survey reports a preliminary magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck near Ferndale, California on Thursday. The quake hit at 8:39 AM local time at a depth of 5 kilometers.

New Dead Sea Scroll Translation Reveals Anti-Temple Calendar
“Members of the Yahad [Qumran Essene sect] adhered to a year of 364 days, which was different from the luni-solar year of the Jerusalem temple and the Hasmonean state,” the researchers reported in an article in the Journal of Biblical Literature. “The number of 364 days is neatly divided by seven, a typological number with significant religious connotation. Each 364-day year contains exactly fifty-two weeks, a fact that allows anchoring the festivals to fixed weekdays, thus avoiding their coincidence with the Sabbath. In addition, the number 364 divides neatly by four as well, yielding a good symmetry of the four seasons, each season containing exactly 91 days.”

Irish Exorcist Calls for Back-Up to Face Surge in ‘Malicious Activity’ by the Devil
In the face of the rising tide of demonic activity, Father Collins said he is “baffled” that the Irish bishops are not reacting to the need by appointing more priests as exorcists. Complaints range from claims of ghostly encounters, to people being pulled from their beds, and even “full-blown possession.” The priest said that the surge in demonic disturbances is a relatively new phenomenon, and “it’s only in recent years that the demand has risen exponentially.” The priest has seen what he calls a growing apostasy within the Church, which he ties to demonic activity.

‘We want peace and prosperity’ says Trump as he storms Davos with offers of better trade deals and pleas for big business to invest in America
President Donald Trump found a softer way to package his ‘America First’ agenda he strode through the conference center on his first day in Davos, calling for prosperity and ‘great peace.’ ‘I think the real message is we want great prosperity and we want great peace,’ Trump said after holding back-to-back meetings with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ‘And I think that really is the message,’ Trump told pool reporters who trailed him at each scheduled meeting at the gathering of bigwigs in the snowy Alpine town.

FBI Mulled Special Counsel For Hillary Email Probe But Feared Her Wrath, New Texts Reveal
Newly released text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal that the agency’s top brass was considering appointing former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as a special counsel in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. The idea is pitched in a March, 2016 exchange between Strzok and Page – relatively early on in their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. Of note, Attorney General Loretta Lynch or one of her deputies would have had to make the ultimate decision to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the “matter.”

Anti-Trump FBI Official Identified As Leaker To WSJ, WaPo Reporter
Newly released text messages between controversial anti-Trump FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal several leaks of confidential information to Wall St. Journal reporter, Devlin Barrett, who is now with the Washington Post. Following the release of the timestamped texts by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Conservative Treehouse compared the timing of the messages between the agents and tied them to several instances of Barrett breaking news or confirming rumors based on “sources” within the government.

Irish Priest Calls For Backup: Too Many Exorcisms
An Irish priest has called for backup to deal with the overwhelming number of exorcisms growing throughout the country. According to Catholic News Agency, “Fr. Pat Collins said he has been overwhelmed with the number of requests for exorcisms from the faithful in Ireland.”

Shock Video: Google Home Censors Jesus Christ
Who is Jesus Christ? Internet users are posting videos of Google products refusing to answer the simple question. In one video uploaded Wednesday, Google fails to answer but provides an in-depth summary when asked about other religious figures including Allah.

The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama With Farrakhan In 2005 – Talking Points Memo
A journalist announced last week that he will publish a photograph of then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that he took in 2005 at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting, but did not make public because he believed it would have “made a difference” to Obama’s political future.

Franklin Graham warns of deep state coup against President Trump
One of the nation’s most prominent Christian leaders said he fears President Trump is facing a grave domestic threat by forces who want to take over the White House. “I believe we are in a coup d’etat,” Franklin Graham said Wednesday on the “Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “There are people in this country who are wanting to destroy the president and take over the government by force.”

Jihad in Toronto?
…“A 20-year-old Brampton man,” the Canadian Press reported Tuesday, “is facing dozens of charges, including seven counts of attempted murder, in what police describe as a string of unprovoked, random shootings in Toronto that narrowly missed being fatal.” As it turns out, this could have been a series of jihad attacks, but you will never learn that from the Canadian Press, or from Canadian authorities.

AMERICAN SHAME: Republican support for Israel skyrockets, yet Democrat support plunges
A new Pew Research Center Poll confirms what has seemed patently obvious for years: Democrats have abandoned the state of Israel while Republicans are staunch supporters of the Jewish state.

The little-known episode of Islamist terror training camps in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
It is definitely time for Americans to wake up and realize that Islamic groups have been establishing terror training camps across America – for years.

‘Doomsday Clock’ Now 2 Minutes to Midnight
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds forward Thursday, placing the iconic indicator at two minutes to midnight.

