Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Debate Over Temple Mount Heats Up While Rebuilding Preparations Continue
An impassioned MK Fieglin declared, “Without the temple Mount, we have no home, not in Tel Aviv, not in Haifa, and not anywhere else. The time has come to stop the erosion of our sovereignty in the heart of Jerusalem.” “When the Jews in exile prayed to return to Zion, I think they prayed to return… to the Temple Mount. If we allow the situation to continue, we will fail in our mission to Jewish continuity.” Added coalition chairman Yariv Levin.

Demise of Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange threatens virtual currency
Mt. Gox, a major bitcoin exchange in Japan, is close to bankruptcy after a recently disclosed theft, various bitcoin-connected companies said.

Official at center of IRS scandal wants immunity – will she get it?
The attorney for Lerner, who is the IRS's former tax-exempt organizations chief, wants his client to receive immunity as a condition to testify. Sekulow has no problem with that – under certain conditions.

Walt Disney World stops supporting Boy Scouts over LGBT discrimination
Walt Disney World has jumped on the bandwagon of businesses pulling their funding from Boy Scouts of America, as the organization still refuses to end its ban on openly LGBT adults.

US Ambassador to China resigns
Gary Locke, America's ambassador to China, is stepping down from the position he has held for three years to return to the U.S. so that his two oldest children can finish high school in Seattle. Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that "Locke's historic tenure as Ambassador has made America proud."

Israeli banks to be targeted in US tax sweep
The US needs money — and it’s willing to go to the ends of the earth, including Israel, to track down deadbeats who are evading their taxes. Israel was named specifically as a country where US authorities were tracking down tax cheats, implementing policies that leave banks little choice but to comply and hand over account information to the American authorities.

US, NATO, EU lecture Russia with 'provocative statements' on Ukraine
Moscow has urged NATO to refrain from provocative statements on Ukraine and respect its non-bloc status after a chorus of Western politicians said Russia should be “transparent” about its military drills and avoid any steps that could be “misunderstood.” “When NATO starts giving a consideration the situation in Ukraine, it sends out the wrong signal,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Thursday.

Ukraine crisis deepens as Russia scrambles jets
Russia scrambled fighter jets to patrol its border and reportedly gave shelter to Ukraine's fugitive president as gunmen stormed government buildings in the strategic Crimea region and raised a Russian flag over the regional parliament Thursday, deepening the crisis for the new Ukrainian government even as it was being formed.

New Cyber Solution Revealed
FireEye revealed its new, cloud-based cyber solution at the RSA Conference in San Franciso. The new solution, Analystic, allows for quick, real time analysis and identification of cyber attacks and complex threats. The solution provides comprehensive situational awareness and allows for real time intelligence gathering. The company also presented its Managed Defense solution, aimed at improving security platforms by providing organizations with defense and managed monitoring services.

Armed men seize two airports in Ukraine's Crimea, Russia denies involvement
Armed men took control of two airports in the Crimea region on Friday in what Ukraine's government described as an invasion and occupation by Russian forces, raising tension between Moscow and the West.

Mysterious Flashing 'Earthquake Lights' Maybe Explained
Mysterious flashes of lightning sometimes herald earthquakes, and now scientists may have discovered why: Shifting grains surrounding faults in the Earth may generate an electric charge.

2.4 magnitude earthquake measured in SE Mo.
USGS is reporting a 2.4 magnitude earthquake centered 14 miles north of Poplar Bluff. It was 2.8 miles east of Williamsville.

Ukraine pleads for Britain and US to come to its rescue as Russia accused of 'invasion'
Deeply worried politicians inside Ukraine's parliament have pleaded with Britain and the United States to come to their rescue, after Russia was accused of launching a series of raids in the Crimea region. The two Western powers signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1994, which Kiev's parliament wants enforcing now.

Militant Islamist group in Syria orders Christians to pay tax for their protection
A militant Islamist group has demanded Christians living in the north-east of Syria pay it a tax in return for protection as it seeks to build a traditional "Caliphate" in areas it controls. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) published the terms under which minorities could live under its rule in a statement on the internet.

Nigeria's Boko Haram blamed for Adamawa killings
Suspected militant Islamists have killed at least 37 people during an assault on a town and nearby villages in north-eastern Nigeria's Adamawa state, witnesses said. Banks, shops and houses were also looted and burnt during the six-hour raid by militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades, they added. Six of the militants were killed in a counter-offensive, the army said.

Venezuela student protest in Caracas ends in clashes
Security forces in Venezuela have used tear gas to break up a student demonstration in the capital, Caracas. Hundreds of protesters were demanding the release of fellow students detained during two weeks of unrest, and called a fresh march for Sunday. In another part of Caracas, a large pro-government march was held.

Israel warns Lebanese gov't it will be responsible for any Hezbollah retaliation
Israel sent a warning to the Lebanese government in Beirut by way of UNIFIL that it would be held responsible for any attacks by Hezbollah that are launched from Lebanese soil, reported al-Akhbar News Agency on Friday. The warning comes in connection to Hezbollah's threats of retaliation for an air-strike on a Hezbollah missile convoy near the border with Syria, which was attributed to the IAF by foreign media sources.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

A Foreign Policy in Shambles
American foreign policy is in the worst disarray of the past 195 years, and our Secretary of State thinks "climate change" (formerly "global warming" and before that "the new Ice Age") is our greatest problem.

Erupting Volcano Creates Tornadolike Vortices
After more than 400 years of no volcanic activity, the Indonesian volcano Mount Sinabug has recently awakened with a vengeance. Volcanic activity started in January and proceeded well into February 2014. Sinabug began to spew lava and incredible amounts of ash into the atmosphere that the locals haven't seen in years.

California Earthquake Today 2014 Strikes San Francisco, Bay Area
A California earthquake 2014 struck just before midnight today near San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. The California earthquake March 1, 2014 struck the Bay Area just before midnight. No reports of injuries have been detailed by local news.

Lawmakers allow Putin to use military in Ukraine
Russia's parliament granted President Vladimir Putin permission to use the country's military in Ukraine and also recommended Saturday that Moscow's ambassador be recalled from Washington over comments made by President Barack Obama.

The Supreme Court Has Given Police Another Way to Search Your Home Without a Warrant
Make sure you’re on good terms with your roommate or spouse — the Supreme Court now says just one occupant of a home can give consent to searches without a warrant, even if an individual has previously objected. The nation’s highest court ruled 6-3 in favor of law enforcement Tuesday in Fernandez v. California, which stemmed from a 2009 arrest and search in connection with a robbery in Los Angeles.

Following alleged strike, IDF on alert on Syrian border as well
The tensions on the northern border following Israel's alleged strike in Lebanon have not skipped over the Golan Heights. The IDF Northern Command's decision to raise the level of alert fearing a Hezbollah retaliation also affects the border with Syria, that has turned into a border as dangerous and as sensitive as the Lebanese border.

Tenn. State University Requires Students to Wear Trackable IDs
Beginning Saturday, March 1, students and staff at Tennessee State University will be required to present identification badges at any time that can also track their movements in and out of buildings, according to a local-news report. After a spate of break-ins and vandalism, officials at the university instituted the new ID requirement as a way to ensure safety on campus, a TSU release said.

Move afoot to form 'right-wing' pro-Israel lobby in US
Right-wing Jewish hawks in the United States are considering the formation of a new pro-Israel lobby that would directly compete with AIPAC and J Street. The new organization, which has been tentatively called Z-Pac, would aim to dilute the influence of J Street, which is viewed as a lobby that is sympathetic with the left.

Maduro Reaches Out to Critics as Venezuelan Death Toll Increases
Henrique Capriles to hold talks. “We are inviting actors, artists, private and public entities, opposition leaders, students, governors, mayors, the Catholic Church and whoever wants to participate.”

Israel faces military dilemma as Hezbollah amasses weapons
This week's alleged attack on a Syrian missile convoy intended for Hezbollah was different from earlier ones, and could further exacerbate tensions between Israel and the organization.

Chinese police bust four major baby trafficking rings rescuing 382 abducted infants and arresting nearly 2,000 suspects
Hundreds of babies have been rescued by police in China after a crackdown was launched on trafficking infants. The nationwide bust saw 1,094 people arrested as officers acted on information relating to four major internet-based baby trafficking rings.

Ukraine crisis: Obama warns Russia against intervention
US President Barack Obama has warned Russia there will be "costs" for any military intervention in Ukraine. He said he was deeply concerned by reports of Russian military movements inside the country. Ukraine's acting president has accused Russia of deploying troops to Crimea and trying to provoke Kiev into "armed conflict".

Syrian extremists live-tweet chopping man’s hand off in punishment
A group of Syrian extremist militants on Friday live-tweeted the punishment of a man whose hand was cut off for alleged stealing.

South Korean Christian Missionary 'Confesses' to 'Anti-State' Crimes at North Korea Press Conference
A South Korean Christian missionary imprisoned in North Korea said during a recent press conference in front of government officials that he is a "criminal" guilty of "anti-state" crimes such as attempting to turn the country into a Christian nation.

U.S. GDP revised down, but hints of economic thaw emerge
The U.S. government slashed its estimate for fourth-quarter economic growth on Friday in the latest sign of a loss of momentum, but some tentative signs emerged that suggested the worst of the slowdown may be over. Gross domestic product expanded at a 2.4 percent annual rate, the Commerce Department said, down sharply from the 3.2 percent pace it reported last month and the 4.1 percent logged in the third quarter.

Netanyahu’s US visit ‘crucial’ for determining future of peace talks
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s talks with US President Barack Obama next week are likely to prove crucial for determining whether peace negotiations with the Palestinians have a future beyond April

Israel’s home front unprepared for enemy attack
170,000 rockets are pointed this way, yet the hierarchy responsible for protecting civilians is in a shambles, a Knesset panel hears


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Putin has miscalculated – Ukraine will not be an easy victory
Moscow has consistently misread Ukraine. Putin's repressive agenda since his return to the Kremlin in May 2012 has meant insistence on the West as a threat to Russia.

Ukraine Puts Forces On Combat Alert, Says Intervention Would Lead To War
Ukraine put its armed forces on full combat alert on Saturday and warned Russia that any military intervention in the country would lead to war.

Obama to Netanyahu on peace: 'If not now, when?'
America's ability to "manage the international fallout is going to be limited" if Israel does not strike a peace deal with the Palestinians and there is "continued aggressive settlement construction," ... Obama said in an interview..

3.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Near McCord OK
MCCORD, Oklahoma - The U.S. Geological Survey reported a 3.2 magnitude earthquake near Osage County Sunday morning. The earthquake was recorded around 8:55 a.m. 13 miles south of McCord in Osage County, 73 miles northeast of Oklahoma City.

West Bank: 2 Earthquakes In Past 2 Days
Shaking in the northern West Bank, felt Friday evening and Saturday morning, was "definitely" a series of two earthquakes and was not the result of explosions, Jalal Dabeek of an-Najah National University said, on Sunday.

Dead Mississippi man begins breathing in embalming room, coroner says
Even in the Bible Belt, coroners don't use the word "miracle" lightly. But Holmes County, Mississippi, Coroner Dexter Howard has no qualms using the word for the resurrection, as it were, of Walter Williams, who was declared dead Wednesday night.

HOUSE INTEL CHIEF: 'Putin Is Playing Chess, And We're Playing Marbles'
Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, criticized the U.S.'s response to Russian aggression in the Crimea region of Ukraine, suggesting that President Barack Obama was being outsmarted by Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. "Putin is playing chess, and I think we are playing marbles — and I don't think it's even close," Rogers said on "Fox News Sunday."

Nicaragua: 6.4 magnitude earthquake
A 6.4 magnitude quake occurred off Nicaragua’s coast earlier today, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquake focus was located at the depth of 70 kilometers, the epicentre was 23 kilometres away from the town of Jiquilillo.

Ukraine orders full military mobilisation over Russia moves
Ukraine has ordered a full military mobilisation in response to Russia's build-up of its forces in Crimea. Acting President Olexander Turchynov has ordered the closure of airspace to all non-civilian aircraft. US President Barack Obama has called Russian troop deployments a "violation of Ukrainian sovereignty".

'US pressuring Israel to stop killing Iran nuclear scientists'
The United States is...pressuring Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists, a number of whom have been mysteriously killed in a campaign thought to be carried out by Mossad. ...Obama administration officials have communicated...their wish for a cessation of the targeting of scientists in order to allow diplomatic negotiations...to take their course.

Upon takeoff for US, Netanyahu vows to 'stand firm on Israel's vital interests'
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's message before boarding his plane for Washington Sunday and his meeting Monday with US President Barack Obama is that Israel has successfully withstood strong pressure over the last few years, and will continue to do so. ..."I will meet President Obama, and we will discuss Iran and the diplomatic process. I will stand firm on Israel's vital interests, first and foremost security."

Militant ambush kills 12 of polio workers escort in Pakistan
Militants killed 12 members of the security escort for a polio vaccination team in northwest Pakistan on Saturday, detonating a roadside bomb before opening fire on their convoy, according to officials. The attack lasted an hour and when rescuers approached the scene the gunmen also attacked them, according to Khan Faraz, an official in the Jamrud area of Khyber, a rugged tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

Ukraine asks UN to stop Russian ‘aggression’
Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations asked an emergency session of the Security Council on Saturday “to do everything possible now” to stop Russia’s “aggression” as its troops took over the strategic Crimea region.

AIPAC conference to focus more on Iran than US peace efforts between Israel, PA
Legions of Israel’s most active supporters descended on Washington this weekend for the annual policy conference of AIPAC, the US’s largest pro-Israel lobby. The conference, which begins on Sunday night and is to run through Tuesday, has become a Washington ritual: US policy-makers and journalists pause to focus, size up and tailor America’s broad alliance with Israel, their shared challenges across the Middle East and what, if anything, has changed since last year’s checkup.

CA governor signs off on $687 million drought plan
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation to provide immediate relief to drought-stricken communities. With his signing Saturday, more than $687 million will fund communities running low on drinking water and farming communities where fallowed fields are leading to sky-high unemployment.

Iranian Official: 'We are Preparing to Liberate Jerusalem'
The Islamist Basij militia force in Tehran ran a special military exercise Thursday and Friday preparing for an Iranian takeover of Jerusalem. ​The exercise, entitled "March to Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem)," included training in the event of such a takeover, including drills for the protection of cities, assistance and rescue, dealing with social unrest, the protection of sensitive and important military centers, dealing with the invasion and landing of "enemy" (IDF) forces from helicopters, and carrying out complicated tactical maneuvers at night.

Saudi hits back at Russia criticism on Syria arms
Saudi Arabia has hit back at Russian criticism of its reported plans to supply shoulder-launched missiles to Syrian rebels, saying it was Moscow's support for Damascus that was prolonging the conflict.

Ukraine: Putin's Crimea aim is to make the West look weak
If you want to invade a country, it’s important to call it a liberation. Over the coming weeks and months, that’s what we’re going to see in Ukraine. In fact it has started already. Just look at the Crimea. Troops in unmarked uniforms have started guarding the region’s main airport. They’re being assisted by some local people. After all, they’re just there to help.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Obama: Netanyahu must make 'tough decisions'
US President Barack Obama has warned that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu must make "tough decisions" to advance peace talks with the Palestinians. At the White House, Mr Netanyahu replied Israelis expected him to "stand strong" and that the Palestinians had not done their part to ease tensions. The White House has said it hopes to see a peace deal in place by 29 April.

Ukraine's Yanukovych asked for troops, Russia tells UN
Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych asked Russia to send troops across the border to protect civilians, Moscow's UN envoy has claimed. Vitaly Churkin told a Security Council meeting Mr Yanukovych wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday. Thousands of Russian troops have been pouring into Ukraine's Crimea region.

Pope Francis: Potty mouth
Pope Francis dropped the Italian equivalent of an F-bomb during Sunday's address from the Vatican's Apostolic Palace. No need to wash out the pontiff's mouth with soap, though. It seems that the swear word was a simple slip of the tongue, NPR reports.

No Charity For Israel
We all thought Oxfam was the most bigoted international charity organization but along has came Amnesty International to displace it from the pinnacle of shame. What is it about these supposedly good will international organizations that makes them so disproportionately obsessed with and so biased against the State of Israel and its citizens? What makes them so little aware, in any consistent way, of issues in the other 192 countries in the world?

Limbaugh: 12 Years a Slave Only Won Best Picture Because of ‘Magic Word’ in Title
Rush Limbaugh has not seen 12 Years a Slave, but he opined anyway on Monday that the only reason it won Best Picture at the Oscars was because it had the “magic word” of “slave” in the title. Limbaugh mocked the “self-satisfaction” of the awards ceremony and said that unlike at past Oscars, there wasn’t any “demonstrable political preaching” from anyone.

Legal Pot Smuggled Out of Colorado and Washington
The report states, "From 2005 to 2008, compared to 2009 to 2012, interdiction seizures involving Colorado marijuana quadrupled from an average per year of 52 to 242. During the same period, the average number of pounds of Colorado marijuana seized per year increased 77% from an average of 2,220 to 3,937 pounds. A total of 7,008 pounds was seized in 2012."

Yep, ANOTHER DEAD BANKER: Senior African Banker Peter Mukuria — Murdered
The claim is that Mukuria was murdered as the result of a “love triangle”. Maybe so. However, we draw your attention to the last sentence here which has been bolded.]

Could Israel Really Be the Next Energy Superpower?
For decades, almost all of Israel's energy -- coal and oil -- has been imported, which is a difficult situation to be in, considering that Israel doesn't exactly see eye to eye with many of its neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa, which also happen to be some of the world's largest oil exporters. Well, those days are over, because Israel has found more than 250 billion barrels of oil, which would be enough to put Israel in the top three in global oil reserves.

At AIPAC, preaching the gospel of a wider tent
Over 10,000 delegates stood and clapped, with VIPs and college students alike dancing and shouting amen as the Bright Star Church of God in Christ’s Pastor Chris Harris asked if he could take delegates to church. “I just want to church you like we’d church you at the Bright Star in Bronzeville.”

Ukraine Jews appeal to Russia to ‘stop aggression’
Letter by various religious leaders including chief rabbi insists on troop pullout and an independent Kiev.

Obama: We're building Iron Man
The real news sometimes passes us by, as we eke out our survival and freak out at the state of our lives. I am grateful, therefore, to have been sent this snippet that might just change the way you think and live. For here, at a White House press conference earlier this week, is President Obama revealing a "secret project we've been working on for some time." What could this project be? A crowd sourced surveillance program? A health insurance Web site that works? No, America is building Iron Man.

NEOWISE spies its first comet
NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) spacecraft has spotted a never-before-seen comet—its first such discovery since coming out of hibernation late last year.

'Photon glue' enables a new quantum mechanical state
Like a spring connecting two swings, light can act as photon glue that binds together the quantum mechanical properties of two vastly different materials. The effect could harness the most useful characteristics from each material for hybrid solar cells and high efficiency lighting, among other applications.

Groups to PM: Tell AIPAC and the World We're Not 'Occupiers'
Several former Israeli diplomats and politicians, along with leaders of Jewish organizations and pro-Israel groups, wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the eve of his address Tuesday to the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington DC. The letter urges Netanyahu to clarify Israel's status in Judea and Samaria – that under international law, Israel is not an “occupying power,” and is the legal ruler of the area, even if it has not been formally annexed to Israel.

Street Posters Mocking Obama (and Oscars) Can’t Be Making Academy Awards Folks Happy
A flurry of street art critical of President Obama hit the area around Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, according to a post with 32 accompanying photos on Imgur. The posters show an Oscar statue apparently with head of Vladimir Lenin and the caption “OCZARS” — the “O” is embellished with the well-known Obama election graphic.

PM Netanyahu's Remarks upon Landing in the US: in the face of all pressures uphold our vital interests
"The tango in the Middle East needs at least three. For years there have been two -- Israel and the US. Now it needs to be seen if the Palestinians are also present.

The face of the sun is peppered with spots. One of them in particular merits attention. AR1991 is rapidly growing, almost doubling its number of dark cores since the month began.

Bolton: Kremlin 'laughing' at Obama
Warns U.S. in decline as Russia asserts itself worldwide. The Kremlin is breaking out in laughter over the response by President Obama and members of his administration to Russia’s moves in the Ukraine, charged former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton in a radio interview Sunday.

NMCB 1 sailors awakened by 6.6. magnitude earthquake in Okinawa
OKINAWA, Japan – A magnitude 6.6 earthquake shook the island of Okinawa, Japan, during the wee hours of the morning, March 3. Sailors from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 1 were preparing to attend their morning physical training session when the tremor rocked Camp Shields.

Ukraine mobilizes troops after Russia's 'declaration of war'
As Ukraine's new leaders accused Russia of declaring war, Russia's Prime Minister warned Sunday that blood could be spilled amid growing instability in the neighboring nation. Kiev mobilized troops and called up military reservists in a rapidly escalating crisis that has raised fears of a conflict. And world leaders pushed for a diplomatic solution.

North Korea to release detained Australian missionary
North Korea has said it would release and deport a 75-year-old Australian missionary detained since last month for allegedly distributing religious materials. Hong Kong-based John Short was arrested after leaving "Bible tracts" in a Buddhist temple in the capital Pyongyang during a tour, the North's state-run KCNA news agency said.

North Korea fires two short-range missiles
North Korea has test-fired two short-range missiles into the sea off its eastern coast, the second in a series of launches that Seoul has denounced as a calculated provocation. "Both missiles flew more than 500 kilometres (300 miles)," a South Korean defence ministry spokesman told AFP.

Obama to Israel -- Time Is Running Out
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the White House tomorrow, President Barack Obama will tell him that his country could face a bleak future -- one of international isolation and demographic disaster -- if he refuses to endorse a U.S.-drafted framework agreement for peace with the Palestinians. Obama will warn Netanyahu that time is running out for Israel as a Jewish-majority democracy.

Thousands in Guatemala facing evacuation as Pacaya volcano erupts
A volcano has erupted in Guatemala, prompting the authorities to consider the evacuation of some 3,000 people living in the area. The Pacaya volcano began spewing ash and lava after a powerful explosion on Saturday afternoon. New explosions were seen on Sunday, with ash clouds reaching a height or at least 4km (3 miles).

Nato supports Ukraine's territorial integrity against Russian occupation
The allied countries under Nato command have condemned Russia’s military occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea, as world leaders threaten to oust Moscow from the G8 economic club. “Nato allies will continue to support Ukrainian sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity,” said the North Atlantic Council, Nato’s main decision-making body, on Sunday (2 March), in a statement.

Nato warns that Russia is risking Europe's peace and security
Ukraine has mobilised for war amid warnings from Nato that Russia's annexation of Crimea "threatens peace and security in Europe". With tension nearing boiling point, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Nato Secretary General, vowed the organisation would stand by Ukraine, a nation of 46 million which occupies a vital strategic position between Europe and Russia.

Massive storm system takes aim at winter-weary Midwest, East
A massive winter storm system packing cold air, snow and freezing rain was pummeling the central United States on Sunday and headed for the East Coast, sending temperatures plummeting and causing major delays for weekend travelers.

Kunming knife attack: Xinjiang separatists blamed for 'Chinese 9/11'
China's president, Xi Jinping, has called for "all-out efforts" to bring to justice the black-clad assailants who killed 29 people with knives and machetes in a bloody terrorist attack in the south-western city of Kunming on Saturday night.

Shutdown in Jerusalem for ultra-Orthodox protest
Israeli police closed the main highway into Jerusalem and the city's central roads Sunday ahead of a mass rally by ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting government plans to draft them into the army.

North Korea frees Australian Christian missionary
North Korea freed a Australian missionary who had been jailed for promoting Christianity on Monday, releasing a picture of a handwritten confession by the elderly man who was arrested last month.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Conspiracy Theories Abound As Banker Deaths Start To Pile Up
Since January 2014, nine successful bankers have died unexpectedly from either suicide or mysterious circumstances, as reported in The Christian Post Personalliberty.com has reported that another 5 bankers died in 2013, again as the result of either suicide or puzzling circumstances....the dead were employed by JPMorgan, Deutche Bank AG, Swiss Re AG, and other banks. Most recently, James Stewart, Jr. former CEO of the National Bank of Commerce was found dead, with no details of his death given.

