Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

Bro. Charles Capps has also gone home to be with the Lord. The following article was on Billye Brim's website today:



February 24, 2014 The Glory World

Submitted by BillyeBrim on Mon, 02/24/2014 - 15:54

Billye Brim Blog
February 24, 2014
The Glory World

I am shut away for a few days studying and meditating on “The Glory of God.”
A text just reached me that an outstanding teacher and gift to the Body of Christ, Brother Charles Capps, has departed earth for The Glory World.

My mind went to the first chapter of Richard Sigmund’s book, My Time in Heaven: A True Story of Dying…and Coming Back. It is so good; I want to share it with you.

I had been driving down the road in my van, but all of a sudden, I was in a veil. It was like a thick cloud. There were gold, purple, and amber colors and a bright light. The cloud pulsated as sound was going through it. And I was going through it, too.
Behind me, I could hear people talking. They were only a few inches away. There were sirens. Lots of noise. And I heard the words, “He’s Dead.”

A force was drawing me through a glory cloud, and on the other side of the cloud I could hear people singing. There was laughter with great joy, and I was in total peace.
I smelled an aroma⎯and experienced a taste⎯like strawberries and cream. (Brim note: No taste of death. Hebrews 2:9.)
For what seemed like a few minutes, I was moving through the cloud, and yet the cloud was moving through me. Then, I turned to my right to what appeared to be a receiving area.

Reunion of Family Members
Just a few feet from me, I could see two women standing. Somehow, I knew that they were of great age, but their countenances were like they were in their mid-twenties, and they were beautiful. They were hugging each other and seemed very joyful, and they were looking through the veil.
“He is coming; I see him. He is coming Here he comes.”
Suddenly a man came through the veil. He had a look of profound confusion for a moment. He didn’t know where he was. But, just as suddenly, he looked at the women and recognized them. They began to hug him and to praise and worship god. It was a joyous reunion.

Reunion of a Pastor and Church Members
Further to the right, I noticed a group of about fifty people. They, too, were worshipping God. Many were standing there with their arms up just praising Him Some were hugging each other and saying, “Here he comes; I see him coming.”
They were apparently waiting for their pastor, who had just died. Suddenly, he was in the veil. When he first appeared, he looked like a very old man. But, as suddenly as he appeared into the heavenly atmosphere, all of the age lines in his face disappeared, and his gnarled little body straightened up. This very old pastor now looked as if he was in his mid- to late twenties… He just stood there bewildered. But, in a moment, it dawned on him that he was in heaven, and he began to rejoice…

Greeted in Heaven by People and Angels
As I understand it, no one has ever come to heaven without having other people greet him or her…
Then, I noticed that there were not only people greeting the pastor who had just come through the veil, but also angels. And there were angels for the others who came through. All up and down the veil, people were coming through. And there were always angels to meet them.
Evidently, you can see through the veil from heaven, but you can’t see through it from earth…People in heaven somehow knew that they should be at the receiving area when someone was coming. Later I learned that there are announcement centers in heaven, and people are notified that their loved ones are about to arrive there…

The veil extended as far to the left and right as I could see. I had the impression that it was hundreds of miles long in each direction. And every few feet, there was a path lading into heaven. Everyone who came through the veil had a path unique for him or her. And I had a path⎯the path was for me.
Then, from behind me, I heard a voice saying, “You have an appointment with God,” and I felt a familiar touch.

