Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Please Vote

I read a post here yesterday which I can not find this morning. In the post some mentioned about not voting for various reasons. I have been praying about this election and the part we as Christians play in the process.

My prayer is that all Christians will get out and vote. I pray that no one would be discouraged by the stories (though they may be true) of billionaire boogie men who run a secret society that controls the world. God's word tells us the He is in control of all things in heaven, on earth and under the earth Phil 2:10. It also tells us that if God is for us who can be against us Rom 8:31. We have been placed here to be a light to the world, we need to let our light shine. We need to stand for what is good and righteous. We need to vote to preserve the rights of the unborn and traditional marriage. We need to vote to preserve "one nation under God" and in "In God we Trust". We need to vote to preserve a nation that sends more missionaries into the world than any other nation in history. The privilege we have to vote is so much more than just casting a ballot. We have an opportunity to change history for the glory of God. And even if we are at the time of the end (I personally believe we are)Jesus told us that in that day we are to persevere. Matthew 10:22 and Matthew 24:13 We will not be beaten, God will not be mocked. I have read the Book. I know how it ends. Jesus wins and all who believe in Him.

Please take the time to earnestly pray about your decision and for whom you will cast your vote. I believe this nation, this "One nation under God" depends on it.

Some may think I am delusional and they may be correct. I am a simple man who tries to see the world through God's eyes and His divine view point. Looking at this world through the window of God's Holy Word helps me to see the world not only as a creation in the grasp of sin, but also as a creation that will one day be redeemed. Jesus is coming soon, if we truly believe that we must continue to fight the good fight and keep the faith.

God bless you all and God bless America.

Mike Caron

Re: Please Vote

Oops! Found the thread. Valerie made a sticky.
Thanks Val!

Mike Caron

Re: Please Vote


I just noticed that you closed the thread for obvious reasons. By posting this thread I did not mean to open old wounds. Feel free to delete it if you like, in an effort to avoid any heated debate.

God bless,

Mike Caron

Re: Please Vote

Thanks Mike,

Good advice!

No problem I'll keep your thread up, as long as there are discussions and no heated debates.

Yes I put it up as a sticky to let people know, that they should pray about their participation in the elections and my opinion on the subject.


May God guide each and everyone of you to do what you believe is right for your Faith & Country.

God Bless!


Re: Please Vote

Valerie: Yes I put it up as a sticky to let people know, that they should pray about their participation in the elections and my opinion on the subject.

Yes please pray. I just don't know what we should do...
I know I may sound like a conspiracy nut. But something is going on....If you read my post about NWO and the candidates, {I said Mitt could be a Trojan Horse} He looks too good, looks too kind...and I have to wonder with all the security cameras, voter ID, weather or not they can ball park pick Mitts supporters out and at one point begin to round them up afterwards knowing they are Christians or at best Anti Gov. people.

This could be a trap that ends all traps. Not knowing how close the rapture is, I am very careful about where I go and what I say. Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
These are the most evil times ever and I don't have the answers...Our kingdom is not of this world.

AND I WOULD Appreciate any feedback...Be safe out there and handle each day with prayer.

Re: Please Vote

Oh poo-poo on Zero. For already he is calling foul. The poor baby. My heart really bleeds for him. Yeah, right. B/c more women are voting for the MORE deserving Mitt Romney...therefore--Zero is losing in the polls. Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

So PLEASE!!! Get out there, and...VOTE!!! VOTE 4 MITT & PAUL RYAN!!!

Let's kick Zero's & Joe Biden's sorry behinds out of office!!!


Re: Please Vote

With pleasure!

Re: Please Vote

I just heard that over 30 millioin Christians did not vote in the 2008 elections and that Obuma only won by 10 million votes..

Of course I know about the electorial votes, but I'm just saying if these 30 million had cast their God given right to vote under the Contitution of these United States of America, there may have been a different person in the White House..

As Valerie stated, pray about it,,

and then vote for Romney < -- RJ

I'm like Sister in Christ, Tammy, I already cast my vote..

BUT a thought come to my mind.. If what Valerie stated she heard in her spirit is true, that Obuma is the AC, if that is true, then our votes won't count.. It will happen and let us pray that we are in Heaven before the next four years...

I might have to move to Canada.. I hate cold weather.. arrggg..


Re: Please Vote


"BUT a thought come to my mind.. If what Valerie stated she heard in her spirit is true, that Obama is the AC, if that is true, then our votes won't count.. It will happen and let us pray that we are in Heaven before the next four years...

I might have to move to Canada.. I hate cold weather.. arrggg."