Police Data: UK Violent Crime Wave Grows Even Faster, London Knife Attacks up 40 Per Cent
The UK’s surge in recorded violent and sexual crime, including knife attacks, has accelerated at a faster rate than previously thought over the past year, new police statistics reveal.

Powerful opioids are easily sold through the Internet and shipped in the mail, investigation finds
Synthetic opioids such as addictive and deadly fentanyl, fueling a drug epidemic, can be easily ordered online and shipped through the mail to United States addresses from China, a congressional investigation found.

As Israel celebrates its 70th, 1948 is Groundhog Day for Palestinians
Palestinians are dispirited and divided and disillusioned and now they face a year of Israel pouring salt on their wounds by celebrating Jewish victories that were also Palestinian catastrophes

Satanic Temple Says Abortion Laws Violate Its Rights
Editor Comment: So regarding the value of human life violates the Satanic Temple’s rights? Who would’ve thought. Missouri’s Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday in a case brought by the activist group the Satanic Temple to challenge requirements for women seeking abortions.

Podesta Calls For Population Control
Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post calling for more programs to “stabilize” world population to fight global warming.

History Made: Oscars Nominate First Transgender Filmmaker
..Yance Ford is a transgender man, as in a woman presenting herself as a man, and she directed the Netflix documentary “Strong Island,” becoming the first ever transgender filmmaker to earn an Oscar nomination. The irony here cannot go unsaid: in the “year of the woman,” the Left considers Yance Ford’s nomination as one for a male.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Trump Threatens to Sever Connections With PA Unless They Work Towards Peace
Speaking to the media at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Friday, US President Donald Trump said that unless the Palestinian Authority shows that it wants to make peace, the US will “not have anything to do with them any longer.” (Video)

Elevated Fire Danger Returns to California
Fire danger is elevated through Monday for parts of Southern California. Red Flag Warnings have already been issued starting at 10 pm Saturday and continuing through 3 pm Monday PST. With strong high pressure building in to the Great Basin region this weekend, we will see gusty northeast winds set up. This is also known as a Santa Ana wind event, with gusts forecast 55-65 mph in the mountains and up to 50 mph in the valleys.

Florida Democrat removed from office, faces corruption charges following FBI sting
A Florida mayor was removed from office Friday after she was arrested and charged with three felony corruption charges. Gov. Rick Scott issued an executive order suspending Joy Cooper, the 57-year-old mayor of Hallandale Beach, a city just north of Miami, after she was accused of accepting illegal campaign contributions through former attorney Alan Koslow.

German Bishops Are Pushing For The Church To Recognize Heresy
A leading Catholic Bishop in Germany openly advocated for the church to embrace heresy by suggesting that they offer blessings for gay marriages. Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, the deputy chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, argued that the Catholic Church should bless gay marriages…

Between one state and two states: Time to decide
The political debate around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since the second intifada has largely been characterized by a dichotomous conceptual framework: negotiations for a permanent status agreement of “two states for two peoples” versus “continued conflict management,” without seeking a solution in the absence of a proper partner for consent and implementation.

At least 40 dead in Taliban car bomb in Afghan capital
A bomb hidden in an ambulance killed at least 40 people and wounded about 140 in Afghanistan on Saturday when it blew up in an area of the capital near foreign embassies and government buildings. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, a week after it claimed an attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul in which more than 20 people were killed.

Cape Town water crisis: Residents urged to turn off toilet taps
Residents in the South African city of Cape Town have been warned to “save water as if your life depends on it” to avoid the supply being shut off. A severe drought has forced the city’s municipality to limit consumption to 50 litres (11 gallons) per person per day. Officials are urging people to switch off their toilet cisterns and limit flushing to conserve water.

Paris readies for floods as Seine surges higher
Riverside homes and businesses in Paris are on high alert as the swollen River Seine threatens to overflow its banks. Some basements in the city have already sprung leaks after the river surged following heavy rainfall, reports said. The Seine is forecast to swell even further this weekend, adding several metres of water above its normal level.

Turkey’s Erdogan vows to fight Kurdish forces as far as Iraq
Turkey is prepared to take its fight against Kurdish forces in northern Syria as far east as Iraq, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said. Speaking in Ankara, Mr Erdogan reiterated that his forces will move against Kurdish-controlled Manbij, which risks confrontation with the US. US troops are based in the city, which was taken from the Islamic State group (IS) by Kurdish-led forces in 2016.

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange loses more than $500 million to hackers
Hackers stole several hundred million dollars’ worth of a lesser-known cryptocurrency from a major Japanese exchange Friday. Coincheck said that around 523 million of the exchange’s NEM coins were sent to another account around 3 a.m. local time (1 p.m. ET Thursday)… The exchange has about 6 percent of yen-bitcoin trading, ranking fourth by market share on CryptoCompare.