Christians Flock to Obamacare Alternative
Exempt from the Obamacare mandate to buy health insurance, Medi-Share is a network of Christians who pool their financial resources to cover members’ medical expenses in what the organization deems a "proven biblical model of healthcare."

The Russian Bear Roars
There’s an old Jewish saying: “A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you’re in deep trouble.” President Barack Obama and his foreign policy advisers would have profited if they had been aware of this. Instead, the president went ahead with a 90-minute phone conversation on March 1, 2014 with President Vladimir Putin of Russia about the situation in Ukraine.

Russia warns could 'reduce to zero' economic dependency on US
Russia could reduce to zero its economic dependency on the United States if Washington agreed sanctions against Moscow over Ukraine, a Kremlin aide said on Tuesday, warning that the American financial system faced a "crash" if this happened

Could we see the return of ancient extinct species?
As gene technology develops, scientists move ever closer to the possibility of bringing extinct species back to life. The Long New Foundation in California is on the front line of research investigating the resurrection of ancient species, such as the woolly mammoth and sabre-toothed tiger, and aims to achieve the genetic rescue of endangered and extinct species.

Netanyahu at White House: With clock ticking, Obama reengages in Mideast
A US deadline is fast approaching for reaching a 'framework' agreement in the Middle East, and Obama, before meeting with Netanyahu, said 'tough decisions' are needed from both sides.

33% Say They’ve Been Personally Hurt by Health Care Law
One-in-three U.S. voters now says his or her health insurance coverage has changed as a result of Obamacare, and the same number say the new national health care law had a negative personal impact on them.

Ancient "Giant Virus" Revived From Siberian Permafrost
The past decade has seen something of a renaissance in the discovery of large, genetically complex viruses, with the discovery of three distinct groups (Mimivirus, Pandoravirus, and now Pithovirus) suggesting that viruses can be much more intricate and varied than previously thought, and that giant viruses may not be especially uncommon.

Putin: Russia has right to use force in Ukraine
Putin said Moscow reserves the right to use all means to protect Russians in Ukraine as US Secretary of State John Kerry was on his way to Kiev. Tensions remained high in the strategic Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea with troops loyal to Moscow firing warning shots to ward off protesting Ukrainian soldiers.

Two Light Earthquakes Registered in Bulgaria
Two light earthquakes have been registered on the territory of Bulgaria in the early hours of Tuesday.

Governor: Too many stoners in California
Gov.Jerry Brown said he is not sure legalizing marijuana is a good idea in his state because the country could lose its competitive edge if too many people are getting stoned.

Kerry to AIPAC: America will not fail Israel
After the Crimean crisis stole the limelight from the Israel-Palestinians negotiations at the press conference conducted by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry returned the focus to the Middle East during his speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference Monday night.

Syria: Hizbollah recruitment surge as sectarian conflict spreads
Hizbollah, the militant Lebanese Shia group, is seeing a surge in recruitment as sectarian conflict spreads from the Syrian civil war, members of the group have told the Telegraph. A spate of car bomb attacks against Shia towns and villages in Lebanon has caused a spike in the number of young men volunteering to fight for the group in Syria...

Weak Obama Has Emboldened Putin
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was mocked in 2008 for warning that Russia'a Vladimir Putin may invade Ukraine if Barack Obama were elected President, and the former GOP vice presidential nominee on Monday said that President Barack Obama's weakness has emboldened Putin and perhaps even the Chinese. "Anyone who carries the commonsense gene would know that Putin doesn't change his stripes," Palin said. "He harkens back to the era of the czars... and he wants that Russian empire to grow again to exert huge power and dominance."

30,000-year-old giant virus 'comes back to life'
An ancient virus has "come back to life" after lying dormant for at least 30,000 years, scientists say. It was found frozen in a deep layer of the Siberian permafrost, but after it thawed it became infectious once again. The French scientists say the contagion poses no danger to humans or animals, but other viruses could be unleashed as the ground becomes exposed.

Obama gets lecture on peace talks from Netanyahu in White House meeting
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with US President Barack Obama in the Oval Office on Monday, pushing back against pressure from the White House to swiftly cut a deal with the Palestinians as the president warned time was running out for peace. “Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say that the Palestinians haven’t,” Netanyahu said to Obama, in front of the press. “The people of Israel know that it’s the case.”

Judge: Egyptian court bans all Hamas activities in country
An Egyptian court on Tuesday banned all activities of Hamas in Egypt, a judge said, in another sign that security forces plan to squeeze the Palestinian militant group that runs the neighboring Gaza Strip. ...Egyptian authorities see Hamas a major security threat, accusing the group of supporting al-Qaida-inspired Islamist insurgents in the Sinai peninsula, allegations it denies.

Putin: Russia reserves right to use 'all means' to protect the citizens of Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia reserves the right to use "all means" to protect the citizens of Ukraine. Putin said the use of force by Russia in Ukraine was a choice of "last resort." ...Putin also said Russia reserved the right to intervene if there was "lawlessness" in Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine's Yanukovych asked for troops, Russia tells UN
Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych asked Russia to send troops across the border to protect civilians, Moscow's UN envoy has claimed. Vitaly Churkin told a Security Council meeting Mr Yanukovych wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday. Thousands of Russian troops have been pouring into Ukraine's Crimea region.

Pope Francis: Potty mouth
Pope Francis dropped the Italian equivalent of an F-bomb during Sunday's address from the Vatican's Apostolic Palace. No need to wash out the pontiff's mouth with soap, though. It seems that the swear word was a simple slip of the tongue, NPR reports.

No Charity For Israel
We all thought Oxfam was the most bigoted international charity organization but along has came Amnesty International to displace it from the pinnacle of shame. What is it about these supposedly good will international organizations that makes them so disproportionately obsessed with and so biased against the State of Israel and its citizens? What makes them so little aware, in any consistent way, of issues in the other 192 countries in the world?

Limbaugh: 12 Years a Slave Only Won Best Picture Because of ‘Magic Word’ in Title
Rush Limbaugh has not seen 12 Years a Slave, but he opined anyway on Monday that the only reason it won Best Picture at the Oscars was because it had the “magic word” of “slave” in the title. Limbaugh mocked the “self-satisfaction” of the awards ceremony and said that unlike at past Oscars, there wasn’t any “demonstrable political preaching” from anyone.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

What would a U.S.-Russia war look like?
The chances that the U.S. and Russia will clash militarily over Moscow's invasion of Ukraine are very, very slim. Ukraine isn't a member of NATO, and President Obama isn't likely to volunteer for another war. But many of Ukraine's neighbors are NATO members, including Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. And so are the the Baltic states — Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia — further north and right on Russia's border.

‘Here I come to save the day!’
The news of Carter’s proposed Venezuela visit was only hours old when alarmed Venezuelan anti-socialists sent out an SOS: “Please, desist from your trip,” reads an open letter from Venezuelan blogger/journalist Daniel Duquenal. “You have absolutely no credibility in Venezuela…You have cursed us enough as it is. I can assure you that half of the country has no respect nor credibility for you and the other half (the Castroites) thinks you are a mere fool...

Six earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma in past day
The U.S. Geological Survey reported six earthquakes in Oklahoma during the past day, including a 3.9 magnitude near Edmond this morning.

Newly discovered ancient manuscripts from Dead Sea Scroll caves
According to reports, the leather pouches were first pulled out of the Qumran caves in the 1950s, but were never examined or analysed until Yonatan Adler, an archaeologist from Ariel University, was working on materials from the old archaeological excavations and found the phylacteries. Using latest technology, including multispectral imaging carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), it is now possible to view the text on the ancient scrolls.

The Stone that Brings Down Goliath?
In a nearly $13 billion settlement with the U.S. Justice Department in November 2013, JPMorganChase admitted that it, along with every other large U.S. bank, had engaged in mortgage fraud as a routine business practice, sowing the seeds of the mortgage meltdown. JPMorgan and other megabanks have now been caught in over a dozen major frauds, including LIBOR-rigging and bid-rigging; yet no prominent banker has gone to jail.

Christian Conference Invites Terror-Linked Palestinian Official
"We are glad to confirm that his Excellency the Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamdallah will attend and speak in the opening session of the conference," the organizers posted to their Facebook page. Fifteen civilians, including seven children and a pregnant woman, were killed and another 130 were wounded in that attack, which under Hamdallah's tutelage was commemorated as a heroic act of "Palestinian resistance"

EU summit called for Thursday in Brussels
European leaders, including Taoiseach Enda Kenny, will convene in Brussels on Thursday for an emergency summit, after foreign ministers refrained from imposing immediate sanctions on Russia yesterday. The decision effectively imposes a deadline by which Russia must “de-escalate” the situation in Crimea...

‘No Jew Has Been Here for 20 Years’
“We see yet again that there is a tremendous thirst to visit and get to know the unique nature and heritage sites that Samaria has to offer,” he declared. As the sun rose, participants viewed the altar built by the Biblical leader Joshua (Yehoshua) on Mount Ebal and heard about its history.

Hezbollah Blamed for Deadly Bombing in Bahrain
According to NOW Lebanon, the Deputy-Chairman of Dubai Police and Public Security Dahi Khalfan Tamim, said that a Hezbollah-trained operative perpetrated the blast on Monday that killed three police officers outside Bahrain’s Manama.

China knife massacre culprits wanted to wage jihad abroad, official says
The group behind Saturday's gruesome knife attack at a Chinese train station turned to violence after failing to leave the country "to participate in jihad", a senior Communist party official was quoted as saying on Wednesday. The attack, which left 33 people dead and 143 injured in the south-western city of Kunming, has sent shockwaves through the country; some official media outlets have called it "China's 9/11".

Putin Adviser Urges Dumping US Bonds In Reaction to Sanctions
authorities would issue general advice to dump US government bonds in the event of Russian companies and individuals being targeted by sanctions over events in Ukraine. Sergei Glazyev said the United States would be the first to suffer in the event of any sanctions regime.

CIA Accused Of Spying On Senate Intelligence Committee Staffers
However, things are getting even more bizarre, as the NY Times is reporting that the CIA is now accused of spying on the Intelligence Committee and its staffers in its attempt to keep that report from being released.

Asteroid passing Earth will be closer than moon
An asteroid is headed this way. But even though it will come closer than the moon, astronomers say it will pose no danger. The newly discovered asteroid, called 2014 DX110, will hurtle between the moon and Earth on Wednesday. DX110 will pass an estimated 217,000 miles from Earth.

Russian warships pass through Istanbul’s Bosphorus sea, Turkey intercepts Russian jets
The two ships, which were usually based in the eastern Mediterranean to monitor developments in Syria, are now on their way to Crimea due to the latest situation there. Eight Turkish F-16 fighter jets intercepted a Russian reconnaissance plane that had flown parallel to Turkish coast in international airspace on Tuesday. Turkey’s General Staff said on its website that an IL-20-type reconnaissance jet had flown parallel to Turkey’s Black Sea coast in international airspace. The Turkish Air Force responded by sending eight F-16 fighter jets to intercept it, the statement said.

Russia warns could 'reduce to zero' economic dependency on US
Russia could reduce to zero its economic dependency on the United States if Washington agreed sanctions against Moscow over Ukraine...warning that the American financial system faced a "crash" if this happened. "We would find a way not just to reduce our dependency on the United States to zero but to emerge from those sanctions with great benefits for ourselves,"...

Under threat, Syria's Christians sign accord with Islamists
...For the first time in many generations, a dhimma (protection agreement) was signed between the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) – an Islamist branch of Al-Qaida – and leaders of Raqqa’s several thousand Christians. Members of ISIS gave the latter three options: accepting the agreement, converting to Islam, or risking death.

A struggle over Arab Israeli terrorists, as final release looms
Opponents and proponents of freeing 14 pre-Oslo prisoners agree that the US is exerting massive pressure on Netanyahu.

Bitcoin exchange website First Meta CEO reported to have committed suicide at 28
According to Tech in Asia, Singapore-based Bitcoin exchange platform First Meta’s 28 year old CEO Autumn Radtke committed suicide. Reasons are currently unknown.

Israel halts 'Iran weapons ship'
Israel has intercepted a ship carrying Iranian weapons to Gaza, Israeli defence officials say. The Panamanian-flagged vessel was boarded by Israeli special naval forces in the Red Sea on Wednesday, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said.

China congress reveals growth target and defence boost
China announced a growth target of 7.5% and revealed plans to raise its defence budget by 12.2%, as it opened its annual parliament session in Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang said that economic development was the central task of the government, but "painful structural adjustments" were needed. Japan voiced concern at the defence move, citing a "lack of transparency".

Russia, China react to Obama’s sanctions threat by testing nuclear missiles
Russia test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from a test site in southern Russia on Tuesday evening, a Russian defense ministry spokesman said. U.S. intelligence agencies recently confirmed China’s development of a new intermediate-range nuclear missile (IRBM) called the Dongfeng-26C (DF-26C),U.S. officials said.

Barack Obama calls for tax changes in 2015 budget
US President Barack Obama has called for expanded tax credits for the poor and for a reduction in tax breaks for the rich in his annual budget proposal. The $3.9tn (£2.34tn) budget calls for a rise in the minimum wage and for new spending on infrastructure. It would reduce the budget deficit by $651bn over the next decade.

Ukraine crisis: US condemns Russian 'aggression'
The US has accused Russia of an "act of aggression" over its alleged deployment on Ukraine's Crimean peninsula. President Barack Obama said Russian President Vladimir Putin's assertion that no troops had been mobilised was "not fooling anyone", and that Russia had no right to intervene in Crimea. Secretary of State John Kerry, visiting Kiev, praised the "restraint" of the new government.

Nato reassures Poland, Baltic states on Russia threat
Nato head Anders Fogh Rasmussen has shown sympathy for Polish and Baltic states’ fears of Russia’s aggressive posture in Ukraine and beyond. “These developments [Russia’s occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula] present serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro‑Atlantic area,” he told press in Brussels on Tuesday (4 March).

Trade War: Gazprom Threatens to Disrupt Gas Supplies to Europe
Russian-controlled natural gas giant Gazprom has threatened to disrupt gas supplies to Europe following warnings by John Kerry and others that harsh economic sanctions could be imposed on Moscow, as the Ukraine crisis threatens to spiral into a trade war.

Alaska: light quake felt in Anchorage
The Alaska Earthquake Center says the Tuesday evening quake had a preliminary magnitude of 4.4. The center says it was also felt in Eagle River, Wasilla, Willow and Talkeetna. There were no immediate reports of damage.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

PA Complains to UN Over Temple Mount
A statement posted on the website of the PA’s mission to the United Nations said that the PA was “particularly concerned by the increasing incursions by Israeli extremists and political leaders, including government officials, on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.”

The Obama-Netanyahu fight fizzled: what happened
Obama wants action. He wants results. He wants ‘peace’. As you’ll see in a moment, he needs ‘peace’. It doesn’t matter what kind of peace he gets. He just needs a paper to be signed.

Israel, PA Get Copies of Kerry’s Proposal
Copies of the proposal have reportedly been given to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and to chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat. The report has not yet been confirmed by officials on either side.

Tennessee Earthquake Today 2014 Strikes North of Georgia
A Tennessee earthquake today 2014 struck north of Georgia. . The Tennessee earthquake today March 6, 2014 began in the morning hours. Damage assessment is pending.

North Korea's Kim Jong Un Reportedly Orders Execution of 33 People for Talking With Christian Missionary to Start 500 Churches
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presides over a plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on March 31, 2013. North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong Un has reportedly ordered the execution of 33 people for converting to Christianity and receiving money from a South Korean Baptist missionary to start 500 underground churches.

CEO of Bitcoin Exchange Found Dead in Singapore
The CEO of a virtual currency exchange was found dead near her home in Singapore. A police spokesman said Thursday that initial investigations indicated there was no suspicion of "foul play" in the Feb. 26 death, meaning officers do not suspect murder.

Mass. High Court: Subway Upskirt Photos Not Illegal
Massachusetts’ highest court has ruled that a man accused of secretly snapping photos up a woman’s skirt on an MBTA train did not break the law. The State Supreme Judicial Court on Wednesday dismissed charges against Michael Robertson of Andover, who was arrested in August 2010 by Transit Police.

DNC Attendees Can't Name a Single Hillary Accomplishment
Some said she had about a hundred moments of greatness when she served under President Obama - but, strangely, couldn't name a single accomplishment of hers, besides marrying Bill Clinton.

North American snow cover at 3rd-highest level on record
In only two years -- 1969 and 1978 -- was there more snow on the ground in North America in early March than there is now.

Ukraine’s Jews lambaste Putin in open letter
A highly critical open letter to Vladimir Putin by leaders of Ukraine’s Jewish communities was published on the website of Ukraine’s Vaad yesterday.

Watch Russia Today Anchor Boldly Quit Her Job on the Air: ‘I Am Proud to Be an American’
American news anchor Liz Wahl quit her job at the state-owned TV network Russia Today live on the air Wednesday, saying she is “proud to be an American” and could no longer “be a part of a network that whitewashes the actions of Putin.”

Hours ago, a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) flew over the sun's southeastern limb. Space weather around Earth is expected to remain calm for the rest of this week.

For the second time in as many days, an asteroid is flying through the Earth-Moon system. Yesterday, March 5th, 30-meter asteroid 2014 DX110 passed just inside the orbit of the Moon--about 0.9 lunar distances away. Today, March 6th, 10-meter asteroid 2014 EC is coming even closer--only 0.2 lunar distances. Neither space rock poses an immediate threat to Earth.

Pope Francis hints at Catholic Church rethink on gay civil unions
Pope Francis has hinted that the Catholic Church could recognise gay civil unions and called for women to have a greater role in the church in an interview that marks his first year as pontiff.

3.9-magnitude earthquake shakes near Edmond Wednesday
A 3.9-magnitude earthquake shook near Edmond Wednesday, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Gulf tensions bared as three states recall Qatar envoys
Three Gulf monarchies recalled their ambassadors from Doha Wednesday in an unprecedented escalation in tension with fellow Gulf Cooperation Council member Qatar, accused of backing the widely banned Muslim Brotherhood. Regional heavyweight Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain said the decision was made in protest against Qatar's alleged interference in their internal affairs.

Military’s top general offers grim outlook on nation’s defense
The nation’s top military commander painted a dark picture Tuesday of future U.S. defense capabilities clouded by shrinking Pentagon budgets and adversaries’ technological advances that he said would erode American battlefield superiority. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provided his sobering views as part of the Quadrennial Defense Review...

Dalai Lama to lead US Senate prayers
The Dalai Lama will lead the US Senate in prayer on Thursday as the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader meets leaders of Congress, his office said. It will mark the first time that the Dalai Lama -- whose activities overseas are strongly opposed by China -- will deliver the prayer that customarily opens each Senate session.

Crimea 'votes' to join Russia as EU leaders meet
MPs in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea region said it should become part of Russia as EU leaders arrived for an emergency summit in Brussels on Thursday (6 March). The decree by the devolved parliament said the territory and its people should “enter into the Russian Federation with the rights of a subject of the Russian Federation.”

Report: Egypt seeks Russian arms that could undermine treaty with Israel
Cairo is seeking air-defense systems such as the advanced S-300 that Syria and Iran have sought, MiG fighter jets, and Kornet antitank weapons, which could cause Israel worry, according to a Washington Institute for Near East Policy report. Despite the fact that Egypt has maintained the peace deal with Israel since 1979, a transfer of such advanced weapons “would degrade Israel’s qualitative military edge...


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Earthquake Today 2014: California, Oregon, Oklahoma Hit in Morning
Earthquakes today 2014 have hit California, Oregon and Oklahoma. But internationally, Greece, New Zealand, and Indonesia have suffered moderate quakes today as well. The surge of quakes for March 7, 2014 began in morning hours.

Dalai Lama offers historic prayer in U.S. Senate
The U.S. Senate opened Thursday morning with a prayer from an unusual guest: The Dalai Lama. Though the upper chamber of Congress routinely opens with a prayer, it's usually from the Senate chaplain, historically a clergy member from a mainline Protestant congregation. (Current chaplain Barry Black is a Seventh-day Adventist, the first to hold the post.)

For Putin, the Ukraine is About More Than Just Territory
It was a little over 48 hours since enraged protesters based at Kiev’s Maidan opposition camp had driven Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych from power, but the shockwaves were already being felt on the glitzy streets of central Moscow.

Small Asteroid Gives Earth a Close Shave, 3rd in 2 Days
The 25-foot-wide (8 meters) asteroid 2014 EC came within 38,300 miles (61,600 kilometers) of our planet at 4:21 p.m. ET (2121 GMT) today, NASA officials said. For comparison, the moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 239,000 miles (385,000 km).

Russian UN ambassador comes out swinging on leaked call
During that Feb. 26 call, Churkin says that the Estonian minister told Ashton the snipers who shot protesters and police in Kiev’s Maidan Square were hired by the Ukrainian opposition. Under the headline: “Behind Ukraine snipers was not Yanukovych, but new coalition,” Voice of Russia reported what it said was the transcript of the conversation, which had clearly been intercepted by hackers or a foreign intelligence service bent on embarrassing the West and its NATO allies.

EU slaps initial sanctions on Russia
The European Union suspended talks with Russia on a wide-ranging economic pact and a visa agreement Thursday in response to its military incursion into Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, threatening tougher sanctions unless Moscow swiftly defuses the crisis.

Kerry meets with Jordan's king over peace plan
Kerry is in Jordan to meet with its king about Mideast peace. Kerry is hoping to broker a peace plan between Israel and Palestine authorities, and wants to present a framework for an agreement by the end of April.

Retired Egyptian General Sweilem: Egypt asked Russia for S300 systems
As reports that Russia and Egypt are working on a large arms deal have been confirmed to the press, retired Egyptian General Hussam Sweilem, who is also a well-informed military expert, revealed to the Voice of Russia some of the aspects of the upcoming cooperation between the two countries.

NATO pledges assistance to Libya
NATO reconfirmed its advisory mission assistance to the Libyan government on Wednesday, with the deputy secretary general stating that the fist priority will be to help the Libyan government establish a national security strategy.

In the sun's northern hemisphere, magnetic fields have opened up, allowing a stream of solar wind to escape into space. Such openings are called "coronal holes".

Hubble Witnesses Asteroid's Mysterious Disintegration
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has recorded the never-before-seen break-up of an asteroid into as many as 10 smaller pieces. Fragile comets, comprised of ice and dust, have been seen falling apart as they approach the sun, but nothing like this has ever before been observed in the asteroid belt.

US funding for joint missile defense programs intact, groups say
Rebuffing reports that US President Barack Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2015 gutted funding for the US-Israel missile defense partnership, Jewish groups said Thursday that the onus was on Congress, not the president, to bring funding up to previous years’ levels.

Abbas: No recognition of Israel as Jewish state
The Palestinian president says there’s “no way” he’ll recognize Israel as a Jewish state and accept just a portion of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.

IAF jets scrambled towards Syrian aircrafts
Israeli Air Force fighter jets were scrambled four times Friday morning towards Syrian aircrafts that closely approached the Israel-Syria border in the Golan Heights. Syrian opposition sources reported Friday morning that the Syrian Air Force raided the village of Ghadir al Bustan, which is located in the vicinity of the cease-fire line in the southern Golan Heights.

Ukraine ramifications: What would a U.S.-Russia war look like?
the U.S. and Russia almost certainly won’t come to blows over Ukraine. But what if they did?

The Russian Perspective: "There Will Be War In Ukraine"
With Ukrainians living in the Crimea region voting to join Russia, the West calling for sanctions (well some of the West), boots still on the ground, and markets apparently of the belief that all is well in the world once again, we thought the Russian perspective on the next steps was useful...