Well at least Obama won't be ruling as AC, from the Presidential Office if lost the election, instead, he might be ruling from the UN in that case. Regardless, I'm praying along with you and everyone, we are in Heaven before the next four years no matter who wins.

RJ, It's beautiful here in Canada, the Spring, Summer & Autumn is spectacular, the winters...well lets say...was much warmer and less snow than most winters last year...however, some winters, are so cold, that you dread to leave the house, and stay home if you're able too. Otherwise, in the most Northern parts of Canada, you can become an human ice statue in no time, frozen solid, like a block of ice...!

I posted a reply to a prophecy in the Dreams, Visions, & Prophecy Forum.

Here's a snippet of it.

Now just a note to those whom have voted already...I just wanted to add the following, also to those whom haven't yet, and are not sure yet. God is Omniscient and he knows the outcome of the elections on Nov. 6, because he knows all things, the beginning and end of all. He knew you before you were born, and he knows what you will or will not do on election day, that is why we take everything to God in prayer, and wait on Him for the answer. Ask God's Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and lead you in paths of righteousness.
Listen to God's voice whom speaks to each and everyone whom God's Holy Spirit reside within..that still small voice within..."Be Still and know that He is God"

Those that voted already, did you pray about it beforehand? If you did, why concern yourself...you think that God would mislead you, not at all. Honestly, I can't understand why anyone would take the word of any person, over what God tells you personally. He speaks to each one of us, we have to listen..."Be still and know He is God"! I know that I can always trust that I'm hearing from God while I'm in prayer...it's between the Lord and me and no one else!

The best advise I can give to everyone, you must pray and ask God to lead you and guide you...Listen to the Lord's voice within...that still small voice within...stop listening to people, especially those that state they have a prophecy presumably from the Lord, that doesn't make them a prophet. Instead, listen to God's voice whom dwells inside each and every believer. Have you forgotten, that God's Holy Spirit dwells within you, therefore, He is there to guide, teach, and lead you in His ways of righteousness. That is why we are told to pray without ceasing!!!

Thanks for sharing RJ, hoping the Rapture is any day now.



Re: Please Vote

I just want to thank everyone for their responses both here and via email.

Thank you Valerie for your latest response. Your comment about O losing this election and becoming president of the UN is intriguing. The interesting thing about these last few years is that neither Tom Clancy nor Clive Cussler could write a novel with more espionage, mystery and intrigue than what we have recently seen. You can not make this stuff up.

In all sincerity, please continue to pray for our country and that the outcome of the election would glorify God and be according to His will. Also, please pray for unity after the election. There are many threats of violence, riots and even death threats if the election does not turn out favorably for certain individuals and groups. I am not so concerned about myself or other believers. I am concerned about those who would die without knowing Christ. Please pray for them.

Thanks again and God bless you all.

Mike Caron

Re: Please Vote

Bonnie M (18 Oct 2012) 5 Doves Site

"The Election"

I guess I am getting a little frustrated with some of the posts. How many of these "predictions" or "speculations", (NOT BIBLE PROPHECY) have come to pass? Surely, we have come so far down the road waiting for our Saviour's return that we are not still babies! By this time most of us should be mature in Christ. IF IT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE - it must be taken with a grain of salt; don't bet on it; immediately go back to the Word and see what Jesus has to say about it - end of story. If these "words" from God do not come to pass - then they are NOT from Him.

The discussions on possible Rapture Dates, I find compelling and instructive. When the day has come and gone, I come away with a deeper understanding of God's Feast Days and Prophecies. If I am not mistaken, the majority of us do not see a clear prophecy of the U.S. in scripture. Maybe it is there, but if so, it is hidden and only partially revealed - if at that. Anything in that is not in the Bible is purely speculation.

Forgive me and please direct me to the scripture which states we are not to get involved in our elections? I find this totally contrary to what we are suppose to be doing - that is "occupy until I (Jesus) Comes". We in this nation are especially blessed BY GOD with the right to participate in selection of our representatives.

DO NOT let anyone take your blessings from you. If we are still here on November 6th (and for those who must vote in advance) - - - VOTE. Trust God; we aren't going to change what He has already ordained to happen from happening.

Your Sister in Christ - Bonnie M.

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Re: Please Vote

"DO NOT let anyone take your blessings from you. If we are still here on November 6th (and for those who must vote in advance) - - - VOTE. Trust God; we aren't going to change what He has already ordained to happen from happening."

Thank you Bonnie M, I couldn't have said it better myself! God Bless!


Excellent 7 Minute Video - Top 5 Reasons Barack Obama Shouldn't Be Re Elected as President

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