Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Ukraine Invasion Begins
Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

God have mercy on Ukraine, and it's God fearing people, who are looking to you
Lord for their deliverance. I pray for the Threat that hangs over the Globe Lord, for your people, whom belong to you. Lord Deliver your own and keep all from harm and evil, during these dire days ahead. We ask that the Lord would remove them from the wrath, which they are not appointed too, which soon will come upon the Earth and all it's inhabitants. Heavenly God & Father, My heart breaks, for all innocent people whom are longing to live in freedom of dictatorship, oppression, in poor conditions, while the wicked, continue to kill and destroy, loot and steal, what they have and have obtained, though much suffering and sorrow.

Lord have mercy on us, send your Son Jesus to take your Bride Home, and send Jesus and His army of Saints & Angels at Armageddon, to destroy the evil doers of this world, and set up your kingdom here on Earth to rule and reign with a rod of iron. Then there will be no more war...Thanks be to God. Amen.

Only God can deliver the Ukrainian people, and all of His people whom live
without freedom, liberty, under dictatorship! The time has arrived our home
coming call "Come Up Here", will Come from Jesus our Lord and Savior, anytime now! Maranatha! Valerie

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February 28, 2014 3:04 pm

Live blog: Tensions rise in Ukraine as Russia enters Crimea


SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Armed men took control of key airports in Crimea on Friday and Russian transport planes flew into the strategic region, Ukrainian officials said, an ominous sign of the Kremlin’s iron hand in Ukraine. President Barack Obama warned Moscow there will be costs if it intervenes militarily in Ukraine.

Serhiy Astakhov, a spokesman for the Ukrainian border service, said eight Russian transport planes landed in Crimea Peninsula in southern Ukraine with unknown cargo.

He told The Associated Press that the Il-76 planes arrived unexpectedly and were given permission to land, one after the other, at Gvardeiskoye air base, north of the regional capital, Simferopol. Astakhov said the people in the planes refused to identify themselves and waved off customs officials, saying they didn’t require their services.

Russian armored personnel carriers and a truck are parked on the side of the road near the town of Bakhchisarai, Ukraine. | Ivan Sekretarev/AP PhotoRussian armored personnel carriers and a truck are parked on the side of the road near the town of Bakhchisarai, Ukraine. | Ivan Sekretarev/AP Photo
SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Armed men took control of key airports in Crimea on Friday and Russian transport planes flew into the strategic region, Ukrainian officials said, an ominous sign of the Kremlin’s iron hand in Ukraine. President Barack Obama warned Moscow there will be costs if it intervenes militarily in Ukraine.

Serhiy Astakhov, a spokesman for the Ukrainian border service, said eight Russian transport planes landed in Crimea Peninsula in southern Ukraine with unknown cargo.

He told The Associated Press that the Il-76 planes arrived unexpectedly and were given permission to land, one after the other, at Gvardeiskoye air base, north of the regional capital, Simferopol. Astakhov said the people in the planes refused to identify themselves and waved off customs officials, saying they didn’t require their services.

Russia kept silent on claims of military intervention, even as it maintained its hard-line stance on protecting ethnic Russians in Crimea, a territory that has played a symbolic role in its national identity.

Ukraine’s U.N. ambassador said Friday that he told the U.N. Security Council that Russian military helicopters and transport planes are entering his country and that Russian armed forces seized Crimea’s main airport.
Associated Press journalists in Crimea spotted a convoy of nine Russian armored personnel carriers on a road between the port city of Sevastopol, where Russia has a naval base, and the regional capital, Simferopol. The tensions at two Crimea airports apparently caused the closure of airspace over the peninsula.

Russia’s Interfax agency cited Serhyi Kunitsyn, a Ukraine presidential envoy to Crimea, telling ATR television that 13 Russian planes carrying 150 Russian troops each landed at Gvardeiskoye air base. That report could not be confirmed.

