Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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my hopes are still up

But like Valerie and Kathy and others, even if "the big day" is not this RH, I'm still going to keep hoping and looking because our Lord will keep His word and return. All in the Father's time.

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
"Use Your Discernment"

I was watching Scott Clarkes channel, "eternalrhythmflow", about trumpets and timewaves. He mentions 1Thess 4:16-18 as interesting because of the 16-18. Is this a coincidence to the dates for RH now?

But, look here, another similarity in that 4 is the number for Dalet in Hebrew, which represents a door. So my tired brain reads first this door: 16-18th. Yeah, I am tired but still waiting! Maybe the Lord had a play on words written in!
Cheers all.

Re: my hopes are still up

1st Thes. 4-"16 through 18" explains the rapture.

Rosh Hashanah is on the "16th to the 18th."

That would have to make any watcher think.

Re: my hopes are still up

Regina, thanks so very much for posting this, my hope is way up there now.
I can't help but get excited, even if I have to pull myself down back to earth for awhile, my head is in the clouds! LOL!

I hope this will encourage everyone, to keep on watching, it's not over yet,
and there are many excellent points for the Rapture to take place in regards to Rosh Hashanah!

Bob D., yes it really is something to think about. Strange isn't how the Lord gives pieces here and there to His own, and we try to put them all together like a giant puzzle. Firecharger sent an email to this young man in regards to the following verse and how it matches up to Sept. 16-18.

The Number 1 stands for God, the number 4 relates to creation/division,etc. and the dates 16-18 refer to the bible scriptures below!


1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (King James Version)

Add parallel1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
King James Version (KJV)

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Awesome...This could be it.

Sept. 16 - 18
Thessalonians 4: 16-18



Is The Number 3 a clue for the time of the Rapture?





Re: my hopes are still up

oh Valerie, count me in on the sleep deprived tonight, it will be difficult for me to sleep too. Father is so good to us.

Thank you Father for every soul who is saved because of Your timing, Your patience with us. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are good. Your plans are good. Your will be done.

Re: my hopes are still up

Your plans are good.Your will be done.That was well said Regina.

Rosh Hashanah has come and gone in my opinion.I thought maybe???J.D preached and said that he would be looking at this whole feast day with anticipation.Many others said the same thing.

As I was thinking about this whole thing I came to this conclusion.There is to much we don't know.

One person on this web site said that he had a dream about the rapture and saw a full moon.Rosh Hashanah only has a quarter of a moon.I just can not remember who it was.

There is just too much to this.It would be hard at this point for me to believe that the rapture would have to happen within a 2 to 3 day time period.

I heard a hundred trumpets have to be blown around the Rosh Hashanah period.I have way too many questions.What if these trumpets are being blown in heaven as we speak?What if heaven did not get to the 100th trumpet blast?Remember we are going to be raptured at the last trump.

This is the way I am going to approach our Blessed Hope.I am going to be ready at any moment.Trying to figure out a day or an hour is bondage to speculation,not freedom from speculation.

I'm guilty.I got a little hyped up but the Lord spoke to my heart today.It went something like this.Son you know my coming is soon.Just rest in that.You don't have to know when.Don't look for a time,just look for Me.

The Lord always knows how to phrase His truth.This gave me great comfort.

We need to make sure we are looking for Jesus Christ because this is the Blessed Hope.We do not have a dispairing hope.

I know the world is becoming more and more evil but Jesus is going to work everything out for the good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Jesus is coming very soon but I am also glad He spoke to my heart.There is so much more I could say but I do not want to go on and on.I am not a preacher at heart.

Maybe I can say just one more thing.The Bible says the letter of the law kills but the Spirit of God gives life.I just would be very weary of anybody saying Jesus has to come on a particular day or 2 days because it sounds like the letter of the law.The rapture is grace and mercy.

Jesus is coming very soon.I just don't want anybody on this web site getting upset over the issue because that is not our Blessed Hope.Our Blessed Hope is comfort."Wherefore comfort one another with these words."1 Thes.4:18.