Although I could not see who was behind me, I believe it was the Lord Jesus. I recognized His Voice. [End Quote]

At Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin’s Homegoing Memorial in September 2003, I saw Mrs. Freda Lindsay of Christ for the Nations, and went over to speak with her. She said that she wanted to share something with me.
She had received word soon after Brother Hagin slipped out of his body Sunday, just after eating a good breakfast. An EMT was called and they got Brother Hagin’s body to respond. Mrs. Lindsay wanted to call the student body to prayer on Monday, so she wanted to know how to pray. She called her personal prayer partner to pray with her about the matter. They asked the Lord if they should pray for Brother Hagin to come back, or if he should stay in Heaven.
Freda’s prayer partner was there as we talked at the memorial. Mrs. Lindsay said to her, “Tell Billye what you saw.”
She said, “I suddenly saw beyond the veil. A huge crowd of people was thronging toward what may have been the shoreline of a sea. An excited buzz went through their midst. “Did you hear? Brother Hagin’s coming! “ “Kenneth Hagin is coming!”
Then the crowd parted to make way for another group. Down the path they had created came another group of people. They walked then to the front of the waiting multitude.
“Who are they?” she heard. “Those are his family and close friends.”
Then she saw Jesus walking across the sea with his arm around Kenneth Hagin. They walked up the shore with the people following them.
Standing there I thought of how we had stood in the earthly memorial to honor his family and close ones.
Here a sendoff! There a glad reunion!

Oh, the crowd who must have met Brother Capps. His family. His peers. The millions he’d reached and taught the good Word of the Lord. The angels he’d written about.
And somewhere in the crowd may have been my darling mother, Lola Marie Combs. Mom was a published writer. I had to convince her to become an editor. When Harrison House began, she was their sole editor. Some of the first books she did were those of Charles Capps. And he remained “one” of her favorites.

BillyeBrim's blog

Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

Texas Sue, I'm sorry for those whom he has left behind, as another Saint has entered Heavens doors. There's no place like home, and to be in the presence of the Lord, Angels, Saints, & loved ones, is our ultimate goal in the end. For it is appointed for all to die once, except if we should live to the day of the Rapture. What a joyous home coming to Heaven it is for the Saints, when their time here on Earth has ended. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

I'm sure that Charles Capps had an awesome reunion in Heaven as well. It's a temporary separation, from those here on earth and perhaps not very long now, before, we, via the Rapture, or death, whichever comes first, will meet our families whom left this world, in Christ Jesus, along with Saints like, Charles Capps.

There, we will be reunited with loved ones whom have gone before us, and will greet each one of us with opened arms, and yes Jesus will be there, with all His Majesty & Glory. If we have Jesus as our Savior, we have nothing to fear, instead much joy awaits each one of us. No more tears, pain, or sorrow. Love will be the perfume scent in Heaven, divine fragrance coming from God's throne, filling Heaven, with the most beautiful scent you have ever experienced. It will be euphoric, knowing you have arrived, you're home at last.

Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful greeting experiences from Heaven that you posted in your article. Heaven is filled with love, and Heaven is real, and so are those whom dwell there. Yes, there is a veil, which divides us at present, Heaven from Earth, and once it is lifted, we can clearly see, that is where we long to be and stay.

Oh to be young again, healthy, filled with energy, and renewed strength, to run, jump, dance, or just to walk again without assistance, or chronic pain, would be sear joy.

Rest in Peace, Charles Capps,for your days of toil on this Earth have ended.
Your reward awaits you for your faithfulness to God, and you shall safely dwell with the Lord forevermore.

God Bless,


Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

Valerie, thanks for your prayers for his family. All of the remarks in the quote were from Billye Brim. I was especially excited about what she shared from the prayer partner of Freda Lindsey who saw a vision of Bro. Kenneth Hagin entering heaven.

I know it is true because God was so gracious when my very best friend died in 2006 of cancer. I had gone to see her and she was non-responsive at that point so I spent time with her sons and husband as we encouraged each other. On the way home (She lived in the next town over from me), I asked the Lord, "Lord, I know Mike will call me when Linda goes, but will you please let me know before I get that call?" It was perhaps a silly request but we had been friends for more than 30 years. Our children had grown up together and our families were very close.

