Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Valerie and all,
I read with interest and excitement your vision of darkness.
On Monday, while waiting for the eclipse to start in New York (we didn't get much more than a dimming of the sun), I dozed off while reading. I woke with a start thinking "the darkness Phil saw is coming now". Phil is my husband of 17 months who went Home July 1 from two cancerous brain tumors. The last real talk we had he told me again about a vision he had of being on a hilltop and seeing darkness rolling toward him like a huge cloud. He said it was darker than a storm coming or even in the middle of a moonless night. The darkness rolled toward him like a huge cloud coming closer. At the bottom of the hill was a very large white building. He didn't know what the building was, but knew that he had to get there before the cloud got to him. Others around saw it coming and they ran toward the white building. They made it in the doors just as the leading edge of the cloud got to them. He woke then, so didn't get to see the inside to know what it was, but knew it was the only safe place.

As I was reading this post this morning, I wondeed if the rolling darkness might have been the eclipse. Then thought, if so, does the length of totality have anything to do with how long we might wait for our "rescue" from the darkness. The longest length of totality was 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Wonder if we could be "rescued" from the darkness here in a little over two days? Hope this makes sense and isn't confusing. Just thoughts that popped into my head while reading this post and since I don't usually get ideas like this, I thought I'd share and pray someone else could understand what I'm trying to say.

Mary & Everyone,

Mary, my condolences on the death of your husband Phil. Soon, we will be reunited with all those in Christ Jesus, who have passed over. What a glorious time that will be. Thanks so much for sharing Phil's vision, and your thoughts on the total eclipse.

I have heard of others who have had visions of darkness covering the earth as well, and it could represent many different things. I believe the eclipse was a sign from God, that this is the last warning, to unbelievers, that they have another 40 days probation to get right with God, or suffer the consequences of God's wrath upon all inhabitants of the earth. Since the bride is not appointed to wrath, she will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air, just before all H e l l, breaks loose here on earth.

The number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation.

You mentioned in your post, that the longest length of totality was 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Perhaps it may have something to do with the following scripture.
Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, on 2 separate occasions (Exodus 24:18, 34:1 - 28), receiving God's laws.
This might have something to do with the 2 minutes and 40 seconds as mentioned, 40 days and nights, on 2 separate occasions. Exactly, how it fits, I'm not 100 percent sure; my thought is it has to do with warning for the lost, that time is almost up now.

The prophet Jonah warned ancient Nineveh, for forty days, that its destruction would come because of its many sins. Could this be another warning, that should the country of the U.S. not repent and return to God, destruction is about to fall on it, and all the countries that have forsaken the one and only true God?

Elijah went 40 days without food or water at Mount Horeb. Is this also speaking to our generation right now,
to confess their sins, repent, along with fasting and prayers for God to give them divine power and direction from above?

Jesus was tempted by the devil many times during the 40 days and nights he fasted.

Jesus also appeared to his disciples and others
for 40 days after his resurrection.. Could this be a sign pointing to the resurrection of the dead in Christ Jesus first, and then we who are alive, are caught up "together" with them, to meet the Lord in the air?

Jesus, prophesied days before his crucifixion, the total destruction of Jerusalem (Matthew 24:1 - 2, Mark 13:1 - 2). Forty years after his crucifixion, the mighty Roman Empire destroyed the city and burned its beloved temple to the ground.

Let us therefore, take the next 40 days, with, prayer, fasting, witnessing, warning everyone with urgency, of the Lord's soon coming at the Rapture. Remember to mention what lies just ahead for those left behind, horrific events, along with great suffering, destruction, and even eternal d a m n a t i o n for those who receive the mark of the beast.



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

I'm not very good at fasting. [makes face] Neither am I any good at engaging in prayer marathons. And I regret to say that I am lousy at witnessing.

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Kathy G
I'm not very good at fasting. [makes face] Neither am I any good at engaging in prayer marathons. And I regret to say that I am lousy at witnessing.

Sadly, that makes two of us, Kathy. But I am sure, that God understands us both, doesn't He?



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

I would hope so! With that said, if God can use you and me anyway, that'll be good.

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

True, Kathy, true.



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Kathy, & Tammy,

We are all able to do some of these things, if not all. Whether it be daily prayer plus extra prayer one day a week, fasting even for one meal a week, witnessing to our lost loved ones etc. No one is asking for a 40 day fast, or prayer without ceasing which we should be doing willing anyway.

Do something, what the good Lord lays on your heart; it's all for God's honor and glory, after all, Jesus did so much for us, even dying for our sins, we can make a willing offering unto the Lord. For even the smallest, fervent prayer avails much.

God sees the heart of each person, their sincerity, in prayer, and all that they do for honoring Him. No need for long drawn out prayers like the Pharisees, who put on a show for the public. Jesus called them hypocrites for they exalting themselves for people's approval. Jesus called them out, and let them know they were of their father Satan...etc. We all know the verses in scripture.