NATO intercepts Russian jet ‘HIDING from radar to stop air DISASTER over Europe’
The Royal Danish Air Force dispatched F-16 fighter jets to escort the Russian military aircraft in a safeguarding mission near NATO airspace in the Baltic region. The Russian jet flew towards Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania along the Baltic Coast, before being intercepted by the Danish jets over international waters.

U.S. holding Russia responsible for chemical weapons in Syria
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Saturday the United States believed it was Russia’s responsibility to curb Syria’s use of chemical weapons. “The chemical weapons … are being used to hit the civilian population, the most vulnerable – children inside of Syria,” he said on a visit to Poland.
“We are holding Russia (responsible) for addressing this. They are (Syria‘s) ally.”

California Rocked by Three Earthquakes in One Day, Scientists Expect More to Come in 2018
Three earthquakes hit California on Thursday, one as far south as Trabuco Canyon and a second all the way up to a spot off the coast of Eureka, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

UN issues 240 recommendations for Israel, including halting settlement expansion
A United Nations’ review of human rights topics in Israel has issued 240 recommendations, including that it end settlement expansion. Israel said it would need time to review 232 recommendations made by individual countries in the Human Rights Council working group in Geneva. It “noted” eight recommendations submitted by the “State of Palestine,” saying the entity doesn’t “satisfy the criteria for statehood under international law.”

Former Vice Presidential Candidate: Did President Trump Just Declare WAR on Hillary, Deep State and DC Swamp?
….December 21st is a day that will live in infamy. Why didn’t anyone notice? Because master psychologist Donald J. Trump distracted all of them with his offensive words and outrageous tweets? The whole liberal universe was so thrown out-of-wack by Trump’s tweets and strategic use of the word “s*#*hole” they didn’t even notice that many of their liberal and big government heroes are about to be sent to prison.

Catholic Bishop Calls for Ceremony to Bless Homosexual Couples
In contradiction to 2,000 years of Catholic teaching on sex and marriage, Bishop Franz-Josef Bode, who is the deputy chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, has suggested that the Church come up with a ceremony to bless homosexual unions, as well as divorced and civilly remarried couples (who are thereby living in adultery), according to the National Catholic Register.

Law Enforcement in 675 Jurisdictions Declined to Turn Over Removable Aliens to ICE
On 29,269 occasions from January 2014 through May 2017, law enforcement agencies in approximately 675 jurisdictions around the United States declined to comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement “detainer” requests and hand over to ICE removable aliens whom those jurisdictions had arrested for violating local laws, according to the inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security.

Cuomo Sues Trump: Tax Cuts Hurting Illegals!
Not long after Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised free college tuition to DREAMers, New York launched a lawsuit against the Trump administration over its nationwide tax cuts because they hurt the state’s “fiscal health.”

Google Looking to Control Local Newspapers
Google is developing an app to feed news (and whatever propaganda it’s pushing) at no cost to local newspapers, effectively granting the tech giant control over local news.

In pictures: Israel’s winter wonderland
This week’s winter in Israel wasn’t comparable to most of the weather usually seen in the Middle East. Thunderstorms, flooded streets and freezing temperatures reached their peak Friday morning, when snow began to fall in the Golan Heights, Safed, and the surrounding areas.

Secretive App Promises to Aid Illegal Border Crossings
A secretive cell phone app is reportedly being designed to aid illegal immigration into the U.S.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

IDF Spokesman warns Lebanon of war with Israel if Iranian presence grows
IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis warned in a rare op-ed on a Lebanese opposition website that a war with Israel could break out if Iran develops precision missiles in the country. “Lebanon has become – both by its own actions and omissions and by a blind eye from many members of the international community – one large missile factory,” Manelis wrote on the Ahewar website.

Kabul mourns 100 dead after ambulance bomb
More than 100 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bombing on Saturday in Kabul. Attackers drove an ambulance past a police checkpoint to get to a crowded street in a district full of government buildings and embassies. Afghanistan’s government has declared a day of mourning for Sunday, as funerals take place and relatives search hospitals for survivors.

Flu Season From Hell Keeps Getting Worse
Children returning to school after the winter holidays appear to be sharing more than just their new toys. They are driving influenza infections to levels not seen since the swine flu pandemic of 2009, public health officials said. By the time this flu season is over, experts said, more than 50,000 Americans will be dead.

Connecticut’s S.O.S.
Connecticut mayors grappling with rising retirement costs and sinking economies this week issued a distress signal to lawmakers in Hartford: Save us from our public unions. The state would be in a “stronger position if we don’t negotiate for benefits,” Joe DeLong, the executive director of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, told a committee convened by the legislature to restore fiscal stability and economic growth.