A few days later I was in our Tuesday morning 6:00 a.m. prayer group. We were all standing down around the altar singing worship songs and some began to dance because the music was very joyful. Just at that moment God spoke to me inwardly but so loudly that I thought everyone could hear it. He declared strongly, "TODAY is Linda's day of celebration!! Death is swallowed up in victory!"

Then as He was speaking it was as if I could see the shore of heaven overlayed with our group in the church. I saw many of Linda's family members who had died and also many of our favorite nursing home residents. Linda and I had previously worked together in a nursing home many years before this. I saw many rushing down to gather and heard them saying, "Linda is coming home today," "let's go meet her"; "Linda's coming let's welcome her." They were singing and dancing too and mixed right in with those in our group as if we were all in the same spot! Then the scene faded away and only those in our prayer group were present. This was about 6:30 a.m.

About 8:30 am as I was driiving to work, my cell phone rang and it was Mike. He said that Linda had died about 8 am. God was so kind to let me know an hour and a half before she left just because I had asked Him. I will never forget the kindness of the Lord in this instance. I also never grieved for her because I saw what a happy scene was waiting for her on the other side. I have never grieved since for anyone who knows the Lord after hearing God's opinion. He said it was her day of CELEBRATION and that death was swallowed up in VICTORY. It can't get any better than that.

Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

The Lord Prepared me for my Mother’s death.

Texas Sue,

What a beautiful testimony about your dear friend Linda, it was a day of celebration for her. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Susan,
It really touch my heart so much after I read it, that It brought to mind
my Mother's death, which occurred almost 20 years ago this year.

I always felt sorry for the family and friends of those whom past on, for they were still here on earth, with their daily work, struggles, pain and sorrows, enjoying brief moments of happy times in their lives, and having to bear, the sad times as well. There is a saying in scripture, where Jesus said while Jesus was walking and carry his cross down the road to Calvary, he told some women whom were weeping for Him,knowing He was to be put to death Jesus turned to speak to them. Jesus spoke these words. " 28 But Jesus turning unto them said , Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

Jesus knew the struggles, suffering of the Jewish people and their children to come in the future; However, I believe that Jesus was speaking to all of us. Jesus knew, that for most, life has it struggles, toils, disappointments and in the end, we all die. Jesus knew that He would go back to the Father in Heaven, He knew He was going to a better place, where He had come from, yet He knew for us it would continue to be a struggle, and only with the help of Father's love sending His only begotten Son Jesus, to die for our sins, our eternity is filled with joy unspeakable. We should weep for ourselves and our children, at a Saint/s death or funeral, for they are celebrating as they enter their eternal rest in Jesus, while we continue our journey called life on Earth, with all it's ups and downs and constant battle with evil.

I remember clearly and this happened 20 years ago come this September 2014.
The Lord was preparing me for the death of my Mother. I had a strange dream,
from the Lord, that I was in ssssthis small house, in another country, and there were many people who I didn't recognize, but they all knew my Mother. They were talking, laughing, reminiscing and greeting one another as they gathered together. I was wondering what was going on, so I asked. Then one of them told me, that they were awaiting the arrival of my mother, and that there was going to be a big CELEBRATION OF HER HOME COMING. I thought to myself at first, they mean, her home back in Ukraine, where she had lived as a child and young girl. Then the scenery changed and that small cottage type of home disappeared, and there was a beautiful garden, filled with flowers of every color. Green grass, and it was this wonderful light filled the whole place, and made it feel, like a warm breezy Sunny, Spring day, there was much preparation going on with long tables, white linen, best china and cutlery set on the table. I thought at first, why wasn't I told of this celebration, as I was the last to know, that wasss I knew there was a celebration coming; and I felt so happy in my dream for my Mother.