In Washington, Obama said the U.S. is deeply concerned by reports of military movements by Russia inside Ukraine. He said any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity would be destabilizing.

continues at:


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Ukraine crisis deepens as Russia scrambles jets

Russia scrambled fighter jets to patrol its border and reportedly gave shelter to Ukraine's fugitive president as gunmen stormed government buildings in the strategic Crimea region and raised a Russian flag over the regional parliament Thursday, deepening the crisis for the new Ukrainian government even as it was being formed.

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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US, NATO, EU lecture Russia with 'provocative statements' on Ukraine

Moscow has urged NATO to refrain from provocative statements on Ukraine and respect its non-bloc status after a chorus of Western politicians said Russia should be “transparent” about its military drills and avoid any steps that could be “misunderstood.” “When NATO starts giving a consideration the situation in Ukraine, it sends out the wrong signal,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Thursday.

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Ukraine pleads for Britain and US to come to its rescue as Russia accused of 'invasion'

Deeply worried politicians inside Ukraine's parliament have pleaded with Britain and the United States to come to their rescue, after Russia was accused of launching a series of raids in the Crimea region. The two Western powers signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1994, which Kiev's parliament wants enforcing now.

The two Western powers signed an agreement with Ukraine in 1994, which Kiev's parliament wants enforcing now. The Budapest Memorandum, signed by Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine – promises to uphold the territorial integrity of Ukraine, in return for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons.

Article one reads: "The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine ... to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine."
And Kiev is now claiming that their country's borders are not being respected.

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Russia is making a big takeover move. Reminds me of the bear in Daniel with the three ribs in its mouth - Russia is the bear and the ribs are the territory it takes in my opinion. Here is another article-


Putin Shrugs Off Pusillanimous Obama Warning By Moving Troops Into Ukraine

Russian troops moved into Crimea Friday, U.S. officials told Fox News, prompting Ukraine to accuse Russia of an “armed invasion.”

At the White House, President Obama said the U.S. government is “deeply concerned” by reports of Russian “military movements” and warned any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty would be “deeply destabilizing.”

“There will be costs” for any military intervention, he said, without specifying what those costs might be.

U.S. officials told Fox News they see “evidence of air and maritime movement into and out of Crimea by Russian forces” although the Pentagon declined to officially “characterize” the movement.

Agence France Press quoted a top Ukranian official as saying Russian aircraft carrying nearly 2,000 suspected troops have landed at a military air base near the regional capital of the restive Crimean peninsula.

“Thirteen Russian aircraft landed at the airport of Gvardeyskoye (near Simferopol) with 150 people in each one,” Sergiy Kunitsyn, the Ukrainian president’s special representative in Crimea, told the local ATR television channel, according to AFP. source – Fox News


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins
Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Prayed that prayer in agreement with you, Valerie.

Come back Lord Jesus
We pray also for the peace of Jerusalem in Jesus name.
That's You, Lord. You are the source of peace.
Come back

Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Breaking News

Two Russian anti-sub warships moved to Sebastopol

DEBKAfile March 1, 2014, 10:44 PM (IST)
Ukraine accuses Moscow of breaching their contract by posting anti-submarine warships at the Crimean port of Sebastopol. European military sources say Russia has in poured 15,000 troops into Crimea. The Kiev government Saturday night appealed to the European Union, the United States and NATO for help in protecting Ukraine's territorial integrity.


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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« Breaking News »

Acting president orders Ukrainian army on combat alert

DEBKAfile March 1, 2014, 10:21 PM (IST)

Ukraine’s acting president Oleksandr Turchynov said Saturday night that there is no basis for Russia’s “acts of aggression” and has given the order to put armed forces on combat alert. He accused Russia of trying to destabilize Ukraine and urged the pullback of Russian forces. Moscow said it hopes there will be no further escalation of events in Ukraine.
Britain has called emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Russian actions in Crimea.