Israel, Poland in row over Holocaust bill
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Poland on Saturday of denying history with a bill outlawing any reference to the Nazi death camps in the country as being Polish. “The law is baseless. I strongly oppose it. One cannot change history and the Holocaust cannot be denied,” the premier said in a statement.

Burning Man goes gaga for Gaia
The eclectic Burning Man Festival, held annually in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, has chosen for its new centerpiece structure a massive wood temple dedicated to the pagan goddess Gaia, another indication of America’s sprint from the God of Israel and Christianity.

Warning: East Germany’s Stasi is back
The Stasi, the East German secret police agency, was one of the most reviled and feared institutions of the East German communist government.. That’s according to columnist and analyst Judith Bergman, who describes for the Gatestone Institute a new oppressive law that has allowed the return of “the old German police state.”

WW3 RED ALERT: Trump is on a collision course with Turkey as the Islamic country gets more brazen
The offensive against the Kurds in Syria is a red line. Experts say the latest Turkish provocation is bringing a confrontation closer.

Barnes & Noble offered al-Qaeda bomb instructions as a free download
…Key propaganda texts from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are posted for free download on the Barnes & Noble website, including the inaugural issue of a magazine linked to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Reviews posted on the e-books indicate that they’ve remained on the bookseller’s website for years, despite clearly indicating in the titles that al-Qaeda materials are being offered.

Atheists Sue Dr. Ben Carson Over His Christian Faith
The soft-spoken chief of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, struck a defiant note in response to a lawsuit filed against him by a group of atheist activists this week in response to his weekly Cabinet-level bible studies: “I will not stop being a Christian while in service to this country.”

Hollywood attorney makes divorce easier with an online service
A celebrity Hollywood divorce lawyer has launched a website that will enable couples to divorce via their computers or tablets and skip having to hire an attorney or going to the courthouse.

USAF Begins Massive GPS Blackouts In The Western US During Largest Ever Air War Drill
The United States Air Force is launching its largest-ever three-week premier set of air war drills, called Red Flag 18-1, starting on Friday and will conclude February 16, said the 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs.

AT&T Urges Congress to Block George Soros-Backed Internet Censorship Bill
Calls for net neutrality to apply to all, including Google, Facebook and Twitter

WW3 RED ALERT: Iran has amassed army of 82,000 troops in Syria ready to target Israel
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon warned the UN Security Council Thursday that Iran had amassed a massive fighting force in Syria, including thousands of Revolutionary Guard soldiers flown in from the Islamic republic.

While complaining that “Palestinians” will starve because of Trump’s cuts, PA buys President Abbas $50,000,000 private jet
Both may be true. “Palestinian” children may starve, while their jihadi leaders spend the billions in aid they get from their easy marks in the West on private planes and other perks of authoritarian rule.

German Children’s Channel Teaches Migrants How To Open Bra
For the second time in a few weeks the German children’s channel KIKA has shocked the public. After encouraging a child marriage between an adult migrant and a naïve German teen girl, this time on their programme was a segment about opening a bra. A strange subject for a children’s channel that makes content for kids between 3 and 13 years old.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Trump Ends DACA Program, No New Applications Accepted
The Justice Department announced on Tuesday it is ending DACA, the Obama-era program that allowed undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children to remain in the country, while also giving Congress a six-month window to possibly save the policy. Under the plan, announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Trump administration will stop considering new applications for legal status dated after Tuesday, but will allow any DACA recipients with a permit set to expire before March 5, 2018, the opportunity to apply for a two-year renewal if they apply by October 5.

Democrat hits Pelosi over ‘make America white again’ comment
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is under friendly fire from a fellow Democrat for her response to President Trump’s immigration plan that she called a blue print to “make America white again.” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., who was on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ said we “don’t need that type of rhetoric on either side, from Nancy,

The Latest: Turkey arrests hundreds over its Syria offensive
Turkish officials say authorities have detained 311 people for allegedly engaging in “terrorist propaganda” through social media postings critical of Turkey’s military offensive into the Syrian Kurdish enclave of Afrin. The Paris-based media watchdog Reporters Without Borders has criticized the detentions as the Turkish government’s “witch hunt against critics.”

Dershowitz to Obama: Don’t associate with bigots, anti-Semites
‘He called Judaism a gutter religion – he is a horrible human being’ says Dershowitz of Farrakhan after ties with Obama revealed.

Hezbollah official warns terror group can destroy Israeli army
Hezbollah has called an article written by IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis and published on Lebanese opposition websites “provocative words published by a coward.” “The article is nonsense and a provocation that is published by someone who is a coward,” Hajj Muhammad Raad, the head of Hezbollah’s “Loyalty to Resistance” Lebanese Parliamentary bloc, wrote on the Ahewar website.