When I woke up from the dream, the Lord gave me knowledge to interpret the dream, which soon my Mother would be leaving this Earth to go to Heaven. It was confirmed to me, when she told me she had a dream, of this very young,
handsome Man whom she met in the cemetery in her dream.. She said he was filled with brilliant light and came to greet her at the cemetery. He saw her sitting on a bench, looking confused, and upset, therefore, he walked over to help her out. She told him, that she was visiting the cemetery alone, and had forgotten which way to go back home. He told her not to worry, that he would make sure, and take her home himself, and make sure she got there safely. She was delighted to hear that this young man was going to take her home; therefore, she left to go with him. She had told me that dream; it was just before she died. I told her about the dream I had, without giving her an interpretation. She thought, that it might mean, she was going to go on a trip for a visit back to her birth place, homeland in Ukraine.

I remember it was the same year and month I had my second major back surgery, because of a bad fall down the stairs at home. The day leaving the hospital to go home, I asked my husband if we could just stop for a moment, as there were some papers she received in the mail and she wanted to know if I could have a look at them, and take care of the paper work for her, when I was feeling better at home. I didn't get out of the car, as I was still in pain and needed to get home to rest. As I saw her walking over to me with the biggest smile; she seemed to glow with this white light surrounding her body. I had never seen such a happy look on her face, for the longest time. In my mind I thought it must be the medication I'm on, as I just had major surgery two weeks ago. However, I knew it would be the last time I would she her and it was..! I think she knew, or the Lord let her know, she was going home soon, for I hadn't seen her so happy like I saw her that very last day.

She died within days later; she died at home of a massive heart attack which took her life quickly. I was told by the coroner that she didn't suffer much. I remember the coroner saying that he would want to die so quickly like she did. I know she met that young man filled with light she spoke about, whether that young man filled with light, was Jesus or her Angel, she was taken to her eternal home. The preparation were made and her friends and loved ones gone before her were there to greet her, and I'm sure, Jesus was there, and most likely escorted her home. On the day of her funeral, I felt the Lord's Presence at my side, for I was still weak from the surgery, and then sudden unexpected death of my Mother, I needed supernatural strength to carry on. I believe the good Lord held me up, and that beautiful day I dreamed about just happened to be on the beautiful day my mother was buried. I remembering praying and looking up into the beautiful sunny blue sky, this peace that filled me, that surpasses all understanding, and I remember smiling, and thanking God, as the Sun shone on her coffin; that she was home at long last. I believe she now awaits my coming to greet me, at the gates of Heaven one day, in the near future. What a Home Coming that will be, Praise God, so many loved ones,
Some I have never met in person and Jesus the first and foremost I long to met at the Rapture Flight to Heaven.

Wow, Sue, we'll meet our loved ones, our families, our dearest friends, in Jesus, Oh what joy will fill our hearts, joy unspeakable.

Absent from the body present with the Lord.

Blessed are they that die in the Lord, as their Savior, for theirs is the
Kingdom of Heaven, where Jesus has prepared a place for them.

Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

Valerie, I could see the kindness of God again all over your dream and your mother's. God is endearingly kind and full of mercy and never leaves us just as He promised. What a beautiful story.

I have always said that once you have seen the truth, when God shows you what is really happening, no one can beat it out of you. We are given faith for what we cannot see, but once we see a thing we don't need faith for that because we KNOW it is true. There is that verse that says, "Eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared but He reveals it to us by His Spirit". God lifts the curtain and gives us a look sometimes and then we know a little of what He has prepared for us and it is GLORIOUS!

The good news is that we are so much closer now to that wonderful life with our Savior. As Regina has posted on another thread, "FACE TO FACE" with Jesus. I can hardly wait.

Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven

Here is the link to his audio teaching. If you scroll down to November and December 2013 you will find his teaching on angels. I also enjoy his daughter's teaching on "quantum faith". It is just below the angel series.



Re: Charles Capps Has Passed on to Heaven


Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes

The day that we get to be with the Lord Jesus, in that place where He is, where Jesus promised us that we will be also, will be the greatest day of rejoicing ever.
If Charles Capps is able to see RFTH from heaven, thank you for this message.