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A discussion area about Britain and its issues.
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WOW. Firstly may I comment about the lack of input from those who log on to this site.
Facist, is a word used against the BNP in recent newspaper articles. Looking it up I find the meaning of facist or facism to mean the subjugation of the working class movement by an elitist group.Hell! I think any-one who accused the BNP of being facist are looking in the wrong direction. Look at the ruling party and ask yourselves,"is it not they who are subjugating the working class movement"????? Every where you turn their are resrictions,rules and regulations preventing a growing working class movement.The benefits and incapacity fiasco allow people who are quite capable of working become drones,like the children in the movie "The Wall"being fed-on a conveyor-belt into a mincer to produce WORMS who can be easily controlled by their master.NAY, tis the working class that are realising the system of government is'nt working and something better must happen.Stand up friends and at least join the call for an immediate election. Or is it already too late and you have also become one of the WORMS???

Re: Facist!

Quite right. When the BNP recently won two MEP seats the reaction of Miliband was - "This is an affront to democracy". Outrageous. Why did the media not pick up on this more. Because the media is corrupt too. The fact that two BNP candidates won was democracy in action. Your days are numbered Labour Party! 11 years of lying to the British people will tell.