Netanyahu to tell Putin: Iran trying to turn Lebanon into ‘missile factory’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left for a one-day trip to Moscow Monday morning where he said he will speak to Russian President Vladimir Putin about Iran’s efforts to turn Lebanon into “one big missile site.” Before boarding his plane, Netanyahu said that Israel is “not willing to tolerate” Lebanon being turned into a site for the manufacture of precision missiles to be used against it.

EU and Norway to hold urgent meeting on Israeli-Palestinian crisis
The European Union and Norway plan to hold an urgent meeting…Wednesday to address the Palestinian funding crisis, Gaza and the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process. “In an effort to support the peace process and address the dire situation in Gaza, Norway and the EU will convene an extraordinary session of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) on January 31 at the ministerial level,” UN Special Coordinator…Nickolay Mladenov told the Security Council…

Lang’ata fire: ‘Not enough water’ to tackle Kenya blaze
Thousands of people have reportedly been left homeless after fire swept through a Kenyan slum on Sunday evening, killing at least three. Residents used sewage water in a desperate attempt to douse the flames which had engulfed their homes in the Lang’ata area of the capital, Nairobi. The MP for the area, Nixon Korir, said fire engines which turned up to help did not have enough water.

Afghanistan conflict: Deadly attack on Kabul military post
Militants have killed at least 11 soldiers in an attack on an army post in Kabul, the fourth major assault in a surge of violence in just over a week. Sixteen other soldiers were injured in the raid near the main military academy in the west of the Afghan capital. Four militants were killed, a defence ministry spokesman told the BBC. A fifth was arrested. Islamic State (IS) militants claimed the assault.

French floods: Seine river reaches peak in flood-hit Paris
The swollen River Seine in the French capital, Paris, has peaked at about four metres above its normal water level for the time of year. The flood level rose to 5.84m (19.2ft) early on Monday and is not expected to begin receding before Tuesday. Weeks of rainfall have produced a relentless rise in the water level.

Stockton Gets Ready to Experiment With Universal Basic Income
Wage stagnation. Rising housing prices. Loss of middle-class jobs. The looming threat of automation. These are some of the problems facing Stockton and its residents, but the city’s mayor, Michael Tubbs, says his city is far from unique. “I think Stockton is absolutely ground zero for a lot of the issues we are facing as a nation,” Tubbs said.

White House Is Planning To Nationalize 5G Network: Report
In a stunning – if accurate – report published Sunday night, Axios claims that White House national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile spectrum/network to protect against Chinese attacks, in what may well be a pre-emptive shot, hinting at upcoming trade wars between the two superpowers.

Paving way for Syrian peace: Sochi hosts National Dialogue Congress, hoped to boost Geneva talks
Sochi is hosting a forum on Syria’s future, bringing together representatives of the country’s various social strata. The Congress is expected to boost the peace process and kick-start efforts to draft a new constitution. The Syrian National Dialogue Congress is to start in the Russian resort city of Sochi on Monday. The event is expected to last for two days, the main negotiations taking place on Tuesday. The Congress is sponsored by Russia, Turkey and Iran,…

Google knows everything, but …
Google prides itself in accumulating everything worth knowing so that it can help you get the information you need at a moment’s notice. But, if you want to stump Google Home, try this: Ask who Jesus is. David Sams of Nashville tried, and Google Home’s response was: “I don’t think I can help you with that.” How about Jesus Christ – possibly the most familiar name in the world? “I don’t think I can help you with that.” How about God: “I don’t think I can help you with that.”

ANALYSIS: As PA escalates conflict with U.S., France steps in
Abbas even went to France to convince Macron to take over the US role. Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS)told the Palestinian leader he would get a non-contiguous state with only limited sovereignty and without Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian leadership furthermore was expected to relinquish the so-called right of return, according to the NYT.

Photo of Obama and Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Surfaces After 13 Years of Being Suppressed
In 2005, when Barack Obama was still an Illinois senator, a journalist snapped a photo of him with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam movement, a notorious anti-Semite. The Trice Edney News Wire published the photo that was taken by Askia Muhammad at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus. Muhammad also reported that followers of the Nation of Islam worked in Obama’s campaign office.

The Doomsday Clock is now just 2 minutes to ‘midnight,’ the symbolic hour of the apocalypse
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity Thursday, moving it ahead by 30 seconds after what the organization called a “grim assessment” of the state of geopolitical affairs. “As of today,” Bulletin president Rachel Bronson told reporters, “it is two minutes to midnight” — as close as the world has ever been to the hour of apocalypse.

The flu can be spread just by breathing, new study finds
…the flu may be spread just by breathing. That’s the major takeaway from a new University of Maryland study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In the study, researchers captured the flu virus in the exhaled breath of 142 people with confirmed cases of the flu while they breathed naturally, spoke, coughed, and sneezed. The researchers found that a significant number of flu patients regularly exhaled the virus via aerosol particles that were small enough to cause a risk of airborne transmission. About 48 percent of the 23 fine aerosol samples the researchers collected when people breathed but didn’t cough had detectable levels of the flu, and most of those were infectious.