Netanyahu: Iran's lies will be exposed when interdicted ship comes to Eilat
The world will see the Iranian leaders for the liars that they are when the captured ship Iran sent to the Gaza Strip with Syrian missiles arrives in Eilat in the coming days, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Thursday. The prime minister’s comments came in response to remarks Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posted earlier in the day on his Twitter account.

Violence against women 'pandemic' in Mexico
So many teenage girls turned up dead in a vacant field on the outskirts of Mexico City that people nicknamed it the "women's dumping ground." They began showing up in 2006, usually left among piles of garbage. Some were victims of domestic violence, others of drug gangs that have seized control of entire neighborhoods in the gritty town of Ecatepec, northeast of the capital. The lot has since been cleared and declared an ecological reserve. But its grisly past is not forgotten and the killings have only accelerated.

EU slaps initial sanctions on Russia
The European Union suspended talks with Russia on a wide-ranging economic pact and a visa agreement Thursday in response to its military incursion into Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, threatening tougher sanctions unless Moscow swiftly defuses the crisis.

Report: Hezbollah Has Built Military Airport in Lebanon, Houses Iranian Drones
The Lebanon based Hezbollah terror group has established its own military airport in the Baalbek region of of the country, near the Syrian border, Saudi Arabian daily newspaper Al Watan reported.

Poachers targeting California's redwoods to feed drug habits
California's majestic redwood trees are in danger as poachers enter the sunshine state's national parks to steal its wood to sell for furniture. Rangers at Redwood National and State Park are taking extreme measures to protect the massacre of the national treasures, some of which are thousands of years old.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Hollywood blockbuster 'Noah' faces ban in Arab world
Three Arab countries have banned the Hollywood film "Noah" on religious grounds even before its worldwide premiere and several others are expected to follow suit, a representative of Paramount Pictures told Reuters on Saturday.

EU's Catherine Ashton to begin landmark Iran talks
The EU's head of foreign policy, Catherine Ashton, is due to begin talks with Iranian leaders in Tehran. It is her first visit to Iran and comes amid a thaw in relations with the West following last year's election of moderate President Hassan Rouhani. On Sunday she is due to meet President Rouhani, speaker Ali Larijani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Ben Carson CPAC Speech: Gay People 'Don't Get Extra Rights'
Conservative Ben Carson let loose on gay marriage during his Saturday CPAC speech, reinforcing his belief in traditional practices. "As you know, I am not a fan of political correctness," Carson told onlookers, drawing cheers. "I still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman."

China to 'defend every inch' of territory: foreign minister
China's foreign minister on Saturday said his country would vigorously defend its sovereignty, declaring there was "no room for compromise" with Japan over territory or history. "We will never bully smaller countries yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries," Wang Yi told reporters.

Libya threatens to bomb North Korean tanker if it ships oil from rebel port
Libya threatened on Saturday to bomb a North Korean-flagged tanker if it tried to ship oil from a rebel-controlled port, in a major escalation of a standoff over the country's petroleum wealth.

Ship with Iran missile cargo escorted into Eilat port
The Klos-C and its Israeli Navy escort entered the port of Eilat Saturday afternoon after a voyage of three-and-a-half days following Israel’s interception of the ship off the coast of Sudan early Wednesday.

Putin mocks the West and threatens to turn off gas supplies
Vladimir Putin has mocked diplomatic efforts to end the Ukraine crisis as Russia threatened to disrupt European gas supplies by cutting off sales to Kiev over its unpaid debts. The Russian president said through his official spokesman that, despite deep disagreements with the West, he did not want a confrontation over Ukraine to spiral into a “new cold war”.

Abbas: I will not recognize Israel as Jewish state
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Palestinians will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state at a meeting with students in Ramallah, Israel Radio reported on Friday. There is "no way" that he will agree to recognition, Abbas was quoted as saying by Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Huckabee: Time for government, not 'people of faith to scale back'
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) didn't disguise his presidential ambitions on Thursday, touting his socially conservative bona fides and blasting both President Obama and Hillary Clinton in his Conservative Political Action Conference speech. "These are the things that I know. I know there is a God, and I know this nation would not exist had he not been the midwife of its birth. And I know that this nation exists by the providence of his hand, and if this nation forgets our God, then God will have every right to forget us," Huckabee said. "I hope that we repent before we ever have to receive his fiery judgment."

Netanyahu says peace deal would leave some settlements in Palestine
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday raised the possibility that some Jewish settlements would remain under Palestinian sovereignty if the two sides struck a peace deal. "It is clear that some of the settlements will not be part of a (peace) deal," Netanyahu, wrapping up a visit to the United States, told Israeli television.

Crimea Base Incident Exposes Danger of Escalation in Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin is showing no signs of heeding western calls to ease the standoff in Crimea, where there were reports that armed attackers forced their way into a Ukrainian military base before withdrawing.

Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'
Saudi Arabia has formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation. An interior ministry statement also classified two jihadist groups fighting with the Syrian rebels - the Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - as terrorist groups. The statement gave Saudis fighting in Syria 15 days to return.

Search on after Malaysia Airlines flight vanishes
A search is under way in waters between Malaysia and Vietnam after a Malaysia Airlines plane vanished on a flight to Beijing, with 239 people on board. Malaysia Airlines said in a statement that flight MH370 had disappeared at 02:40 local time on Saturday (18:40 GMT on Friday) after leaving Kuala Lumpur. It had been expected to land in Beijing at 06:30 (22:30 GMT).

Ukraine crisis: What’s the point of US military activity near Russia?
If stepped-up US military activity with NATO partners such as Poland and Lithuania seems like a paltry response to Russia’s military occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea province, there’s a reason for that. The modest US show of force – a handful of jet fighters in Eastern European skies and a single warship to the Black Sea – is intended more to calm the nerves of former Soviet republics and satellites nervous about Moscow’s actions in Ukraine, regional experts say, than it is designed to send Russia into retreat with its tail between its legs.

Battle for Syrian rebel town erases Lebanon border
Sunnis and Shiites from Lebanon are streaming into Syria to take up arms on opposite sides of a fierce battle over a rebel stronghold — a fight that has effectively erased the border between the two countries and underlined how Lebanon is being sucked into the civil war next door.

China draws red line' on North Korea, says won't allow war on peninsula
China declared a "red line" on North Korea on Saturday, saying that China will not permit chaos or war on the Korean peninsula, and that peace can only come through denuclearization. China is North Korea's most important diplomatic and economic supporter, though Beijing's patience with Pyongyang has been severely tested following three nuclear tests and numerous bouts of saber rattling, including missile launches.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

U.S.: No Need for PA to Recognize Israel
Psaki, who spoke to the PA-based Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper, said, “The American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

Flu Pandemic 'Violent, But Not Deadlier'
"This virus is especially violent, especially since the public is under the impression that we're talking about a few days of fever-like symptoms and that's it," "This is a virus which could potentially become severe," he clarified.

Michelle Bachmann Tells the Truth
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, who said in an interview this week: “What has been shocking has been seeing and observing Jewish organizations, who, it appears, have made it their priority to support the political priority and the political ambitions of the president over the best interests of Israel. They sold out Israel.”

Iranian Cleric: Einstein Was Muslim, and So Is Relativity Theory
Iran, which has embraced all things nuclear, has apparently decided to embrace the man who is seen as one of the fathers of nuclear power – the Jewish scientist, Albert Einstein, a man who was once nominated to be president of the newly-created State of Israel. However Einstein, according to the Iranians, was no Jew; he was actually a Shi'ite Muslim, a follower of the eighth-century Shi'ite Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq.

Wake-up call: 3.7 quake jolts Anchorage Sunday morning
A mild earthquake shook Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula on Sunday morning. The epicenter was 40 miles beneath Cook Inlet...

Burma Earthquake Today 2014: 5.1 Quake Strikes Myaydo
Officials tell news that a massive 5.1 Burma earthquake struck just after 10:33 pm local time tonight. The quake was moderately shallow. Reps tell news that the quake started roughly twenty-six miles below ground level. As a result its impact could be felt across the region.

One Week After Russia's Crimean Invasion, Us Imposes Travel Sanctions...Against Israelis
At the same time the US State Department is relaxing entry requirements to visa applicants with Islamist terrorist connections, and reassuring President Putin of Russia that any sanctions against travel to the US placed upon those responsible for Russia's invasion Ukraine will be limited to no more than a "few dozen" named individuals, it is dramatically increasing its rejection rate of Israelis seeking visas to visit the US.

Earthquake rocks Cuba, felt in Florida
A 4.7 magnitude earthquake rocked central Cuba a little after 7a.m. Sunday. It happened in the northern part of Cuba, near Corralillo which is east of Havana.

Netanyahu says any peace deal with Palestinians at least a year away
Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu said any peace deal with the Palestinians would take at least another year to negotiate... ..."I think (the Kerry document)...is a possible path toward moving the talks forward. It will take us at least a year to exhaust these negotiations but I can't say that the Palestinians will accept this document, and I also have not seen it yet," he said.

We Christians live in fear in Syria
Today, the first Sunday of Lent, will see churches crowded across the globe. But here in Syria, where St Paul found his faith, many churches stand empty, targets for bombardment and desecration. ...Until the war began, Syria was one of the last remaining strongholds for Christianity in the Middle East...now our faith is under mortal threat, in danger of being driven into extinction...

Assange to SXSW: We're all being watched
From his sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, with roughly a dozen police officers outside, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Saturday that everyone in the world will be just as effectively monitored soon -- at least digitally. "The ability to surveil everyone on the planet is almost there and, arguably, will be there in the next couple of years," said Assange...

Iran tells EU's Ashton nuclear deal possible in months
The Iranian foreign minister has told the visiting EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, that a nuclear deal could come in the next four months. Mohammad Javad Zarif held talks lasting more than an hour with Baroness Ashton, who is making her first visit to Tehran amid a thaw in relations. "We can do it in four or five months and even shorter," Mr Zarif said.

Russia has miscalculated over Crimea incursion, says Hague
Russia has made a "big miscalculation" in entering Crimea, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned. He told the BBC that Western countries could impose "far-reaching" economic sanctions if no diplomatic solution was reached between Russia and Ukraine. Mr Hague also said European countries could reduce energy supplies from Russia and import more gas from the US.

Netanyahu Pushing White House for Pollard's Release
The ongoing push to free Jonathan Pollard from his US prison sentence is still active in Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu revealed Saturday night. "Pollard does not need to be in the hospital nor in a prison - he needs to be released." Netanyahu stated to Channel 10. Pollard has been hospitalized since last week, heightening concerns that the Israeli agent will not live to see his release. "He has paid his price...Israel was wrong to send him."

U.S.: No Need for PA to Recognize Israel
The United States believes there is no need for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of a peace agreement, State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Saturday. Psaki, who spoke to the PA-based Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper, said, “The American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

Hollywood blockbuster 'Noah' faces ban in Arab world
Three Arab countries have banned the Hollywood film "Noah" on religious grounds even before its worldwide premiere and several others are expected to follow suit, a representative of Paramount Pictures told Reuters on Saturday.

EU's Catherine Ashton to begin landmark Iran talks
The EU's head of foreign policy, Catherine Ashton, is due to begin talks with Iranian leaders in Tehran. It is her first visit to Iran and comes amid a thaw in relations with the West following last year's election of moderate President Hassan Rouhani. On Sunday she is due to meet President Rouhani, speaker Ali Larijani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Ben Carson CPAC Speech: Gay People 'Don't Get Extra Rights'
Conservative Ben Carson let loose on gay marriage during his Saturday CPAC speech, reinforcing his belief in traditional practices. "As you know, I am not a fan of political correctness," Carson told onlookers, drawing cheers. "I still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman."

China to 'defend every inch' of territory: foreign minister
China's foreign minister on Saturday said his country would vigorously defend its sovereignty, declaring there was "no room for compromise" with Japan over territory or history. "We will never bully smaller countries yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries," Wang Yi told reporters.

Libya threatens to bomb North Korean tanker if it ships oil from rebel port
Libya threatened on Saturday to bomb a North Korean-flagged tanker if it tried to ship oil from a rebel-controlled port, in a major escalation of a standoff over the country's petroleum wealth.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Two earthquakes ripple through Valley Monday
Ohio - A 3.0 magnitude earthquake was strong enough to wake up some homeowners in Poland Township early Monday morning. The USGS National Earthquake Information Center reports the first quake was recorded at 2:26 a.m. near the Carbon Limestown Landfill. A second 2.6 magnitude tremor was felt by some shortly before 11:45 a.m. just yards away near Cowden Road.

Two Earthquakes Rattle Near Stillwater Monday Morning
STILLWATER, Oklahoma - Two earthquakes rattled residents near Stillwater, Oklahoma, Monday morning.

Earthquake in Mexico reaches magnitude 6.3
An earthquake with a magnitude 6.3 occurred in the ocean to the south of the Mexican coast today, the US Geological Survey reports.

Saudi princesses plead for freedom
A group of Saudi princesses has reportedly been held in captivity for the past 13 years in villas at the royal compound in Jeddah. Two of the princesses, daughters of King Abdullah, have appealed for help from the The Sunday Times in emails and phone calls from their guarded home, the British newspaper reported.

Talk of war dominates discussion in Kyiv’s Maidan
War was the last thing Ukrainian protesters had in mind 13 weeks ago when they launched the spiralling demonstrations that ultimately topped their government. But war — and the diminishing ways to avoid it — now dominates discussion on the Maidan, the central square in Kyiv that symbolizes Ukraine’s hoped-for fresh start.

Cyber Experts: Israel Under Attack
According to various cyber security experts Israel is about to face two organized, large scale cyber attacks in the following weeks, on March 10 and April 7. Experts explain the attacks are a part of the “hacktivists month.”

Magnitude 6.0 quake hits in Oaxaca, Mexico: USGS
A magnitude 6.0 quake hit in Oaxaca state in southwestern Mexico, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Sunday. The quake was centred 10 miles (16 km) northwest of Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca, at a depth of 13.7 miles (22 km), the USGS said.

Is Another March 1993 Superstorm Coming Next Week?
A couple global models are showing another powerful nor’easter by next week, but is the pattern ripe for such an event similar to March 1993? A famous model called the EURO has been quite consistent in showing this. The EURO got the crown of the king of the weather models simply because of Hurricane Sandy, in-which it predicted 10 days in advance.

Scientists: Test West Coast for ********* radiation
Very low levels of radiation from the ********* nuclear disaster likely will reach ocean waters along the U.S. West Coast next month, scientists are reporting. Current models predict that the radiation will be at extremely low levels that won't harm humans or the environment, said Ken Buesseler, a chemical oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution...

U.S. deadly pig virus cases on the rise
Cases of the deadly Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, a highly contagious pig disease, are increasing across the U.S. farm belt, a group of animal health researchers said. Confirmed cases of PEDv increased by 252 in the week ending March 1, bringing the total number to 4,106 in 26 states, according to data released on Thursday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Animal Health Laboratory Network.

Big quake strikes off N. Calif., no tsunami threat
A powerful magnitude-6.9 earthquake struck late Sunday night off the coast of Northern California, but there were no immediate reports of injury or damage and no danger of a tsunami, officials said. The temblor struck at 10:18 p.m. PDT and was centered 50 miles west of Eureka and about four miles beneath the Pacific seabed, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by about a half-dozen aftershocks, including one of magnitude 4.6.

Global Debt Exceeds $100 Trillion as Governments Binge
The amount of debt globally has soared more than 40 percent to $100 trillion since the first signs of the financial crisis as governments borrowed to pull their economies out of recession and companies took advantage of record low interest rates, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

North Korea's Kim Jong-un in 100% poll win
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been elected to the country's rubber-stamp parliament with a unanimous vote from his district, state media say. Mr Kim's 100% approval from his Mount Paektu constituency reflects the "absolute support" of people in the country, KCNA news agency says.

Mexico kills drug lord thought dead for three years
Officials in Mexico say that they have killed a drug lord who was reported to have been shot dead three years ago. Nazario Moreno, known as El Mas Loco - The Craziest One - was the founder of the La Familia cartel and regarded as the spiritual leader of its offshoot, the brutal Knights Templar.

Syria: Assad forces 'using starvation as weapon of war'
Starvation tactics against civilians are being used as a weapon of war by the Syrian government, Amnesty International says. The rights group says at least 128 refugees have died at the besieged Yarmouk camp in Damascus as a result. It says thousands of people still trapped there face a "catastrophic humanitarian crisis".

Still no sign of Malaysian jet lost in 'unprecedented mystery'
The disappearance of a Malaysian jetliner is an "unprecedented aviation mystery", a senior official said on Monday, with a massive air and sea search now in its third day failing to find any confirmed trace of the plane or 239 people aboard.

Pope Francis wants church to study civil unions, Cardinal Dolan says
Pope Francis wants the Catholic Church to study same-sex unions, Cardinal Timothy Dolan said on NBC's "Meet The Press" on Sunday.

Japan, U.S. differ on China in talks on 'grey zone' military threats
As Japan and the United States start talks on how to respond to armed incidents that fall short of a full-scale attack on Japan, officials in Tokyo worry that their ally is reluctant to send China a strong message of deterrence.

'What bailout exit?' Portuguese ask, braced for more hardship
Portugal's international bailout is expected to end in mid-May. That won't mean the end of hardship for the Portuguese. To avoid a repeat of the 78 billion euro ($108 billion) financial rescue agreed in May 2011 with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, Lisbon cannot let up on shrinking its budget gap and trimming a huge sovereign debt.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Iranian Georgia Tech Student Injured Making Bombs Has Died
Last week we told you about Saamer Akhshabi, an Iranian grad student at Georgia Tech who suffered burns over most of his body when the bombs he was making exploded. He has died due to his injuries. I’m really amazed this story came and went with no attention from national media. Jim Treacher of the Daily Caller has the story.

Top Democrat money man pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
“This is probably why Harry Reid’s been going after the Kochs so much,” muses Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds as he delivers news of top Democrat money man Jeffrey Thompson’s guilty plea for campaign finance violations. It sure does sound like a gigantic case of projection, which has always been a major component of Democrat psychology – they love to cast their own sins at their enemies.

Luther’s Protest Is Over? Catholics and Charismatics Look To New Ecumenical Unity
He continued by telling the group that his words had come straight from the Vatican. “When my wife saw that she could be Catholic, and Charismatic, and Evangelical, and Pentecostal, and it was absolutely accepted in the Catholic Church, she said that she would like to reconnect her roots with the Catholic culture. So she did.” “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?”

McCain says Putin has no respect for Obama
Senator John McCain said Tuesday President Obama gets no respect from Vladimir Putin and "we are paying a very, very heavy price for it."

Vladimir Putin Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
Putin said on Tuesday it would honor its obligations to lend Ukraine $15 billion and reduce its gas prices even if the opposition formed the next government. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, CBS News reports.

EU's four top jobs up for grabs
In November, EU leaders will appoint a new president of the European Commission, the EU's executive arm, when its five-year mandate ends, as well as a new chair of the bloc's political wing, the European Council. In addition, the 28 member states must replace Catherine Ashton at the European External Action Service, which was set up in 2009 to coordinate EU foreign policy and has become one of the bloc's most high profile roles. Here is what is at stake as well as the favourites to win the posts.

Taliban pledge violent campaign to disrupt Afghanistan election
THE Taliban has vowed to target Afghanistan's presidential election, urging their fighters to attack polling staff, voters and security forces before the April 5 vote to choose a successor to Hamid Karzai. Previous Afghan elections have been badly marred by violence, with at least 31 civilians and 26 soldiers and police killed on polling day alone in 2009 as the Islamist militants displayed their opposition to the US-backed polls.

This Friday, March 14th (3.14), is day. It's an occasion to celebrate one of the most compelling and mysterious constants of Nature. Pi appears in equations describing the orbits of planets, the colors of auroras, the structure of DNA. The value of is woven into the fabric of life, the universe and ... everything.

Ukraine crisis: I'm prepared to hit City to punish Putin, says David Cameron
Russians could be hit with asset freezes and travel bans "within days", Prime Minister says, even if it harms the City and British industries.

Quake rattles N. California
By late Monday morning, it already had produced 20 aftershocks of magnitude 3.5 or larger, and more were expected over the coming days, said Keith Knudsen, deputy director of the USGS’s Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park, Calif. Knudsen said there was a 5 to 10 percent chance of a larger quake in the area in the next week.

Israel sees future drone threat from Lebanon, Gaza
Israel fears guerrillas in Lebanon and Gaza would deploy exploding drones against the Jewish state in a future war as well as their main rocket arsenals, the chief of Israeli air defense said on Monday. "We will have to cope with dozens of pilotless aerial vehicles, in both the northern and southern fronts," Major-General Shachar Shohat, told a Tel Aviv security conference.

Yellowstone Supervolcano 2.5X Larger Than Previously Thought
The lead author of the study, Jamie Farrell, claims the quantity of lava in the supervolcano is enough to give rise to what would be among the top three eruptions over the past 2.1 million years.

Ukraine may have to go nuclear, says Kiev lawmaker
Ukraine may have to arm itself with nuclear weapons if the United States and other world powers refuse to enforce a security pact that obligates them to reverse the Moscow-backed takeover of Crimea... The United States, Great Britain and Russia agreed in a pact "to assure Ukraine's territorial integrity" in return for Ukraine giving up a nuclear arsenal it inherited from the Soviet Union...

Sarah Palin at CPAC 2014: ‘The age of Obama is almost over… the end of an error.’
I do not like this, Uncle Sam I do not like this health care scam I do not like these dirty crooks Or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals I do not like their crony deals I do not like this spyin’, man I do not like “oh yes we can.”

Disney bets big on visitor-tracking technology
...Bracelets called MagicBands, which link electronically to an encrypted database of visitor information, serve as admission tickets, hotel keys, and credit or debit cards; a tap against a sensor pays for food or trinkets. The bands have radio frequency identification (RFID) chips -- which critics derisively call spychips because of their ability to monitor people and things.

BREAKING NEWS | ODNR halts shale drilling in Poland after earthquakes
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has ordered Hilcorp to halt all operations in Poland Township after two earthquakes shook the area today. The first occurred at 2:26 a.m. at 40.017 N, 80.537 W at a depth of 1.2 miles in Lowellville, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS initially recorded that quake at a magnitude of 2.8, but later updated it to a 3.0 magnitude.

Israel attacks 'hypocrisy' of international community on Iran
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the international community of "hypocrisy" over Iran. Mr Netanyahu spoke as the Israeli military unveiled what it alleged was a cache of Syrian-made weapons being sent by Iran to militants in the Gaza Strip. He criticised EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who visited Tehran at the weekend, for her "smiles and handshakes" with Iran's leaders.

South Sudan protest against UN over arms cache
More than 1,000 people have protested in South Sudan's capital, Juba, accusing the UN of arming rebels. On Friday, the government said its troops had intercepted weapons in a UN convoy marked as carrying food. The UN denied the arms were destined for rebels, but acknowledged it made a mistake transporting them by road.

Poland urges Germany to buy less Russian gas
Polish leader Donald Tusk has said Germany should reduce its gas dependence on Russia for the sake of EU foreign policy. Speaking...in Siemirowice, on Poland’s Baltic Sea coast, he said: “In future, we will not be able to successfully resist against aggressive or expansionist steps by Russia if so many European countries will be dependent on [Russian] gas and will go even further down the road of dependence.”

Islamic Jihad says Israeli air strike kills 3 Gaza operatives
The Israel Air Force struck an Islamic Jihad cell in southern Gaza on Tuesday minutes after it was identified as being behind an attack on an IDF patrol on the Gaza-Israel border. According to military sources, the terrorists fired a mortar shell at soldiers who were conducting routine security measures near the frontier.

Fatah refuses to recognize Jewish state
The Revolutionary Council of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday unanimously endorsed his rejection of demands to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, officials at the meeting told AFP.

Methodists drop church charges against minister who conducted gay wedding
The United Methodist Church announced Monday it is dropping its denominational case against a New York clergyman who officiated his son's same-sex wedding. The Rev. Thomas Ogletree was charged by the church after presiding over the wedding of his son to another man on October 20, 2012, according to a statement from the New York Annual Conference (NYAC) of the United Methodist Church. The Methodist church says it welcomes members regardless of sexual orientation, but same-sex marriages cannot be performed in Methodist churches or by ordained ministers under church policy.

