Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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the star and crescent moon flag/symbol

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
"For Your Discernment"

All, have another look at Calvin's post "THE" answer to the signs: "Board the Ark!!!" [Noah, SL-9, 17 & the Pleiades]

The moon and Jupitor look like the symbol used for Islamic countries and for the (US)Nation of Islam.
Wikipedia has an article that shows many of its uses.

Just wondering, maybe its been a twisted use of the sign Father made in the sky for His glory...
Just saying

Father in heaven, please bless and preserve all at RFTH. Be glorified Abba Father. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Re: the star and crescent moon flag/symbol


INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

So almost the EXACT FLAG of Pakistan is going to
be in the heavens on 6/17/12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This Week's Sky at a Glance
Some night sky sights for June 8 – 16

Star and crescent

Flag of Pakistan in sky on 6/17/12!!!

Stephanie Kinney (19 Aug 2008 ) "my dream"

My dream COUPLE OF YEARS AGO....I was in a mall somewhere walking and all of a sudden over the intercom it was announced for everyone to run and hide. I knew it was a nuclear device coming....I just knew this in my dream...
I thought to myself..we should have about 20 minutes warning...why do I only have 2 minutes?
I started running to find somewhere to hide and there was no place to go..and I asked ....Who started this? Where is this coming from?
I heard one word...PAKISTAN..
I never thought Pakistan would be responsible for attack like this..but I can't forget my dream either! If you scroll down part ways..you'll read people's opinions on Pakistan here ...very interesting what people are saying....

Re: the star and crescent moon flag/symbol

Thank you for posting. Remarkable similarity to Pakistan's flag. Nothing in our fathers world is by accident. This is concerning. Pakistan is a very spiritually dark place and is more capable than Iran or most other Islamic states.

Please pray for protection everyone untill our Lord Jesus comes.

For your discernment

P.S. I didn't think this was connected but I just finished fixing up a large old diesel tank for our farm that I got six months ago and have been dragging the chain a bit with finishing it. This will double our capacity. I believe the Lord told me to finish it by the end of the week. I finished it yesterday.

I believe he told me to immediately order disel for our farm. I didn't even have a cup of tea before I got on the phone.

I have already felt led to prepare the family with emergency rations. If you haven't prepared for a short period of trouble before our Lord comes do it immediately. It can't hurt.

Re: the star and crescent moon flag/symbol

Thank you John for your comments. Only time will tell if the 17th will be significant for that country or an event in the Islamic world.
It did strike me though, how the moon and Jupiter look so much like the Islamic flag symbol.

I have felt led for quite some time to have some emergency supply. If we are with Jesus, it won't be needed by me, but family or others left could make use of it. While you've been thinking of diesel, I was thinking of citrus of all things. This week I picked up a lemon tree because there is a tall space in the house that has lots of sun.

If alls ok, who wants to share fresh lemonade with me? Or lemon merengue pie? Lemon iced tea? Lemon squares?

Re: the star and crescent moon flag/symbol

Regina and John:

I got this in my gmail today and, of course, when I saw
the word, "PAKISTAN", it got my interest!!! I'm like ya'll
and don't know "what's" going to happen when but "do"
believe we've received some STRONG signs this week!!!




"Fair Use for Information or Discussion Purposes"

USS Enterprise CVN-65 Moves Into Pakistani Waters - Naval Update June 14, 2012