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"And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev. 12:11.

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My Testimoney

Kind of funny now, sitting here in my Moms house. Everything sure has changed. After all the horrible beatings and terrible childhood, I just love her. She’s all better now; Jesus has done a powerful thing to get us, both her and I, to this day. Yes He has.

I'm a retired tattoo artist. One of my personal tattoos is the skeleton of the bones on my left hand from my wrist to the tips of my fingers, the phalanges. I guess that’s the most painful tattoo I have ever gotten. And plenty of them I have at that. They all have special meaning, the bones on my hand; they mean I'm going to be a tattoo artist for the rest of my life. I was looking up into the bright lights of my studio one day and thought “****......those lights are so bright, I can almost see the bones in my hand", that’s how I came up with the idea. I figured if I ever got a tattoo like that, I’d have to be a tattoo artist for the rest of my life. I had "White Pride" down the back of my triceps. This was from my "white supremacist" days. Got the "white" part covered up now, and most of the tattoos that were satanic are covered, or eventually will be, it’s taken a while.

I started tattooing in prison, I’ve been there six times. Never for any sex crimes. No sex crimes. That’s a bragging right. I’m a biker too, retired Lost Race M/C, out of Wisconsin. All part of the "code", no bull**** against women or children, no snitching, keep it real. Always have to keep it real, right? Almost got to brag about no violent crimes, but I had an armed robbery in Duluth, MN, and I was part of a driveby way back in the old days for me, in Tacoma, WA. Other than that I stayed out of the violent trouble.

Funny how life is, just like being at mamas right now. She gave me up for adoption when I was thirteen, my brother too. My sister had to stay home and slave it out with the new kids, our half brothers and sister from her new husband. Mom used to beat us really bad. We got whooped in ways that'd make front page news coast to coast now days, but back then it was just another day. Anytime one of us was within striking distance we got hit automatically. That was for what we didn’t get hit for, or what they didn’t catch us for, or just for general principle. If either of them moved, we flinched, if we flinched we got nailed, if we cried, we got nailed worse so we could have a reason to cry.

Doing the dishes after dinner. After all the washing, then drying, and then putting away, mom would inspect. When she'd find something out a place, like a water spot on a dish, the beating would start. And for a couple hours it would go on pretty intense. Every single dish in the house would be pulled from its spot in the cupboard, smashed into me, and tossed into the center of the kitchen, where I would be beat some more before having to redo - wash, dry, and put away - every dish in the whole house. That was every single night of my life for like nine years.

My brother and sister and I were beat almost every single minute of every single day. We three all have a really unique bond. It’s a trauma thing. Yeah, we were all wrecks. Life for all of us has been difficult.

I became a real problem child. They couldn’t control me. Nothing worked. No threat or punishment was of any consequence to me. I'd already had the worse that could be done. Every single day was garbage. Every bad thing that ever happened, I looked back on my mom and my childhood and hated. Hated with a death hate. I couldn’t get along with anyone, so I got tired of trying. I made the word "Hate" my theme, and song. A bitter melody that haunts my memory still. I have since forgiven; I wish I could just forget. I hated God so bad it was ridiculous. I hated life just as bad. There was no amount of care I could have for anyone other than my brother and sister.

Twenty foster homes and thirteen institutions. To get out of the orphanages and all I finally promised to join the U.S. Army. So they let me out, and I ran like hell. My real father lived in Arizona with his wife and her kids. That didn’t work out too well for me so I became a "Rainbow". Just a pothead hippie really. Only thing I cared about was weed and sex. Ate out of dumpsters when the panhandling got hard, or if I was just lazy. Lived on the street. There was a gal who fancied herself a witch in L.A. So if I was into trying the witchin or "wiccin" way, I could have my way with a wiccin babe. She had an old hotel for a home, so I didn’t have to sleep in the forest between the highways or under peoples houses and porches. Learning about Wicca or witchcraft was just a game for me. She always said the real power was in the heavy black stuff, but that’s dangerous and you’ll lose your soul, your sanity, yadda yadda. So there wasn’t any power in what we were doing anyway, big deal. It was just a game I liked to pl