Stolen jet passport 'no terror link'
A man travelling on a stolen passport on a missing Malaysian jet was a young Iranian who is not believed to have terrorist links, Malaysian police say. It is thought the 19-year-old was travelling to Germany where he was hoping to seek asylum, they say.

Venezuela Jews fearful in shadow of rebel riots
Government spokesmen describe the situation as “an uprising of fascists and terrorists against a democratically elected government.” The opposition describes local events as constituting “the violent and illegal suppression of legitimate protests against the dire situation in the country, against the lack of personal security and the failing economy.” Amid all of this, members of Venezuela’s Jewish community, most of whom live in the capital, are trying to keep their heads above water.

Exclusive: Chinese raw materials also found on U.S. B-1 bomber, F-16 jets
After discovering China-made components in the F-35 fighter jet, a Pentagon investigation has uncovered Chinese materials in other major U.S. weaponry, including Boeing Co's B-1B bomber and certain Lockheed Martin Corp F-16 fighters, the U.S. Defense Department said.

Israel PM blasts world 'hypocrisy over Iran arms ship'
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the world of "hypocrisy" over Iran on Monday as he unveiled a shipment of arms allegedly dispatched to Gaza by Tehran.

Sharyl Attkisson quits CBS News, citing network’s liberal bias
It probably tells you everything you need to know about CBS News that it couldn’t figure out a way to keep one of its best investigative journalists on the payroll. Sharyl Attkisson, who made a career of holding both sides of official Washington to account, announced with a five-word tweet that she and the network had parted ways: “I have resigned from CBS.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Minor earthquake in south-central Kansas
The earthquake was reported at 4:50 a.m. Wednesday 14 miles east-northeast of Anthony. The quake measured 3.4 on the Richter scale.

The finding of Higgs particle is a fraud
This possibility reveals that “truth” has two orthogonal aspects: one specific and one generic, whereof the generic concerns the matter itself and the specific concerns the truthfulnesses of its alternatives. The problem with this is that it means that a search for a single truth actually is an orthogonal merry-go-round between these different kinds of truths, because the no-no alternative, ie that both alternatives are false, is the route to the yes-yes alternative, ie that both alternatives are true, and vice versa.

Have particle physicists actually falsified both quantum mechanics and special relativity?
If there indeed are ”Higgs particles” in this world, as particle physicists at Cern claim to have discovered, then “particles” do actually equal “fields”. This claim does, however, run counter to the scientific development since James Clerk Maxwell’s equations of 1865 unifying electromagnetic phenomena.

The Sumerian King List still puzzles historians after more than a century of research
The list is of immense value because it reflects very old traditions while at the same time providing an important chronological framework relating to the different periods of kingship in Sumeria, and even demonstrates remarkable parallels to accounts in Genesis

Now the hard work starts for superstar pope
Pope Francis celebrates one year in office on Thursday swaddled in a blanket of approval world leaders would die for and most of his predecessors could only dream of.

Uncovered in Jerusalem, 9 tiny unopened Dead Sea Scrolls
They’re not much larger than lentils, but size doesn’t minimize the potential significance of nine newfound Dead Sea Scrolls that have lain unopened for the better part of six decades.

Possible epicenter of frost quake found in northwest schoolyard
On Saturday, a group led by Dr David Eaton, descended on Captain Nichola Goddard School in Panorama Hills, scouring the frozen ground for signs of prior movement. It didn’t take long before they found a jagged tear in the earth several meters long, at least 50 cm deep and possibly up to a meter deep.

NIGERIA: Muslim hacks daughter to death with machete for converting to Christianity
Muhammad commanded: Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him" (Bukhari 9.84.57). The Oyo State Police command has arrested a suspect in connection with the killing of his daughter, Miss Kausara Isiaka for allegedly converting to Christianity.

Earthquakes Today 2014: Quakes Rattle Morocco, Colombia, Peru
Officials tell news that a 3.7 magnitude quake struck Oklahoma today 2014. The quake began at 5:55 am local time and was southwest of Langston. Also today, a 2.7 magnitude quake hit California. That quake started at 3:03 am PST and was south of Weldon. But reps tell news that a 4.7 magnitude quake hit Morocco today. The temblor was one of the strongest to hit the country in recent months. It was shallow. USGS indicates to news that the quake started only six miles below ground leave.

Superpowers swapping client-states: Ukraine in exchange for Iran?
This very same Catherine Ashton is the top honcho who received the execution confirmation on the Kiev mass murder, suggesting it was a foreign affairs operation, rather not a military one. Thus the appearance of a swap deal between the west and between Russia looms out of the initial confusion all the above disparate news created.

‘Our hands are on the trigger’ to destroy Israel
The air force commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps was quoted by Iran’s Fars news agency as saying Tuesday that Iran’s military has its finger on the trigger to destroy Israel as soon as it receives the order to do so. ...“Today, we can destroy every spot which is under the Zionist regime’s control with any volume of fire power (that we want) right from here,” Fars quoted Salami...

Serious heat turned up on Obama's IRS minion
The Republican-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has now taken steps to focus on former IRS official Lois Lerner as the culprit in the administration scandal that targeted conservative organizations. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the committee chairman, said the majority report “offers detailed evidence about steps Lerner took to crack down on organizations that exercised their constitutional rights to free speech.”

ObamaCare's Secret Mandate Exemption
ObamaCare's ...latest casualty is the core of the Affordable Care Act—the individual mandate. ...Now all you need to do is fill out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you "believe that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy" or "you consider other available policies unaffordable."

The Virus Taking Over Israel
A ransomware-type virus took over the computer system of one of Israel’s TV channels last week. The malicious program encrypted all of the system files, demanding a 400-euro ransom in order to unlock them. The virus apparently infiltrated the system through the computer used by the channel’s CEO. IT personnel eventually took care of the problem without any significant loss of data.

Israeli-Palestinian talks shaping up over next prisoner release
Israel and the Palestinians are keying up for a major battle over the coming two weeks regarding whether Israeli Arabs will be included in the next security prisoner release later this month. Palestinian officials have said in recent days that they expect Israel to release Israeli Arabs in the final batch of 26 prisoners, who are set to go free on March 28.

Republican Jolly wins Fla. congressional race
Republican David Jolly defeated Democrat Alex Sink on Tuesday in a Tampa-area House district where President Barack Obama's health care overhaul got its first test ahead of November's midterm elections and both sides spent millions auditioning national strategies.

U.S. Air Force sticks to $550 million target for new bomber
The U.S. Air Force is "holding tight" to a target of $550 million for each new long-range bomber in a fleet of up to 100 aircraft, excluding research and development costs, an Air Force official said on Tuesday.

Malaysia Airlines MH370: Confusion over plane last location
Search teams are scouring waters off both sides of the Malaysian peninsula, amid confusion over a missing Malaysia Airlines plane's last known location. Malaysia's air force chief has denied reports that the plane was tracked to the Malacca Strait in the west.

Ukraine president: Russia 'is refusing crisis talks'
Russia's leaders are refusing all negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts, Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has said. Mr Turchynov told the AFP agency that Ukraine would not intervene militarily in Crimea, even though a secession referendum there was a "sham".

Copper Limit Down In Shanghai; Falls To Lowest Since July 2009
Following a triumvirate of macro misses from AsiaPac (South Korea unemployment surged, Aussie confidence plunged, and Japanese inflation tumbled), the credit concerns running riot through the collateral underlying China's shadow banking system continue to crush Copper (and iron ore) prices. Copper is limit down in Shanghai at its lowest since July 2009 - these size moves have only occurred twice in history (Lehman and the US downgrade).

Syria's secretive rocket industry spotlighted by Israeli weapons seizure
Israel’s seizure last week of the Klos-C ship and its weapons cargo that included 40 Syrian-manufactured M-302 rockets has drawn attention to Syria's secretive rocket industry.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Malaysia plane: US hints at shift in search to west
US officials helping with the search for Flight MH370 are "shifting focus" to the "Indian Ocean region". However, one official told the BBC that this did not necessary mean specific new leads. White House spokesman Jay Carney said fresh lines of investigation were the reason why the scope had widened.

A potent threat of major earthquake off California's northern coast
f a 9.0 earthquake were to strike along California's sparsely populated North Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect. A giant tsunami created by the quake would wash away coastal towns, destroy U.S. 101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of the Pacific coast. More than 100 bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated. Residents would have as few as 15 minutes notice to flee to higher ground, and as many as 10,000 would perish.

US Suspends Some Aid to Uganda Over Anti-Gay Law
Ugandan officials say the United States has suspended some aid to their health ministry because of the country's harsh new anti-gay law. The officials say cooperation between the ministry's AIDS program and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is on hold while the U.S. reviews relations with Uganda.

Gold rises to six-month high on China worries, Ukraine
Gold rose to a six-month high on Thursday as fears of economic slowdown in China and lingering worries about Russia's standoff with Ukraine over Crimea dampened demand for riskier assets and boosted bullion's appeal.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits off Japan, no threat of tsunami
The epicenter is south of Japan near Kyushu Island. Japan is pretty-much immune to anything less than magnitude 7.

Merkel: Russia to face massive damage if no progress made on Ukraine
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that Russia risks “massive political and economic consequences” if it sticks to its position on Ukraine. On behalf of her EU and Western counterparts, she said they support imposing sanctions. "We would not only see it, also as neighbors of Russia, as a threat. And it would not only change the European Union's relationship with Russia," Angela Merkel said. "No, this would also cause massive damage to Russia, economically and politically."

‘How Does Going From Being a Senator to a President Rewrite the Constitution?’: Trey Gowdy Explodes on Obama in Stirring Floor Speech
Ignoring President Barack Obama’s veto threat, the House voted on Wednesday for a bill that would expedite congressional lawsuits against the chief executive for failure to enforce federal laws. The vote was 233-181 in the Republican-led House as GOP lawmakers excoriated Obama for multiple changes to his 4-year-old health care law, steps he’s taken to allow young immigrants to remain in the United States and the administration’s resistance to defend the federal law banning gay marriage.

US begins naval drills near Crimea
The U.S. military kicked off joint naval drills with Romania and Bulgaria in the Black Sea on Wednesday just across the water from the Crimean Peninsula. The naval exercises — which the U.S. says were planned before Russian forces invaded Crimea — began Wednesday after a one-day delay due to bad weather, according to Reuters.

Some Air Force Cadets So Angry Over What Happened With Bible Verses on Campus They Have Staged a ‘Revolt’
The leader of a church-state separatist group says that there’s a “revolt” underway at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., after officials there removed a Bible verse from a white board outside a cadet’s bedroom door following complaints that its presence was offensive.

Iranian Pastor’s Horrific Plight Continues: Guards Reportedly Lash Out ‘Violently’ and Withhold Much-Needed Surgery
Saeed Abedini’s horrific plight continues as the detained American citizen was reportedly refused medical treatment at an Iranian hospital this week before being forcibly shackled and sent back to the infamous Rajai Shahr Prison. The American Center for Law and Justice...released an update Wednesday, claiming that Abedini is being deprived of a much-needed surgical procedure.

Ted Cruz: Pro-abortion Protesters Have Chanted 'Hail Satan' at Rallies
Black and Hispanic voters side with social conservatives on social issues such as abortion and gay marriage, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said. Republicans, however, are doing a poor job reaching out to those reliably Democratic blocs, he said. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said victories that sacrifice principles aren't worth winning, but a little compassion goes a long way.

Religious Writers: 'Frozen' has Secret 'Gay Agenda'
Conservative parents and grandparents are being warned not to let their impressionable young children watch the 108-minute Disney musical because it’s allegedly pure gay propaganda, according to The Daily Beast.

Cruise line cancels port calls in Tunisia after Israelis barred from disembarking
It took less than two days for Norwegian Cruise Lines...to officially rebuke the country of Tunisia on Wednesday for an incident in which it barred Israeli citizens from disembarking at the port of La Goulette. The US-based company, co-founded by Israeli businessman Ted Arison, responded to the blatant act of discrimination by cancelling all future port calls to Tunisia.

Israeli aircraft hit targets in Gaza after rocket attacks
The Israeli Air Force launched airstrikes in the Gaza Strip shortly after 10 p.m. on Wednesday in retaliation for a massive rocket barrage earlier in the day, the largest of its kind since 2012.

Russia prepping for ‘full-scale invasion,’ Ukraine says as G7 warns ‘annexation of Crimea’ breaks international pacts
Ukraine accused Russia of preparing for a “full-scale invasion” on Wednesday, as the G7 nations warned Moscow that the “annexation of Crimea” would break international agreements.

Obama threatens vetoes of bills requiring him to follow the law
President Obama is threatening to veto a law that would allow Congress to sue him in federal courts for arbitrarily changing or refusing to enforce federal laws because it "violates the separation of powers" by encroaching on his presidential authority. ...The lead sponsor of the measure, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was designed to curb Obama's abuse of presidential authority, most notably in his frequent changes to Obamacare.

4.4 magnitude earthquake strikes near Kernville, Calif.
USGS geophysicist Dale Grant says the quake was shallow enough to have caused damage if it were larger or in a more populated area. But he didn't expect any damage, and authorities in Inyo County said there have been no reports of it or of injuries.

Hungarian Jews Today Face Bigotry, Shoah Distortion
Seventy years after the decimation of Hungarian Jewry in 1944, the surviving community is balancing fear and hope in a country that has rarely rewarded the latter. On the hopeful side, the World Jewish Congress reports that “despite anti-Semitic rumblings, Hungary Jews have every facility to express their Jewish heritage and religious life.”

Departing sunspot AR1996 erupted on March 12th at 2234 UT, producing an M9-category blast that almost crossed into X-territory. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme ultra-violet flash.

US hits 'provocative' China move on Philippine ships
The United States on Wednesday accused China of raising tensions by blocking two Philippines vessels as it urged freedom of navigation in the tense South China Sea.

North Korea disowns Libya oil tanker
North Korea had nothing to do with a tanker which left Libya with an oil shipment in defiance of the government, a Pyongyang official has said. North Korea revoked the Morning Glory's registration when it learned of the incident, Jon Ki Chol said. Libya's Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was dismissed by parliament on Tuesday after the ship evaded a naval blockade to set sail from a rebel-held port.

Palestinian official: Egypt attempting to broker truce with Israel, Gaza authorities
Egypt was reportedly attempting to broker a truce between Israel and authorities in Gaza amid an escalation of tensions in the South. The news came after two rockets fired on Thursday morning by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza landed in open territory near Ashkelon and Ashdod, following several hours of tense quiet after Wednesday night's barrage of heavy fire.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

America's Hidden Dangers - Possible Natural Disaster Threats Bigger Than Previously Realized
it has now been discovered that the worst may be yet to come – natural disasters that could not only originate in the U.S with devastating consequences, but also cause a significant global impact. Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, extending into Montana and Idaho. Sitting beneath its surface is the Yellowstone Supervolcano.

California Shakin’: ‘We’ve Got a Lot of Earthquakes Ahead of Us’
“Earthquakes are not random events,” said Dvorak, a former USGS scientist. “Earthquakes are clustered in time and space.”

D'Souza: I Hope My Federal Charges Will Be 'Resolved' Soon
"Obama has an ideology, he wants to make America very different than it is. He would love to see the American era, which began in 1945, come to an end. He doesn’t want America to be the world's sole superpower,"

Culture of toleration’ rampant at U.S. nuke base led to ‘rot’ worse than originally reported
Failings exposed last spring at a U.S. nuclear missile base, reflecting what one officer called “rot” in the ranks, were worse than originally reported, according to Air Force documents obtained by The Associated Press. Airmen responsible for missile operations at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., passed an inspection in March 2013 with a “marginal” rating, the equivalent of a “D” in school. Launch officers, or missileers, entrusted with the keys to the missiles did poorly and, on their own, would have flunked, the records show.

Islamic Jihad Warns Israelis in Hebrew: 'Get Out of Our Country'
...the Iranian-backed terrorist group responsible for last night's attack has released a Hebrew-language video warning the Israeli government against attacking and calling on Israelis to "get out of our country" - referring to all of Israel, which Islamic Jihad, like Gaza's Hamas rulers, seeks to destroy.

OSCE evidence lifts lid on 'little green men' in Crimea
Russian President Vladimir Putin has consistently denied that what the Ukrainian media widely refers to as the 'little green men' currently controlling key facilities in Crimea are Russian troops, maintaining a pretence that they are instead 'local self-defence groups'.

Belief Rooted in Love
The new sexual revolutionaries have shifted focus from the legal sanctioning of gay marriage to the elimination of dissent. Around the country, so-called "non-discrimination statutes" undercut the rights of religious believers to live according to the demands of their faith...

No More Mild Jesus; No More Tame Gospel
No watered-down Jesus for me and no watered-down gospel either. Give me the real deal or give me nothing. Of course any genuine followers of Jesus Christ wants just the same. We don't want a wimpy Jesus and an anaemic gospel. We want both in their fullness, their power, their explosiveness, and their purity.

Swarm of quakes east of Porterville
The first quake struck at 7:11 p.m. and that was the strongest at 4.4. That was followed by seven smaller quakes all centered in the same vicinity. The largest of those quakes measured 3.0, according to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center.

California Earthquake: Scientists Predict Quake, Tsunami That Could Kill Tens Of Thousands
A California earthquake with the strength to kills tens of thousands of people and cause $70 billion in damage could be on the way, scientists are predicting.

Japan Earthquake News Update: 6.3 Magnitude Strikes Japan, Days After The ********* Tsunami-quake Disaster Remembrance, 17 People Injured
According to GMA News Online, 17 people were injured. None of the injuries seemed to be life-threatening, Public broadcaster NHK said.

Marijuana laws new tool to ban gun ownership
What is more certain, they wrote, is that federal firearms regulators will be aggressive about banning anyone who uses marijuana from buying – or possessing – a weapon. “With the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in Colorado and Washington, it seems likely the ATF will … consider a recreational user of marijuana to be a prohibited possessor of firearms regardless of whether the use is lawful under state provisions,” they wrote.

Citizens revolt, refuse to register guns
Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents are refusing to register their firearms in defiance of new gun-control laws, and law-enforcement officers in that state and others are simply refusing to enforce the recently imposed restrictions. “The revolt is underway. Tens of thousands of people in Connecticut have intentionally missed the deadline. They are not registering. Some of them actually said they would not when they were at the hearing when the law was being considered in the legislature,” said Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt.

Obama's Peace Plan Includes Permanently Dividing The City Of Jerusalem
Obama’s “two state” peace plan would not just permanently divide the land of Israel. It would also permanently divide the city of Jerusalem. It is anticipated that the “Kerry Plan”, which is expected to be revealed to the public soon, will call for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem without specifying the exact borders.

Commission Finds ‘No Compelling Medical Reason’ To Exclude Transgender Americans From Military
An independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general has concluded there “is no compelling medical reason” for the U.S. armed forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress, according to a report being released Thursday.

New study shows NSA phone metadata can reveal EVERYTHING about your life
New research published by Stanford Univeristy Wednesday reveal phone and Internet metadata collected by the NSA can expose far more information about an individual than the agency admits, including, “medical conditions, financial and legal connections, and even whether they own a gun.”

China's Li Keqiang warns investors to prepare for wave of bankruptcies
China is braced for a wave of industrial bankruptcies as its slowing economy forces companies with sky-high debts to the wall, the country's premier has said. Premier Li Keqiang told lenders to China's private sector factories they should expect debt defaults as the world's second largest economy encounters "serious challenges" in the year ahead.

Gaza militants and Israel exchange strikes despite 'truce'
Rocket and air strikes have continued between Gaza militants and Israel despite Palestinian claims a truce had been restored. Several rockets hit Israeli soil on Thursday and Israel's military said it had launched retaliatory air strikes. Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad earlier said a deal had been made to resume a 2012 ceasefire agreement. Israel did not confirm this.

Syria opposition: Allies must honour weapons 'promises'
The head of Syria's main opposition alliance has said its international allies must honour what he said were pledges to supply heavy weapons. Ahmed Jarba of the National Coalition told the BBC that he was promised them if Syrian government was at fault for the failure of recent peace talks. The 11 core members of "The Friends of Syria" - including the US and UK - all blamed President Bashar al-Assad.

Kerry: Netanyahu wrong to insist Palestinians recognize Israel as Jewish state
Secretary of State John Kerry told members of Congress on Thursday that international law already declares Israel a Jewish state, and called Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's insistence on a public declaration of Israel's Jewish character from the Palestinians "a mistake" in the diplomatic process.

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine
Secretary of State John Kerry warned of serious repercussions for Russia on Monday if last-ditch talks over the weekend to resolve the crisis in Ukraine failed to persuade Moscow to soften its stance.

Malaysia plane: US hints at shift in search to west
US officials helping with the search for Flight MH370 are "shifting focus" to the "Indian Ocean region". However, one official told the BBC that this did not necessary mean specific new leads. White House spokesman Jay Carney said fresh lines of investigation were the reason why the scope had widened.

A potent threat of major earthquake off California's northern coast
f a 9.0 earthquake were to strike along California's sparsely populated North Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect. A giant tsunami created by the quake would wash away coastal towns, destroy U.S. 101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of the Pacific coast. More than 100 bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated. Residents would have as few as 15 minutes notice to flee to higher ground, and as many as 10,000 would perish.

US Suspends Some Aid to Uganda Over Anti-Gay Law
Ugandan officials say the United States has suspended some aid to their health ministry because of the country's harsh new anti-gay law. The officials say cooperation between the ministry's AIDS program and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is on hold while the U.S. reviews relations with Uganda.

Gold rises to six-month high on China worries, Ukraine
Gold rose to a six-month high on Thursday as fears of economic slowdown in China and lingering worries about Russia's standoff with Ukraine over Crimea dampened demand for riskier assets and boosted bullion's appeal.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

America's Hidden Dangers - Possible Natural Disaster Threats Bigger Than Previously Realized
it has now been discovered that the worst may be yet to come – natural disasters that could not only originate in the U.S with devastating consequences, but also cause a significant global impact. Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, extending into Montana and Idaho. Sitting beneath its surface is the Yellowstone Supervolcano.

California Shakin’: ‘We’ve Got a Lot of Earthquakes Ahead of Us’
“Earthquakes are not random events,” said Dvorak, a former USGS scientist. “Earthquakes are clustered in time and space.”

D'Souza: I Hope My Federal Charges Will Be 'Resolved' Soon
"Obama has an ideology, he wants to make America very different than it is. He would love to see the American era, which began in 1945, come to an end. He doesn’t want America to be the world's sole superpower,"

Culture of toleration’ rampant at U.S. nuke base led to ‘rot’ worse than originally reported
Failings exposed last spring at a U.S. nuclear missile base, reflecting what one officer called “rot” in the ranks, were worse than originally reported, according to Air Force documents obtained by The Associated Press. Airmen responsible for missile operations at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., passed an inspection in March 2013 with a “marginal” rating, the equivalent of a “D” in school. Launch officers, or missileers, entrusted with the keys to the missiles did poorly and, on their own, would have flunked, the records show.

Islamic Jihad Warns Israelis in Hebrew: 'Get Out of Our Country'
...the Iranian-backed terrorist group responsible for last night's attack has released a Hebrew-language video warning the Israeli government against attacking and calling on Israelis to "get out of our country" - referring to all of Israel, which Islamic Jihad, like Gaza's Hamas rulers, seeks to destroy.

OSCE evidence lifts lid on 'little green men' in Crimea
Russian President Vladimir Putin has consistently denied that what the Ukrainian media widely refers to as the 'little green men' currently controlling key facilities in Crimea are Russian troops, maintaining a pretence that they are instead 'local self-defence groups'.

Belief Rooted in Love
The new sexual revolutionaries have shifted focus from the legal sanctioning of gay marriage to the elimination of dissent. Around the country, so-called "non-discrimination statutes" undercut the rights of religious believers to live according to the demands of their faith...