Everyone, can, and should do something, if they are willing and want to. Let the Lord lead you on your walk with Him,
and let Him be your guide and inspiration, in all the things you do for our Lord and God.

God loves us, One and all!


Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Kathy, Tammy, Valerie and all at RFTH,

Yes, Valerie, you explained it well. When I read those responses I wished I had been clearer in my post about the idea of fasting and praying in the 40 day period beginning on 1st Elul. My apologies to anyone who might have felt this sounded legalistic and not flowing from the position of grace in which we stand as believers.

Valerie, I agree, we can all contribute something in prayer, above our usual practice,to honour the Lord as we see the days of the Church Age coming rapidly to a close.
As far as the Feast days and observing special prayer seasons, I believe these are important because they are part of God’s timetable, the calendar by which He has done His Will on earth ( and perhaps even in heaven too) – but not to be seen as a legalistic bondage, rather an open invitation to bless the Lord and others. Understanding God’s timetable and calendar is a blessing for the watchful endtime Church if taken in the spirit of grace.

This is more like an invitation to bring a freewill offering to the Lord, in a way, identifying with the grief and sorrow He must have over all those still lost and that He yearns to see saved and come to him. They may be some of our loved ones, they may be our neighbours, co-workers, perhaps our local leaders, people of our city or town, even our country. Whereever we are there are people about to find themselves in the Tribulation or worse still in hell. We can humble ourselves and offer prayers – even for people we don’t know personally – prayers for a revelation of the LORD to their hearts in these remaining days - that some might be saved.
The Apostle Paul identified with the idea of humbling himself to the end that others might be saved.

To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Twice in June the Lord communicated to me “TIME IS UP”. The sense of how late it is and the horror of what is coming has been vividly communicated to me and I feel such an alignment with the Lord’s heart about it.
Kathy, you also acknowledged this in your response to prepare left behind letters and packages. That’s a wonderful idea too.

Again, My apologies if I caused anyone offense or grief by not being clear in my post.

In the love of Jesus, blessings,


Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Kathy, Tammy, Valerie and all at RFTH,

Yes, Valerie, you explained it well. When I read those responses I wished I had been clearer in my post about the idea of fasting and praying in the 40 day period beginning on 1st Elul. My apologies to anyone who might have felt this sounded legalistic and not flowing from the position of grace in which we stand as believers.

Valerie, I agree, we can all contribute something in prayer, above our usual practice,to honour the Lord as we see the days of the Church Age coming rapidly to a close.
As far as the Feast days and observing special prayer seasons, I believe these are important because they are part of God’s timetable, the calendar by which He has done His Will on earth ( and perhaps even in heaven too) – but not to be seen as a legalistic bondage, rather an open invitation to bless the Lord and others. Understanding God’s timetable and calendar is a blessing for the watchful endtime Church if taken in the spirit of grace.

This is more like an invitation to bring a freewill offering to the Lord, in a way, identifying with the grief and sorrow He must have over all those still lost and that He yearns to see saved and come to him. They may be some of our loved ones, they may be our neighbours, co-workers, perhaps our local leaders, people of our city or town, even our country. Whereever we are there are people about to find themselves in the Tribulation or worse still in hell. We can humble ourselves and offer prayers – even for people we don’t know personally – prayers for a revelation of the LORD to their hearts in these remaining days - that some might be saved.
The Apostle Paul identified with the idea of humbling himself to the end that others might be saved.

To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Twice in June the Lord communicated to me “TIME IS UP”. The sense of how late it is and the horror of what is coming has been vividly communicated to me and I feel such an alignment with the Lord’s heart about it.
Kathy, you also acknowledged this in your response to prepare left behind letters and packages. That’s a wonderful idea too.

Again, My apologies if I caused anyone offense or grief by not being clear in my post.

In the love of Jesus, blessings,


Michelle,Thanks for your reply, I totally agree, yes this is more in line of a free will offering for the Lord our God.

Michelle you have no need to apologize, I'm sure it wasn't offensive or brought any grief to anyone here on board. However, it was good of you to take the time to clarify with posting your message, since you thought there was misunderstanding. This is why I also replied to Kathy & Tammy as well.

I really appreciate your input, and your faithfulness to share with all of us here, everything pertaining to the imminent Rapture. Thanks so much for participating. We are all here to encourage one another, because, all of us are watching for the Lord's imminent coming at the Rapture.
The message from you and myself, is to encourage everyone, that everyone has something to offer to give to the Lord,
and not to make them feel there is nothing they can offer.

Yes Kathy, had a good idea about leaving left behind letters; thanks Kathy.

In the love of Jesus,
God Bless.


Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?


I just want to say that in no way was I offended by your above post. OK?

When one doesn't know quite how to pray, I am thankful for these three of my favorite verses in the Bible:

Romans 8:26, 27, 28 KJV

26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with grownings which cannot be uttered.

