Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Dear Ones in Christ, Jesus,

Here in Toronto, we are being buried in snow. It started snowing early evening yesterday, snowed all night and suppose to snow, until 6pm this evening. We have had so much snow this winter, it more snow this winter than I can remember since I was a child.

We are suppose to have a breaking record accumulations of snow since we have had all this winter. By the way it has almost snowed every day or second day this winter, and the snow is piling up, higher each day.

When will this endless, longest winter of my life on Earth end.

I feel like that woman in the commercial who is slipping and sliding, trying to get to her front door. Snow piled 6 foot high on her front yard, and she has had it with winter. As She struggles along the sidewalk, to the door, she stops and looks at a snowman standing on the yard close to the sidewalk. She looks at him as if to say, "what are you looking at", and with all her might, swings her large hand bag, and knocks his head off, his body, and walks on!

Enough is enough, I can't take this anymore...!

Forty three days to Spring...it feels like eternity.

How are you all doing? I know some of you are snowed in as well..

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

CTV Toronto

Published Wednesday, February 5, 2014 6:18AM EST
Last Updated Wednesday, February 5, 2014 11:44AM EST
It's slow going in the city today, as the GTA experiences its heaviest snowfall of the year so far.

With up to 15 centimetres of snow in the forecast, Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for Toronto as well as parts of Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.

Up to 20 cm of snow is expected in the Hamilton and Niagara regions.

The City of Toronto has also issued its own cold weather alert, triggering an increase in services available to vulnerable residents.
City crews have also been hard at work clearing streets, but they expect that job to continue into Thursday. In the meantime, property owners are being reminded to clear their sidewalks.

Motorists are advised to drive cautiously.
And the weather's a factor for those opting to take public transportation too. Both GO Transit and TTC streetcar riders have been told to expect delays.
The TTC has also announced plans to shutter its Scarborough RT service between 12:20 p.m. and 3 p.m., so that work crews can clear ice and snow from the tracks.

And some GTA area school boards have cancelled transportation services. You can find the complete list here.

For the lucky few hoping to fly out of the city, there are several delays and cancellations due to the weather here and in other cities across Canada and the U.S.;

Air travellers are advised to check their flight status before heading to the airport.

Read more: http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/travel-woes-warnings-as-heavy-snowfall-grips-toronto-1.1671145#ixzz2sTFJ53GD

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Valerie, this winter has been so long, cold, and snowy, especially where you live.
Spring is coming. There are buds on the lilac forming. Spiritually, it feels to me like spring is coming too…
Jesus is the resurrection and life, He will bring life to us Valerie.
Beyond better is coming

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?


Thank you for that beautiful Picture, of a window looking over on Spring pretty Spring day; my favorite Season. I just want to close my eyes and try and picture, a beautiful, perfect, Spring day, when everything comes back to life. The soft breeze blowing, as the warm Sun touches my face. The blue Sky, and fluffy odd cloud passing by. Children playing, The birds singing, and people preparing their garden beds. The green leaves, and grass, filling up all the brown dead barren places of winters havoc. Young couples, love is in the air, looking ahead to those wedding bells ringing, when two become one.
I can picture Heaven being like the most beautiful perfect Spring day ever, where everyone is smiling, and waving hello to their neighbors as they walk by.

Winter is such a dead season, I know it's necessary, but when it is as brutal like it has been, I think we can skip a Winter or Two.

You're out in B.C. area, Vancouver? It must be a lot better where you live then here...I hope.

Apparently I may need light therapy, like the beautiful warm Spring Sun...!
Better still, being with the brightest Light, Jesus Light of the World, would pick up my spirit, and make me feel better.

Come Lord Jesus Come,


Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Let it Snow, you must be kidding..., No More Kathy, but in your parts of the woods is Ok with me.

Kathy G.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?


We are all looking forward to seeing those first signs of Spring and the end of this messy, very cold winter.


P.S..It is very cold here, but thankfully no SNOW or ICE. Valerie, I hope the snow melts soon where you are. Let's start marking off the calendar, counting down!

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Just for laughs...."WHY ARE WE HERE"


This winter has driven us to find all kinds of wacky ways to cheer ourselves up hasn't it?

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Thanks so much for the two videos. That was a beautiful song, and a beautiful young women singing it. "It might as well be Spring" is absolutely right on.
She mirrors the way that I feel, longing for those joyful days of Spring, when it feels wonderful just to be alive and enjoy all the wonderous things the good Lord created, blooming and coming back to life.

The second video made me laugh; I tried to find a funny one in return, but couldn't find anything as good as you had posted. Thanks for the cheers,
especially those cute characters dancing and jumping all over the place.

Yes, Why are we here?