No More Mild Jesus; No More Tame Gospel
No watered-down Jesus for me and no watered-down gospel either. Give me the real deal or give me nothing. Of course any genuine followers of Jesus Christ wants just the same. We don't want a wimpy Jesus and an anaemic gospel. We want both in their fullness, their power, their explosiveness, and their purity.

Swarm of quakes east of Porterville
The first quake struck at 7:11 p.m. and that was the strongest at 4.4. That was followed by seven smaller quakes all centered in the same vicinity. The largest of those quakes measured 3.0, according to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center.

California Earthquake: Scientists Predict Quake, Tsunami That Could Kill Tens Of Thousands
A California earthquake with the strength to kills tens of thousands of people and cause $70 billion in damage could be on the way, scientists are predicting.

Japan Earthquake News Update: 6.3 Magnitude Strikes Japan, Days After The ********* Tsunami-quake Disaster Remembrance, 17 People Injured
According to GMA News Online, 17 people were injured. None of the injuries seemed to be life-threatening, Public broadcaster NHK said.

Marijuana laws new tool to ban gun ownership
What is more certain, they wrote, is that federal firearms regulators will be aggressive about banning anyone who uses marijuana from buying – or possessing – a weapon. “With the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in Colorado and Washington, it seems likely the ATF will … consider a recreational user of marijuana to be a prohibited possessor of firearms regardless of whether the use is lawful under state provisions,” they wrote.

Citizens revolt, refuse to register guns
Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents are refusing to register their firearms in defiance of new gun-control laws, and law-enforcement officers in that state and others are simply refusing to enforce the recently imposed restrictions. “The revolt is underway. Tens of thousands of people in Connecticut have intentionally missed the deadline. They are not registering. Some of them actually said they would not when they were at the hearing when the law was being considered in the legislature,” said Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt.

Obama's Peace Plan Includes Permanently Dividing The City Of Jerusalem
Obama’s “two state” peace plan would not just permanently divide the land of Israel. It would also permanently divide the city of Jerusalem. It is anticipated that the “Kerry Plan”, which is expected to be revealed to the public soon, will call for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem without specifying the exact borders.

Commission Finds ‘No Compelling Medical Reason’ To Exclude Transgender Americans From Military
An independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general has concluded there “is no compelling medical reason” for the U.S. armed forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress, according to a report being released Thursday.

New study shows NSA phone metadata can reveal EVERYTHING about your life
New research published by Stanford Univeristy Wednesday reveal phone and Internet metadata collected by the NSA can expose far more information about an individual than the agency admits, including, “medical conditions, financial and legal connections, and even whether they own a gun.”

China's Li Keqiang warns investors to prepare for wave of bankruptcies
China is braced for a wave of industrial bankruptcies as its slowing economy forces companies with sky-high debts to the wall, the country's premier has said. Premier Li Keqiang told lenders to China's private sector factories they should expect debt defaults as the world's second largest economy encounters "serious challenges" in the year ahead.

Gaza militants and Israel exchange strikes despite 'truce'
Rocket and air strikes have continued between Gaza militants and Israel despite Palestinian claims a truce had been restored. Several rockets hit Israeli soil on Thursday and Israel's military said it had launched retaliatory air strikes. Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad earlier said a deal had been made to resume a 2012 ceasefire agreement. Israel did not confirm this.

Syria opposition: Allies must honour weapons 'promises'
The head of Syria's main opposition alliance has said its international allies must honour what he said were pledges to supply heavy weapons. Ahmed Jarba of the National Coalition told the BBC that he was promised them if Syrian government was at fault for the failure of recent peace talks. The 11 core members of "The Friends of Syria" - including the US and UK - all blamed President Bashar al-Assad.

Kerry: Netanyahu wrong to insist Palestinians recognize Israel as Jewish state
Secretary of State John Kerry told members of Congress on Thursday that international law already declares Israel a Jewish state, and called Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu's insistence on a public declaration of Israel's Jewish character from the Palestinians "a mistake" in the diplomatic process.

John Kerry: Russia has until Monday to reverse course in Ukraine
Secretary of State John Kerry warned of serious repercussions for Russia on Monday if last-ditch talks over the weekend to resolve the crisis in Ukraine failed to persuade Moscow to soften its stance.

Malaysia plane: US hints at shift in search to west
US officials helping with the search for Flight MH370 are "shifting focus" to the "Indian Ocean region". However, one official told the BBC that this did not necessary mean specific new leads. White House spokesman Jay Carney said fresh lines of investigation were the reason why the scope had widened.

A potent threat of major earthquake off California's northern coast
f a 9.0 earthquake were to strike along California's sparsely populated North Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect. A giant tsunami created by the quake would wash away coastal towns, destroy U.S. 101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of the Pacific coast. More than 100 bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated. Residents would have as few as 15 minutes notice to flee to higher ground, and as many as 10,000 would perish.

US Suspends Some Aid to Uganda Over Anti-Gay Law
Ugandan officials say the United States has suspended some aid to their health ministry because of the country's harsh new anti-gay law. The officials say cooperation between the ministry's AIDS program and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is on hold while the U.S. reviews relations with Uganda.

Gold rises to six-month high on China worries, Ukraine
Gold rose to a six-month high on Thursday as fears of economic slowdown in China and lingering worries about Russia's standoff with Ukraine over Crimea dampened demand for riskier assets and boosted bullion's appeal.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake strikes northwestern Peru – USGS
The quake’s epicentre was 26 miles (42 km) south-southwest of Piura and it occurred at a depth of 7.2 miles (12 km), the USGS said. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

Hungary: Jewish graves spray-painted with swastikas
A Jewish cemetery in the city of Tatabánya in Hungary was vandalized on Thursday, as tombstones were spray-painted with swastikas and writings reading "rotten Jews" and "there was never a Holocaust, but there will be one."

Tensions mount as Crimea prepares for referendum
Ukrainian officials angrily accused Russia of inciting violence on Saturday after a gun battle left at least two people dead, the latest spasm in a conflict that shows no sign of easing a day before Crimeans vote on whether to break away from Ukraine and join Russia.

Missing airliner may have flown on for 7 hours
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Saturday that a missing passenger jet was steered off course after its communications systems were intentionally disabled and could have potentially flown for seven additional hours. In the most comprehensive account to date of the plane’s fate, Najib drew an ominous picture of what happened aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, saying investigators had determined there was “deliberate action by someone on the plane.”

Karzai says Afghanistan doesn't need US troops
In his final address to Afghanistan's parliament Saturday, President Hamid Karzai told the United States its soldiers can leave at the end of the year because his military, which already protects 93 percent of the country, was ready to take over entirely.

Google Wants E-Mail Scanning Information Blocked
Google, fighting a lawsuit claiming its interception of e-mails amounts to illegal wiretapping, asked U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh in a filing yesterday to redact “confidential” information from the transcript...The main revelation at the Feb. 27 hearing was the existence of “Content Onebox,” used by Google to intercept e-mails for targeted advertising and to build user profiles...

Homeland Security Conducts Unannounced School Lockdown Drill
The Department of Homeland Security is expanding its operations by running unannounced school lockdown drills, another sign of the federal agency’s encroachment into more areas of Americans’ lives. ...While authorities justify school lockdown drills as necessary exercises to prepare for potential school shootings...Critics have pointed to the fact that the drills achieve little else than traumatizing school children.

Wyoming welder faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building pond on his property
Wyoming welder says he was...stuck in what he calls a petty power play by the Environmental Protection Agency. He claims the agency is now threatening him with civil and criminal penalties – including the threat of a $75,000-a-day fine. ...The property owner says he followed the state rules for a stock pond when he built it in 2012 and has an April 4-dated letter from the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office to prove it.

Talks in London between Kerry and Lavrov end with impasse on Ukraine
Deadly clashes broke out in eastern Ukraine, officials said Saturday, after an 11th-hour U.S. effort to resolve the growing confrontation with Russia failed and Moscow shipped more troops and armor into the flash-point Crimea region. The shootout between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian demonstrators took place overnight Friday in the eastern city of Kharkiv and left two people dead...

Saudis hardened by wars in Syria, Iraq join al Qaeda in Yemen
Dozens of Saudi Islamist militants have left the battlefields of Syria and Iraq for Yemen, where their experience appears to have contributed to a spate of lethal al Qaeda attacks... The influx detected in the last few months is worrying for Yemen, a turbulent country where several hundred Saudi militants are already thought to be fighting alongside their Yemeni counterparts in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet
U.S. officials announced plans Friday to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet... Pressure to let go of the final vestiges of U.S. authority over the system of Web addresses and domain names that organize the Internet has been building for more than a decade and was supercharged by the backlash last year to revelations about National Security Agency surveillance.

Lebanese gov't agrees to new policy allowing citizens to 'resist' Israel
Lebanon's new government agreed to a compromise policy statement on Friday that fell short of explicitly enshrining the militant group Hezbollah's role in confronting Israel but which would give all citizens the right to resist Israeli occupation or attacks. The agreement...paves the way for Prime Minister Tammam Salam to put his government to a vote of confidence.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014- more dead sea scrolls!

Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

Nine new Dead Sea scrolls come to light
Uncovered in Jerusalem, 9 tiny unopened Dead Sea Scrolls
Researcher finds tantalizing tefillin parchments from Second Temple era, overlooked for decades and unread for 2,000 years

Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Europe to find it difficult to wean itself off Russian gas
Europe will have trouble weaning itself off Russian natural gas, analysts say, as its faces declining production at home and Asian competition for supplies. Even before the current flare up of tensions with Russia over its de facto occupation and possible annexation of Ukraine's Crimea peninsula, Europe has been trying to reduce its dependence on Russian supplies.

Russia can turn U.S. to radioactive ash: Kremlin-backed journalist
A Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities on Sunday as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.

Bill Maher: God a ‘psychotic mass murderer’ who ‘drowns babies’
Late night comedian Bill Maher told his HBO “Real Time” audience on Friday that God was a “psychotic mass murderer.” He made the comments during a conversation on the biblical story of Noah and the upcoming Hollywood version of it that’s about to hit the big screen.

Lady Gaga Reveals Demon Possession As She Gets Intentionally Vomited On During ‘Swine’ Performance
The only thing you can attribute this to is the open manifestation of demons compelling Lady Gaga to carry out this type of disgusting behavior. Hollywood and the music industry has been heading towards open Satanism for quite some time now, and we fully expect this trend to expand and continue.

Islamists kill six Egyptian soldiers
The Egyptian military has blamed the attack on the Muslim Brotherhood movement of deposed president Mohamed Morsi. It came two days after another soldier was shot dead by gunmen on an army bus in eastern Cairo. More than 200 security personnel have been killed since the army overthrew Mr Morsi last July.

US Navy destroyer to conduct more Black Sea drills: commander
A US Navy guided-missile destroyer will remain in the Black Sea to conduct more exercises with allied ships, its commander said on Saturday, the eve of a breakaway vote in Crimea. The USS Truxtun this week conducted joint exercises with Romanian and Bulgarian naval forces just a few hundred kilometres (miles) away from the disputed Crimea peninsula.

Venezuela president urges US to join 'peace commission'
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has urged the United States to discuss "peace and sovereignty" in a high level commission mediated by the Union of South American Nations (Unasur). Mr Maduro also asked President Obama not to heed US factions that he says want to kill the Venezuelan leader. Venezuela blames the US for the anti-government protests that have left 28 people dead in the past month.

Iran: 'Palestinian Resistance’s' missile power now 1,000 times stronger
Iran's defense minister on Saturday commended Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip for firing dozens of rockets into southern Israel last week, stating that "the operational power of the Resistance against the Zionist regime is a thousand times more than what it was before."

Days After Rocket Barrage Gaza Left Powerless
Gaza's lone power plant shut down on Saturday due to a lack of fuel. An Israeli official stated the fuel shortage was caused by infighting between Hamas, ruling Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Judea and Samaria, likely over fuel taxes.

Abbas Defiant Ahead of Meeting with Obama
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas left for the United States on Saturday, ahead of his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday.

Ukraine crisis: Crimea holds secession referendum
Crimea is voting on whether to re-join Russia or stay with Ukraine - a referendum condemned as "illegal" by Kiev and the West but backed by Moscow. Russian troops have taken de facto control of the majority ethnic-Russian region, and voters are expected to support leaving Ukraine. Crimean Tatars are boycotting the vote, pledging their allegiance to Kiev.

Russia Vetoes UN Crimea Resolution, China Abstains
Russia has vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have urged countries not to recognize the results of a Sunday referendum in Ukraine's Crimea region. Russia was the only Security Council member to vote against the measure on Saturday, while China abstained. The 13 other council members backed the measure.

Iran says it foiled sabotage at nuclear facility
A senior Iranian official says authorities detected sabotage at the country’s heavy water reactor facility and neutralized it before any damage was done. The semi-official Fars news agency quoted Asghar Zarean, a senior official in charge of nuclear security at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, as saying Saturday that Iran’s intelligence agencies were instrumental in uncovering the plot. He didn’t provide further details.

As Putin’s Popularity Soars, Voices of Opposition Are Being Drowned Out
There were two large rallies on Saturday in Moscow. One was a pro-government rally “in support of Crimea and against fascism,” led by a phalanx of husky men in identical crimson jackets, marching military-style in a sea of red. Some held signs reading “No Maidan in Moscow” and “Glory to Berkut,” references to Independence Square, the site of the Ukrainian protests in Kiev, and to the riot police who cracked down on the protesters.

Hezbollah close to cutting off key route for Syrian rebels, refugees
A painstaking Hezbollah and regime offensive in Syria's Qalamoun region is coming to its climax. A victory would sever the main route to Lebanon for fleeing civilians and military supplies.

1.5 million ATMs will still run Windows XP when support ends in April
Well this should be fun. Reuters reports that ATM maker NCR claims that two-thirds of all the ATMs running Windows XP in the world — or just under 1.5 million ATMs total — will not be upgraded to a newer system by the time Microsoft ends support for XP in April.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Harry Reid, Mike Lee Caught Up in Corruption Probe
The FBI and Utah state prosecutors working on a corruption investigation say they have uncovered accusations of financial wrongdoing by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and GOP Sen. Mike Lee, but the Justice Department has so far declined to act on their recommendation for a full federal investigation.

U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet
U.S. officials announced plans Friday to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet, a move that pleased international critics but alarmed some business leaders and others who rely on the smooth functioning of the Web.

Chile: coast evacuated after strong earthquake hits
Authorities say more than 100,000 people asked to vacate some coastal areas following 6.7 magnitude earthquake. The tremor struck offshore at 4.16pm at a depth of 20km. Its epicentre was 60km northwest of the Chilean port of Iquique.

Ukraine crisis: Draft document reveals sanctions against Russian and Crimean officials
A confidential EU diplomatic draft document, seen by The Telegraph, warns of longer-term trade and economic sanctions against Russia similar to the international blockade that has devastated Iran's economy.

Obama and Putin clash as US warns of 'additional costs' of Crimea referendum
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin clashed over the Crimea referendum during a telephone call on Sunday, as the US president dismissed claims from his Russian counterpart that the vote was legal and warned him that Moscow would be punished.

Moderate quake hits Bengkulu
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit Bengkulu province, at 7:35 a.m on Monday, according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake in Mindanao
The epicenter was estimated at a depth of 84.6km. No tsunami warnings were issued, nor has any damage been reported as of posting time.

Earthquake recorded in southern Kansas
The U.S. Geological Survey reports an earthquake shook southern Kansas. The earthquake happened at 3:46 a.m. Sunday and measured 4.0 on the Richter scale. Its epicenter was reported eight miles east-northeast of Anthony in Harper County.

Russia vows to switch to other currencies over US sanctions threat - Glazyev
This comes amid US threats to pile sanctions on Russia... Senator Christ Murphy, the chairman of the Senate's Europe subcommittee, said lawmakers were considering such options as imposing sanctions on Russia's banks and freezing assets of Russian public institutions and private investors. Sergei Glazyev told reporters today Russia would have to switch to other currencies to curb its dependence on the United States.

White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?
U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source. The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.

The Future of Brain Implants
What would you give for a retinal chip that let you see in the dark or for a next-generation cochlear implant that let you hear any conversation in a noisy restaurant, no matter how loud? Or for a memory chip, wired directly into your brain's hippocampus, that gave you perfect recall of everything you read? Or for an implanted interface with the Internet...that digested the relevant Wikipedia page and projected a summary directly into your brain?

Police halt Montgomery County commuters on I-270 to hunt for bank robbery suspects
Police arrested three bank robbery suspects in Montgomery County on Tuesday after officers set up a roadblock on Interstate 270 and walked car to car with pistols, shotguns and semiautomatic rifles drawn. A group of officers made its way to his car and other cars around him. “They were just walking along saying: ‘Pop the trunk! Pop the trunk!’ ”

China baby hatch suspended after hundreds abandoned
A baby hatch in southern China has been forced to suspend work after hundreds of infants were abandoned, overwhelming the centre, its director says. More than 260 children had been left at the welfare home in Guangzhou since 28 January, director Xu Jiu added. Staff will continue caring for babies already at the welfare home, all of whom suffer from illnesses, Mr Xu said.

Navy Seals board rogue Libya oil tanker Morning Glory
The US has taken control of a tanker full of oil loaded from a rebel-held port in Libya, the Pentagon says. The raid by Navy Seals took place in international waters south of Cyprus, said Rear Adm John Kirby. The Morning Glory's evasion of a naval blockade at the eastern port of Sidra prompted Libya's parliament to sack Prime Minister Ali Zeidan last week.

Israel Has The World's Safest Airline — And It's About To Get Even Safer
Israel is taking the lead in adding a new level of security to eliminate the risk of having terrorists try to take a plane down from outside. The threat In 2002, terrorists armed with Russian Strela-2 surface-to-air missiles, or SAMs, attempted to shoot down an Israeli passenger liner taking off from the airport at Mombasa, Kenya. They missed, but Israel isn't trusting to the bad aim of terrorists to keep its planes safe in the future. For years, Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems (NASDAQ: ESLT) has been developing a system of on-plane anti-missile defense that offers affordable protection to any civilian airliner.

Kasparov: ‘Carter looks like Churchill in comparison’ to Obama
For running commentary on Russia and the vote in Crimea, you might want to follow chess champion turned democracy activist Garry Kasparov: @Kasparov63. Tonight, amid his usual barrage of criticism leveled at Vladimir Putin, he’s turning his fire on President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Founder of anti-gay Kansas church in care facility
The Rev. Fred Phelps Sr., who founded a Kansas church widely known for its protests at military funerals and anti-gay sentiments, is in a care facility, according to a church spokesman. Phelps, 84, is being cared for in a Shawnee County facility, Westboro Baptist Church spokesman Steve Drain said Sunday. Drain wouldn't identify the facility.

Europe to find it difficult to wean itself off Russian gas
Europe will have trouble weaning itself off Russian natural gas, analysts say, as its faces declining production at home and Asian competition for supplies. Even before the current flare up of tensions with Russia over its de facto occupation and possible annexation of Ukraine's Crimea peninsula, Europe has been trying to reduce its dependence on Russian supplies.

Russia can turn U.S. to radioactive ash: Kremlin-backed journalist
A Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities on Sunday as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.

Bill Maher: God a ‘psychotic mass murderer’ who ‘drowns babies’
Late night comedian Bill Maher told his HBO “Real Time” audience on Friday that God was a “psychotic mass murderer.” He made the comments during a conversation on the biblical story of Noah and the upcoming Hollywood version of it that’s about to hit the big screen.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

See the moment a physicist learns his life's work on the Big Bang theory is valid, pops open Champagne
You see, gravity waves in the universe's oldest light show that the universe expanded to 100 trillion times its size almost 14 billion years ago — all in less than a second.

Why stocks rallied in face of new cold war
And, after Russia made it official by formally annexing Crimea — a news development that came before the market opened on Tuesday morning — the Dow rose even more.

The West Remains Silent For Risk Of Offending Islam As New Laws Send Women Back To The Dark Ages
The draft law would legalize rape within marriage, declaring a husband's right to demand sex regardless of consent. The minimum legal age for marriage would be lowered to 9 years old for girls and 15 years old for boys; girls even younger than nine would, with parental consent, be permitted to marry, adding to Iraq's already growing child marriage problem.

Christians' throats slit in pagan slaughterhouse
“I have never seen something like this,” Shoebat told WND. “I have been investigating this story for the past two weeks. The story is probably the most horrific I have ever [done]. It proves with footage actual systematic [sl]aughterhouses of human beings, including Christians in Syria.”

The Lost Treasure of the Copper Scroll
The Copper Scroll is part of the extraordinary cache of 1st Century documents first discovered in caves at Qumran, popularly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Copper Scroll, however, is very different from the other documents in the Qumran library.

Soros uses Ukraine Crisis to Argue for a Centralized Europe
“Europe was totally unprepared for this crisis and Putin outmaneuvered Europe with no difficulty,” he said. Soros, who became known as the Man Who Broke the Bank of England after making $1 billion by betting against Europe’s previous financial union, has long insisted that the Euro was being fatally mismanaged.

NY Officials Are Demanding They Register Their Guns – Here’s What They Did With the Registration Forms
Gun rights advocates in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., reportedly burned nearly one thousand gun registration forms to ashes in a clear act of civil disobedience. Under the hastily-passed SAFE Act, Gun owners have until April 15 to register their so-called semi-automatic rifles that fall under the state’s own definition of “military-style assault weapons.” The forms they burned are the very forms the state wants them to turn in registering their firearms. Instead, gun owners rallied at the Saratoga-Wilton Elks Lodge 161 to torch the forms in a “symbolic protest,” the Post-Star reports.

Rootworms Are Making a Comeback Against Genetically Modified Corn
Rootworms are making a comeback against BT corn, the strain of genetically modified corn that was specifically engineered to defeat corn pests. Evidence is mounting, however, to indicate that the campaign to eradicate the bugs that destroy corn may have backfired.

Leading Iranian ayatollah: Islamic messiah ‘will behead Western leaders’
“When Imam Zaman ['Mahdi,' the last Shiite Imam] comes, he will behead the Western leaders,” warned Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani, the interim Friday prayer leader of Tehran and a member of the Assembly of Experts, the body that chooses the supreme leader. “However, Imam will not harm the oppressed nations,” he said.

No more talks, time for decisions: Palestinian Authority
On Monday, chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat said, “The negotiations are up on April 29. You don’t need negotiations any more. You need decisions.”

Neil Keenan and Keith Scott
It is all coming down. The meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is beginning to quietly emerge as a powerful and dynamic shift in Global Economics and potentially in Global Politics as former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal, are now already jumping ship and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World.

Greenland ice sheet now ‘unstable’
The last edge of the Greenland ice sheet to have resisted global warming has now become unstable, adding billions of tonnes of meltwater to rising seas, scientists say. In a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, they say a surge in temperature from 2003 has eased the brakes on a long “river” of ice that flows to the coast in northeastern Greenland.

US, UK 'Enemies of the Internet' for first time
The United Kingdom and the US have been branded ‘Enemies of the Internet’ for the first time by Reporters Without Borders on their annual list of countries which disrupt freedom of information through surveillance and censorship. Both the US and the UK were included in the list for first time as a result of revelations from the Whistleblower Edward Snowden into the activities of the American and British spy agencies.

Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter in April 2014, an event astronomers call "opposition." At closest approach on April 14th, burnt-orange Mars will rise in the east at sunset and soar overhead at midnight shining 8 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star. Even now the view is impressive:

When U.S. Steps Back, Will Russia and China Control the Internet?
The United States is planning to give up its last remaining authority over the technical management of the Internet. The Commerce Department announced Friday that it will give the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), an international nonprofit group, control over the database of names and addresses that allows computers around the world to connect to each other.

Russian Deputy PM Laughs at Obama’s Sanctions
Russia’s deputy prime minister laughed off President Obama’s sanction against him today asking “Comrade @BarackObama” if “some prankster” came up with the list. The Obama administration hit 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials with sanctions today as punishment for Russia’s support of Crimea’s referendum.