This response is directed at nobody.The Lord prodded me in my heart to speak words of life and give hope to anybody that might be down.Look up friends.Jesus is coming very soon.Very soon.Very soon!

Re: my hopes are still up

Very soon! Any time now; maybe, even literally any day now!

Re: my hopes are still up

very well put, Bob D

way things are in this crazy, evil world: I personally can't see past this year.... but again, only the Lord knows for sure

But take heart watchers, things can't go on forever like this. Soon, sooo very soon now!!

Re: my hopes are still up

from Bob: I'm guilty.I got a little hyped up but the Lord spoke to my heart today.It went something like this.Son you know my coming is soon.Just rest in that.You don't have to know when.Don't look for a time,just look for Me.

The Lord always knows how to phrase His truth.This gave me great comfort.

We need to make sure we are looking for Jesus Christ because this is the Blessed Hope.We do not have a dispairing hope.

Words of wisdom and comfort Bob. Thanks so much for sharing what the Lord said to you because it warmed my heart. Especially loved, "don't look for a time, just look for Me." Doesn't that just sound like Jesus? Sigh, can't wait to see Him.

That little phrase would be a great song title wouldn't it? "DON'T LOOK FOR A TIME, JUST LOOK FOR ME". Awesome!

Bless you Bob. You may not be a preacher but you are an outstanding witness to the love of God. Glad you are my brother.

Re: my hopes are still up

Thank you Texas Sue.My heart is warmed too because of Jesus,you and everybody on this web site.We will be so glad to see each other in heaven!It will not be long now.I can not help to believe that there will be some kind of reunion in heaven with this particular fellowship.

Re: my hopes are still up

I'm looking for Jesus along with ya.

I don't know what is going on with the blowing of the shofar 100 times, if this is over now (even in the west), or in heaven or what.
Just adding that there are actually more than two kinds of last trumps that are brought up, so any day that we are called home, it does not have to be on a feast day.

~~There are the silver trumpets of Numbers 10. These are used to gather leaders of the tribes or to gather the congregation of the people to move. On other occasions these silver trumpets are used.

~~There are the trumpets of the angels in Revelation chapters 8-10. These are not the same as the trump of God because they are blown by angels...

~~1Thess 4:16 clearly says trumpet of God.

~~And then in Revelation 1, the voice of the Lord is like a trumpet.

You said it well Bob, the Lord is still coming soon, very soon. We are in the season. The Lord could sound his own voice like a trumpet or have a trumpet sound for us on any day. Yes I hoped for yesterday or today, but I'm hoping now for any hour or day. Just come back soon Lord Jesus.
Today I asked the Holy Spirit to comfort us, its been a long day.

Re: my hopes are still up

Bob D.,

There's nothing that says Jesus must come on the Feast of Trumpets, therefore, we still don't know the exact day or hour, but we can all agree, we know that it's very close now.

I'm a bit disappointed but not devestated, that R.H. Rapture is about over, because I know, that Jesus is coming very soon! Surprise, it could be tomorrow!!! The New Moon was spotted on the 17 at sunset, 17-18 is one day
18-19 is second day...therefore, perhaps within the next 24 hours?

I've done a lot of praying, within the last few days, and it is so refreshing to be one on one with the Lord, worshipping and sharing my thoughts and prayers. Just a little closer walk with Jesus, is well worth it.

My hopes are still up, I'll continue to watch, and, the Lord will come at His own perfect timing, day and hour.

Regina, the last trump, had me thinking the other day. When is the last trump, on what day, etc., Is it at the last minute of Rosh Hashanah. I really like your explanation.

Not giving up the watch, for the Lord's Coming in the clouds.
Jesus is coming, before the Tribulation therefore, it has to be extremely soon!



Re: my hopes are still up

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Numerous times before a gathering together, the people are commanded to cleanse themselves and prepare for the gathering. Two notable instances of “Advance Notice” occur in Old Testament Scripture. In Exodus 19, the gathering at the mountain is definitely a picture of the rapture – the parallels between this passage and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 are quite clear. In Joshua, prior to the people being brought into the promised land, a picture of the rapture when the bride of Christ is taken in their promised land, Heaven, the people must first prepare for three days. Notice that after the preparation, the people follow the Ark of the Covenant at about 2000 cubits. We are now about 2000 years behind our ark, Jesus, returning to His father’s side in Heaven! Hosea 6:1-3 tells us that He will raise us up in the third day, and we shall live in his sight.