Going to bed soon, perhaps when I awaken, the snow will all have melted, and the signs of Spring and warm weather, will have appeared; I know, I know, wishful thinking. Oh well, maybe in my dreams.

God Bless,


Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

For a few years I have been cursing the "Global warming" lie.
Also, was praying God would reveal the truth about it.
So this is how He did it.
It was noted recently, (the 2 areas of liberalisim) California and the Northeast have gotten the brunt of the Polar vortex.
Killing 2 birds with one stone?

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Aaarrrrgggghhhh.....went to the kitchen to make coffee before heading out to wrk and - SURPRISE - snow is falling and has already coated the roofs and covered the roads. According to Yahoo weather, it is 14 degrees here with a high of 28 degrees today.

I know for those up north this is small potatoes but for those of us who chose to live in the south in order to stay WARM it is awful. So I will be home today .

What a shame that all of us who are snowed in are separated by so many miles. If we could all be snowed in together we could play a game or watch a good movie, chat, sing, discuss news items, have a bible study. Since that is not possible I am glad we have communication on the forum.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Mike T
For a few years I have been cursing the "Global warming" lie.
Also, was praying God would reveal the truth about it.
So this is how He did it.
It was noted recently, (the 2 areas of liberalisim) California and the Northeast have gotten the brunt of the Polar vortex.
Killing 2 birds with one stone?

Mike, had to laugh when I read this. How's the weather where you are?

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Here is Mark Murchison's take on the snow..


Beautiful film footage!

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Thanks Susan, that was beautiful video and footage.
I love video's from Mark M., especially his songs.

Well it's snowing again here in Toronto, and well there is no where to put the snow anymore, the front yard is piled high, the road in front of the house is also piled up. Anyone wants free Snow, come and get it. LOL!!! Kathy G., loves
Snow, I'll send you some by Polar Express!!!LOL

I thought on the brighter side I'd share this short video, of a giant Panda,
in the Toronto Zoo, is having a great time in the snow. Watch and enjoy; at
least some animals love it, so does our little dog, he jumps into a pile of snow, and you can't see him anymore. LOL.

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Published on Feb 6, 2014
While the Toronto Zoo closed early on February 5th, 2014, due to the record-breaking snow fall, our giant panda Da Mao sure seemed to enjoy himself. Watch what security cameras caught him doing within his outdoor habitat. Come visit the Giant Panda Exhibit at the Toronto Zoo http://www.torontozoo.com

Here's a Polar baby cub, being introduced for the first time, snow, which is
perfect for this little fellow.

Toronto Zoo Polar Bear Cub Introduced to Snow for the First Time

Published on Jan 29, 2014
Born on November 9th 2013, our adorable cub is currently residing in the Wildlife Health Centre. During his stay, our newest polar bear family member will be under the intensive eyes of our dedicated veterinarians, veterinarian technicians and keeper staff. The Wildlife Health Centre supports over 500 species annually and is in the process of undergoing a much needed modernization. Help animals like our new polar bear cub today by donating to the Wildlife Health Centre! Find out more information here or donate via Canadahelps.com.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

LOL! Too late, Valerie--we already got some 2 days ago. It started snowing late that afternoon and continued to snow into the evening, until there was a blanket of snow. Yesterday morning, it all melted, but there may be more to come. The Weather Channel is predicting a wintry mix for tomorrow.

That little polar bear cub is cute!

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Both of those bears are too cute for words!!!

Wednesday night of 02.05.2014, we finally got the wet stuff, way out here in Lake Havasu City, which is apart of the Colorado River Region of Arizona. It rained way into the wee hours of Thursday morning of the 6th, and when we stepped outdoors we were greeted by that sweet fragrance after the rain in the air. Very nice!!!

While up in the north country of our state, it snowed up in Flagstaff.


Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Valerie, & all of you who live in the snow belt--

I really hate boast about our Arizona weather, but here goes anyhoo...

Coming this Thursday on the 13th of February, our temps will shoot up to more spring-like weather...for which the temps will be in the mid-to-higher 80s. Here in Lake Havasu, we are expecting our temps to reach as high as 85.

Fox10 News' Ron Hoon, blirted out that next will come the 90s temps in our area. And in the quiet of my livingroom, I said in reply to him, "No way, Jose!!! It's too early in the year!!!"

And today, our LHC temps are projected to be 77 (highs)/57 (lows).


Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Here we go again...More Snow predicted for our region, come Sunday, and then most of the week also; however the good news is...it will reach to 5 degrees come end of next week with rain, on that weekend.

Apparently in the U.S., there was a 100 car pile up on the highway, because of the bad snowy weather, and some 30 people were badly injured, and the other's are still to be reported on. Let's pray for these people, and their families.