Moldova's Trans-Dniester region pleads to join Russia
Pro-Russian politicians and activists in Moldova's breakaway Trans-Dniester region have asked the Russian parliament to draft a law that would allow their territory to join Russia. The Trans-Dniestrian appeal comes as Moscow moves towards absorbing Crimea into the Russian Federation. Ukraine, the EU and US say that move is illegal. Ethnic Russians dominate Trans-Dniester, with support from Moscow.

Rockets launched from Syria hit eastern Lebanon: Army
Four rockets fired from Syria hit the Hezbollah-dominated Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, wounding one person, the Lebanese army said.

Libya car bomb: Benghazi army base hit by deadly attack
A car bomb at a military academy has left at least eight soldiers dead in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, medical sources say. The attack targeted soldiers leaving a graduation ceremony. More than a dozen people were reported to be wounded. A second car bomb later exploded elsewhere in Benghazi, killing one person.

Missing Malaysia plane: Chinese territory searched
China has started searching its territory within the northern corridor for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, state media report. The international search for the plane has extended into two vast air corridors, north and south of the plane's last known location. China said no evidence of terror links had been found in Chinese passengers.

Fla. Woman Says Church of Scientology Ripped Her Family Apart
Photographs and memories are all that remain of Sara Goldberg's relationship with her daughter, Ashley, a situation the mother is blaming on the Church of Scientology. The Florida resident says she spent 36 years in the church, reaching the top level of spiritual progression. She says the problems began when her son, Nick Lister, developed doubts about the church. He started associating with vocal critics of the church, including Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder, former high-ranking officials who quit and are now condemned by the church as liars and apostates.

Putin recognizes Crimean independence
Ignoring the toughest sanctions against Moscow since the end of the Cold War, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula as an "independent and sovereign country" on Monday, a bold challenge to Washington that escalates one of Europe's worst security crises in years.

Top Ahmadinejad aide indicted amid Iran graft case
Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's top aide has been indicted, apparently in connection with allegations of corruption in the previous administration, Iranian media reported on Monday.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Taiwan Earthquake Today 2014 Strikes Off the Coast
USGS tell news that a 5.6 magnitude Taiwan earthquake today 2014 struck locally just after 7:24 pm. The quake was shallow. Reps tell news that it started only six miles below sea level. As a result the quake was felt to the west on land.

World powers and Iran resume nuclear talks, eyeing Ukraine
The meeting is the second in a series that Western governments - the United States, France, Britain and Germany - as well as China and Russia hope will culminate in a broad settlement of the decade-old dispute that threatens to draw the Middle East into a new war.

NSA surveillance program can retrieve, replay phone calls
The US National Security Agency has built a surveillance system capable of recording ”100 per cent” of a foreign country’s telephone calls, enabling the agency to rewind and review conversations as long as a month after they take place.

US orders closure of Syrian Embassy in Washington
The State Department on Tuesday announced the official closing of the Syrian Embassy in Washington and said that Syrian diplomats there and in consulates elsewhere in the United States must leave by the end of this month.

52% Think U.S. Economy Unfair to Those Willing to Work Hard
Fifty-two percent (52%), though, do not think the economy is fair to those willing to work hard, although that's down from October’s high of 58%. This includes 14% who think the economy is Very Fair to hard workers and 17% who don’t think it’s Not At All Fair to them.

Boosting Longevity with Massive Genome Sequencing and Cyborg Technology Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/March18/184.html#Te3uh6Xhq8
These combined talents will merge within the company to create new tests and therapies which will help extend healthy human life spans by scanning the DNA of some 100,000 people per year into a massive database for study, with the intent of making “100-years-old the new 60.” Venter noted that for the first time, the speed and accuracy of DNA-scanning machines has increased to the point where massive clinically oriented sequencing efforts are truly possible.

JPM “suicide” wave resumes: Manhattan banker leaps to death
Bellando, a former investment bank analyst at JPMorgan, is the son of John Bellando, chief operating officer and chief financial officer at Condé Nast. His brother, John, a top chief investment officer with JPMorgan, works on risk exposure valuations.

4.0-magnitude earthquake confirmed east of Monterrey
It all happened around 6:41 p.m. CST. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed the quake's epicenter was in a rural area 15 miles northeast of General Bravo, Nuevo Leon. USGS officials confirmed that the earthquake could be felt 75 miles away in Monterrey and its surrounding suburbs.

New DNA-editing technology spawns novel strategies for gene therapy
"We now have a very easy, very fast and very efficient technique for rewriting the genome, which allows us to do experiments that have been impossible before,"

Israel threatens Syria after border bombing
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that the air force’s early morning strikes on Syrian military positions had targeted units involved in Tuesday’s attack on an IDF patrol.

4.4 earthquake near L.A. could be 'foreshock' for bigger shake
“Always the possibility that it’s a foreshock,” Graves said, adding that about 5% of earthquakes are followed by an equal or larger shake and that if it does happen, it would occur within the next several hours.

The 1 officer who stands between you and militarized police
The office of sheriff was created to address worries exactly like the rampant militarization of police forces in America, claim two sheriffs who have challenged elected officials in their states over what they believe are unconstitutional abuses of power.

Obama White House Quietly Amended Rules Regarding the Freedom of Information Act: Report
In a move that went little noticed in 2009, the White House quietly amended portions of the Freedom of Information Act, making it more difficult for Americans to request public documents for review. ...Craig instructed the executive branch to let Obama administration officials review all documents sought under FOIA requests to determine if said documents involved “White House equities.”

Israel's defense chief says U.S. projecting weakness
Israel's defense minister has accused the United States of projecting weakness internationally and said Israel could not rely on its main ally to take the lead in confronting Iran over its nuclear program.

Clinton: Putin trying to rewrite post-WWII borders
Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Tuesday accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of attempting to “rewrite the boundaries” of post-World War II Europe.

Brian Houston: “the Muslim and you, we actually serve the same God”
Hillsong is famous all around the Christian world for their worship music. But what god does Hillsong worship? What god do they serve? Does your church sing Hillsong music? Do you find the songs generally vague and lacking scriptural substance in contrast to hymns? Well brace yourself. Brian Houston believes that Christians and Muslims serve the same God. Watch him say it yourself:

Threats did not sway Putin, now US tries pain
US President Barack Obama's threats of "costs" did not sway Vladimir Putin's calculations on Crimea.The White House's initial strategy of seeking to defuse the crisis, offering Russia an "off-ramp" and warning of consequences has run its unsuccessful course.

Putin redraws map of Europe
Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (18 March) signed a treaty making Ukraine’s Crimea region part of Russia, shortly before the Russia-Ukraine confrontation claimed its first casualty. He justified the step in a long speech to MPs which described the Black Sea peninsula - signed over by the USSR to Ukraine in 1954 - as quintessentially Russian in cultural and historical terms.

Netanyahu: Syrian border is our new challenge
Hezbollah and global Jihadist operatives have recently poured into the Israeli-Syrian border on the Golan Heights, presenting Israel with new challenges, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said... “Over the last few years we have succeeded in maintaining the quiet amid the civil war in Syria,” he said, adding that Israel would act aggressively to ensure Israel’s security.

'Mystified' US slams Israeli defense minister Ya'alon's criticism of Obama
The United States is using unprecedented language to condemn Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon after...criticism of US President Barack Obama, and...foreign policy team... “We were shocked by Moshe Ya’alon’s comments..."Moreover, this is part of a disturbing pattern in which the Defense Minister disparages the US Administration, and insults its most senior officials."

After Israel bombs Syria, Netanyahu vows: 'We strike those who strike us'
It is periodically necessary for Israel to take "aggressive action" so that the quiet in the north will be maintained, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday just hours after the IAF hit targets in Syria in response to Tuesday's attack on an IDF jeep on the Golan Heights. Netanyahu...said that the targets hit belonged to Syrian elements who not only allowed the attack to take place, but assisted in it.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered
Saif Al-Adlubi tells of his miraculous escape to the Turkish village of Rehaniyeh from Syria. He was probably one of the few survivors who sounded the alarm on one of the gruesome systematic human extermination centers carried out by the Takfiri Jihadist group ISIS.

The "news" is resolutely out of context. A subject about which virtually nothing is known - the mystery of the missing airplane - gets saturation "coverage," while events of potentially earth-shaking importance are largely unreported.

'Ring of Death' Throttles Georgia as Banks Too Small to Save
“The economy just shut down,” said owner Johnny Blankenship, 54, a builder for more than 30 years in Douglasville, 20 miles west of Atlanta. “We are just starting back to do a few homes. The economy is still very, very slow.” While the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury rescued major banks amid the 2008 financial crisis to avert a meltdown of the nation’s financial system, the bailouts didn’t prevent the collapse of about 500 small lenders.

Chancellor Merkel outlines German position ahead of EU summit on Crimea
Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Germany supports tighter EU sanctions on Russia over its annexation of Crimea. This came ahead of an EU summit in Brussels to discuss the bloc's collective response. Merkel also said that as a result of the Kremlin’s move to annex Crimea, Russia had effectively disqualified itself from the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations, the G8. The G8, she said, was effectively dead and would remain as such, as long as the diplomatic row over Crimea continued.

Icelandic volcano Hekla is starting to ‘bulge’ with magma amid fears major eruption could happen within days and hit air travel
Hekla volcano, one of Iceland's most active volcanoes, is on the verge of a major eruption that could impact air travel, experts have warned.

Australia finds objects ‘possibly’ related to missing plane
Australia said Thursday that two objects including one estimated at 24 meters (79 feet) long had been spotted in the Indian Ocean, in the “best lead we have” in the search for a missing Malaysian passenger jet.

As border heats up, reservists train for Syria scenarios
As the Syria-Israel border heated up in the wake of Tuesday’s attack on an IDF patrol and Israeli retaliatory strikes on regime army positions, IDF reservists trained this week for scenarios they might face in a hypothetical operation in Syria.

Metamaterial Breakthrough: Photons To Replace Electrons In Consumer Products
Both industry and government are investing heavily in efforts to integrate optics and electronics, because it is generally considered to be the next step in the evolution of information and communications technology. Intel, Hewlett-Packard and IBM have been building chips with increasing optical functionality for the last five years that operate at gigahertz speeds, one thousandth that of the VO2 switch.

Report: IDF Preparing for Armed Conflict with Iran
The report cites "senior military officials" and three unnamed Knesset MKs as stating that the huge sum - the same as in 2013 - has been relegated within the IDF treasury for preparations for an attack on the Islamic Republic in 2014. The report also interprets statements from IDF representatives and "government officials from the political echelon" as the IDF receiving direct orders from Netanyahu and Ya'alon over the issue.

Researchers have been analyzing the data ever since, and they have concluded that the storm was akin to the Carrington Event of 1859.

Obama, Putin on brink of breaking point
Richard Fontaine, president of the Center for a New American Security, said the Obama-Putin dispute “had the potential to end very badly.” “I don’t think this means war, but this could spell the beginning of a long period of extreme diplomatic alienation between the West and Russia,” he was quoted as saying. The war of words escalated between Putin and Obama after Crimeans voted in a referendum on Sunday to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

Yemen experienced 352 tremors during 2013−report
Yemen witnessed 352 tremors nationwide during 2013, according to a report released Tuesday by the state-run Monitoring Center for the Study of Earthquakes and Volcanoes and published on the state-run September 26 News Website. None of last year’s tremors left any victims and only a few buildings were damaged.

Catalonia coast struck by quake
Spain's Girona province was hit by an earthquake which struck just off the coast, shaking several towns and villages in the region on Wednesday.

US Federal Reserve hints at interest rate rise in 2015
The US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has hinted that interest rates in the US could start to rise in early 2015. Ms Yellen said the Fed could begin raising rates six months after it halts its monthly bond-buying programme. She made the remarks after the Fed said it will scale back bond purchases by a further $10bn (£6bn) per month.

Nato chief: Crimea invasion could be just the beginning
Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has warned Crimea could be the beginning of a wider military campaign, amid Russia's veiled threats against EU and Nato member Estonia. ...“I see Crimea as an element in a greater pattern, in a more long-term Russian, or at least [Russian leader Vladimir] Putin, strategy. So of course our major concern now is whether he will go beyond Crimea."

Arab rioters hurl stones at MK Feiglin on Temple Mount
Hundreds of Arab youths gathered on the Temple Mount Thursday morning to protest Likud MK Moshe Feiglin's visit to the contested holy site. Police arrested two youths for hurling stones toward the minister and an accompanying group of right-wing activists.

Scientists say destructive solar blasts narrowly missed Earth in 2012
Fierce solar blasts that could have badly damaged electrical grids and disabled satellites in space narrowly missed Earth in 2012, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday. The bursts would have wreaked havoc on the Earth's magnetic field, matching the severity of the 1859 Carrington event, the largest solar magnetic storm ever reported on the planet.

Israeli airstrikes escalate tensions with Syria
Israeli warplanes unleashed a series of airstrikes on Syrian military posts early Wednesday, killing one soldier and wounding seven in one of the most serious clashes between the countries in the past four decades.

EU forced to confront the energy question
As events continue to escalate in Crimea the two-day summit of EU leaders that begins today in Brussels will be dominated by the topic of Ukraine. But there are other issues on the agenda. EU heads of state had been scheduled to discuss for the first time the new energy and climate change package unveiled by the European Commission two months ago, which sets out the EU’s plan for energy policy after 2020.

'Killing Jesus' to Be Made Into 4-Hour Miniseries; Set for Global 2015 Premiere
The bestseller Killing Jesus, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, is set to be made into a 4-hour miniseries on National Geographic, with production to begin this summer. The show will air to a global audience across 171 countries and 45 languages in 2015.

Church in Russia Closed for Holding “Unregistered” Sunday School Classes
The Harvest Church of St. Petersburg, Russia was closed by the Russian government without warning. Government officials reported that the church was conducting unregistered educational activities, namely holding Sunday school classes during the week without explicit permission.

Russian forces seize two Ukrainian bases in Crimea
The United States warned Moscow it was on a "dark path" to isolation on Wednesday as Russian troops seized two Ukrainian naval bases, including a headquarters in the Crimean port of Sevastopol where they raised their flag.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

6.7-magnitude earthquake strikes off India's Nicoma Islands
A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck off India's Nicoma Islands on Friday, the U.S. Geological Service reported. The quake hit at a relatively shallow depth of 6.2 miles (10 km) about 68 miles (110 km) southeast of Mishap, Nicoma Islands, in the Indian Ocean.

Israeli official suggests Palestinians celebrating failure of peace talks
Abbas told thousands of Palestinians at a rally in his Mukata headquarters that in his meeting on Monday with US President Barack Obama, “I have honored my pledge and kept my promise,” the Wafa news agency reported.

Charles *****hammer: Obama Is Being Ridiculed By Russians
“[Obama is] being ridiculed by Russians, especially, because the statement and the policy are ridiculous,” *****hammer said. He was speaking of President Obama’s statement yesterday that sanctions will be levied against certain high-profile Eastern Europeans who supported Russian President Vladimir Putin’s incursion into the Crimean peninsula. “He doesn’t have a lot of cards,” he continued, “but he has some cards. And if he thinks that sanctioning seven Russians, out of a population of what? 150 million? is a sanction, he’s living in a different world.”

Hollywood’s War on Israel
aving Mr. Banks, the new film chronicling Walt Disney’s bid to secure movie rights to Mary Poppins, was released on Friday. Although an incredibly talented and innovative animator, director and producer, Disney’s reputation will be forever tarnished by his well-known anti-Semitism and support for racist causes. Disney participated in several racist initiatives, including the pro-Nazi German American Bund and was a close friend of the Nazi propagandist and Hitler confidante Leni Riefenstahl. He was also allied with the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, another anti-Semitic organization.

Issa subpoenas ATF over 'mismanaged' gun operation
Rep. Darrell Issa has subpoenaed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for information about what he calls a "dangerously mismanaged" program, which originally was launched to get crime guns off the street. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which Issa chairs, has been looking into complaints about the program for months. Under the operation, ATF agents set up storefronts in multiple cities to try and entice criminals to sell their crime guns, unwittingly, to the government so they could be traced. But their tactics and missteps, including using mentally disabled people, drew criticism.

Obama and the Jewish State
One needs to ask the president why he would permit State Department Jen Psaki to conduct a March 8, 2014 interview with al-Quds, a Palestinian newspaper, and assert that " here is no need for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state." Allies don't ask a country to surrender her existential focal point in order to appease an enemy.

Multiple earthquakes rock Oklahoma
The U.S. Geological Survey reports four earthquakes ranging from an estimated 2.9 to 3.7 magnitude have been recorded in Oklahoma.

Gas Attack Column: How Democratic donors benefit financially from climate policy
Some lies just won’t go away. In February the Washington Post published an article with the following headline: “Why There’s No Democratic Version of the Koch Brothers’ Organization.” It was the umpteenth attempt to explain, in a particularly simplistic manner, how the millionaires and billionaires who donate money to the Democratic Party are nothing, absolutely nothing, like those meanie cancer research philanthropists Charles and David Koch.

More drug-resistant infections seen in U.S. children
A growing number of American children are developing infections caused by a worrisome type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a new study reports. While still rare, the bacteria are being found more often in children of all ages, especially those who are 1 to 5 years old, the study found.

Islamist: Jews love Jerusalem more than we do
Ramadan Shalah, the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, chastised fellow Arabs, and especially fellow Palestinians, for failing to love Jerusalem as much as the Jews do. An audio recording of Shalah addressing a clerical conference in Tehran was obtained by Israel’s Army Radio. In the clip, the terror leader is distraught over the seeming lack of Arab seriousness in regards to Jerusalem, while for the Jews, the Holy City is their heart and soul.

US, Middle East church leaders laud Kerry for peace moves
“Given the difficulties involved, a framework for conclusive negotiations seems an essential step if there is to be progress towards a final status agreement,” said the statement posted this week by Churches for Middle East Peace, a Washington-based umbrella body.

Russia imposes own sanctions after U.S. "hostile thrust"
Russia imposed retaliatory sanctions on nine U.S. officials and lawmakers on Thursday as tension over Moscow's annexation of Crimea mounted, warning the West it would hit back over "every hostile thrust." President Vladimir Putin's spokesman said the U.S. sanctions imposed this week were unacceptable and that the Kremlin would act on the principle of reciprocity.

8 in 10 Americans fear 2nd Holocaust
Do you think a second Holocaust against Jews is coming? If you say that just won’t happen, you’d be in the sparse company of about 16 percent of Americans. That’s because 80.2 percent of the respondents of a new poll said they do fear a time when anti-Semitism around the world will turn violent and there would be deliberate attempts to wipe out Jews.

IDF says it exposed massive Gazan ‘terror tunnel’
The Israeli military announced on Friday that it had uncovered a tunnel from Gaza into Israel meant for carrying out a terror attack, hours after Hamas dismissed the find as an old tunnel.

S Korea, Japan leaders to meet at talks
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet South Korean President Park Geun-hye for the first time at a trilateral meeting with the US next week. The talks come amid severe tensions over history issues and territorial disputes between the two neighbours. The meeting will take place on the sidelines of a nuclear security conference in The Hague.

EU leaders agree new Russia sanctions
EU leaders have reacted to Russia's annexation of Crimea by blacklisting 12 new names and by agreeing to send EU peace monitors if need be. "We have 12 names and I can assure you that some of them are really high-ranking,” EU Council chief Herman Van Rompuy told press after a summit in Brussels on Thursday (20 March).

Israeli official suggests Palestinians celebrating failure of peace talks
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas returned from Washington on Thursday to a hero’s welcome in Ramallah, where he pledged not to give up the Palestinians’ rights or betray their trust. ...Thousands of Palestinians staged rallies in several West Bank cities, urging Abbas to resist concessions, “especially on the issue of recognizing Israel as a “Jewish state,” the news agency reported.

Once Again, Search Planes Looking For Malaysia Jet Find Nothing
Search planes sent to find objects in the south Indian Ocean that may be from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet began returning without success Friday, and an Australian official said the hunt would be extended again for another day.

Israel said to be budgeting billions for Iran strike
Israel is still preparing for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, including a specific military budget running to NIS 10 billion ($2.89 billion), despite the developments in talks between world powers and Tehran.

More drug-resistant infections seen in U.S. children
A growing number of American children are developing infections caused by a worrisome type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a new study reports. While still rare, the bacteria are being found more often in children of all ages, especially those who are 1 to 5 years old, the study found.

Fred Phelps: no funeral for the preacher who picketed so many
Fred Phelps, a former street preacher who led a family ministry that raged against what he perceived as a morally bankrupt society, died Thursday. His legacy of picketing funerals of military veterans and disaster victims, promoting coarse language to condemn conduct he viewed as amoral, and waging legal battles that protected his actions under the First Amendment, earned him an international reputation of a man’s whose absolute conviction was never swayed in the face of widespread contempt.

Behind Israeli strikes on Syria, a simmering battle with Hezbollah
A spate of attacks against Israeli military targets in the Golan Heights has raised fears that Hezbollah is opening a new conflict with Israel after a hiatus of nearly eight years.

Putin Grateful To China, India For "Support" Over Crimea
While the most vocal mouthpieces of the western world's nations are loudly condemning Vladimir Putin's actions in Crimea - despite Ukraine itself suggesting he can keep it for a price - it appears the rest of the world is less voracious in its condemnation. As Putin noted this morning "we are grateful to all those who understood our actions in Crimea,” Putin said. “We are grateful to the people of China, whose leadership sees the situation in Crimea in all its historical and political integrity. We highly appreciate India’s restraint and objectivity.”


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Death toll climbs in Lebanon clashes
At least four people have been killed in clashes between neighbouring communities in northern Lebanon linked to the conflict in Syria. The latest deaths brings to at least 21 the number killed since the violence erupted in Tripoli one week ago. Battles have raged between Bab al-Tabbana, where there is strong support for Syrian rebels, and Jabal Muhsin, which backs President Bashar al-Assad.

Ukraine crisis: Russia dismisses EU Crimea sanctions
Moscow has described further EU sanctions against prominent Russians over its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine as "detached from reality". The foreign ministry said Russia reserved the right to an "appropriate response" after Brussels expanded its black list from 21 to 33 names. Those on the list, who include close allies of President Vladimir Putin, face asset freezes and travel bans.

Michigan gay-marriage ban quashed
A US federal judge has struck down a ban on gay marriage in the state of Michigan. Two Detroit-area nurses successfully argued that the ban violated their rights under the US constitution. One local official said she would start issuing marriage licences to same-sex couples from Monday, but the state is planning to lodge an appeal.

N.Korea test-fires 30 missiles into sea
North Korea test-fired 30 short-range missiles into the sea on Saturday, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said, the latest in a series of launches despite calls from Seoul and Washington to stop "provocative actions".

Three Palestinians killed in Israeli raid on Jenin
Israeli security forces have shot dead at least three Palestinians during a raid to arrest a Hamas member in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. The Israeli military said it wanted to arrest a man accused of plotting attacks on Israelis.

Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object
In a new development in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Chinese satellite has spotted a large object floating in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia's defense minister said Saturday.

Ukraine signs EU trade pact as Russia finalizes Crimea annexation
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk signed the political elements of a trade pact with the European Union on Friday, even as Russian lawmakers finalized annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region.

Billy Graham's Daughter on Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane and the Rapture: 'Glimpse of Things to Come?'
Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Christian evangelist Billy Graham, recently drew a connection between the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and the Rapture, as described in Thessalonians 4:16-17. Lotz, founder of AnGeL Ministries, made the connection on her personal blog just after the plane went missing. Lotz suggested that the feeling of unknowingness and helplessness that has affected the world since the flight disappeared on March 8 will be the same feeling experienced by mankind when the Rapture happens and God comes back to Earth to claim His followers for heaven.

‘Most Advanced’ Gaza-Israel Tunnel Is Found
The Israeli military announced on Friday that it had uncovered a sophisticated tunnel that stretched hundreds of yards into its territory from the Gaza Strip and could have been used to attack or kidnap Israelis.