The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) uses 100 distinct shofar blasts but only four different types of blasts during the festival. The first type is the tekia (3 second sustained notes), the second type is the shevarim (three 1 second notes rising in tone), the third type is the tehruav (a short series of staccato blasts extending over 3 seconds). The fourth and final type is the tekia hagodulah (a final longest and loudest blast that sounds as long as the sounder can expel breath through the shofar). This fourth type is known to the Jews as the “Last Trump” or as the “Trump of God”. In Exodus 19, when this trump was sounded, God came down and Moses went up! In Thesalonians 4, when this trump is sounded, the Bride of Christ rises to meet Jesus in the clouds.


Regina & everyone, notice the last trump, Trump of God, when this trump sounded God came down and Moses went up!!! Sure sounds, like at the last trump, Jesus will come down, and the Bride of Christ will go up. Exodus 19,
Could it be our Exodus on Sept. 19th, Marantha!

This fourth type is known to the Jews as the “Last Trump” or as the “Trump of God”. In Exodus 19, when this trump was sounded, God came down and Moses went up! In Thesalonians 4, when this trump is sounded, the Bride of Christ rises to meet Jesus in the clouds.

Re: my hopes are still up and Valerie's question about the last trump

Valerie and all, this is what I found about the trumpets:

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
"Use Your Discernment"

In the book of Numbers, the use of the silver trumpets is explained. These are not the trumpets sounded by the angels in Revelation chapters 8-10.
These trumpets are to gather heads of the tribes of Israel, to gather the people as a whole, to use in war, and when offerings of the seasons are brought to the Lord. Here is teaching from Chabad about these trumpets:


G-d instructs Moses to make two silver trumpets, which should be used "to summon the community, and to make journey the camps."

A straight long blast (tekiah) is to be used to summon the people: if both trumpets are sounded, the entire people should gather before the entrance of the Sanctuary; one trumpet means that only the tribal heads were being summoned.

When the people break camp, the start of the journey is to be heralded with a series of short blasts (teruah). The first teruah signals the tribes camping to the east to begin moving; the next series of short blasts sets the southern camp in motion, and so on, according to the order instructed earlier (Numbers 2).

Trumpets are also to be sounded when going out to war, and when bringing the seasonal offerings in the Holy Temple.

The last trump here is the second trumpet, that summons the community. This is one possibility that this silver trumpet is sounded for the risen dead in Christ and living believers are gathered together to meet the Lord in the air.

The shofar that was blown on Mt Sinai was not a trumpet. A trumpet is a trumpet and a shofar is a rams horn. In this teaching from Chabad, it is really interesting about what is earthly being consumed by the presence of God, thus the smoke.
There was a video about only cornstalks falling from the ground and this reminds me of that because when we see the Lord, it is written that we will be like Him when we see Him as He is. His presence will consume us, resurrect us, change us as His presence on Sinai changed the earthly to smoke and changed the likeness of Moses.
The sound of the shofar at Mt Sinai was from heaven, not a shofar blown from the camp according to Chabad.

One possibility for "the last trump" is that the trump from heaven at Sinai was the first trump, the sound when the church rises is another trump, and when Christ returns to earth is another trump. This really does not make sense to me though because the sound at Sinai is a shofar from heaven, not people blowing the silver trumpet or even shofars at feasts.
I think we need to think about the difference between shofars and trumpets, and when they are blown. IMHO.
Chabad teaches that Mt Sinai was about a returning light. God returning to man and returning to earth.

First, here is the exodus verse: Ex 19:16 English translations say trumpet, but in the Chabad teaching, they say the sound of the shofar waxed louder and louder refering to Ex 19:19. I do not know Hebrew. Perhaps there is something indicated by the letters or word for that sound from heaven.
There is a difference between a sound from heaven and when someone here blows one of the silver trumpets or a shofar. The Sinai sound was from heaven.