27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Hi Tammy,

Thankyou for your reply, I'm relieved about that!

Yes, those are comforting verses. God bless you dear sister, I'm looking forward to meeting you in glory!



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?


Thanks so much for your loving heartfelt response to Michelle's post.

I too can't wait to meet you in Heaven one day, along with Michelle, Kathy, Stephanie, Amanda, Mary, Brian, and everyone from the past and present from RFTH, at that great meeting in the air.

What a glorious day that will be,to be with Jesus our beloved Savior and all our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus.

Much love in Jesus,


Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?


Thanks so much for your loving heartfelt response to Michelle's post.

I too can't wait to meet you in Heaven one day, along with Michelle, Kathy, Stephanie, Amanda, Mary, Brian, and everyone from the past and present from RFTH, at that great meeting in the air.

What a glorious day that will be,to be with Jesus our beloved Savior and all our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus.

Much love in Jesus,



Wyatt & I are looking forward to meeting you & all our RFTH (both past & present) family members too, at that great meeting in the air.

For that will indeed be a glorious day, to being with Jesus, our beloved Savior, and all our Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ.

Lotsa love in Jesus...


Tammy & Wyatt

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

I just wonder if that in-the-air meeting is going to take place this coming month. If not, then when? October, November, or which month? So long as we're Home for Christmas, that's the main thing! =)

Since I'm not the one who prepares my family's meals, it's easier for me to fast a snack than a meal, so that's what I'll have to do, at least for now.

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Tammy & Kathy,

Here are some more encouraging videos. Maranatha! Valerie

"Fair Use for information & Discussion Purposes"


Published on Aug 23, 2017

Holly's Video -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blScw...
Dr. Jack Van Impe's video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUy9L..

Holly's video captured in the video above stopped at 210/351 (21) 3+5+1=(9) Sept. 21st?

LAJRapture stopped her video exactly on
9:01/21/22 Sept 21,22 (22+1=23) Sept. 21,22,23
On the 3rd day He will raise us up....The Rapture.

I don't think this is a coincidence, I think this is our heads up sign for the soon Rapture, perhaps on one of these days. We don't know the exact, DAY OR HOUR, but we do know it is NEAR AND EVEN AT THE DOORS.



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"


Jack Van Impe Presents (2017-08-19)


Published on Aug 19, 2017

The Kings of the East

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Recap of my Eclipse dream

Holly WV
Published on Aug 16, 2017


Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Are we going Home, God? Are we going Home before this coming month is out? Are we going to be Home at Christmas?

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

I believe so Kathy! My guess 😉 is September 21st-23rd'!! If I'm gonna try to guess the days I would choose those and that timeframe for so many reasons! I just know from now until then what's going to happen because Harvey was devastating enough! I'm keeping my eyes on North Korea! That seems like a ticking time bomb😔

Keep looking up!

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

And now, there's another hurricane heading our way--already a Category 3, and it's still several days away from making landfall! Hurricane Irmo!

Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

Kathy, Amanda, & Everyone,

As I mentioned in my post above, I too believe the Rapture will take place anytime now. I believe that the August 21st, Solar Eclipse, which produced temporary darkness, is pointing to the "LOOK UP SIGN, our redemption draws nigh", the Rapture!

The most likely time of the Rapture would be between Sept.21-23. However, it's more probable that it would happen on Sept 21-22, within these two days. The reason I believe it may be these two days is the Jewish year 5777 our 2017 ends on the 22nd, and the Jewish New Year, year 5778 begins on Sept 23rd. This would still stand that no one knows the "EXACT DAY OR HOUR" except God. The reasoning behind this is, that we live in different time zones around the world. Therefore, the Rapture, could happen during these 2 days of Sept. 21-22 or even 3 days, should the Lord choose so, which would include September 23rd as well.

Just think, today, is already Sept 1, 2017...! Not long now to Sept.21,22,23, 2017!

Let the Spirit and the Bride Cry, "Come Lord Jesus, Come"!



Re: My Vision of darkness,...Could it have something to do with Aug. 21st Solar Eclipse?

From August 21st, 2017 - September 23rd, 2017 inclusive equals exactly 33 days. The very age Jesus was when he died on the cross. Therefore, I believe this is another clue of the very probable Rapture in September 21-23, 2017.

The number 33 is connected to a promise or the promises of God.

One Promise is to Rapture the bride of Christ before wrath falls on the earth and it's inhabitants.

Thirty-three also derives some of its meaning from the total number of times 'three' or 'third' is used in the book of Revelation. Because it is the product of 3 times 11 it can represent God's judgment.

God's judgment, on the whole world, for rejecting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and rejecting His sacrifice at the cross, for their saving grace through Jesus. For every knee will bow down before the Lord and confess that Jesus is the Son of God, willingly or by force one day in the future.

Another clue of our soon imminent Rapture!

Maranatha, Valerie