FBI’s Strzok and Page spoke of ‘secret society’ after Trump election, lawmakers say
“We learned today about information that in the immediate aftermath of [Trump’s] election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI — to include Page and Strzok — that would be working against him,” Gowdy said the “secret society” reference occurred the day after Trump won the presidential election in November 2016.

Diphtheria Is Rare These Days — But Not In The Rohingya Refugee Camps In Bangladesh
Diphtheria poses one more threat to already beleaguered Rohingya refugees. The outbreak started in the sprawling camps in Bangladesh in November soon after hundreds of thousands of Rohingya arrived. It appeared to have peaked around New Year’s but now there is renewed concern as the potentially fatal disease continues to spread.

SHOCK VIDEO: The Islamic Caliphate Has Relaunched The African Slave Trade, But CNN Won’t Tell You
Alex Jones presents a video of African migrants being held against their will as slaves for a re-emerging Islamic Caliphate that seeks to relaunch their old African slave trade in the modern age.

No More War Movies: Leftists Angry Post-9/11 Movie ’12 Strong’ Promotes ‘Toxic Masculinity’
The film is about heroes, but like many modern examples of American military might, it has triggered those on the far left, some of whom are now insisting that in the post-#MeToo era,Hollywood abandon films about war because they promote “backwards” ideas and “glorify outdated models of masculinity.”

‘Police state’ national ID card tucked in major bill
Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms.

Byron York: House Intel meets Monday and could vote on memo release — is Jeff Sessions softening his stance?
The House Intelligence Committee meets at 5 p.m. Monday in the Capitol. The meeting will give the committee its first opportunity to vote on the question of releasing the so-called “FISA abuse” memo that has captured Washington’s attention in recent days. Since the GOP holds a 13 to 9 advantage on the committee, the overwhelming likelihood is that if there is a vote, the panel will decide, along party lines, to release the memo.

Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment
From the first, these columns have argued that the whitewash of the Hillary Clinton–emails caper was President Barack Obama’s call — not the FBI’s, and not the Justice Department’s. (See, e.g., here, here, and here.) The decision was inevitable. Obama, using a pseudonymous email account, had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account.

George Soros Declares War On President Trump and His Supporters
George Soros, the Godfather of the left, has started into motion the seeds for a racial gencide for White America. He is promoting racial violence in America on an unprecedented scale. He is the driving force behind the sedition that is CALEXIT. Soros is even biting the hands that feed him.

Experts Warn China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative Seeks to Undermine US-Led World Order
…The “Belt and Road Initiative,” or “BRI,” as Western experts call it, is Chinese President Xi Jinxing’s plan to build roads — literally and figuratively — across Central Asia to Western Europe, in a bid to further integrate their economies.

Israel warns the world, Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal allows Iran to produce 200 bombs
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells World Economic Forum in Davos that deal gives “pre-eminent terrorist state of our time” the ability to produce nuclear bombs, says Israel “won’t let that happen” • Expounds new model of Palestinian self-governance.

The Big Wobble: A mag 6.2 – Russia rocks the Pacific ring again! It’s now 6 major quakes and 6 extremely active volcanoes in the last 7 days: Disaster imminent?
The mag 6.2 – 38km NE of Nikol’skoye, Russia this morning is yet another major quake on the Pacific rim, the 6th in the last 8 days, see above, add to it the 6 most active volcanoes and it’s easy to see the Pacific ring of fire is bursting at the moment. With the Mayon volcano in Indonesia and the Kadova Island volcano Papua New Guinea expecting imminent explosions and three major quakes in 24 hours including the powerful Alaskan quake something big could be in the offing.

50,000 Now Dead From Flu Outbreak: Mainstream Media Blackout
A major cover-up regarding the true scale of the flu outbreak has been revealed as almost 50,000 American have now died this season, according to reports.

FBI takes on ‘Islamophobia’: White nationalism seen as bigger threat than jihadism
…The only religion attacking, subjugating and slaughtering members of other religions en masse is Islam. The religion attacking other religions is Islam. Yet FBI agents learn nothing of this, and do nothing to alert the public about it. Gender apartheid, creed apartheid, cultural annihilation, jihad wars, and enslavement are raging across the world, and the FBI proselytizes for Islam. This is the work of Obama that President Trump most urgently needs to undo.

Washington State Will No Longer Require Birthplace on Drivers License Application
Washington State will no longer require drivers to reveal where they were born, a move that comes following a story published in the Seattle Times uncovering the department’s policy of providing photos and driver’s-license applications to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Report: Koch-Backed AFP to Spend $400M in 2018 Cycle, the Most Ever
Americans for Prosperity said Saturday that its network would spend more than $400 million on conservative causes and candidates during the 2018 midterm election cycle — 60 percent more than during the 2016 presidential election period.