Re: My Testimoney

11-3-2009-jordan, said, Jesus, casey points, its, at, uh big, she said, nuclear explosion, in jordan, thats syria and egypt, exploding, thats, benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button, hollie showed, thumbs up, that van, hollie, points, turn, this is not the website talking, said, hollie, thats, post angel like lit round face, appearing, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats iraq and gaza exploding, hollie screams, its the leave it alone for me, said, hollie, screams, I dont want no more visions, hollie, said, screamed, banged hand, and, light, head, hollie, said, it appeared, she said, like, round, light, face, man, and, that, o, red and black chariot, whats hollie screaming for, said, Jesus, cause its my word, said, hollie, banged, hand, showed, pastors, preaching, pocketing, the, lute, their own word, thats, pastor, studying, for, sermon, hollie bangs hand, up rose the beast, hollie, said, pope appears, on, dragon, thats hu hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, hollie relaxes, thats, lula, appearing, hes, afraid, not wanting, theres chavez, dreading, thats, nicaragua, its, peaceful, land, thats bear with rib in mouth, its, nicaragua, cuba, and, mexico, appear, with, thats, three ribs in bears mouth, but theres all those presidents signing with medvedev, theres kim jong, hes, not caring, shows, but, wait, looks around, but, signs, thats, there you have it, said, hollie, had hands in air, hollie screams, aw, sang, seven heads, those kings pope out, hollie shows the seven heads, like little lighted head, whats my heads word, said, hollie, we dont want it, said, head, russia, said, hollie, theres, the, beast, hollie, said, thats putin, smiling, thats putin coming out of yeltsin, and, boris coming out of, its politburo, showed, hollie, theres putin coming out of medvedev, its cause im the beast, said, putin, thats hollie and, putin at table, wondering why, putin shows, its, because, of, iraq, that brings america into remembrance before God, there said, Jesus, hollie like vampire, cat, hollie, said, thats hollie like big beautiful white cat showing, the leopard, hollie, said, thats hu hintao, japan, north, south, korea, presidents, appear, there you have it, said, hollie, its magog, thats dragon rising, im with putin, dragon said, thats the antichrist, its, pontiff, said, hollie, im with witch, said, david k. bernard, thats connie the conner, said, God, connie bernard, shes, mrs. hair dyer, that ****** said, God, thats connie like sarah palin, the bernards preach lost for a fee, thats what ever you give them, said, Jesus, now david bernard is close to being a billionaire, but, never got saved, thats david bernard preaching the Lord Jesus by his own understanding, not really knowing what hes talking about, theres donald winters, lets give it to donny joe, said, mrs. winters, they never got thru to Holy Ghost, but, thats donald winters pocketing, money, give me, some of that, said, mrs. winters, theres delbert spall, hes, never prayed thru to Holy Ghost, but, God had many servants there at westside pentecostal church, thats mrs. donald winters looking at visions, then bob, appears, said, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body your perfect size coming in, mrs. donald winters shows donald winters, thats sun stepping out, then, moon, thats both playing, sun laughs, moon shows, bobby he didnt let me said moon, Jesus, appears, thats paliban daily music, and, jean poole reading visions, hollie, rises and beats drums, were paliban, said, palibano jean poole, we stole ministry of dreams said jenny donati, shut your mouth about that, said, jean poole, thats poole, jean purchasing, hollie showed, its, on, may 5, 2009, thats jean poole reading visions, and, jean poole, knows her pastor Billy-Reuben Gibson knows, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is vision, lets post, she, said, 11-4-2009-hollie screams, beats drums, its paliban daily music, thats the leave us alone sorry, said, hollie, thats, jean poole stealing and purchasing, gives daughter passwords, now jean poole is exposed, thats her boss, jean poole what is is this, o said embarrased jean poole, thats her at work starting to remove what I spoke said Jesus, ministry of dreams, openly mocks bob on ministry of dreams dot org, now, thats jean poole leaving work for the last time, you were warned said Jesus, shes in washington, its paliban in washington d.c., hollies smiles, Jesus, appears out of whirlwind, thats, showed, hollie, that o new world order chariot with the pope and hu, pulled angry black and red horses, its, whew whew, said, hollie, shes acting like, the funnel, on, its steam engine, said, hollie, pioneer, thats Father, on steam locomotive, and hollie funnel, looks, then, smiles, blows, hi, said, hollie, its hair dyer, aw, said, Billy-Reuben Gibson, hes, witch, said, God,