In eastern Ukraine and Crimea, thousands of pro-Russian demonstrators protesting the new government in Kiev are clashing with pro-Kiev protesters. Gunshots have been reported. Protesters in Kharkov and Donetsk stormed local government offices and removed Ukrainian flags, replacing them with the Russian tricolor on Saturday. The City Council in the eastern city of Donetsk has refused to recognize Ukraine’s "self-imposed government" and called for a referendum on the region’s status. The council has made Russian alongside Ukrainian the official language in the region.


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Is World War Three in the making?

Mar 01, 2014
Russian migration authorities report a huge spike in requests coming from Ukrainians to seek asylum in Russia, as some 143,000 people filed documents in just two weeks. Officials vow to process the requests in shortest possible time.

The City Council in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk has refused to recognize Ukraine’s self-imposed government and called for a referendum on the region’s status. The council has made Russian alongside Ukrainian the official language in the region.

Unable to resolve tensions with the largely pro-Russian autonomous region of Crimea, Kiev is bombarding Moscow with accusations and warnings. Some politicians have even threatened to restock Ukraine’s nuclear arsenal.

Russian senators are going to ask President Vladimir Putin to consider recalling Moscow’s Ambassador to the US following President Barack Obama’s “aggressive” comments on the situation in Ukraine, the speaker of the chamber said.

The upper house of the Russian parliament, the Federation Council, has ordered the committee on international affairs to apply to Putin and ask him to recall Moscow’s ambassador to the US, council speaker Valentina Matvienko said.

“The president will consider the appeal and make a decision,” she said.

On Friday, Obama warned Russia against Ukraine intervention.
“The United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine,” he said.

Vladimir Putin makes his move to overtake the Ukraine Ports with swarms of helicopters! Is World War 3 here? The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into a war with Russia if Putin’s troops intervene in the Ukraine.

BBC reports “Russia’s upper house of parliament has approved President Putin’s request for Russian forces to be used in Ukraine. He had asked that Russian forces be used “until the normalization of the political situation in the country”.

According to Daily Mail “A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin’s troops cross into the country. Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.”


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Vladimir Putin cools Ukraine tensions as U.S. talks sanctions

Russian leader pulls forces back from border, saying any sanctions against Russia will backfire

Russian President Vladimir Putin talked tough but cooled tensions in the Ukraine crisis in his first comments since its president fled, saying Russia has no intention "to fight the Ukrainian people" but reserved the right to use force.

As the Russian president held court Tuesday in his personal residence, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Kiev's fledgling government and Moscow agreed to sit down with NATO.

Although nerves remained on edge in Crimea, with Russian troops firing warning shots to ward off Ukrainian soldiers, global markets catapulted higher on tentative signals that the Kremlin was not seeking to escalate the conflict. Kerry brought moral support and a $1 billion aid package to a Ukraine fighting to fend off bankruptcy.

Lounging in an arm-chair before Russian tricolor flags, Putin delivered a characteristic performance filled with earthy language, macho swagger and sarcastic jibes, accusing the West of promoting an "unconstitutional coup" in Ukraine. At one point he compared the U.S. role in Ukraine to an experiment with "lab rats."

But the overall message appeared to be one of de-escalation: "It seems to me is gradually stabilizing," Putin said. "We have no enemies in Ukraine. Ukraine is a friendly state." He tempered those comments by warning that Russia was willing to use "all means at our disposal" to protect ethnic Russians in the country.

Significantly, Russia agreed to a NATO request to hold a special meeting to discuss Ukraine on Wednesday in Brussels, opening up a possible diplomatic channel in a conflict that still holds monumental hazards and uncertainties.

While the threat of military confrontation retreated somewhat Tuesday, both sides ramped up economic feuding in their struggle over Ukraine: Russia hit its nearly broke neighbor with a termination of discounts on natural gas, while the U.S. announced a $1 billion aid package in energy subsidies to Ukraine.

"We are going to do our best (to help you). We are going to try very hard," Kerry said upon arriving in Kiev. "We hope Russia will respect the election that you are going to have."