Smoke and Shofar on Mt Sinai
A shofar blast illustrates the power the Returning Light. A shofar is narrow at one end and wide on the other. When its narrow aperture is blown, sound amplifies through the expanding horn, like King David said, "From the straits I called G-d" (Psalms 118:5). Out of the depths of despair, the repentant call out to G-d.

The vector of repentance - from below to above - demonstrates the might of the Returning Light. For it ascends above, ever widening, until attaining Absolute Infinity (Ein Sof). This is a principle regarding upward motion: as spirituality soars higher, it expands wider and wider. The conclusion of David's verse makes this clear, "G-d answered me with his expanse" (Psalms 118:5).

Now an enigma in Ezekiel's vision is solved. Ezekiel beheld the entire wondrous heavenly process with all of its angels and Divine lights. Every detail was revealed. He saw, for example, "the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone" (Ezekiel 1:26). How, then, could he continue to observe, noting each and every detail? Why didn't he at once fall on his face, as he did later?

The answer is he was able to endure these revelations. It was only when he reached the appearance of a rainbow that he fell upon his face. Ezekiel couldn't withstand its brilliant light. For the ever-ascending rainbow, powered by the Returning Light, realized Absolute Infinity. What's more, as the externality of existence became nullified, Ezekiel could only 'shed his body'.

A paradox occurred on Mount Sinai. The verse informs us, "And the sound of the shofar grew increasingly louder" (Ex. 19:19). This connotes an expanding Returning Light. Yet, the very same verse concludes, "Moses speaks, and G-d answers him with a voice", alluding to the function of a Direct Light. What's more, the shofar's blare was a divine sound, descending from above. Nevertheless it broadened infinitely as the verse relates, "grew continuously louder!" What happened?

As the purified state of the Lower Worlds went up in smoke, in a manner of Returning Light, they elicited a corresponding response from G-d. He, then, revealed His Returning Light - but from above! It's called "returning" since it is a response.

G-d's Returning Light begins from an apex, as the prophet informs, "His arrow goes forth like lightning" (Zechariah 9:14). It travels in a downward path, expanding to all sides. Job sums up, "And though your beginning was infinitesimal, yet your ending will greatly increase" (Job 8:7).

Mount Sinai was a revelation of both an ascending and descending Returning Light. Like two halves of a sphere, they met upon the mountaintop. Then, perfect unity was achieved. A glimpse into the Future Era, which is a state of "being one with One".


These say "sound of the trumpet", not sound of a shofar:
1Cor 15:52
Although it says trumpet, the change experience sure does sound like the Sinai experience of Moses.

Matt 24:30-31 I don't think this is the rapture, but rather the second coming of Christ to earth because it says that the world will see Him and mourn. When the rapture happens, it is in the twinkling of an eye. Will the world see us in changed form as we go up? Maybe. Elisha saw Elijah ascend, but that was a special circumstance. Jesus ascending was not a twinkling of an eye event.
In Matthew 24, Jesus brings up the days of Noah. We have quite a few believers here now, gentile and Jewish who have received Jesus. Jesus was talking to Jewish disciples who were wondering when the age would end and wanted Messiah to take over essentially. When Jesus comes the second time to earth, to Mt of Olives to war and take over for a thousand year reign, at that time it will be more like the days of Noah in that if He didn't shorten the days, no flesh would be saved. In Noah's day, only 8 survived. At Jesus return, most of humanity will either be perished already, a remnant living in protected space (Petra?) or imprisoned by the remainder of humanity who has taken the Mark.
Here is a thought for you, use your own discernment. Could the meaning of the branch being tender and putting out its leaves be Israel being hurt (tender) from coming conflict and putting out its leaves be the newly acquired territory it will gain? (Gaza, west bank, sinai and wherever else God gives the victory following PS 83 and Is 17). If so, perhaps the church will yet see this happen before the rapture. Maybe Jesus is talking about Jewish people being hated, falling away (from the Jewish faith of their fathers) and betraying one another. When we see these things happening among the Jewish people it is a sign of the end approaching. IMO. Even now there is division between secular and observant Jews so because the descendants of Jacob are dividing, we know it is the last days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is the trump of God:1Thes 4: 13-18. I'm not sure now if this is the sound of His voice (like a trumpet) or if it is a trumpet blown in heaven (the trumpet of God).