Federal troops to help Rio battle gang violence in slums
Brazil will deploy federal troops to Rio de Janeiro to help quell a surge in violent crime following attacks by drug traffickers on police posts in three slums on the north side of the city, government officials said on Friday.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Hezbollah ambush kills three bomb experts in Qalamoun
A Hezbollah ambush Sunday killed three rebels who were experts in preparing car bombs along with four of their bodyguards in the strategic Qalamoun region of Syria near the Lebanese border, a source close to the party said.

Putin ally suggests U.S. sanctions on his bank have backfired
An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin who heads a bank that was hit by U.S. sanctions over the Crimea crisis suggested on Sunday the move had backfired by helping him win new clients.

Nato warns of Russian army build-up on Ukraine border
Nato's military commander in Europe has issued a warning about the build-up of Russian forces on Ukraine's border. Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen Philip Breedlove said Nato was in particular concerned about the threat to Moldova's Trans-Dniester region.

Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive
“The most internationally well-traveled President, through five years, is also flying the most expensive-to-operate Air Force One to date,” NTUF wrote. After five years in the White House, Obama has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad. At that point in George W. Bush’s presidency, Bush had taken 28 trips for 116 days, while Bill Clinton had taken 27 trips for 113 days. Ronald Reagan, after five years, had taken 14 trips for 73 days while Richard Nixon had taken 12 trips for 60 days after five years in the White House and Lyndon Johnson took 10 trips for 34 days at the half-decade mark. Dwight Eisenhower took 8 trips for 31 days after five years in the White House.

The Ukraine Crisis and Vladimir Putin: A New Financial System Free from Wall Street and the City of London?
The Ukrainian crisis? It is basically the opposite of what the media and politicians keep repeating both in the US and Europe. They say that the so-called International community have isolated Russia and Vladimir Putin. In fact it is the real sponsors of the coup d’état and the violence in Ukraine who are isolated not only morally but also strategically.

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria: Horrific Trade in Human Body Parts Uncovered, Chained Prisoners Rescued
Bodies were found dumped in dried wells, in the bushes, open graves, and elsewhere. Dried, dismembered body parts were found in containers. It is believed that the victims were slaughtered and dismembered at a nearby factory building.

Ukraine fears Russia 'ready to attack'
Ukraine's Western-backed leaders voiced fears on Sunday of an imminent Russian invasion of the eastern industrial heartland following the fall of their last airbase in Crimea to defiant Kremlin troops.

Turkey downs Syria military jet 'in airspace violation'
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says its armed forces have shot down a Syrian military jet which had violated its airspace. He warned such action by Syria merited a "heavy response". But Syria accused Turkey of "blatant aggression", saying the plane had been over Syrian territory at the time.

14 earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma since Friday
The U.S. Geological Survey has recorded 14 earthquakes in Oklahoma since about 9:30 p.m. Friday, the largest being a magnitude 4.0. The 4.0 magnitude quake was recorded at 10:05 p.m. Friday about seven miles south of Langston. Three other quakes of magnitude 2.9, 3.0 and 3.3 were recorded Saturday afternoon in the Medford area. The other quakes ranged from magnitude 2.4 to 2.9.

Spain austerity: Huge Madrid protest turns violent
Violence has broken out at the end of an anti-austerity protest attended by tens of thousands of people in the Spanish capital Madrid. Dozens of youths threw projectiles at police, who responded by charging at them. Demonstrators were protesting over issues including unemployment, poverty and official corruption.

North Korea steps up missile launches
North Korea has test fired dozens of short-range rockets in the past 24 hours, the South's military says, in an apparent show of anger with Seoul. Analysts say the launches are Pyongyang's way of protesting against joint military drills between the US and South Korea. Some 16 rockets were fired into the sea early on Sunday, following the launch of 30 on Saturday.

Guinea deaths: Ebola blamed for deadly fever outbreak
The Ebola virus has been identified as the cause of an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever now believed to have killed nearly 60 people in southern Guinea, government officials say. Scores of cases have been recorded since the outbreak began early last month. There is no known cure or vaccine for the highly contagious Ebola virus.

William Hague: Russia faces 'isolation' over Ukraine
William Hague has warned Russia that it faces long-term "isolation and stagnation" over the crisis in Ukraine. The foreign secretary said it was time to consider a "new state of relations" different to that of the past 20 years. Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, he said the UK and its European allies would not "run scared".

Three killed by a landslide in US state of Washington
At least three people have been killed and several badly injured in a huge landslide in a rural area of the north-western American state of Washington, officials say. The landslide destroyed six houses and covered a road near the town of Oso, about 90km (55 miles) north of Seattle. It was at least 41m (135ft) wide and 54m deep, local authorities said.

Report: US could free Pollard to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks teetering on the brink of collapse, US officials are mulling a desperate bid to resuscitate the negotiations by making a significant move that would win the approval of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s coalition, one that may perhaps include the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.

After Jenin raid, Netanyahu vows Israel 'will attack those who attack us'
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised Israel's security forces...for the raid in Jenin on Saturday that led to the death of Hamas member Hamza Abu Aleija. “Our forces hit someone who planned and organized attacks on innocent civilians," he said, calling this a "very important" operation. "Our policy is to attack those who attack or plan to attack us."


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

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G-7 Suspends Russia Over Ukraine
The Group of Seven industrialized nations has suspended Russia's membership, in response to its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region. The action was called by U.S. President Barack Obama, who began a tour of Europe Monday in an effort to isolate Russia.

Obama administration to propose NSA stop collecting, storing phone call data
The White House wants the National Security Agency to get out of the business of sweeping up and storing vast amounts of data on Americans' phone calls.

Egypt court sentences 528 Morsi supporters to death
A court in Egypt has sentenced 528 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to death. They were convicted of charges including murdering a policeman and attacks on people and property. The group is among some 1,200 Muslim Brotherhood supporters on trial, including senior members.

Europe, Stunned by Reckless Russia, Mistrusts Feckless Ukrainian Leaders
Nearly two years to the day after Ukraine and the European Union first initialed an agreement promising greater trade and political ties, both parties signed the pact last week in a move meant to bolster the nascent pro-Western government in Kiev. But as Russia settles into Crimea, putting an end to the post-Cold-War assumption that European borders would forever more be unalterable by force, the mood in Brussels has darkened.

Malaysia plane: Bad weather halts search for flight MH370
Australian officials say the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has been suspended because of bad weather. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa) said high winds and rain meant planes could not fly safely. Malaysian PM Najib Razak says satellite data showed the plane ended its journey in remote seas west of Australia.

A CME launched from sunspot AR2014 on March 23rd is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on March 25th. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30%-40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on March 25-26.

Nato commander calls for allies to mobilise after Russia prepares ‘incredible force’ on Ukrainian border
Nato's top military commander has warned that Russia is building an "incredible force" on its border with Ukraine, and said the time has come for Western allies to move its own troops to the east. There are growing fears that President Vladimir Putin may be preparing to follow up the annexation of Crimea with a move into Moldova's mainly Russian-speaking separatist Transdniestria.

Vladimir Putin Vows to Defend Christianity Worldwide
The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church has told Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin this week of the urgent situation Christians are facing around the world in persecution hot spots, and has asked him to use his power to aid their situations. RT online reported that Metropolitan Hilarion, foreign relation chief of the Russian Orthodox Church presented evidence and statistics that stated, "Every five minutes one Christian was dying for his or her faith in some part of the word."

Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years
Obama has spent more time traveling abroad than other U.S. president in history at this point in their presidencies, according to a forthcoming study from the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF) provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its public release.

High court to weigh limits of religious liberty in ObamaCare case
The high court on Tuesday will hear challenges to ObamaCare’s contentious “birth control mandate,” which requires companies to offer contraceptive services to workers as part of their insurance coverage. If successful, the challenge could peel away a significant portion of the mandate.

Russia Raises Gas Price For Ukraine, Demanding $11 Billion In Back Payments
Russia is set to charge Ukraine $500 for 1,000 cubic metres of natural gas, reported the New York Times on Sunday, $100 more than what it was already charging and nearly a third higher than what Russia’s gas company, Gazprom, charges clients elsewhere.

Report: US could free Pollard to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
US could free Pollard to rescue Israeli-Palestinian peace talks Obama administration officials have not ruled out Netanyahu’s proposal that Pollard be released in exchange for Israel’s agreement to free Israeli Arabs convicted of terrorist acts

Christians in Israel ask EU to stop ‘Christian ethnic cleansing’ in Arab countries
150 Christian citizens of Israel demonstrated outside the European Union's delegation in Tel Aviv, against the EU's silence relative to what they termed “the ethnic cleansing of Christians throughout the Middle East.” The protesters demanded that the EU act for human rights and fight for the Christians throughout the Middle East, who are quickly becoming extinct except in Israel.

3 cult members sentenced to death after kidnapping and mutilating 1-year-old girl
Three cult members were arrested, charged and convicted of murder after killing a 1-year-old girl, prosecutors in Nigeria said. Now, the High Court of Ondo State, sentenced the three men to death by hanging for the kidnapping and murder of Rachel Akingboye.

Obama visit next Saturday to highlight expanding Saudi role
Saudi Arabia's growing importance in regional and international affairs, as well as its relations with the US, will come under the spotlight when US President Barack Obama visits the Kingdom on Friday. The Kingdom is the last leg of the president’s six-day trip, which will include stops in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Vatican City.

No 'signs of life' after huge Washington landslide
Hopes of finding any more survivors from a massive mudslide that killed at least eight people waned as searchers pulled more bodies from the tangled debris field and crews worked through the night into Monday in rural Washington state.

Arizona Sheriff: ‘If Decapitating Police Officers Is Not Terrorism, What is?’: More Troops At Korean Border Than Deadly U.S. Mexican Border.
The federal government should designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations under U.S. law, according to an Arizona sheriff, Paul Babeu, near the U.S.-Mexico border.

Deadly Ebola virus reaches Guinea capital Conakry - UN
An outbreak of the Ebola virus - which has already killed 59 people in Guinea - has reached the capital Conakry, the UN's children agency has warned. Unicef said the haemorrhagic fever had spread quickly from southern Guinea, hundreds of kilometres away. Scores of cases have been recorded since the outbreak began last month. There is no known cure or vaccine.

Kenya church attack: Two more die in Mombasa
Two more people have died after Sunday's attack on a church near the Kenyan port of Mombasa, officials say, meaning six people have now died. Witnesses say more people are seriously wounded after at least two gunmen burst into the church in Likoni and started shooting indiscriminately. The attackers managed to escape on foot before police arrived.

Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi supporters to death
A court in Egypt has sentenced to death 529 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. They were convicted of charges including murdering a policeman and attacks on people and property. The group is among over 1,200 supporters of Mr Morsi on trial, including senior Brotherhood members.

Dannatt: UK needs to retain 3,000 troops in Germany
The UK should recruit more soldiers in light of the Ukraine and Syria crises and retain 3,000 troops in Germany, the former head of the Army has said. Lord Dannatt said boosting troops would signify that the UK took "defence and security seriously". Amid Nato concerns over Russian forces in Crimea, he said the West must have "muscle behind our message".

United Nations Human Rights Council debates 5 anti-Israel resolutions
The United Nations Human Rights Council debated five anti-Israel resolutions — including one that calls for a business boycott of West Bank settlements and Jewish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem — during its Monday meeting in Geneva. ...The non-governmental group UN Watch, has already published the texts of the anti-Israel resolutions in advance of a 1 p.m. deadline to submit them to the council for debate this afternoon.

Another Obama reset: Europe
Memories are fading of the teeming European crowds who heaped adulation on Barack Obama in 2008 and the anticipatory frenzy which led to him receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. As president, Obama’s official dealings with Europe have been surprisingly rocky.

Hezbollah ambush kills three bomb experts in Qalamoun
A Hezbollah ambush Sunday killed three rebels who were experts in preparing car bombs along with four of their bodyguards in the strategic Qalamoun region of Syria near the Lebanese border, a source close to the party said.

Putin ally suggests U.S. sanctions on his bank have backfired
An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin who heads a bank that was hit by U.S. sanctions over the Crimea crisis suggested on Sunday the move had backfired by helping him win new clients.

Nato warns of Russian army build-up on Ukraine border
Nato's military commander in Europe has issued a warning about the build-up of Russian forces on Ukraine's border. Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen Philip Breedlove said Nato was in particular concerned about the threat to Moldova's Trans-Dniester region.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

North Korea test-fires mid-range missiles
North Korea has test-fired two medium-range ballistic missiles, just hours after the US, South Korea and Japan met in the Netherlands for talks. It is the first launch of a Nodong missile since 2009 and marks a step up from the short-range rockets Pyongyang has fired in recent weeks.

China to have nuclear missiles on subs soon: US admiral
China for the first time will likely have subs equipped with long-range nuclear missiles later this year, part of an increasingly potent submarine fleet, a top US officer said Tuesday, The head of US Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, said the latest class of Chinese subs would be armed with a new ballistic missile with an estimated range of 4,000 nautical miles (7,500 kilometers).

China official urges calm as depositors again queue outside rural banks
A Chinese county official appealed for calm among bank depositors in the eastern city of Yancheng on Wednesday as queues formed for a third straight day outside the branches of two small banks rumored to be in financial trouble.

Obama: I'm Concerned About a Nuke Being Detonated in Manhattan
"So my response then continues to be what I believe today, which is: Russia's actions are a problem. They don't pose the number one national security threat to the United States. I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan," said Obama.

Arab leaders air deep differences during summit
Arab leaders openly feuded over the region's most intractable problems at their annual summit on Tuesday, particularly the inability to resolve Syria's civil war and anger at Qatar for its support of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oil up above $100 on Russia, Libya supply risks
Oil prices edged above $100 a barrel Tuesday on supply concerns tied to the possible widening of sanctions against Russia and the prolonged difficulties of Libya's oil industry.

Fear of slowdown in US and eurozone as China's factories cut output
Manufacturing activity falls to lowest level in eight months as Beijing's economic reforms start to bite.

Hamas would accept peace with Israel, West Bank leader says
In first, Sheikh Hassan Yousef says Islamists will support an accord should it pass a referendum, offers interim cease-fire.

Egypt opens second mass trial of Islamists
Day after court sentences 530 Morsi supporters to death, 683 more face charges from murder to sabotage.

Earth is looking down the double barrel of two potentially active sunspots: AR2010 and AR2014 have complex magnetic fields that harbor energy for strong eruptions, and both have grown since the week began.

A CME launched from sunspot AR2014 on March 23rd (movie) is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on March 25th. NOAA forecasters estimate a 20%-40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on March 25-26.

Chileans worry over string of 300 quakes in north
More than 300 earthquakes have shaken Chile's far-northern coast the past week, keeping people on edge as scientists say there is no way to tell if the unusual string of tremors is a harbinger of an impending disaster. The unnerving activity began with a strong magnitude-6.7 quake on March 16 that caused more than 100,000 people to briefly evacuate low-lying areas, although no tsunami materialized and there was little physical damage from the shaking.

Israel Sets Aside $2.8 Billion For Unilateral Iran Attack After Defense Minister Says We Can't Depend On US
Despite ongoing talks and negotiations between Iran and the West over the Iranian nuclear program, Israel is taking no chances. Based on recent statements by senior military officers, a whopping amount of at least 10 billion shekels ($2.89 billion) has been set aside by Israel for a potential unilateral military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities in 2014.

Blue State Residents Should be Seeing Red
If you live in a state that tends to vote “Democrat” in national elections, on average, your total state and local tax bill will be more than one-third higher than someone who lives in a Republican-leaning state.

Officials work to narrow number of missing in Washington mudslide
Emergency responders and volunteers were to resume search operations Tuesday morning and attempt to narrow down the number of people unaccounted for following Saturday's massive mudslide in a rural part of Washington state, north of Seattle. Late Monday, authorities announced that the official death toll had increased to 14 after searchers discovered six more bodies in the rubble.

Obama Seeking to Abolish Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs
Obama is doing that thing again that he loves to do, "which is surrender whatever advantages the country has – whichever advantages, wherever we dominate...."

Obama trip to Europe dominated by Ukraine crisis
Obama takes his hard line on Russia to Europe this week and will see how far European allies are willing to go to stop Moscow from moving deeper into Ukraine after annexing Crimea. Obama departed Washington on Sunday night for the Netherlands, his first stop on a four-nation trip that will include visits to Belgium, Italy and Saudi Arabia.

African health workers battle Ebola; suspected Canada case
At least 59 people are known to have died in Guinea's southern forests and there are six suspected cases in Liberia which, if confirmed, would mark the first spread of the highly contagious pathogen into another country. And there are fears the virus may have crossed continents, with a man returning to Canada from Liberia seriously ill in hospital after experiencing symptoms consistent with the virus, health officials said.

Arab League 'categorically' refuses to recognize Israel as Jewish state
The Arab League will flatly refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state in the final resolution... ...According to the draft of the final resolution...Arab states declare their "absolute and categorical refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state"...also "rejects all pressure to this effect on the Palestinian leadership", a likely reference to American efforts to keep the negotiations going after their April deadline.

Homeland Security Exercise Targets “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny”
Leaked Homeland Security documents obtained by Infowars reveal details of a joint DHS/FEMA national exercise set to take place this week, one of the components of which revolves around an effort to counter online dissent by a group called “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny,” which is disgruntled at the imposition of martial law after an earthquake in Alaska.

Number of people listed as missing in Washington state landslide rises to 176
The number of people listed as missing from a devastating Washington state landslide that has killed at least 14 people rose on Monday to 176 from 108... "The 176 I believe very strongly is not going to be a number that we're going to see in fatalities, I think it's going to drop dramatically," Pennington said, adding that there appear to be duplicates in some of those people reported missing.

Vatican Chief Justice: Obama’s Policies ‘Have Become Progressively More Hostile Toward Christian Civilization’
The Vatican’s chief justice feels that President Barack Obama’s policies have been hostile toward Christians. In an interview with Polonia Christiana magazine –and transcribed by Life Site News — Cardinal Raymond Burke said that Obama “promotes anti-life and anti-family policies.”

Nigerian 'House of Horror' riot in Ibadan
Rioting has erupted outside a building in Nigeria where human remains were found at the weekend. At least 20 people are reported to have been injured when dozens were prevented from entering the property - dubbed the "House of Horror"... Locals suspect black magic rituals were behind the scores of skeletons and rotting corpses found there.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

An earthquake today 2014 has just struck the coast of Greece. The quake follows an Indonesia earthquake today March 26, 2014 beginning within the hour
Officials tell news that a 4.2 magnitude Greece earthquake today hit just after 1:34 pm local time. The quake was shallow. Reps tell news that the quake started twenty-three miles below sea level. As a result the quake could be felt across the immediate region.

Earthquake Today 2014 Strikes Greece off the Coast
Officials tell news that a 4.2 magnitude Greece earthquake today hit just after 1:34 pm local time. The quake was shallow. Reps tell news that the quake started twenty-three miles below sea level. As a result the quake could be felt across the immediate region.

Police Militarization: Local Law Enforcement Conducting More Military Style Operations
Since, local law enforcement has transitioned itself into a paramilitary police force. Immediately following 9/11, Americans felt vulnerable and welcomed the tight security and stricter police forces. However, Americans now feel that police are overstepping their bounds, both morally and constitutionally.

G7 countries snub Putin and refuse to attend planned G8 summit in Russia
Amid fears of further Russian military moves in Ukraine, G7 meets in The Hague without Russia for the first time since 1998.

Obama to highlight Putin threat to EU during keynote speech in Brussels
US president will use visit to brand Russian leader as a menace to international system built up by Europe and US!

Jordanian king vows to protect Jerusalem
Abdullah’s speech to the Arab League Summit in Kuwait came as tensions between Israel and Jordan have bubbled up over demands by Knesset lawmakers that Israel impose sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

5.4-magnitude quake hits near Japan islands in northern Ryukyu archipelago
A 5.4-magnitude earthquake has hit near Japan’s islands in northern part of Ryukyu archipelago in the East China Sea.

'Obama Administration Is Attempting to Write a New Moral Code'
If you restrict those of faith from applying their conscience to the world around them, then you quench the progress of freedom.

Franklin Graham: Some Administration Officials Are ‘Anti-Christ’
Some of the people working in the Obama administration and in the White House are trying to “completely secularize our military” and are “hostile to Christians,” to the point that they “are anti-Christ in what they say and in what they do,” said Christian evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of world-renowned preacher Rev. Billy Graham.

No tsunami after 6.5 quake south of Fiji
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake has occurred south of the Fiji Islands, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was at a depth of 295 miles.

Later today in Brazil, an international team of astronomers will announce a controversial discovery in the outer solar system. According to an ESO media advisory, "the unexpected result raises several unanswered questions and is expected to provoke much debate." The press conference, to be held in Portuguese, commences at 18:30 CET (15:00 BRT) on March 26th. Stay tuned for the surprise.

Gallup Polling Warns of Democrat Wipeout in 2014
....a new Gallup poll at or below the 2010 lows that resulted in a Republican election landslide, Democrats should “be afraid” of an election wipeout in 2014.

5 Disasters the Environmentalist Left Blamed on American Industry
With the Biblical epic Noah slated to hit theaters this, the left is stoked about apocalyptic disaster springing from misuse of nature. The movie itself reportedly blames God’s wrath on a combination of overpopulation and environmental degradation; it’s a perverse environmental take on the sin that led God to destroy humanity through the flood. This neo-pagan worldview – the belief that nature is a deity to be worshipped, and capable of avenging itself on its arrogant human taskmasters – now finds itself mirrored in pseudo-scientific discussion of virtually every disaster of the last year.

Pin drop! Obama lawyer stuns Supreme justice
In a dramatic moment at the Supreme Court Tuesday, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli told justices that U.S. business owners have no religious freedom to reject government mandates forcing them to cover abortions.

March 2014 Tornado Drought May Set Record
For the second consecutive year, U.S. March tornado counts are among the lowest on record.

Over 300 Earthquakes in A Week Has Chile on Edge
An unusual string of more than 300 earthquakes that have rattled Chile's far-northern coast this past week has people on edge. Scientists say there is no way to tell if the unusual string of tremors is a harbinger of an impending disaster.

Ukraine far-right leader shot dead in gunfight with police
UKRAINIAN ELITE POLICE have shot dead a far-right nationalist leader in the western city of Rivne in a shootout that erupted during a raid to arrest him, the government has said.

Living materials could grow products
Living materials based on bacteria and grown in a Boston lab could point to a greener way of manufacturing. In future, complex and interactive structures could be grown using cells programmed to assemble into intricate patterns, the researchers argue. They describe patterned biofilms made from proteins tougher than steel, designed to incorporate semiconducting crystals and electrical wiring.

U.S., Ukraine to join international military drill in Bulgaria
U.S. and Ukrainian troops will take part in military drills with about 700 soldiers from 10 other countries at a shooting range in central Bulgaria, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday. The two-week military exercise at the Novo Selo training facility starts on Friday. It was planned before the standoff between the West and Moscow over Russia's annexation of Crimea, defence officials said.

Ukraine crisis to dominate Obama EU talks
US President Barack Obama is in Brussels for talks with leaders of the European Union and Nato to discuss Ukraine and other transatlantic issues. In a major speech, he is due to stress the importance of European security to the US, and warn Russia against threatening international stability. He began his visit with a visit to a cemetery in Flanders, where US soldiers killed in World War One are buried.

Pakistan team in North Waziristan to hold Taliban talks
A team of Pakistani government representatives have arrived in the tribal region of North Waziristan for peace talks with the Taliban. It will be the first direct contact between the two sides since peace moves began last month. The government team flew by helicopter from Peshawar and are to meet Taliban negotiators at an undisclosed location.

Venezuela President Maduro arrests 'three plotting generals'
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said that three air force generals have been arrested for plotting an uprising against his government. Mr Maduro said that the authorities had been tipped off by "young officers". The three generals, who have not been named, had links with the opposition, said Mr Maduro.

Hobby Lobby case: Court weighs birth control mandate
The US Supreme Court has heard arguments in a case that turns on whether for-profit companies can exercise religious beliefs. Two companies are challenging a provision of a 2010 healthcare overhaul that requires employers to cover the cost of workers' birth control. Their owners say that violates their Christian beliefs. The government says an exemption would undermine the law.