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Valerie, have you seen this morning about the oil refinery explosion in Russia?
The largest oil refinery that serves Europe. No one has taken responsibility.
MSMedia in the US has not reported it, but video and the story is being posted online
Largest oil refinery in Russia is on fire

Tatarstan, Russia oil refinery on fire

a video of the fire, 7p Moscow time

Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Thanks Regina,

Apart from the video's posted above, I haven't heard any reports as yet
from other news source, what caused the fire in Russia. Waiting to see
if anything comes up today. Need to verify the sources, from a reputable source. If anyone, knows more on this subject, please give us an update, thanks.


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

White House: Obama calls 6 world leaders about Ukraine crisis

03/08/2014 19:44

KEY LARGO, Florida - President Barack Obama made a series of phone calls on Saturday to world leaders about the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi the White House said.

He also held a conference call about the situation with the presidents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in a statement. No further details about the discussions were immediately available.


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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Warning shots fired to turn monitors back from Crimea

03/08/2014 18:01

Warning shots were fired to prevent an unarmed international military observer mission from entering Ukraine's Russian-occupied Crimea on Saturday, as new confrontations between Russian and Ukrainian troops raised tension ever higher.

Russia's seizure of the Black Sea peninsula, which began about 10 days ago, has so far been bloodless, but its forces have become increasingly aggressive towards Ukrainian troops, who are trapped in bases and have offered no resistance.

Tempers have grown hotter in the last two days, since the region's pro-Moscow leadership declared it part of Russia and announced a March 16 referendum to confirm it.

A spokeswoman for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said no one was hurt when shots were fired to turn back its mission of more than 40 unarmed observers, who have been invited by Kiev but do not have permission from Crimea's pro-Russian separatist regional authorities.

They had been turned back twice before, but this was the first time shots were fired.


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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Ukraine says Russian troops in Crimea have doubled to 30,000 By REUTERS
LAST UPDATED: 03/07/2014 14:41

Russia now has 30,000 troops in Ukraine's Crimea region, Ukrainian border guards said on Friday, nearly twice the previous figure given by the government in Kiev.

Serhiy Astakhov, aide to the head of border guards service, told Reuters the figure was an estimate and included both troops that had arrived since last week and Russia's Black Sea Fleet, permanently based in the Crimean port of Sevastopol.

Russia, whose forces occupied the isolated peninsula last week, says the only troops it has there are those based in Sevastopol. The Russian troops that have occupied positions across Crimea wear no insignia on their uniforms but drive vehicles with Russian military plates.

Ukraine says thousands of extra troops have arrived and have fanned out across the occupied peninsula in violation of the treaty governing the base. Earlier this week Ukraine said there were a total of 16,000 Russian troops in Crimea.


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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Stephen Harper travelling to Ukraine, will be first G7 leader to visit since new government took office

Postmedia News and Canadian Press | March 14, 2014 4:42 PM ET

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is heading to the front lines of a battle that threatens to escalate into a new Cold War.

On Friday, Harper became the first G7 leader to announced plans to visit Ukraine after a coup last month sparked the most serious diplomatic stand-off between Russia and the West since Soviet times.

The visit is intended to show solidarity with the millions of Ukrainians who are opposed to Russia’s longstanding influence over their country’s internal affairs, as well as highlight Canada’s anger over recent Russian actions in Ukraine.

Russia has deployed thousands of troops throughout the southern Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which was part of Russia until being ceded to Ukraine by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1954. It still contains a large ethnic Russian population as well as a Russian naval base.

“Obviously we’re not just tremendously concerned with the occupation and the potential annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation, but we’re concerned that it obviously may not stop there,” Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said.

“So I think announcing that the prime minister will travel to Ukraine to confer with the new prime minister and his government sends an important signal that we will stand with the people of Ukraine.”

But it’s unclear what Harper will find when he flies into Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, on March 22, or what impact his presence will have in the ongoing crisis.