Strange, but the other night I had such a vivid dream, that it was Spring. All the signs were there, the grass was green, the trees were budding, and the Sun was shining brightly. When I woke up, for a moment I thought Spring had finally sprung...but alas to my dismay, it's cold, wet, slushy, icy and lots & lots of snow piled high, when I looked out my window. It seems like this winter weather will never end. I suppose I'll have to visit Spring in my dreams, for awhile still. How much longer, must we wait, I just can't take this weather anymore.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

So sorry that you are being snowed on again Valerie. This seems like the winter without end doesn't it? I read an article yesterday about HAARP signals all over the midwest and east coast so it may be that this weather is not "natural" at all but manufacturered to some extent. Not a good thing. Praing we go home this year and sooner rather than later. Winters are too cold and summers too hot. Spring and fall hardly happen between these two extremes. I just have a hunch that it is always SPRING in heaven. YAY!

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Valerie & T/Sue,

Out here in sunny Arizona, we're having spring-like weather. Way down in Yuma, they're expecting to have 90 degree temps...while the rest of us will have mid-to-highs 80s temps.

Then soon afterward, our temps will once again get back down to the more normal seasonal mid-to-highs 70s.

It's no wonder that the snowbirds from Canada & the Northern U.S. all flock down here for the winter...only to return their homes come the late spring. It's beautiful here during the wintery months!!!


Oh! Btw, we saw three "V" formation groups of geese flying northwestward the other day this week. My nephew said that although they looked like they were flying in that direction...that they were (in the jetstream) flying south. So, go figure

Also, I saw a whole bunch of what seemed to be confused seagulls flying north...when they should've been flying west towards the Pacific Ocean, too.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

I will pray for those people that got injured. I hope nobody died.

I work outside in this mess. At first I was scared but now I think it is pretty cool. The heat is worse. I just feel like falling and then getting up and then falling again in the Summer.

To choose between the less of the 2 evils I will have to choose the cold and snow. Call me crazy but it is easier.

I'm sure heaven will feel just right. Perfect and we will be with Jesus Christ. Longing for that day.

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Thanks Texas Sue, for the encouraging words on how wonderful the weather will be in Heaven. It will be prefect no matter what seasons there may be.
Tammy it's wonderful, you're experiencing good weather, however, there are more people, that are on the opposite side of the coin. Especially the young people, they can handle any type of weather situation, then us older folks.
Bob, you're absolutely correct, I would prefer the colder weather, then to the extreme high heat humidity and temperatures in the summer, like Australia has experienced recently. I feel like I'm suffocating, in that kind of conditions, and my breathing becomes labored; when it's extremely cold, it makes me tired, and I just want to fall asleep. That's another reason why I love Spring, not to hot and not too cold, just right, almost perfect. I say that because only in Heaven it will be perfect.

Well I hate to sound like a broken record; but, it's snowing again, and it's suppose to keep snowing throughout the rest of this week... It's so depressing, I'm wondering if many out in cyber space, are feeling like I am, feeling like this is an never ending winter, and spring will never really come. Maybe the months we call Spring, but it seems, like the winter weather is here to stay.

I believe we are seeing the tip of the iceberg, in many places in the world at this very time just prior to the imminent Rapture ; what I mean is, we are getting a reality check/taste of what the great tribulation will be like. In some places it will be freezing cold that many will die,
just because, they will physically be unable to survive in unbearable conditions. While much of the earth will be scorched by the Sun, on other parts of the world, which will cause fires, heat, humidity, unbearable once again for human or animal/plant life,resulting in a multitude of deaths. Then World War 3 on top of it all, it's too much to absorb how horrific that time in history will be.

I'm just grateful to know, that what all of us going through right now, this too will all pass, very soon. For we are not appointed to wrath, and we stand on the promise Jesus made, when He said; "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."

What a wonderful hope and promise we have from our Lord and Savior. Jesus is coming to take us home, where even if it does snow, we won't feel the cold, or
suffer any ill affects from anything anymore. All things will be perfect in Heaven, just like God Himself, therefore, we lean on His understanding until then. Maranatha! Valerie

Re: Snow, Snow, and more Snow.......When will the Winter End...?

Thank you Lord for answered Prayers!

Thank you those whom have been praying for us.

Good News, Someone must be praying for us. The weather is not as bad as they
had predicted for these past days and weekend. It did snow a bit, thunder, lightning, and then it rained. The temperature actually warmed up some and we had some Plus degree weather instead of minus degrees. However, next week the temperatures are suppose to plummet once again to extreme cold.

Very few places experienced damage, some basement flooding. Our area is higher up on a hill, some call it a mountain, and we were not affected at all in the Mount Dennis area. Thank God, the Lord has spared our home from flooding.

Taking it one day at a time.

Praise God!