Kerry to meet Abbas in Amman in last ditch effort to salvage talks
US Secretary of State John Kerry is to meet Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Amman on Wednesday, hours after Abbas dismissed Kerry’s framework document. Abbas...said in reference to Kerry’s document...that the Palestinians did not need new agreements that would be “buried” by Israel through reservations and pre-conditions.

North Korea test-fires mid-range missiles
North Korea has test-fired two medium-range ballistic missiles, just hours after the US, South Korea and Japan met in the Netherlands for talks. It is the first launch of a Nodong missile since 2009 and marks a step up from the short-range rockets Pyongyang has fired in recent weeks.

China to have nuclear missiles on subs soon: US admiral
China for the first time will likely have subs equipped with long-range nuclear missiles later this year, part of an increasingly potent submarine fleet, a top US officer said Tuesday, The head of US Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, said the latest class of Chinese subs would be armed with a new ballistic missile with an estimated range of 4,000 nautical miles (7,500 kilometers).

China official urges calm as depositors again queue outside rural banks
A Chinese county official appealed for calm among bank depositors in the eastern city of Yancheng on Wednesday as queues formed for a third straight day outside the branches of two small banks rumored to be in financial trouble.

Obama: I'm Concerned About a Nuke Being Detonated in Manhattan
"So my response then continues to be what I believe today, which is: Russia's actions are a problem. They don't pose the number one national security threat to the United States. I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan," said Obama.

Arab leaders air deep differences during summit
Arab leaders openly feuded over the region's most intractable problems at their annual summit on Tuesday, particularly the inability to resolve Syria's civil war and anger at Qatar for its support of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Oil up above $100 on Russia, Libya supply risks
Oil prices edged above $100 a barrel Tuesday on supply concerns tied to the possible widening of sanctions against Russia and the prolonged difficulties of Libya's oil industry.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Boehner Slams Obamacare Extension: Is This a Joke?
Speaker John Boehner slammed the latest Obamacare extension on Wednesday — angrily asking, "What the hell is this? A joke?"

Obama tells Pope Francis he is a 'great admirer'
Although Obama and the church remain deeply split over abortion and contraception, Obama considers the pontiff a kindred spirit on issues of economic inequality, and their private meeting in the Papal Library ran longer than scheduled. After they emerged to cameras, Francis presented Obama with a copy of his papal mission statement decrying a global economic system that excludes the poor. Obama said he will keep it in the Oval Office.

KGW: Swarm of quakes recorded around Government Camp
KGW reported Wednesday that more than 30 small earthquakes have rattled the ground under the Mount Hood community since Sunday. None have been big, but they have “captured the attention of state geologists and rattled the nerves of some nearby residents,” the Portland television station reported. According to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, the largest of the quakes measured 2.3 on the Richter magnitude scale. Some were as small as 0.3 But KGW said that it’s the location of the quakes, not their size, that has scientists taking note. They are along a newly discovered fault.

US says Russian forces likely to enter eastern Ukraine
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told CNN that there have been several signs of Moscow’s plan in the past three to four days. “This has shifted our thinking that the likelihood of a further Russian incursion is more probable than it was previously thought to be,” one official said.

Supreme Court Update
Just as many (43%) say the justice system is not fair to most Americans, up two points from the previous survey and a new high. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.

Israel: Abbas refusal to discuss ‘Jewish state’ torpedoing talks
PA president’s stark position contrasts with Netanyahu’s willingness to recognize Palestinian state, senior official says.

Turkey, Israel said ready to reopen missions as deal nears
Turkey and Israel are set to reopen embassies in each others’ capitals, ending four years of strained ties between the countries, a Turkish newspaper reported Thursday.

Terrorist Release Must be Hand-In-Hand with Peace Accord
The father of terror attack victim Bat-Chen Posis-Shachak exclaimed that the release of convicted terrorists should only take place under the auspices of a peace treaty.

Israel must stay out of Ukraine crisis
Our relationship with Russia is not perfect, but Putin combats anti-Semitism, has kept his promise not to complete delivery of anti-aircraft systems to Iran and Syria.

CA Democrat's Alleged Arms Trafficking Scheme Linked to Islamist Rebels
The 137-page, FBI-sworn affidavit against California State Sen. Leland Yee, a Democrat who is also running for Secretary of State, and over two dozen other individuals reads like a crime thriller.

Obama underlines EU-US ties in first visit to Brussels
US president Barack Obama yesterday underlined the longstanding links between the US and Europe on security and defence policy, as he made his first official visit to the headquarters of the EU.

Russia Has Been Quietly Doing Something You Should Know About
As U.S. intelligence agencies scrambled in February for reliable information on the crisis in Ukraine, Russia was quietly increasing its gold holdings by 7.24 tonnes...to 1,042 tonnes, according to data released this week... Considering that Russia currently holds approximately $400 billion in foreign exchange reserves, most of it in U.S. dollars, recent developments in the country’s gold holdings could be important.

World Vision reverses decision to hire married 'gays'
Just two days after announcing it would hire Christians who are in same-sex marriages, the board of the prominent evangelical relief charity World Vision U.S. has reversed its decision, acknowledging it “made a mistake.”

Syrian rebels battle deeper into coastal province
Syrian rebels pressed their offensive deeper into the coastal heartland of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect on Wednesday, battling government troops backed by warplanes for control of at least two villages in the heavily wooded and mountainous terrain, activists said.

NWS prepares for Gulf of Mexico tsunami
"An earthquake off of the New Orleans' coast causes a submarine landslide in the Mississippi Canyon area and this will cause a tsunami and wave across the Gulf of Mexico and impact the coast of Southern Louisiana," explained Joe Rue, NWS Tsunami Program Manager.

US: Abbas and Kerry held 'constructive' talks in Jordan
The latest round of talks between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Amman on Wednesday were "constructive," a US official said Thursday. Kerry broke off from his visit to Rome with President Barack Obama to rush to Jordan for talks with Abbas in a bid to keep the shaky Israeli-Palestinian from derailing. Obama was to meet Thursday with Pope Francis.

Moderate quake hits West Halmahera
The epicenter of the quake, which struck at 3:47 a.m. local time, was located 44 km southwest of West Halmahera or 2,456 km northeast of Jakarta at a depth of 140 km, head of the Kotabumi geophysics station in Lampung, Yuharman, said as quoted by Antara news agency.

NWS confirms EF-0 tornadoes in Glenn, Butte counties; Roseville
SACRAMENTO, Calif. —The National Weather Service has confirmed a Roseville neighborhood was hit by a tornado on Wednesday evening -- and preliminary reports show it's an EF-0, but still on the higher end, with strong winds ripping through the area.

Egypt's military chief Sisi quits to run for presidency
Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has announced that he has resigned as Egypt's military chief in order to stand for the presidency. In a widely expected announcement, he said on state TV he was appearing "in my military uniform for the last time". Field Marshal Sisi led the overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in July after mass opposition protests.

Obama meets Pope Francis during Rome visit
US President Barack Obama says it was a "great honour" to meet Pope Francis for the first time during a European tour dominated by the crisis in Ukraine. He flew into Rome after three days of talks with world leaders in the Netherlands and Brussels. Tensions are high following Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Egypt to build anti-terror fence in Sinai
Egypt began constructing its own security barrier a few days ago around the north Sinai city of El-Arish in order to prevent terrorism. The move is meant to isolate the coastal city from others in the Sinai region and to control entry and exit points, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm reported on Wednesday


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Moloch Returns - Aborted Fetuses Burned For Fuel In UK Hospitals
* Warning - some of the descriptions regarding abortion and child sacrifice used in this article are graphic * Over the last two years, more than 15,000 aborted babies were incinerated to heat UK (United Kingdom) hospitals, or burned alongside other rubbish. The incinerated babies were categorized as ‘clinical waste’ in the same way as used dressings and syringes. Some of this ‘clinical waste’ was then used in 'waste to energy' plants which were then used to provide heating for hospitals.

In Islamist stronghold, Egyptians feel powerless to confront mass death sentences
One percent of the town of Mattay's population was sentenced to death on Monday, when 529 accused supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood received death sentences at the end of a 45-minute trial in nearby Minya.

UN General Assembly votes 'yes' on Ukraine unity
In a surprisingly strong rebuke of Moscow, the UN General Assembly has affirmed Ukraine's territorial integrity and deemed the referendum that led to Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula illegal.

Deadly Ebola now ‘a regional threat’, as virus spreads to Guinea capital
The outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus said to have already claimed 63 lives in rural Guinea has now spread to the West African nation’s capital, Conakry, with the Health Ministry ringing the alarm and officials calling it a “threat to regional security.”

US Air Force fires nine in nuclear missile cheating scandal
The US Air Force said Thursday it sacked nine nuclear missile officers and will discipline dozens of others over an exam cheating scandal that has sparked concerns about lax ethics. The officers, including chiefs of four squadrons, were all working at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana, which has been rocked by cheating allegations that implicated up to 100 airmen.

New way to filter light: May provide first directional selectivity for light waves
But now, for the first time, researchers have produced a system that allows light of any color to pass through only if it is coming from one specific angle; the technique reflects all light coming from other directions.

Solar system has a new most-distant member
New work reports the discovery of a distant dwarf planet, called 2012 VP113, which was found beyond the known edge of the Solar System. This is likely one of thousands of distant objects that are thought to form the so-called inner Oort cloud. The work indicates the potential presence of an enormous planet, not yet seen, but possibly influencing the orbit of inner Oort cloud objects.

Putin a rival who is not welcome back to G7, says Harper as Russia looks to replace Visa with its own credit cards
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and German Chancellor Angela Merkel say they are united in their view that Russia has grossly violated Ukrainian sovereignty by annexing the Crimean peninsula. Following a meeting Thursday between the two G7 leaders, Harper also opined that chances are slim that Russian President Vladimir Putin could ever be welcomed back to the G8.

World A rapid Russian build-up of tanks and troops with tough talk from President Vladimir Putin raises fears war with Ukraine could be imminent
The commander of NATO forces in Europe visited the White House overnight to voice his alarm at Moscow’s massive military build-up facing eastern Ukraine — on the other side of the embattled country to the already-annexed Crimean peninsula. Many other military and political voices are suddenly expressing the same fears.

Saudi mistrust overshadows Obama’s visit to kingdom
Saudi Arabia has strong reservations about attempts by Washington and other major powers to negotiate a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, and disappointment over Obama’s 11th-hour decision last year not to take military action against the Syrian regime over chemical weapons attacks.

Israel sits out vote for key IMF Ukraine bailout vote
Iran also stays away from UN resolution offering $14-$18 billion, a show of Western support as Russia’s troops gather.

A total lunar eclipse on April 15th marks the beginning of a 'tetrad' -- a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses all visible from North America. For people in the United States, an extraordinary series of lunar eclipses is about to begin. The action starts on April 15th when the full Moon passes through the amber shadow of Earth, producing a midnight eclipse visible across North America.

Americans' brains being fried by cell towers: New scientific evidence reveals shocking extent of electropollution damage
Exposure to cell phone towers alters brain function in alarming ways, causing a lack of concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping and lack of appetite. That's the conclusion of a new study just published by the British Medical Journal.(1) The study...concluded that...the closer a person lives to a cell tower, the greater the severity of their symptoms. This was true regardless of race, income level and other demographics.

Humans will be kept between life and death in the first suspended animation trials
At a hospital in Pittsburgh, surgeons are now allowed to place patients into a state of suspended animation. If a patient arrives with a traumatic injury, and attempts to restart their heart have failed — if they’re on the doorstep of death — they will have their blood replaced with a cold saline solution, which stops almost all cellular activity.

Get ready to have your biometrics tracked 24/7
It's already too late to stop the ubiquitous tracking and monitoring of the public through biometrics, says Peter Waggett, Programme Leader at IBM's Emerging Technology Group. We need to stop worrying about prevention, and start working out how to make the most of data garnered from that kind of surveillance.

Ukraine says 100,000 Russian troops near border
Washington (AFP) - Nearly 100,000 Russian forces have massed on Ukraine's border, a top Ukrainian defense official told an American audience Thursday, giving a number far higher than US military estimates. "Almost 100,000 soldiers are stationed on the borders of Ukraine and in the direction ... of Kharkiv, Donetsk, " Andriy Parubiy, chairman of Ukraine's national security council, said via a webcast from Kiev.

Sedki Sobhi sworn in as Egypt's new military chief
Egypt's new armed forces chief and defence minister has been sworn in, a day after Abdul Fattah al-Sisi resigned so he could stand for the presidency. Interim President Adly Mansour confirmed Gen Sedki Sobhi's appointment at the weekly cabinet meeting in Cairo. Gen Mahmoud Hegazi, whose daughter is married to one of Mr Sisi's sons, was named the army's new chief-of-staff.

Internet providers can be forced to block access to illegal downloads, rules EU Court
EU-based internet service providers can be ordered to block customers’ access to a copyright-infringing website, following a ruling on Thursday (27 March) by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). ...The EU's copyright directive gives rights holders the power to request an injunction against intermediaries who provide services that can be used to breach copyright.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Putin calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine-White House
Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine, the White House said, adding that Obama told him that Russia must pull back its troops and not move deeper into Ukraine. It was believed to have been the first direct conversation between Obama and Putin since the United States and its European allies began imposing sanctions on Putin's inner circle and threatened to penalize key sectors of Russia's economy.

Shocking Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting
During the Nuclear Security Summit, which was held on March 24th and 25th in the Netherlands, Reuters captured video of presidents and prime ministers from all over the world wearing a very peculiar pyramid-shaped pin. the unholy pyramid is a very dark symbol that represents some of the deepest secrets of the elite. When it shows up in a very public forum like an international summit meeting, it is usually not by accident.

Sunspot AR2017 in the sun's northern hemisphere is crackling with M-class solar flares, and it has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for even stronger eruptions. update: AR2017 has just unleashed an X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme ultraviolet flash on March 29th

We know what you’re thinking: Scientists find a way to read minds
Scientists have used brain scanners to detect and reconstruct the faces that people are thinking of, according to a a study accepted for publication this month in the journal NeuroImage. In the study, scientists hooked participants up to an fMRI brain scanner – which determines activity in different parts of the brain by measuring blood flow – and showed them images of faces. Then, using only the brain scans, the scientists were able to create images of the faces the people were looking at.

‘Mystery’ aircraft reportedly spotted flying over Texas raises speculation
It was a clear day, and the group was alerted to three aircrafts flying across the southwest skies. Douglass estimated that the planes got within 20 miles of the group and they started taking pictures with their 300mm zoom cameras. They looked at the photos, and saw that one appeared to be a silver-grey B-2 bomber.

Report: Kerry suggests defining Israel as 'national homeland for Jews'
US Secretary of State John Kerry is trying to overcome the controversy surrounding the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state by changing the definition to "the national homeland of the Jews", the London-based Arabic Al-Hayat newspaper reported Saturday morning.

Many are stunned at President Obama’s weakness. Some have accused him of “leading from behind.” His staff says that means he sees himself as a guide o
With just days to go before open enrollment ends on March 31, Maryland officials are reportedly planning to abandon its glitch-ridden ObamaCare website and replace the health exchange with technology from Connecticut’s marketplace. The Washington Post reported late Friday that the board of the Maryland exchange will vote on changing the system that has cost at least $125.5 million at a meeting on Tuesday, the day after the end of the first enrollment period under ObamaCare.

Nato appoints anti-war protester as next secretary general
Nato has appointed Jens Stoltenberg, the former Norwegian prime minister leader who once opposed the transatlantic alliance, to lead it when Anders Fogh Rasmussen, its current secretary general, steps down later this year. In his youth Mr Stoltenberg...objected both to Nato and the European Community, two organisations that he eventually came to support...

Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
A Christian man has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, according to his lawyer, following an incident last year that prompted a Muslim mob to torch hundreds of homes. It is the latest in a string of convictions prompting calls from religious minorities for the law to be reformed.

Ukraine crisis: Russia vows no invasion
Moscow has no intention of sending troops into Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said. His comments came after the US and Russian presidents discussed a possible diplomatic solution to the crisis. The US-backed plan calls for Russia to halt to its military build-up on the border with Ukraine and withdraw its troops to base in Crimea.

Afghan election commission HQ under attack by Taliban
Taliban insurgents have attacked the headquarters of the Afghan election commission in Kabul, a week before the presidential election. Gunmen broke into a nearby building, disguised as women, and fired at the election commission with automatic weapons. Afghan special forces have killed three of the four attackers, police say.

Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed
The first same-sex weddings have taken place after gay marriage became legal in England and Wales at midnight. Politicians from the main parties have hailed the change in the law. David Cameron said the move sent a message that people were now equal "whether gay or straight", but some religious groups remain opposed.

Obama to Saudi king: US will not agree to bad nuclear deal with Iran
US President Barack Obama and Saudi King Abdullah discussed "tactical differences" in their approach to some issues...but agreed both sides remain strategically aligned... Obama also assured Abdullah that the United States would not accept a bad nuclear deal with Iran...adding that Washington remained concerned about providing some shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft weapons to Syrian rebels.

Report: PM tells US that coalition could collapse if Israel-Arab prisoners released
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the US that the Israeli government coalition could collapse should he go through with the controversial 4th prisoner release, according to a report by the British periodical al-Hayat. The report further quotes Palestinian officials stating that Abbas has made clear his refusal to continue negotiations should the fourth prisoner release not come to fruition.

Israel kills two Syrian gunmen on Golan border
Israeli forces fired on two armed gunmen as they attempted to cross into the Golan Heights from Syria on Friday, the IDF said, reportedly killing both of them.

Box Office: 'Noah' Winning Over Faith-Based and Mainstream Moviegoers
The Paramount and New Regency movie is also doing pleasing business among mainstream audiences. And now that Christian consumers are turning out in force, Noah should gross north of $41 million in it domestic launch, if not $45 million or more. The big question now is how it holds up on Saturday after a $15.5 million Friday.

Earthquake strikes Los Angeles area
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Los Angeles area of southern California, the US Geological Survey says. The quake happened at about 21:10 local time (04:10 GMT) and its epicentre was 2km (1 mile) east of the town of La Habra.

Russia Completes Military Takeover of Crimea
Russia has completed its military takeover of Crimea, as the Ukraine crisis continues. There also are reports that Moscow is amassing military forces on Russia's borders with Ukraine. Western leaders are calling for a de-escalation of tensions and a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Putin calls Obama to discuss Ukraine
Russia's Vladimir Putin has telephoned President Barack Obama to discuss the US proposal for a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine. Mr Obama suggested that Russia put a concrete response in writing, the White House said in a statement. According to the Kremlin, Mr Putin suggested examining how the situation could be stabilised.

Saudis woo Pakistan with $1.5 billion grant -- Why now?
Pakistan announced last week that it received a $1.5 billion grant from Saudi Arabia, which it termed a “friendly gift” and an “unconditional grant.” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have long had warm ties, but the no-strings-attached gift sparked immediate concern from Pakistani journalists, security experts, and opposition politicians, who question whether the grant is part of a behind-the-scenes deal for Pakistan to provide weapons for Syrian rebels.

California Senate suspends 3 Democratic lawmakers
The California Senate voted Friday to suspend three lawmakers caught up in separate criminal cases after the latest one to be hauled into court refused to step down, the most serious house-cleaning action the chamber has taken in more than a century.


Re: Rapture Ready News - March 2014

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

100 aftershocks reported since South California earthquake
A geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey tells CNN there have been as many as 100 aftershocks since a 5.1 magnitude earthquake rattled the Los Angeles area Friday.

4.8 earthquake rocks US Yellowstone National Park
The quake was centered almost in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, near the Norris Geyser Basin, said Peter Cervelli, a spokesman for the USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, NBC News reported. According to USGS there were four aftershocks recorded with a magnitude from 3.1 to 3.3. The USGS said that more are expected.

Another earthquake rattles southern California
Residents of southern California were rattled by a 4.1 magnitude earthquake Saturday afternoon, the largest of more than 100 aftershocks following Friday's 5.1 rumbler that caused light scattered damage around the Los Angeles area.

Dozen Oklahoma Earthquakes And Counting, 4.4 Largest Magnitude
Twelve earthquakes have shaken Oklahoma residents Sunday morning, the majority near Crescent. Between 12:37 and 3:06 a.m., seven quakes rattled residents north of the Crescent area. The magnitudes ranged from 2.8 to 4.3, and the depths were recorded about one to three miles deep.

Northern Yellowstone National Park shook by 4.8 earthquake
A 4.8 earthquake shook the northern part of Yellowstone National Park early Sunday. The University of Utah Seismograph Stations reports the earthquake occurred at 6:34 a.m. about 4 miles north-northeast of the Norris Geyser Basin. The university reports it was felt in the Montana border towns of West Yellowstone and Gardiner, both about 20 miles from the epicenter.

Guinea battles to contain Ebola as Senegal closes its border
Guinea is racing to contain a deadly Ebola epidemic spreading from its southern forests to the capital Conakry, as neighbouring Senegal closes its border. The European Union pledged 500,000 euros ($690,000) to fight the contagion, while the Senegalese interior ministry said border crossings to Guinea would be closed "until further notice".

Mass protest held in Taiwan against China trade deal
At least 100,000 people have taken to the streets of Taiwan's capital Taipei, to protest against a controversial trade agreement with China. They carried signs reading "defend democracy, withdraw the trade deal". President Ma Ying-jeou insists the deal will bring economic benefits, but campaigners says it will make Taiwan too economically dependent on China.

UN: Over one million displaced by South Sudan conflict
More than one million people have been forced from their homes by the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, the UN says. Of these, 803,200 have been displaced within the country, and another 254,000 have fled to neighbouring countries, according to the latest UN report. It warns that the situation is likely to get worse as the violence continues.

Iran names new ambassador to United Nations
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has selected a new ambassador to represent Tehran at the United Nations, Hamid Abutalebi, a veteran diplomat who has held key European postings in the past, Iranian sources said. According to reports, Aboutalebi was linked to the radical students' group that seized the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days.

Ken Ham: The Unbiblical ‘Noah’ Is a Fable of a Film
Leading creationist Ken Ham, who recently debated Bill Nye, says that the new blockbuster, starring Russell Crowe, is an insult to Christians: "Ultimately, there is barely a hint of biblical fidelity in this film. It is an unbiblical, pagan film from its start"

Assad regime accused of using poisonous gas
Assad-regime forces have used poisonous gas in Damascus, killing three people, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces has claimed. “Three people died and 25 people were left choking on Friday morning in Harasta town in the suburbs of Damascus as a result of poisonous gas,” the SMDK said in a statement on Saturday.

In Paris, a Diplomatic Push for Ukraine Solution
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are scheduled to meet in Paris Sunday as Washington and Moscow work toward a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine.

Soldiers killed by Lebanon car bomb
A suicide car bomber has attacked a Lebanese army checkpoint near the Syrian border, killing three soldiers, reports say. Four more soldiers were reported wounded in the blast, on the outskirts of the town of Arsal.

Aftershocks Rattle California Following 5.1 Earthquake
A 4.1 magnitude earthquake shook Los Angeles Saturday — a day after a 5.1 temblor hit the region. More than 100 aftershocks have hit the southern region of the U.S. state of California since Friday's quake. The U.S. Geological Survey has been recording the aftershocks, the largest of which appears to be a 3.4-magnitude quake that struck near the city of La Habra in Orange County.

Hezbollah leader defends Syria intervention
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Saturday called for domestic support for his militants after a year of growing sectarian violence in Lebanon following the Shi'ite militant group's intervention in the Syrian war.

Turkey PM Erdogan faces test in local election
People in Turkey are voting in local elections that analysts say could determine the political future of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. They are the first elections since mass protests erupted last June and a corruption scandal hit the government.

Iran 'destabilising actions' source of concern
Iran and its "destabilising actions" in the Middle East remain a source of concern for Washington despite progress in negotiations over Tehran's nuclear programme, a top US official said Friday.
