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Flowerpot 17/12

What a great gig at the Flowerpot on Friday night. It was as if we had slipped into the crowd at the Marquee on the live album after 30 years of listening to that album.
The night was made even better when Dennis pointed the mike round and I got to sing a few lines of Can't quit you baby
What a night! Christmas is always a bit of an anticlimax after the Friday NBZ gig
See you all next December

Re: Flowerpot 17/12

agree John and you did a good job on the mic!! Thanks again boys for the annual gig it was entertaining as usual and Mark was in good form too as Denis said. Try to get back in the summer as you 'hinted' it would be good to see you in good voice. The new album is excellent - keep up the good work and thanks for singing 'mechanic man' for me!