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Re: A sincere thank you to you,our friends at christmas.

As a fan since 1979 thanks for bringing some great R & B and live music into our lives. It is great that we can keep coming to see you as many times as possible each year. We never miss a local show, remembering the 'dark days' of the mid 80's when there was so little good music in the Midlands.
Keep on rockin' and we'll keep coming to watch!!

Re: A sincere thank you to you,our friends at christmas.

Still loving everything you do more than 30 years on. Thank you for the good times, the music and the memories.
Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas and hope that 2012 brings all that you wish for,
take care,

ps - to Gerry, for Jack and Victor at Hogmanay you know what to do!

Re: A sincere thank you to you,our friends at christmas.

You are thanking us ??? lol
Its us that thank ALL of you.
Still the best live band around and **** nice guys too.
Gerry will be badly missed but life with BB will be just fine
Good luck for 2012 Mr. F
Happy Christmas to all

Neil xx

Re: A sincere thank you to you,our friends at christmas.

happy new year to you all. will be at next gig in sadness