The trip will come ahead of a tour of the Netherlands and Germany, where Harper will attend a summit on nuclear security and tout Canada’s new trade deal with the European Union.

More importantly, however, it will come only days after Crimeans vote in a referendum on whether the region should break away from Ukraine and join Russia.

Canada and its allies have declared Sunday’s referendum to be illegal under Ukraine’s constitution and international law, and said they will not recognize the vote.

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

Prepare for war ‘at any moment,’ Ukrainian president warns after Putin sends 8,500 soldiers, 270 tanks to border
Associated Press | March 14, 2014 | Last Updated: Mar 14 3:21 PM ET

Ukraine must be ready for a full-scale Russian invasion “at any moment,” the country’s acting president warned Thursday, as officials announced the emergency call-up of a 60,000-strong national guard force.

Oleksander Turchynov said Moscow was “ready” to go much further than the annexation of the Black Sea territory of Crimea, which is expected to vote to secede from Ukraine in a referendum on Sunday.

Only clear international pressure could halt slow the momentum of the Kremlin, he said. “All of civilized humanity supports our country,” said Mr. Turchynov. “I am sure that this united effort in the international arena, bringing together all democratic countries, can still allow us to halt this aggression.”

Washington and the international community won’t recognize the outcome of Sunday’s referendum in Crimea on seceding from Ukraine, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday after six hours of talks with Russia’s foreign minister.

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Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Putin calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine-White House

Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine, the White House said, adding that Obama told him that Russia must pull back its troops and not move deeper into Ukraine. It was believed to have been the first direct conversation between Obama and Putin since the United States and its European allies began imposing sanctions on Putin's inner circle and threatened to penalize key sectors of Russia's economy.

See video 50,000 Troops ready at Ukrainian Border & read more at:


Re: Ukraine Invasion Begins

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Ukraine crisis: 'very constructive' Paris talks end after 4 hours

U.S., Russia agree to work with Kyiv and Ukrainian people to de-escalate crisis
Thomson Reuters Posted: Mar 30, 2014 10:40 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 30, 2014 6:19 PM ET

Talks between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, ended late on Sunday after four hours of negotiations to defuse tensions over Ukraine.

The goal of the meeting was to develop a proposal conceived by Kerry and Lavrov during earlier meetings to de-escalate the crisis over Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region. Both sides are expected to hold separate news conferences on the outcome of the talks.

Kerry re-routes plane for impromptu Paris meeting
Sanctions over Crimea push Russia toward recession
Ukraine crisis: key developments
Ideas on the table included a deployment of international monitors in Ukraine, the withdrawal of Russian forces from Crimea and the border zone around Ukraine, and the launch of direct talks between Moscow and the government in Kyiv.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting ended, Lavrov said that Moscow and Washington have agreed to work with the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people to overcome the current crisis and that the talks were "very, very constructive."

Lavrov also raised the possibility of a federated Ukrainian state, saying that Ukraine can't function as a "unified state" and that it should be a loose federation of regions that choose their own economic model, language and religion.

Kerry said that he made it clear that the U.S. continues to assert that Russia's actions in Crimea are illegal and illegitimate. He also raised the issue of Russian troops reportedly massing on the border with Ukraine, saying the U.S. has "strong concerns" and that the presence of the troops is creating a climate of fear and intimidation in the region.

Kerry and Lavrov have met several times in person and spoken by phone almost daily since the crisis began but have not yet been able to agree on a way forward.

The pair met last week in The Hague, where Kerry presented Lavrov with the proposal, which was a response to ideas Lavrov gave him at a meeting in London in March.

Top U.S., NATO general recalled to Europe

The meeting comes as U.S. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel revealed he sent America's top general in Europe back early from a trip to Washington in what a spokesman on Sunday called a prudent step given Russia's "lack of transparency" about troop movements across the border with Ukraine.

Gen. Philip Breedlove, who is both NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the head of the U.S. military's European Command, had been due to testify before Congress this week. He arrived in Europe Saturday evening.

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