Re: Rapture Ready News -- January 2018

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

FBI Director Wray “Shocked To His Core” By FISA Memo, McCabe ‘Removed’ Next Day, More Heads To Roll: Report
What we know tonight is that FBI Director Christopher Wray went Sunday and reviewed the four-page FISA memo. The very next day, Andrew McCabe was asked to resign. Remember Sean, he was planning on resigning in March – that already came out in December. This time they asked him to go right away. You’re not coming into the office. I’ve heard reports he didn’t even come in for the morning meeting – that he didn’t show up.

DHS Announces New ‘Risk-Based’ Refugee Resettlement Procedures
DHS called the new measures “part of the administration’s ongoing efforts to intensify screening and vetting for all persons seeking to travel to the United States, and they are designed to keep nefarious and fraudulent actors from exploiting the refugee program to enter the United States.”

Lieberman’s explicit warning to Iran
The defense minister’s unusual statement that ‘Israel is familiar with the people involved in producing missiles’ was a clear message that the Iranians arming Lebanon are in Israel’s crosshairs. So how is Israel working to prevent Lebanon from becoming ‘one big factory for the production of precision-guided missiles’?

After 24 Years In Congress, Corrine Brown Starts New Life In Prison
Former Florida Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown reported to federal prison Monday to start her five year sentence for multiple crimes, including tax fraud and corruption. Brown, 71, turned herself in to the Sumter Correctional Institution in Florida, one of the largest federal prisons in the country, which houses both violent and non-violent offenders. Brown will be serving her five-year sentence at a minimum-security satellite facility, which keeps roughly 391 other female inmates.

NJ Township Re-Opens Sexual Assault Investigation On Democrat Mega-Donor Tied To Hillary And John Podesta
Wyss has ties to Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta, Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman. Although he is not as well known as other liberal mega-donor billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer, Wyss has given hundreds of millions of dollars to progressive activist groups through his private foundations.

‘We’ll stop Iran in Lebanon like we stopped it in Syria’
“We have stopped many Iranian attempts to arm Hezbollah from Syria, and now they’re trying to do the same in Lebanon,” Elkin said. “Just like we knew how to stop them when they worked from Syria, we know how to stop them when they operate out of Lebanon.”

Volcanoes Today, 30 Jan 2018: Fuego volcano, Popocatépetl, Dukono, Reventador, Mayon, Sinabung, Sabancaya
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: ERUPTION OBS ON WEBCAM TO FL100 AT 29/2350Z.

Kabbalist: Rare Astronomical Confluence On Holiday Is Bad Omen For Arab Nations
This Wednesday evening, a rare confluence of astronomical events resulting in a “super blue blood moon” for parts of the world will accompany the beginning of an auspicious day of the Hebrew calendar, which is Tu B’Shvat (the 15th day of the month of Shvat), the arboreal New Year. This upcoming super blue moon will be the third and final one in a series of them that began on December 2. In contrast with regular blue moons that occur every two and a half years, a super-blue-blood moon is extremely rare. The last time such an incident took place was in 1866…
According to Rabbi Fish, this does not bode well for Israel’s neighboring Arab countries. “That is a bad omen for them since Islam relies entirely upon a lunar calendar,” he added.

UN envoy: Gaza on verge of ‘total systems collapse’
Gaza is beyond a “humanitarian crisis” and “on the verge of a total systems failure,” UN Mideast envoy Nickolay Mladenov said Tuesday. Speaking at the INSS annual conference in Tel Aviv, Mladenov defined a total systems failure as the “full collapse of the economy and social services,” with all the “political, humanitarian and security implications stemming from that.”

The IDF has a new plan to battle Palestinian terrorism in Jerusalem
The IDF has restructured its brigades and improved coordination with the police to battle terrorism in Jerusalem and the West Bank corridor surrounding it. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot approved the plan, which was drafted in the last few months by General Staff officers, including Judea and Samaria Division former commander Brig. Gen. Lior Carmeli and Binyamin Regional Brigade commander Col. Yuval Guez.

CIA chief says China ‘as big a threat to US’ as Russia
Chinese efforts to exert covert influence over the West are just as concerning as Russian subversion, the director of the CIA has said. Mike Pompeo told the BBC that the Chinese “have a much bigger footprint” to do this than the Russians do. As examples he cited efforts to steal US commercial information and infiltration of schools and hospitals – and this extended to Europe and the UK.