As far as the last trump, the long sound, to sound the end of RH, I found this article. The "baal tokeia" is the one who blows the shofar, "davening" is prayer. Rav Yerachmiel Gershon Edelstein was at the yeshiva for the two days and the article says service was ended about 2:45p Israel time on Sept 18. This article was posted early this morning, the 19th.
And here explains more of the service and meaning of shofar related words

All this to say, RFTH, when the Lord opens the door to heaven and raises the dead, it will truly be a wake up call. It may sound like a trumpet but will be loud enough and long enough for His people to hear. You will not miss it. If it can wake the dead, you will hear. Relax in that just as your parents recognize you, Jesus recognizes His own. Definitely, let us keep praying for Father's will to be done and for the lost to be saved and come to the fold.
God bless you and keep you. God cause His beautiful and glorious face to shine upon you and give you peace. God please fill us all with Your Holy Spirit so that these lamps, us, will shine brightly and not go out. We love You God and are committed to You. Please send Jesus back soon. xxoo

Re: my hopes are still up

Valerie, what you said encourages me

In Joshua, prior to the people being brought into the promised land, a picture of the rapture when the bride of Christ is taken in their promised land, Heaven, the people must first prepare for three days. Notice that after the preparation, the people follow the Ark of the Covenant at about 2000 cubits. We are now about 2000 years behind our ark, Jesus, returning to His father’s side in Heaven! Hosea 6:1-3 tells us that He will raise us up in the third day, and we shall live in his sight.

We are here, preparing, staying ready to meet the King.

The command and right to enter the promised land: Joshua 1
The event: Joshua 3

Excuse me, this just came across funny to me. Look at where they were at before entering the promised land! Where do we dwell in the midst of now?!!

The ark of the covenant was in the midst of the waters so they could pass over safely. The Lord Himself, He Himself made covenant with us, is going to open the sky and bring us safely to the space, the rock that is higher than us to dwell. When the sky opens and closes again, what will that do to weather and effect here in our physical universe?

Valerie, we are beyond 2000 years of when Jesus was born here. When the people of Israel first crossed into Jordan, it was the birthday of their claiming what God had spoken to them. We have to be close to the time...

Re: my hopes are still up

I still have some hope left family. I can't help but to have it.

Even with many being disappointed and many whom may even say I'm wrong about what Im about to say, I STILL think there is one more day left.

OF COURSE.. I am most likely wrong.. and wouldn't be surprised if nothing AT ALL happens tomorrow except a cool breeze.

As far as I know family...the moon was spotted in Israel on 9/17/2012 at 6:48pm

9/17 6:48 pm -9/18 6:48pm = 1 day
9/18 6:48 pm -9/19 6:48pm = 2 days
9/19 6:48 pm -9/20 6:48pm = 3 days

I've read that even if the moon was spotted a day late.. that would mean that R.H. would just end up being 2 days!

Well hey... I can be a pretty optimistic guy when I really want to be.

So why not wait just ONE MORE DAY before we COMPLETELY give up on R.H.

I personally believe that our Father DOES have an appointed day for the rapture, and therefore is not changing His mind about it as I have read from others.

If I am wrong...then Father please forgive me and have mercy on my soul! I know nothing of your plans.. I am but a servant waiting for my Savior's return.

I hope this serves as encouragement unless I am horribly wrong about hoe R.H. works..

In that case..out a rock in my bag and send me packin!

"I got a kit kat!"
"I got a Snickers Bar!"
"...I got a ROCK"

Re: my hopes are still up- to wait for the Lord from heaven

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

you hang in there Kalan, you are a child of the King, an heir of tremendous promises. He waited for YOU and He is coming back