Putin says US sanctions list targets all Russians
Russian President Vladimir Putin says a new list published by the US as part of a sanctions law has in effect targeted all of the Russian people. The list names 210 top Russians as part of a law aimed at punishing Moscow for meddling in the US election. However, the US stressed those named were not subject to new sanctions.

Scrutiny over wood and coal fires in UK homes
Burning wood and coal in people’s homes will come under scrutiny as part of a government drive to improve air pollution. Ministers are calling for evidence to help improve air quality in cities. They want people to ensure that wood is dry before burning, and that solid fuels are as clean as possible.

Shin Bet chief: Agency foiled cyber attacks from all over the world
Shin Bet Director Nadav Argaman said Tuesday the agency foiled cyber attacks against Israeli systems over the past year “from all over the world.” “Cyber warfare is a main tool for us in our daily work to thwart terror activities,” Argaman said during a visit to the Cybertech conference in Tel Aviv. To that end, he said the Shin Bet recruits “the best minds in Israel” to the agency.

Midnight Gaza rocket falls inside Israel
A Code Red sirens was sounded at midnight Monday evening in the Sdot Negev and Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Councils after a rocket was fired into Israeli territory. Explosions were heard in the area and after a rapid investigation, the IDF confirmed that a rocket had fallen inside open space in Israeli territory. No injuries or damages were reported in the incident.

U.S. to resume refugee admissions from 11 ‘high-risk’ countries
The United States will resume admissions for refugees from 11 countries identified as presenting a high security risk, but with extra vetting for these mostly Middle Eastern and African nations, senior U.S. officials said on Monday. The changes came after a 90-day review of refugee admissions from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen by the State Department, Department of Homeland Security and intelligence agencies.

Czech citizens are arming themselves over fears of massive Muslim refugee violence throughout Europe
In 2017, the number of firearms permits increased to 303,000. That is 2,700 more than in 2016 and an increase of 11,000 compared with 2015. Fears over terror attacks, immigration and personal assaults have caused the surge, Czech police say.

Israel is approaching a severe water crisis
Despite recent rains, Israel is headed for long-term shortage, Water Authority warns

Cape Town’s Jews weigh in on looming water crisis
Once “Day Zero” hits, Cape Town’s 3.7 million residents will have to travel to one of 200 water collection points to collect their daily water rations: 25 liters of water per person.

Fitness Tracking App Accidentally Exposes ‘Top Secret’ CIA Underground Bases
A new online fitness tracking app, which compiles routes of 27 million runners, have unwittingly revealed the locations and layouts of top-secret CIA underground military bases around the world.

Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Fails to Clear Senate
A bill that makes it illegal to abort a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy failed to clear the U.S. Senate after Democrats blocked the bill from further consideration.

FBI Deputy Director McCabe ‘Removed’ Day After Bureau Reads Memo
Memo said to reveal corruption, collusion between Obama admin, Clintons and Justice Department

The Holiest Police in the World Paving the Way for the Third Jewish Temple
in an extremely unprecedented move, Amit Branchuk, the police officer in charge of the Temple Mount entrance, went around to the roadblocks and personally accompanied any Jew who wanted to ascend the Temple Mount at that time.

WW3 RED ALERT: China and Russia THREATEN Japan after ‘enforcing’ claim to South China Sea with military
MILITARY threats have been made by China and Russia towards Japan by sending aircraft and naval vessels into Japanese territory as the dispute over the South China Sea rages on.

Mind-blowing plot to sexually confuse America’s little ones
…Two years ago, CMS introduced the gender unicorn to push sexual confusion on our kids. It was soundly slapped back into place by concerned parents. Today, it’s taking the back-door approach by simply expanding the term “diversity” to an already existing policy. (Sounds like former President Obama’s redefinition of the word “sex” in Title 9).

’15:17 to Paris’ heroes who stopped bloody terror attack give credit to God
Armed with an AK-47, a pistol, a box cutter, 270 rounds of ammunition and a bottle of gasoline during a high-speed railway ride, Ayoub el-Khazzani’s mission was clear: Slaughter every passenger on the crowded train that was transporting more than 500 innocent lives.

Fitness Devices Can Provide Locations of Soldiers
An interactive map found online can show the locations and activities of people who use fitness devices such as Fitbit, raising security concerns about soldiers and other people who are at U.S. military bases in sensitive areas.

No-Go Zones: UK Govt Warns People Travelling to Sweden Beware ‘Gang Crime, Shootings, and Explosions
UK travel advice on Sweden has warned visitors to beware violence, gun crime, and “explosions” in the nation’s migrant-dominated ‘no-go zones’.

More young people being seriously afflicted with hallucinations and self-abuse after taking TAMIFLU … why won’t the FDA recall the dangerous drug?
Marketed as flu medicine, Tamiflu is actually a risky nervous system damaging, hallucinogenic drug that causes some children to go into seizures, wild delusions, and twitching fits.
